Пepeвoд и aдaптaция для pyccкoгo языкa пepecмoтpeннoгo глoccapия тepминoв, нaибoлee чacтo иcпoльзyeмыx в клиничecкoй элeктpoэнцeфaлoгpaфии, и oбнoвлённoгo пpeдлoжeния пo фopмe зaключeния ЭЭГ (IFCN, 2017 г.)
Clinical Neurophysiology Practice (CNP) is a new Open Access journal that focuses on clinical practice issues in clinical neurophysiology including relevant new research, case reports or clinical series, normal values and didactic reviews. It is an official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology and complements Clinical Neurophysiology which focuses on innovative research in the specialty. It has a role in supporting established clinical practice, and an educational role for trainees, technicians and practitioners.