{"title":"抗体的效应功能。","authors":"Marc Daëron","doi":"10.1111/imr.13428","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>“Antibody” is one of those specialists' words that became common language. Everyone knows that antibodies protect against infectious diseases, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world. Everyone, or almost, even knows what antibodies look like. Their anthropomorphic Y shape has become an iconic symbol that most societies of immunology have included in their logo. What antibodies actually are, however, is not so clear in everyone's mind, as judged by media which often confuse serum with vaccine. What antibodies do and how they work is another question. Their well-known ability to recognize specific antigens with each of their two “arms” is often thought to be enough to protect; even by scientists, sometimes by immunologists. Whatever how, antibodies protect, and when they have pathogenic effects, these are viewed as the unfortunate consequences of targeting errors such as in allergic and autoimmune diseases, or collateral damages such as in inflammatory diseases.</p><p>Antibodies are also well known as tools. Due to their exquisite specificity, antibodies have proven unrivaled diagnostic tools and they are used in a variety of techniques adopted by all medical disciplines and beyond. Due to their powerful biological properties, antibodies have been increasingly used as therapeutic tools with amazing efficiencies. This is not new: antibodies saved thousands of children from diphtheria and many more wounded soldiers from tetanus at the beginning of the 20th century, when they were nothing but elusive substances in immune serum. They are well-known molecules now and, as serum therapy for deadly infectious diseases yesterday, humanized monoclonal antibodies have provided long-sought cures for cancers with a poor prognosis today. Not without side effects, though. But antibodies can be engineered genetically to enhance their expected effects and to decrease their unwanted effects.</p><p>Why, therefore, put together another series of review articles on such well-known molecules? As stated in its title, this volume of <i>Immunological Reviews</i> is focused on the <i>effector functions</i> of antibodies. Antibodies are bi-functional molecules: They can not only recognize antigens; they can also act on them. How they do so is poorly known by immunologists, except those who work specifically on the subject. Yet, antibodies are the main effectors of adaptive immunity, at least quantitatively: 10 mg/mL IgG and 2–3 mg/mL IgA circulate in the blood stream—and much more are present in tissues since 80% immunoglobulin-secreting plasma cells of the whole body produce mucosal IgA. How do these antibodies deal with pathogens and commensals? How can they both prevent infections and tolerate microbiotas without inducing devastating inflammatory reactions? How antibodies induced by vaccines exert their protective effects?</p><p>This volume deals with the effector functions of antibodies not only in health, but also in disease. If they protect against infectious disease, antibodies can also cause diseases, and these do not result from mistakes of the immune system. IgG antibodies that recognize the same antigen can indeed be both protective and pathogenic. IgA antibodies can have both pro- and anti-inflammatory effects. The pathogenic role of IgE antibodies is well known, but their protective role remains hypothetic. What makes antibodies protective and/or pathogenic? How can they protect, cure, make sick, and sometimes kill? How can one explain so many, in some cases opposite, effects?</p><p>One explanation is that antibodies have no effector functions per se. They can do nothing but bind. They bind specifically to antigens via their Fab “arms,” but they bind also to effector systems via their Fc “leg.” Doing so, they bring antigens close to effectors that can act on them by a variety of mechanisms. It follows that the effector functions of antibodies are not theirs. They are those of a variety of effectors that antibodies recruit and activate. This volume discusses these mechanisms, the recruitment of effectors by antibodies, their activation, and their effects on antigen. Its purpose is to help the reader understand how antibodies work, how they can exert their many effects, for better and for worse, how they can protect and how they can make sick, how they can be used too, and tailored to achieve specific therapeutic effects.</p><p>When Paul Ehrlich forged the word in 1891 [<span>1</span>], the meaning of “antibody” was far from clear. What were these soluble substances that nobody had seen, whose existence was inferred from biological activities that appeared in the serum of immunized animals, and whose ability to protect against deadly diseases made them “the magic bullets of immunity” [<span>2</span>]? What did “anti” and “body” mean and what did they designate when they were associated to form a new word? What do they tell us today of what we keep calling “antibodies”?</p><p>In 1891, Ehrlich was studying the biological activities of immune sera that Shibasaburō Kitasato and Emil von Behring had just found to protect against diphtheria or tetanus [<span>3</span>]. These diseases had recently been shown to be caused by toxins secreted by the responsible bacteria, and antitoxins—a word first used in Italian (<i>antitossine</i>) by Guido Tizzoni and Giuseppina Cattani in April 1891—present in the serum of immunized animals were thought to account for the observed protection. The German word “<i>Antikörper</i>” (antibody)—derived from <i>anti-toxischer Körper</i> (anti-toxic body)—was coined by Ehrlich in October 1891 on the model of “antitoxin” [<span>1</span>]. An antitoxin was a body (<i>Körper</i>) that acted on a toxin; an antibody was therefore a body that acted on something. In “antibody,” “body” was initially the <i>subject</i> of an action. It designated the antibody itself. Yet, “body” could designate the opposite and be the <i>object</i> on which an antibody acts; in other words, it could designate an antigen [<span>4</span>]. The meaning of “antibody” was indeed ambiguous: It was a body anti-(another) body (The confusion was even worse when antibodies were directed against antibodies. Antibodies can be antigenns too…). Today, “body” seems to have lost its initial meaning, possibly because we learnt that an antibody is an immunoglobulin with a well-known structure. Paradoxically, an antibody stopped being a body when it acquired a material existence, and “body” designates now what it acts on. An antibody is an anti-body.</p><p>Whatever the body, what does the prefix “anti” mean in “antibody”? “Anti” combines three notions: binding, specificity, and antagonism. First of all, Ehrlich thought that antitoxins present in the serum of immunized animals neutralized toxins when <i>binding</i> to them. “<i>Corpora non agunt nisi fixata</i>” [<span>5</span>], he said, which translates “bodies (<i>corpora</i>) do not act if they do not bind” or simply “bodies must bind in order to act.” Binding was necessary for antitoxins to neutralize toxins.