Sofia I. F. Gomes, Philipp Giesemann, Saskia Klink, Colin Hunt, Kenji Suetsugu, Gerhard Gebauer
{"title":"丛枝菌根异养菌和根丝胞菌相关兰花根中真菌菌丝的稳定同位素天然丰度","authors":"Sofia I. F. Gomes, Philipp Giesemann, Saskia Klink, Colin Hunt, Kenji Suetsugu, Gerhard Gebauer","doi":"10.1111/nph.18990","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>Since the first discovery of unique carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) isotope signatures in fungal fruiting bodies (Gebauer & Dietrich, <span>1993</span>; Gleixner <i>et al</i>., <span>1993</span>), natural abundances of stable isotopes have been extensively used to identify the nutritional dynamics of fungi (Mayor <i>et al</i>., <span>2009</span>). Assigning ecological roles of fungi is essential to determine the role of individual taxa in nutrient cycling and forest ecology. The use of isotope natural abundances in forest ecosystems has been crucial in distinguishing fungi with two main modes of life: ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi (Henn & Chapela, <span>2001</span>). Within saprotrophic fungi, isotope natural abundances further allow the identification of the substrates used (Kohzu <i>et al</i>., <span>1999</span>). Dual isotope analyses of the δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N values consistently indicate a differentiation in isotopic signatures between ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi within and among ecosystems (Henn & Chapela, <span>2001</span>; Taylor <i>et al</i>., <span>2003</span>; Trudell <i>et al</i>., <span>2004</span>; Mayor <i>et al</i>., <span>2009</span>). These signatures have been shown to reflect the ecophysiology of fungi and demonstrate that fungi that can utilize organic nitrogen exhibit higher δ<sup>15</sup>N than those fungi restricted to mineral nitrogen sources (Gebauer & Taylor, <span>1999</span>; Lilleskov <i>et al</i>., <span>2002</span>). Still, the ability to distinguish fungal nutritional modes has been long restricted to fungi that produce macroscopic sporocarps, such as mushrooms, due to their large mass which allows for physical measurements. Thus, for many fungi, particularly those associated with plant roots that do not form evident fruiting bodies, isotope natural abundances of fungal hyphae are scarce.</p><p>Besides ectomycorrhizal fungi, isotope natural abundances are known for sporocarp-forming ericoid (e.g. Hobbie & Hogberg, <span>2012</span>) and orchid-associated nonrhizoctonia saprotrophic fungi (e.g. Ogura-Tsujita <i>et al</i>., <span>2009</span>). Yet, values of δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N are poorly known for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (but see e.g. Courty <i>et al</i>., <span>2011</span>; Suetsugu <i>et al</i>., <span>2020</span>, for isotope values of fungal spores), and the orchid-associated fungi known as ‘rhizoctonia’ in natural conditions. Recently, Klink <i>et al</i>. (<span>2020</span>) obtained the δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N of arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae isolated from roots of a grass and a legume, inoculated in experimental conditions, thereby providing an efficient method to extract hyphae from roots. Using this method with a few modifications, here, we measured the isotope natural abundances δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N of naturally occurring arbuscular mycorrhizal (Fig. 1a–c) and orchid-associated hyphae (Fig. 1d–f) directly from roots (see Supporting Information Methods S1). To obtain hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, we selected two species of fully mycoheterotrophic plants: <i>Thismia megalongensis</i> C. A. Hunt, G. Steenbee. & V. Merckx and <i>Sciaphila megastyla</i> Fukuy. & T. Suzuki. Mycoheterotrophs are achlorophyllous plants that obtain carbon from their associated fungal partners (Leake, <span>1994</span>; Merckx, <span>2013</span>). Species in the plant genus <i>Thismia</i> have been demonstrated to be highly specialized on narrow lineages of Glomeromycotina fungi (Gomes <i>et al</i>., <span>2017</span>; Merckx <i>et al</i>., <span>2017</span>), while species of <i>Sciaphila</i> tend to associate with a wider phylogenetic diversity within the fungal subphylum (Merckx <i>et al</i>., <span>2012</span>; Suetsugu & Okada, <span>2021</span>). For fungi associated with orchid roots, we selected two chlorophyllous partially mycoheterotrophic orchid species, known to associate with rhizoctonia symbionts, <i>Orchis militaris</i> L. and <i>Ophrys insectifera</i> L., for which both isotope natural abundances and Sanger sequencing of the root-associated fungi have been performed previously (Schweiger <i>et al</i>., <span>2018</span>). To be able to compare isotope values across sampling sites, the δ values of C and N stable isotope abundances were normalized by calculating enrichment factors (ε; see Methods S1).</p><p>The enrichment factors ε<sup>13</sup>C and ε<sup>15</sup>N were significantly different between the fungal hyphae, mycoheterotrophic and reference plants for both <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i> and <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla</i> (Fig. 1g; Table 1). For both species, ε<sup>13</sup>C was not distinguishable between the mycoheterotrophs and respective fungal hyphae, while ε<sup>15</sup>N was significantly different between mycoheterotrophs and fungi for <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla</i>, and marginally significant for <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i> (Fig. 1; Table 1). In relation to the reference plants, the fungi extracted from both mycoheterotrophic species were significantly enriched in ε<sup>13</sup>C, and fungi from <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla</i> were marginally significantly depleted in ε<sup>15</sup>N. Similarly, both mycoheterotrophic plants were enriched in ε<sup>13</sup>C although only significantly for <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i>. This indicates that the ε<sup>13</sup>C of fungal hyphae drives the <sup>13</sup>C enrichment of arbuscular mycorrhizal fully mycoheterotrophic plants, and there seems to be a difference in nitrogen source between <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i> and <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla</i>-associated fungi. Each mycoheterotrophic plant species is associated with nonoverlapping fungal clades within the Glomeromycotina (Fig. 2a). <i>Sciaphila megastyla</i> harboured fungi belonging to the genera <i>Dominikia</i>, <i>Kamienskia</i> and two unidentified amplicon sequence variants, while the fungi in the roots of <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i> belonged exclusively to the genus <i>Rhizophagus</i>, supporting a specialization on fungal interactions of different degrees between these plant lineages (Gomes <i>et al</i>., <span>2020</span>; Suetsugu & Okada, <span>2021</span>).