{"title":"马克思关于资本主义政治变革的三种不同概念:直接民主、无产阶级革命或无产阶级领导下的自治","authors":"Can Mert Kökerer","doi":"10.1111/1467-8675.12741","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>Scholars have interpreted Marx's conception of political change within the framework of his critique of capitalist society in myriad ways. Three main interpretations have prevailed in Marx scholarship in the last few decades with regard to his conception of political change under capitalism. The first interpretation, which is epitomized by Althusser's (<span>1965</span>) division of Marx's intellectual development into an early and late period, claims that his earlier philosophical and radical democratic analyses give place to a more scientific conception of capitalist society (see Cantin, <span>2003</span>). The philosophical and ideological interests of the Young Marx, which provides “a radical-democratic interpretation” (Habermas, <span>1989</span>, p. 126), according to this understanding, are superseded by the scientific and materialistic analyses of the Old Marx. Whereas the Young Marx entertains the possibility of achieving human emancipation through radical democratic politics, they highlight “the incompatibility of such writings with the historical insights and doctrines of the mature Marx” (Krancberg, <span>1982</span>, p. 23). From the second half of the 19th century, they claim, Marx no longer pays attention to those political concepts and philosophical questions influenced by Aristotle, Rousseau, and Hegel, but is rather interested in providing a scientific analysis and critique of the capitalist mode of production for revolutionary communist politics.</p><p>The second and third groups of scholars directly oppose this division of Marx into an early and late period through the Althusserian concept of epistemological break, although their emphases on the development of his conception of political change under capitalism diverge significantly. The main argument of the second group (Avineri, <span>1968</span>; Draper, <span>1974</span>; Femia, <span>1993</span>; Fromm, <span>1961</span>; Grollios, <span>2011</span>; Springborg, <span>1984a</span>, <span>1984b</span>) is that Marx's earlier notion of democracy as the locus of human freedom is to a large extent encompassed by his later understanding of communism. They stress that “in his Critique of Hegel, what Marx terms ‘democracy’ is not fundamentally different from what he will later call ‘communism’” (Femia, <span>1993</span>, p. 70). Rather than finding an epistemological break in Marx's earlier and later writings, they claim that “in spite of certain changes in concepts, in mood, in language” (Fromm, <span>1961</span>, p. 79), the mid-1840s onward, Marx uses very similar terms with his earlier account of democracy to describe what communism would look like after the overthrow of capitalist society. They go as far as to maintain that “the Communist Manifesto is immanent in the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 34). Thus, there occurs only a change in the terminology he employs during this period “in the direction of defining consistent democracy in socialist terms, and consistent socialism in democratic terms” (Draper, <span>1974</span>, p. 102).</p><p>The last group of scholars (Abensour, <span>2011</span>; Bidet, <span>2001</span>; Chrysis, <span>2018</span>; Cohen, <span>1985</span>; Doveton, <span>1994</span>; Garo, <span>2001</span>; Hunt, <span>1974</span>; Kouvelakis, <span>2001</span>; Levin, <span>1989</span>; Mercer, <span>1980</span>; Mostov, <span>1989</span>; Niemi, <span>2010</span>; O'Malley, <span>1970</span>; Rubel, <span>1983</span>; Schumpeter, <span>1942</span>), in turn, agree with the second group's critique of the Young–Old Marx thesis; but they diverge on the terms of the transition from his understanding of democracy to communism. As opposed to the former's interpretation of the transition as a terminological issue, they argue that there exists instead a continuity in his understanding of democracy and communism throughout his life. They “emphasize how continuity from his earlier thought provides a framework for understanding Critique of the Gotha Program as consistent with his earlier democratic beliefs” (Niemi, <span>2010</span>, p. 41). His critique of Hegel's conceptualization of monarchy and bureaucracy in 1843, through which he arrives at the idea of democracy as the locus of human freedom, is interpreted as a precursor to his more developed understanding of human freedom, which would be realized under communism as a result of the revolutionary agency of the proletariat. They maintain that “what they [Marx and Engels] envisaged for the future society, from its very beginning, was a kind of participatory democracy” (Hunt, <span>1974</span>, p. XIII). According to them, the transition does not occur in his terminological uses but rather signifies an expansion of his earlier understanding in conjunction with his intellectual development amid sociopolitical changes in Europe and beyond. Thus, the transition involves “a switch in Marx's choice of subject matter” (Doveton, <span>1994</span>, p. 564), which in turn expands his earlier understanding of human freedom under democracy toward more elaborate conceptualizations of proletarian revolution and communism.</p><p>This article demonstrates that these dominant interpretations of Marx's understanding of political change under capitalism have failed to trace the development of Marx's political thinking throughout his intellectual life. As opposed to the first interpretation's breaking of Marx's lifetime into an early and late period, this article argues that this philosophical versus scientific division of Marx does not capture the persistence of his lifelong interest in what Koselleck (<span>1985</span>) calls “the makeability of politics” in conjunction with the critique of capitalist society. By distinguishing “human action from what actually occurs in the long term” (Koselleck, <span>1985</span>, p. 208) in terms of socioeconomic changes, Marx foregrounds the necessity to be attentive and responsive to ongoing sociopolitical transformations to envision political change under capitalism. Thus, Marx does not arrive at an ultimate, scientific conception of political change, unlike what the first interpretation posits, but rather conceives of political change as dependent on historical context. As Carver (<span>2018</span>) demonstrates, it is necessary to take into account Marx's “activist context” in his sometimes collaborative and sometimes conflictual relationship with other political actors of his time such as the liberals to have a more sophisticated understanding of his own politics. Here, the other two interpretations seem to implicitly or explicitly assume the preponderance of political change in Marx's theoretical thinking throughout his life. On the one hand, the second interpretation asserts that Marx starts off with an understanding of political change in the form of participatory democracy, which remains more or less the same despite the terminological changes in the direction of communism. The third one, on the other hand, argues for a continuous expansion of Marx's conception of political change that arrives at the ultimate form of proletarian revolution to achieve communism. However, neither the former, which asserts a more or less invariant conception of political change by Marx, nor the latter, which emphasizes Marx's arrival at an ultimate understanding of political change, grasps the peculiarity of the transformations of Marx's conception of political change under capitalism. As a response, this article argues that Marx neither starts off with nor arrives at an ultimate understanding of political change that would be valid and applicable to all historical moments independent of the context.</p><p>This article presents Marx's three different conceptions of political change under capitalism. It reveals the transformations of Marx's understanding of political change from his earliest treatment of Hegel's <i>Philosophy of Right</i> through his analyses of the 19th-century revolutions in France to his later <i>Critique of the Gotha Program</i> (<span>1972a</span>) of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. First, in <i>Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right</i> (<span>1970</span>), Marx conceptualizes the people as the political agent <i>par excellence</i> who would bring about and sustain human freedom in a democratic form of government. Drawing on the Athenian model of democracy in which the common people directly participate in political institutions, Marx hints at the supersession of the centralized state through democratic takeover and repurposing of the existing order.</p><p>Second, starting from the winter of 1843/1844, Marx no longer considers the people as the agent for achieving human freedom. In <i>On the Jewish Question</i> (<span>1972b</span>) and <i>Introduction to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right</i> (<span>1972c</span>), Marx ceases to consider the people's political agency under democracy as the locus of human freedom. Through the introduction of the concept of revolution to describe the transition from capitalist to communist society, Marx emphasizes the revolutionary agency of the proletariat. This reorientation toward revolution rather than political institutions culminates in a programmatic statement in <i>The German Ideology</i> (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>) in which he, along with Engels, argues that the proletariat would emancipate the whole society and put an end to human estrangement and exploitation of one class by another one. His exposition of the revolutionary agency of the proletariat constitutes the core of his arguments in <i>The Communist Manifesto</i> (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>) as well as his historical writings about the sociopolitical changes in France (e.g., <i>Class Struggles in France 1848–1850</i> (1964); <i>The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte</i> (1963)) and <i>Capital</i> (1976). Marx's critique of capitalist society points to the possibility of overcoming the inner contradictions of the capitalist mode of production, along with the exploitation of the working class by capitalists, through the revolutionary action of the proletariat. Accordingly, he conceives of the proletariat as the bearer of human freedom for all individuals in capitalist society whose struggle against the exploitative system would result in, first, the expropriation of capitalists and then the creation of a communist society in which equality, solidarity, and human creativity would flourish.</p><p>Finally, the emergence of the Paris Commune in 1871 marks a significant transformation in Marx's understanding of political change under capitalism. Unlike his earlier imagination of communism achieved via the revolutionary action of the proletariat, soon after the establishment of the Commune, he begins exploring the potential of participatory democracy to realize communism. Although he continues to talk about the working class as the leader of the Communards during the spring of 1871, he no longer foregrounds its revolutionary agency at the cost of popular participation in self-government. The creation of a plethora of participatory institutional mechanisms as well as experimentations with novel conceptions of citizenship, gender equality, political accountability, and local autonomy by the Communards pushes him to reconsider political change as no longer springing from the revolutionary action of the proletariat, but rather the direct participation of the common people in self-government via institutional mechanisms under the leadership of the proletariat. The proletariat no longer in itself forms a revolutionary agent; instead, it attains an elected, responsible, and revocable leadership position in the process of collective self-government, which would create communism thanks to its emerging institutional structure based on popular participation.</p><p>As a result, Marx initially conceptualizes the people as the emancipatory agent of a given state based on the Athenian model of democracy against the monarch and bureaucratic administration. Later, he emphasizes the revolutionary agency of the proletariat to bring about communism through the centralized control of the state apparatus and public ownership of the means of production. However, following the Paris Commune, Marx reconceptualizes political change as springing from the common people's participation in self-government under the elected, responsible, and revocable leadership of the proletariat.</p><p>In <i>Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right</i>, Marx directly confronts Hegel's understanding of the monarch as the sovereign of the state as opposed to the sovereignty of the people “based on the wild idea of ‘the people’” (Hegel, <span>1952</span>, p. 183). Here, the issue of representation constitutes the core of Marx's critique. He argues that the monarch “is sovereign in so far as he represents the unity of the people, and thus he is himself merely a representative, a symbol of the sovereignty of the people” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 28). In sharp contrast with Hegel, “Marx opts for thinking the political realm from the perspective of the sovereignty of the people” (Abensour, <span>2011</span>, p. 48). Thus, the monarch cannot be the actual sovereign of the state, since his position as the monarch is due to the sovereignty of the people, i.e., he only represents the people's sovereignty.</p><p>It is within this framework of conceptualizing popular sovereignty as opposed to monarchical sovereignty that Marx develops his idea of democracy and “undertakes a quite passionate defense of democracy” (Springborg, <span>1984b</span>, p. 48). True democracy (<i>wahre Demokratie</i>), according to Marx, is the only true form of government in the sense that the people, i.e., “the whole Demos” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 29), determine its own political constitution.<sup>1</sup> Unlike the monarchical form of government in which the individual in civil society belongs to the political constitution that is determined by the monarch, in democracy “the constitution not only in itself, according to essence, but according to existence and actuality is returned to its real ground, actual man, the actual people, and established as its own work” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, pp. 29–30). In a true democracy, popular sovereignty “must be constitutive, constitutional in the full sense of the term<sup>2</sup>” (Raulet, <span>2001</span>, p. 9). Thus, true democracy is “that state of society in which the individual is no longer juxtaposed against society” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 34). It signifies a “full reconstruction of social and political life<sup>3</sup>” (Kouvelakis, <span>2001</span>, p. 17). Marx views democracy as that form of government in which the people realize their political agency by creating their own particular constitution and mode of government, which is based on “human existence, while in the other political forms, man has only legal existence” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 30). For Marx, “only democracy can satisfy universalist needs” (Levin, <span>1989</span>, p. 16) of human beings.</p><p>The individual in democracy does not have a dual existence in the separated form of the political community and civil society. The political individual has no longer “his particular and separate existence beside the unpolitical, private man” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, pp. 30–31) as they do in monarchical or republican forms of government. Thus, “in true democracy the political state disappears [<i>der politische Staat untergehe</i>]” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, pp. 30–31), and the political constitution signifies the self-determination of the people.</p><p>Here, it is important to note that when Marx talks about democracy in opposition to monarchy, he has in mind the ancient Athenian (Abensour, <span>2011</span>, p. 33) and, to a lesser extent, Roman experiences with self-government (see de Ste. Croix (<span>1975</span>) for a detailed discussion of Marx's engagement with Athenian and Roman histories). He maintains that these ancient people “were the sovereign people” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 38) who shaped “the content of the state” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 31), unlike the modern state in which there exists a distinction between the political and non-political spheres. Moreover, ancient Athenian and Roman societies did not create bureaucracies, which were prevalent in other ancient societies (e.g., Egypt), and are preponderant in modern society. As Marx states, “no one ever heard of the Greek or Roman statesmen taking an examination” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 51). This is a crucial point for Marx because human emancipation in modern society necessarily requires the abolition (<i>Aufhebung</i>) of bureaucracy. For him, bureaucracy is “the institutional incarnation of political alienation” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 48). As opposed to Hegel's characterization of the bureaucratic class as the universal class, Marx's “anti-bureaucratic impulse” (Abensour, <span>2011</span>, p. 41) reveals that its abolition should happen “through the particular interest really becoming universal” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 58) in the democratic form of government. His understanding of true democracy directly counters “state politics as the profession and privileged exercise of power by bureaucracy in the interest of private proprietors” (Chrysis, <span>2018</span>, p. 180).</p><p>For Marx, only in a democratic form of government in which the people as the sovereign agent actualize their own political constitution and state, human emancipation can be achieved. In democracy, “the governing power, the pratique by which the political universal applies to the social particularity, should not be anything other than the actual expression of the will of the people<sup>4</sup>” (Renault, <span>2001</span>, p. 30). Marx's conceptualization of true democracy “announces the abolition of bureaucracy as a specialized body of political domination and advances citizens’ <i>vita activa</i> through the diffusion of politics throughout the entire social body” (Chrysis, <span>2018</span>, p. 109). The political constitution, which is “a true expression of the people's will” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 58), can only be determined by the political agency of the people, not by the monarch and bureaucratic agents.</p><p>As a result, this Athenian model of self-government and participatory democracy in which the <i>demos</i>, who is selected by lot to one-year term offices, directly participates in the government of the city-state, constitutes the core of Marx's understanding of democracy and political agency. As Hunt (<span>1974</span>, p. 83) stresses, within his discussion on democracy, “no other political structure in the Western tradition so closely resembles Marx's ideal as Periclean Athens.” Instead of being ruled by the bureaucratic class specialized in administrative tasks, this model functions on the basis of amateur citizen participation in government and administrative offices, which precludes bureaucratization. The individual is both part and parcel of the whole, i.e., the <i>demos</i> in the <i>ekklesia</i> (assembly), <i>dikasteria</i> (popular courts), <i>boule</i> (council), and <i>nomothetai</i> (lawmakers), and actively engaged in the day-to-day administration of the city-state. Therefore, Marx's conceptualization of democracy as based on the unity of the universal and the particular seems to be heavily influenced by the ancient model of democracy (Femia, <span>1993</span>, p. 76), which he employs not only to challenge Hegel's understanding of monarchical sovereignty but also to present it as the source of human emancipation. The people's “historical intervention<sup>5</sup>” (Bidet, <span>2001</span>, pp. 75–76) in establishing and sustaining democracy, as opposed to nondemocratic forms of government, would bring about human emancipation in modern society.</p><p>Marx continues his critique of the separation of the political community and civil society in <i>On the Jewish Question</i>. Yet, he replaces the concept of democracy with the concept of species-being (<i>Gattungswesen</i>)<sup>6</sup> in discussing human emancipation. This indicates the beginning of a shift in his conception of political change which over time results in a distinct understanding of political change as emerging from the revolutionary agency of the proletariat, as will be discussed below. In this essay, human emancipation emerges from the abolition of the distinction between the abstract citizen and the egoistic individual. In addition, while he talks about true democracy in general terms in his previous work, here, Marx focuses on the really existing democratic forms of government in the 19th century, i.e., England and the United States, which are conditioned by the separation of the political and private individual, and “exposes the weaknesses and limitations of existing democratic practices” (Pierson, <span>1986</span>, p. 16). Thus, Marx pays attention to the historical context of existing democratic governments as he reorients his conception of political change. Finally, Marx does not talk about a particular emancipatory agent here, but rather describes what human emancipation would look like when the separation of the individual's life into political and civil spheres is negated.</p><p>As a direct consequence of political emancipation from religion, the individual now has a double existence. They act in political life as “the public person,” whereas in civil society they exist in differentiation from the others as “the private person” (Marx, <span>1972b</span>, p. 35). The democratic state is emancipated from religion by “relegat[ing] religion among the other elements of civil society” (Marx, <span>1972b</span>, p. 36) as the private matter of the individual, who practices their own religion “in a profane manner” (Marx, <span>1972b</span>, p. 37). In the democratic state, the individual does not realize their species-being in the real world, but only in the imaginary world of the political community as an abstract citizen. They are completely separated and isolated from others in civil society where they exist in their real life.</p><p>The political revolution that emancipates the state from religion at the same time “regards civil society… as the <i>basis of its own existence</i>, as a self-subsistent <i>precondition</i>, and thus as its <i>natural basis</i>” (Marx, <span>1972b</span>, p. 46). The individual's abstract imagination as a citizen in the political community becomes fully subsumed to their real existence in the form of the egoistic individual, who “is identified with <i>authentic</i> man [<i>eigentlichen</i> Menschen]” (Marx, <span>1972b</span>, p. 46). Whereas they are conceived as a species-being only in imagination as an abstract citizen, their egoistic and isolated existence as a private individual in civil society constitutes their real-life experience. Thus, Marx rejects the idea of political emancipation as the final form of emancipation of the individual. Instead, he insists on the need for human emancipation through the recognition and organization of the individual's “own powers (<i>forces propres</i>) as social powers” (Marx, <span>1972b</span>, p. 46). It is only through the self-realization of the species-being in the real world that human beings can become social beings throughout their actual existence among one another.