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The Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire (CJH/ACH), published by University of Toronto Press, is a peer-reviewed journal of general history publishing in both English and French. Geared to all professional historians, as well as to anyone interested in historical scholarship, it features articles and reviews by experts, and invites contributions from all areas of history. The journal has resisted the trend toward increased specialization and offers an excellent way to keep up with developments across the discipline. The CJH/ACH publishes three issues annually in spring, fall, and winter. While the content of our issues varies seasonally, each issue may contain a maximum of four articles, one or two historiographical review articles, and approximately forty book reviews, including one or two longer “feature reviews,” which typically consider one or two books in somewhat greater depth. Our winter issue regularly features a guest editor and focuses on a specific theme or topic of their choosing.