Medicine-Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine
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Clinical Pulmonary Medicine provides a forum for the discussion of important new knowledge in the field of pulmonary medicine that is of interest and relevance to the practitioner. This goal is achieved through mini-reviews on focused sub-specialty topics in areas covered within the journal. These areas include: Obstructive Airways Disease; Respiratory Infections; Interstitial, Inflammatory, and Occupational Diseases; Clinical Practice Management; Critical Care/Respiratory Care; Colleagues in Respiratory Medicine; and Topics in Respiratory Medicine.
Pub Date : 2023-12-01DOI: 10.1007/s40674-023-00206-yA Selva-O'Callaghan, A Guillen-Del-Castillo, A Gil-Vila, E Trallero-Araguás, A Matas-García, J C Milisenda, I Pinal-Fernández, C Simeón-Aznar