</p><p>As mentioned above, Marx does not deal with the question of political agency in this work. Yet, he revisits the question of political agency in its relationship with human emancipation in <i>Introduction to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right</i>. His exposure to “the French working class in Paris, where he emigrated shortly after completing the Critique” (O'Malley, <span>1970</span>, p. LIII), facilitates a change in his understanding of emancipatory agency. In addition to his reorientation toward the analysis of the existing forms of democratic government starting from the winter of 1843–1844 after which he arrives at the impossibility of achieving human emancipation within the context of the democratic state, Marx here starts to explore the revolutionary potential of the proletariat as the universal class for human emancipation for the entire humanity. Thus, as soon as he identifies “the proletariat as the agency of liberation early in 1844, Marx ceased to use the term ‘democracy’ as the label for either the political movement or the type of society he favoured” (Levin, <span>1989</span>, p. 18).</p><p>In this work, Marx “develops a problematique which is undeniably irreducible to that of <i>Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right</i><sup>7</sup>” (Renault, <span>2001</span>, p. 24). The main agent for human emancipation now takes the form of a particular class, which “associates and mingles with society at large, identifies itself with it, and is felt and recognized as the <i>general representative</i> [<i>allgemeiner Repräsentant</i>] of this society” (Marx, <span>1972c</span>, p. 62). Marx, “for the first time” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 58), depicts the class war conducted by a particular class, which would bring about human emancipation for the entire society (Ricoeur, <span>1986</span>, p. 26). He argues that “for a <i>popular revolution</i> [<i>Revolution eines Volkes</i>] and the <i>emancipation of a particular class</i> [<i>Emanzipation einer besonderen Klasse</i>] of civil society to coincide, for <i>one</i> class to represent the whole of society, another class must concentrate in itself all the evils of society, a particular class must embody and represent a general obstacle and limitation” (Marx, <span>1972c</span>, p. 63).</p><p>Human emancipation occurs in opposition to and struggle with the oppressing class (<i>der Stand der Unterjochung</i>) through the revolutionary action of the liberating class (<i>der Stand der Befreiung</i>). The latter, which is the proletariat, declares “<i>I am nothing and I should be everything</i> [<i>Ich bin nichts, und ich müßte alles sein</i>]” (Marx, <span>1972c</span>, p. 63) against the bourgeoisie. Through its revolutionary action the proletariat “announces the <i>dissolution of the existing social order</i> [<i>die Auflösung der bisherigen Weltordnung</i>]” (Marx, <span>1972c</span>, p. 65). Marx assigns the proletariat, whose poverty is “<i>artificially produced</i>” (Marx, <span>1972c</span>, p. 64) by the disintegration of society, with the task of abolishing all forms of servitude and bringing about human emancipation for the entire society. Thus, he “sees in the proletariat the contemporary, and final, realization of universality” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 59).</p><p>His understanding of species-being now revolves around the question of alienated, estranged labor (cf. Wood, <span>2004</span>, pp. 18–19), which estranges the individual's conscious life-activity and makes it appear “only as <i>a means to life</i> [<i>Lebensmittel</i>]” (Marx, <span>1972d</span>, p. 76). During the capitalist production process “estranged labour tears from him his <i>species life</i>, his real species objectivity” (Marx, <span>1972d</span>, p. 76). The individual's species-consciousness is “transformed by estrangement in such a way that the species life becomes for him a means” (Marx, <span>1972d</span>, p. 77). Their species-being becomes something alien to the individual, which also leads to their estrangement from other individuals.</p><p>Marx argues that capitalist production results in the alienation, estrangement of the worker whose sole way to achieve emancipation from their servitude is through the revolutionary action of the proletariat. By emancipating the worker from their servitude to capital, the proletarian revolution would bring about not only the workers’ emancipation but also human emancipation. For “the emancipation of the workers contains universal human emancipation—and it contains this, because the whole of human servitude is involved in the relation of the worker to production, and every relation of servitude is but a modification and consequence of this relation” (Marx, <span>1972d</span>, p. 80). Thus, Marx views the possibility for human emancipation in modern society solely through the emancipation of the proletariat from the capitalist production process, which estranges it from its species-being throughout its life-activity.</p><p>He entangles proletarian emancipation with human emancipation, “as the enslavement of the proletariat is paradigmatic to all forms of human unfreedom” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 60). It is through the revolutionary action of the proletariat that communism, which “is the position as the negation of the negation, and is hence the <i>actual</i> [<i>wirkliche</i>] phase necessary for the next stage of historical development in the process of human emancipation and recovery” (Marx, <span>1972d</span>, p. 93), would be established. Once private property and capitalist society are abolished through the proletarian revolution, a new individual in harmony with their species-being and “<i>profoundly endowed with all the senses</i> [tief <i>allsinnigen</i>]” (Marx, <span>1972d</span>, p. 89) in their coexistence with others would begin to arise under communism. Only then “the demands of the proletariat, its interests as universal class, coincide with the actuality of communism which, as the positive abolition of private property, is precisely the catalyst of the new world which is coming into being” (O'Malley, <span>1970</span>, p. LIX).</p><p>Finally, <i>The German Ideology</i> signifies the culmination of Marx's association of the proletariat as the universal class with emancipatory agency. Marx, along with Engels, develops his theory of the proletarian revolution as a result of the tension between the universal development of productive forces and social relations of production. As this tension grows in capitalist societies, “the propertyless mass” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>, pp. 161–162), that is, the proletariat puts an end to the most advanced form of human domination in the guise of the domination of the capitalist class over the working class “by means of a revolution” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>, p. 168). The aim of the proletarian revolution is “the appropriation of a totality of productive forces and in the thus postulated development of a totality of capacities” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>, p. 191), and therefore the creation of universal control over the means of production by all. Through its revolutionary action against capitalists and appropriation of productive forces, “private property comes to an end” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>, p. 192), and the proletariat “succeed[s] in ridding itself of all the much of ages and become fitted to found society anew” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>, pp. 192–193). Here, the direct target of the proletarian revolution is the control of the state which is under the domination of the capitalist class. By “overthrow[ing] the State” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>, p. 200), the proletariat would start building a communist future, which would have human unity and freedom as its basis in shaping the future organization of social relations.</p><p>Marx and Engels in <i>The Communist Manifesto</i> describe the aims of the proletarian movement to overthrow capitalist society and replace it with communism. They discuss to what extent modern society is characterized by the stark contrast between the bourgeoisie as the owners of the means of production and the proletariat as the members of the working class. They demonstrate how capitalists have an innate tendency to constantly revolutionize the productive forces in order to accumulate more capital, which in turn increases the size and power of the working class. Thus, they maintain that “not only has the bourgeoisie forged the weapons that bring death to itself; it has also called into existence the men who are to wield those weapons—the modern working class—the proletarians” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 478).</p><p>They characterize the proletariat as the universal revolutionary agent of history, which represents the immense majority of the population in modern society. Elaborating on the understanding of the proletariat as the emancipatory agent in capitalist society, they emphasize the internationalist character of the proletariat's revolutionary agency. Because of the growth of industrial capitalism, which pushes more and more middling classes such as artisans, merchants, and tradesmen to the proletarian ranks, the proletariat in modern society “is recruited from all classes of the population” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, pp. 479–480). The proletarians create a movement, which “is the self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interests of the immense majority” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 482). As the first step, their revolutionary movement aims “to win the battle of democracy” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 490), which would put them into the ruling position. For this reason, the proletariat should “labour everywhere for the union and agreement of the democratic parties of all countries” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 500). By winning this battle of democracy, “the proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of the production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organized as the ruling class; and to increase the total of productive forces as rapidly as possible” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 490). After overthrowing the rule of the bourgeoisie through its domination of the state, the proletariat would then create the conditions under which there would appear “an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 491).</p><p>Throughout his analyses of revolutionary struggles in France, Marx continues to employ the understanding of the proletariat as the revolutionary agent of history. He further distinguishes his understanding of the revolutionary agency of the proletariat from petty bourgeois attempts to foreground democratic struggles, which “wished to remove autocracy and establish representative institutions, but were wary of allowing power to descend to the working classes” (Levin, <span>1989</span>, p. 30). Having experienced the failures of the 1848 revolutions across Europe, “Marx had become increasingly discouraged with the democratic movements in Europe” (Mostov, <span>1989</span>, p. 207). Although his reorientation toward the existing forms of democratic government and discovery of the proletariat constitute the beginning of this novel conceptualization of political change, after the defeat of the revolutionary struggles in 1848, he further foregrounds the proletariat as the universal emancipatory agent and increasingly loses his interest in democracy as a political concept. Thus, the term democracy, “after 1848, becomes much less significant in their [Marx and Engels’] political lexicon” (Doveton, <span>1994</span>, p. 558).</p><p>The proletariat's subordinate position vis-à-vis the bourgeoisie conditions its revolutionary potential, which leads to the overthrow of the capitalist order. Here, the English proletariat occupies a key role in Marx's consideration of the proletariat as the universal agent of history. Because England is the most advanced industrial country, the proletariat's direct opposition to capitalists is present in the most crystallized and developed form there. Other societies, which are yet to be industrialized, will follow the lead of England in the formation of the capitalist order, which will necessarily be characterized by the exploitation of the immense majority of their populations, that is, the working class by the bourgeoisie. The proletarian revolution spearheaded by the English working class in response to “a new crisis” (Marx, <span>1963</span>, p. 135) would attain a universal significance, since when it comes “to the head of the people that dominates the world market, to the head of England” (Marx, <span>1963</span>, pp. 113–114), the workers of other nations would join in their collective anti-capitalist struggles and aim to establish a communist future. Thus, Marx continues to employ an internationalist understanding of the revolutionary agency of the proletariat in his political conception during this period.</p><p>This association of the proletariat with revolutionary agency continues throughout the 1860s. Even though <i>Capital</i> signifies a fundamental turning point in Marx's understanding of the capitalist mode of production as he explains in detail the inner dynamics of the capitalist production process based on the exploitation of labor and expropriation of surplus value by capitalists, his consideration of political change under capitalism is still expressed in similar terms with those he used since the winter of 1843/1844. Marx reveals how the inherent tensions between the development of the means of production and social relations of production in capitalist society lead to the growth of “the revolt of the working class, a class constantly increasing in numbers, and trained, united and organized by the very mechanism of the capitalist process of production” (Marx, <span>1976</span>, p. 929). The processes of “the centralization of the means of production and the socialization of labour reach a point at which” (Marx, <span>1976</span>, p. 929) they can no longer be compatible with the capitalist private property regime. At that moment, the proletariat emerges in the historical arena as the sole revolutionary force to overthrow the capitalist system and replace it with its own rule. Referring directly to his discussion of the proletarian revolution in <i>The Communist Manifesto</i> through a footnote, Marx declares that the proletarian revolution results in “the expropriation of a few usurpers by the mass of the people” (Marx, <span>1976</span>, p. 930).</p><p>Following the accident of the Paris Commune, Marx pays specific attention to “those who at first stand at the head of the movement,” that is, the proletariat. He discusses the promise of their leadership role in popular self-government in Paris through their delegated and responsible exercise of authority. In addition, by emphasizing (Rubel, <span>1983</span>, p. 101) the Commune's “break with traditional political institutions,” Marx suggests “a possible model of socialist democratic institutions” (Mostov, <span>1989</span>, p. 206) and “a positive model of revolutionary democracy” (Doveton, <span>1994</span>, p. 576). Thus, he discusses the relationship between popular participation and proletarian leadership in the institutional order of the Commune.</p><p>Here, Marx's analysis of the Commune in <i>Civil War in France</i> (<span>1940b</span>) revolves around the question of the function of the state apparatus following the Communard takeover (Abensour, <span>2011</span>, pp. 84–85). He stresses that the institutional foundations of the state as they exist under capitalism cannot constitute the basis of a communist future. He maintains that “the working class cannot simply lay hold of the ready-made state machinery, and wield it for its own purpose” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 54). This point is repeated and directly quoted in his 1872 Preface to <i>The Communist Manifesto</i> (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 470) where he emphasizes the point's “pro[of] by the Commune.” As Lefebvre (<span>1965</span>, p. 33) argues, “the Marxist theory of the withering away of the state, which was present in embryo in Marx's earliest works, followed, rather than preceded, the experience of the Commune.<sup>8</sup>” The <i>sine qua non</i> of a communist future is therefore a novel institutional order characterized by popular self-government under the leadership of the proletariat, which must be created in different terms than the centrally and bureaucratically run state machinery.</p><p>Marx emphasizes the employment of universal suffrage by the Communards in directly electing their councilors based on the ward system. The universal eligibility for voting constitutes a significant extension of democratic political practices. Thus, popular participation through institutional structures creates the conditions of responsible elected officials. Along with this responsibility through election, the introduction of accountability mechanisms, which renders those councilors “revocable at short terms,” plays an important role in Marx's conception of political legitimacy. Marx considers the authority of those councilors as derived from the direct participation of the Communards who delegate the exercise of their authority only for a predetermined period of time and purpose while reserving their ultimate authority to recall them. Thus, the institutional order of the Commune is constructed on the basis of the people as a whole's conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to elected, responsible, and revocable agents who in turn can exercise their authority insofar as the former authorize them to do so.</p><p>Here, Marx attributes to the proletariat a crucial role in the revolutionary transformation process. The proletarians constitute the majority of councilors and therefore have a leading role through their majoritarian representation. However, they are directly accountable to the Communards who retain their right to recall and elect different representatives. In addition, accountability mechanisms are not limited to the representatives. All administrative officials, including “magistrates and judges [who] were to be elective, responsible and revocable” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 58), are “turned into the responsible and at all times revocable agent of the Commune.” Again, Marx conceptualizes political legitimacy in the form of the Parisians’ conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to elected, responsible, and revocable agents. Thus, he states that “never were elections more sifted, never delegates fuller representing the masses from which they had sprung” (Marx, <span>1986a</span>, p. 483). Finally, the equalization of the wages across all government and administrative officials with that of “workmen's wages” facilitates the proletarians to run for offices. By rendering participation in government and administrative offices as a feasible activity this novel institutional order enables the proletarians to participate in political institutions as representatives and officials.</p><p>Accountability mechanisms of the Commune would be reproduced in other industrial and rural centers, which would institutionalize popular self-government under the leadership of the proletariat. The central government would also employ a further mechanism of accountability by requiring the elected, responsible, and revocable delegates of each locality to be constrained by the direct mandates of their constituencies. Considering that the vast majority of the French population lived in rural centers, the peasantry as the dominant social group of most localities would directly participate in the election as well as control of their proletarian leaders. On the one hand, the peasantry would actively participate in the politics of their localities by discussing, deliberating, and making decisions about how to organize their own government. On the other hand, since the institution of direct mandates would empower them with the decision-making power in national politics, the peasantry would get progressively educated in the politics of the entire country, and therefore their political empowerment would transcend the boundaries of their immediate localities. Thus, unlike his infamous claim about the peasantry in France as being “a sack of potatoes” (Marx, <span>1963</span>) some 20 years prior to the establishment of the Commune, Marx attributes a crucial role to the peasantry as part of the French people for the revolutionary transformation of capitalist society under the leadership of the proletariat.</p><p>Furthermore, Marx argues that the remaining functions of the central government would be “restored to the responsible agents of society” who derive their delegated, temporary, and revocable mandate directly from the people as a whole. In this way, the government would be “emptied of that kind of power that made it into a force independent vis-à-vis society” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 209). It would now be filled “with a new social content [which] entailed truly democratic forms” (Draper, <span>1974</span>, p. 102). For this reason, the Commune “published its doings and sayings, it initiated the public into all its shortcomings” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 67), which enabled the common people, both urban and rural, to be informed about their delegates’ activities in a transparent manner. As a result, Marx argues that the Paris Commune is fundamentally different from “the mediaeval Communes, which first preceded, and afterwards became the substratum of, that very state power” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 59), because it came into existence not only by abolishing the centrally and bureaucratically run government and administration but also by putting forward a network of local self-governing entities under the leadership of the proletariat. In this institutional order, local liberty of municipality would no longer be “a check upon the now superseded state power,” but rather provide “the basis of really democratic institutions” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 60).</p><p>In addition to the people's conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to proletarian leaders, the Commune, according to Marx, is the epitome of “a working class government, the produce of the struggle of the producing against the appropriating class, the political form at last discovered under which to work out the economical emancipation of labour” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 60). This becomes possible only through the Commune's institutional order based on popular participation, which serves “as a lever for uprooting the economical foundations upon which rests the existence of classes, and therefore of class rule” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, pp. 60–61). Whereas just one year before the proclamation of the Commune, Marx, as mentioned above, argues that the English proletariat could alone be a lever for revolutionary transformation, now he views the Commune itself, through its combination of popular participation and proletarian leadership, as a lever for communist revolution. Thus, for Marx, the Commune “was an instance of the extension of democracy to its sociological foundations and created through the democratically oriented collective action of workers” (Niemi, <span>2010</span>, p. 47).