编者的话和对 2022-23 年审稿人的致谢

{"title":"编者的话和对 2022-23 年审稿人的致谢","authors":"","doi":"10.1111/polp.12569","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>Welcome to the December issue of <i>Politics &amp; Policy</i> (<i>P&amp;P</i>)!</p><p>In this final 2023 issue of <i>P&amp;P</i>, we offer a particularly strong lineup of articles. They cover machine learning techniques and policy agenda trade-offs (Sohn, <span>2023</span>), comparative analysis of policy responses to the pandemic (Kasseeah &amp; Opp, <span>2023</span>), education for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh (Prodip, <span>2023</span>), environmental policies and outcomes in 37 countries (Duit et al., <span>2023</span>), minority faith and environmental justice (Al-Kohlani et al., <span>2023</span>), as well as religious lobbying and policy influence regarding attitudes toward same-sex marriage (Gover, <span>2023</span>). In addition, Dzhurova (<span>2023</span>) unpacks Agamben's notion of <i>homo sacer</i> to show how it facilitates interpretations of the “alien” metaphor as it applies to the ultimately failed 2001 US DREAM Act. Al Aloosy's (<span>2023</span>) contribution discusses the ideological disunity and converging interests of Iraq's political elites and the impact these have had on recent elections and political legitimacy in Iraq. Joo et al. (<span>2023</span>) explore the divergence of emissions trading schemes (ETSs) in South Korea and the European Union. And finally, Hiroi and Schober (<span>2023</span>) analyze the links between corruption, patronage, and avertable child deaths in developing countries.</p><p>We hope you enjoy these excellent articles and, as always, encourage your future submissions to <i>P&amp;P</i>.</p><p>As is customary at this time of year, the editors of <i>Politics &amp; Policy</i>, Dr. David Mena Alemán and Dr. Emma R. Norman, would like to express their sincere gratitude to the scholars whose rigorous peer reviews of manuscripts <i>Politics &amp; Policy</i> processed and/or published in 2023 have contributed so much to the high quality of the articles we have published over the last 12 months. Your sterling and timely efforts to return reviews that are almost always highly detailed and extremely constructive continue to be of great assistance to editors and authors alike. Thank you, one and all!</p><p>¡Bienvenidos a la edición de diciembre de <i>Politics &amp; Policy</i> (<i>P&amp;P</i>)!</p><p>En esta última edición de 2023 de <i>P&amp;P</i> ofrecemos una gama de artículos particularmente sólida. Cubren técnicas de aprendizaje automático y compensaciones de agendas políticas (Sohn 2023), educación para refugiados rohingya en Bangladesh (Prodip 2023), políticas y resultados ambientales en 37 países (Duit, Lim y Sommerer 2023), análisis comparativo de respuestas políticas a la pandemia (Kasseeah y Opp 2023), la fe de las minorías y la justicia ambiental (Al-Kohlani, Campbell y El-Khatib 2023), así como el lobby religioso y la influencia política con respecto a las actitudes hacia el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo (Gover 2023). Dzhurova (2023) analiza la noción de homo sacer de Agamben para mostrar cómo facilita las interpretaciones de la metáfora “extraterrestre” tal como se aplica a la finalmente fallida Ley DREAM de Estados Unidos de 2001. La contribución de Al Aloosy (2023) analiza la desunión ideológica y los intereses convergentes de las élites políticas iraquíes y el impacto que estos han tenido en las elecciones recientes y la legitimidad política en Irak. Joo, Paavola y van Alstine (2023) exploran la divergencia de los esquemas de comercio de emisiones (ETS) en Corea del Sur y la Unión Europea. Y, finalmente, Hiroi y Schober (2023) analizan los vínculos entre la corrupción, el clientelismo y las muertes infantiles evitables en los países en desarrollo.</p><p>Esperamos que disfrute de estos excelentes artículos y, como siempre, le animamos a realizar futuros envíos a <i>P&amp;P</i>.</p><p>Como es habitual en esta época del año, los editores de <i>Politics &amp; Policy</i>, Dr. David Mena Alemán y la Dra. Emma R. Norman, desean expresar sus sinceros agradecimiento a los académicos cuyas rigurosas revisiones por pares de los manuscritos que <i>Politics &amp; Policy</i> procesó y /o publicados en 2023 han contribuido mucho a la alta calidad de los artículos que hemos publicado durante los últimos 12 meses. Sus valiosos y oportunos esfuerzos por devolver reseñas que casi siempre son muy detalladas y extremadamente constructivas siguen siendo de gran ayuda tanto para los editores como para los autores. ¡Gracias a todos!</p><p>欢迎阅读2023年12月的《政治与政策》(P&amp;P)杂志!</p><p>在2023年P&amp;P最后一期内容中,我们收录了一系列特别优质的文章。这些文章涵盖机器学习技术和政策议程权衡(Sohn 2023)、孟加拉国罗辛亚难民的教育(Prodip 2023)、37个国家的环境政策及成果(Duit, Lim, and Sommerer 2023)、关于大流行病政策响应的比较分析(Kasseeah and Opp 2023)、少数群体信仰和环境正义(Al-Kohlani, Campbell and El-Khatib 2023),以及关于对同性婚姻态度的宗教游说与政策影响(Gover 2023)。 Dzhurova(2023)阐明了阿甘本提出的“牲人”概念,以表明此概念如何促进对“外国人”隐喻的解释,该隐喻适用于最终失败的2001年《美国梦想法案》。Al Aloosy(2023)的文章探讨了伊拉克政治精英的意识形态不统一与利益趋同,以及这些意识形态和利益对伊拉克近期选举及政治合法性的影响。Joo、Paavola和van Alstine(2023)探究了韩国和欧盟各自的排放交易计划(ETS)的差异。最后,Hiroi和Schober(2023)分析了发展中国家的腐败、赞助和可避免的儿童死亡之间的联系。</p><p>我们希望您享受阅读这些优秀文章,并一如既往地鼓励您向P&amp;P提交稿件。</p><p>按照每年此时的惯例,《政治与政策》杂志编辑David Mena Alemán博士和Emma R. Norman博士向那些对《政治与政策》处理和/或发表的稿件进行严格的同行评审的学者表示诚挚谢意,你们的付出为过去12个月内本刊发表的高质量文章作出了巨大贡献。你们提供的及时且宝贵的评论几乎总是非常详细且极具建设性,这继续为编辑和作者带来莫大的帮助。谢谢各位!</p><p>Adegoke, Damilola—King's College, London</p><p>Aguado, N. Alexander—University of North Alabama</p><p>Ahmad, Manzoor—Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan</p><p>Aideyan, Osaore—Claremont Graduate University</p><p>Al Ahbabi, Ali—United Arab Emirates University</p><p>Al-Aloosy, Massaab—Arab Gulf States Institute, Washington D.C.</p><p>Aldrich, Andrea S.—Yale University</p><p>Alejo, Antonio—Independent Scholar</p><p>Alfano, Vincenzo—University of Napoli Parthenope, Italy</p><p>Ali, Hamid—The American University in Cairo</p><p>Ali, Omar—University of North Carolina at Greensboro</p><p>Aljanahi, Mohammed—United Arab Emirates University</p><p>Alvarado, Rafael—University of Virginia</p><p>Ameyaw-Brobbey, Thomas—Yibin University, Sichuan, China</p><p>Amin, Huznul—University of Pennsylvania</p><p>Amini, Azam—Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran</p><p>Amir-ud-Din, Rafi—COMSATS University, Islamabad</p><p>Amoah, Anthony—University of Environment and Sustainable Development</p><p>Antwi-Boateng, Osman—United Arab Emirates University</p><p>Arif, Sirojuddin—Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia</p><p>Asante, William—Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration</p><p>Asongu, Simplice—African Governance and Development Institute</p><p>Atkin, Karl Michael—University of York</p><p>Avery, James—Stockton University</p><p>Babones, Salvatore—University of Sydney</p><p>Balci, Ali—Sakarya University, Turkey</p><p>Bashir, Faiza—Slamia College University, Peshawar</p><p>Bebber, Brett—Old Dominion University</p><p>Becker, Derick—The University of Nottingham</p><p>Beh, LooSee—University of Malaya</p><p>Béland, Daniel—McGill University</p><p>Benton, Mark—University of Missouri</p><p>Bergeron, Thomas—University of Toronto</p><p>Bhattarai, Gaurav—University of Leeds</p><p>Bishop, Patrick—Lancaster University</p><p>Bishop, Simon—University of Nottingham</p><p>Brodtkorb, Tor—American University of Sharjah</p><p>Brody, Carinne—Touro University, California</p><p>Brown, Heath—John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY</p><p>Brunello, Anthony—Eckerd College</p><p>Burkhardt, Brett C.