</p><p>Second, Ehrlich understood the neutralization of a toxin like the neutralization of an acid by a base. Unlike the acid–base reaction, however, toxin neutralization was <i>specific</i>: anti-tetanus toxin neutralized tetanus toxin but not diphtheria toxin, and anti-diphtheria toxin neutralized diphtheria toxin but not tetanus toxin. Earlier, Ehrlich had studied the ability of colored chemicals to stain specific cells and tissues. The reason why tissues were specifically stained, he thought, was that they possessed “side chains,” to which specific stains could bind. Likewise, antitoxins could neutralize specific toxins because they bound to specific side chains borne by these toxins as a key fits in a specific lock only, and doing so, they prevented toxins from acting [<span>6</span>]. To illustrate the specificity of the toxin–antitoxin reaction, Ehrlich borrowed the analogy used by Emil Fischer to illustrate the specificity of enzymes for their substrates [<span>7</span>]. Like the specificity of a key for a lock, that of antitoxins for toxins was explained by a spatial complementarity.</p><p>Antitoxins could therefore (1) bind, (2) specifically to toxins, and doing so, (3) neutralize them. The third meaning of “anti” is <i>against</i>. Literally, “to neutralize” means the act of making a substance neutral. Again, it refers to acids and bases that form neutral salts when they combine. It also means to render something ineffective. By extension, it applies to potentially harmful things or persons, and in military parlance, it means to kill when applied to enemies. Antitoxins render toxins harmless. To explain this effect, Ehrlich hypothesized that toxins, “… unite with certain chemical groupings in the protoplasm of cells, […] and that this chemical union represents the prerequisite and cause of the disease” [<span>6</span>], and he called such chemical groupings “<i>poison receptors</i>” (Italics in citations were in Ehrlich's original text). He concluded “that the group in the protoplasm, the <i>cellular receptor</i>, must be identical to the <i>antitoxin</i> which is contained in solution in the serum of immunized animals” [<span>6</span>]. Antitoxins were soluble toxin receptors, and neutralization was the result of a competition between cell-bound and soluble receptors for the toxin.</p><p>It was soon noticed that all kinds of <i>bodies</i> including those that had no toxicity could induce <i>antibodies</i> as toxins induced antitoxins: “Even the genuine protein substances of animal and plant organisms are able, irrespective of whether they have a toxic effect or not, to produce antibodies,” Ehrlich said [<span>6</span>]. Such antibodies had no toxicity to neutralize. They were nevertheless <i>directed against</i> bodies. As toxins, these “genuine protein substances” had “receptors” through which they could act (because <i>corpora non agunt nisi fixata</i>), and these receptors could be released as <i>antibodies</i>, in the same way as toxin receptors could be released as antitoxins. Antibodies had no direct effect on the bodies against which they were directed, but they could prevent their action by competing with corresponding receptors for the same bodies. “Anti” had the same antagonistic meaning in “antibody” and in “antitoxin,” and today's antibodies keep being directed against what they recognize. One notices that B cells' BCRs from which they derive have the same specificity as antibodies, but they are merely antigen <i>receptors</i>, whereas antibodies are directed <i>against</i> antigen. Antibodies are definitely <i>anti</i>bodies.</p><p>Thus, specific antibodies could be directed against any of a large number of molecules, whether from microbes or from normal cells, whether toxic or not toxic, against a variety of <i>bodies</i>. After the general name “antibody,” the general name “antigen” started to be used to designate collectively all these bodies against which antibodies can be directed. The term was first used in French by Ladislas Deutsch in 1899 [<span>8</span>]: “<i>Substances immunogènes ou antigènes</i>,” that is, substances that lead to the formation of “immune bodies.” In Deutsch's mind, immune bodies (antibodies) were not the result of an immune response, but that of the transformation of antigens. “Immunogenic substances <i>or</i> antigens”: an antigen was what could <i>gen</i>erate <i>anti</i>bodies. The suffix “gen” can indeed mean either what is at the origin of something such as in “fibrinogen,” or what triggers the production of something such as in “pathogen” [<span>4</span>]. The second meaning is of course the one that is used today.</p><p>If the word “antibodies” designates <i>what can bind to bodies</i>, the word “antigens” therefore does not designate <i>the bodies to which antibodies bind</i>. It designates <i>the bodies that can induce the production of antibodies</i>. The chemical notion of interaction between two substances was replaced by the biological notion of stimulation/response. Indeed, it is in response to a stimulation by an antigen that the organism produces antibodies against this antigen. “Anti” does not have the same meaning In the word “antigen” and in the word “antibody.” In “antigen,” it implies no affinity, no binding, no antagonism. It is nothing but an abbreviation that stands for “antibody.” As for “gen,” it means “which generates.” Therefore, if an antibody is a molecule that can bind to an antigen, an antigen is a molecule that can induce the production of an antibody. Why so much confusion?</p><p>The situation was indeed confusing at the beginning of the 20th century. The property of antibodies to bind to antigens was inferred rather than observed. Its consequences were easier to see than binding itself. Antibodies were therefore commonly named after their biological activities. Besides antitoxins that neutralized toxins, “bacteriolysins” dissolved bacteria, “agglutinins” agglutinated particular antigens such as bacteria or erythrocytes, “precipitins” made soluble antigens precipitate at the bottom of test tubes, “hemolysins” (from the Greek <i>haima</i>, blood) induced the lysis of red blood cells, “opsonins” (from the Greek <i>opson</i>, which prepares food) enabled the phagocytosis of particulate antigens, and we keep talking of “cold agglutinins” in medical practice. Antibodies were what they did. However, since antibodies could <i>act</i> on <i>specific</i> antigens, they could also be named by their specificity: anti-tetanus antibodies, anti-ovalbumin antibodies, autoantibodies, anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, etc., irrespectively of their biological properties. The word “antibody” started to mean both antigen-specific and biologically active molecules when two scientific issues were clarified. The first issue was raised by Ehrlich himself: How could one explain the infinite (or almost) number of possible antibodies if there are specific antibodies for all antigens and if the number of antigens is infinite (or almost)? The second issue was as follows: How could antibodies have so many biological activities? Are these activities those of one antibody that can exert many, or those of many antibodies that can exert, each, one only?