</p><p>The proletariat's role as the leader of the Communards takes place within a broad coalition of various social groups (Marx, <span>1986a</span>, pp. 492, 496). The proletariat is “openly acknowledged as the only class capable of social initiative, even by the great bulk of the Paris middle class—shopkeepers, tradesmen, merchants—the wealthy capitalist alone excepted” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 62). This acknowledgment of the emancipatory agency of the proletariat by the people of Paris as a whole crystallizes in the institutional order that facilitates popular participation in conjunction with the elected and revocable leadership of the proletariat. Here, the Commune is both “the true representative of all the healthy elements of French society, and therefore the truly national government…, at the same time, as a working men's government, as the bold champion of the emancipation of labour” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, pp. 64–65). The working existence of the Commune leads to “the invention of an emancipatory political form proper to the proletariat” (Abensour, <span>2011</span>, p. 88). The proletariat acquires a new historical mission of “bringing praxis closer to the truth, realizing the truth of social praxis, putting an end to the state and politics<sup>9</sup>” (Lefebvre, <span>1965</span>, pp. 390–391).</p><p>The institutional order of the Commune is predicated on the Communards’ conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to their responsible, elected, revocable delegates drawn from the proletariat through whose leadership the capitalist class would be expropriated. Thus, the Commune's short working existence “could but betoken the tendency of a government of the people by the people” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 65). The Commune “demanded forms of local self-government that would make possible the greatest measure of initiative and popular participation at grass-roots level” (Johnstone, <span>1971</span>, p. 457). Its government is based on the idea of “the people acting for itself by itself” (Marx, <span>1986a</span>, pp. 463–464). As a result, Marx notes that “working men's Paris, with its Commune, will be forever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new society” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, pp. 81–82).</p><p>Marx's understanding of the Commune as the lever for overthrowing capitalist society and replacing it with a communist one leads him to further get involved in democratic politics through the institutional leadership of the proletariat. A close reading and analysis of Marx's writings for the period between 1870 and 1883, including his correspondences, published and unpublished manuscripts and pamphlets, letters, journalistic pieces, and interviews, demonstrates to what extent Marx constructs his new political positions, ideas, and proposals by directly drawing on the experience of the Commune. The combination of popular participation and proletarian leadership gives birth to a peculiar institutional articulation during this period.</p><p>Marx explicitly states the necessity to create and support proletarian political parties in Europe and the United States as early as the summer of 1871 (Johnstone, <span>1971</span>, p. 452; Marx, <span>1986b</span>, p. 601). The experience of the Commune proves “the idea that the workers had to organise themselves in their own party” (Gaido, <span>2021</span>, p. 108). This idea constitutes the core of the resolutions of the London Conference of the International Working Men's Association (IWMA) in the fall of 1871, which later were amended to the General Rules and Administrative Regulations of the IWMA in the fall of 1872 at the Hague Conference (Marx, <span>1988a</span>; Marx & Engels, <span>1988</span>, p. 243). Marx explains that “it is not just today that the Association asks the workers to engage in politics, but all the time” (Marx, <span>1986c</span>, p. 617). Therefore, the Conference resolutions, which were written by Marx and Engels, declare that “this constitution of the working class into a political party is indispensable in order to insure the triumph of the social Revolution and its ultimate end—the abolition of classes” and “in the militant state of the working class, its economical movement and its political action are indissolubly united” (Marx & Engels, <span>1986</span>, p. 427). Thus, they call for the establishment of proletarian political parties, especially in Europe, which would play the leadership role in the democratic politics of their countries (Marx, <span>1989c</span>, p. 535; Marx, <span>1989d</span>, p. 239; Marx, <span>1989e</span>, p. 575). The proletarian political parties would become the centers of revolutionary action whose goal would be to unite and get the support of the majority of the citizenry in order to conquer the political power of their countries by transforming political institutions “from the instrument of deception which it has been hitherto into an instrument of emancipation” (Marx, <span>1989f</span>, p. 340). As a result, Marx institutionalizes the leadership of the proletariat through the idea of forming and developing independent proletarian political parties, which would be the leading forces of revolutionary action through their representation of the wide strata of their societies. As he clearly expresses in an interview with <i>The Chicago Tribune</i> correspondent in early 1879, “those revolutions will be made by the majority. No revolution can be made by a party, but by a Nation” (Marx, <span>1989e</span>, p. 576).</p><p>The promise of popular participation under the institutionalized leadership of proletarian political parties in facilitating and bringing about communism is directly connected with the IWMA's decision to move its General Council from London to New York in 1872. In his remarks on the Hague Congress of 1872, Marx acknowledges “the existence of countries like America, England, and if I knew your institutions better I might add Holland, where the workers may achieve their aims by peaceful means” (Marx, <span>1988b</span>, p. 255). Again, as his reference to his lack of knowledge about the institutions of Holland suggests, he attributes the revolutionary potential of these parties to the democratic institutional order of these countries which concerns him for the rest of his life. Especially the United States, for Marx, “is becoming the world of workers par excellence” (Marx, <span>1988b</span>, p. 255). As the English proletariat suffers in “the hands of the venal Trades Union leaders and professional agitators” (Marx, <span>1991a</span>, p. 299), he argues for the relocation of the General Council from London to New York. Even though the IWMA ceases to <i>de facto</i> function by 1874, and disbands itself in 1876, Marx continues to think that “there's a pretty fair storm brewing over there, and the transfer of the centre of the International to the United States may yet, post festum, be presented with a quite exceptional opportunity” (Marx, <span>1991b</span>, p. 251).</p><p>His interest in the institutionalized leadership of the proletariat through their own political parties is not specific to the United States, the UK, and the Netherlands. Beginning with the Franco-Prussian War (Marx, <span>1989g</span>, p. 3), and intensifying following the proclamation of the Commune, Marx starts to consider the German proletariat as a potential leader in the revolutionary struggle in Europe. Here, the Social Democratic Party of Germany, in line with his conception of proletarian political parties as the leaders of revolutionary action, constitutes the most effective political force in continental Europe. Thus, Marx “saw the German Social-Democratic Workers’ Party as a bastion for rallying the forces of the international working class, as its vanguard contingent” (Vasilyeva, <span>1988</span>, p. XXXI).</p><p>In addition, Marx's direct confrontation with Bakunin and anarchists, and their expulsion from the IWMA, demonstrate to what extent he conceives of the proletariat's institutionalized leadership role through popular participation as the <i>sine qua non</i> for the success of the communist revolution. By denouncing Bakunin and his followers in Geneva, Marx argues that one must be “so stupid or so naïve as to attempt to deny to the working class any real means of struggle. For all arms with which to fight must be drawn from society as it is” (Marx, <span>1988c</span>, p. 394). As opposed to Bakunin, who “deduces that the proletariat should rather do nothing at all… and just wait for the <i>day of universal liquidation</i> the Last Judgement” (Marx, <span>1989h</span>, p. 521), Marx proposes the creation of proletarian political parties, which would enable the proletariat to play a leading role in the revolutionary transformation of their societies.</p><p>Finally, Marx's attempts to distance the IWMA from English trade unions and representatives of working class in the House of Commons showcase the necessity to form independent proletarian political parties for revolutionary purposes. He maintains that “the English working class had gradually become ever more demoralized as a result of the period of corruption after 1848, and had finally reached the stage of being no more than an appendage of the great Liberal Party, i.e. of its oppressors, the capitalists. Its direction had passed completely into the hands of the venal Trades Union leaders and professional agitators” (Marx, <span>1991a</span>, p. 299). Therefore, he emphasizes the necessity for establishing an independent proletarian political party in England which would be the leading revolutionary force through its engagement with political institutions.</p><p>“The period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other” constitutes the core of his understanding of political change towards the end of his life. By calling this period of political transition “the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat,” Marx confirms the leadership of the proletariat within the framework of the people as a whole's conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to the former (Lefebvre, <span>1965</span>, p. 37). As Ypi's (<span>2020</span>, p. 281) analysis of Marx's use of the concept of dictatorship in its historical relationship with the Roman institution of dictatorship as well as its French revolutionary employment by the Jacobins suggests, in Marx's view, “the dictatorship of the proletariat embodies the democratic rule of the oppressed majority of people” whose institutional rule gives “more radical form” to existing freedoms. Here, the proletariat acts “on behalf of the majority of the people, from whom it derived its mandate” (Johnstone, <span>1971</span>, p. 454). Therefore, Marx's understanding of the dictatorship of the proletariat “has a profound democratic character, in line with the radical interpretation of freedom as both self-liberation and as just rule, and aspiring to realise an ideal of freedom as public willing” (Ypi, <span>2020</span>, p. 281).</p><p>The proletariat continues to play the leadership role in Marx's conception of the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat. The people delegate the exercise of their authority for a determinate period of time and purpose to the proletariat, that is, “the period of the revolutionary transformation of” capitalist society into communist society. As opposed to relying on “an elite of professional politicians, technocratic institutions, or bureaucratic managers to achieve its desired political objectives,” the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat “signals that authentic freedom is progressively vindicated in the process of making oneself free and in the practices and institutions of collective will formation established to express that freedom” (Ypi, <span>2020</span>, p. 282). Accordingly, the proletariat becomes the elected, responsible, and revocable delegates of the people as a whole with a popular mandate to end the private ownership of the means of production and exploitation of labor.</p><p>This article demonstrates that Marx's discussions about political change under capitalism can be grouped into three distinct periods. His earliest treatment of the subject in his <i>Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right</i> considers direct democracy as the main source of human emancipation against the bureaucratic state. Second, from the winter of 1843/1844 to the spring of 1871, Marx reorients and meticulously constructs a novel understanding of political change through the proletarian revolution. Finally, the experience and aftermath of the Paris Commune push him to foreground self-government under the leadership of the proletariat as the lever for political change under capitalism. Marx's conception of political change under capitalism alters in conjunction with and responds to the political occurrences in his time. Thus, Marx's dialectical interpretations of the contradictions of capitalist society do not hypostasize in the form of a single path toward communism.</p><p>Marx's exposition of the institutional articulation of popular participation and proletarian leadership toward the end of his life seems to be the most relevant one among these conceptions of political change. The conception of self-government under the leadership of proletarian leadership emphasizes the necessity to envision political change through institutional forms based on popular participation, control, and accountability. In the absence of effective proletarian movements in contemporary societies, it showcases the need to reimagine emancipatory agency in terms of its relationship with institutional structures. Marx's positioning of the proletariat as the leader of popular self-government opens up the possibility of articulating the people in its plurality composed of the working classes, precariat, immigrant laborers as well as other social and political groups in the political transformation process through their participation and active control in institutional structures. Yet, it is important to be careful here and reiterate the main argument of this article in order to avoid hypostasizing one or the other conception of political change that Marx employed, as it has been very frequently done by his followers, for instance, most recently Garo (<span>2023</span>)’s reappropriation of communism. Marx's critique of capitalist society is an ongoing process that foregrounds and articulates different aspects of emancipatory struggles that directly emerge from and respond to the present conditions of capitalist society.</p>","PeriodicalId":51578,"journal":{"name":"Constellations-An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory","volume":"31 4","pages":"545-562"},"PeriodicalIF":1.2000,"publicationDate":"2024-03-03","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/1467-8675.12741","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"Marx's three different conceptions of political change under capitalism: Direct democracy, proletarian revolution, or self-government under proletarian leadership\",\"authors\":\"Can Mert Kökerer\",\"doi\":\"10.1111/1467-8675.12741\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"<p>Scholars have interpreted Marx's conception of political change within the framework of his critique of capitalist society in myriad ways. Three main interpretations have prevailed in Marx scholarship in the last few decades with regard to his conception of political change under capitalism. The first interpretation, which is epitomized by Althusser's (<span>1965</span>) division of Marx's intellectual development into an early and late period, claims that his earlier philosophical and radical democratic analyses give place to a more scientific conception of capitalist society (see Cantin, <span>2003</span>). The philosophical and ideological interests of the Young Marx, which provides “a radical-democratic interpretation” (Habermas, <span>1989</span>, p. 126), according to this understanding, are superseded by the scientific and materialistic analyses of the Old Marx. Whereas the Young Marx entertains the possibility of achieving human emancipation through radical democratic politics, they highlight “the incompatibility of such writings with the historical insights and doctrines of the mature Marx” (Krancberg, <span>1982</span>, p. 23). From the second half of the 19th century, they claim, Marx no longer pays attention to those political concepts and philosophical questions influenced by Aristotle, Rousseau, and Hegel, but is rather interested in providing a scientific analysis and critique of the capitalist mode of production for revolutionary communist politics.</p><p>The second and third groups of scholars directly oppose this division of Marx into an early and late period through the Althusserian concept of epistemological break, although their emphases on the development of his conception of political change under capitalism diverge significantly. The main argument of the second group (Avineri, <span>1968</span>; Draper, <span>1974</span>; Femia, <span>1993</span>; Fromm, <span>1961</span>; Grollios, <span>2011</span>; Springborg, <span>1984a</span>, <span>1984b</span>) is that Marx's earlier notion of democracy as the locus of human freedom is to a large extent encompassed by his later understanding of communism. They stress that “in his Critique of Hegel, what Marx terms ‘democracy’ is not fundamentally different from what he will later call ‘communism’” (Femia, <span>1993</span>, p. 70). Rather than finding an epistemological break in Marx's earlier and later writings, they claim that “in spite of certain changes in concepts, in mood, in language” (Fromm, <span>1961</span>, p. 79), the mid-1840s onward, Marx uses very similar terms with his earlier account of democracy to describe what communism would look like after the overthrow of capitalist society. They go as far as to maintain that “the Communist Manifesto is immanent in the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 34). Thus, there occurs only a change in the terminology he employs during this period “in the direction of defining consistent democracy in socialist terms, and consistent socialism in democratic terms” (Draper, <span>1974</span>, p. 102).</p><p>The last group of scholars (Abensour, <span>2011</span>; Bidet, <span>2001</span>; Chrysis, <span>2018</span>; Cohen, <span>1985</span>; Doveton, <span>1994</span>; Garo, <span>2001</span>; Hunt, <span>1974</span>; Kouvelakis, <span>2001</span>; Levin, <span>1989</span>; Mercer, <span>1980</span>; Mostov, <span>1989</span>; Niemi, <span>2010</span>; O'Malley, <span>1970</span>; Rubel, <span>1983</span>; Schumpeter, <span>1942</span>), in turn, agree with the second group's critique of the Young–Old Marx thesis; but they diverge on the terms of the transition from his understanding of democracy to communism. As opposed to the former's interpretation of the transition as a terminological issue, they argue that there exists instead a continuity in his understanding of democracy and communism throughout his life. They “emphasize how continuity from his earlier thought provides a framework for understanding Critique of the Gotha Program as consistent with his earlier democratic beliefs” (Niemi, <span>2010</span>, p. 41). His critique of Hegel's conceptualization of monarchy and bureaucracy in 1843, through which he arrives at the idea of democracy as the locus of human freedom, is interpreted as a precursor to his more developed understanding of human freedom, which would be realized under communism as a result of the revolutionary agency of the proletariat. They maintain that “what they [Marx and Engels] envisaged for the future society, from its very beginning, was a kind of participatory democracy” (Hunt, <span>1974</span>, p. XIII). According to them, the transition does not occur in his terminological uses but rather signifies an expansion of his earlier understanding in conjunction with his intellectual development amid sociopolitical changes in Europe and beyond. Thus, the transition involves “a switch in Marx's choice of subject matter” (Doveton, <span>1994</span>, p. 564), which in turn expands his earlier understanding of human freedom under democracy toward more elaborate conceptualizations of proletarian revolution and communism.</p><p>This article demonstrates that these dominant interpretations of Marx's understanding of political change under capitalism have failed to trace the development of Marx's political thinking throughout his intellectual life. As opposed to the first interpretation's breaking of Marx's lifetime into an early and late period, this article argues that this philosophical versus scientific division of Marx does not capture the persistence of his lifelong interest in what Koselleck (<span>1985</span>) calls “the makeability of politics” in conjunction with the critique of capitalist society. By distinguishing “human action from what actually occurs in the long term” (Koselleck, <span>1985</span>, p. 208) in terms of socioeconomic changes, Marx foregrounds the necessity to be attentive and responsive to ongoing sociopolitical transformations to envision political change under capitalism. Thus, Marx does not arrive at an ultimate, scientific conception of political change, unlike what the first interpretation posits, but rather conceives of political change as dependent on historical context. As Carver (<span>2018</span>) demonstrates, it is necessary to take into account Marx's “activist context” in his sometimes collaborative and sometimes conflictual relationship with other political actors of his time such as the liberals to have a more sophisticated understanding of his own politics. Here, the other two interpretations seem to implicitly or explicitly assume the preponderance of political change in Marx's theoretical thinking throughout his life. On the one hand, the second interpretation asserts that Marx starts off with an understanding of political change in the form of participatory democracy, which remains more or less the same despite the terminological changes in the direction of communism. The third one, on the other hand, argues for a continuous expansion of Marx's conception of political change that arrives at the ultimate form of proletarian revolution to achieve communism. However, neither the former, which asserts a more or less invariant conception of political change by Marx, nor the latter, which emphasizes Marx's arrival at an ultimate understanding of political change, grasps the peculiarity of the transformations of Marx's conception of political change under capitalism. As a response, this article argues that Marx neither starts off with nor arrives at an ultimate understanding of political change that would be valid and applicable to all historical moments independent of the context.</p><p>This article presents Marx's three different conceptions of political change under capitalism. It reveals the transformations of Marx's understanding of political change from his earliest treatment of Hegel's <i>Philosophy of Right</i> through his analyses of the 19th-century revolutions in France to his later <i>Critique of the Gotha Program</i> (<span>1972a</span>) of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. First, in <i>Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right</i> (<span>1970</span>), Marx conceptualizes the people as the political agent <i>par excellence</i> who would bring about and sustain human freedom in a democratic form of government. Drawing on the Athenian model of democracy in which the common people directly participate in political institutions, Marx hints at the supersession of the centralized state through democratic takeover and repurposing of the existing order.