—Oregon State University</p><p>Burkhart, Ross—Boise State University</p><p>Butz, Adam—California State University</p><p>Byrne, Jennifer—James Madison University</p><p>Cai, Xinyu—London School of Economics</p><p>Cain, Sean—Loyola University</p><p>Carpenter, Daniel—Harvard University</p><p>Carter, David—University of Utah Health</p><p>Casarões, Guilherme—Sao Paulo School of Business Administration</p><p>Cerami, Alfio—Independent Scholar</p><p>Cerrone, Joseph—George Washington University</p><p>Chandler, Andrea—Carleton University</p><p>Chandra, Kevin—Boston University</p><p>Chang, Yung-Yung—Indiana University Bloomington</p><p>Charron, Nicholas—University of Gothenburg</p><p>Chiru, Mihail—University of Oxford</p><p>Christensen, Henrik—Åbo Akademi University</p><p>Cloutier, Christophe—University of Pennsylvania</p><p>Cooper, Christopher—University of Ottawa</p><p>Copeland, Conrad—Department for International Trade, UK Government</p><p>Crompton, Amanda—University of Nottingham</p><p>Crow, Deserai—University of Colorado</p><p>Culebro Moreno, Jorge—Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Mexico</p><p>Curry, Brett—Ohio State University</p><p>Danaeefard, Hassan—Tarbiat Modares University, Iran</p><p>Dandashly, Assem—Maastricht University</p><p>Daube, Mike—Curtin University, Australia</p><p>Dauda, Carol—University of Guelph</p><p>Davis, Gregory—Troy University</p><p>Dawoody, Alexander—Marywood University</p><p>De Los Reyes-Heredia, Guillermo—Houston University</p><p>De Santis, Lavinia—University of Pisa</p><p>Debrah, Emmanue—University of Ghana</p><p>Demmelhuber, Thomas—Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany</p><p>Driver, Alice—Arizona State University</p><p>Dunning, Kelly—Auburn University</p><p>E. Aboelsoud, Mostafa—Suez Canal University</p><p>Ear, Sophal—Arizona State University</p><p>Ebbinghaus, Bernhard—University of Oxford</p><p>Ertas, Nevbahar—University of Alabama at Birmingham</p><p>Estevez, Alejandro Miguel—University of Buenos Aires</p><p>Fair, C. Christine—Georgetown University</p><p>Fiorina, Morris—Stanford University</p><p>Fisk, Jonathan—Auburn University</p><p>Forde, Anniken—The Arctic University of Norway</p><p>Foreman, Sean—Barry University</p><p>Frank, Nicholas—Australian National University</p><p>French, Richard—University of Ottawa</p><p>Ganguly, Sumit—Indiana University</p><p>Garlick, Jeremy—Prague University of Economics and Business</p><p>Garrett, Terence—The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley</p><p>Genna, Gaspare—The University of Texas at El Paso</p><p>Gherghina, Sergiu—University of Glasgow</p><p>Gibbins, Justin—Zayed University, Dubai</p><p>Giri, Arun Kumar—BITS Pilani</p><p>Glen, Carol—Valdosta State University</p><p>Gnegne, Yacouba—National Defense College of the U.A.E</p><p>Goyal, Yugank—FLAME University</p><p>Grant, Bligh—University of Technology Sydney</p><p>Haang'andu, Privilege—University of Saskatchewan</p><p>Haaparjarvi, Linda—University of Helsinki</p><p>Han, Jiajun—East China Normal University</p><p>Handberg, Roger B. —The University of Central Florida</p><p>Hasmath, Reza—University of Alberta</p><p>Hauser, Megan—Kennesaw State University</p><p>Hazakis, Konstantinos—Democritus University of Thrace</p><p>Heo, Inhye—Chonbuk National University, South Korea</p><p>Holyoke, Thomas—California State University</p><p>Horn, Alexander—University of Konstanz, Germany</p><p>Horney, Jennifer—University of Delaware</p><p>Howie, Peter—Nazarbayev University</p><p>Huang, Qian—University of Groningen, Netherlands</p><p>Hubbard, Sean—University of North Texas at Dallas</p><p>Huda, Juhi—University of Colorado</p><p>Hudak, Erik—Independent Scholar</p><p>Hussain, Mehmood—University of Azad Jammu</p><p>Hussein, Sajjad—Aasim Consultancy, Pakistan</p><p>Hyde, Allen—Georgia Institute of Technology</p><p>Iheonu, Chimere O.—University of Nigeria</p><p>Ikeanyibe, Okey—University of Nigeria</p><p>Ilderton, Nathan—University of Central Florida</p><p>Insler, Michael A.—United States Naval Academy</p><p>Jalalzai, Farida—Virginia Tech</p><p>Johnson, Tyler—The University of Oklahoma</p><p>Jokinsky, Steven—University of Kentucky</p><p>Jones, David—City University of New York</p><p>Joshi, Yogesh—National University of Singapore</p><p>Kahn-Nisser, Sara—Bar-Ilan University, Israel</p><p>Kang, Woo Chang—Australian National University</p><p>Katagiri, Nori—Saint Louis University</p><p>Kay, Adrian—Australian National University</p><p>Khakhuk, Bela—Kuban State Technological University</p><p>Kim, Eun Kyung—Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), Korea</p><p>Kinyondo, Abel—University of Dar es Salaam</p><p>Kirschbaum, Charles—Insper Brazil</p><p>Knuckey, Jonathan—University of Central Florida</p><p>Koca, Burcu Togral—Independent Scholar</p><p>Kuchina-Musina, Dolores—Old Dominion University</p><p>Kuenzler, Johanna—University of Speyer, Germany</p><p>Kurian, Mathew—Texas A&amp;M University</p><p>Kusumarani, Riri—National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia</p><p>Lacey, Justine—The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization</p><p>Laiprakobsup, Thanapan—Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok</p><p>Lajevardi, Nazita—Michigan State University</p><p>Lantis, Jeffrey—College of Wooster</p><p>Larimer, Christopher—University of Northern Iowa</p><p>Larrison, Jennica—University of Baltimore</p><p>Latif, Zahid—Gomal University, Pakistan</p><p>Lauermann, Robin—Messiah University</p><p>Ledet, Richard—Troy University</p><p>Lee, Jae-Mook—Hankuk University of Foreign Studies</p><p>Leibrecht, Markus—Shanghai Ocean University</p><p>Lépissier, Alice—Brown University</p><p>Lewis-Beck, Michael—University of Iowa</p><p>Lewis, Gregory—Georgia State University</p><p>Liaropoulos, Andrew—University of Piraeus</p><p>Libicki, Martin C.—Pardee RAND Graduate School, California</p><p>Lim, Yoojin—Duksung Women's University, Seoul</p><p>Lin, Jiun-Chi—European Center for Populism Studies</p><p>Lipsmeyer, Christine—Texas A&amp;M University</p><p>Liu, Roger—FLAME University</p><p>Liu, Yuyin—Syracuse University</p><p>Lucas, Russell—Michigan State University</p><p>Luján, José Luis—University of the Balearic Islands</p><p>Luke, Russell—University of Sydney</p><p>Lumor-Mensah, Bright—Ho Technical University, Ghana</p><p>Lybecker, Donna—Idaho State University</p><p>MacMillan, Ross—University of Limerick</p><p>Mahmood, Monowar—K IMEP University, Kazakhstan</p><p>Maioni, Antonia—Harvard University</p><p>Mallinson, Daniel—Penn State Harrisburg</p><p>Mangum, Maruice—Jackson State University</p><p>Manheim, Frank—George Mason University</p><p>Mansour, Ahmed—United Arab Emirates University</p><p>Marineau, Josiah—University of North Carolina at Pembroke</p><p>Martin, Isaac William—University of California, San Diego</p><p>Martin, Jr, James—Creighton University</p><p>Masi, Beniamino—University of Pisa, Italy</p><p>Mbassi, Christophe Martial—University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon</p><p>McBeth, Mark—Idaho State University</p><p>McKelvey, Fenwick—Concordia University</p><p>McKenzie, Mark—Texas Tech University</p><p>Merry, Melissa—University of Louisville</p><p>Mertens, Stefan—KU Leuven</p><p>Mhd Bani, Nor Yasmin—Universiti Putra Malaysia</p><p>Miragliotta, Narelle—Monash University</p><p>Mitchell, Joshua—Georgetown University</p><p>Moffitt, Susan—Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs</p><p>Mongrain, Philippe—McGill University</p><p>Moon, M Jae—Yonsei University, South Korea</p><p>Morris, Stephen—Middle Tennessee State University</p><p>Moy, Bryant—New York University</p><p>Munis, Kal—Utah Valley University</p><p>Mwoya, Byaro—University of Zambia</p><p>Myers, Nathan—Indiana State University</p><p>Narendran, Roshni—University of Wollongong, Australia</p><p>Nawaz, Shah—Government College University (GCU) Hyderabad</p><p>Nchofoung, Tii—Ministry of Trade, Cameroon</p><p>Nehme, Marina—University of New South Wales</p><p>Neill, Katharine—Rice University</p><p>Newmann, William—Virginia Commonwealth University</p><p>Nnanna, Joseph—Development Bank of Nigeria</p><p>Nwalie, Martin—Independent Scholar</p><p>Nwokora, Zim—Deakin University</p><p>Okolikj, Martin—University of Bergen</p><p>Olivas Osuna, Jose Javier—National Distance Education University, Madrid</p><p>Olofsson, Kristin—Oklahoma State University</p><p>Ondiek, Japheth—Independent Scholar</p><p>Onyango, Gedion—University of Nairobi</p><p>Onyx, Jenny—University of Technology Sydney</p><p>Opp, Susan—University of Missouri</p><p>Ortmann, Stephan—Hong Kong Metropolitan University</p><p>Ostermann, Falk—Kiel University</p><p>Owolabi, O. A.—Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria</p><p>Pacek, Alexander—Texas A&amp;M University</p><p>Padilla, Graciela—Universidad Complutense de Madrid</p><p>Paoliello, Tomaz—London School of Economics</p><p>Pasquino, Gianfranco—University of Turin</p><p>Pattison, Andrew—Colgate University</p><p>Pearson-Merkowitz, Shanna—University of Rhode Island</p><p>Pelizzo, Riccardo—Nazarbayev University</p><p>Pelke, Lars—Heidelberg University</p><p>Phillips, Joseph—University of Kent</p><p>Pietsch, Emma—Independent Scholar</p><p>Pires, Hindenburg Francisco—Rio de Janeiro State University</p><p>Piscopo, Jennifer—Royal Holloway University of London</p><p>Pope, Paul—Montana State University Billings</p><p>Porisky, Alesha—Northern Illinois University</p><p>Pyeatt, Nicholas—Pennsylvania State University</p><p>Qian, Xianhang—Shandong University, China</p><p>Raadschelders, Jos—Ohio State University</p><p>Rapanyane, Makhura B.—North West University, South Africa</p><p>Rauch, Madeleine—Copenhagen Business School</p><p>Raza, Aamer—University of Peshawar, Pakistan</p><p>Reese, Catherine—Arkansas State University</p><p>Reilly, Jack—Independent Scholar</p><p>Reischauer, Georg—Vienna University</p><p>Rhodes, Sybil—UCEMA</p><p>Ribeiro, Verónica—Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave</p><p>Rich, Jessica A. J.