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推荐 高校 化学 医学 材料科学 生物学
TOP2A modulates signaling via the AKT/mTOR pathway to promote ovarian cancer cell proliferation.
IF 3.6 4区 医学 Q1 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
Cancer Biology & Therapy Pub Date : 2024-12-31
Kaiwen Zhang, Xingyu Zheng, Yiqing Sun, Xinyu Feng, Xirong Wu, Wenlu Liu, Chao Gao, Ye Yan, Wenyan Tian, Yingmei Wang
A Medical Education Research Library: key research topics and associated experts.
IF 4.6 2区 医学 Q1 Social Sciences
Medical Education Online Pub Date : 2024-12-31
Kaylee Eady, Katherine A Moreau
Analyzing diversity, equity, and inclusion content on dermatology fellowship program websites.
IF 4.6 2区 医学 Q1 Social Sciences
Medical Education Online Pub Date : 2024-12-31
Forrest Bohler, Allison Garden, Varna Taranikanti
Utility of cell-based vaccines as cancer therapy: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
IF 4.8 4区 医学 Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Pub Date : 2024-12-31
Ankur Tiwari, Karl Alcover, Elizabeth Carpenter, Katryna Thomas, Julia Krum, Alexander Nissen, Spencer Van Decar, Todd Smolinsky, Franklin Valdera, Timothy Vreeland, Markus Lacher, Giuseppe Del Priore, William Williams, Alexander Stojadinovic, George Peoples, Guy Clifton
Hospitalization burden associated with anus and penis neoplasm in Spain (2016-2020).
IF 4.8 4区 医学 Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Pub Date : 2024-12-31
Victor Fernandez-Alonso, Ruth Gil-Prieto, Maria Amado-Anton-Pacheco, Valentín Hernández-Barrera, Ángel Gil-De-Miguel
Knowledge mapping of immunotherapy for breast cancer: A bibliometric analysis from 2013 to 2022.
IF 4.8 4区 医学 Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Pub Date : 2024-12-31
Fanli Qu, Guanwen Wang, Ping Wen, Xiaoyu Liu, Xiaohua Zeng
Interactive effects of atmospheric oxidising pollutants and heat waves on the risk of residential mortality.
IF 2.6 3区 医学 Q1 Medicine
Global Health Action Pub Date : 2024-12-31
Nan Ren, Huimin Huang, Baoying Liu, Chuancheng Wu, Jianjun Xiang, Quan Zhou, Shuling Kang, Xiaoyang Zhang, Yu Jiang
Immune regulation and the tumor microenvironment in anti-PD-1/PDL-1 and anti-CTLA-4 therapies for cancer immune evasion: A bibliometric analysis.
IF 4.8 4区 医学 Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Pub Date : 2024-12-31
Yi Huang, Zhijian Chen, Gang Shen, Shuogui Fang, Junjiong Zheng, Zepai Chi, Yuanfeng Zhang, Yitong Zou, Qinghua Gan, Chengxiao Liao, Yuhui Yao, Jianqiu Kong, Xinxiang Fan
Herpes zoster in older adults: Impact on carbon footprint in the United States.
IF 4.8 4区 医学 Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Pub Date : 2024-12-31
Desmond Curran, Jacopo Bitetti, Imogen Catterall, Stephen Wincott
Do-not-attempt resuscitation policy reduced in-hospital cardiac arrest rate and the cost of care in a developing country.
IF 2.4 4区 医学 Q2 Medicine
Libyan Journal of Medicine Pub Date : 2024-12-31
David O Alao, Snaha M Abraham, Nada Mohammed, George D Oduro, Mohammed A Farid, Roxanne M Roby, Chris Oppong, Arif A Cevik
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Nat Commun|多靶标药物设计新突破
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