</p><p>Second, starting from the winter of 1843/1844, Marx no longer considers the people as the agent for achieving human freedom. In <i>On the Jewish Question</i> (<span>1972b</span>) and <i>Introduction to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right</i> (<span>1972c</span>), Marx ceases to consider the people's political agency under democracy as the locus of human freedom. Through the introduction of the concept of revolution to describe the transition from capitalist to communist society, Marx emphasizes the revolutionary agency of the proletariat. This reorientation toward revolution rather than political institutions culminates in a programmatic statement in <i>The German Ideology</i> (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>) in which he, along with Engels, argues that the proletariat would emancipate the whole society and put an end to human estrangement and exploitation of one class by another one. His exposition of the revolutionary agency of the proletariat constitutes the core of his arguments in <i>The Communist Manifesto</i> (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>) as well as his historical writings about the sociopolitical changes in France (e.g., <i>Class Struggles in France 1848–1850</i> (1964); <i>The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte</i> (1963)) and <i>Capital</i> (1976). Marx's critique of capitalist society points to the possibility of overcoming the inner contradictions of the capitalist mode of production, along with the exploitation of the working class by capitalists, through the revolutionary action of the proletariat. Accordingly, he conceives of the proletariat as the bearer of human freedom for all individuals in capitalist society whose struggle against the exploitative system would result in, first, the expropriation of capitalists and then the creation of a communist society in which equality, solidarity, and human creativity would flourish.</p><p>Finally, the emergence of the Paris Commune in 1871 marks a significant transformation in Marx's understanding of political change under capitalism. Unlike his earlier imagination of communism achieved via the revolutionary action of the proletariat, soon after the establishment of the Commune, he begins exploring the potential of participatory democracy to realize communism. Although he continues to talk about the working class as the leader of the Communards during the spring of 1871, he no longer foregrounds its revolutionary agency at the cost of popular participation in self-government. The creation of a plethora of participatory institutional mechanisms as well as experimentations with novel conceptions of citizenship, gender equality, political accountability, and local autonomy by the Communards pushes him to reconsider political change as no longer springing from the revolutionary action of the proletariat, but rather the direct participation of the common people in self-government via institutional mechanisms under the leadership of the proletariat. The proletariat no longer in itself forms a revolutionary agent; instead, it attains an elected, responsible, and revocable leadership position in the process of collective self-government, which would create communism thanks to its emerging institutional structure based on popular participation.</p><p>As a result, Marx initially conceptualizes the people as the emancipatory agent of a given state based on the Athenian model of democracy against the monarch and bureaucratic administration. Later, he emphasizes the revolutionary agency of the proletariat to bring about communism through the centralized control of the state apparatus and public ownership of the means of production. However, following the Paris Commune, Marx reconceptualizes political change as springing from the common people's participation in self-government under the elected, responsible, and revocable leadership of the proletariat.</p><p>In <i>Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right</i>, Marx directly confronts Hegel's understanding of the monarch as the sovereign of the state as opposed to the sovereignty of the people “based on the wild idea of ‘the people’” (Hegel, <span>1952</span>, p. 183). Here, the issue of representation constitutes the core of Marx's critique. He argues that the monarch “is sovereign in so far as he represents the unity of the people, and thus he is himself merely a representative, a symbol of the sovereignty of the people” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 28). In sharp contrast with Hegel, “Marx opts for thinking the political realm from the perspective of the sovereignty of the people” (Abensour, <span>2011</span>, p. 48). Thus, the monarch cannot be the actual sovereign of the state, since his position as the monarch is due to the sovereignty of the people, i.e., he only represents the people's sovereignty.</p><p>It is within this framework of conceptualizing popular sovereignty as opposed to monarchical sovereignty that Marx develops his idea of democracy and “undertakes a quite passionate defense of democracy” (Springborg, <span>1984b</span>, p. 48). True democracy (<i>wahre Demokratie</i>), according to Marx, is the only true form of government in the sense that the people, i.e., “the whole Demos” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 29), determine its own political constitution.<sup>1</sup> Unlike the monarchical form of government in which the individual in civil society belongs to the political constitution that is determined by the monarch, in democracy “the constitution not only in itself, according to essence, but according to existence and actuality is returned to its real ground, actual man, the actual people, and established as its own work” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, pp. 29–30). In a true democracy, popular sovereignty “must be constitutive, constitutional in the full sense of the term<sup>2</sup>” (Raulet, <span>2001</span>, p. 9). Thus, true democracy is “that state of society in which the individual is no longer juxtaposed against society” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 34). It signifies a “full reconstruction of social and political life<sup>3</sup>” (Kouvelakis, <span>2001</span>, p. 17). Marx views democracy as that form of government in which the people realize their political agency by creating their own particular constitution and mode of government, which is based on “human existence, while in the other political forms, man has only legal existence” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 30). For Marx, “only democracy can satisfy universalist needs” (Levin, <span>1989</span>, p. 16) of human beings.</p><p>The individual in democracy does not have a dual existence in the separated form of the political community and civil society. The political individual has no longer “his particular and separate existence beside the unpolitical, private man” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, pp. 30–31) as they do in monarchical or republican forms of government. Thus, “in true democracy the political state disappears [<i>der politische Staat untergehe</i>]” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, pp. 30–31), and the political constitution signifies the self-determination of the people.</p><p>Here, it is important to note that when Marx talks about democracy in opposition to monarchy, he has in mind the ancient Athenian (Abensour, <span>2011</span>, p. 33) and, to a lesser extent, Roman experiences with self-government (see de Ste. Croix (<span>1975</span>) for a detailed discussion of Marx's engagement with Athenian and Roman histories). He maintains that these ancient people “were the sovereign people” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 38) who shaped “the content of the state” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 31), unlike the modern state in which there exists a distinction between the political and non-political spheres. Moreover, ancient Athenian and Roman societies did not create bureaucracies, which were prevalent in other ancient societies (e.g., Egypt), and are preponderant in modern society. As Marx states, “no one ever heard of the Greek or Roman statesmen taking an examination” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 51). This is a crucial point for Marx because human emancipation in modern society necessarily requires the abolition (<i>Aufhebung</i>) of bureaucracy. For him, bureaucracy is “the institutional incarnation of political alienation” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 48). As opposed to Hegel's characterization of the bureaucratic class as the universal class, Marx's “anti-bureaucratic impulse” (Abensour, <span>2011</span>, p. 41) reveals that its abolition should happen “through the particular interest really becoming universal” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 58) in the democratic form of government. His understanding of true democracy directly counters “state politics as the profession and privileged exercise of power by bureaucracy in the interest of private proprietors” (Chrysis, <span>2018</span>, p. 180).</p><p>For Marx, only in a democratic form of government in which the people as the sovereign agent actualize their own political constitution and state, human emancipation can be achieved. In democracy, “the governing power, the pratique by which the political universal applies to the social particularity, should not be anything other than the actual expression of the will of the people<sup>4</sup>” (Renault, <span>2001</span>, p. 30). Marx's conceptualization of true democracy “announces the abolition of bureaucracy as a specialized body of political domination and advances citizens’ <i>vita activa</i> through the diffusion of politics throughout the entire social body” (Chrysis, <span>2018</span>, p. 109). The political constitution, which is “a true expression of the people's will” (Marx, <span>1970</span>, p. 58), can only be determined by the political agency of the people, not by the monarch and bureaucratic agents.</p><p>As a result, this Athenian model of self-government and participatory democracy in which the <i>demos</i>, who is selected by lot to one-year term offices, directly participates in the government of the city-state, constitutes the core of Marx's understanding of democracy and political agency. As Hunt (<span>1974</span>, p. 83) stresses, within his discussion on democracy, “no other political structure in the Western tradition so closely resembles Marx's ideal as Periclean Athens.” Instead of being ruled by the bureaucratic class specialized in administrative tasks, this model functions on the basis of amateur citizen participation in government and administrative offices, which precludes bureaucratization. The individual is both part and parcel of the whole, i.e., the <i>demos</i> in the <i>ekklesia</i> (assembly), <i>dikasteria</i> (popular courts), <i>boule</i> (council), and <i>nomothetai</i> (lawmakers), and actively engaged in the day-to-day administration of the city-state. Therefore, Marx's conceptualization of democracy as based on the unity of the universal and the particular seems to be heavily influenced by the ancient model of democracy (Femia, <span>1993</span>, p. 76), which he employs not only to challenge Hegel's understanding of monarchical sovereignty but also to present it as the source of human emancipation. The people's “historical intervention<sup>5</sup>” (Bidet, <span>2001</span>, pp. 75–76) in establishing and sustaining democracy, as opposed to nondemocratic forms of government, would bring about human emancipation in modern society.</p><p>Marx continues his critique of the separation of the political community and civil society in <i>On the Jewish Question</i>. Yet, he replaces the concept of democracy with the concept of species-being (<i>Gattungswesen</i>)<sup>6</sup> in discussing human emancipation. This indicates the beginning of a shift in his conception of political change which over time results in a distinct understanding of political change as emerging from the revolutionary agency of the proletariat, as will be discussed below. In this essay, human emancipation emerges from the abolition of the distinction between the abstract citizen and the egoistic individual. In addition, while he talks about true democracy in general terms in his previous work, here, Marx focuses on the really existing democratic forms of government in the 19th century, i.e., England and the United States, which are conditioned by the separation of the political and private individual, and “exposes the weaknesses and limitations of existing democratic practices” (Pierson, <span>1986</span>, p. 16). Thus, Marx pays attention to the historical context of existing democratic governments as he reorients his conception of political change. Finally, Marx does not talk about a particular emancipatory agent here, but rather describes what human emancipation would look like when the separation of the individual's life into political and civil spheres is negated.</p><p>As a direct consequence of political emancipation from religion, the individual now has a double existence. They act in political life as “the public person,” whereas in civil society they exist in differentiation from the others as “the private person” (Marx, <span>1972b</span>, p. 35). The democratic state is emancipated from religion by “relegat[ing] religion among the other elements of civil society” (Marx, <span>1972b</span>, p. 36) as the private matter of the individual, who practices their own religion “in a profane manner” (Marx, <span>1972b</span>, p. 37). In the democratic state, the individual does not realize their species-being in the real world, but only in the imaginary world of the political community as an abstract citizen. They are completely separated and isolated from others in civil society where they exist in their real life.</p><p>The political revolution that emancipates the state from religion at the same time “regards civil society… as the <i>basis of its own existence</i>, as a self-subsistent <i>precondition</i>, and thus as its <i>natural basis</i>” (Marx, <span>1972b</span>, p. 46). The individual's abstract imagination as a citizen in the political community becomes fully subsumed to their real existence in the form of the egoistic individual, who “is identified with <i>authentic</i> man [<i>eigentlichen</i> Menschen]” (Marx, <span>1972b</span>, p. 46). Whereas they are conceived as a species-being only in imagination as an abstract citizen, their egoistic and isolated existence as a private individual in civil society constitutes their real-life experience. Thus, Marx rejects the idea of political emancipation as the final form of emancipation of the individual. Instead, he insists on the need for human emancipation through the recognition and organization of the individual's “own powers (<i>forces propres</i>) as social powers” (Marx, <span>1972b</span>, p. 46). It is only through the self-realization of the species-being in the real world that human beings can become social beings throughout their actual existence among one another.</p><p>As mentioned above, Marx does not deal with the question of political agency in this work. Yet, he revisits the question of political agency in its relationship with human emancipation in <i>Introduction to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right</i>. His exposure to “the French working class in Paris, where he emigrated shortly after completing the Critique” (O'Malley, <span>1970</span>, p. LIII), facilitates a change in his understanding of emancipatory agency. In addition to his reorientation toward the analysis of the existing forms of democratic government starting from the winter of 1843–1844 after which he arrives at the impossibility of achieving human emancipation within the context of the democratic state, Marx here starts to explore the revolutionary potential of the proletariat as the universal class for human emancipation for the entire humanity. Thus, as soon as he identifies “the proletariat as the agency of liberation early in 1844, Marx ceased to use the term ‘democracy’ as the label for either the political movement or the type of society he favoured” (Levin, <span>1989</span>, p. 18).</p><p>In this work, Marx “develops a problematique which is undeniably irreducible to that of <i>Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right</i><sup>7</sup>” (Renault, <span>2001</span>, p. 24). The main agent for human emancipation now takes the form of a particular class, which “associates and mingles with society at large, identifies itself with it, and is felt and recognized as the <i>general representative</i> [<i>allgemeiner Repräsentant</i>] of this society” (Marx, <span>1972c</span>, p. 62). Marx, “for the first time” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 58), depicts the class war conducted by a particular class, which would bring about human emancipation for the entire society (Ricoeur, <span>1986</span>, p. 26). He argues that “for a <i>popular revolution</i> [<i>Revolution eines Volkes</i>] and the <i>emancipation of a particular class</i> [<i>Emanzipation einer besonderen Klasse</i>] of civil society to coincide, for <i>one</i> class to represent the whole of society, another class must concentrate in itself all the evils of society, a particular class must embody and represent a general obstacle and limitation” (Marx, <span>1972c</span>, p. 63).</p><p>Human emancipation occurs in opposition to and struggle with the oppressing class (<i>der Stand der Unterjochung</i>) through the revolutionary action of the liberating class (<i>der Stand der Befreiung</i>). The latter, which is the proletariat, declares “<i>I am nothing and I should be everything</i> [<i>Ich bin nichts, und ich müßte alles sein</i>]” (Marx, <span>1972c</span>, p. 63) against the bourgeoisie. Through its revolutionary action the proletariat “announces the <i>dissolution of the existing social order</i> [<i>die Auflösung der bisherigen Weltordnung</i>]” (Marx, <span>1972c</span>, p. 65). Marx assigns the proletariat, whose poverty is “<i>artificially produced</i>” (Marx, <span>1972c</span>, p. 64) by the disintegration of society, with the task of abolishing all forms of servitude and bringing about human emancipation for the entire society. Thus, he “sees in the proletariat the contemporary, and final, realization of universality” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 59).</p><p>His understanding of species-being now revolves around the question of alienated, estranged labor (cf. Wood, <span>2004</span>, pp. 18–19), which estranges the individual's conscious life-activity and makes it appear “only as <i>a means to life</i> [<i>Lebensmittel</i>]” (Marx, <span>1972d</span>, p. 76). During the capitalist production process “estranged labour tears from him his <i>species life</i>, his real species objectivity” (Marx, <span>1972d</span>, p. 76). The individual's species-consciousness is “transformed by estrangement in such a way that the species life becomes for him a means” (Marx, <span>1972d</span>, p. 77). Their species-being becomes something alien to the individual, which also leads to their estrangement from other individuals.</p><p>Marx argues that capitalist production results in the alienation, estrangement of the worker whose sole way to achieve emancipation from their servitude is through the revolutionary action of the proletariat. By emancipating the worker from their servitude to capital, the proletarian revolution would bring about not only the workers’ emancipation but also human emancipation. For “the emancipation of the workers contains universal human emancipation—and it contains this, because the whole of human servitude is involved in the relation of the worker to production, and every relation of servitude is but a modification and consequence of this relation” (Marx, <span>1972d</span>, p. 80). Thus, Marx views the possibility for human emancipation in modern society solely through the emancipation of the proletariat from the capitalist production process, which estranges it from its species-being throughout its life-activity.</p><p>He entangles proletarian emancipation with human emancipation, “as the enslavement of the proletariat is paradigmatic to all forms of human unfreedom” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 60). It is through the revolutionary action of the proletariat that communism, which “is the position as the negation of the negation, and is hence the <i>actual</i> [<i>wirkliche</i>] phase necessary for the next stage of historical development in the process of human emancipation and recovery” (Marx, <span>1972d</span>, p. 93), would be established. Once private property and capitalist society are abolished through the proletarian revolution, a new individual in harmony with their species-being and “<i>profoundly endowed with all the senses</i> [tief <i>allsinnigen</i>]” (Marx, <span>1972d</span>, p. 89) in their coexistence with others would begin to arise under communism. Only then “the demands of the proletariat, its interests as universal class, coincide with the actuality of communism which, as the positive abolition of private property, is precisely the catalyst of the new world which is coming into being” (O'Malley, <span>1970</span>, p. LIX).</p><p>Finally, <i>The German Ideology</i> signifies the culmination of Marx's association of the proletariat as the universal class with emancipatory agency. Marx, along with Engels, develops his theory of the proletarian revolution as a result of the tension between the universal development of productive forces and social relations of production. As this tension grows in capitalist societies, “the propertyless mass” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>, pp. 161–162), that is, the proletariat puts an end to the most advanced form of human domination in the guise of the domination of the capitalist class over the working class “by means of a revolution” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>, p. 168). The aim of the proletarian revolution is “the appropriation of a totality of productive forces and in the thus postulated development of a totality of capacities” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>, p. 191), and therefore the creation of universal control over the means of production by all. Through its revolutionary action against capitalists and appropriation of productive forces, “private property comes to an end” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>, p. 192), and the proletariat “succeed[s] in ridding itself of all the much of ages and become fitted to found society anew” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>, pp. 192–193). Here, the direct target of the proletarian revolution is the control of the state which is under the domination of the capitalist class. By “overthrow[ing] the State” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972a</span>, p. 200), the proletariat would start building a communist future, which would have human unity and freedom as its basis in shaping the future organization of social relations.</p><p>Marx and Engels in <i>The Communist Manifesto</i> describe the aims of the proletarian movement to overthrow capitalist society and replace it with communism. They discuss to what extent modern society is characterized by the stark contrast between the bourgeoisie as the owners of the means of production and the proletariat as the members of the working class. They demonstrate how capitalists have an innate tendency to constantly revolutionize the productive forces in order to accumulate more capital, which in turn increases the size and power of the working class. Thus, they maintain that “not only has the bourgeoisie forged the weapons that bring death to itself; it has also called into existence the men who are to wield those weapons—the modern working class—the proletarians” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 478).