—Marquette University</p><p>Ridge, Hannah—Chapman University</p><p>Robles, Pedro—Penn State Lehigh Valley</p><p>Rohac, Dalibor—American Enterprise Institute (AEI)</p><p>Romão Netto, José—Federal University of São Paulo</p><p>Rosser, Andrew—University of Melbourne</p><p>Roth Deubel, Andre Noel—National University of Colombia</p><p>Rowlands, Dane—Carleton University</p><p>Salim, Asif—Independent Scholar</p><p>Santucci, Jack—Drexel University</p><p>Savov, Radovan—Slovak University of Agriculture</p><p>Saxena, Gunjan—University of Hull</p><p>Sebők, Miklós—Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest</p><p>Segatto, Catarina—University of São Paulo, Brazil</p><p>Selling, Niels—European University Institute</p><p>Sementelli, Arthur—Florida Atlantic University</p><p>Serrano, Alan—Brunel University, London</p><p>Shanahan, Elizabeth—Montana State University</p><p>Sharma, Sugandha—ICFAI University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India</p><p>Shaykhutdinov, Renat—Florida Atlantic University</p><p>She, Xiaoye—California State University</p><p>Shiffer, Varda—The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute</p><p>Sidha, Zedekia—Rongo University, Kitere Hills, Kenya</p><p>Siegel, David—City University of New York</p><p>Skidmore, Max J.—University of Missouri-Kansas City</p><p>Smith-Walter, Aaron—University of Alaska Southeast</p><p>Soare, Sorina—University of Florence</p><p>Song, Esther—German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)</p><p>Spicer, Zachary—York University</p><p>Spierings, Niels—Radboud University, Netherlands</p><p>Stanisevski, Dragan—Mississippi State University</p><p>Stapel, Soeren—University of Freiburg, Germany</p><p>Stegmaier, Mary—University of Missouri</p><p>Stehrer, Robert—Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies</p><p>Stendsdal, Iselin—The Fridtjof Nansen Institute</p><p>Sterling, Kevin—University of California</p><p>Stockemer, Daniel—University of Ottawa</p><p>Taylor, Kristin—Wayne State University</p><p>Thakrar, Sumil K.—University of Minnesota</p><p>Thornton, William—National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (ret.)</p><p>Toll, Benjamin—Wilkes University</p><p>Tosun, Jale—Heidelberg University</p><p>Tran, Carolyn-Thi Thanh Dung—Australian Institute of Higher Education</p><p>Trigkas, Vasilis—Tsinghua University, Beijing</p><p>Trunkos, Judit—Robert Morris University</p><p>Tubadji, Annie—Swansea University</p><p>Turner, Robert—Skidmore College</p><p>Tursoy, Turgut—Near East University, Nicosia</p><p>Tusalem, Rollin—Arkansas State University</p><p>Tyner, Katie—The Cohen Group, Washington DC</p><p>Udani, Adriano—University of Missouri, St. Louis</p><p>Umland, Andreas—National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy</p><p>Valee-Dubois, Florence—Université de Montréal</p><p>Velázquez Leyer, Ricardo—Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico</p><p>Velte, Patrick—Leuphana University Lüneburg</p><p>Villanueva Ulfgard, Rebecka—Instituto Mora, Mexico</p><p>Villanueva, Cesar—Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico</p><p>Vince, Joanna—University of Tasmania</p><p>Vogt, Kristoffer—University of Bergen</p><p>von Malmborg, Fredrik—Linköping University</p><p>Vural Yavas, Cigdem—Kadir Has University, Istanbul</p><p>Waheduzzaman, Wahed—Swinburne University of Technology, Australia</p><p>Wemlinger, Elizabeth— University of North Carolina at Charlotte</p><p>White, Jonathan—London School of Economics</p><p>Whyte, Christopher—Virginia Commonwealth University</p><p>Wilford, Allan—Anderson University</p><p>Wilkins, Dominic—Syracuse University</p><p>Williams, Jackson—George Washington University</p><p>Wolton, Laura—University of Colorado</p><p>Xiao, Hanyu—The Education University of Hong Kong</p><p>Yaghi, Abdulfattah—United Arab Emirates University</p><p>Younus, Muhammad—Independent Scholar</p><p>Zahariadis, Nikolaos—Rhodes College</p><p>Zaun, Natascha—The European Institute</p>","PeriodicalId":51679,"journal":{"name":"Politics & Policy","volume":"51 6","pages":"964-972"},"PeriodicalIF":1.4000,"publicationDate":"2023-12-30","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/polp.12569","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"Note from the Editors and Acknowledgment of Reviewers 2022–23\",\"authors\":\"\",\"doi\":\"10.1111/polp.12569\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"<p>Welcome to the December issue of <i>Politics &amp; Policy</i> (<i>P&amp;P</i>)!</p><p>In this final 2023 issue of <i>P&amp;P</i>, we offer a particularly strong lineup of articles. They cover machine learning techniques and policy agenda trade-offs (Sohn, <span>2023</span>), comparative analysis of policy responses to the pandemic (Kasseeah &amp; Opp, <span>2023</span>), education for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh (Prodip, <span>2023</span>), environmental policies and outcomes in 37 countries (Duit et al., <span>2023</span>), minority faith and environmental justice (Al-Kohlani et al., <span>2023</span>), as well as religious lobbying and policy influence regarding attitudes toward same-sex marriage (Gover, <span>2023</span>). In addition, Dzhurova (<span>2023</span>) unpacks Agamben's notion of <i>homo sacer</i> to show how it facilitates interpretations of the “alien” metaphor as it applies to the ultimately failed 2001 US DREAM Act. Al Aloosy's (<span>2023</span>) contribution discusses the ideological disunity and converging interests of Iraq's political elites and the impact these have had on recent elections and political legitimacy in Iraq. Joo et al. (<span>2023</span>) explore the divergence of emissions trading schemes (ETSs) in South Korea and the European Union. And finally, Hiroi and Schober (<span>2023</span>) analyze the links between corruption, patronage, and avertable child deaths in developing countries.</p><p>We hope you enjoy these excellent articles and, as always, encourage your future submissions to <i>P&amp;P</i>.</p><p>As is customary at this time of year, the editors of <i>Politics &amp; Policy</i>, Dr. David Mena Alemán and Dr. Emma R. Norman, would like to express their sincere gratitude to the scholars whose rigorous peer reviews of manuscripts <i>Politics &amp; Policy</i> processed and/or published in 2023 have contributed so much to the high quality of the articles we have published over the last 12 months. Your sterling and timely efforts to return reviews that are almost always highly detailed and extremely constructive continue to be of great assistance to editors and authors alike. Thank you, one and all!</p><p>¡Bienvenidos a la edición de diciembre de <i>Politics &amp; Policy</i> (<i>P&amp;P</i>)!</p><p>En esta última edición de 2023 de <i>P&amp;P</i> ofrecemos una gama de artículos particularmente sólida. Cubren técnicas de aprendizaje automático y compensaciones de agendas políticas (Sohn 2023), educación para refugiados rohingya en Bangladesh (Prodip 2023), políticas y resultados ambientales en 37 países (Duit, Lim y Sommerer 2023), análisis comparativo de respuestas políticas a la pandemia (Kasseeah y Opp 2023), la fe de las minorías y la justicia ambiental (Al-Kohlani, Campbell y El-Khatib 2023), así como el lobby religioso y la influencia política con respecto a las actitudes hacia el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo (Gover 2023). Dzhurova (2023) analiza la noción de homo sacer de Agamben para mostrar cómo facilita las interpretaciones de la metáfora “extraterrestre” tal como se aplica a la finalmente fallida Ley DREAM de Estados Unidos de 2001. La contribución de Al Aloosy (2023) analiza la desunión ideológica y los intereses convergentes de las élites políticas iraquíes y el impacto que estos han tenido en las elecciones recientes y la legitimidad política en Irak. Joo, Paavola y van Alstine (2023) exploran la divergencia de los esquemas de comercio de emisiones (ETS) en Corea del Sur y la Unión Europea. Y, finalmente, Hiroi y Schober (2023) analizan los vínculos entre la corrupción, el clientelismo y las muertes infantiles evitables en los países en desarrollo.</p><p>Esperamos que disfrute de estos excelentes artículos y, como siempre, le animamos a realizar futuros envíos a <i>P&amp;P</i>.</p><p>Como es habitual en esta época del año, los editores de <i>Politics &amp; Policy</i>, Dr. David Mena Alemán y la Dra. Emma R. Norman, desean expresar sus sinceros agradecimiento a los académicos cuyas rigurosas revisiones por pares de los manuscritos que <i>Politics &amp; Policy</i> procesó y /o publicados en 2023 han contribuido mucho a la alta calidad de los artículos que hemos publicado durante los últimos 12 meses. Sus valiosos y oportunos esfuerzos por devolver reseñas que casi siempre son muy detalladas y extremadamente constructivas siguen siendo de gran ayuda tanto para los editores como para los autores. ¡Gracias a todos!</p><p>欢迎阅读2023年12月的《政治与政策》(P&amp;P)杂志!</p><p>在2023年P&amp;P最后一期内容中,我们收录了一系列特别优质的文章。这些文章涵盖机器学习技术和政策议程权衡(Sohn 2023)、孟加拉国罗辛亚难民的教育(Prodip 2023)、37个国家的环境政策及成果(Duit, Lim, and Sommerer 2023)、关于大流行病政策响应的比较分析(Kasseeah and Opp 2023)、少数群体信仰和环境正义(Al-Kohlani, Campbell and El-Khatib 2023),以及关于对同性婚姻态度的宗教游说与政策影响(Gover 2023)。 