</p><p>The first issue, that is, that of the diversity of antibodies and of their generation was clarified first by Macfarlane Burnet's clonal selection theory in the 1950s [<span>9</span>], then by the elucidation of the genetic mechanisms at the origin of antibody diversity by Susumu Tonegawa in the early 1980s [<span>10</span>]. This issue is not the subject of this volume. The second issue, namely, the cellular and molecular bases of the effector functions of antibodies, is. It took a long time, and many investigations led independently by several groups worldwide for this issue to be progressively clarified. What was found is that most effector functions of antibodies are not those of antibodies themselves. They are those of effector systems that antibodies use when they act. Effector systems are of two kinds: molecules and cells. Molecules used by antibodies are primarily those of the complement system. Cells used by antibodies are primarily those of the myeloid lineage. The involvement of both molecules and cells depends on the Fc portion of antibodies. Via their Fc portion, antibodies can bind to complement components in solution, to Fc Receptors (FcRs) expressed by myeloid cells and, when bound to complement components, to complement receptors (CRs). Altogether, complement, FcR- and CR-expressing cells can exert numerous actions on antigens recognized by the Fab portions of antibodies. The result of Fab-mediated antigen recognition and Fc-mediated activation of effector mechanisms is a wide array of biological effects that affect a variety of antigen-bearing molecules, cells, or organisms. Some effects are protective whereas others are pathogenic; others are neither protective nor pathological, but regulatory (Figure 1).</p><p>The review articles contained in this volume provide in-depth discussions of the right part of Figure 1, that is, of the effector functions of antibodies in health and disease. These 28 reviews are organized in five sections.</p><p>This volume was initially planned to have a sixth section entitled “Antibodies and vaccines” in which knowledge on vaccine-elicited antibodies would have been reviewed. Indeed, with the exception of BCG, the protection conferred by all efficient vaccines depends on antibodies. It would have been interesting to know (1) which isotypes of antibodies are induced by efficient vaccines, which mechanisms they use to protect and against which diseases, and (2) how can one manufacture specific vaccines that induce the desired antibodies at the right time in the right place. One can guess that vaccines against systemic or mucosal, viral, or bacterial infections may not involve the same antibodies and the same effector mechanisms, and that they should be engineered differentially in order to preferentially induce the appropriate antibodies. I was not able to build up this section based on available literature on the subject. The new science of immunity which bloomed at the dawn of the 20th century aimed at explaining protective immunity conferred by Pasteurian vaccines. Immunology described exquisitely specific recognition means and a plethora of powerful effector mechanisms that were integrated in a sophisticated biological system, but how vaccines work remains poorly known, more than one century later.</p><p>I will end by mentioning that 82 authors and coauthors from 14 countries wrote the 28 review articles gathered in this volume. They all played the game proposed by <i>Immunological Reviews</i>, that is, reviewing their own work and thoughts in the context of others' findings rather than providing comprehensive reviews on a subject. As a result, they all collaborated to build a unique collection of original publications written in different styles, in which a variety of points of view on the same topic—including some redundancies that offer different ways of presenting things—complement, comfort, and confront each other.</p><p>The author declares no conflicts of interest.</p>","PeriodicalId":178,"journal":{"name":"Immunological Reviews","volume":"328 1","pages":"6-12"},"PeriodicalIF":7.5000,"publicationDate":"2024-12-11","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/imr.13428","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"The Effector Functions of Antibodies\",\"authors\":\"Marc Daëron\",\"doi\":\"10.1111/imr.13428\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"<p>“Antibody” is one of those specialists' words that became common language. Everyone knows that antibodies protect against infectious diseases, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world. Everyone, or almost, even knows what antibodies look like. Their anthropomorphic Y shape has become an iconic symbol that most societies of immunology have included in their logo. What antibodies actually are, however, is not so clear in everyone's mind, as judged by media which often confuse serum with vaccine. What antibodies do and how they work is another question. Their well-known ability to recognize specific antigens with each of their two “arms” is often thought to be enough to protect; even by scientists, sometimes by immunologists. Whatever how, antibodies protect, and when they have pathogenic effects, these are viewed as the unfortunate consequences of targeting errors such as in allergic and autoimmune diseases, or collateral damages such as in inflammatory diseases.</p><p>Antibodies are also well known as tools. Due to their exquisite specificity, antibodies have proven unrivaled diagnostic tools and they are used in a variety of techniques adopted by all medical disciplines and beyond. Due to their powerful biological properties, antibodies have been increasingly used as therapeutic tools with amazing efficiencies. This is not new: antibodies saved thousands of children from diphtheria and many more wounded soldiers from tetanus at the beginning of the 20th century, when they were nothing but elusive substances in immune serum. They are well-known molecules now and, as serum therapy for deadly infectious diseases yesterday, humanized monoclonal antibodies have provided long-sought cures for cancers with a poor prognosis today. Not without side effects, though. But antibodies can be engineered genetically to enhance their expected effects and to decrease their unwanted effects.</p><p>Why, therefore, put together another series of review articles on such well-known molecules? As stated in its title, this volume of <i>Immunological Reviews</i> is focused on the <i>effector functions</i> of antibodies. Antibodies are bi-functional molecules: They can not only recognize antigens; they can also act on them. How they do so is poorly known by immunologists, except those who work specifically on the subject. Yet, antibodies are the main effectors of adaptive immunity, at least quantitatively: 10 mg/mL IgG and 2–3 mg/mL IgA circulate in the blood stream—and much more are present in tissues since 80% immunoglobulin-secreting plasma cells of the whole body produce mucosal IgA. How do these antibodies deal with pathogens and commensals? How can they both prevent infections and tolerate microbiotas without inducing devastating inflammatory reactions? How antibodies induced by vaccines exert their protective effects?</p><p>This volume deals with the effector functions of antibodies not only in health, but also in disease. If they protect against infectious disease, antibodies can also cause diseases, and these do not result from mistakes of the immune system. IgG antibodies that recognize the same antigen can indeed be both protective and pathogenic. IgA antibodies can have both pro- and anti-inflammatory effects. The pathogenic role of IgE antibodies is well known, but their protective role remains hypothetic. What makes antibodies protective and/or pathogenic? How can they protect, cure, make sick, and sometimes kill? How can one explain so many, in some cases opposite, effects?