</p><p>The enrichment factors ε<sup>13</sup>C and ε<sup>15</sup>N were generally significantly different between fungal hyphae, orchids and reference plants for both <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i> and <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> (Fig. 1h; Table 1). Both ε<sup>13</sup>C and ε<sup>15</sup>N were significantly different between orchid leaves and hyphae for <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i>, while for <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i>, only ε<sup>13</sup>C was significantly higher in the hyphae in comparison with the plant tissue (Fig. 1; Table 1). In both orchid species, fungal hyphae were significantly enriched in ε<sup>13</sup>C, and in <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> fungi were also enriched in ε<sup>15</sup>N in relation to the reference plants. The fungal hyphae extracted from the two orchid species were only weakly enriched in ε<sup>13</sup>C in comparison with reference plants and far less enriched in <sup>13</sup>C than tissues of ectomycorrhizal fungi reported previously (Mayor <i>et al</i>., <span>2009</span>). This observation is consistent with previous findings of absence of <sup>13</sup>C enrichment in fully mycoheterotrophic protocorms of <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i>, which were also associated with rhizoctonia fungi by Schweiger <i>et al</i>. (<span>2018</span>). Interestingly, in that study, protocorms of <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> were somewhat enriched in <sup>13</sup>C.</p><p>We detected most sequenced reads obtained from root pieces to belong to the fungal order Helotiales. Fungi in the genus <i>Ilyonectria</i> were also detected, concordant with previous observations of these orchid species collected at the same site (Schweiger <i>et al</i>., <span>2018</span>). Both Helotiales and <i>Ilyonectria</i> were present in the roots of both orchid species and, as far as we know, have an unknown ecological function. Helotiales have also been detected in the species studied in Zahn <i>et al</i>. (<span>2023</span>). In addition, we detected rhizoctonia fungi belonging to the families Ceratobasidiaceae, Serendipitaceae and Thelephoraceae in the roots of <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i>, and to the families Ceratobasidiaceae and Thelephoraceae in the roots of <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i> (Fig. 2b). One orchid individual of <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i> presented a high relative abundance of Ceratobasidiaceae, and another of Thelephoraceae in their roots. We cannot exclude that Tulasnellaceae are underrepresented in our data influenced by the primers used (Vogt-Schilb <i>et al</i>., <span>2020</span>), as these taxa have been shown to be present in <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> roots (Schweiger <i>et al</i>., <span>2019</span>). Besides rhizoctonia fungi, we also found fungi known to form ectomycorrhizas (according to F<span>ungal</span>T<span>raits;</span> Põlme <i>et al</i>., <span>2020</span>), such as <i>Sebacina</i> (Sebacinaceae), <i>Amphinema</i> (Atheliaceae), <i>Hebeloma</i> and <i>Hymenogaster</i> (Hymenogastraceae) in two <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> individuals. In terms of isotope signatures, no apparent differences were observed between individual samples where rhizoctonia fungi are present and those where Helotiales are predominant, and neither in relation to the plant material between specimens. Yet, a larger sample size would be needed to properly evaluate this.</p><p>While ε<sup>13</sup>C values of hyphae are within the same range as found for the respective plant tissues of the AM mycoheterotrophic plants, as expected, ε<sup>15</sup>N values of the hyphae were considerably lower than ε<sup>15</sup>N of the respective plant tissues. This relative <sup>15</sup>N depletion of hyphae in comparison with plant tissue was also observed for the two orchid species. One could wonder whether this depletion is either due to potential loss of hyphal content during extraction considering that nitrogen in chitin is depleted in <sup>15</sup>N by <i>c</i>. 10‰ in comparison with fungal protein (Taylor <i>et al</i>., <span>1997</span>; Hobbie & Hogberg, <span>2012</span>) or due to a selective transport of <sup>15</sup>N-enriched protein-derived compounds from fungal to plant tissues. Similarly, Zahn <i>et al</i>. (<span>2023</span>) show an equal depletion in <sup>15</sup>N of hyphae extracted from two rhizoctonia-associated orchid species and for identically extracted hyphae from ectomycorrhiza-associated orchid roots an even larger depletion in <sup>15</sup>N in relation to orchid leaves.</p><p>In addition, the N concentrations of the extracted fungal hyphae of both <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i> (2.25 ± 0.53 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup>) and <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla</i> (2.18 ± 0.42 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup>) were not distinguishable from those of the mycoheterotrophic plant tissues (1.95 ± 0.28 and 1.88 ± 0.45 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup> respectively), in congruence with Klink <i>et al</i>. (<span>2020</span>), while reference plants presented lower N concentrations (1.36 ± 0.44 and 1.17 ± 0.19 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup> for each set respectively) in relation to both fungal hyphae (<i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i>: <i>Z</i> = 2.772, <i>P</i> = 0.008, and <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla: Z</i> = 3.231, <i>P</i> = 0.002) and mycoheterotrophic plants (<i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i>: <i>Z</i> = 2.140, <i>P</i> = 0.032 and <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla: Z</i> = 2.710, <i>P</i> = 0.007). The N concentrations between fungal hyphae (1.19 ± 0.23 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup> for <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i> and 1.64 ± 0.17 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup> for <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i>), orchids (1.74 ± 0.07 and 2.19 ± 0.17 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup> respectively) and reference plants (1.62 ± 0.76 and 1.79 ± 0.79 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup> for each set respectively) were not statistically different for both orchid species. In Zahn <i>et al</i>. (<span>2023</span>), the fungal hyphae extracted from rhizoctonia-associated orchids were also nondistinguishable from reference plants, while for one species (<i>Anoectochilus sandvicensis</i>), fungal hyphae had significantly lower N concentration than the orchid leaves.</p><p>The arbuscular mycorrhizal diversity in the roots of the mycoheterotrophic plant species did not overlap between <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i> and <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla</i>, and the fungal enrichment in ε<sup>15</sup>N was variable between plant species. The association with different fungal genera, in addition to local soil nitrogen availability, could have contributed to the differences in ε<sup>15</sup>N between species. Further studies are required to assess the source of variation and generality of isotope values among arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.