Dzhurova(2023)阐明了阿甘本提出的“牲人”概念,以表明此概念如何促进对“外国人”隐喻的解释,该隐喻适用于最终失败的2001年《美国梦想法案》。Al Aloosy(2023)的文章探讨了伊拉克政治精英的意识形态不统一与利益趋同,以及这些意识形态和利益对伊拉克近期选举及政治合法性的影响。Joo、Paavola和van Alstine(2023)探究了韩国和欧盟各自的排放交易计划(ETS)的差异。最后,Hiroi和Schober(2023)分析了发展中国家的腐败、赞助和可避免的儿童死亡之间的联系。</p><p>我们希望您享受阅读这些优秀文章,并一如既往地鼓励您向P&amp;P提交稿件。</p><p>按照每年此时的惯例,《政治与政策》杂志编辑David Mena Alemán博士和Emma R. Norman博士向那些对《政治与政策》处理和/或发表的稿件进行严格的同行评审的学者表示诚挚谢意,你们的付出为过去12个月内本刊发表的高质量文章作出了巨大贡献。你们提供的及时且宝贵的评论几乎总是非常详细且极具建设性,这继续为编辑和作者带来莫大的帮助。谢谢各位!</p><p>Adegoke, Damilola—King's College, London</p><p>Aguado, N. Alexander—University of North Alabama</p><p>Ahmad, Manzoor—Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan</p><p>Aideyan, Osaore—Claremont Graduate University</p><p>Al Ahbabi, Ali—United Arab Emirates University</p><p>Al-Aloosy, Massaab—Arab Gulf States Institute, Washington D.C.</p><p>Aldrich, Andrea S.—Yale University</p><p>Alejo, Antonio—Independent Scholar</p><p>Alfano, Vincenzo—University of Napoli Parthenope, Italy</p><p>Ali, Hamid—The American University in Cairo</p><p>Ali, Omar—University of North Carolina at Greensboro</p><p>Aljanahi, Mohammed—United Arab Emirates University</p><p>Alvarado, Rafael—University of Virginia</p><p>Ameyaw-Brobbey, Thomas—Yibin University, Sichuan, China</p><p>Amin, Huznul—University of Pennsylvania</p><p>Amini, Azam—Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran</p><p>Amir-ud-Din, Rafi—COMSATS University, Islamabad</p><p>Amoah, Anthony—University of Environment and Sustainable Development</p><p>Antwi-Boateng, Osman—United Arab Emirates University</p><p>Arif, Sirojuddin—Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia</p><p>Asante, William—Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration</p><p>Asongu, Simplice—African Governance and Development Institute</p><p>Atkin, Karl Michael—University of York</p><p>Avery, James—Stockton University</p><p>Babones, Salvatore—University of Sydney</p><p>Balci, Ali—Sakarya University, Turkey</p><p>Bashir, Faiza—Slamia College University, Peshawar</p><p>Bebber, Brett—Old Dominion University</p><p>Becker, Derick—The University of Nottingham</p><p>Beh, LooSee—University of Malaya</p><p>Béland, Daniel—McGill University</p><p>Benton, Mark—University of Missouri</p><p>Bergeron, Thomas—University of Toronto</p><p>Bhattarai, Gaurav—University of Leeds</p><p>Bishop, Patrick—Lancaster University</p><p>Bishop, Simon—University of Nottingham</p><p>Brodtkorb, Tor—American University of Sharjah</p><p>Brody, Carinne—Touro University, California</p><p>Brown, Heath—John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY</p><p>Brunello, Anthony—Eckerd College</p><p>Burkhardt, Brett C.—Oregon State University</p><p>Burkhart, Ross—Boise State University</p><p>Butz, Adam—California State University</p><p>Byrne, Jennifer—James Madison University</p><p>Cai, Xinyu—London School of Economics</p><p>Cain, Sean—Loyola University</p><p>Carpenter, Daniel—Harvard University</p><p>Carter, David—University of Utah Health</p><p>Casarões, Guilherme—Sao Paulo School of Business Administration</p><p>Cerami, Alfio—Independent Scholar</p><p>Cerrone, Joseph—George Washington University</p><p>Chandler, Andrea—Carleton University</p><p>Chandra, Kevin—Boston University</p><p>Chang, Yung-Yung—Indiana University Bloomington</p><p>Charron, Nicholas—University of Gothenburg</p><p>Chiru, Mihail—University of Oxford</p><p>Christensen, Henrik—Åbo Akademi University</p><p>Cloutier, Christophe—University of Pennsylvania</p><p>Cooper, Christopher—University of Ottawa</p><p>Copeland, Conrad—Department for International Trade, UK Government</p><p>Crompton, Amanda—University of Nottingham</p><p>Crow, Deserai—University of Colorado</p><p>Culebro Moreno, Jorge—Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Mexico</p><p>Curry, Brett—Ohio State University</p><p>Danaeefard, Hassan—Tarbiat Modares University, Iran</p><p>Dandashly, Assem—Maastricht University</p><p>Daube, Mike—Curtin University, Australia</p><p>Dauda, Carol—University of Guelph</p><p>Davis, Gregory—Troy University</p><p>Dawoody, Alexander—Marywood University</p><p>De Los Reyes-Heredia, Guillermo—Houston University</p><p>De Santis, Lavinia—University of Pisa</p><p>Debrah, Emmanue—University of Ghana</p><p>Demmelhuber, Thomas—Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany</p><p>Driver, Alice—Arizona State University</p><p>Dunning, Kelly—Auburn University</p><p>E. Aboelsoud, Mostafa—Suez Canal University</p><p>Ear, Sophal—Arizona State University</p><p>Ebbinghaus, Bernhard—University of Oxford</p><p>Ertas, Nevbahar—University of Alabama at Birmingham</p><p>Estevez, Alejandro Miguel—University of Buenos Aires</p><p>Fair, C. Christine—Georgetown University</p><p>Fiorina, Morris—Stanford University</p><p>Fisk, Jonathan—Auburn University</p><p>Forde, Anniken—The Arctic University of Norway</p><p>Foreman, Sean—Barry University</p><p>Frank, Nicholas—Australian National University</p><p>French, Richard—University of Ottawa</p><p>Ganguly, Sumit—Indiana University</p><p>Garlick, Jeremy—Prague University of Economics and Business</p><p>Garrett, Terence—The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley</p><p>Genna, Gaspare—The University of Texas at El Paso</p><p>Gherghina, Sergiu—University of Glasgow</p><p>Gibbins, Justin—Zayed University, Dubai</p><p>Giri, Arun Kumar—BITS Pilani</p><p>Glen, Carol—Valdosta State University</p><p>Gnegne, Yacouba—National Defense College of the U.A.E</p><p>Goyal, Yugank—FLAME University</p><p>Grant, Bligh—University of Technology Sydney</p><p>Haang'andu, Privilege—University of Saskatchewan</p><p>Haaparjarvi, Linda—University of Helsinki</p><p>Han, Jiajun—East China Normal University</p><p>Handberg, Roger B. —The University of Central Florida</p><p>Hasmath, Reza—University of Alberta</p><p>Hauser, Megan—Kennesaw State University</p><p>Hazakis, Konstantinos—Democritus University of Thrace</p><p>Heo, Inhye—Chonbuk National University, South Korea</p><p>Holyoke, Thomas—California State University</p><p>Horn, Alexander—University of Konstanz, Germany</p><p>Horney, Jennifer—University of Delaware</p><p>Howie, Peter—Nazarbayev University</p><p>Huang, Qian—University of Groningen, Netherlands</p><p>Hubbard, Sean—University of North Texas at Dallas</p><p>Huda, Juhi—University of Colorado</p><p>Hudak, Erik—Independent Scholar</p><p>Hussain, Mehmood—University of Azad Jammu</p><p>Hussein, Sajjad—Aasim Consultancy, Pakistan</p><p>Hyde, Allen—Georgia Institute of Technology</p><p>Iheonu, Chimere O.—University of Nigeria</p><p>Ikeanyibe, Okey—University of Nigeria</p><p>Ilderton, Nathan—University of Central Florida</p><p>Insler, Michael A.—United States Naval Academy</p><p>Jalalzai, Farida—Virginia Tech</p><p>Johnson, Tyler—The University of Oklahoma</p><p>Jokinsky, Steven—University of Kentucky</p><p>Jones, David—City University of New York</p><p>Joshi, Yogesh—National University of Singapore</p><p>Kahn-Nisser, Sara—Bar-Ilan University, Israel</p><p>Kang, Woo Chang—Australian National University</p><p>Katagiri, Nori—Saint Louis University</p><p>Kay, Adrian—Australian National University</p><p>Khakhuk, Bela—Kuban State Technological University</p><p>Kim, Eun Kyung—Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), Korea</p><p>Kinyondo, Abel—University of Dar es Salaam</p><p>Kirschbaum, Charles—Insper Brazil</p><p>Knuckey, Jonathan—University of Central Florida</p><p>Koca, Burcu Togral—Independent Scholar</p><p>Kuchina-Musina, Dolores—Old Dominion University</p><p>Kuenzler, Johanna—University of Speyer, Germany</p><p>Kurian, Mathew—Texas A&amp;M University</p><p>Kusumarani, Riri—National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia</p><p>Lacey, Justine—The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization</p><p>Laiprakobsup, Thanapan—Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok</p><p>Lajevardi, Nazita—Michigan State University</p><p>Lantis, Jeffrey—College of Wooster</p><p>Larimer, Christopher—University of Northern Iowa</p><p>Larrison, Jennica—University of Baltimore</p><p>Latif, Zahid—Gomal University, Pakistan</p><p>Lauermann, Robin—Messiah University</p><p>Ledet, Richard—Troy University</p><p>Lee, Jae-Mook—Hankuk University of Foreign Studies</p><p>Leibrecht, Markus—Shanghai Ocean University</p><p>Lépissier, Alice—Brown University</p><p>Lewis-Beck, Michael—University of Iowa</p><p>Lewis, Gregory—Georgia State University</p><p>Liaropoulos, Andrew—University of Piraeus</p><p>Libicki, Martin C.