</p><p>They characterize the proletariat as the universal revolutionary agent of history, which represents the immense majority of the population in modern society. Elaborating on the understanding of the proletariat as the emancipatory agent in capitalist society, they emphasize the internationalist character of the proletariat's revolutionary agency. Because of the growth of industrial capitalism, which pushes more and more middling classes such as artisans, merchants, and tradesmen to the proletarian ranks, the proletariat in modern society “is recruited from all classes of the population” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, pp. 479–480). The proletarians create a movement, which “is the self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interests of the immense majority” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 482). As the first step, their revolutionary movement aims “to win the battle of democracy” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 490), which would put them into the ruling position. For this reason, the proletariat should “labour everywhere for the union and agreement of the democratic parties of all countries” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 500). By winning this battle of democracy, “the proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of the production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organized as the ruling class; and to increase the total of productive forces as rapidly as possible” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 490). After overthrowing the rule of the bourgeoisie through its domination of the state, the proletariat would then create the conditions under which there would appear “an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all” (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 491).</p><p>Throughout his analyses of revolutionary struggles in France, Marx continues to employ the understanding of the proletariat as the revolutionary agent of history. He further distinguishes his understanding of the revolutionary agency of the proletariat from petty bourgeois attempts to foreground democratic struggles, which “wished to remove autocracy and establish representative institutions, but were wary of allowing power to descend to the working classes” (Levin, <span>1989</span>, p. 30). Having experienced the failures of the 1848 revolutions across Europe, “Marx had become increasingly discouraged with the democratic movements in Europe” (Mostov, <span>1989</span>, p. 207). Although his reorientation toward the existing forms of democratic government and discovery of the proletariat constitute the beginning of this novel conceptualization of political change, after the defeat of the revolutionary struggles in 1848, he further foregrounds the proletariat as the universal emancipatory agent and increasingly loses his interest in democracy as a political concept. Thus, the term democracy, “after 1848, becomes much less significant in their [Marx and Engels’] political lexicon” (Doveton, <span>1994</span>, p. 558).</p><p>The proletariat's subordinate position vis-à-vis the bourgeoisie conditions its revolutionary potential, which leads to the overthrow of the capitalist order. Here, the English proletariat occupies a key role in Marx's consideration of the proletariat as the universal agent of history. Because England is the most advanced industrial country, the proletariat's direct opposition to capitalists is present in the most crystallized and developed form there. Other societies, which are yet to be industrialized, will follow the lead of England in the formation of the capitalist order, which will necessarily be characterized by the exploitation of the immense majority of their populations, that is, the working class by the bourgeoisie. The proletarian revolution spearheaded by the English working class in response to “a new crisis” (Marx, <span>1963</span>, p. 135) would attain a universal significance, since when it comes “to the head of the people that dominates the world market, to the head of England” (Marx, <span>1963</span>, pp. 113–114), the workers of other nations would join in their collective anti-capitalist struggles and aim to establish a communist future. Thus, Marx continues to employ an internationalist understanding of the revolutionary agency of the proletariat in his political conception during this period.</p><p>This association of the proletariat with revolutionary agency continues throughout the 1860s. Even though <i>Capital</i> signifies a fundamental turning point in Marx's understanding of the capitalist mode of production as he explains in detail the inner dynamics of the capitalist production process based on the exploitation of labor and expropriation of surplus value by capitalists, his consideration of political change under capitalism is still expressed in similar terms with those he used since the winter of 1843/1844. Marx reveals how the inherent tensions between the development of the means of production and social relations of production in capitalist society lead to the growth of “the revolt of the working class, a class constantly increasing in numbers, and trained, united and organized by the very mechanism of the capitalist process of production” (Marx, <span>1976</span>, p. 929). The processes of “the centralization of the means of production and the socialization of labour reach a point at which” (Marx, <span>1976</span>, p. 929) they can no longer be compatible with the capitalist private property regime. At that moment, the proletariat emerges in the historical arena as the sole revolutionary force to overthrow the capitalist system and replace it with its own rule. Referring directly to his discussion of the proletarian revolution in <i>The Communist Manifesto</i> through a footnote, Marx declares that the proletarian revolution results in “the expropriation of a few usurpers by the mass of the people” (Marx, <span>1976</span>, p. 930).</p><p>Following the accident of the Paris Commune, Marx pays specific attention to “those who at first stand at the head of the movement,” that is, the proletariat. He discusses the promise of their leadership role in popular self-government in Paris through their delegated and responsible exercise of authority. In addition, by emphasizing (Rubel, <span>1983</span>, p. 101) the Commune's “break with traditional political institutions,” Marx suggests “a possible model of socialist democratic institutions” (Mostov, <span>1989</span>, p. 206) and “a positive model of revolutionary democracy” (Doveton, <span>1994</span>, p. 576). Thus, he discusses the relationship between popular participation and proletarian leadership in the institutional order of the Commune.</p><p>Here, Marx's analysis of the Commune in <i>Civil War in France</i> (<span>1940b</span>) revolves around the question of the function of the state apparatus following the Communard takeover (Abensour, <span>2011</span>, pp. 84–85). He stresses that the institutional foundations of the state as they exist under capitalism cannot constitute the basis of a communist future. He maintains that “the working class cannot simply lay hold of the ready-made state machinery, and wield it for its own purpose” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 54). This point is repeated and directly quoted in his 1872 Preface to <i>The Communist Manifesto</i> (Marx & Engels, <span>1972b</span>, p. 470) where he emphasizes the point's “pro[of] by the Commune.” As Lefebvre (<span>1965</span>, p. 33) argues, “the Marxist theory of the withering away of the state, which was present in embryo in Marx's earliest works, followed, rather than preceded, the experience of the Commune.<sup>8</sup>” The <i>sine qua non</i> of a communist future is therefore a novel institutional order characterized by popular self-government under the leadership of the proletariat, which must be created in different terms than the centrally and bureaucratically run state machinery.</p><p>Marx emphasizes the employment of universal suffrage by the Communards in directly electing their councilors based on the ward system. The universal eligibility for voting constitutes a significant extension of democratic political practices. Thus, popular participation through institutional structures creates the conditions of responsible elected officials. Along with this responsibility through election, the introduction of accountability mechanisms, which renders those councilors “revocable at short terms,” plays an important role in Marx's conception of political legitimacy. Marx considers the authority of those councilors as derived from the direct participation of the Communards who delegate the exercise of their authority only for a predetermined period of time and purpose while reserving their ultimate authority to recall them. Thus, the institutional order of the Commune is constructed on the basis of the people as a whole's conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to elected, responsible, and revocable agents who in turn can exercise their authority insofar as the former authorize them to do so.</p><p>Here, Marx attributes to the proletariat a crucial role in the revolutionary transformation process. The proletarians constitute the majority of councilors and therefore have a leading role through their majoritarian representation. However, they are directly accountable to the Communards who retain their right to recall and elect different representatives. In addition, accountability mechanisms are not limited to the representatives. All administrative officials, including “magistrates and judges [who] were to be elective, responsible and revocable” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 58), are “turned into the responsible and at all times revocable agent of the Commune.” Again, Marx conceptualizes political legitimacy in the form of the Parisians’ conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to elected, responsible, and revocable agents. Thus, he states that “never were elections more sifted, never delegates fuller representing the masses from which they had sprung” (Marx, <span>1986a</span>, p. 483). Finally, the equalization of the wages across all government and administrative officials with that of “workmen's wages” facilitates the proletarians to run for offices. By rendering participation in government and administrative offices as a feasible activity this novel institutional order enables the proletarians to participate in political institutions as representatives and officials.</p><p>Accountability mechanisms of the Commune would be reproduced in other industrial and rural centers, which would institutionalize popular self-government under the leadership of the proletariat. The central government would also employ a further mechanism of accountability by requiring the elected, responsible, and revocable delegates of each locality to be constrained by the direct mandates of their constituencies. Considering that the vast majority of the French population lived in rural centers, the peasantry as the dominant social group of most localities would directly participate in the election as well as control of their proletarian leaders. On the one hand, the peasantry would actively participate in the politics of their localities by discussing, deliberating, and making decisions about how to organize their own government. On the other hand, since the institution of direct mandates would empower them with the decision-making power in national politics, the peasantry would get progressively educated in the politics of the entire country, and therefore their political empowerment would transcend the boundaries of their immediate localities. Thus, unlike his infamous claim about the peasantry in France as being “a sack of potatoes” (Marx, <span>1963</span>) some 20 years prior to the establishment of the Commune, Marx attributes a crucial role to the peasantry as part of the French people for the revolutionary transformation of capitalist society under the leadership of the proletariat.</p><p>Furthermore, Marx argues that the remaining functions of the central government would be “restored to the responsible agents of society” who derive their delegated, temporary, and revocable mandate directly from the people as a whole. In this way, the government would be “emptied of that kind of power that made it into a force independent vis-à-vis society” (Avineri, <span>1968</span>, p. 209). It would now be filled “with a new social content [which] entailed truly democratic forms” (Draper, <span>1974</span>, p. 102). For this reason, the Commune “published its doings and sayings, it initiated the public into all its shortcomings” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 67), which enabled the common people, both urban and rural, to be informed about their delegates’ activities in a transparent manner. As a result, Marx argues that the Paris Commune is fundamentally different from “the mediaeval Communes, which first preceded, and afterwards became the substratum of, that very state power” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 59), because it came into existence not only by abolishing the centrally and bureaucratically run government and administration but also by putting forward a network of local self-governing entities under the leadership of the proletariat. In this institutional order, local liberty of municipality would no longer be “a check upon the now superseded state power,” but rather provide “the basis of really democratic institutions” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 60).</p><p>In addition to the people's conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to proletarian leaders, the Commune, according to Marx, is the epitome of “a working class government, the produce of the struggle of the producing against the appropriating class, the political form at last discovered under which to work out the economical emancipation of labour” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 60). This becomes possible only through the Commune's institutional order based on popular participation, which serves “as a lever for uprooting the economical foundations upon which rests the existence of classes, and therefore of class rule” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, pp. 60–61). Whereas just one year before the proclamation of the Commune, Marx, as mentioned above, argues that the English proletariat could alone be a lever for revolutionary transformation, now he views the Commune itself, through its combination of popular participation and proletarian leadership, as a lever for communist revolution. Thus, for Marx, the Commune “was an instance of the extension of democracy to its sociological foundations and created through the democratically oriented collective action of workers” (Niemi, <span>2010</span>, p. 47).</p><p>The proletariat's role as the leader of the Communards takes place within a broad coalition of various social groups (Marx, <span>1986a</span>, pp. 492, 496). The proletariat is “openly acknowledged as the only class capable of social initiative, even by the great bulk of the Paris middle class—shopkeepers, tradesmen, merchants—the wealthy capitalist alone excepted” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 62). This acknowledgment of the emancipatory agency of the proletariat by the people of Paris as a whole crystallizes in the institutional order that facilitates popular participation in conjunction with the elected and revocable leadership of the proletariat. Here, the Commune is both “the true representative of all the healthy elements of French society, and therefore the truly national government…, at the same time, as a working men's government, as the bold champion of the emancipation of labour” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, pp. 64–65). The working existence of the Commune leads to “the invention of an emancipatory political form proper to the proletariat” (Abensour, <span>2011</span>, p. 88). The proletariat acquires a new historical mission of “bringing praxis closer to the truth, realizing the truth of social praxis, putting an end to the state and politics<sup>9</sup>” (Lefebvre, <span>1965</span>, pp. 390–391).</p><p>The institutional order of the Commune is predicated on the Communards’ conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to their responsible, elected, revocable delegates drawn from the proletariat through whose leadership the capitalist class would be expropriated. Thus, the Commune's short working existence “could but betoken the tendency of a government of the people by the people” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, p. 65). The Commune “demanded forms of local self-government that would make possible the greatest measure of initiative and popular participation at grass-roots level” (Johnstone, <span>1971</span>, p. 457). Its government is based on the idea of “the people acting for itself by itself” (Marx, <span>1986a</span>, pp. 463–464). As a result, Marx notes that “working men's Paris, with its Commune, will be forever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new society” (Marx, <span>1940b</span>, pp. 81–82).</p><p>Marx's understanding of the Commune as the lever for overthrowing capitalist society and replacing it with a communist one leads him to further get involved in democratic politics through the institutional leadership of the proletariat. A close reading and analysis of Marx's writings for the period between 1870 and 1883, including his correspondences, published and unpublished manuscripts and pamphlets, letters, journalistic pieces, and interviews, demonstrates to what extent Marx constructs his new political positions, ideas, and proposals by directly drawing on the experience of the Commune. The combination of popular participation and proletarian leadership gives birth to a peculiar institutional articulation during this period.</p><p>Marx explicitly states the necessity to create and support proletarian political parties in Europe and the United States as early as the summer of 1871 (Johnstone, <span>1971</span>, p. 452; Marx, <span>1986b</span>, p. 601). The experience of the Commune proves “the idea that the workers had to organise themselves in their own party” (Gaido, <span>2021</span>, p. 108). This idea constitutes the core of the resolutions of the London Conference of the International Working Men's Association (IWMA) in the fall of 1871, which later were amended to the General Rules and Administrative Regulations of the IWMA in the fall of 1872 at the Hague Conference (Marx, <span>1988a</span>; Marx & Engels, <span>1988</span>, p. 243). Marx explains that “it is not just today that the Association asks the workers to engage in politics, but all the time” (Marx, <span>1986c</span>, p. 617). Therefore, the Conference resolutions, which were written by Marx and Engels, declare that “this constitution of the working class into a political party is indispensable in order to insure the triumph of the social Revolution and its ultimate end—the abolition of classes” and “in the militant state of the working class, its economical movement and its political action are indissolubly united” (Marx & Engels, <span>1986</span>, p. 427). Thus, they call for the establishment of proletarian political parties, especially in Europe, which would play the leadership role in the democratic politics of their countries (Marx, <span>1989c</span>, p. 535; Marx, <span>1989d</span>, p. 239; Marx, <span>1989e</span>, p. 575). The proletarian political parties would become the centers of revolutionary action whose goal would be to unite and get the support of the majority of the citizenry in order to conquer the political power of their countries by transforming political institutions “from the instrument of deception which it has been hitherto into an instrument of emancipation” (Marx, <span>1989f</span>, p. 340). As a result, Marx institutionalizes the leadership of the proletariat through the idea of forming and developing independent proletarian political parties, which would be the leading forces of revolutionary action through their representation of the wide strata of their societies. As he clearly expresses in an interview with <i>The Chicago Tribune</i> correspondent in early 1879, “those revolutions will be made by the majority. No revolution can be made by a party, but by a Nation” (Marx, <span>1989e</span>, p. 576).</p><p>The promise of popular participation under the institutionalized leadership of proletarian political parties in facilitating and bringing about communism is directly connected with the IWMA's decision to move its General Council from London to New York in 1872. In his remarks on the Hague Congress of 1872, Marx acknowledges “the existence of countries like America, England, and if I knew your institutions better I might add Holland, where the workers may achieve their aims by peaceful means” (Marx, <span>1988b</span>, p. 255). Again, as his reference to his lack of knowledge about the institutions of Holland suggests, he attributes the revolutionary potential of these parties to the democratic institutional order of these countries which concerns him for the rest of his life. Especially the United States, for Marx, “is becoming the world of workers par excellence” (Marx, <span>1988b</span>, p. 255). As the English proletariat suffers in “the hands of the venal Trades Union leaders and professional agitators” (Marx, <span>1991a</span>, p. 299), he argues for the relocation of the General Council from London to New York. Even though the IWMA ceases to <i>de facto</i> function by 1874, and disbands itself in 1876, Marx continues to think that “there's a pretty fair storm brewing over there, and the transfer of the centre of the International to the United States may yet, post festum, be presented with a quite exceptional opportunity” (Marx, <span>1991b</span>, p. 251).</p><p>His interest in the institutionalized leadership of the proletariat through their own political parties is not specific to the United States, the UK, and the Netherlands. Beginning with the Franco-Prussian War (Marx, <span>1989g</span>, p. 3), and intensifying following the proclamation of the Commune, Marx starts to consider the German proletariat as a potential leader in the revolutionary struggle in Europe. Here, the Social Democratic Party of Germany, in line with his conception of proletarian political parties as the leaders of revolutionary action, constitutes the most effective political force in continental Europe. Thus, Marx “saw the German Social-Democratic Workers’ Party as a bastion for rallying the forces of the international working class, as its vanguard contingent” (Vasilyeva, <span>1988</span>, p. XXXI).</p><p>In addition, Marx's direct confrontation with Bakunin and anarchists, and their expulsion from the IWMA, demonstrate to what extent he conceives of the proletariat's institutionalized leadership role through popular participation as the <i>sine qua non</i> for the success of the communist revolution. By denouncing Bakunin and his followers in Geneva, Marx argues that one must be “so stupid or so naïve as to attempt to deny to the working class any real means of struggle. For all arms with which to fight must be drawn from society as it is” (Marx, <span>1988c</span>, p. 394). As opposed to Bakunin, who “deduces that the proletariat should rather do nothing at all… and just wait for the <i>day of universal liquidation</i> the Last Judgement” (Marx, <span>1989h</span>, p. 521), Marx proposes the creation of proletarian political parties, which would enable the proletariat to play a leading role in the revolutionary transformation of their societies.</p><p>Finally, Marx's attempts to distance the IWMA from English trade unions and representatives of working class in the House of Commons showcase the necessity to form independent proletarian political parties for revolutionary purposes. He maintains that “the English working class had gradually become ever more demoralized as a result of the period of corruption after 1848, and had finally reached the stage of being no more than an appendage of the great Liberal Party, i.e. of its oppressors, the capitalists. Its direction had passed completely into the hands of the venal Trades Union leaders and professional agitators” (Marx, <span>1991a</span>, p. 299). Therefore, he emphasizes the necessity for establishing an independent proletarian political party in England which would be the leading revolutionary force through its engagement with political institutions.