</p><p>One explanation is that antibodies have no effector functions per se. They can do nothing but bind. They bind specifically to antigens via their Fab “arms,” but they bind also to effector systems via their Fc “leg.” Doing so, they bring antigens close to effectors that can act on them by a variety of mechanisms. It follows that the effector functions of antibodies are not theirs. They are those of a variety of effectors that antibodies recruit and activate. This volume discusses these mechanisms, the recruitment of effectors by antibodies, their activation, and their effects on antigen. Its purpose is to help the reader understand how antibodies work, how they can exert their many effects, for better and for worse, how they can protect and how they can make sick, how they can be used too, and tailored to achieve specific therapeutic effects.</p><p>When Paul Ehrlich forged the word in 1891 [<span>1</span>], the meaning of “antibody” was far from clear. What were these soluble substances that nobody had seen, whose existence was inferred from biological activities that appeared in the serum of immunized animals, and whose ability to protect against deadly diseases made them “the magic bullets of immunity” [<span>2</span>]? What did “anti” and “body” mean and what did they designate when they were associated to form a new word? What do they tell us today of what we keep calling “antibodies”?</p><p>In 1891, Ehrlich was studying the biological activities of immune sera that Shibasaburō Kitasato and Emil von Behring had just found to protect against diphtheria or tetanus [<span>3</span>]. These diseases had recently been shown to be caused by toxins secreted by the responsible bacteria, and antitoxins—a word first used in Italian (<i>antitossine</i>) by Guido Tizzoni and Giuseppina Cattani in April 1891—present in the serum of immunized animals were thought to account for the observed protection. The German word “<i>Antikörper</i>” (antibody)—derived from <i>anti-toxischer Körper</i> (anti-toxic body)—was coined by Ehrlich in October 1891 on the model of “antitoxin” [<span>1</span>]. An antitoxin was a body (<i>Körper</i>) that acted on a toxin; an antibody was therefore a body that acted on something. In “antibody,” “body” was initially the <i>subject</i> of an action. It designated the antibody itself. Yet, “body” could designate the opposite and be the <i>object</i> on which an antibody acts; in other words, it could designate an antigen [<span>4</span>]. The meaning of “antibody” was indeed ambiguous: It was a body anti-(another) body (The confusion was even worse when antibodies were directed against antibodies. Antibodies can be antigenns too…). Today, “body” seems to have lost its initial meaning, possibly because we learnt that an antibody is an immunoglobulin with a well-known structure. Paradoxically, an antibody stopped being a body when it acquired a material existence, and “body” designates now what it acts on. An antibody is an anti-body.</p><p>Whatever the body, what does the prefix “anti” mean in “antibody”? “Anti” combines three notions: binding, specificity, and antagonism. First of all, Ehrlich thought that antitoxins present in the serum of immunized animals neutralized toxins when <i>binding</i> to them. “<i>Corpora non agunt nisi fixata</i>” [<span>5</span>], he said, which translates “bodies (<i>corpora</i>) do not act if they do not bind” or simply “bodies must bind in order to act.” Binding was necessary for antitoxins to neutralize toxins.</p><p>Second, Ehrlich understood the neutralization of a toxin like the neutralization of an acid by a base. Unlike the acid–base reaction, however, toxin neutralization was <i>specific</i>: anti-tetanus toxin neutralized tetanus toxin but not diphtheria toxin, and anti-diphtheria toxin neutralized diphtheria toxin but not tetanus toxin. Earlier, Ehrlich had studied the ability of colored chemicals to stain specific cells and tissues. The reason why tissues were specifically stained, he thought, was that they possessed “side chains,” to which specific stains could bind. Likewise, antitoxins could neutralize specific toxins because they bound to specific side chains borne by these toxins as a key fits in a specific lock only, and doing so, they prevented toxins from acting [<span>6</span>]. To illustrate the specificity of the toxin–antitoxin reaction, Ehrlich borrowed the analogy used by Emil Fischer to illustrate the specificity of enzymes for their substrates [<span>7</span>]. Like the specificity of a key for a lock, that of antitoxins for toxins was explained by a spatial complementarity.</p><p>Antitoxins could therefore (1) bind, (2) specifically to toxins, and doing so, (3) neutralize them. The third meaning of “anti” is <i>against</i>. Literally, “to neutralize” means the act of making a substance neutral. Again, it refers to acids and bases that form neutral salts when they combine. It also means to render something ineffective. By extension, it applies to potentially harmful things or persons, and in military parlance, it means to kill when applied to enemies. Antitoxins render toxins harmless. To explain this effect, Ehrlich hypothesized that toxins, “… unite with certain chemical groupings in the protoplasm of cells, […] and that this chemical union represents the prerequisite and cause of the disease” [<span>6</span>], and he called such chemical groupings “<i>poison receptors</i>” (Italics in citations were in Ehrlich's original text). He concluded “that the group in the protoplasm, the <i>cellular receptor</i>, must be identical to the <i>antitoxin</i> which is contained in solution in the serum of immunized animals” [<span>6</span>]. Antitoxins were soluble toxin receptors, and neutralization was the result of a competition between cell-bound and soluble receptors for the toxin.</p><p>It was soon noticed that all kinds of <i>bodies</i> including those that had no toxicity could induce <i>antibodies</i> as toxins induced antitoxins: “Even the genuine protein substances of animal and plant organisms are able, irrespective of whether they have a toxic effect or not, to produce antibodies,” Ehrlich said [<span>6</span>]. Such antibodies had no toxicity to neutralize. They were nevertheless <i>directed against</i> bodies. As toxins, these “genuine protein substances” had “receptors” through which they could act (because <i>corpora non agunt nisi fixata</i>), and these receptors could be released as <i>antibodies</i>, in the same way as toxin receptors could be released as antitoxins. Antibodies had no direct effect on the bodies against which they were directed, but they could prevent their action by competing with corresponding receptors for the same bodies. “Anti” had the same antagonistic meaning in “antibody” and in “antitoxin,” and today's antibodies keep being directed against what they recognize. One notices that B cells' BCRs from which they derive have the same specificity as antibodies, but they are merely antigen <i>receptors</i>, whereas antibodies are directed <i>against</i> antigen. Antibodies are definitely <i>anti</i>bodies.