History: The publication and dissemination of scientific activities of its members is one of the aims of medical societies. The Brazilian College of Surgeons (Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões – CBC), founded in 1929, already in its first statute provided for the issuance of the “Bulletin of the Brazilian College of Surgeons” as its official division, whose starting number was published in January 1930. In 1967, the National Directory of CBC changed its name to "Journal of the Brazilian College of surgeons", which, however, went on to be published without due regularity. From 1974 on, the journal began to be published bi-monthly, on a regular basis, to the present day. In these more than 40 years of uninterrupted publication, the Journal of the CBC gained importance and scope. With standards and criteria for selection and publication of scientific articles in the area of General and specialist Surgery, including "peer review", the Journal of the CBC falls along the lines of the main international journals and has an Editorial Board that evaluates the merits for publication of submitted manuscripts.