</p><p>In the orchid-associated fungi, the fungal composition was variable between individual specimens, yet without reflection on the isotopic values of the extracted hyphae. The absence of differences in fungal isotopic values may indicate an artefact on the integration of both techniques. The apparent dominance of specific fungal groups in the roots could reflect spatial segregation of fungi, as a small piece of root was used for sequencing, while for the hyphal extraction, the remainder of the root system was used. Furthermore, ectomycorrhizal fungi were detected in two individuals of <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i>, while rhizoctonia fungi were detected in three individuals. The presence of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the roots of some rhizoctonia-associated orchids is commonly reported in the literature (e.g. Jacquemyn <i>et al</i>., <span>2021</span>), yet it remains to be demonstrated whether these fungi indeed establish a mycorrhizal symbiosis with the orchid, in a sporadic or constant way during the orchid development, or represent endophytic fungi as it has been shown in typical nonmycorrhizal hosts (Schneider-Maunoury <i>et al</i>., <span>2020</span>). Nevertheless, we cannot exclude those ectomycorrhizal fungi found in the roots of <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> to be responsible for the slight enrichment in <sup>13</sup>C and <sup>15</sup>N of the hyphae extracted from <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> in comparison with <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i>. However, these isotopic differences are rather small and are not seen in the leaves of these two species, that is there appears to be no major plant matter gain from these ectomycorrhizal fungi. In addition, our results reveal that sporadic appearance of ectomycorrhizal fungi in orchids hitherto classified as rhizoctonia-associated does obviously not affect their isotope signature. Zahn <i>et al</i>. (<span>2023</span>) present further isotope signatures and diversity of root-associated fungi of orchids associated with ectomycorrhizal fungi.</p><p>The assessment of fungal diversity often comprises a qualitative snapshot of a fraction of the root system, and although different fungal species or guilds may contribute differently to nutrient uptake at multiple occasions, we still lack a solid framework to quantify the contribution of each of these fungi to fungal–plant matter exchange. By contrast, isotopic abundance data are a temporal and spatial integrator (Dawson <i>et al</i>., <span>2002</span>) over all fungal–plant matter exchange processes without providing direct information about the role of the individual potential fungal players, which is less sensitive to occasional changes in carbon or nitrogen supply.</p><p>To the best of our knowledge, we reveal for the first-time isotope signatures of hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in mycoheterotrophic plants and, together with Zahn <i>et al</i>. (<span>2023</span>), of fungal pelotons present in chlorophyllous orchids in relation to the plant tissues from their roots. Arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae have isotope signatures that allow a significant distinction in ε<sup>13</sup>C abundance in relation to reference plants. Subsequently, hyphae resemble the ε<sup>13</sup>C of the mycoheterotrophic plants, suggesting that these mycoheterotrophs gain carbon from the detected fungi. For the orchid-associated fungi, hyphae are only slightly enriched in <sup>13</sup>C in relation to both reference and orchid plants, remaining unclear whether these orchids gain C from the associated fungi based on these results. However, the significant enrichment in <sup>15</sup>N of hyphae or orchid leaves indirectly indicates a partial mycoheterotrophic matter gain by these orchids.</p><p>Our study appeals to a careful interpretation when integrating root-associated fungal diversity and isotope natural abundances considering their inherent ecological significance as each method contains fundamentally different categories of information. Still, the combination of both approaches is greatly valuable and contributes to understand complex patterns in plant–fungal interactions, for example considering spatial and temporal fungal colonization in roots, and both advantages and caveats of each technique should be considered in the subsequent interpretation of ecological patterns. Finally, including the isotopic signatures of root-associated fungi in the context of mycorrhizal symbiosis contributes to a direct observation of fungal participation to organic matter gain of the plant.</p><p>None declared.</p><p>SIFG and GG designed the research and collected the orchid material. PG and SK guided the fungal hyphal extraction by SIFG. CH and KS collected the arbuscular mycorrhizal plant material. GG supervised the isotope abundance analyses. SIFG performed the molecular analysis, analysed the data, and together with GG wrote the manuscript. All authors commented and approved the final version of the manuscript.</p>","PeriodicalId":48887,"journal":{"name":"New Phytologist","volume":"239 4","pages":"1166-1172"},"PeriodicalIF":9.4000,"publicationDate":"2023-06-21","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"2","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"Stable isotope natural abundances of fungal hyphae extracted from the roots of arbuscular mycorrhizal mycoheterotrophs and rhizoctonia-associated orchids\",\"authors\":\"Sofia I. F. Gomes, Philipp Giesemann, Saskia Klink, Colin Hunt, Kenji Suetsugu, Gerhard Gebauer\",\"doi\":\"10.1111/nph.18990\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"<p>Since the first discovery of unique carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) isotope signatures in fungal fruiting bodies (Gebauer & Dietrich, <span>1993</span>; Gleixner <i>et al</i>., <span>1993</span>), natural abundances of stable isotopes have been extensively used to identify the nutritional dynamics of fungi (Mayor <i>et al</i>., <span>2009</span>). Assigning ecological roles of fungi is essential to determine the role of individual taxa in nutrient cycling and forest ecology. The use of isotope natural abundances in forest ecosystems has been crucial in distinguishing fungi with two main modes of life: ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi (Henn & Chapela, <span>2001</span>). Within saprotrophic fungi, isotope natural abundances further allow the identification of the substrates used (Kohzu <i>et al</i>., <span>1999</span>). Dual isotope analyses of the δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N values consistently indicate a differentiation in isotopic signatures between ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi within and among ecosystems (Henn & Chapela, <span>2001</span>; Taylor <i>et al</i>., <span>2003</span>; Trudell <i>et al</i>., <span>2004</span>; Mayor <i>et al</i>., <span>2009</span>). These signatures have been shown to reflect the ecophysiology of fungi and demonstrate that fungi that can utilize organic nitrogen exhibit higher δ<sup>15</sup>N than those fungi restricted to mineral nitrogen sources (Gebauer & Taylor, <span>1999</span>; Lilleskov <i>et al</i>., <span>2002</span>). Still, the ability to distinguish fungal nutritional modes has been long restricted to fungi that produce macroscopic sporocarps, such as mushrooms, due to their large mass which allows for physical measurements. Thus, for many fungi, particularly those associated with plant roots that do not form evident fruiting bodies, isotope natural abundances of fungal hyphae are scarce.