</p><p>Thus, specific antibodies could be directed against any of a large number of molecules, whether from microbes or from normal cells, whether toxic or not toxic, against a variety of <i>bodies</i>. After the general name “antibody,” the general name “antigen” started to be used to designate collectively all these bodies against which antibodies can be directed. The term was first used in French by Ladislas Deutsch in 1899 [<span>8</span>]: “<i>Substances immunogènes ou antigènes</i>,” that is, substances that lead to the formation of “immune bodies.” In Deutsch's mind, immune bodies (antibodies) were not the result of an immune response, but that of the transformation of antigens. “Immunogenic substances <i>or</i> antigens”: an antigen was what could <i>gen</i>erate <i>anti</i>bodies. The suffix “gen” can indeed mean either what is at the origin of something such as in “fibrinogen,” or what triggers the production of something such as in “pathogen” [<span>4</span>]. The second meaning is of course the one that is used today.</p><p>If the word “antibodies” designates <i>what can bind to bodies</i>, the word “antigens” therefore does not designate <i>the bodies to which antibodies bind</i>. It designates <i>the bodies that can induce the production of antibodies</i>. The chemical notion of interaction between two substances was replaced by the biological notion of stimulation/response. Indeed, it is in response to a stimulation by an antigen that the organism produces antibodies against this antigen. “Anti” does not have the same meaning In the word “antigen” and in the word “antibody.” In “antigen,” it implies no affinity, no binding, no antagonism. It is nothing but an abbreviation that stands for “antibody.” As for “gen,” it means “which generates.” Therefore, if an antibody is a molecule that can bind to an antigen, an antigen is a molecule that can induce the production of an antibody. Why so much confusion?</p><p>The situation was indeed confusing at the beginning of the 20th century. The property of antibodies to bind to antigens was inferred rather than observed. Its consequences were easier to see than binding itself. Antibodies were therefore commonly named after their biological activities. Besides antitoxins that neutralized toxins, “bacteriolysins” dissolved bacteria, “agglutinins” agglutinated particular antigens such as bacteria or erythrocytes, “precipitins” made soluble antigens precipitate at the bottom of test tubes, “hemolysins” (from the Greek <i>haima</i>, blood) induced the lysis of red blood cells, “opsonins” (from the Greek <i>opson</i>, which prepares food) enabled the phagocytosis of particulate antigens, and we keep talking of “cold agglutinins” in medical practice. Antibodies were what they did. However, since antibodies could <i>act</i> on <i>specific</i> antigens, they could also be named by their specificity: anti-tetanus antibodies, anti-ovalbumin antibodies, autoantibodies, anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, etc., irrespectively of their biological properties. The word “antibody” started to mean both antigen-specific and biologically active molecules when two scientific issues were clarified. The first issue was raised by Ehrlich himself: How could one explain the infinite (or almost) number of possible antibodies if there are specific antibodies for all antigens and if the number of antigens is infinite (or almost)? The second issue was as follows: How could antibodies have so many biological activities? Are these activities those of one antibody that can exert many, or those of many antibodies that can exert, each, one only?</p><p>The first issue, that is, that of the diversity of antibodies and of their generation was clarified first by Macfarlane Burnet's clonal selection theory in the 1950s [<span>9</span>], then by the elucidation of the genetic mechanisms at the origin of antibody diversity by Susumu Tonegawa in the early 1980s [<span>10</span>]. This issue is not the subject of this volume. The second issue, namely, the cellular and molecular bases of the effector functions of antibodies, is. It took a long time, and many investigations led independently by several groups worldwide for this issue to be progressively clarified. What was found is that most effector functions of antibodies are not those of antibodies themselves. They are those of effector systems that antibodies use when they act. Effector systems are of two kinds: molecules and cells. Molecules used by antibodies are primarily those of the complement system. Cells used by antibodies are primarily those of the myeloid lineage. The involvement of both molecules and cells depends on the Fc portion of antibodies. Via their Fc portion, antibodies can bind to complement components in solution, to Fc Receptors (FcRs) expressed by myeloid cells and, when bound to complement components, to complement receptors (CRs). Altogether, complement, FcR- and CR-expressing cells can exert numerous actions on antigens recognized by the Fab portions of antibodies. The result of Fab-mediated antigen recognition and Fc-mediated activation of effector mechanisms is a wide array of biological effects that affect a variety of antigen-bearing molecules, cells, or organisms. Some effects are protective whereas others are pathogenic; others are neither protective nor pathological, but regulatory (Figure 1).</p><p>The review articles contained in this volume provide in-depth discussions of the right part of Figure 1, that is, of the effector functions of antibodies in health and disease. These 28 reviews are organized in five sections.</p><p>This volume was initially planned to have a sixth section entitled “Antibodies and vaccines” in which knowledge on vaccine-elicited antibodies would have been reviewed. Indeed, with the exception of BCG, the protection conferred by all efficient vaccines depends on antibodies. It would have been interesting to know (1) which isotypes of antibodies are induced by efficient vaccines, which mechanisms they use to protect and against which diseases, and (2) how can one manufacture specific vaccines that induce the desired antibodies at the right time in the right place. One can guess that vaccines against systemic or mucosal, viral, or bacterial infections may not involve the same antibodies and the same effector mechanisms, and that they should be engineered differentially in order to preferentially induce the appropriate antibodies. I was not able to build up this section based on available literature on the subject. The new science of immunity which bloomed at the dawn of the 20th century aimed at explaining protective immunity conferred by Pasteurian vaccines. Immunology described exquisitely specific recognition means and a plethora of powerful effector mechanisms that were integrated in a sophisticated biological system, but how vaccines work remains poorly known, more than one century later.</p><p>I will end by mentioning that 82 authors and coauthors from 14 countries wrote the 28 review articles gathered in this volume. They all played the game proposed by <i>Immunological Reviews</i>, that is, reviewing their own work and thoughts in the context of others' findings rather than providing comprehensive reviews on a subject. As a result, they all collaborated to build a unique collection of original publications written in different styles, in which a variety of points of view on the same topic—including some redundancies that offer different ways of presenting things—complement, comfort, and confront each other.</p><p>The author declares no conflicts of interest.