Subterranean Biology is an international journal published by Pensoft on behalf of the International Society for Subterranean Biology [SIBIOS-ISSB] for the publication of original and significant contributions on all aspects of subterranean life. The Journal will consider original scientific papers dealing with any aspect of subterranean ecosystems and their components focusing on biology, ecology, evolution and conservation. Reviews and Commentaries: The journal welcomes review articles on aspects of subterranean biology. They should be submitted in the same way as research articles but use a simple layout with no more than three levels of headings. Commentaries on previous matter published in the journal may be also considered. Both reviews and commentaries will be reviewed. Book Reviews: Reviews of books, symposia volumes and conferences pertinent to the journal are welcome. The journal publishes electronic versions of the articles when these are ready to publish, without delays that might be caused by completion of an issue. These electronic versions are not "pre-prints" but final and immutable (Version of Record), hence available for the purposes of biological nomenclature. The date indicated on the electronic version is to be considered the actual publication date.