</p><p>“The period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other” constitutes the core of his understanding of political change towards the end of his life. By calling this period of political transition “the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat,” Marx confirms the leadership of the proletariat within the framework of the people as a whole's conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to the former (Lefebvre, <span>1965</span>, p. 37). As Ypi's (<span>2020</span>, p. 281) analysis of Marx's use of the concept of dictatorship in its historical relationship with the Roman institution of dictatorship as well as its French revolutionary employment by the Jacobins suggests, in Marx's view, “the dictatorship of the proletariat embodies the democratic rule of the oppressed majority of people” whose institutional rule gives “more radical form” to existing freedoms. Here, the proletariat acts “on behalf of the majority of the people, from whom it derived its mandate” (Johnstone, <span>1971</span>, p. 454). Therefore, Marx's understanding of the dictatorship of the proletariat “has a profound democratic character, in line with the radical interpretation of freedom as both self-liberation and as just rule, and aspiring to realise an ideal of freedom as public willing” (Ypi, <span>2020</span>, p. 281).</p><p>The proletariat continues to play the leadership role in Marx's conception of the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat. The people delegate the exercise of their authority for a determinate period of time and purpose to the proletariat, that is, “the period of the revolutionary transformation of” capitalist society into communist society. As opposed to relying on “an elite of professional politicians, technocratic institutions, or bureaucratic managers to achieve its desired political objectives,” the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat “signals that authentic freedom is progressively vindicated in the process of making oneself free and in the practices and institutions of collective will formation established to express that freedom” (Ypi, <span>2020</span>, p. 282). Accordingly, the proletariat becomes the elected, responsible, and revocable delegates of the people as a whole with a popular mandate to end the private ownership of the means of production and exploitation of labor.</p><p>This article demonstrates that Marx's discussions about political change under capitalism can be grouped into three distinct periods. His earliest treatment of the subject in his <i>Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right</i> considers direct democracy as the main source of human emancipation against the bureaucratic state. Second, from the winter of 1843/1844 to the spring of 1871, Marx reorients and meticulously constructs a novel understanding of political change through the proletarian revolution. Finally, the experience and aftermath of the Paris Commune push him to foreground self-government under the leadership of the proletariat as the lever for political change under capitalism. Marx's conception of political change under capitalism alters in conjunction with and responds to the political occurrences in his time. Thus, Marx's dialectical interpretations of the contradictions of capitalist society do not hypostasize in the form of a single path toward communism.</p><p>Marx's exposition of the institutional articulation of popular participation and proletarian leadership toward the end of his life seems to be the most relevant one among these conceptions of political change. The conception of self-government under the leadership of proletarian leadership emphasizes the necessity to envision political change through institutional forms based on popular participation, control, and accountability. In the absence of effective proletarian movements in contemporary societies, it showcases the need to reimagine emancipatory agency in terms of its relationship with institutional structures. Marx's positioning of the proletariat as the leader of popular self-government opens up the possibility of articulating the people in its plurality composed of the working classes, precariat, immigrant laborers as well as other social and political groups in the political transformation process through their participation and active control in institutional structures. Yet, it is important to be careful here and reiterate the main argument of this article in order to avoid hypostasizing one or the other conception of political change that Marx employed, as it has been very frequently done by his followers, for instance, most recently Garo (<span>2023</span>)’s reappropriation of communism. 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引用次数: 0
学者们在马克思批判资本主义社会的框架内以各种方式解释马克思的政治变革概念。在过去的几十年里,关于马克思在资本主义制度下的政治变革的概念,马克思学界有三种主要的解释。第一种解释是阿尔都塞(1965)将马克思的智力发展分为早期和晚期的缩影,声称他早期的哲学和激进的民主分析让位于资本主义社会的更科学的概念(见Cantin, 2003)。根据这种理解,青年马克思的哲学和意识形态利益提供了“激进民主的解释”(哈贝马斯,1989年,第126页),被老马克思的科学和唯物主义分析所取代。尽管《青年马克思》认为通过激进的民主政治实现人类解放是可能的,但他们强调“这种著作与成熟的马克思的历史见解和学说不相容”(克兰伯格,1982年,第23页)。他们声称,从19世纪下半叶开始,马克思不再关注那些受亚里士多德、卢梭和黑格尔影响的政治概念和哲学问题,而是更有兴趣为革命的共产主义政治提供对资本主义生产方式的科学分析和批判。第二组和第三组学者通过阿尔都塞的认识论断裂概念直接反对将马克思划分为早期和晚期,尽管他们对马克思在资本主义下政治变革概念发展的侧重点存在显著分歧。第二组的主要论点(Avineri, 1968;德雷伯,1974;Femia, 1993;弗洛姆,1961;Grollios, 2011;Springborg, 1984a, 1984b)认为马克思早期关于民主作为人类自由中心的概念在很大程度上包含在他后来对共产主义的理解中。他们强调,“在《黑格尔批判》中,马克思所说的‘民主’与他后来所说的‘共产主义’并没有根本的不同”(Femia, 1993,第70页)。他们没有在马克思早期和后期的著作中找到认识论上的突破,而是声称,“尽管在概念、情绪和语言上发生了某些变化”(弗洛姆,1961年,第79页),在19世纪40年代中期以后,马克思使用了与他早期关于民主的描述非常相似的术语来描述推翻资本主义社会后的共产主义。他们甚至认为“《共产党宣言》是《黑格尔法哲学批判》的内在内容”(Avineri, 1968,第34页)。因此,在这一时期,他所使用的术语只发生了变化,“朝着用社会主义术语定义一致的民主,用民主术语定义一致的社会主义的方向”(Draper, 1974,第102页)。最后一批学者(Abensour, 2011;坐浴盆,2001;Chrysis, 2018;科恩,1985;Doveton, 1994;加罗语,2001;亨特,1974;Kouvelakis, 2001;莱文,1989;美世,1980;Mostov, 1989;尼米,2010;奥马利,1970;鲁贝尔,1983;熊彼特,1942),反过来,同意第二组的批评Young-Old马克思的论点;但他们在从他对民主的理解向共产主义的转变的条件上存在分歧。与前者将转型解释为术语问题相反,他们认为,在他的一生中,他对民主和共产主义的理解存在连续性。他们“强调他早期思想的连续性如何为理解《哥达纲领批判》提供了一个框架,使其与他早期的民主信仰保持一致”(Niemi, 2010,第41页)。他在1843年对黑格尔的君主制和官僚制的概念进行了批判,由此他得出了民主是人类自由的中心的观点,这被解释为他对人类自由更深入的理解的先驱,这将在共产主义下实现,作为无产阶级革命机构的结果。他们坚持认为,“他们[马克思和恩格斯]对未来社会的设想,从一开始就是一种参与式民主”(Hunt, 1974, p. XIII)。根据他们的观点,这种转变并不发生在他的术语使用上,而是意味着他早期理解的扩展,以及他在欧洲和其他地区社会政治变革中的智力发展。因此,这种转变涉及到“马克思对主题选择的转变”(Doveton, 1994,第564页),这反过来又扩展了他早期对民主下人类自由的理解,向更详细地概念化无产阶级革命和共产主义。本文表明,这些对马克思对资本主义制度下政治变革的理解的主流解释未能追溯马克思政治思想在其整个思想生活中的发展。 就在宣布成立公社的一年前,马克思,如上所述,认为只有英国无产阶级才能成为革命转型的杠杆,现在他把公社本身,通过它的群众参与和无产阶级领导的结合,看作是共产主义革命的杠杆。因此,对于马克思来说,公社“是民主延伸到其社会学基础的一个例子,并通过工人的民主导向的集体行动创造出来”(Niemi, 2010,第47页)。无产阶级作为公社领导人的角色发生在各种社会团体的广泛联盟中(马克思,1986a,第492,496页)。无产阶级“被公开承认是唯一具有社会首创精神的阶级,甚至巴黎的大多数中产阶级——店主、商人、商人——除了富有的资本家之外”(马克思,1940年b版,第62页)。巴黎人民作为一个整体对无产阶级解放机构的承认,体现在制度秩序中,这种制度秩序促进了大众参与,并与民选的和可撤销的无产阶级领导结合在一起。在这里,公社既是“法国社会一切健全成分的真正代表,因而是真正的国民政府……同时又是工人政府,是争取劳动解放的勇敢斗士”(马克思,1940年b页,第64-65页)。公社的有效存在导致了“一种适合无产阶级的解放政治形式的发明”(Abensour, 2011, p. 88)。无产阶级获得了“使实践更接近真理,实现社会实践的真理,消灭国家和政治”的新的历史使命(列斐伏尔,1965,第390-391页)。公社的制度秩序是建立在公社成员有条件地把他们的权力委托给他们负责任的、选举出来的、可罢免的代表的基础上的,这些代表是从无产阶级中选出的,通过他们的领导,资产阶级将被剥夺。因此,公社短暂的存在“只能预示着民治民有政府的趋势”(马克思,1940年b期,第65页)。公社“要求各种形式的地方自治,使最大程度的主动性和群众参与成为可能”(约翰斯通,1971年,第457页)。它的政府基于“人民为自己而行动”的理念(马克思,1986a,第463-464页)。因此,马克思指出,“工人的巴黎及其公社将永远作为新社会的光荣先驱而受到赞扬”(马克思,1940年b期,第81-82页)。马克思对公社的理解是推翻资本主义社会并代之以共产主义社会的杠杆,这使他进一步通过无产阶级的制度性领导参与民主政治。仔细阅读和分析马克思在1870年至1883年期间的著作,包括他的信件,已发表和未发表的手稿和小册子,信件,新闻报道和采访,可以证明马克思在多大程度上通过直接借鉴公社的经验构建了他的新政治立场,思想和建议。在这一时期,民众参与和无产阶级领导的结合产生了一种特殊的制度衔接。马克思早在1871年夏天就明确指出,有必要在欧洲和美国建立和支持无产阶级政党(约翰斯通,1971年,第452页;马克思,1986b,第601页)。公社的经验证明了“工人必须组织自己的政党的想法”(Gaido, 2021,第108页)。这一思想构成了1871年秋国际工人协会伦敦会议决议的核心,这些决议后来在1872年秋的海牙会议上被修改为国际工人协会的总规则和管理条例(马克思,1988a;马克思,恩格斯,1988,第243页)。马克思解释说,“协会要求工人参与政治,不仅是在今天,而是在任何时候”(马克思,1986c,第617页)。因此,由马克思和恩格斯撰写的代表大会决议宣布:“为了保证社会革命的胜利和它的最终目的——消灭阶级,工人阶级组成政党是必不可少的”,“在工人阶级的战斗状态下,它的经济运动和它的政治行动是不可分割地结合在一起的”(马克思和恩格斯)。恩格斯,1986,第427页)。因此,他们呼吁建立无产阶级政党,特别是在欧洲,这将在他们国家的民主政治中发挥领导作用(马克思,1989c,第535页;马克思,1989年,第239页;马克思,1989年,第575页)。 无产阶级政党将成为革命行动的中心,其目标将是团结并获得大多数公民的支持,以便通过将政治机构“从迄今为止的欺骗工具转变为解放工具”来征服他们国家的政治权力(马克思,1989f,第340页)。因此,马克思通过建立和发展独立的无产阶级政党的思想,将无产阶级的领导制度化,这些政党将通过代表其社会的广泛阶层而成为革命行动的领导力量。正如他在1879年初接受《芝加哥论坛报》记者采访时明确表示的那样,“这些革命将由大多数人来完成。革命不能由一个政党,而是由一个民族来进行”(马克思,1989年,第576页)。在无产阶级政党的制度化领导下,大众参与促进和实现共产主义的承诺与IWMA在1872年将其总理事会从伦敦迁至纽约的决定直接相关。马克思在对1872年海牙代表大会的评论中承认“存在着像美国、英国这样的国家,如果我更了解你们的制度的话,我还可以加上荷兰,在那里工人可以用和平手段达到自己的目的”(马克思,1988b,第255页)。再一次,正如他提到他对荷兰制度缺乏了解所表明的那样,他将这些政党的革命潜力归因于这些国家的民主制度秩序这与他的余生有关。尤其是美国,对马克思来说,“正在成为卓越工人的世界”(马克思,1988b,第255页)。当英国无产阶级在“腐败的工会领袖和职业鼓动者手中”受苦时(马克思,1991a,第299页),他主张将总委员会从伦敦迁往纽约。尽管国际马克思主义联盟在1874年停止了事实上的职能,并于1876年解散,马克思仍然认为“那里正在酝酿一场相当公平的风暴,国际中心向美国的转移,在节日结束后,可能会出现一个非常难得的机会”(马克思,1991b,第251页)。他对无产阶级通过自己的政党进行制度化领导的兴趣并不仅限于美国、英国和荷兰。从普法战争开始(马克思,1989年,第3页),随着巴黎公社的宣布,马克思开始将德国无产阶级视为欧洲革命斗争的潜在领导者。在这里,德国社会民主党,与他的无产阶级政党作为革命行动领袖的概念一致,构成了欧洲大陆最有效的政治力量。因此,马克思“将德国社会民主工人党视为集结国际工人阶级力量的堡垒,作为其先锋队”(Vasilyeva, 1988,第XXXI页)。此外,马克思与巴库宁和无政府主义者的直接对抗,以及他们被驱逐出IWMA,证明了他在多大程度上认为无产阶级通过大众参与的制度化领导作用是共产主义革命成功的必要条件。通过谴责巴枯宁和他在日内瓦的追随者,马克思认为,一个人必须“如此愚蠢或如此naïve,以至于试图否认工人阶级有任何真正的斗争手段。”因为所有用于战斗的武器都必须从社会中抽调出来”(马克思,1988c,第394页)。与巴枯宁相反,巴枯宁“推断无产阶级应该什么都不做……只是等待普遍清算的那一天,即最后的审判”(马克思,1989年,第521页),马克思提出建立无产阶级政党,这将使无产阶级能够在其社会的革命转型中发挥领导作用。最后,马克思试图将IWMA与英国工会和下议院工人阶级代表拉开距离,这表明了为革命目的组建独立的无产阶级政党的必要性。他认为,“由于1848年以后的腐败时期,英国工人阶级的士气日益低落,最后达到了不过是大自由党即它的压迫者资本家的附属物的地步。它的领导权已经完全落入贪赃舞弊的工会领袖和职业鼓动家的手中”(马克思,1991a,第299页)。因此,他强调了在英国建立一个独立的无产阶级政党的必要性,通过与政治机构的接触,这个政党将成为领导革命的力量。 “从一个到另一个的革命性转变时期”构成了他晚年对政治变革理解的核心。马克思把这一政治过渡时期称为“无产阶级的革命专政”,以此确认了无产阶级在人民的框架内的领导地位,作为一个整体,无产阶级有条件地将其权力的行使委托给前者(Lefebvre, 1965,第37页)。正如Ypi(2020,第281页)对马克思在其与罗马独裁制度的历史关系中使用专政概念以及在法国雅各宾派革命中使用专政概念的分析所表明的那样,在马克思看来,“无产阶级专政体现了被压迫的大多数人民的民主统治”,其制度统治赋予了现有自由“更激进的形式”。在这里,无产阶级“代表大多数人民,从他们那里获得授权”(约翰斯通,1971年,第454页)。因此,马克思对无产阶级专政的理解“具有深刻的民主性,符合对自由既是自我解放又是正义统治的激进解释,并渴望实现一种作为公众意愿的自由理想”(Ypi, 2020, p. 281)。在马克思的无产阶级革命专政概念中,无产阶级继续发挥着领导作用。人民在一定的时间和目的内,即在资本主义社会向共产主义社会“革命转化的时期”,委托无产阶级行使自己的权力。与依赖“专业政治家、技术官僚机构或官僚管理者的精英来实现其期望的政治目标”相反,无产阶级的革命专政“表明,在使自己自由的过程中,在为表达这种自由而建立的集体意志形成的实践和制度中,真正的自由逐渐得到证实”(Ypi, 2020,第282页)。因此,无产阶级成为全体人民选举出来的、负责任的、可罢免的代表,肩负着结束生产资料私有制和剥削劳动的人民使命。本文论证了马克思关于资本主义制度下政治变革的论述可以分为三个不同的时期。他最早在《黑格尔法哲学批判》中对这一问题进行了论述,认为直接民主是对抗官僚国家的人类解放的主要来源。其次,从1843/1844年冬天到1871年春天,马克思重新定位并精心构建了一种通过无产阶级革命来理解政治变革的新认识。最后,巴黎公社的经验和后果促使他将无产阶级领导下的自治作为资本主义下政治变革的杠杆。马克思关于资本主义制度下的政治变革的概念,是随着他所处时代的政治事件而变化和回应的。因此,马克思对资本主义社会矛盾的辩证解释并没有以通往共产主义的单一道路的形式存在。马克思在晚年对大众参与和无产阶级领导的制度衔接的阐述,似乎是这些政治变革概念中最相关的一个。无产阶级领导下的自治概念强调了通过基于民众参与、控制和问责制的制度形式来设想政治变革的必要性。在当代社会缺乏有效的无产阶级运动的情况下,它显示了在其与制度结构的关系方面重新设想解放机构的必要性。马克思将无产阶级定位为人民自治政府的领导者,这为通过参与和积极控制制度结构,在政治转型过程中阐明由工人阶级、不稳定阶级、移民劳动者以及其他社会和政治群体组成的人民的多元性提供了可能性。然而,重要的是在这里要小心并重申本文的主要论点,以避免将马克思所使用的政治变革的一个或另一个概念进行实体化,因为马克思的追随者经常这样做,例如,最近加罗(2023)对共产主义的重新挪用。马克思对资本主义社会的批判是一个持续的过程,它强调和阐明了解放斗争的不同方面,这些斗争直接来自资本主义社会的现状,并对其作出反应。 与第一种将马克思的一生分为早期和晚期的解释相反,本文认为,马克思的这种哲学与科学的划分并没有捕捉到他一生对科塞莱克(1985)所称的“政治的可制造性”的兴趣,以及对资本主义社会的批判。通过在社会经济变化方面区分“人类行为与长期实际发生的事情”(Koselleck, 1985,第208页),马克思强调了关注和响应正在进行的社会政治变革的必要性,以设想资本主义下的政治变革。因此,与第一种解释所假定的不同,马克思并没有得出政治变革的终极科学概念,而是将政治变革视为依赖于历史背景的概念。正如卡弗(2018)所证明的那样,有必要考虑马克思与他那个时代的其他政治行动者(如自由主义者)有时合作,有时冲突的关系中的“活动家背景”,以便对他自己的政治有更复杂的理解。在这里,其他两种解释似乎或隐或明地假设政治变化在马克思一生的理论思想中占主导地位。一方面,第二种解释断言,马克思从对参与式民主形式的政治变革的理解开始,尽管术语在共产主义方向上发生了变化,但参与式民主或多或少保持不变。另一方面,第三种观点主张不断扩展马克思的政治变革概念,最终达到无产阶级革命的最终形式,以实现共产主义。然而,无论是前者断言马克思的政治变革概念或多或少是不变的,还是后者强调马克思对政治变革的最终理解,都没有抓住马克思在资本主义下政治变革概念转变的特殊性。作为回应,本文认为马克思既没有开始也没有达到对政治变革的最终理解,这种理解将有效并适用于所有独立于背景的历史时刻。本文介绍了马克思关于资本主义制度下政治变革的三种不同概念。它揭示了马克思对政治变革理解的转变,从他最早对黑格尔的法哲学的处理,到他对19世纪法国革命的分析,再到他后来对德国社会民主党的哥达纲领的批判(1972a)。首先,在《黑格尔法哲学批判》(1970)中,马克思将人民概念化为卓越的政治代理人,他们将在民主形式的政府中带来和维持人类自由。马克思借鉴了雅典的民主模式,即普通民众直接参与政治制度,暗示了通过民主接管和对现有秩序的重新定位来推翻中央集权国家。第二,从1843/1844年冬天开始,马克思不再把人民看作是实现人类自由的代理人。在《论犹太人问题》(1972b)和《黑格尔法哲学批判导论》(1972c)中,马克思不再认为民主制度下人民的政治能动性是人类自由的根源。马克思通过引入革命的概念来描述从资本主义社会向共产主义社会的过渡,强调了无产阶级的革命能动性。这种对革命而不是政治制度的重新定位在《德意志意识形态》(马克思&;恩格斯,1972a),他和恩格斯一起,认为无产阶级将解放整个社会,结束人类的隔阂和一个阶级对另一个阶级的剥削。他对无产阶级革命力量的阐述构成了他在《共产党宣言》中论点的核心。恩格斯,1972b),以及他关于法国社会政治变化的历史著作(例如,《法国1848-1850年的阶级斗争》(1964);《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》(1963)和《资本论》(1976)。马克思对资本主义社会的批判指出,通过无产阶级的革命行动,有可能克服资本主义生产方式的内在矛盾以及资本家对工人阶级的剥削。因此,他认为无产阶级是资本主义社会中所有个人的人类自由的承载者,他们反对剥削制度的斗争首先会导致资本家被剥夺,然后创造一个平等、团结和人类创造力蓬勃发展的共产主义社会。 最后,1871年巴黎公社的出现标志着马克思对资本主义下政治变革的理解发生了重大转变。与他早期想象的通过无产阶级的革命行动实现共产主义不同,在公社建立后不久,他开始探索参与式民主实现共产主义的潜力。尽管在1871年春天,他继续把工人阶级作为公社的领袖来谈论,但他不再以牺牲大众参与自治为代价来展望公社的革命机构。大量参与性制度机制的创建,以及对公民身份、性别平等、政治问责制和地方自治等新概念的实验,促使他重新考虑政治变革不再源于无产阶级的革命行动,而是普通民众通过无产阶级领导下的制度机制直接参与自治。无产阶级本身不再是革命的代理人;相反,它在集体自治的过程中获得了一个选举产生的、负责任的、可撤销的领导地位,由于其基于民众参与的新兴制度结构,这将创造共产主义。因此,马克思最初将人民概念化为一个特定国家的解放代理人,这是基于雅典的反对君主和官僚行政的民主模式。后来,他强调无产阶级的革命力量,通过对国家机器的集中控制和生产资料的公有制来实现共产主义。然而,在巴黎公社之后,马克思将政治变革重新定义为在选举产生的、负责任的、可撤销的无产阶级领导下,普通民众参与自治。在《黑格尔法哲学批判》中,马克思直接反驳了黑格尔关于君主是国家主权者的理解,而不是“基于‘人民’的疯狂概念”的人民主权(黑格尔,1952年,第183页)。在这里,再现问题构成了马克思批判的核心。他认为君主“是至高无上的,因为他代表了人民的统一,因此他自己只是一个代表,一个人民主权的象征”(马克思,1970年,第28页)。与黑格尔形成鲜明对比的是,“马克思选择从人民主权的角度来思考政治领域”(Abensour, 2011, p. 48)。因此,君主不可能是国家的实际主权者,因为他作为君主的地位是由于人民的主权,也就是说,他只代表人民的主权。正是在这种将人民主权与君主主权对立起来的概念框架中,马克思发展了他的民主思想,并“对民主进行了相当热情的辩护”(Springborg, 1984b,第48页)。根据马克思的观点,真正的民主(wahre democratim)是唯一真正的政府形式,因为人民,即“全体人民”(马克思,1970年,第29页)决定自己的政治宪法在君主政体形式中,市民社会中的个人属于由君主决定的政治宪法,而在民主政体中,“宪法不仅就其本身而言,根据本质,而且根据存在和现实性,回归到它的现实基础、现实的人、现实的人民,并被确立为它自己的工作”(马克思,1970,第29-30页)。在一个真正的民主国家中,人民主权“必须是构成的,在这个词的充分意义上是宪法的”(Raulet, 2001,第9页)。因此,真正的民主是“个人不再与社会并列的社会状态”(Avineri, 1968,第34页)。它标志着“社会和政治生活的全面重建”(Kouvelakis, 2001, p. 17)。马克思认为民主是一种政府形式,在这种政府形式中,人民通过创建自己的特定宪法和政府模式来实现他们的政治代理,这是基于“人的存在,而在其他政治形式中,人只有合法的存在”(马克思,1970年,第30页)。对于马克思来说,“只有民主才能满足人类的普遍需要”(Levin, 1989, p. 16)。民主中的个人并不具有政治共同体和公民社会分离形式的双重存在。政治上的个人不再像在君主政体或共和政体中那样,“与非政治的、私人的人相比,他的特殊的、独立的存在”(马克思,1970年,第30-31页)。因此,“在真正的民主中,政治国家消失了(der politische Staat untergehe)”(马克思,1970年,第30-31页),政治宪法意味着人民的自决。 在这里,重要的是要注意,当马克思谈到反对君主制的民主时,他想到的是古雅典人(Abensour, 2011, p. 33)和罗马人在较小程度上的自治经验(见de Ste。Croix(1975),详细讨论了马克思与雅典和罗马历史的关系。他坚持认为,这些古代人“是有主权的人”(马克思,1970年,第38页),他们塑造了“国家的内容”(马克思,1970年,第31页),而现代国家在政治领域和非政治领域之间存在着区别。此外,古代雅典和罗马社会并没有产生官僚机构,而官僚机构在其他古代社会(如埃及)普遍存在,在现代社会中占主导地位。正如马克思所说,“没有人听说过希腊或罗马的政治家参加考试”(马克思,1970年,第51页)。这对马克思来说是至关重要的一点,因为人类在现代社会的解放必然要求废除官僚制度。对他来说,官僚主义是“政治异化的制度化身”(Avineri, 1968,第48页)。与黑格尔将官僚阶级描述为普遍阶级的观点相反,马克思的“反官僚冲动”(Abensour, 2011,第41页)表明,在民主的政府形式中,“通过特殊利益真正成为普遍利益”(马克思,1970,第58页),官僚阶级应该被废除。他对真正民主的理解直接反对“国家政治是官僚为了私有者的利益而行使权力的职业和特权”(Chrysis, 2018,第180页)。对于马克思来说,只有在民主的政府形式中,人民作为主权代理人实现自己的政治宪法和国家,人类的解放才能实现。在民主制度中,“统治权力,即政治普遍性应用于社会特殊性的实践,应该是人民意志的实际表达”(雷诺,2001年,第30页)。马克思对真正民主的概念“宣布废除作为政治统治的专门机构的官僚制度,并通过政治在整个社会机构中的扩散来推进公民的活跃生活”(Chrysis, 2018,第109页)。政治宪法是“人民意志的真正表达”(马克思,1970年,第58页),它只能由人民的政治代理来决定,而不能由君主和官僚代理人来决定。因此,这种雅典式的自治和参与式民主模式,即公民通过抽签选出,任期一年,直接参与城邦政府,构成了马克思对民主和政治机构理解的核心。正如亨特(1974,第83页)在他关于民主的讨论中所强调的,“在西方传统中,没有其他政治结构像伯里克利的雅典那样与马克思的理想如此接近。”这种模式不是由专门从事行政任务的官僚阶级统治,而是在业余公民参与政府和行政办公室的基础上发挥作用,从而排除了官僚化。个人既是整体的一部分,也是整体的一部分,即在ekklesia(大会)、dikasteria(人民法院)、boule(议会)和nomothetai(立法者)中的demos,并积极参与城邦的日常管理。因此,马克思关于民主的概念是建立在普遍和特殊的统一基础上的,这一概念似乎深受古代民主模式的影响(Femia, 1993,第76页),他不仅用民主模式来挑战黑格尔对君主主权的理解,而且把它作为人类解放的源泉。与非民主的政府形式相对,人民在建立和维持民主方面的“历史性干预”(Bidet, 2001, pp. 75-76)将为现代社会带来人类解放。马克思在《论犹太人问题》中继续批判政治共同体与市民社会的分离。然而,在讨论人类解放时,他用物种存在(Gattungswesen)的概念取代了民主的概念。这标志着他对政治变革的概念开始转变,随着时间的推移,他对政治变革的独特理解产生于无产阶级的革命机构,下文将对此进行讨论。在本文中,人的解放是从消灭抽象的公民和利己主义的个人之间的区别而产生的。此外,虽然马克思在他之前的著作中笼统地谈论了真正的民主,但在这里,马克思关注的是19世纪真正存在的民主政府形式,即 在英国、英国和美国,政治和私人个体的分离决定了这一点,并“暴露了现有民主实践的弱点和局限性”(Pierson, 1986,第16页)。因此,马克思在重新定位他的政治变革概念时,注意到现有民主政府的历史背景。最后,马克思在这里并没有谈论一个特定的解放行动者,而是描述了当个人生活被否定为政治和公民领域的分离时,人类解放会是什么样子。作为政治从宗教中解放出来的直接结果,个人现在具有双重存在。他们在政治生活中作为“公众人”行事,而在公民社会中,他们作为“私人”存在于与他人的区别中(马克思,1972b,第35页)。民主国家通过“把宗教置于市民社会的其他要素之中”(马克思,1972b,第36页)作为个人的私事而从宗教中解放出来,个人“以亵渎的方式”实践自己的宗教(马克思,1972b,第37页)。在民主国家中,个人并没有在现实世界中实现自己的类存在,而只是作为抽象公民在政治共同体的想象世界中实现自己的类存在。他们在现实生活中与公民社会中的其他人完全分离和孤立。把国家从宗教中解放出来的政治革命,同时“把市民社会……看作自己存在的基础,看作自己存在的前提,因而看作自己存在的自然基础”(马克思,1972b,第46页)。作为政治共同体中的公民,个人的抽象想象以利己主义个人的形式完全融入了他们的现实存在,他们“被认同为真正的人(eigentlichen Menschen)”(马克思,1972b,第46页)。虽然他们只是在想象中被视为一个抽象的公民,但他们作为市民社会中的私人个体的利己主义和孤立的存在构成了他们的现实生活经验。因此,马克思反对将政治解放作为个人解放的最终形式的观点。相反,他坚持通过承认和组织个人“作为社会力量的自身力量”(马克思,1972b,第46页)来实现人类解放的必要性。只有通过物种存在在现实世界中的自我实现,人类才能在彼此之间的实际存在中成为社会存在。如上所述,马克思在这部著作中没有涉及政治代理的问题。然而,他在《黑格尔法哲学批判导论》中重新审视了政治代理与人类解放的关系问题。他“在完成《批判》后不久移居巴黎的法国工人阶级”(O’malley, 1970年,第LIII页)的经历促进了他对解放代理的理解的改变。马克思从1843-1844年冬开始,重新定位于对民主政府现存形式的分析,之后他得出了在民主国家的背景下实现人类解放的不可能性,马克思在这里开始探索无产阶级作为人类解放的普遍阶级的革命潜力,为整个人类。因此,当他在1844年初确定“无产阶级是解放的主体”时,马克思就不再使用“民主”这个术语来作为他所支持的政治运动或社会类型的标签”(Levin, 1989,第18页)。在这本著作中,马克思“发展了一种问题论,这种问题论不可否认地不可简化为黑格尔权利哲学批判”(雷诺,2001年,第24页)。人类解放的主要代理人现在采取了一个特殊阶级的形式,这个阶级“与整个社会联系和融合,与社会认同,并被认为和承认为这个社会的总代表[allgemeiner Repräsentant]”(马克思,1972c,第62页)。马克思“第一次”(Avineri, 1968,第58页)描述了由特定阶级进行的阶级战争,它将为整个社会带来人类解放(Ricoeur, 1986,第26页)。他认为,“要使一场人民革命(revolution eines Volkes)和市民社会中某一阶级的解放(Emanzipation einer besonderen Klasse)相一致,要使一个阶级代表整个社会,另一个阶级必须把社会的一切罪恶集中在自己身上,一个特定阶级必须体现和代表一个普遍的障碍和限制”(马克思,1972c,第63页)。人的解放是通过解放阶级的革命行动,在与压迫阶级(der Stand der Unterjochung)的对抗和斗争中发生的。 后者,也就是无产阶级,宣称“我什么都不是,我应该成为一切[Ich bin nhts, und Ich m<e:1> ßte alles sein]”(马克思,1972c,第63页)反对资产阶级。无产阶级通过自己的革命行动“宣布现存社会秩序的瓦解[die Auflösung der bisherigen Weltordnung]”(马克思,1972c,第65页)。由于社会的解体,无产阶级的贫穷是“人为制造的”(马克思,1972c,第64页)。马克思赋予无产阶级废除一切形式的奴役,为整个社会带来人类解放的任务。因此,他“在无产阶级身上看到了普遍性的当代的、最终的实现”(Avineri, 1968,第59页)。他对物种存在的理解现在围绕着异化的、异化的劳动问题(参见Wood, 2004,第18-19页),它异化了个人的有意识的生命活动,使其看起来“只是作为一种生活手段[Lebensmittel]”(马克思,1972,第76页)。在资本主义生产过程中,“异化劳动从他身上撕裂了他的物种生命,他的真正的物种客观性”(马克思,1972年,第76页)。个体的物种意识“被异化所改变,物种生活对他来说成了一种手段”(马克思,1972年,第77页)。他们的物种存在对个体来说变得陌生,这也导致了他们与其他个体的隔阂。马克思认为,资本主义生产导致了工人的异化,工人从奴役中解放出来的唯一途径是无产阶级的革命行动。无产阶级革命把工人从资本的奴役下解放出来,不仅是工人的解放,而且是人的解放。因为“工人的解放包含着人类的普遍解放——它包含着这一点,因为人类的全部奴役都包含在工人与生产的关系中,而每一种奴役关系都不过是这种关系的修改和结果”(马克思,1972年,第80页)。因此,马克思认为,人类在现代社会中解放的可能性,仅仅是通过无产阶级从资本主义生产过程中解放出来,因为资本主义生产过程使无产阶级在整个生命活动中脱离了它的类存在。他将无产阶级解放与人类解放纠缠在一起,“因为对无产阶级的奴役是人类所有不自由形式的范例”(Avineri, 1968,第60页)。正是通过无产阶级的革命行动,共产主义——“作为否定的否定的立场,因此是人类解放和恢复过程中下一阶段历史发展所必需的实际[劳动]阶段”(马克思,1972年,第93页)——才得以确立。一旦私有财产和资本主义社会通过无产阶级革命被废除,一个与他们的物种和谐相处的新个体将在共产主义下开始出现,他们与他人共存,“深刻地赋予所有感官[tief allsinnigen]”(马克思,1972年,第89页)。只有这样,“无产阶级的要求,它作为普遍阶级的利益,才与共产主义的现实相一致。共产主义作为对私有财产的积极废除,恰恰是正在形成的新世界的催化剂”(O’malley, 1970, p. LIX)。最后,《德意志意识形态》标志着马克思把无产阶级作为普遍阶级与解放能动联系起来的顶点。马克思和恩格斯共同发展了无产阶级革命理论,这是生产力的普遍发展和社会生产关系之间的紧张关系的结果。随着资本主义社会中这种紧张关系的增长,“无产者”(马克思&;恩格斯,1972a,第161-162页),也就是说,无产阶级结束了以资产阶级“通过革命”对工人阶级的统治为幌子的最先进的人类统治形式(马克思和;恩格斯,1972a,第168页)。无产阶级革命的目的是“占有全部生产力,并在这样假定的全部能力的发展中”(马克思)。恩格斯,1972a,第191页),因此创造了所有人对生产资料的普遍控制。通过反对资本家和占有生产力的革命行动,“私有制走向了终结”(马克思;恩格斯,1972a,第192页),而无产阶级“成功地摆脱了所有时代的束缚,并适应于建立新的社会”(马克思和;恩格斯,1972a,第192-193页)。在这里,无产阶级革命的直接目标是对资产阶级统治下的国家的控制。通过“推翻国家”(马克思;恩格斯,1972a, p。 2000年),无产阶级将开始建立一个共产主义的未来,它将把人类的团结和自由作为塑造未来社会关系组织的基础。马克思和恩格斯在《共产党宣言》中描述了无产阶级运动的目的是推翻资本主义社会,用共产主义代替它。他们讨论了作为生产资料所有者的资产阶级和作为工人阶级成员的无产阶级之间的鲜明对比在多大程度上是现代社会的特征。它们表明资本家有一种天生的倾向,即为了积累更多的资本而不断革新生产力,这反过来又增加了工人阶级的规模和权力。因此,他们认为,“资产阶级不仅制造了自取灭亡的武器;它还产生了使用这些武器的人——现代工人阶级——无产者”(马克思)。恩格斯,1972b,第478页)。他们把无产阶级定性为代表现代社会绝大多数人口的普遍的历史革命主体。他们阐述了对无产阶级作为资本主义社会解放主体的认识,强调了无产阶级革命主体的国际主义性质。由于工业资本主义的发展,把越来越多的工匠、商人和商人等中产阶级推向无产阶级行列,现代社会的无产阶级“是从人口的各个阶级中吸收来的”(马克思;恩格斯,1972b,第479-480页)。无产者创造了一种运动,这种运动“是绝大多数人自觉的、独立的、为绝大多数人谋利益的运动”(马克思)。恩格斯,1972b,第482页)。作为第一步,他们的革命运动旨在“赢得民主之战”(马克思& &;恩格斯,1972b,第490页),这将使他们处于统治地位。因此,无产阶级应当“到处为各国民主党派的联合和协议而劳动”(马克思)。恩格斯,1972b,第500页)。无产阶级在赢得这场民主斗争之后,“将利用自己的政治统治地位,逐步从资产阶级手中夺取全部资本,把一切生产工具集中在国家即组织为统治阶级的无产阶级手中;尽快地提高生产力的总和”(马克思)。恩格斯,1972b,第490页)。无产阶级通过统治国家推翻了资产阶级的统治之后,就会创造条件,使“每个人的自由发展是所有人自由发展的条件的联合体”出现(马克思)。恩格斯,1972b,第491页)。在他对法国革命斗争的分析中,马克思继续运用无产阶级作为历史革命代理人的理解。他进一步将自己对无产阶级革命力量的理解与小资产阶级试图推动民主斗争区分开来,后者“希望消除专制并建立代议制机构,但对允许权力下放到工人阶级手中持谨慎态度”(Levin, 1989年,第30页)。在经历了1848年欧洲革命的失败后,“马克思对欧洲的民主运动越来越灰心”(Mostov, 1989,第207页)。尽管他对民主政府现有形式的重新定位和对无产阶级的发现构成了这种政治变革新概念的开端,但在1848年革命斗争失败后,他进一步将无产阶级作为普遍解放的代理人,并逐渐失去了对民主作为一种政治概念的兴趣。因此,民主一词“在1848年之后,在他们(马克思和恩格斯)的政治词汇中变得不那么重要了”(Doveton, 1994年,第558页)。无产阶级相对于-à-vis资产阶级的从属地位决定了它的革命潜力,这导致了资本主义秩序的推翻。这里,英国无产阶级在马克思认为无产阶级是历史的普遍代理人的思想中起着关键作用。因为英国是最先进的工业国,无产阶级同资本家的直接对立在那里表现得最明确、最发达。其他尚未工业化的社会将跟随英国的脚步,形成资本主义秩序,其特征必然是资产阶级剥削其绝大多数人口,即工人阶级。由英国工人阶级为应对“新的危机”而领导的无产阶级革命(马克思,1963年,p. 396)。 135页)将获得普遍的意义,因为当它涉及到“统治世界市场的人民的头,英国的头”(马克思,1963年,第113-114页)时,其他国家的工人将加入他们的集体反资本主义斗争,目标是建立一个共产主义的未来。因此,在这一时期,马克思在他的政治构想中继续运用国际主义对无产阶级革命力量的理解。无产阶级与革命机构的这种联系贯穿了整个19世纪60年代。尽管《资本论》标志着马克思对资本主义生产方式理解的一个根本转折点,因为他详细解释了资本主义生产过程的内在动力,这种动力是基于资本家对劳动的剥削和对剩余价值的剥夺,但他对资本主义下政治变革的考虑仍然与他自1843/1844年冬天以来所使用的术语相似。马克思揭示了资本主义社会中生产资料的发展和社会生产关系之间的内在紧张关系是如何导致“工人阶级的反抗,这个阶级的人数不断增加,并被资本主义生产过程的机制所训练、团结和组织”(马克思,1976年,第929页)。“生产资料的集中和劳动的社会化达到了一个临界点”(马克思,1976,第929页),它们不再能与资本主义私有财产制度相容。在那一刻,无产阶级作为推翻资本主义制度并用自己的统治取而代之的唯一革命力量出现在历史舞台上。马克思通过脚注直接引用了他在《共产党宣言》中对无产阶级革命的讨论,他宣称无产阶级革命的结果是“少数篡夺者被人民群众剥夺”(马克思,1976年,第930页)。在巴黎公社的意外事件之后,马克思特别关注“那些最初站在运动前列的人”,也就是无产阶级。他讨论了他们通过授权和负责任的行使权力,在巴黎人民自治政府中发挥领导作用的承诺。此外,通过强调公社“与传统政治制度的决裂”(Rubel, 1983,第101页),马克思提出了“社会主义民主制度的可能模式”(Mostov, 1989,第206页)和“革命民主的积极模式”(Doveton, 1994,第576页)。因此,他讨论了在公社的制度秩序中,大众参与和无产阶级领导之间的关系。在这里,马克思对法国内战中的公社(1940年b)的分析围绕着公社接管后国家机器的功能问题展开(Abensour, 2011年,第84-85页)。他强调,资本主义制度下存在的国家制度基础不能构成共产主义未来的基础。他坚持认为“工人阶级不能简单地掌握现成的国家机器,并运用它来达到自己的目的”(马克思,1940年b期,第54页)。这一点在他1872年的《共产党宣言》序言中被重复和直接引用。恩格斯,1972b,第470页),他在其中强调了“公社的支持”。正如列斐伏尔(1965,第33页)所言,“马克思主义关于国家消亡的理论,在马克思早期著作的萌芽阶段,是在共产主义的经验之后,而不是之前出现的。”因此,共产主义未来的必要条件是一种以无产阶级领导下的人民自治为特征的新型制度秩序,它必须以不同于中央和官僚管理的国家机器的方式来创建。马克思强调在选区制度的基础上,利用普选权直接选举他们的委员。普遍投票资格是民主政治实践的重大延伸。因此,通过体制结构的民众参与创造了产生负责任的民选官员的条件。伴随着这种通过选举产生的责任,问责机制的引入在马克思的政治合法性概念中发挥了重要作用,这使得这些委员“在短期内可被罢免”。马克思认为这些委员的权威来源于公社成员的直接参与,公社成员只在预定的时间和目的下行使他们的权力,同时保留罢免他们的最终权力。因此,公社的制度秩序是建立在全体人民有条件地将他们的权力委托给选举出来的、负责任的、可罢免的代理人的基础上的,而这些代理人反过来又可以行使他们的权力,只要前者授权他们这样做。 在这里,马克思认为无产阶级在革命转型过程中起着至关重要的作用。无产者在参事中占多数,因此,无产者的多数代表具有领导作用。但是,他们直接对公社负责,公社保留罢免和选举不同代表的权利。此外,问责机制并不局限于代表。所有行政官员,包括“应当是选举产生的、负责任的、可罢免的”(马克思,1940年b期,第58页),“都变成了负责任的、随时可罢免的公社代理人”。再一次,马克思将政治合法性概念化为巴黎人有条件地将他们的权力委托给选举出来的、负责任的、可撤销的代理人。因此,他指出,“选举从来没有经过如此多的筛选,代表从来没有更充分地代表他们所产生的群众”(马克思,1986a,第483页)。最后,所有政府和行政官员的工资都与“工人工资”相等,这有利于无产者竞选公职。通过使参与政府和行政事务成为一种可行的活动,这种新的制度秩序使无产者能够以代表和官员的身份参与政治机构。公社的问责机制将在其他工业和农村中心复制,这将使无产阶级领导下的人民自治制度化。中央政府还将采用进一步的问责机制,要求每个地方选出的、负责任的、可罢免的代表受到其选区直接授权的约束。考虑到法国绝大多数人口居住在农村中心,农民作为大多数地方的主导社会群体将直接参与选举和控制他们的无产阶级领导人。一方面,农民通过讨论、审议和决定如何组织自己的政府,积极参与当地的政治。另一方面,由于直接委任制度将赋予农民在国家政治中的决策权,农民将逐步接受整个国家政治的教育,因此他们的政治权力将超越其直接所在地的界限。因此,与他在巴黎公社成立前大约20年关于法国农民是“一袋土豆”(马克思,1963)的臭名昭著的言论不同,马克思认为农民作为法国人民的一部分,在无产阶级领导下的资本主义社会的革命转型中起着至关重要的作用。此外,马克思认为,中央政府的剩余职能将“恢复到负责任的社会代理人”,他们直接从全体人民那里获得委托的、暂时的、可撤销的授权。通过这种方式,政府将“清空那种使其成为独立于-à-vis社会的力量的权力”(Avineri, 1968, p. 209)。现在,它将被“包含真正民主形式的新的社会内容”所填充(Draper, 1974,第102页)。由于这个原因,公社“公布了它的所作所为和言论,它向公众介绍了它的所有缺点”(马克思,1940b,第67页),这使得城市和农村的普通民众能够以透明的方式了解他们的代表的活动。因此,马克思认为,巴黎公社从根本上不同于“中世纪的公社,中世纪公社首先先于国家政权,后来又成为国家政权的基础”(马克思,1940年b期,第59页),因为巴黎公社的存在不仅废除了中央和官僚管理的政府和行政机构,而且提出了无产阶级领导下的地方自治实体网络。在这种制度秩序中,地方自治政府的自由将不再是“对现已被取代的国家权力的制约”,而是提供“真正民主制度的基础”(马克思,1940年b期,第60页)。在马克思看来,除了人民有条件地把自己的权力委托给无产阶级领袖行使之外,公社还是“工人阶级政府,是生产者同占有阶级斗争的产物,是最终发现的实现劳动经济解放的政治形式”的缩影(马克思,1940年b期,第60页)。这只有通过建立在大众参与基础上的公社制度秩序才有可能实现,这种制度秩序“作为一种杠杆,可以铲除阶级赖以存在的经济基础,从而铲除阶级统治的基础”(马克思,1940年b期,第60-61页)。
Marx's three different conceptions of political change under capitalism: Direct democracy, proletarian revolution, or self-government under proletarian leadership
Scholars have interpreted Marx's conception of political change within the framework of his critique of capitalist society in myriad ways. Three main interpretations have prevailed in Marx scholarship in the last few decades with regard to his conception of political change under capitalism. The first interpretation, which is epitomized by Althusser's (1965) division of Marx's intellectual development into an early and late period, claims that his earlier philosophical and radical democratic analyses give place to a more scientific conception of capitalist society (see Cantin, 2003). The philosophical and ideological interests of the Young Marx, which provides “a radical-democratic interpretation” (Habermas, 1989, p. 126), according to this understanding, are superseded by the scientific and materialistic analyses of the Old Marx. Whereas the Young Marx entertains the possibility of achieving human emancipation through radical democratic politics, they highlight “the incompatibility of such writings with the historical insights and doctrines of the mature Marx” (Krancberg, 1982, p. 23). From the second half of the 19th century, they claim, Marx no longer pays attention to those political concepts and philosophical questions influenced by Aristotle, Rousseau, and Hegel, but is rather interested in providing a scientific analysis and critique of the capitalist mode of production for revolutionary communist politics.