</p><p>Besides ectomycorrhizal fungi, isotope natural abundances are known for sporocarp-forming ericoid (e.g. Hobbie & Hogberg, <span>2012</span>) and orchid-associated nonrhizoctonia saprotrophic fungi (e.g. Ogura-Tsujita <i>et al</i>., <span>2009</span>). Yet, values of δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N are poorly known for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (but see e.g. Courty <i>et al</i>., <span>2011</span>; Suetsugu <i>et al</i>., <span>2020</span>, for isotope values of fungal spores), and the orchid-associated fungi known as ‘rhizoctonia’ in natural conditions. Recently, Klink <i>et al</i>. (<span>2020</span>) obtained the δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N of arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae isolated from roots of a grass and a legume, inoculated in experimental conditions, thereby providing an efficient method to extract hyphae from roots. Using this method with a few modifications, here, we measured the isotope natural abundances δ<sup>13</sup>C and δ<sup>15</sup>N of naturally occurring arbuscular mycorrhizal (Fig. 1a–c) and orchid-associated hyphae (Fig. 1d–f) directly from roots (see Supporting Information Methods S1). To obtain hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, we selected two species of fully mycoheterotrophic plants: <i>Thismia megalongensis</i> C. A. Hunt, G. Steenbee. & V. Merckx and <i>Sciaphila megastyla</i> Fukuy. & T. Suzuki. Mycoheterotrophs are achlorophyllous plants that obtain carbon from their associated fungal partners (Leake, <span>1994</span>; Merckx, <span>2013</span>). Species in the plant genus <i>Thismia</i> have been demonstrated to be highly specialized on narrow lineages of Glomeromycotina fungi (Gomes <i>et al</i>., <span>2017</span>; Merckx <i>et al</i>., <span>2017</span>), while species of <i>Sciaphila</i> tend to associate with a wider phylogenetic diversity within the fungal subphylum (Merckx <i>et al</i>., <span>2012</span>; Suetsugu & Okada, <span>2021</span>). For fungi associated with orchid roots, we selected two chlorophyllous partially mycoheterotrophic orchid species, known to associate with rhizoctonia symbionts, <i>Orchis militaris</i> L. and <i>Ophrys insectifera</i> L., for which both isotope natural abundances and Sanger sequencing of the root-associated fungi have been performed previously (Schweiger <i>et al</i>., <span>2018</span>). To be able to compare isotope values across sampling sites, the δ values of C and N stable isotope abundances were normalized by calculating enrichment factors (ε; see Methods S1).</p><p>The enrichment factors ε<sup>13</sup>C and ε<sup>15</sup>N were significantly different between the fungal hyphae, mycoheterotrophic and reference plants for both <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i> and <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla</i> (Fig. 1g; Table 1). For both species, ε<sup>13</sup>C was not distinguishable between the mycoheterotrophs and respective fungal hyphae, while ε<sup>15</sup>N was significantly different between mycoheterotrophs and fungi for <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla</i>, and marginally significant for <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i> (Fig. 1; Table 1). In relation to the reference plants, the fungi extracted from both mycoheterotrophic species were significantly enriched in ε<sup>13</sup>C, and fungi from <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla</i> were marginally significantly depleted in ε<sup>15</sup>N. Similarly, both mycoheterotrophic plants were enriched in ε<sup>13</sup>C although only significantly for <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i>. This indicates that the ε<sup>13</sup>C of fungal hyphae drives the <sup>13</sup>C enrichment of arbuscular mycorrhizal fully mycoheterotrophic plants, and there seems to be a difference in nitrogen source between <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i> and <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla</i>-associated fungi. Each mycoheterotrophic plant species is associated with nonoverlapping fungal clades within the Glomeromycotina (Fig. 2a). <i>Sciaphila megastyla</i> harboured fungi belonging to the genera <i>Dominikia</i>, <i>Kamienskia</i> and two unidentified amplicon sequence variants, while the fungi in the roots of <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i> belonged exclusively to the genus <i>Rhizophagus</i>, supporting a specialization on fungal interactions of different degrees between these plant lineages (Gomes <i>et al</i>., <span>2020</span>; Suetsugu & Okada, <span>2021</span>).</p><p>The enrichment factors ε<sup>13</sup>C and ε<sup>15</sup>N were generally significantly different between fungal hyphae, orchids and reference plants for both <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i> and <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> (Fig. 1h; Table 1). Both ε<sup>13</sup>C and ε<sup>15</sup>N were significantly different between orchid leaves and hyphae for <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i>, while for <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i>, only ε<sup>13</sup>C was significantly higher in the hyphae in comparison with the plant tissue (Fig. 1; Table 1). In both orchid species, fungal hyphae were significantly enriched in ε<sup>13</sup>C, and in <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> fungi were also enriched in ε<sup>15</sup>N in relation to the reference plants. The fungal hyphae extracted from the two orchid species were only weakly enriched in ε<sup>13</sup>C in comparison with reference plants and far less enriched in <sup>13</sup>C than tissues of ectomycorrhizal fungi reported previously (Mayor <i>et al</i>., <span>2009</span>). This observation is consistent with previous findings of absence of <sup>13</sup>C enrichment in fully mycoheterotrophic protocorms of <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i>, which were also associated with rhizoctonia fungi by Schweiger <i>et al</i>. (<span>2018</span>). Interestingly, in that study, protocorms of <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> were somewhat enriched in <sup>13</sup>C.