Cover photograph: Heatmap visualization of antimicrobial resistance genes (resistome) in NDM-p roducing Enterobacterales (other than Klebsiella spp.). Microbiol Immunol: 68:1-5. Article link here
Microbiology and Immunology is published in association with Japanese Society for Bacteriology, Japanese Society for Virology, and Japanese Society for Host Defense Research. It is peer-reviewed publication that provides insight into the study of microbes and the host immune, biological and physiological responses.
Fields covered by Microbiology and Immunology include:Bacteriology|Virology|Immunology|pathogenic infections in human, animals and plants|pathogenicity and virulence factors such as microbial toxins and cell-surface components|factors involved in host defense, inflammation, development of vaccines|antimicrobial agents and drug resistance of microbes|genomics and proteomics.