The second and third groups of scholars directly oppose this division of Marx into an early and late period through the Althusserian concept of epistemological break, although their emphases on the development of his conception of political change under capitalism diverge significantly. The main argument of the second group (Avineri, 1968; Draper, 1974; Femia, 1993; Fromm, 1961; Grollios, 2011; Springborg, 1984a, 1984b) is that Marx's earlier notion of democracy as the locus of human freedom is to a large extent encompassed by his later understanding of communism. They stress that “in his Critique of Hegel, what Marx terms ‘democracy’ is not fundamentally different from what he will later call ‘communism’” (Femia, 1993, p. 70). Rather than finding an epistemological break in Marx's earlier and later writings, they claim that “in spite of certain changes in concepts, in mood, in language” (Fromm, 1961, p. 79), the mid-1840s onward, Marx uses very similar terms with his earlier account of democracy to describe what communism would look like after the overthrow of capitalist society. They go as far as to maintain that “the Communist Manifesto is immanent in the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right” (Avineri, 1968, p. 34). Thus, there occurs only a change in the terminology he employs during this period “in the direction of defining consistent democracy in socialist terms, and consistent socialism in democratic terms” (Draper, 1974, p. 102).
The last group of scholars (Abensour, 2011; Bidet, 2001; Chrysis, 2018; Cohen, 1985; Doveton, 1994; Garo, 2001; Hunt, 1974; Kouvelakis, 2001; Levin, 1989; Mercer, 1980; Mostov, 1989; Niemi, 2010; O'Malley, 1970; Rubel, 1983; Schumpeter, 1942), in turn, agree with the second group's critique of the Young–Old Marx thesis; but they diverge on the terms of the transition from his understanding of democracy to communism. As opposed to the former's interpretation of the transition as a terminological issue, they argue that there exists instead a continuity in his understanding of democracy and communism throughout his life. They “emphasize how continuity from his earlier thought provides a framework for understanding Critique of the Gotha Program as consistent with his earlier democratic beliefs” (Niemi, 2010, p. 41). His critique of Hegel's conceptualization of monarchy and bureaucracy in 1843, through which he arrives at the idea of democracy as the locus of human freedom, is interpreted as a precursor to his more developed understanding of human freedom, which would be realized under communism as a result of the revolutionary agency of the proletariat. They maintain that “what they [Marx and Engels] envisaged for the future society, from its very beginning, was a kind of participatory democracy” (Hunt, 1974, p. XIII). According to them, the transition does not occur in his terminological uses but rather signifies an expansion of his earlier understanding in conjunction with his intellectual development amid sociopolitical changes in Europe and beyond. Thus, the transition involves “a switch in Marx's choice of subject matter” (Doveton, 1994, p. 564), which in turn expands his earlier understanding of human freedom under democracy toward more elaborate conceptualizations of proletarian revolution and communism.
This article demonstrates that these dominant interpretations of Marx's understanding of political change under capitalism have failed to trace the development of Marx's political thinking throughout his intellectual life. As opposed to the first interpretation's breaking of Marx's lifetime into an early and late period, this article argues that this philosophical versus scientific division of Marx does not capture the persistence of his lifelong interest in what Koselleck (1985) calls “the makeability of politics” in conjunction with the critique of capitalist society. By distinguishing “human action from what actually occurs in the long term” (Koselleck, 1985, p. 208) in terms of socioeconomic changes, Marx foregrounds the necessity to be attentive and responsive to ongoing sociopolitical transformations to envision political change under capitalism. Thus, Marx does not arrive at an ultimate, scientific conception of political change, unlike what the first interpretation posits, but rather conceives of political change as dependent on historical context. As Carver (2018) demonstrates, it is necessary to take into account Marx's “activist context” in his sometimes collaborative and sometimes conflictual relationship with other political actors of his time such as the liberals to have a more sophisticated understanding of his own politics. Here, the other two interpretations seem to implicitly or explicitly assume the preponderance of political change in Marx's theoretical thinking throughout his life. On the one hand, the second interpretation asserts that Marx starts off with an understanding of political change in the form of participatory democracy, which remains more or less the same despite the terminological changes in the direction of communism. The third one, on the other hand, argues for a continuous expansion of Marx's conception of political change that arrives at the ultimate form of proletarian revolution to achieve communism. However, neither the former, which asserts a more or less invariant conception of political change by Marx, nor the latter, which emphasizes Marx's arrival at an ultimate understanding of political change, grasps the peculiarity of the transformations of Marx's conception of political change under capitalism. As a response, this article argues that Marx neither starts off with nor arrives at an ultimate understanding of political change that would be valid and applicable to all historical moments independent of the context.
This article presents Marx's three different conceptions of political change under capitalism. It reveals the transformations of Marx's understanding of political change from his earliest treatment of Hegel's Philosophy of Right through his analyses of the 19th-century revolutions in France to his later Critique of the Gotha Program (1972a) of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. First, in Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right (1970), Marx conceptualizes the people as the political agent par excellence who would bring about and sustain human freedom in a democratic form of government. Drawing on the Athenian model of democracy in which the common people directly participate in political institutions, Marx hints at the supersession of the centralized state through democratic takeover and repurposing of the existing order.
Second, starting from the winter of 1843/1844, Marx no longer considers the people as the agent for achieving human freedom. In On the Jewish Question (1972b) and Introduction to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right (1972c), Marx ceases to consider the people's political agency under democracy as the locus of human freedom. Through the introduction of the concept of revolution to describe the transition from capitalist to communist society, Marx emphasizes the revolutionary agency of the proletariat. This reorientation toward revolution rather than political institutions culminates in a programmatic statement in The German Ideology (Marx & Engels, 1972a) in which he, along with Engels, argues that the proletariat would emancipate the whole society and put an end to human estrangement and exploitation of one class by another one. His exposition of the revolutionary agency of the proletariat constitutes the core of his arguments in The Communist Manifesto (Marx & Engels, 1972b) as well as his historical writings about the sociopolitical changes in France (e.g., Class Struggles in France 1848–1850 (1964); The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (1963)) and Capital (1976). Marx's critique of capitalist society points to the possibility of overcoming the inner contradictions of the capitalist mode of production, along with the exploitation of the working class by capitalists, through the revolutionary action of the proletariat. Accordingly, he conceives of the proletariat as the bearer of human freedom for all individuals in capitalist society whose struggle against the exploitative system would result in, first, the expropriation of capitalists and then the creation of a communist society in which equality, solidarity, and human creativity would flourish.
Finally, the emergence of the Paris Commune in 1871 marks a significant transformation in Marx's understanding of political change under capitalism. Unlike his earlier imagination of communism achieved via the revolutionary action of the proletariat, soon after the establishment of the Commune, he begins exploring the potential of participatory democracy to realize communism. Although he continues to talk about the working class as the leader of the Communards during the spring of 1871, he no longer foregrounds its revolutionary agency at the cost of popular participation in self-government. The creation of a plethora of participatory institutional mechanisms as well as experimentations with novel conceptions of citizenship, gender equality, political accountability, and local autonomy by the Communards pushes him to reconsider political change as no longer springing from the revolutionary action of the proletariat, but rather the direct participation of the common people in self-government via institutional mechanisms under the leadership of the proletariat. The proletariat no longer in itself forms a revolutionary agent; instead, it attains an elected, responsible, and revocable leadership position in the process of collective self-government, which would create communism thanks to its emerging institutional structure based on popular participation.
As a result, Marx initially conceptualizes the people as the emancipatory agent of a given state based on the Athenian model of democracy against the monarch and bureaucratic administration. Later, he emphasizes the revolutionary agency of the proletariat to bring about communism through the centralized control of the state apparatus and public ownership of the means of production. However, following the Paris Commune, Marx reconceptualizes political change as springing from the common people's participation in self-government under the elected, responsible, and revocable leadership of the proletariat.
In Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, Marx directly confronts Hegel's understanding of the monarch as the sovereign of the state as opposed to the sovereignty of the people “based on the wild idea of ‘the people’” (Hegel, 1952, p. 183). Here, the issue of representation constitutes the core of Marx's critique. He argues that the monarch “is sovereign in so far as he represents the unity of the people, and thus he is himself merely a representative, a symbol of the sovereignty of the people” (Marx, 1970, p. 28). In sharp contrast with Hegel, “Marx opts for thinking the political realm from the perspective of the sovereignty of the people” (Abensour, 2011, p. 48). Thus, the monarch cannot be the actual sovereign of the state, since his position as the monarch is due to the sovereignty of the people, i.e., he only represents the people's sovereignty.
It is within this framework of conceptualizing popular sovereignty as opposed to monarchical sovereignty that Marx develops his idea of democracy and “undertakes a quite passionate defense of democracy” (Springborg, 1984b, p. 48). True democracy (wahre Demokratie), according to Marx, is the only true form of government in the sense that the people, i.e., “the whole Demos” (Marx, 1970, p. 29), determine its own political constitution.1 Unlike the monarchical form of government in which the individual in civil society belongs to the political constitution that is determined by the monarch, in democracy “the constitution not only in itself, according to essence, but according to existence and actuality is returned to its real ground, actual man, the actual people, and established as its own work” (Marx, 1970, pp. 29–30). In a true democracy, popular sovereignty “must be constitutive, constitutional in the full sense of the term2” (Raulet, 2001, p. 9). Thus, true democracy is “that state of society in which the individual is no longer juxtaposed against society” (Avineri, 1968, p. 34). It signifies a “full reconstruction of social and political life3” (Kouvelakis, 2001, p. 17). Marx views democracy as that form of government in which the people realize their political agency by creating their own particular constitution and mode of government, which is based on “human existence, while in the other political forms, man has only legal existence” (Marx, 1970, p. 30). For Marx, “only democracy can satisfy universalist needs” (Levin, 1989, p. 16) of human beings.
The individual in democracy does not have a dual existence in the separated form of the political community and civil society. The political individual has no longer “his particular and separate existence beside the unpolitical, private man” (Marx, 1970, pp. 30–31) as they do in monarchical or republican forms of government. Thus, “in true democracy the political state disappears [der politische Staat untergehe]” (Marx, 1970, pp. 30–31), and the political constitution signifies the self-determination of the people.
Here, it is important to note that when Marx talks about democracy in opposition to monarchy, he has in mind the ancient Athenian (Abensour, 2011, p. 33) and, to a lesser extent, Roman experiences with self-government (see de Ste. Croix (1975) for a detailed discussion of Marx's engagement with Athenian and Roman histories). He maintains that these ancient people “were the sovereign people” (Marx, 1970, p. 38) who shaped “the content of the state” (Marx, 1970, p. 31), unlike the modern state in which there exists a distinction between the political and non-political spheres. Moreover, ancient Athenian and Roman societies did not create bureaucracies, which were prevalent in other ancient societies (e.g., Egypt), and are preponderant in modern society. As Marx states, “no one ever heard of the Greek or Roman statesmen taking an examination” (Marx, 1970, p. 51). This is a crucial point for Marx because human emancipation in modern society necessarily requires the abolition (Aufhebung) of bureaucracy. For him, bureaucracy is “the institutional incarnation of political alienation” (Avineri, 1968, p. 48). As opposed to Hegel's characterization of the bureaucratic class as the universal class, Marx's “anti-bureaucratic impulse” (Abensour, 2011, p. 41) reveals that its abolition should happen “through the particular interest really becoming universal” (Marx, 1970, p. 58) in the democratic form of government. His understanding of true democracy directly counters “state politics as the profession and privileged exercise of power by bureaucracy in the interest of private proprietors” (Chrysis, 2018, p. 180).
For Marx, only in a democratic form of government in which the people as the sovereign agent actualize their own political constitution and state, human emancipation can be achieved. In democracy, “the governing power, the pratique by which the political universal applies to the social particularity, should not be anything other than the actual expression of the will of the people4” (Renault, 2001, p. 30). Marx's conceptualization of true democracy “announces the abolition of bureaucracy as a specialized body of political domination and advances citizens’ vita activa through the diffusion of politics throughout the entire social body” (Chrysis, 2018, p. 109). The political constitution, which is “a true expression of the people's will” (Marx, 1970, p. 58), can only be determined by the political agency of the people, not by the monarch and bureaucratic agents.
As a result, this Athenian model of self-government and participatory democracy in which the demos, who is selected by lot to one-year term offices, directly participates in the government of the city-state, constitutes the core of Marx's understanding of democracy and political agency. As Hunt (1974, p. 83) stresses, within his discussion on democracy, “no other political structure in the Western tradition so closely resembles Marx's ideal as Periclean Athens.” Instead of being ruled by the bureaucratic class specialized in administrative tasks, this model functions on the basis of amateur citizen participation in government and administrative offices, which precludes bureaucratization. The individual is both part and parcel of the whole, i.e., the demos in the ekklesia (assembly), dikasteria (popular courts), boule (council), and nomothetai (lawmakers), and actively engaged in the day-to-day administration of the city-state. Therefore, Marx's conceptualization of democracy as based on the unity of the universal and the particular seems to be heavily influenced by the ancient model of democracy (Femia, 1993, p. 76), which he employs not only to challenge Hegel's understanding of monarchical sovereignty but also to present it as the source of human emancipation. The people's “historical intervention5” (Bidet, 2001, pp. 75–76) in establishing and sustaining democracy, as opposed to nondemocratic forms of government, would bring about human emancipation in modern society.
Marx continues his critique of the separation of the political community and civil society in On the Jewish Question. Yet, he replaces the concept of democracy with the concept of species-being (Gattungswesen)6 in discussing human emancipation. This indicates the beginning of a shift in his conception of political change which over time results in a distinct understanding of political change as emerging from the revolutionary agency of the proletariat, as will be discussed below. In this essay, human emancipation emerges from the abolition of the distinction between the abstract citizen and the egoistic individual. In addition, while he talks about true democracy in general terms in his previous work, here, Marx focuses on the really existing democratic forms of government in the 19th century, i.e., England and the United States, which are conditioned by the separation of the political and private individual, and “exposes the weaknesses and limitations of existing democratic practices” (Pierson, 1986, p. 16). Thus, Marx pays attention to the historical context of existing democratic governments as he reorients his conception of political change. Finally, Marx does not talk about a particular emancipatory agent here, but rather describes what human emancipation would look like when the separation of the individual's life into political and civil spheres is negated.
As a direct consequence of political emancipation from religion, the individual now has a double existence. They act in political life as “the public person,” whereas in civil society they exist in differentiation from the others as “the private person” (Marx, 1972b, p. 35). The democratic state is emancipated from religion by “relegat[ing] religion among the other elements of civil society” (Marx, 1972b, p. 36) as the private matter of the individual, who practices their own religion “in a profane manner” (Marx, 1972b, p. 37). In the democratic state, the individual does not realize their species-being in the real world, but only in the imaginary world of the political community as an abstract citizen. They are completely separated and isolated from others in civil society where they exist in their real life.
The political revolution that emancipates the state from religion at the same time “regards civil society… as the basis of its own existence, as a self-subsistent precondition, and thus as its natural basis” (Marx, 1972b, p. 46). The individual's abstract imagination as a citizen in the political community becomes fully subsumed to their real existence in the form of the egoistic individual, who “is identified with authentic man [eigentlichen Menschen]” (Marx, 1972b, p. 46). Whereas they are conceived as a species-being only in imagination as an abstract citizen, their egoistic and isolated existence as a private individual in civil society constitutes their real-life experience. Thus, Marx rejects the idea of political emancipation as the final form of emancipation of the individual. Instead, he insists on the need for human emancipation through the recognition and organization of the individual's “own powers (forces propres) as social powers” (Marx, 1972b, p. 46). It is only through the self-realization of the species-being in the real world that human beings can become social beings throughout their actual existence among one another.
As mentioned above, Marx does not deal with the question of political agency in this work. Yet, he revisits the question of political agency in its relationship with human emancipation in Introduction to Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right. His exposure to “the French working class in Paris, where he emigrated shortly after completing the Critique” (O'Malley, 1970, p. LIII), facilitates a change in his understanding of emancipatory agency. In addition to his reorientation toward the analysis of the existing forms of democratic government starting from the winter of 1843–1844 after which he arrives at the impossibility of achieving human emancipation within the context of the democratic state, Marx here starts to explore the revolutionary potential of the proletariat as the universal class for human emancipation for the entire humanity. Thus, as soon as he identifies “the proletariat as the agency of liberation early in 1844, Marx ceased to use the term ‘democracy’ as the label for either the political movement or the type of society he favoured” (Levin, 1989, p. 18).
In this work, Marx “develops a problematique which is undeniably irreducible to that of Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right7” (Renault, 2001, p. 24). The main agent for human emancipation now takes the form of a particular class, which “associates and mingles with society at large, identifies itself with it, and is felt and recognized as the general representative [allgemeiner Repräsentant] of this society” (Marx, 1972c, p. 62). Marx, “for the first time” (Avineri, 1968, p. 58), depicts the class war conducted by a particular class, which would bring about human emancipation for the entire society (Ricoeur, 1986, p. 26). He argues that “for a popular revolution [Revolution eines Volkes] and the emancipation of a particular class [Emanzipation einer besonderen Klasse] of civil society to coincide, for one class to represent the whole of society, another class must concentrate in itself all the evils of society, a particular class must embody and represent a general obstacle and limitation” (Marx, 1972c, p. 63).
Human emancipation occurs in opposition to and struggle with the oppressing class (der Stand der Unterjochung) through the revolutionary action of the liberating class (der Stand der Befreiung). The latter, which is the proletariat, declares “I am nothing and I should be everything [Ich bin nichts, und ich müßte alles sein]” (Marx, 1972c, p. 63) against the bourgeoisie. Through its revolutionary action the proletariat “announces the dissolution of the existing social order [die Auflösung der bisherigen Weltordnung]” (Marx, 1972c, p. 65). Marx assigns the proletariat, whose poverty is “artificially produced” (Marx, 1972c, p. 64) by the disintegration of society, with the task of abolishing all forms of servitude and bringing about human emancipation for the entire society. Thus, he “sees in the proletariat the contemporary, and final, realization of universality” (Avineri, 1968, p. 59).
His understanding of species-being now revolves around the question of alienated, estranged labor (cf. Wood, 2004, pp. 18–19), which estranges the individual's conscious life-activity and makes it appear “only as a means to life [Lebensmittel]” (Marx, 1972d, p. 76). During the capitalist production process “estranged labour tears from him his species life, his real species objectivity” (Marx, 1972d, p. 76). The individual's species-consciousness is “transformed by estrangement in such a way that the species life becomes for him a means” (Marx, 1972d, p. 77). Their species-being becomes something alien to the individual, which also leads to their estrangement from other individuals.
Marx argues that capitalist production results in the alienation, estrangement of the worker whose sole way to achieve emancipation from their servitude is through the revolutionary action of the proletariat. By emancipating the worker from their servitude to capital, the proletarian revolution would bring about not only the workers’ emancipation but also human emancipation. For “the emancipation of the workers contains universal human emancipation—and it contains this, because the whole of human servitude is involved in the relation of the worker to production, and every relation of servitude is but a modification and consequence of this relation” (Marx, 1972d, p. 80). Thus, Marx views the possibility for human emancipation in modern society solely through the emancipation of the proletariat from the capitalist production process, which estranges it from its species-being throughout its life-activity.
He entangles proletarian emancipation with human emancipation, “as the enslavement of the proletariat is paradigmatic to all forms of human unfreedom” (Avineri, 1968, p. 60). It is through the revolutionary action of the proletariat that communism, which “is the position as the negation of the negation, and is hence the actual [wirkliche] phase necessary for the next stage of historical development in the process of human emancipation and recovery” (Marx, 1972d, p. 93), would be established. Once private property and capitalist society are abolished through the proletarian revolution, a new individual in harmony with their species-being and “profoundly endowed with all the senses [tief allsinnigen]” (Marx, 1972d, p. 89) in their coexistence with others would begin to arise under communism. Only then “the demands of the proletariat, its interests as universal class, coincide with the actuality of communism which, as the positive abolition of private property, is precisely the catalyst of the new world which is coming into being” (O'Malley, 1970, p. LIX).