—Pardee RAND Graduate School, California</p><p>Lim, Yoojin—Duksung Women's University, Seoul</p><p>Lin, Jiun-Chi—European Center for Populism Studies</p><p>Lipsmeyer, Christine—Texas A&amp;M University</p><p>Liu, Roger—FLAME University</p><p>Liu, Yuyin—Syracuse University</p><p>Lucas, Russell—Michigan State University</p><p>Luján, José Luis—University of the Balearic Islands</p><p>Luke, Russell—University of Sydney</p><p>Lumor-Mensah, Bright—Ho Technical University, Ghana</p><p>Lybecker, Donna—Idaho State University</p><p>MacMillan, Ross—University of Limerick</p><p>Mahmood, Monowar—K IMEP University, Kazakhstan</p><p>Maioni, Antonia—Harvard University</p><p>Mallinson, Daniel—Penn State Harrisburg</p><p>Mangum, Maruice—Jackson State University</p><p>Manheim, Frank—George Mason University</p><p>Mansour, Ahmed—United Arab Emirates University</p><p>Marineau, Josiah—University of North Carolina at Pembroke</p><p>Martin, Isaac William—University of California, San Diego</p><p>Martin, Jr, James—Creighton University</p><p>Masi, Beniamino—University of Pisa, Italy</p><p>Mbassi, Christophe Martial—University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon</p><p>McBeth, Mark—Idaho State University</p><p>McKelvey, Fenwick—Concordia University</p><p>McKenzie, Mark—Texas Tech University</p><p>Merry, Melissa—University of Louisville</p><p>Mertens, Stefan—KU Leuven</p><p>Mhd Bani, Nor Yasmin—Universiti Putra Malaysia</p><p>Miragliotta, Narelle—Monash University</p><p>Mitchell, Joshua—Georgetown University</p><p>Moffitt, Susan—Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs</p><p>Mongrain, Philippe—McGill University</p><p>Moon, M Jae—Yonsei University, South Korea</p><p>Morris, Stephen—Middle Tennessee State University</p><p>Moy, Bryant—New York University</p><p>Munis, Kal—Utah Valley University</p><p>Mwoya, Byaro—University of Zambia</p><p>Myers, Nathan—Indiana State University</p><p>Narendran, Roshni—University of Wollongong, Australia</p><p>Nawaz, Shah—Government College University (GCU) Hyderabad</p><p>Nchofoung, Tii—Ministry of Trade, Cameroon</p><p>Nehme, Marina—University of New South Wales</p><p>Neill, Katharine—Rice University</p><p>Newmann, William—Virginia Commonwealth University</p><p>Nnanna, Joseph—Development Bank of Nigeria</p><p>Nwalie, Martin—Independent Scholar</p><p>Nwokora, Zim—Deakin University</p><p>Okolikj, Martin—University of Bergen</p><p>Olivas Osuna, Jose Javier—National Distance Education University, Madrid</p><p>Olofsson, Kristin—Oklahoma State University</p><p>Ondiek, Japheth—Independent Scholar</p><p>Onyango, Gedion—University of Nairobi</p><p>Onyx, Jenny—University of Technology Sydney</p><p>Opp, Susan—University of Missouri</p><p>Ortmann, Stephan—Hong Kong Metropolitan University</p><p>Ostermann, Falk—Kiel University</p><p>Owolabi, O. A.—Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria</p><p>Pacek, Alexander—Texas A&amp;M University</p><p>Padilla, Graciela—Universidad Complutense de Madrid</p><p>Paoliello, Tomaz—London School of Economics</p><p>Pasquino, Gianfranco—University of Turin</p><p>Pattison, Andrew—Colgate University</p><p>Pearson-Merkowitz, Shanna—University of Rhode Island</p><p>Pelizzo, Riccardo—Nazarbayev University</p><p>Pelke, Lars—Heidelberg University</p><p>Phillips, Joseph—University of Kent</p><p>Pietsch, Emma—Independent Scholar</p><p>Pires, Hindenburg Francisco—Rio de Janeiro State University</p><p>Piscopo, Jennifer—Royal Holloway University of London</p><p>Pope, Paul—Montana State University Billings</p><p>Porisky, Alesha—Northern Illinois University</p><p>Pyeatt, Nicholas—Pennsylvania State University</p><p>Qian, Xianhang—Shandong University, China</p><p>Raadschelders, Jos—Ohio State University</p><p>Rapanyane, Makhura B.—North West University, South Africa</p><p>Rauch, Madeleine—Copenhagen Business School</p><p>Raza, Aamer—University of Peshawar, Pakistan</p><p>Reese, Catherine—Arkansas State University</p><p>Reilly, Jack—Independent Scholar</p><p>Reischauer, Georg—Vienna University</p><p>Rhodes, Sybil—UCEMA</p><p>Ribeiro, Verónica—Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave</p><p>Rich, Jessica A. J.—Marquette University</p><p>Ridge, Hannah—Chapman University</p><p>Robles, Pedro—Penn State Lehigh Valley</p><p>Rohac, Dalibor—American Enterprise Institute (AEI)</p><p>Romão Netto, José—Federal University of São Paulo</p><p>Rosser, Andrew—University of Melbourne</p><p>Roth Deubel, Andre Noel—National University of Colombia</p><p>Rowlands, Dane—Carleton University</p><p>Salim, Asif—Independent Scholar</p><p>Santucci, Jack—Drexel University</p><p>Savov, Radovan—Slovak University of Agriculture</p><p>Saxena, Gunjan—University of Hull</p><p>Sebők, Miklós—Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest</p><p>Segatto, Catarina—University of São Paulo, Brazil</p><p>Selling, Niels—European University Institute</p><p>Sementelli, Arthur—Florida Atlantic University</p><p>Serrano, Alan—Brunel University, London</p><p>Shanahan, Elizabeth—Montana State University</p><p>Sharma, Sugandha—ICFAI University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India</p><p>Shaykhutdinov, Renat—Florida Atlantic University</p><p>She, Xiaoye—California State University</p><p>Shiffer, Varda—The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute</p><p>Sidha, Zedekia—Rongo University, Kitere Hills, Kenya</p><p>Siegel, David—City University of New York</p><p>Skidmore, Max J.—University of Missouri-Kansas City</p><p>Smith-Walter, Aaron—University of Alaska Southeast</p><p>Soare, Sorina—University of Florence</p><p>Song, Esther—German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)</p><p>Spicer, Zachary—York University</p><p>Spierings, Niels—Radboud University, Netherlands</p><p>Stanisevski, Dragan—Mississippi State University</p><p>Stapel, Soeren—University of Freiburg, Germany</p><p>Stegmaier, Mary—University of Missouri</p><p>Stehrer, Robert—Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies</p><p>Stendsdal, Iselin—The Fridtjof Nansen Institute</p><p>Sterling, Kevin—University of California</p><p>Stockemer, Daniel—University of Ottawa</p><p>Taylor, Kristin—Wayne State University</p><p>Thakrar, Sumil K.—University of Minnesota</p><p>Thornton, William—National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (ret.)</p><p>Toll, Benjamin—Wilkes University</p><p>Tosun, Jale—Heidelberg University</p><p>Tran, Carolyn-Thi Thanh Dung—Australian Institute of Higher Education</p><p>Trigkas, Vasilis—Tsinghua University, Beijing</p><p>Trunkos, Judit—Robert Morris University</p><p>Tubadji, Annie—Swansea University</p><p>Turner, Robert—Skidmore College</p><p>Tursoy, Turgut—Near East University, Nicosia</p><p>Tusalem, Rollin—Arkansas State University</p><p>Tyner, Katie—The Cohen Group, Washington DC</p><p>Udani, Adriano—University of Missouri, St. Louis</p><p>Umland, Andreas—National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy</p><p>Valee-Dubois, Florence—Université de Montréal</p><p>Velázquez Leyer, Ricardo—Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico</p><p>Velte, Patrick—Leuphana University Lüneburg</p><p>Villanueva Ulfgard, Rebecka—Instituto Mora, Mexico</p><p>Villanueva, Cesar—Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico</p><p>Vince, Joanna—University of Tasmania</p><p>Vogt, Kristoffer—University of Bergen</p><p>von Malmborg, Fredrik—Linköping University</p><p>Vural Yavas, Cigdem—Kadir Has University, Istanbul</p><p>Waheduzzaman, Wahed—Swinburne University of Technology, Australia</p><p>Wemlinger, Elizabeth— University of North Carolina at Charlotte</p><p>White, Jonathan—London School of Economics</p><p>Whyte, Christopher—Virginia Commonwealth University</p><p>Wilford, Allan—Anderson University</p><p>Wilkins, Dominic—Syracuse University</p><p>Williams, Jackson—George Washington University</p><p>Wolton, Laura—University of Colorado</p><p>Xiao, Hanyu—The Education University of Hong Kong</p><p>Yaghi, Abdulfattah—United Arab Emirates University</p><p>Younus, Muhammad—Independent Scholar</p><p>Zahariadis, Nikolaos—Rhodes College</p><p>Zaun, Natascha—The European Institute</p>\",\"PeriodicalId\":51679,\"journal\":{\"name\":\"Politics & Policy\",\"volume\":\"51 6\",\"pages\":\"964-972\"},\"PeriodicalIF\":1.4000,\"publicationDate\":\"2023-12-30\",\"publicationTypes\":\"Journal Article\",\"fieldsOfStudy\":null,\"isOpenAccess\":false,\"openAccessPdf\":\"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/polp.12569\",\"citationCount\":\"0\",\"resultStr\":null,\"platform\":\"Semanticscholar\",\"paperid\":null,\"PeriodicalName\":\"Politics & Policy\",\"FirstCategoryId\":\"1085\",\"ListUrlMain\":\"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/polp.12569\",\"RegionNum\":0,\"RegionCategory\":null,\"ArticlePicture\":[],\"TitleCN\":null,\"AbstractTextCN\":null,\"PMCID\":null,\"EPubDate\":\"\",\"PubModel\":\"\",\"JCR\":\"Q2\",\"JCRName\":\"POLITICAL SCIENCE\",\"Score\":null,\"Total\":0}","platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Politics & Policy","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/polp.12569","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q2","JCRName":"POLITICAL SCIENCE","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0