</p><p>We detected most sequenced reads obtained from root pieces to belong to the fungal order Helotiales. Fungi in the genus <i>Ilyonectria</i> were also detected, concordant with previous observations of these orchid species collected at the same site (Schweiger <i>et al</i>., <span>2018</span>). Both Helotiales and <i>Ilyonectria</i> were present in the roots of both orchid species and, as far as we know, have an unknown ecological function. Helotiales have also been detected in the species studied in Zahn <i>et al</i>. (<span>2023</span>). In addition, we detected rhizoctonia fungi belonging to the families Ceratobasidiaceae, Serendipitaceae and Thelephoraceae in the roots of <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i>, and to the families Ceratobasidiaceae and Thelephoraceae in the roots of <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i> (Fig. 2b). One orchid individual of <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i> presented a high relative abundance of Ceratobasidiaceae, and another of Thelephoraceae in their roots. We cannot exclude that Tulasnellaceae are underrepresented in our data influenced by the primers used (Vogt-Schilb <i>et al</i>., <span>2020</span>), as these taxa have been shown to be present in <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> roots (Schweiger <i>et al</i>., <span>2019</span>). Besides rhizoctonia fungi, we also found fungi known to form ectomycorrhizas (according to F<span>ungal</span>T<span>raits;</span> Põlme <i>et al</i>., <span>2020</span>), such as <i>Sebacina</i> (Sebacinaceae), <i>Amphinema</i> (Atheliaceae), <i>Hebeloma</i> and <i>Hymenogaster</i> (Hymenogastraceae) in two <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> individuals. In terms of isotope signatures, no apparent differences were observed between individual samples where rhizoctonia fungi are present and those where Helotiales are predominant, and neither in relation to the plant material between specimens. Yet, a larger sample size would be needed to properly evaluate this.</p><p>While ε<sup>13</sup>C values of hyphae are within the same range as found for the respective plant tissues of the AM mycoheterotrophic plants, as expected, ε<sup>15</sup>N values of the hyphae were considerably lower than ε<sup>15</sup>N of the respective plant tissues. This relative <sup>15</sup>N depletion of hyphae in comparison with plant tissue was also observed for the two orchid species. One could wonder whether this depletion is either due to potential loss of hyphal content during extraction considering that nitrogen in chitin is depleted in <sup>15</sup>N by <i>c</i>. 10‰ in comparison with fungal protein (Taylor <i>et al</i>., <span>1997</span>; Hobbie & Hogberg, <span>2012</span>) or due to a selective transport of <sup>15</sup>N-enriched protein-derived compounds from fungal to plant tissues. Similarly, Zahn <i>et al</i>. (<span>2023</span>) show an equal depletion in <sup>15</sup>N of hyphae extracted from two rhizoctonia-associated orchid species and for identically extracted hyphae from ectomycorrhiza-associated orchid roots an even larger depletion in <sup>15</sup>N in relation to orchid leaves.</p><p>In addition, the N concentrations of the extracted fungal hyphae of both <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i> (2.25 ± 0.53 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup>) and <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla</i> (2.18 ± 0.42 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup>) were not distinguishable from those of the mycoheterotrophic plant tissues (1.95 ± 0.28 and 1.88 ± 0.45 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup> respectively), in congruence with Klink <i>et al</i>. (<span>2020</span>), while reference plants presented lower N concentrations (1.36 ± 0.44 and 1.17 ± 0.19 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup> for each set respectively) in relation to both fungal hyphae (<i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i>: <i>Z</i> = 2.772, <i>P</i> = 0.008, and <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla: Z</i> = 3.231, <i>P</i> = 0.002) and mycoheterotrophic plants (<i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i>: <i>Z</i> = 2.140, <i>P</i> = 0.032 and <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla: Z</i> = 2.710, <i>P</i> = 0.007). The N concentrations between fungal hyphae (1.19 ± 0.23 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup> for <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i> and 1.64 ± 0.17 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup> for <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i>), orchids (1.74 ± 0.07 and 2.19 ± 0.17 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup> respectively) and reference plants (1.62 ± 0.76 and 1.79 ± 0.79 mmol g<sub>dw</sub><sup>−1</sup> for each set respectively) were not statistically different for both orchid species. In Zahn <i>et al</i>. (<span>2023</span>), the fungal hyphae extracted from rhizoctonia-associated orchids were also nondistinguishable from reference plants, while for one species (<i>Anoectochilus sandvicensis</i>), fungal hyphae had significantly lower N concentration than the orchid leaves.</p><p>The arbuscular mycorrhizal diversity in the roots of the mycoheterotrophic plant species did not overlap between <i>T</i>. <i>megalongensis</i> and <i>S</i>. <i>megastyla</i>, and the fungal enrichment in ε<sup>15</sup>N was variable between plant species. The association with different fungal genera, in addition to local soil nitrogen availability, could have contributed to the differences in ε<sup>15</sup>N between species. Further studies are required to assess the source of variation and generality of isotope values among arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.</p><p>In the orchid-associated fungi, the fungal composition was variable between individual specimens, yet without reflection on the isotopic values of the extracted hyphae. The absence of differences in fungal isotopic values may indicate an artefact on the integration of both techniques. The apparent dominance of specific fungal groups in the roots could reflect spatial segregation of fungi, as a small piece of root was used for sequencing, while for the hyphal extraction, the remainder of the root system was used. Furthermore, ectomycorrhizal fungi were detected in two individuals of <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i>, while rhizoctonia fungi were detected in three individuals. The presence of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the roots of some rhizoctonia-associated orchids is commonly reported in the literature (e.g. Jacquemyn <i>et al</i>., <span>2021</span>), yet it remains to be demonstrated whether these fungi indeed establish a mycorrhizal symbiosis with the orchid, in a sporadic or constant way during the orchid development, or represent endophytic fungi as it has been shown in typical nonmycorrhizal hosts (Schneider-Maunoury <i>et al</i>., <span>2020</span>). Nevertheless, we cannot exclude those ectomycorrhizal fungi found in the roots of <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> to be responsible for the slight enrichment in <sup>13</sup>C and <sup>15</sup>N of the hyphae extracted from <i>O</i>. <i>insectifera</i> in comparison with <i>O</i>. <i>militaris</i>. However, these isotopic differences are rather small and are not seen in the leaves of these two species, that is there appears to be no major plant matter gain from these ectomycorrhizal fungi. In addition, our results reveal that sporadic appearance of ectomycorrhizal fungi in orchids hitherto classified as rhizoctonia-associated does obviously not affect their isotope signature. Zahn <i>et al</i>. (<span>2023</span>) present further isotope signatures and diversity of root-associated fungi of orchids associated with ectomycorrhizal fungi.</p><p>The assessment of fungal diversity often comprises a qualitative snapshot of a fraction of the root system, and although different fungal species or guilds may contribute differently to nutrient uptake at multiple occasions, we still lack a solid framework to quantify the contribution of each of these fungi to fungal–plant matter exchange. By contrast, isotopic abundance data are a temporal and spatial integrator (Dawson <i>et al</i>., <span>2002</span>) over all fungal–plant matter exchange processes without providing direct information about the role of the individual potential fungal players, which is less sensitive to occasional changes in carbon or nitrogen supply.