Effect of intercropping apple trees with basil (Ocimum basilicum) or French marigold (Tagetes patula) on the rosy apple aphid regulation (Dysaphis plantaginea) and the abundance of its natural enemies.
Background: In a global context of pesticide reduction, the sustainable management of aphids is a major challenge in maintaining economically viable fruit production. Intercropping with companion plants (CPs) that emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with repellent or attractive properties could be successful in the laboratory. Still, their effects on the orchard have been little documented. We tested in 2018 and 2019 the hypotheses that the introduction of basil or French marigold, decreases the populations of Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini, the rosy apple aphid (RAA) and increases the abundance of its natural enemies (NEs) in an apple orchard in the south of France.
Results: Laboratory tests confirmed that both CPs altered RAA reproduction performance. In orchards, they attracted more NEs around the pots and at some dates in the aphid colonies near the pots in both years (apart from basil in 2019), without a significant reduction in aphid populations in 2018. In contrast, in 2019, the number and spatial expansion of aphid colonies were significantly lower, close to basil.
Pest Management Science is the international journal of research and development in crop protection and pest control. Since its launch in 1970, the journal has become the premier forum for papers on the discovery, application, and impact on the environment of products and strategies designed for pest management.
Published for SCI by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.