Note from the Editors and Acknowledgment of Reviewers 2022–23

Welcome to the December issue of Politics & Policy (P&P)!

In this final 2023 issue of P&P, we offer a particularly strong lineup of articles. They cover machine learning techniques and policy agenda trade-offs (Sohn, 2023), comparative analysis of policy responses to the pandemic (Kasseeah & Opp, 2023), education for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh (Prodip, 2023), environmental policies and outcomes in 37 countries (Duit et al., 2023), minority faith and environmental justice (Al-Kohlani et al., 2023), as well as religious lobbying and policy influence regarding attitudes toward same-sex marriage (Gover, 2023). In addition, Dzhurova (2023) unpacks Agamben's notion of homo sacer to show how it facilitates interpretations of the “alien” metaphor as it applies to the ultimately failed 2001 US DREAM Act. Al Aloosy's (2023) contribution discusses the ideological disunity and converging interests of Iraq's political elites and the impact these have had on recent elections and political legitimacy in Iraq. Joo et al. (2023) explore the divergence of emissions trading schemes (ETSs) in South Korea and the European Union. And finally, Hiroi and Schober (2023) analyze the links between corruption, patronage, and avertable child deaths in developing countries.

We hope you enjoy these excellent articles and, as always, encourage your future submissions to P&P.

As is customary at this time of year, the editors of Politics & Policy, Dr. David Mena Alemán and Dr. Emma R. Norman, would like to express their sincere gratitude to the scholars whose rigorous peer reviews of manuscripts Politics & Policy processed and/or published in 2023 have contributed so much to the high quality of the articles we have published over the last 12 months. Your sterling and timely efforts to return reviews that are almost always highly detailed and extremely constructive continue to be of great assistance to editors and authors alike. Thank you, one and all!

¡Bienvenidos a la edición de diciembre de Politics & Policy (P&P)!

En esta última edición de 2023 de P&P ofrecemos una gama de artículos particularmente sólida. Cubren técnicas de aprendizaje automático y compensaciones de agendas políticas (Sohn 2023), educación para refugiados rohingya en Bangladesh (Prodip 2023), políticas y resultados ambientales en 37 países (Duit, Lim y Sommerer 2023), análisis comparativo de respuestas políticas a la pandemia (Kasseeah y Opp 2023), la fe de las minorías y la justicia ambiental (Al-Kohlani, Campbell y El-Khatib 2023), así como el lobby religioso y la influencia política con respecto a las actitudes hacia el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo (Gover 2023). Dzhurova (2023) analiza la noción de homo sacer de Agamben para mostrar cómo facilita las interpretaciones de la metáfora “extraterrestre” tal como se aplica a la finalmente fallida Ley DREAM de Estados Unidos de 2001. La contribución de Al Aloosy (2023) analiza la desunión ideológica y los intereses convergentes de las élites políticas iraquíes y el impacto que estos han tenido en las elecciones recientes y la legitimidad política en Irak. Joo, Paavola y van Alstine (2023) exploran la divergencia de los esquemas de comercio de emisiones (ETS) en Corea del Sur y la Unión Europea. Y, finalmente, Hiroi y Schober (2023) analizan los vínculos entre la corrupción, el clientelismo y las muertes infantiles evitables en los países en desarrollo.