</p><p>To the best of our knowledge, we reveal for the first-time isotope signatures of hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in mycoheterotrophic plants and, together with Zahn <i>et al</i>. (<span>2023</span>), of fungal pelotons present in chlorophyllous orchids in relation to the plant tissues from their roots. Arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae have isotope signatures that allow a significant distinction in ε<sup>13</sup>C abundance in relation to reference plants. Subsequently, hyphae resemble the ε<sup>13</sup>C of the mycoheterotrophic plants, suggesting that these mycoheterotrophs gain carbon from the detected fungi. For the orchid-associated fungi, hyphae are only slightly enriched in <sup>13</sup>C in relation to both reference and orchid plants, remaining unclear whether these orchids gain C from the associated fungi based on these results. However, the significant enrichment in <sup>15</sup>N of hyphae or orchid leaves indirectly indicates a partial mycoheterotrophic matter gain by these orchids.</p><p>Our study appeals to a careful interpretation when integrating root-associated fungal diversity and isotope natural abundances considering their inherent ecological significance as each method contains fundamentally different categories of information. Still, the combination of both approaches is greatly valuable and contributes to understand complex patterns in plant–fungal interactions, for example considering spatial and temporal fungal colonization in roots, and both advantages and caveats of each technique should be considered in the subsequent interpretation of ecological patterns. Finally, including the isotopic signatures of root-associated fungi in the context of mycorrhizal symbiosis contributes to a direct observation of fungal participation to organic matter gain of the plant.</p><p>None declared.</p><p>SIFG and GG designed the research and collected the orchid material. PG and SK guided the fungal hyphal extraction by SIFG. CH and KS collected the arbuscular mycorrhizal plant material. GG supervised the isotope abundance analyses. SIFG performed the molecular analysis, analysed the data, and together with GG wrote the manuscript. 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引用次数: 2
自从首次在真菌子实体中发现独特的碳(C)和氮(N)同位素特征以来(Gebauer &迪特里希,1993;Gleixner et al., 1993),稳定同位素的天然丰度已被广泛用于鉴定真菌的营养动态(Mayor et al., 2009)。确定真菌的生态作用是确定单个分类群在养分循环和森林生态中的作用的必要条件。森林生态系统中同位素天然丰度的使用对于区分具有两种主要生活模式的真菌至关重要:外生菌根真菌和腐养真菌(Henn &Chapela, 2001)。在腐养真菌中,同位素天然丰度进一步允许鉴定所使用的底物(Kohzu等,1999)。δ13C和δ15N值的双同位素分析一致表明,生态系统内部和生态系统之间的外生菌根真菌和腐养真菌之间的同位素特征存在差异(Henn &Chapela, 2001;Taylor et al., 2003;Trudell et al., 2004;Mayor et al., 2009)。这些特征已被证明反映了真菌的生态生理,并表明可以利用有机氮的真菌比局限于矿物氮源的真菌表现出更高的δ15N (Gebauer &泰勒,1999;Lilleskov et al., 2002)。尽管如此,区分真菌营养模式的能力长期以来一直局限于产生宏观孢子囊的真菌,如蘑菇,因为它们的质量很大,可以进行物理测量。因此,对于许多真菌,特别是那些与植物根系相关的真菌,不形成明显的子实体,真菌菌丝的同位素天然丰度是稀缺的。除了外生菌根真菌外,已知的同位素天然丰度还包括形成孢子的类菌(如Hobbie &Hogberg, 2012)和与兰花相关的无根嗜酸菌腐养真菌(如Ogura-Tsujita等,2009)。然而,对丛枝菌根真菌的δ13C和δ15N的值知之甚少(但参见Courty等人,2011;Suetsugu et al., 2020,获取真菌孢子的同位素值),以及在自然条件下被称为“根核菌”的兰花相关真菌。最近,Klink等(2020)在实验条件下获得了从禾草和豆科植物的根中分离的丛枝菌根菌丝的δ13C和δ15N,从而为从根中提取菌丝提供了一种有效的方法。在此,我们使用该方法进行了一些修改,直接从根中测量了自然存在的丛枝菌根(图1a-c)和兰花相关菌丝(图1d-f)的同位素天然丰度δ13C和δ15N(见支持信息方法S1)。为了获得丛枝菌根真菌的菌丝,我们选择了两种完全分枝异养的植物:Thismia megalongensis C. A. Hunt, G. Steenbee。,V. Merckx和大叶蝉(sciaphia megastyla Fukuy)。,铃木。异养真菌是一种无色植物,它们从相关的真菌伙伴那里获得碳(Leake, 1994;·梅克斯,eddy Merckx 2013)。植物属的物种已被证明高度特化于小球菌属真菌的狭窄谱系(Gomes et al., 2017;Merckx et al., 2017),而坐骨菌的种类往往与真菌亚门内更广泛的系统发育多样性相关(Merckx et al., 2012;Suetsugu,冈田克也,2021)。对于与兰花根部相关的真菌,我们选择了两种叶绿素部分异养的兰花物种,已知与根核菌共生,Orchis militaris L.和Ophrys inftifera L.,它们的同位素自然丰度和根部相关真菌的Sanger测序都已完成(Schweiger等人,2018)。为了能够比较不同采样点的同位素值,通过计算富集因子(ε;见方法1)。megalongensis和S. megastyla的菌丝、异养真菌和对照植物的富集因子ε13C和ε15N差异显著(图1g;表1)。对于这两个物种,ε13C在分枝异养菌和各自的真菌菌丝之间无法区分,而ε15N在巨胃霉属的分枝异养菌和真菌之间差异显著,在巨galongensis中差异不显著(图1;表1).与对照植物相比,两种异养真菌中提取的真菌的ε13C含量均显著富集,而大胃草中提取的真菌的ε15N含量略显减少。同样,这两种真菌异养植物都富含ε13C,但只在巨长龙稻中显著富集。这表明真菌菌丝的ε13C驱动了丛枝菌根中完全分枝异养植物的13C富集,并且巨生霉属真菌和巨生霉属真菌的氮源似乎存在差异。 每种异养真菌植物都与小球菌门内不重叠的真菌枝相关(图2a)。巨茎坐骨霉(Sciaphila megastyla)的真菌属于Dominikia属、Kamienskia属和两个未识别的扩增子序列变体,而巨茎霉(T. megalongensis)根部的真菌只属于Rhizophagus属,这支持了这些植物谱系之间不同程度的真菌相互作用的专业化(Gomes et al., 2020;Suetsugu,冈田克也,2021)。无论是军性稻蛾还是食虫稻蛾,真菌菌丝、兰花和对照植物之间的富集因子ε13C和ε15N普遍存在显著差异(图1;表1)。军国花兰花叶片和菌丝的ε13C和ε15N均存在显著差异,而食虫花兰花只有菌丝的ε13C显著高于植物组织(图1;表1).与对照植物相比,两种兰科植物真菌菌丝中ε13C含量显著富集,O.昆虫属真菌菌丝中ε15N含量也显著富集。与对照植物相比,从这两种兰花中提取的真菌菌丝的ε13C含量较弱,远低于之前报道的外生菌根真菌组织(Mayor et al., 2009)。这一观察结果与之前Schweiger等人(2018)的研究结果一致,即在军性O. militaris的完全分枝异养原球茎中缺乏13C富集,这也与根丝核菌真菌有关。有趣的是,在该研究中,O. insect的原球茎在一定程度上富含13C。我们检测到从根块中获得的大部分测序读数属于真菌目Helotiales。还检测到Ilyonectria属真菌,与先前在同一地点收集的这些兰花物种的观察结果一致(Schweiger et al., 2018)。这两种兰花的根中都存在Helotiales和Ilyonectria,据我们所知,它们具有未知的生态功能。在Zahn等人(2023)所研究的物种中也发现了Helotiales。此外,我们在O. intifera的根中检测到根核菌属Ceratobasidiaceae、Serendipitaceae和Thelephoraceae,在O. militaris的根中检测到根核菌属Ceratobasidiaceae和Thelephoraceae(图2b)。一株军花兰的根中相对丰度较高,另一株的根中相对丰度较高。我们不能排除在我们的数据中受到所使用引物影响的土拉斯奈科代表性不足(Vogt-Schilb et al., 2020),因为这些分类群已被证明存在于O. insectifera根中(Schweiger et al., 2019)。除了根核菌外,我们还发现了已知能形成外生菌根的真菌(根据FungalTraits;Põlme et al., 2020),如在两个O. intifera个体中的Sebacina (Sebacinaceae), Amphinema (Atheliaceae), Hebeloma和Hymenogaster (Hymenogastraceae)。在同位素特征方面,在存在根核菌的单个样品和以Helotiales为主的样品之间没有观察到明显的差异,在标本之间的植物材料方面也没有观察到明显的差异。然而,要正确评估这一点,需要更大的样本量。菌丝的ε13C值与AM真菌异养植物各自植物组织的ε13C值在相同的范围内,但正如预期的那样,菌丝的ε15N值明显低于各自植物组织的ε15N值。与植物组织相比,这两种兰花菌丝的相对15N耗竭也被观察到。考虑到甲壳素中的氮在15N下比真菌蛋白的氮减少了0.10‰,人们可能会怀疑这种减少是由于提取过程中菌丝含量的潜在损失(Taylor et al., 1997;爱好,Hogberg, 2012)或者是由于富含15n的蛋白质衍生化合物从真菌到植物组织的选择性运输。同样,Zahn等人(2023)表明,从两种根丝胞菌相关的兰花物种中提取的菌丝的15N消耗相同,而从外生菌根相关的兰花根中提取的菌丝的15N消耗甚至更大。此外,megalongensis(2.25±0.53 mmol gdw−1)和S. megastyla(2.18±0.42 mmol gdw−1)提取的真菌菌丝的N浓度与异养真菌植物组织的N浓度(分别为1.95±0.28和1.88±0.45 mmol gdw−1)没有区别,与Klink et al.(2020)一致。参考植物对真菌菌丝(T. megalongensis: Z = 2.772, P = 0.008, S. megastyla: Z = 3.231, P = 0.002)和异养真菌(T. megalongensis: Z = 2.140, P = 0.032, S. megastyla: Z = 2.710, P = 0.007)的氮浓度均较低(每组分别为1.36±0.44和1.17±0.19 mmol gdw−1)。 两种兰花菌丝体、兰花菌丝体(分别为1.19±0.23 mmol gdw−1和1.64±0.17 mmol gdw−1)、参考植物(分别为1.62±0.76和1.79±0.79 mmol gdw−1)间N浓度差异无统计学意义。在Zahn et al.(2023)中,从根丝胞菌相关的兰花中提取的真菌菌丝与对照植物也无法区分,而对于一个物种(Anoectochilus sandvicensis),真菌菌丝的氮浓度显著低于兰花叶片。不同真菌异养植物的根系丛枝菌根多样性在T. megalongensis和S. megastyla之间没有重叠,在ε15N的真菌富集程度在不同植物之间存在差异。与不同真菌属的关联,以及当地土壤氮有效性,可能是造成物种间ε15N差异的原因。需要进一步的研究来评估丛枝菌根真菌中同位素值的变化来源和普遍性。在兰花相关真菌中,真菌组成在单个标本之间是可变的,但没有反映提取菌丝的同位素值。真菌同位素值的差异的缺失可能表明两种技术整合的人工产物。根系中特定真菌类群的明显优势反映了真菌的空间分离,利用一小块根系进行测序,而利用根系的其余部分进行菌丝提取。此外,在2个个体中检测到外生菌根真菌,在3个个体中检测到根核真菌。文献中经常报道在一些根丝胞菌相关的兰花的根中存在外生菌根真菌(例如Jacquemyn等人,2021),但这些真菌是否确实与兰花建立了菌根共生关系,在兰花发育过程中以散发性或恒定的方式,或者代表内生真菌,就像在典型的非菌根宿主中所显示的那样(Schneider-Maunoury等人,2020)。然而,我们不能排除在食虫草根中发现的外生菌根真菌是导致食虫草菌丝在13C和15N浓度较食虫草低的原因。然而,这些同位素差异相当小,在这两个物种的叶片中没有看到,也就是说,这些外生菌根真菌似乎没有主要的植物物质增益。此外,我们的研究结果表明,在迄今归类为根核菌相关的兰花中,外生菌根真菌的零星出现明显不影响它们的同位素特征。Zahn等人(2023)进一步展示了与外生菌根真菌相关的兰花根相关真菌的同位素特征和多样性。真菌多样性的评估通常包括对根系一小部分的定性快照,尽管不同的真菌种类或真菌行业在不同场合对养分吸收的贡献不同,但我们仍然缺乏一个坚实的框架来量化每种真菌对真菌-植物物质交换的贡献。相比之下,同位素丰度数据是所有真菌-植物物质交换过程的时间和空间积分器(Dawson等人,2002年),没有提供关于单个潜在真菌参与者作用的直接信息,这对碳或氮供应的偶尔变化不太敏感。据我们所知,我们首次揭示了异养真菌植物中丛枝菌根真菌菌丝的同位素特征,并与Zahn等人(2023)一起,揭示了叶绿素兰花中存在的真菌pelotons与根部植物组织的关系。丛枝菌根菌丝的同位素特征使其ε13C丰度与对照植物有显著区别。随后,菌丝类似于真菌异养植物的ε13C,这表明这些真菌从检测到的真菌中获得碳。对于与兰花相关的真菌,菌丝中13C的含量与对照植物和兰花植物相比都只有轻微的增加,根据这些结果,尚不清楚这些兰花是否从相关真菌中获得了C。然而,在15N中菌丝或兰花叶片的显著富集间接表明这些兰花获得了部分真菌异养物质。考虑到与根相关的真菌多样性和同位素自然丰度的固有生态意义,我们的研究呼吁在整合它们时进行仔细的解释,因为每种方法都包含根本不同的信息类别。 尽管如此,这两种方法的结合非常有价值,有助于理解植物与真菌相互作用的复杂模式,例如考虑真菌在根中的空间和时间定植,并且在随后的生态模式解释中应考虑每种技术的优点和警告。最后,在菌根共生的背景下,包括根相关真菌的同位素特征有助于直接观察真菌对植物有机质增益的参与。没有宣布。SIFG和GG设计了研究并收集了兰花材料。PG和SK指导SIFG提取菌丝。CH和KS收集丛枝菌根植物材料。GG监督同位素丰度分析。SIFG进行分子分析,分析数据,并与GG共同撰写论文。所有作者都对手稿的最终版本进行了评论和批准。
