Prevalence of depression and protective factors in a population of children aged 8 to 10 years, suffering from specific learning disorders, in a special education and home care service (SESSAD)
Evaluate the prevalence of depression in a population of children aged 8 to 10 years with learning disabilities treated in a Special Education and Home Care Service (SESSAD) and identify the protective factors that might preserve these children from depressive and affective problems.
Quantitative data showed for the entire group: (1) a perceptual maturity delay of the body schema in 75% of the sample; (2) a low incidence of depression in this population with, however, 40% of the sample, (aged 8 and 9) displaying a critical threshold for feelings of helplessness. The qualitative analysis of the Draw your family and TSEA stories allowed to underline some of the protective factors against depression and those which refer, in decreasing order, to the social support given by family members, peers, and the emotional substitutes (animals).
This research highlighted the precocity of the feelings of helplessness in this population and the importance given by these children to the social support. These findings and future research on the topic might be used to guide the design and implementation of adjusted interventions addressing both the development of their learning capability and psychological empowerment.
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