</p>\",\"PeriodicalId\":178,\"journal\":{\"name\":\"Immunological Reviews\",\"volume\":\"328 1\",\"pages\":\"6-12\"},\"PeriodicalIF\":7.5000,\"publicationDate\":\"2024-12-11\",\"publicationTypes\":\"Journal Article\",\"fieldsOfStudy\":null,\"isOpenAccess\":false,\"openAccessPdf\":\"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/imr.13428\",\"citationCount\":\"0\",\"resultStr\":null,\"platform\":\"Semanticscholar\",\"paperid\":null,\"PeriodicalName\":\"Immunological Reviews\",\"FirstCategoryId\":\"3\",\"ListUrlMain\":\"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/imr.13428\",\"RegionNum\":2,\"RegionCategory\":\"医学\",\"ArticlePicture\":[],\"TitleCN\":null,\"AbstractTextCN\":null,\"PMCID\":null,\"EPubDate\":\"\",\"PubModel\":\"\",\"JCR\":\"Q1\",\"JCRName\":\"IMMUNOLOGY\",\"Score\":null,\"Total\":0}","platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Immunological Reviews","FirstCategoryId":"3","ListUrlMain":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/imr.13428","RegionNum":2,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q1","JCRName":"IMMUNOLOGY","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
“抗体”是这些专家的词汇之一,后来成为了通用语言。每个人都知道抗体可以预防传染病,特别是在COVID-19大流行席卷全球之后。几乎每个人都知道抗体是什么样子的。他们拟人化的Y形已经成为大多数免疫学学会的标志。然而,根据经常将血清与疫苗混淆的媒体判断,抗体究竟是什么,并不是每个人都那么清楚。抗体做什么以及它们如何起作用是另一个问题。它们的两只“手臂”都能识别特定抗原,这种众所周知的能力通常被认为足以保护人类;甚至是科学家,有时是免疫学家。无论如何,抗体起到保护作用,当它们具有致病作用时,这些都被视为靶向错误(如过敏性和自身免疫性疾病)或附带损害(如炎症性疾病)的不幸后果。抗体也是众所周知的工具。由于其精致的特异性,抗体已被证明是无与伦比的诊断工具,它们被用于所有医学学科和其他领域采用的各种技术。由于其强大的生物学特性,抗体越来越多地被用作具有惊人效率的治疗工具。这并不新鲜:抗体在20世纪初拯救了成千上万的白喉儿童和更多的破伤风伤兵,当时抗体只是免疫血清中难以捉摸的物质。它们现在是众所周知的分子,就像昨天致命传染病的血清疗法一样,人源化单克隆抗体为今天预后不良的癌症提供了长期寻求的治疗方法。但也不是没有副作用。但是,抗体可以通过基因工程来增强其预期效果,并减少其不必要的影响。因此,为什么要把另一系列关于这些众所周知的分子的评论文章放在一起?正如其标题所述,本卷的免疫学评论是集中在抗体的效应功能。抗体是具有双重功能的分子:它们不仅能识别抗原;他们也可以采取行动。除了那些专门研究这一课题的免疫学家外,他们对它们是如何做到这一点的知之甚少。然而,抗体是适应性免疫的主要效应器,至少在数量上是这样:10mg /mL的IgG和2-3 mg/mL的IgA在血液中循环,而且更多的抗体存在于组织中,因为全身80%的免疫球蛋白分泌浆细胞产生粘膜IgA。这些抗体如何对付病原体和共生体?它们如何既能预防感染又能耐受微生物而不引起毁灭性的炎症反应?疫苗诱导的抗体如何发挥保护作用?本卷涉及抗体的效应功能,不仅在健康,而且在疾病。虽然抗体可以预防传染病,但它也会导致疾病,而这些疾病并不是免疫系统的错误造成的。识别同一抗原的IgG抗体确实可以同时具有保护性和致病性。IgA抗体有促炎和抗炎两种作用。IgE抗体的致病作用是众所周知的,但其保护作用仍然是假设的。是什么使抗体具有保护性和/或致病性?它们如何保护、治疗、致病,有时还会杀人?人们如何解释如此之多,在某些情况下是相反的影响呢?一种解释是抗体本身没有效应功能。除了捆绑,他们什么也做不了。它们通过Fab“臂”与抗原特异性结合,但它们也通过Fc“腿”与效应系统结合。这样做,它们将抗原带到可以通过各种机制作用于它们的效应物附近。由此可见,抗体的效应功能不是它们的。它们是抗体招募和激活的各种效应器。本卷讨论这些机制,效应物的招募抗体,他们的活化,以及他们对抗原的影响。它的目的是帮助读者理解抗体是如何工作的,它们是如何发挥它们的许多作用的,是好是坏,它们是如何保护的,又是如何使人生病的,它们是如何被使用的,以及如何被调整以达到特定的治疗效果。当保罗·埃利希在1891年创造这个词时,“抗体”的含义还很不清楚。 这些没有人见过的可溶性物质是什么,它们的存在是从免疫动物血清中出现的生物活性推断出来的,它们抵抗致命疾病的能力使它们成为“免疫的灵丹妙药”。“反”和“体”是什么意思,当它们联系在一起形成一个新词时,它们又代表了什么?关于我们今天一直称之为“抗体”的东西,它们告诉了我们什么?1891年,埃利希正在研究北中柴武和埃米尔·冯·贝林刚刚发现的能够预防白喉或破伤风的免疫血清的生物活性。这些疾病最近被证明是由致病细菌分泌的毒素引起的,而抗毒素——一个由Guido Tizzoni和Giuseppina Cattani在1891年4月首次在意大利语中使用的词(antitossine)——存在于免疫动物的血清中,被认为是观察到的保护作用的原因。德语单词“Antikörper”(抗体)来源于anti-toxischer Körper(抗毒体),是埃利希在1891年10月以“抗毒素”[1]为模型创造的。抗毒素是一种作用于毒素的物质(Körper);因此,抗体是对某物起作用的物体。在“抗体”中,“体”最初是一个动作的主体。它指定抗体本身。然而,“体”可以指相反的东西,是抗体作用的对象;换句话说,它可以指定抗原b[4]。“抗体”的含义确实是模棱两可的:它是一种抗(另一)体(当抗体直接针对抗体时,混乱就更严重了。抗体也可以是抗原。今天,“身体”似乎已经失去了它最初的含义,可能是因为我们了解到抗体是一种具有众所周知结构的免疫球蛋白。矛盾的是,当抗体获得物质存在时,它就不再是一个身体,而“身体”现在指的是它作用于什么。抗体是一种抗体。无论身体是什么,“抗体”中的前缀“anti”是什么意思?“抗”包含三个概念:结合性、特异性和拮抗性。首先,埃利希认为,免疫动物血清中存在的抗毒素在与毒素结合时可以中和毒素。他说,“Corpora non agunt nisi fixata”[5],意思是“身体(语料体)如果不结合就不行动”,或者简单地说,“身体必须结合才能行动”。结合是抗毒素中和毒素的必要条件。其次,埃利希理解毒素的中和作用就像碱中和酸一样。然而,与酸碱反应不同,毒素中和是特异性的:抗破伤风毒素中和破伤风毒素,而不是白喉毒素;抗白喉毒素中和白喉毒素,而不是破伤风毒素。早些时候,埃利希研究了有色化学物质染色特定细胞和组织的能力。他认为,纸巾被特别染色的原因是它们拥有“侧链”,特定的污渍可以与之结合。同样,抗毒素可以中和特定的毒素,因为它们与毒素携带的特定侧链结合,就像钥匙只适合特定的锁一样,这样做,它们可以阻止毒素发挥作用。为了说明毒素-抗毒素反应的特异性,埃利希借用了埃米尔·费希尔(Emil Fischer)用来说明酶对底物[7]的特异性的类比。就像钥匙对锁的特异性一样,抗毒素对毒素的特异性可以用空间互补性来解释。因此,抗毒素可以(1)与毒素结合,(2)特异性地与毒素结合,(3)中和它们。“anti”的第三个意思是反对。从字面上看,“中和”是指使物质中性的行为。同样,它指的是酸和碱结合时形成的中性盐。它也表示使某事无效。推而广之,它适用于潜在的有害事物或人,在军事用语中,它意味着杀死敌人。抗毒素使毒素无害。为了解释这一效应,埃利希假设毒素“…与细胞原生质中的某些化学基团结合,[…]而这种化学组合代表了疾病的先决条件和原因”,他称这种化学基团为“毒素受体”(引文中的斜体字来自埃利希的原文)。他得出结论:“原生质中的基团,即细胞受体,一定与免疫动物血清溶液中所含的抗毒素是相同的。”抗毒素是可溶性毒素受体,中和作用是细胞结合受体和可溶性受体对毒素竞争的结果。人们很快注意到,各种各样的身体,包括那些没有毒性的身体,都能产生抗体,就像毒素诱导抗毒素一样:“即使是动物和植物有机体的真正蛋白质物质,不管它们是否有毒性作用,都能产生抗体,”埃利希说。 这种抗体没有需要中和的毒性。然而,他们是针对尸体的。作为毒素,这些“真正的蛋白质物质”有“受体”,它们可以通过这些“受体”起作用(因为非固定体),这些受体可以作为抗体释放,就像毒素受体可以作为抗毒素释放一样。抗体对它们所针对的机体没有直接作用,但它们可以通过与相应的受体争夺同一机体来阻止它们的作用。“抗”在“抗体”和“抗毒素”中有同样的对抗意义,今天的抗体一直针对它们所识别的东西。人们注意到,B细胞的bcr与抗体具有相同的特异性,但它们仅仅是抗原受体,而抗体是直接针对抗原的。抗体就是抗体。因此,特异性抗体可以针对大量分子中的任何一种,无论是来自微生物还是来自正常细胞,无论有毒还是无毒,都可以针对各种各样的身体。在通用名称“抗体”之后,通用名称“抗原”开始被用来统称抗体可以针对的所有实体。这个词最早是由Ladislas Deutsch于1899年在法语中使用的:“物质免疫系统”,即导致“免疫体”形成的物质。在多伊奇看来,免疫机体(抗体)不是免疫反应的结果,而是抗原转化的结果。“免疫原性物质或抗原”:抗原是可以产生抗体的物质。后缀“gen”既可以表示“纤维蛋白原”中某物的起源,也可以表示“病原体”[4]中触发某物产生的物质。第二个意思当然是今天使用的意思。如果说“抗体”这个词指的是能与机体结合的物质,那么“抗原”这个词就不能指抗体所结合的机体。它指的是能够诱导产生抗体的机体。两种物质之间相互作用的化学概念被刺激/反应的生物学概念所取代。事实上,机体正是在受到某种抗原的刺激后才产生针对这种抗原的抗体。“抗”在“抗原”和“抗体”这两个词里的意思不一样在“抗原”中,它意味着没有亲和力,没有结合,没有拮抗作用。它只不过是“抗体”的缩写。至于“gen”,它的意思是“产生”。因此,如果抗体是一种可以与抗原结合的分子,那么抗原就是一种可以诱导抗体产生的分子。为什么会有这么多困惑?20世纪初的情况确实令人困惑。抗体与抗原结合的特性是推断出来的,而不是观察到的。它的后果比约束自己更容易看到。因此,抗体通常以其生物活性来命名。除了中和毒素的抗毒素外,“细菌溶素”溶解细菌,“凝集素”凝集细菌或红细胞等特定抗原,“沉淀素”使可溶性抗原在试管底部沉淀,“溶血素”(来自希腊语haima,血液)诱导红细胞溶解,“调理素”(来自希腊语opson,准备食物)使颗粒抗原能够吞噬,我们在医疗实践中一直在谈论“冷凝集素”。抗体就是它们的作用。然而,由于抗体可以作用于特定抗原,因此也可以根据其特异性来命名:抗破伤风抗体、抗卵清蛋白抗体、自身抗体、抗sars - cov -2抗体等,而不考虑其生物学特性。当两个科学问题得到澄清时,“抗体”一词开始意味着抗原特异性和生物活性分子。第一个问题是由埃利希自己提出的:如果所有抗原都有特异性抗体,并且抗原的数量是无限的(或几乎),那么人们如何解释可能的抗体数量是无限的(或几乎)?第二个问题是:抗体怎么会有这么多的生物活性?这些活动是一种抗体可以发挥多种作用,还是许多抗体只能发挥一种作用?第一个问题,即抗体的多样性及其产生的问题,首先由20世纪50年代麦克法兰·伯内特(Macfarlane Burnet)的克隆选择理论([9])阐明,然后由20世纪80年代初Susumu Tonegawa对抗体多样性起源的遗传机制的阐明[9]。这个问题不是本卷的主题。第二个问题,即抗体效应功能的细胞和分子基础,是。这个问题花了很长时间,由世界各地的几个小组独立领导了许多调查,才逐渐得到澄清。 结果发现,抗体的大多数效应功能并不是抗体本身的功能。它们是抗体作用时使用的效应系统。效应系统有两种:分子和细胞。抗体使用的分子主要是补体系统的分子。抗体使用的细胞主要是髓系细胞。分子和细胞的参与取决于抗体的Fc部分。通过它们的Fc部分,抗体可以与溶液中的补体成分结合,与髓细胞表达的Fc受体(FcRs)结合,当与补体成分结合时,与补体受体(CRs)结合。总之,补体、表达FcR和表达cr的细胞可以对抗体Fab部分识别的抗原发挥多种作用。fab介导的抗原识别和fc介导的效应机制激活的结果是一系列广泛的生物效应,影响各种抗原携带分子、细胞或生物体。有些影响是保护性的,而另一些则是致病性的;其他的既不是保护性的,也不是病理性的,而是调节性的(图1)。本卷中包含的评论文章对图1的右侧部分进行了深入的讨论,即抗体在健康和疾病中的效应功能。这28篇评论分为五个部分。本卷最初计划有题为“抗体和疫苗”的第六节,其中将审查关于疫苗引起的抗体的知识。事实上,除了卡介苗外,所有有效疫苗的保护作用都取决于抗体。如果能知道(1)有效的疫苗能诱导出哪些同型抗体,它们用来保护和对抗哪些疾病的机制是什么,以及(2)如何制造出特定的疫苗,在正确的时间、正确的地点诱导出所需的抗体,那将是一件很有趣的事情。人们可以猜测,针对全身或粘膜、病毒或细菌感染的疫苗可能不涉及相同的抗体和相同的效应机制,它们应该被不同地设计,以便优先诱导适当的抗体。我无法根据关于这个主题的现有文献来建立这一部分。20世纪初兴起的新的免疫科学旨在解释巴氏杆菌疫苗所产生的保护性免疫。免疫学精确地描述了特定的识别手段和大量强大的效应机制,这些机制被整合到一个复杂的生物系统中,但一个多世纪过去了,疫苗的工作原理仍然鲜为人知。最后,我将提及来自14个国家的82位作者和合著者撰写了本卷中收集的28篇评论文章。他们都玩了《免疫学评论》提出的游戏,即在别人的发现的背景下回顾自己的工作和想法,而不是对一个主题提供全面的评论。因此,他们都合作建立了一个独特的收集不同风格的原始出版物,其中对同一主题的各种观点-包括一些提供不同呈现方式的冗余-相互补充,安慰和对抗。作者声明无利益冲突。
“Antibody” is one of those specialists' words that became common language. Everyone knows that antibodies protect against infectious diseases, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world. Everyone, or almost, even knows what antibodies look like. Their anthropomorphic Y shape has become an iconic symbol that most societies of immunology have included in their logo. What antibodies actually are, however, is not so clear in everyone's mind, as judged by media which often confuse serum with vaccine. What antibodies do and how they work is another question. Their well-known ability to recognize specific antigens with each of their two “arms” is often thought to be enough to protect; even by scientists, sometimes by immunologists. Whatever how, antibodies protect, and when they have pathogenic effects, these are viewed as the unfortunate consequences of targeting errors such as in allergic and autoimmune diseases, or collateral damages such as in inflammatory diseases.