Finally, The German Ideology signifies the culmination of Marx's association of the proletariat as the universal class with emancipatory agency. Marx, along with Engels, develops his theory of the proletarian revolution as a result of the tension between the universal development of productive forces and social relations of production. As this tension grows in capitalist societies, “the propertyless mass” (Marx & Engels, 1972a, pp. 161–162), that is, the proletariat puts an end to the most advanced form of human domination in the guise of the domination of the capitalist class over the working class “by means of a revolution” (Marx & Engels, 1972a, p. 168). The aim of the proletarian revolution is “the appropriation of a totality of productive forces and in the thus postulated development of a totality of capacities” (Marx & Engels, 1972a, p. 191), and therefore the creation of universal control over the means of production by all. Through its revolutionary action against capitalists and appropriation of productive forces, “private property comes to an end” (Marx & Engels, 1972a, p. 192), and the proletariat “succeed[s] in ridding itself of all the much of ages and become fitted to found society anew” (Marx & Engels, 1972a, pp. 192–193). Here, the direct target of the proletarian revolution is the control of the state which is under the domination of the capitalist class. By “overthrow[ing] the State” (Marx & Engels, 1972a, p. 200), the proletariat would start building a communist future, which would have human unity and freedom as its basis in shaping the future organization of social relations.
Marx and Engels in The Communist Manifesto describe the aims of the proletarian movement to overthrow capitalist society and replace it with communism. They discuss to what extent modern society is characterized by the stark contrast between the bourgeoisie as the owners of the means of production and the proletariat as the members of the working class. They demonstrate how capitalists have an innate tendency to constantly revolutionize the productive forces in order to accumulate more capital, which in turn increases the size and power of the working class. Thus, they maintain that “not only has the bourgeoisie forged the weapons that bring death to itself; it has also called into existence the men who are to wield those weapons—the modern working class—the proletarians” (Marx & Engels, 1972b, p. 478).
They characterize the proletariat as the universal revolutionary agent of history, which represents the immense majority of the population in modern society. Elaborating on the understanding of the proletariat as the emancipatory agent in capitalist society, they emphasize the internationalist character of the proletariat's revolutionary agency. Because of the growth of industrial capitalism, which pushes more and more middling classes such as artisans, merchants, and tradesmen to the proletarian ranks, the proletariat in modern society “is recruited from all classes of the population” (Marx & Engels, 1972b, pp. 479–480). The proletarians create a movement, which “is the self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interests of the immense majority” (Marx & Engels, 1972b, p. 482). As the first step, their revolutionary movement aims “to win the battle of democracy” (Marx & Engels, 1972b, p. 490), which would put them into the ruling position. For this reason, the proletariat should “labour everywhere for the union and agreement of the democratic parties of all countries” (Marx & Engels, 1972b, p. 500). By winning this battle of democracy, “the proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of the production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organized as the ruling class; and to increase the total of productive forces as rapidly as possible” (Marx & Engels, 1972b, p. 490). After overthrowing the rule of the bourgeoisie through its domination of the state, the proletariat would then create the conditions under which there would appear “an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all” (Marx & Engels, 1972b, p. 491).
Throughout his analyses of revolutionary struggles in France, Marx continues to employ the understanding of the proletariat as the revolutionary agent of history. He further distinguishes his understanding of the revolutionary agency of the proletariat from petty bourgeois attempts to foreground democratic struggles, which “wished to remove autocracy and establish representative institutions, but were wary of allowing power to descend to the working classes” (Levin, 1989, p. 30). Having experienced the failures of the 1848 revolutions across Europe, “Marx had become increasingly discouraged with the democratic movements in Europe” (Mostov, 1989, p. 207). Although his reorientation toward the existing forms of democratic government and discovery of the proletariat constitute the beginning of this novel conceptualization of political change, after the defeat of the revolutionary struggles in 1848, he further foregrounds the proletariat as the universal emancipatory agent and increasingly loses his interest in democracy as a political concept. Thus, the term democracy, “after 1848, becomes much less significant in their [Marx and Engels’] political lexicon” (Doveton, 1994, p. 558).
The proletariat's subordinate position vis-à-vis the bourgeoisie conditions its revolutionary potential, which leads to the overthrow of the capitalist order. Here, the English proletariat occupies a key role in Marx's consideration of the proletariat as the universal agent of history. Because England is the most advanced industrial country, the proletariat's direct opposition to capitalists is present in the most crystallized and developed form there. Other societies, which are yet to be industrialized, will follow the lead of England in the formation of the capitalist order, which will necessarily be characterized by the exploitation of the immense majority of their populations, that is, the working class by the bourgeoisie. The proletarian revolution spearheaded by the English working class in response to “a new crisis” (Marx, 1963, p. 135) would attain a universal significance, since when it comes “to the head of the people that dominates the world market, to the head of England” (Marx, 1963, pp. 113–114), the workers of other nations would join in their collective anti-capitalist struggles and aim to establish a communist future. Thus, Marx continues to employ an internationalist understanding of the revolutionary agency of the proletariat in his political conception during this period.
This association of the proletariat with revolutionary agency continues throughout the 1860s. Even though Capital signifies a fundamental turning point in Marx's understanding of the capitalist mode of production as he explains in detail the inner dynamics of the capitalist production process based on the exploitation of labor and expropriation of surplus value by capitalists, his consideration of political change under capitalism is still expressed in similar terms with those he used since the winter of 1843/1844. Marx reveals how the inherent tensions between the development of the means of production and social relations of production in capitalist society lead to the growth of “the revolt of the working class, a class constantly increasing in numbers, and trained, united and organized by the very mechanism of the capitalist process of production” (Marx, 1976, p. 929). The processes of “the centralization of the means of production and the socialization of labour reach a point at which” (Marx, 1976, p. 929) they can no longer be compatible with the capitalist private property regime. At that moment, the proletariat emerges in the historical arena as the sole revolutionary force to overthrow the capitalist system and replace it with its own rule. Referring directly to his discussion of the proletarian revolution in The Communist Manifesto through a footnote, Marx declares that the proletarian revolution results in “the expropriation of a few usurpers by the mass of the people” (Marx, 1976, p. 930).
Following the accident of the Paris Commune, Marx pays specific attention to “those who at first stand at the head of the movement,” that is, the proletariat. He discusses the promise of their leadership role in popular self-government in Paris through their delegated and responsible exercise of authority. In addition, by emphasizing (Rubel, 1983, p. 101) the Commune's “break with traditional political institutions,” Marx suggests “a possible model of socialist democratic institutions” (Mostov, 1989, p. 206) and “a positive model of revolutionary democracy” (Doveton, 1994, p. 576). Thus, he discusses the relationship between popular participation and proletarian leadership in the institutional order of the Commune.
Here, Marx's analysis of the Commune in Civil War in France (1940b) revolves around the question of the function of the state apparatus following the Communard takeover (Abensour, 2011, pp. 84–85). He stresses that the institutional foundations of the state as they exist under capitalism cannot constitute the basis of a communist future. He maintains that “the working class cannot simply lay hold of the ready-made state machinery, and wield it for its own purpose” (Marx, 1940b, p. 54). This point is repeated and directly quoted in his 1872 Preface to The Communist Manifesto (Marx & Engels, 1972b, p. 470) where he emphasizes the point's “pro[of] by the Commune.” As Lefebvre (1965, p. 33) argues, “the Marxist theory of the withering away of the state, which was present in embryo in Marx's earliest works, followed, rather than preceded, the experience of the Commune.8” The sine qua non of a communist future is therefore a novel institutional order characterized by popular self-government under the leadership of the proletariat, which must be created in different terms than the centrally and bureaucratically run state machinery.
Marx emphasizes the employment of universal suffrage by the Communards in directly electing their councilors based on the ward system. The universal eligibility for voting constitutes a significant extension of democratic political practices. Thus, popular participation through institutional structures creates the conditions of responsible elected officials. Along with this responsibility through election, the introduction of accountability mechanisms, which renders those councilors “revocable at short terms,” plays an important role in Marx's conception of political legitimacy. Marx considers the authority of those councilors as derived from the direct participation of the Communards who delegate the exercise of their authority only for a predetermined period of time and purpose while reserving their ultimate authority to recall them. Thus, the institutional order of the Commune is constructed on the basis of the people as a whole's conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to elected, responsible, and revocable agents who in turn can exercise their authority insofar as the former authorize them to do so.
Here, Marx attributes to the proletariat a crucial role in the revolutionary transformation process. The proletarians constitute the majority of councilors and therefore have a leading role through their majoritarian representation. However, they are directly accountable to the Communards who retain their right to recall and elect different representatives. In addition, accountability mechanisms are not limited to the representatives. All administrative officials, including “magistrates and judges [who] were to be elective, responsible and revocable” (Marx, 1940b, p. 58), are “turned into the responsible and at all times revocable agent of the Commune.” Again, Marx conceptualizes political legitimacy in the form of the Parisians’ conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to elected, responsible, and revocable agents. Thus, he states that “never were elections more sifted, never delegates fuller representing the masses from which they had sprung” (Marx, 1986a, p. 483). Finally, the equalization of the wages across all government and administrative officials with that of “workmen's wages” facilitates the proletarians to run for offices. By rendering participation in government and administrative offices as a feasible activity this novel institutional order enables the proletarians to participate in political institutions as representatives and officials.
Accountability mechanisms of the Commune would be reproduced in other industrial and rural centers, which would institutionalize popular self-government under the leadership of the proletariat. The central government would also employ a further mechanism of accountability by requiring the elected, responsible, and revocable delegates of each locality to be constrained by the direct mandates of their constituencies. Considering that the vast majority of the French population lived in rural centers, the peasantry as the dominant social group of most localities would directly participate in the election as well as control of their proletarian leaders. On the one hand, the peasantry would actively participate in the politics of their localities by discussing, deliberating, and making decisions about how to organize their own government. On the other hand, since the institution of direct mandates would empower them with the decision-making power in national politics, the peasantry would get progressively educated in the politics of the entire country, and therefore their political empowerment would transcend the boundaries of their immediate localities. Thus, unlike his infamous claim about the peasantry in France as being “a sack of potatoes” (Marx, 1963) some 20 years prior to the establishment of the Commune, Marx attributes a crucial role to the peasantry as part of the French people for the revolutionary transformation of capitalist society under the leadership of the proletariat.
Furthermore, Marx argues that the remaining functions of the central government would be “restored to the responsible agents of society” who derive their delegated, temporary, and revocable mandate directly from the people as a whole. In this way, the government would be “emptied of that kind of power that made it into a force independent vis-à-vis society” (Avineri, 1968, p. 209). It would now be filled “with a new social content [which] entailed truly democratic forms” (Draper, 1974, p. 102). For this reason, the Commune “published its doings and sayings, it initiated the public into all its shortcomings” (Marx, 1940b, p. 67), which enabled the common people, both urban and rural, to be informed about their delegates’ activities in a transparent manner. As a result, Marx argues that the Paris Commune is fundamentally different from “the mediaeval Communes, which first preceded, and afterwards became the substratum of, that very state power” (Marx, 1940b, p. 59), because it came into existence not only by abolishing the centrally and bureaucratically run government and administration but also by putting forward a network of local self-governing entities under the leadership of the proletariat. In this institutional order, local liberty of municipality would no longer be “a check upon the now superseded state power,” but rather provide “the basis of really democratic institutions” (Marx, 1940b, p. 60).
In addition to the people's conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to proletarian leaders, the Commune, according to Marx, is the epitome of “a working class government, the produce of the struggle of the producing against the appropriating class, the political form at last discovered under which to work out the economical emancipation of labour” (Marx, 1940b, p. 60). This becomes possible only through the Commune's institutional order based on popular participation, which serves “as a lever for uprooting the economical foundations upon which rests the existence of classes, and therefore of class rule” (Marx, 1940b, pp. 60–61). Whereas just one year before the proclamation of the Commune, Marx, as mentioned above, argues that the English proletariat could alone be a lever for revolutionary transformation, now he views the Commune itself, through its combination of popular participation and proletarian leadership, as a lever for communist revolution. Thus, for Marx, the Commune “was an instance of the extension of democracy to its sociological foundations and created through the democratically oriented collective action of workers” (Niemi, 2010, p. 47).
The proletariat's role as the leader of the Communards takes place within a broad coalition of various social groups (Marx, 1986a, pp. 492, 496). The proletariat is “openly acknowledged as the only class capable of social initiative, even by the great bulk of the Paris middle class—shopkeepers, tradesmen, merchants—the wealthy capitalist alone excepted” (Marx, 1940b, p. 62). This acknowledgment of the emancipatory agency of the proletariat by the people of Paris as a whole crystallizes in the institutional order that facilitates popular participation in conjunction with the elected and revocable leadership of the proletariat. Here, the Commune is both “the true representative of all the healthy elements of French society, and therefore the truly national government…, at the same time, as a working men's government, as the bold champion of the emancipation of labour” (Marx, 1940b, pp. 64–65). The working existence of the Commune leads to “the invention of an emancipatory political form proper to the proletariat” (Abensour, 2011, p. 88). The proletariat acquires a new historical mission of “bringing praxis closer to the truth, realizing the truth of social praxis, putting an end to the state and politics9” (Lefebvre, 1965, pp. 390–391).
The institutional order of the Commune is predicated on the Communards’ conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to their responsible, elected, revocable delegates drawn from the proletariat through whose leadership the capitalist class would be expropriated. Thus, the Commune's short working existence “could but betoken the tendency of a government of the people by the people” (Marx, 1940b, p. 65). The Commune “demanded forms of local self-government that would make possible the greatest measure of initiative and popular participation at grass-roots level” (Johnstone, 1971, p. 457). Its government is based on the idea of “the people acting for itself by itself” (Marx, 1986a, pp. 463–464). As a result, Marx notes that “working men's Paris, with its Commune, will be forever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new society” (Marx, 1940b, pp. 81–82).
Marx's understanding of the Commune as the lever for overthrowing capitalist society and replacing it with a communist one leads him to further get involved in democratic politics through the institutional leadership of the proletariat. A close reading and analysis of Marx's writings for the period between 1870 and 1883, including his correspondences, published and unpublished manuscripts and pamphlets, letters, journalistic pieces, and interviews, demonstrates to what extent Marx constructs his new political positions, ideas, and proposals by directly drawing on the experience of the Commune. The combination of popular participation and proletarian leadership gives birth to a peculiar institutional articulation during this period.
Marx explicitly states the necessity to create and support proletarian political parties in Europe and the United States as early as the summer of 1871 (Johnstone, 1971, p. 452; Marx, 1986b, p. 601). The experience of the Commune proves “the idea that the workers had to organise themselves in their own party” (Gaido, 2021, p. 108). This idea constitutes the core of the resolutions of the London Conference of the International Working Men's Association (IWMA) in the fall of 1871, which later were amended to the General Rules and Administrative Regulations of the IWMA in the fall of 1872 at the Hague Conference (Marx, 1988a; Marx & Engels, 1988, p. 243). Marx explains that “it is not just today that the Association asks the workers to engage in politics, but all the time” (Marx, 1986c, p. 617). Therefore, the Conference resolutions, which were written by Marx and Engels, declare that “this constitution of the working class into a political party is indispensable in order to insure the triumph of the social Revolution and its ultimate end—the abolition of classes” and “in the militant state of the working class, its economical movement and its political action are indissolubly united” (Marx & Engels, 1986, p. 427). Thus, they call for the establishment of proletarian political parties, especially in Europe, which would play the leadership role in the democratic politics of their countries (Marx, 1989c, p. 535; Marx, 1989d, p. 239; Marx, 1989e, p. 575). The proletarian political parties would become the centers of revolutionary action whose goal would be to unite and get the support of the majority of the citizenry in order to conquer the political power of their countries by transforming political institutions “from the instrument of deception which it has been hitherto into an instrument of emancipation” (Marx, 1989f, p. 340). As a result, Marx institutionalizes the leadership of the proletariat through the idea of forming and developing independent proletarian political parties, which would be the leading forces of revolutionary action through their representation of the wide strata of their societies. As he clearly expresses in an interview with The Chicago Tribune correspondent in early 1879, “those revolutions will be made by the majority. No revolution can be made by a party, but by a Nation” (Marx, 1989e, p. 576).
The promise of popular participation under the institutionalized leadership of proletarian political parties in facilitating and bringing about communism is directly connected with the IWMA's decision to move its General Council from London to New York in 1872. In his remarks on the Hague Congress of 1872, Marx acknowledges “the existence of countries like America, England, and if I knew your institutions better I might add Holland, where the workers may achieve their aims by peaceful means” (Marx, 1988b, p. 255). Again, as his reference to his lack of knowledge about the institutions of Holland suggests, he attributes the revolutionary potential of these parties to the democratic institutional order of these countries which concerns him for the rest of his life. Especially the United States, for Marx, “is becoming the world of workers par excellence” (Marx, 1988b, p. 255). As the English proletariat suffers in “the hands of the venal Trades Union leaders and professional agitators” (Marx, 1991a, p. 299), he argues for the relocation of the General Council from London to New York. Even though the IWMA ceases to de facto function by 1874, and disbands itself in 1876, Marx continues to think that “there's a pretty fair storm brewing over there, and the transfer of the centre of the International to the United States may yet, post festum, be presented with a quite exceptional opportunity” (Marx, 1991b, p. 251).
His interest in the institutionalized leadership of the proletariat through their own political parties is not specific to the United States, the UK, and the Netherlands. Beginning with the Franco-Prussian War (Marx, 1989g, p. 3), and intensifying following the proclamation of the Commune, Marx starts to consider the German proletariat as a potential leader in the revolutionary struggle in Europe. Here, the Social Democratic Party of Germany, in line with his conception of proletarian political parties as the leaders of revolutionary action, constitutes the most effective political force in continental Europe. Thus, Marx “saw the German Social-Democratic Workers’ Party as a bastion for rallying the forces of the international working class, as its vanguard contingent” (Vasilyeva, 1988, p. XXXI).
In addition, Marx's direct confrontation with Bakunin and anarchists, and their expulsion from the IWMA, demonstrate to what extent he conceives of the proletariat's institutionalized leadership role through popular participation as the sine qua non for the success of the communist revolution. By denouncing Bakunin and his followers in Geneva, Marx argues that one must be “so stupid or so naïve as to attempt to deny to the working class any real means of struggle. For all arms with which to fight must be drawn from society as it is” (Marx, 1988c, p. 394). As opposed to Bakunin, who “deduces that the proletariat should rather do nothing at all… and just wait for the day of universal liquidation the Last Judgement” (Marx, 1989h, p. 521), Marx proposes the creation of proletarian political parties, which would enable the proletariat to play a leading role in the revolutionary transformation of their societies.
Finally, Marx's attempts to distance the IWMA from English trade unions and representatives of working class in the House of Commons showcase the necessity to form independent proletarian political parties for revolutionary purposes. He maintains that “the English working class had gradually become ever more demoralized as a result of the period of corruption after 1848, and had finally reached the stage of being no more than an appendage of the great Liberal Party, i.e. of its oppressors, the capitalists. Its direction had passed completely into the hands of the venal Trades Union leaders and professional agitators” (Marx, 1991a, p. 299). Therefore, he emphasizes the necessity for establishing an independent proletarian political party in England which would be the leading revolutionary force through its engagement with political institutions.
“The period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other” constitutes the core of his understanding of political change towards the end of his life. By calling this period of political transition “the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat,” Marx confirms the leadership of the proletariat within the framework of the people as a whole's conditional delegation of the exercise of their authority to the former (Lefebvre, 1965, p. 37). As Ypi's (2020, p. 281) analysis of Marx's use of the concept of dictatorship in its historical relationship with the Roman institution of dictatorship as well as its French revolutionary employment by the Jacobins suggests, in Marx's view, “the dictatorship of the proletariat embodies the democratic rule of the oppressed majority of people” whose institutional rule gives “more radical form” to existing freedoms. Here, the proletariat acts “on behalf of the majority of the people, from whom it derived its mandate” (Johnstone, 1971, p. 454). Therefore, Marx's understanding of the dictatorship of the proletariat “has a profound democratic character, in line with the radical interpretation of freedom as both self-liberation and as just rule, and aspiring to realise an ideal of freedom as public willing” (Ypi, 2020, p. 281).
The proletariat continues to play the leadership role in Marx's conception of the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat. The people delegate the exercise of their authority for a determinate period of time and purpose to the proletariat, that is, “the period of the revolutionary transformation of” capitalist society into communist society. As opposed to relying on “an elite of professional politicians, technocratic institutions, or bureaucratic managers to achieve its desired political objectives,” the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat “signals that authentic freedom is progressively vindicated in the process of making oneself free and in the practices and institutions of collective will formation established to express that freedom” (Ypi, 2020, p. 282). Accordingly, the proletariat becomes the elected, responsible, and revocable delegates of the people as a whole with a popular mandate to end the private ownership of the means of production and exploitation of labor.
This article demonstrates that Marx's discussions about political change under capitalism can be grouped into three distinct periods. His earliest treatment of the subject in his Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right considers direct democracy as the main source of human emancipation against the bureaucratic state. Second, from the winter of 1843/1844 to the spring of 1871, Marx reorients and meticulously constructs a novel understanding of political change through the proletarian revolution. Finally, the experience and aftermath of the Paris Commune push him to foreground self-government under the leadership of the proletariat as the lever for political change under capitalism. Marx's conception of political change under capitalism alters in conjunction with and responds to the political occurrences in his time. Thus, Marx's dialectical interpretations of the contradictions of capitalist society do not hypostasize in the form of a single path toward communism.
Marx's exposition of the institutional articulation of popular participation and proletarian leadership toward the end of his life seems to be the most relevant one among these conceptions of political change. The conception of self-government under the leadership of proletarian leadership emphasizes the necessity to envision political change through institutional forms based on popular participation, control, and accountability. In the absence of effective proletarian movements in contemporary societies, it showcases the need to reimagine emancipatory agency in terms of its relationship with institutional structures. Marx's positioning of the proletariat as the leader of popular self-government opens up the possibility of articulating the people in its plurality composed of the working classes, precariat, immigrant laborers as well as other social and political groups in the political transformation process through their participation and active control in institutional structures. Yet, it is important to be careful here and reiterate the main argument of this article in order to avoid hypostasizing one or the other conception of political change that Marx employed, as it has been very frequently done by his followers, for instance, most recently Garo (2023)’s reappropriation of communism. Marx's critique of capitalist society is an ongoing process that foregrounds and articulates different aspects of emancipatory struggles that directly emerge from and respond to the present conditions of capitalist society.