Perspectives on Psychological Science is a journal that publishes a diverse range of articles and reports in the field of psychology. The journal includes broad integrative reviews, overviews of research programs, meta-analyses, theoretical statements, book reviews, and articles on various topics such as the philosophy of science and opinion pieces about major issues in the field. It also features autobiographical reflections of senior members of the field, occasional humorous essays and sketches, and even has a section for invited and submitted articles.
The impact of the journal can be seen through the reverberation of a 2009 article on correlative analyses commonly used in neuroimaging studies, which still influences the field. Additionally, a recent special issue of Perspectives, featuring prominent researchers discussing the "Next Big Questions in Psychology," is shaping the future trajectory of the discipline.
Perspectives on Psychological Science provides metrics that showcase the performance of the journal. However, the Association for Psychological Science, of which the journal is a signatory of DORA, recommends against using journal-based metrics for assessing individual scientist contributions, such as for hiring, promotion, or funding decisions. Therefore, the metrics provided by Perspectives on Psychological Science should only be used by those interested in evaluating the journal itself.
《心理科学视角》(Perspectives on Psychological Science)是一份发表心理学领域各种文章和报告的期刊。该期刊包括广泛的综合评论、研究项目概述、荟萃分析、理论陈述、书评以及有关科学哲学等各种主题的文章和有关该领域重大问题的观点文章。此外,该期刊还刊登该领域资深人士的自传式思考,偶尔刊登幽默散文和小品,甚至还设有特邀和投稿栏目。2009年,一篇关于神经影像学研究中常用的相关分析的文章引起了很大反响,至今仍影响着该领域,由此可见该期刊的影响力。此外,该刊最近出版的一期特刊,由著名研究人员讨论 "心理学的下一个大问题",正在塑造该学科未来的发展轨迹。《心理科学视角》提供了展示期刊表现的指标。不过,该期刊是 DORA 的签署方之一,心理科学协会建议不要使用基于期刊的指标来评估科学家的个人贡献,例如用于聘用、晋升或资助决策。因此,《心理科学视角》提供的指标只能用于对期刊本身进行评估的人员。