Antibodies are also well known as tools. Due to their exquisite specificity, antibodies have proven unrivaled diagnostic tools and they are used in a variety of techniques adopted by all medical disciplines and beyond. Due to their powerful biological properties, antibodies have been increasingly used as therapeutic tools with amazing efficiencies. This is not new: antibodies saved thousands of children from diphtheria and many more wounded soldiers from tetanus at the beginning of the 20th century, when they were nothing but elusive substances in immune serum. They are well-known molecules now and, as serum therapy for deadly infectious diseases yesterday, humanized monoclonal antibodies have provided long-sought cures for cancers with a poor prognosis today. Not without side effects, though. But antibodies can be engineered genetically to enhance their expected effects and to decrease their unwanted effects.
Why, therefore, put together another series of review articles on such well-known molecules? As stated in its title, this volume of Immunological Reviews is focused on the effector functions of antibodies. Antibodies are bi-functional molecules: They can not only recognize antigens; they can also act on them. How they do so is poorly known by immunologists, except those who work specifically on the subject. Yet, antibodies are the main effectors of adaptive immunity, at least quantitatively: 10 mg/mL IgG and 2–3 mg/mL IgA circulate in the blood stream—and much more are present in tissues since 80% immunoglobulin-secreting plasma cells of the whole body produce mucosal IgA. How do these antibodies deal with pathogens and commensals? How can they both prevent infections and tolerate microbiotas without inducing devastating inflammatory reactions? How antibodies induced by vaccines exert their protective effects?
This volume deals with the effector functions of antibodies not only in health, but also in disease. If they protect against infectious disease, antibodies can also cause diseases, and these do not result from mistakes of the immune system. IgG antibodies that recognize the same antigen can indeed be both protective and pathogenic. IgA antibodies can have both pro- and anti-inflammatory effects. The pathogenic role of IgE antibodies is well known, but their protective role remains hypothetic. What makes antibodies protective and/or pathogenic? How can they protect, cure, make sick, and sometimes kill? How can one explain so many, in some cases opposite, effects?
One explanation is that antibodies have no effector functions per se. They can do nothing but bind. They bind specifically to antigens via their Fab “arms,” but they bind also to effector systems via their Fc “leg.” Doing so, they bring antigens close to effectors that can act on them by a variety of mechanisms. It follows that the effector functions of antibodies are not theirs. They are those of a variety of effectors that antibodies recruit and activate. This volume discusses these mechanisms, the recruitment of effectors by antibodies, their activation, and their effects on antigen. Its purpose is to help the reader understand how antibodies work, how they can exert their many effects, for better and for worse, how they can protect and how they can make sick, how they can be used too, and tailored to achieve specific therapeutic effects.
When Paul Ehrlich forged the word in 1891 [1], the meaning of “antibody” was far from clear. What were these soluble substances that nobody had seen, whose existence was inferred from biological activities that appeared in the serum of immunized animals, and whose ability to protect against deadly diseases made them “the magic bullets of immunity” [2]? What did “anti” and “body” mean and what did they designate when they were associated to form a new word? What do they tell us today of what we keep calling “antibodies”?
In 1891, Ehrlich was studying the biological activities of immune sera that Shibasaburō Kitasato and Emil von Behring had just found to protect against diphtheria or tetanus [3]. These diseases had recently been shown to be caused by toxins secreted by the responsible bacteria, and antitoxins—a word first used in Italian (antitossine) by Guido Tizzoni and Giuseppina Cattani in April 1891—present in the serum of immunized animals were thought to account for the observed protection. The German word “Antikörper” (antibody)—derived from anti-toxischer Körper (anti-toxic body)—was coined by Ehrlich in October 1891 on the model of “antitoxin” [1]. An antitoxin was a body (Körper) that acted on a toxin; an antibody was therefore a body that acted on something. In “antibody,” “body” was initially the subject of an action. It designated the antibody itself. Yet, “body” could designate the opposite and be the object on which an antibody acts; in other words, it could designate an antigen [4]. The meaning of “antibody” was indeed ambiguous: It was a body anti-(another) body (The confusion was even worse when antibodies were directed against antibodies. Antibodies can be antigenns too…). Today, “body” seems to have lost its initial meaning, possibly because we learnt that an antibody is an immunoglobulin with a well-known structure. Paradoxically, an antibody stopped being a body when it acquired a material existence, and “body” designates now what it acts on. An antibody is an anti-body.
Whatever the body, what does the prefix “anti” mean in “antibody”? “Anti” combines three notions: binding, specificity, and antagonism. First of all, Ehrlich thought that antitoxins present in the serum of immunized animals neutralized toxins when binding to them. “Corpora non agunt nisi fixata” [5], he said, which translates “bodies (corpora) do not act if they do not bind” or simply “bodies must bind in order to act.” Binding was necessary for antitoxins to neutralize toxins.
Second, Ehrlich understood the neutralization of a toxin like the neutralization of an acid by a base. Unlike the acid–base reaction, however, toxin neutralization was specific: anti-tetanus toxin neutralized tetanus toxin but not diphtheria toxin, and anti-diphtheria toxin neutralized diphtheria toxin but not tetanus toxin. Earlier, Ehrlich had studied the ability of colored chemicals to stain specific cells and tissues. The reason why tissues were specifically stained, he thought, was that they possessed “side chains,” to which specific stains could bind. Likewise, antitoxins could neutralize specific toxins because they bound to specific side chains borne by these toxins as a key fits in a specific lock only, and doing so, they prevented toxins from acting [6]. To illustrate the specificity of the toxin–antitoxin reaction, Ehrlich borrowed the analogy used by Emil Fischer to illustrate the specificity of enzymes for their substrates [7]. Like the specificity of a key for a lock, that of antitoxins for toxins was explained by a spatial complementarity.
