School Leadership & Management welcomes articles on all aspects of educational leadership and management. As a highly cited and internationally known SCOPUS journal, School Leadership and Management is fundamentally concerned with issues of leadership and management in classrooms, schools, and school systems. School Leadership & Management particularly welcomes articles that contribute to the field in the following ways: Scholarly articles that draw upon empirical evidence to provide new insights into leadership and management practices; Scholarly articles that explore alternative, critical, and re-conceptualised views of school leadership and management; Scholarly articles that provide state of the art reviews within an national or international context; Scholarly articles reporting new empirical findings that make an original contribution to the field; Scholarly articles that make a theoretical contribution which extends and deepens our understanding of the key issues associated with leadership, management, and the direct relationship with organisational change and improvement; Scholarly articles that focus primarily upon leadership and management issues but are aimed at academic, policymaking and practitioner audiences; Contributions from policymakers and practitioners, where there is a clear leadership and management focus. School Leadership & Management particularly welcomes: •articles that explore alternative, critical and re-conceptualised views of school leadership and management •articles that are written for academics but are aimed at both a practitioner and academic audience •contributions from practitioners, provided that the relationship between theory and practice is made explicit.