Stable isotope natural abundances of fungal hyphae extracted from the roots of arbuscular mycorrhizal mycoheterotrophs and rhizoctonia-associated orchids
Since the first discovery of unique carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) isotope signatures in fungal fruiting bodies (Gebauer & Dietrich, 1993; Gleixner et al., 1993), natural abundances of stable isotopes have been extensively used to identify the nutritional dynamics of fungi (Mayor et al., 2009). Assigning ecological roles of fungi is essential to determine the role of individual taxa in nutrient cycling and forest ecology. The use of isotope natural abundances in forest ecosystems has been crucial in distinguishing fungi with two main modes of life: ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi (Henn & Chapela, 2001). Within saprotrophic fungi, isotope natural abundances further allow the identification of the substrates used (Kohzu et al., 1999). Dual isotope analyses of the δ13C and δ15N values consistently indicate a differentiation in isotopic signatures between ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi within and among ecosystems (Henn & Chapela, 2001; Taylor et al., 2003; Trudell et al., 2004; Mayor et al., 2009). These signatures have been shown to reflect the ecophysiology of fungi and demonstrate that fungi that can utilize organic nitrogen exhibit higher δ15N than those fungi restricted to mineral nitrogen sources (Gebauer & Taylor, 1999; Lilleskov et al., 2002). Still, the ability to distinguish fungal nutritional modes has been long restricted to fungi that produce macroscopic sporocarps, such as mushrooms, due to their large mass which allows for physical measurements. Thus, for many fungi, particularly those associated with plant roots that do not form evident fruiting bodies, isotope natural abundances of fungal hyphae are scarce.
Besides ectomycorrhizal fungi, isotope natural abundances are known for sporocarp-forming ericoid (e.g. Hobbie & Hogberg, 2012) and orchid-associated nonrhizoctonia saprotrophic fungi (e.g. Ogura-Tsujita et al., 2009). Yet, values of δ13C and δ15N are poorly known for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (but see e.g. Courty et al., 2011; Suetsugu et al., 2020, for isotope values of fungal spores), and the orchid-associated fungi known as ‘rhizoctonia’ in natural conditions. Recently, Klink et al. (2020) obtained the δ13C and δ15N of arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae isolated from roots of a grass and a legume, inoculated in experimental conditions, thereby providing an efficient method to extract hyphae from roots. Using this method with a few modifications, here, we measured the isotope natural abundances δ13C and δ15N of naturally occurring arbuscular mycorrhizal (Fig. 1a–c) and orchid-associated hyphae (Fig. 1d–f) directly from roots (see Supporting Information Methods S1). To obtain hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, we selected two species of fully mycoheterotrophic plants: Thismia megalongensis C. A. Hunt, G. Steenbee. & V. Merckx and Sciaphila megastyla Fukuy. & T. Suzuki. Mycoheterotrophs are achlorophyllous plants that obtain carbon from their associated fungal partners (Leake, 1994; Merckx, 2013). Species in the plant genus Thismia have been demonstrated to be highly specialized on narrow lineages of Glomeromycotina fungi (Gomes et al., 2017; Merckx et al., 2017), while species of Sciaphila tend to associate with a wider phylogenetic diversity within the fungal subphylum (Merckx et al., 2012; Suetsugu & Okada, 2021). For fungi associated with orchid roots, we selected two chlorophyllous partially mycoheterotrophic orchid species, known to associate with rhizoctonia symbionts, Orchis militaris L. and Ophrys insectifera L., for which both isotope natural abundances and Sanger sequencing of the root-associated fungi have been performed previously (Schweiger et al., 2018). To be able to compare isotope values across sampling sites, the δ values of C and N stable isotope abundances were normalized by calculating enrichment factors (ε; see Methods S1).
The enrichment factors ε13C and ε15N were significantly different between the fungal hyphae, mycoheterotrophic and reference plants for both T. megalongensis and S. megastyla (Fig. 1g; Table 1). For both species, ε13C was not distinguishable between the mycoheterotrophs and respective fungal hyphae, while ε15N was significantly different between mycoheterotrophs and fungi for S. megastyla, and marginally significant for T. megalongensis (Fig. 1; Table 1). In relation to the reference plants, the fungi extracted from both mycoheterotrophic species were significantly enriched in ε13C, and fungi from S. megastyla were marginally significantly depleted in ε15N. Similarly, both mycoheterotrophic plants were enriched in ε13C although only significantly for T. megalongensis. This indicates that the ε13C of fungal hyphae drives the 13C enrichment of arbuscular mycorrhizal fully mycoheterotrophic plants, and there seems to be a difference in nitrogen source between T. megalongensis and S. megastyla-associated fungi. Each mycoheterotrophic plant species is associated with nonoverlapping fungal clades within the Glomeromycotina (Fig. 2a). Sciaphila megastyla harboured fungi belonging to the genera Dominikia, Kamienskia and two unidentified amplicon sequence variants, while the fungi in the roots of T. megalongensis belonged exclusively to the genus Rhizophagus, supporting a specialization on fungal interactions of different degrees between these plant lineages (Gomes et al., 2020; Suetsugu & Okada, 2021).
The enrichment factors ε13C and ε15N were generally significantly different between fungal hyphae, orchids and reference plants for both O. militaris and O. insectifera (Fig. 1h; Table 1). Both ε13C and ε15N were significantly different between orchid leaves and hyphae for O. militaris, while for O. insectifera, only ε13C was significantly higher in the hyphae in comparison with the plant tissue (Fig. 1; Table 1). In both orchid species, fungal hyphae were significantly enriched in ε13C, and in O. insectifera fungi were also enriched in ε15N in relation to the reference plants. The fungal hyphae extracted from the two orchid species were only weakly enriched in ε13C in comparison with reference plants and far less enriched in 13C than tissues of ectomycorrhizal fungi reported previously (Mayor et al., 2009). This observation is consistent with previous findings of absence of 13C enrichment in fully mycoheterotrophic protocorms of O. militaris, which were also associated with rhizoctonia fungi by Schweiger et al. (2018). Interestingly, in that study, protocorms of O. insectifera were somewhat enriched in 13C.