Antitoxins could therefore (1) bind, (2) specifically to toxins, and doing so, (3) neutralize them. The third meaning of “anti” is against. Literally, “to neutralize” means the act of making a substance neutral. Again, it refers to acids and bases that form neutral salts when they combine. It also means to render something ineffective. By extension, it applies to potentially harmful things or persons, and in military parlance, it means to kill when applied to enemies. Antitoxins render toxins harmless. To explain this effect, Ehrlich hypothesized that toxins, “… unite with certain chemical groupings in the protoplasm of cells, […] and that this chemical union represents the prerequisite and cause of the disease” [6], and he called such chemical groupings “poison receptors” (Italics in citations were in Ehrlich's original text). He concluded “that the group in the protoplasm, the cellular receptor, must be identical to the antitoxin which is contained in solution in the serum of immunized animals” [6]. Antitoxins were soluble toxin receptors, and neutralization was the result of a competition between cell-bound and soluble receptors for the toxin.
It was soon noticed that all kinds of bodies including those that had no toxicity could induce antibodies as toxins induced antitoxins: “Even the genuine protein substances of animal and plant organisms are able, irrespective of whether they have a toxic effect or not, to produce antibodies,” Ehrlich said [6]. Such antibodies had no toxicity to neutralize. They were nevertheless directed against bodies. As toxins, these “genuine protein substances” had “receptors” through which they could act (because corpora non agunt nisi fixata), and these receptors could be released as antibodies, in the same way as toxin receptors could be released as antitoxins. Antibodies had no direct effect on the bodies against which they were directed, but they could prevent their action by competing with corresponding receptors for the same bodies. “Anti” had the same antagonistic meaning in “antibody” and in “antitoxin,” and today's antibodies keep being directed against what they recognize. One notices that B cells' BCRs from which they derive have the same specificity as antibodies, but they are merely antigen receptors, whereas antibodies are directed against antigen. Antibodies are definitely antibodies.
Thus, specific antibodies could be directed against any of a large number of molecules, whether from microbes or from normal cells, whether toxic or not toxic, against a variety of bodies. After the general name “antibody,” the general name “antigen” started to be used to designate collectively all these bodies against which antibodies can be directed. The term was first used in French by Ladislas Deutsch in 1899 [8]: “Substances immunogènes ou antigènes,” that is, substances that lead to the formation of “immune bodies.” In Deutsch's mind, immune bodies (antibodies) were not the result of an immune response, but that of the transformation of antigens. “Immunogenic substances or antigens”: an antigen was what could generate antibodies. The suffix “gen” can indeed mean either what is at the origin of something such as in “fibrinogen,” or what triggers the production of something such as in “pathogen” [4]. The second meaning is of course the one that is used today.
If the word “antibodies” designates what can bind to bodies, the word “antigens” therefore does not designate the bodies to which antibodies bind. It designates the bodies that can induce the production of antibodies. The chemical notion of interaction between two substances was replaced by the biological notion of stimulation/response. Indeed, it is in response to a stimulation by an antigen that the organism produces antibodies against this antigen. “Anti” does not have the same meaning In the word “antigen” and in the word “antibody.” In “antigen,” it implies no affinity, no binding, no antagonism. It is nothing but an abbreviation that stands for “antibody.” As for “gen,” it means “which generates.” Therefore, if an antibody is a molecule that can bind to an antigen, an antigen is a molecule that can induce the production of an antibody. Why so much confusion?
The situation was indeed confusing at the beginning of the 20th century. The property of antibodies to bind to antigens was inferred rather than observed. Its consequences were easier to see than binding itself. Antibodies were therefore commonly named after their biological activities. Besides antitoxins that neutralized toxins, “bacteriolysins” dissolved bacteria, “agglutinins” agglutinated particular antigens such as bacteria or erythrocytes, “precipitins” made soluble antigens precipitate at the bottom of test tubes, “hemolysins” (from the Greek haima, blood) induced the lysis of red blood cells, “opsonins” (from the Greek opson, which prepares food) enabled the phagocytosis of particulate antigens, and we keep talking of “cold agglutinins” in medical practice. Antibodies were what they did. However, since antibodies could act on specific antigens, they could also be named by their specificity: anti-tetanus antibodies, anti-ovalbumin antibodies, autoantibodies, anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, etc., irrespectively of their biological properties. The word “antibody” started to mean both antigen-specific and biologically active molecules when two scientific issues were clarified. The first issue was raised by Ehrlich himself: How could one explain the infinite (or almost) number of possible antibodies if there are specific antibodies for all antigens and if the number of antigens is infinite (or almost)? The second issue was as follows: How could antibodies have so many biological activities? Are these activities those of one antibody that can exert many, or those of many antibodies that can exert, each, one only?
The first issue, that is, that of the diversity of antibodies and of their generation was clarified first by Macfarlane Burnet's clonal selection theory in the 1950s [9], then by the elucidation of the genetic mechanisms at the origin of antibody diversity by Susumu Tonegawa in the early 1980s [10]. This issue is not the subject of this volume. The second issue, namely, the cellular and molecular bases of the effector functions of antibodies, is. It took a long time, and many investigations led independently by several groups worldwide for this issue to be progressively clarified. What was found is that most effector functions of antibodies are not those of antibodies themselves. They are those of effector systems that antibodies use when they act. Effector systems are of two kinds: molecules and cells. Molecules used by antibodies are primarily those of the complement system. Cells used by antibodies are primarily those of the myeloid lineage. The involvement of both molecules and cells depends on the Fc portion of antibodies. Via their Fc portion, antibodies can bind to complement components in solution, to Fc Receptors (FcRs) expressed by myeloid cells and, when bound to complement components, to complement receptors (CRs). Altogether, complement, FcR- and CR-expressing cells can exert numerous actions on antigens recognized by the Fab portions of antibodies. The result of Fab-mediated antigen recognition and Fc-mediated activation of effector mechanisms is a wide array of biological effects that affect a variety of antigen-bearing molecules, cells, or organisms. Some effects are protective whereas others are pathogenic; others are neither protective nor pathological, but regulatory (Figure 1).
The review articles contained in this volume provide in-depth discussions of the right part of Figure 1, that is, of the effector functions of antibodies in health and disease. These 28 reviews are organized in five sections.
This volume was initially planned to have a sixth section entitled “Antibodies and vaccines” in which knowledge on vaccine-elicited antibodies would have been reviewed. Indeed, with the exception of BCG, the protection conferred by all efficient vaccines depends on antibodies. It would have been interesting to know (1) which isotypes of antibodies are induced by efficient vaccines, which mechanisms they use to protect and against which diseases, and (2) how can one manufacture specific vaccines that induce the desired antibodies at the right time in the right place. One can guess that vaccines against systemic or mucosal, viral, or bacterial infections may not involve the same antibodies and the same effector mechanisms, and that they should be engineered differentially in order to preferentially induce the appropriate antibodies. I was not able to build up this section based on available literature on the subject. The new science of immunity which bloomed at the dawn of the 20th century aimed at explaining protective immunity conferred by Pasteurian vaccines. Immunology described exquisitely specific recognition means and a plethora of powerful effector mechanisms that were integrated in a sophisticated biological system, but how vaccines work remains poorly known, more than one century later.
I will end by mentioning that 82 authors and coauthors from 14 countries wrote the 28 review articles gathered in this volume. They all played the game proposed by Immunological Reviews, that is, reviewing their own work and thoughts in the context of others' findings rather than providing comprehensive reviews on a subject. As a result, they all collaborated to build a unique collection of original publications written in different styles, in which a variety of points of view on the same topic—including some redundancies that offer different ways of presenting things—complement, comfort, and confront each other.
Immunological Reviews is a specialized journal that focuses on various aspects of immunological research. It encompasses a wide range of topics, such as clinical immunology, experimental immunology, and investigations related to allergy and the immune system.
The journal follows a unique approach where each volume is dedicated solely to a specific area of immunological research. However, collectively, these volumes aim to offer an extensive and up-to-date overview of the latest advancements in basic immunology and their practical implications in clinical settings.