Esperamos que disfrute de estos excelentes artículos y, como siempre, le animamos a realizar futuros envíos a P&P.

Como es habitual en esta época del año, los editores de Politics & Policy, Dr. David Mena Alemán y la Dra. Emma R. Norman, desean expresar sus sinceros agradecimiento a los académicos cuyas rigurosas revisiones por pares de los manuscritos que Politics & Policy procesó y /o publicados en 2023 han contribuido mucho a la alta calidad de los artículos que hemos publicado durante los últimos 12 meses. Sus valiosos y oportunos esfuerzos por devolver reseñas que casi siempre son muy detalladas y extremadamente constructivas siguen siendo de gran ayuda tanto para los editores como para los autores. ¡Gracias a todos!


在2023年P&P最后一期内容中,我们收录了一系列特别优质的文章。这些文章涵盖机器学习技术和政策议程权衡(Sohn 2023)、孟加拉国罗辛亚难民的教育(Prodip 2023)、37个国家的环境政策及成果(Duit, Lim, and Sommerer 2023)、关于大流行病政策响应的比较分析(Kasseeah and Opp 2023)、少数群体信仰和环境正义(Al-Kohlani, Campbell and El-Khatib 2023),以及关于对同性婚姻态度的宗教游说与政策影响(Gover 2023)。 Dzhurova(2023)阐明了阿甘本提出的“牲人”概念,以表明此概念如何促进对“外国人”隐喻的解释,该隐喻适用于最终失败的2001年《美国梦想法案》。Al Aloosy(2023)的文章探讨了伊拉克政治精英的意识形态不统一与利益趋同,以及这些意识形态和利益对伊拉克近期选举及政治合法性的影响。Joo、Paavola和van Alstine(2023)探究了韩国和欧盟各自的排放交易计划(ETS)的差异。最后,Hiroi和Schober(2023)分析了发展中国家的腐败、赞助和可避免的儿童死亡之间的联系。


按照每年此时的惯例,《政治与政策》杂志编辑David Mena Alemán博士和Emma R. Norman博士向那些对《政治与政策》处理和/或发表的稿件进行严格的同行评审的学者表示诚挚谢意,你们的付出为过去12个月内本刊发表的高质量文章作出了巨大贡献。你们提供的及时且宝贵的评论几乎总是非常详细且极具建设性,这继续为编辑和作者带来莫大的帮助。谢谢各位!

Adegoke, Damilola—King's College, London

Aguado, N. Alexander—University of North Alabama

Ahmad, Manzoor—Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan

Aideyan, Osaore—Claremont Graduate University

Al Ahbabi, Ali—United Arab Emirates University

Al-Aloosy, Massaab—Arab Gulf States Institute, Washington D.C.

Aldrich, Andrea S.—Yale University

Alejo, Antonio—Independent Scholar

Alfano, Vincenzo—University of Napoli Parthenope, Italy

Ali, Hamid—The American University in Cairo

Ali, Omar—University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Aljanahi, Mohammed—United Arab Emirates University

Alvarado, Rafael—University of Virginia

Ameyaw-Brobbey, Thomas—Yibin University, Sichuan, China

Amin, Huznul—University of Pennsylvania

Amini, Azam—Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

Amir-ud-Din, Rafi—COMSATS University, Islamabad

Amoah, Anthony—University of Environment and Sustainable Development

Antwi-Boateng, Osman—United Arab Emirates University

Arif, Sirojuddin—Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia

Asante, William—Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration

Asongu, Simplice—African Governance and Development Institute

Atkin, Karl Michael—University of York

Avery, James—Stockton University

Babones, Salvatore—University of Sydney

Balci, Ali—Sakarya University, Turkey

Bashir, Faiza—Slamia College University, Peshawar

Bebber, Brett—Old Dominion University

Becker, Derick—The University of Nottingham

Beh, LooSee—University of Malaya

Béland, Daniel—McGill University

Benton, Mark—University of Missouri

Bergeron, Thomas—University of Toronto

Bhattarai, Gaurav—University of Leeds

Bishop, Patrick—Lancaster University

Bishop, Simon—University of Nottingham

Brodtkorb, Tor—American University of Sharjah

Brody, Carinne—Touro University, California

Brown, Heath—John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY

Brunello, Anthony—Eckerd College

Burkhardt, Brett C.—Oregon State University

Burkhart, Ross—Boise State University

Butz, Adam—California State University

Byrne, Jennifer—James Madison University

Cai, Xinyu—London School of Economics

Cain, Sean—Loyola University

Carpenter, Daniel—Harvard University

Carter, David—University of Utah Health

Casarões, Guilherme—Sao Paulo School of Business Administration

Cerami, Alfio—Independent Scholar

Cerrone, Joseph—George Washington University

Chandler, Andrea—Carleton University

Chandra, Kevin—Boston University

Chang, Yung-Yung—Indiana University Bloomington

Charron, Nicholas—University of Gothenburg

Chiru, Mihail—University of Oxford

Christensen, Henrik—Åbo Akademi University

Cloutier, Christophe—University of Pennsylvania

Cooper, Christopher—University of Ottawa

Copeland, Conrad—Department for International Trade, UK Government

Crompton, Amanda—University of Nottingham

Crow, Deserai—University of Colorado

Culebro Moreno, Jorge—Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Mexico

Curry, Brett—Ohio State University

Danaeefard, Hassan—Tarbiat Modares University, Iran

Dandashly, Assem—Maastricht University

Daube, Mike—Curtin University, Australia

Dauda, Carol—University of Guelph

Davis, Gregory—Troy University

Dawoody, Alexander—Marywood University

De Los Reyes-Heredia, Guillermo—Houston University

De Santis, Lavinia—University of Pisa

Debrah, Emmanue—University of Ghana

Demmelhuber, Thomas—Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Driver, Alice—Arizona State University

Dunning, Kelly—Auburn University

E. Aboelsoud, Mostafa—Suez Canal University

Ear, Sophal—Arizona State University

Ebbinghaus, Bernhard—University of Oxford

Ertas, Nevbahar—University of Alabama at Birmingham

Estevez, Alejandro Miguel—University of Buenos Aires

Fair, C. Christine—Georgetown University

Fiorina, Morris—Stanford University

Fisk, Jonathan—Auburn University

Forde, Anniken—The Arctic University of Norway

Foreman, Sean—Barry University

Frank, Nicholas—Australian National University

French, Richard—University of Ottawa

Ganguly, Sumit—Indiana University

Garlick, Jeremy—Prague University of Economics and Business

Garrett, Terence—The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Genna, Gaspare—The University of Texas at El Paso

Gherghina, Sergiu—University of Glasgow

Gibbins, Justin—Zayed University, Dubai

Giri, Arun Kumar—BITS Pilani

Glen, Carol—Valdosta State University

Gnegne, Yacouba—National Defense College of the U.A.E

Goyal, Yugank—FLAME University

Grant, Bligh—University of Technology Sydney

Haang'andu, Privilege—University of Saskatchewan

Haaparjarvi, Linda—University of Helsinki

Han, Jiajun—East China Normal University

Handberg, Roger B. —The University of Central Florida

Hasmath, Reza—University of Alberta

Hauser, Megan—Kennesaw State University

Hazakis, Konstantinos—Democritus University of Thrace

Heo, Inhye—Chonbuk National University, South Korea

Holyoke, Thomas—California State University

Horn, Alexander—University of Konstanz, Germany

Horney, Jennifer—University of Delaware

Howie, Peter—Nazarbayev University

Huang, Qian—University of Groningen, Netherlands

Hubbard, Sean—University of North Texas at Dallas

Huda, Juhi—University of Colorado

Hudak, Erik—Independent Scholar

Hussain, Mehmood—University of Azad Jammu

Hussein, Sajjad—Aasim Consultancy, Pakistan

Hyde, Allen—Georgia Institute of Technology

Iheonu, Chimere O.—University of Nigeria

Ikeanyibe, Okey—University of Nigeria

Ilderton, Nathan—University of Central Florida

Insler, Michael A.—United States Naval Academy

Jalalzai, Farida—Virginia Tech

Johnson, Tyler—The University of Oklahoma

Jokinsky, Steven—University of Kentucky

Jones, David—City University of New York

Joshi, Yogesh—National University of Singapore

Kahn-Nisser, Sara—Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Kang, Woo Chang—Australian National University