We detected most sequenced reads obtained from root pieces to belong to the fungal order Helotiales. Fungi in the genus Ilyonectria were also detected, concordant with previous observations of these orchid species collected at the same site (Schweiger et al., 2018). Both Helotiales and Ilyonectria were present in the roots of both orchid species and, as far as we know, have an unknown ecological function. Helotiales have also been detected in the species studied in Zahn et al. (2023). In addition, we detected rhizoctonia fungi belonging to the families Ceratobasidiaceae, Serendipitaceae and Thelephoraceae in the roots of O. insectifera, and to the families Ceratobasidiaceae and Thelephoraceae in the roots of O. militaris (Fig. 2b). One orchid individual of O. militaris presented a high relative abundance of Ceratobasidiaceae, and another of Thelephoraceae in their roots. We cannot exclude that Tulasnellaceae are underrepresented in our data influenced by the primers used (Vogt-Schilb et al., 2020), as these taxa have been shown to be present in O. insectifera roots (Schweiger et al., 2019). Besides rhizoctonia fungi, we also found fungi known to form ectomycorrhizas (according to FungalTraits; Põlme et al., 2020), such as Sebacina (Sebacinaceae), Amphinema (Atheliaceae), Hebeloma and Hymenogaster (Hymenogastraceae) in two O. insectifera individuals. In terms of isotope signatures, no apparent differences were observed between individual samples where rhizoctonia fungi are present and those where Helotiales are predominant, and neither in relation to the plant material between specimens. Yet, a larger sample size would be needed to properly evaluate this.
While ε13C values of hyphae are within the same range as found for the respective plant tissues of the AM mycoheterotrophic plants, as expected, ε15N values of the hyphae were considerably lower than ε15N of the respective plant tissues. This relative 15N depletion of hyphae in comparison with plant tissue was also observed for the two orchid species. One could wonder whether this depletion is either due to potential loss of hyphal content during extraction considering that nitrogen in chitin is depleted in 15N by c. 10‰ in comparison with fungal protein (Taylor et al., 1997; Hobbie & Hogberg, 2012) or due to a selective transport of 15N-enriched protein-derived compounds from fungal to plant tissues. Similarly, Zahn et al. (2023) show an equal depletion in 15N of hyphae extracted from two rhizoctonia-associated orchid species and for identically extracted hyphae from ectomycorrhiza-associated orchid roots an even larger depletion in 15N in relation to orchid leaves.
In addition, the N concentrations of the extracted fungal hyphae of both T. megalongensis (2.25 ± 0.53 mmol gdw−1) and S. megastyla (2.18 ± 0.42 mmol gdw−1) were not distinguishable from those of the mycoheterotrophic plant tissues (1.95 ± 0.28 and 1.88 ± 0.45 mmol gdw−1 respectively), in congruence with Klink et al. (2020), while reference plants presented lower N concentrations (1.36 ± 0.44 and 1.17 ± 0.19 mmol gdw−1 for each set respectively) in relation to both fungal hyphae (T. megalongensis: Z = 2.772, P = 0.008, and S. megastyla: Z = 3.231, P = 0.002) and mycoheterotrophic plants (T. megalongensis: Z = 2.140, P = 0.032 and S. megastyla: Z = 2.710, P = 0.007). The N concentrations between fungal hyphae (1.19 ± 0.23 mmol gdw−1 for O. militaris and 1.64 ± 0.17 mmol gdw−1 for O. insectifera), orchids (1.74 ± 0.07 and 2.19 ± 0.17 mmol gdw−1 respectively) and reference plants (1.62 ± 0.76 and 1.79 ± 0.79 mmol gdw−1 for each set respectively) were not statistically different for both orchid species. In Zahn et al. (2023), the fungal hyphae extracted from rhizoctonia-associated orchids were also nondistinguishable from reference plants, while for one species (Anoectochilus sandvicensis), fungal hyphae had significantly lower N concentration than the orchid leaves.
The arbuscular mycorrhizal diversity in the roots of the mycoheterotrophic plant species did not overlap between T. megalongensis and S. megastyla, and the fungal enrichment in ε15N was variable between plant species. The association with different fungal genera, in addition to local soil nitrogen availability, could have contributed to the differences in ε15N between species. Further studies are required to assess the source of variation and generality of isotope values among arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
In the orchid-associated fungi, the fungal composition was variable between individual specimens, yet without reflection on the isotopic values of the extracted hyphae. The absence of differences in fungal isotopic values may indicate an artefact on the integration of both techniques. The apparent dominance of specific fungal groups in the roots could reflect spatial segregation of fungi, as a small piece of root was used for sequencing, while for the hyphal extraction, the remainder of the root system was used. Furthermore, ectomycorrhizal fungi were detected in two individuals of O. insectifera, while rhizoctonia fungi were detected in three individuals. The presence of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the roots of some rhizoctonia-associated orchids is commonly reported in the literature (e.g. Jacquemyn et al., 2021), yet it remains to be demonstrated whether these fungi indeed establish a mycorrhizal symbiosis with the orchid, in a sporadic or constant way during the orchid development, or represent endophytic fungi as it has been shown in typical nonmycorrhizal hosts (Schneider-Maunoury et al., 2020). Nevertheless, we cannot exclude those ectomycorrhizal fungi found in the roots of O. insectifera to be responsible for the slight enrichment in 13C and 15N of the hyphae extracted from O. insectifera in comparison with O. militaris. However, these isotopic differences are rather small and are not seen in the leaves of these two species, that is there appears to be no major plant matter gain from these ectomycorrhizal fungi. In addition, our results reveal that sporadic appearance of ectomycorrhizal fungi in orchids hitherto classified as rhizoctonia-associated does obviously not affect their isotope signature. Zahn et al. (2023) present further isotope signatures and diversity of root-associated fungi of orchids associated with ectomycorrhizal fungi.
The assessment of fungal diversity often comprises a qualitative snapshot of a fraction of the root system, and although different fungal species or guilds may contribute differently to nutrient uptake at multiple occasions, we still lack a solid framework to quantify the contribution of each of these fungi to fungal–plant matter exchange. By contrast, isotopic abundance data are a temporal and spatial integrator (Dawson et al., 2002) over all fungal–plant matter exchange processes without providing direct information about the role of the individual potential fungal players, which is less sensitive to occasional changes in carbon or nitrogen supply.
To the best of our knowledge, we reveal for the first-time isotope signatures of hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in mycoheterotrophic plants and, together with Zahn et al. (2023), of fungal pelotons present in chlorophyllous orchids in relation to the plant tissues from their roots. Arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae have isotope signatures that allow a significant distinction in ε13C abundance in relation to reference plants. Subsequently, hyphae resemble the ε13C of the mycoheterotrophic plants, suggesting that these mycoheterotrophs gain carbon from the detected fungi. For the orchid-associated fungi, hyphae are only slightly enriched in 13C in relation to both reference and orchid plants, remaining unclear whether these orchids gain C from the associated fungi based on these results. However, the significant enrichment in 15N of hyphae or orchid leaves indirectly indicates a partial mycoheterotrophic matter gain by these orchids.
Our study appeals to a careful interpretation when integrating root-associated fungal diversity and isotope natural abundances considering their inherent ecological significance as each method contains fundamentally different categories of information. Still, the combination of both approaches is greatly valuable and contributes to understand complex patterns in plant–fungal interactions, for example considering spatial and temporal fungal colonization in roots, and both advantages and caveats of each technique should be considered in the subsequent interpretation of ecological patterns. Finally, including the isotopic signatures of root-associated fungi in the context of mycorrhizal symbiosis contributes to a direct observation of fungal participation to organic matter gain of the plant.
None declared.
SIFG and GG designed the research and collected the orchid material. PG and SK guided the fungal hyphal extraction by SIFG. CH and KS collected the arbuscular mycorrhizal plant material. GG supervised the isotope abundance analyses. SIFG performed the molecular analysis, analysed the data, and together with GG wrote the manuscript. All authors commented and approved the final version of the manuscript.
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