Crystal plasticity models relate macroscopic deformation behavior to the evolution of slip systems strength, but their parameterization is often non-unique, with multiple parameter sets being able to describe the same macroscopic behavior. To address this issue, the present work adopts a Bayesian optimization framework for the parameterization of face-centered cubic plasticity models while simultaneously considering multiple experimental datasets from the literature. For single crystal Cu, parameter optimization was guided by the tensile stress–strain curves along several crystallographic orientations, with an adequate fit being found for five orientations at once. While additional parameters allowed for the consideration of more physical mechanisms, like different slip system interaction strengths or misorientations inherent to the experimental data, the extra dimensionality was found to limit the efficiency of the global minimization procedure. For polycrystalline Ni, multiple grain sizes were considered together in a representative polycrystalline model, with the optimization able to reconcile the model with the data for three grain sizes at once. As meaningful interpretation of parameters relies on the uniqueness of their values, incorporating multiple datasets into this discerning parameterization procedure enables more robust prediction and application of crystal plasticity models.