Katagiri, Nori—Saint Louis University

Kay, Adrian—Australian National University

Khakhuk, Bela—Kuban State Technological University

Kim, Eun Kyung—Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), Korea

Kinyondo, Abel—University of Dar es Salaam

Kirschbaum, Charles—Insper Brazil

Knuckey, Jonathan—University of Central Florida

Koca, Burcu Togral—Independent Scholar

Kuchina-Musina, Dolores—Old Dominion University

Kuenzler, Johanna—University of Speyer, Germany

Kurian, Mathew—Texas A&M University

Kusumarani, Riri—National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia

Lacey, Justine—The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization

Laiprakobsup, Thanapan—Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok

Lajevardi, Nazita—Michigan State University

Lantis, Jeffrey—College of Wooster

Larimer, Christopher—University of Northern Iowa

Larrison, Jennica—University of Baltimore

Latif, Zahid—Gomal University, Pakistan

Lauermann, Robin—Messiah University

Ledet, Richard—Troy University

Lee, Jae-Mook—Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Leibrecht, Markus—Shanghai Ocean University

Lépissier, Alice—Brown University

Lewis-Beck, Michael—University of Iowa

Lewis, Gregory—Georgia State University

Liaropoulos, Andrew—University of Piraeus

Libicki, Martin C.—Pardee RAND Graduate School, California

Lim, Yoojin—Duksung Women's University, Seoul

Lin, Jiun-Chi—European Center for Populism Studies

Lipsmeyer, Christine—Texas A&M University

Liu, Roger—FLAME University

Liu, Yuyin—Syracuse University

Lucas, Russell—Michigan State University

Luján, José Luis—University of the Balearic Islands

Luke, Russell—University of Sydney

Lumor-Mensah, Bright—Ho Technical University, Ghana

Lybecker, Donna—Idaho State University

MacMillan, Ross—University of Limerick

Mahmood, Monowar—K IMEP University, Kazakhstan

Maioni, Antonia—Harvard University

Mallinson, Daniel—Penn State Harrisburg

Mangum, Maruice—Jackson State University

Manheim, Frank—George Mason University

Mansour, Ahmed—United Arab Emirates University

Marineau, Josiah—University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Martin, Isaac William—University of California, San Diego

Martin, Jr, James—Creighton University

Masi, Beniamino—University of Pisa, Italy

Mbassi, Christophe Martial—University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon

McBeth, Mark—Idaho State University

McKelvey, Fenwick—Concordia University

McKenzie, Mark—Texas Tech University

Merry, Melissa—University of Louisville

Mertens, Stefan—KU Leuven

Mhd Bani, Nor Yasmin—Universiti Putra Malaysia

Miragliotta, Narelle—Monash University

Mitchell, Joshua—Georgetown University

Moffitt, Susan—Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

Mongrain, Philippe—McGill University

Moon, M Jae—Yonsei University, South Korea

Morris, Stephen—Middle Tennessee State University

Moy, Bryant—New York University

Munis, Kal—Utah Valley University

Mwoya, Byaro—University of Zambia

Myers, Nathan—Indiana State University

Narendran, Roshni—University of Wollongong, Australia

Nawaz, Shah—Government College University (GCU) Hyderabad

Nchofoung, Tii—Ministry of Trade, Cameroon

Nehme, Marina—University of New South Wales

Neill, Katharine—Rice University

Newmann, William—Virginia Commonwealth University

Nnanna, Joseph—Development Bank of Nigeria

Nwalie, Martin—Independent Scholar

Nwokora, Zim—Deakin University

Okolikj, Martin—University of Bergen

Olivas Osuna, Jose Javier—National Distance Education University, Madrid

Olofsson, Kristin—Oklahoma State University

Ondiek, Japheth—Independent Scholar

Onyango, Gedion—University of Nairobi

Onyx, Jenny—University of Technology Sydney

Opp, Susan—University of Missouri

Ortmann, Stephan—Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Ostermann, Falk—Kiel University

Owolabi, O. A.—Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

Pacek, Alexander—Texas A&M University

Padilla, Graciela—Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Paoliello, Tomaz—London School of Economics

Pasquino, Gianfranco—University of Turin

Pattison, Andrew—Colgate University

Pearson-Merkowitz, Shanna—University of Rhode Island

Pelizzo, Riccardo—Nazarbayev University

Pelke, Lars—Heidelberg University

Phillips, Joseph—University of Kent

Pietsch, Emma—Independent Scholar

Pires, Hindenburg Francisco—Rio de Janeiro State University

Piscopo, Jennifer—Royal Holloway University of London

Pope, Paul—Montana State University Billings

Porisky, Alesha—Northern Illinois University

Pyeatt, Nicholas—Pennsylvania State University

Qian, Xianhang—Shandong University, China

Raadschelders, Jos—Ohio State University

Rapanyane, Makhura B.—North West University, South Africa

Rauch, Madeleine—Copenhagen Business School

Raza, Aamer—University of Peshawar, Pakistan

Reese, Catherine—Arkansas State University

Reilly, Jack—Independent Scholar

Reischauer, Georg—Vienna University

Rhodes, Sybil—UCEMA

Ribeiro, Verónica—Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave

Rich, Jessica A. J.—Marquette University

Ridge, Hannah—Chapman University

Robles, Pedro—Penn State Lehigh Valley

Rohac, Dalibor—American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

Romão Netto, José—Federal University of São Paulo

Rosser, Andrew—University of Melbourne

Roth Deubel, Andre Noel—National University of Colombia

Rowlands, Dane—Carleton University

Salim, Asif—Independent Scholar

Santucci, Jack—Drexel University

Savov, Radovan—Slovak University of Agriculture

Saxena, Gunjan—University of Hull

Sebők, Miklós—Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest

Segatto, Catarina—University of São Paulo, Brazil

Selling, Niels—European University Institute

Sementelli, Arthur—Florida Atlantic University

Serrano, Alan—Brunel University, London

Shanahan, Elizabeth—Montana State University

Sharma, Sugandha—ICFAI University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India

Shaykhutdinov, Renat—Florida Atlantic University

She, Xiaoye—California State University

Shiffer, Varda—The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute

Sidha, Zedekia—Rongo University, Kitere Hills, Kenya

Siegel, David—City University of New York

Skidmore, Max J.—University of Missouri-Kansas City

Smith-Walter, Aaron—University of Alaska Southeast

Soare, Sorina—University of Florence

Song, Esther—German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

Spicer, Zachary—York University

Spierings, Niels—Radboud University, Netherlands

Stanisevski, Dragan—Mississippi State University

Stapel, Soeren—University of Freiburg, Germany

Stegmaier, Mary—University of Missouri

Stehrer, Robert—Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies

Stendsdal, Iselin—The Fridtjof Nansen Institute

Sterling, Kevin—University of California

Stockemer, Daniel—University of Ottawa

Taylor, Kristin—Wayne State University

Thakrar, Sumil K.—University of Minnesota

Thornton, William—National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (ret.)

Toll, Benjamin—Wilkes University

Tosun, Jale—Heidelberg University

Tran, Carolyn-Thi Thanh Dung—Australian Institute of Higher Education

Trigkas, Vasilis—Tsinghua University, Beijing

Trunkos, Judit—Robert Morris University

Tubadji, Annie—Swansea University

Turner, Robert—Skidmore College

Tursoy, Turgut—Near East University, Nicosia

Tusalem, Rollin—Arkansas State University

Tyner, Katie—The Cohen Group, Washington DC

Udani, Adriano—University of Missouri, St. Louis

Umland, Andreas—National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Valee-Dubois, Florence—Université de Montréal

Velázquez Leyer, Ricardo—Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

Velte, Patrick—Leuphana University Lüneburg

Villanueva Ulfgard, Rebecka—Instituto Mora, Mexico

Villanueva, Cesar—Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

Vince, Joanna—University of Tasmania

Vogt, Kristoffer—University of Bergen

von Malmborg, Fredrik—Linköping University

Vural Yavas, Cigdem—Kadir Has University, Istanbul

Waheduzzaman, Wahed—Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Wemlinger, Elizabeth— University of North Carolina at Charlotte

White, Jonathan—London School of Economics

Whyte, Christopher—Virginia Commonwealth University

Wilford, Allan—Anderson University

Wilkins, Dominic—Syracuse University

Williams, Jackson—George Washington University

Wolton, Laura—University of Colorado

Xiao, Hanyu—The Education University of Hong Kong

Yaghi, Abdulfattah—United Arab Emirates University

Younus, Muhammad—Independent Scholar

Zahariadis, Nikolaos—Rhodes College

Zaun, Natascha—The European Institute

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