Progress in Materials Science is a journal that publishes authoritative and critical reviews of recent advances in the science of materials. The focus of the journal is on the fundamental aspects of materials science, particularly those concerning microstructure and nanostructure and their relationship to properties. Emphasis is also placed on the thermodynamics, kinetics, mechanisms, and modeling of processes within materials, as well as the understanding of material properties in engineering and other applications.
The journal welcomes reviews from authors who are active leaders in the field of materials science and have a strong scientific track record. Materials of interest include metallic, ceramic, polymeric, biological, medical, and composite materials in all forms.
Manuscripts submitted to Progress in Materials Science are generally longer than those found in other research journals. While the focus is on invited reviews, interested authors may submit a proposal for consideration. Non-invited manuscripts are required to be preceded by the submission of a proposal. Authors publishing in Progress in Materials Science have the option to publish their research via subscription or open access. Open access publication requires the author or research funder to meet a publication fee (APC).
Abstracting and indexing services for Progress in Materials Science include Current Contents, Science Citation Index Expanded, Materials Science Citation Index, Chemical Abstracts, Engineering Index, INSPEC, and Scopus.
《Progress in Materials Science》是一本权威且批判性的评论期刊,专注于发布材料科学的最新进展。该期刊侧重于探讨材料科学的基础方面,特别关注微观结构和纳米结构与性能之间的关系。它还关注材料内部过程的热力学、动力学、机制和建模,以及对工程和其他应用中材料特性的理解。
《Progress in Materials Science》欢迎在材料科学领域具有活跃领导地位和良好科学记录的作者发表评论。涵盖的材料类型包括各种形式的金属、陶瓷、聚合物、生物、医学和复合材料。
Pub Date : 2025-02-22DOI: 10.1016/j.pmatsci.2025.101471Muhammad Muqeet Rehman, Yarjan Abdul Samad, Jahan Zeb Gul, Muhammad Saqib, Maryam Khan, Rayyan Ali Shaukat, Rui Chang, Yijun Shi, Woo Young Kim
Pub Date : 2025-02-18DOI: 10.1016/j.pmatsci.2025.101460Yuyue Zhou , Yan Zhang , Yingxia Nie , Dalin Sun , Deyu Wu , Lin Ban , Heng Zhang , Song Yang , Jiansong Chen , Haishun Du , Xuejun Pan