{"title":"从老大炮到铁猪:近代早期法国海军中引入的Kentledge压舱物","authors":"Emmanuel Nantet, Guillaume Martins","doi":"10.1080/00253359.2023.2260249","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"AbstractThe introduction of iron pigs, or kentledge, was a significant change in the ballasting of warships that heavily impacted early modern naval logistics. A close examination of printed sources and excavation reports of seven shipwrecks demonstrates the French navy’s progressive adaptation of kentledge as ballast around 1759 to 1830. Following British use, iron pigs replaced old cannon and round shot. This change in ballasting practices greatly facilitated naval logistics. Allowing for easy stowage and tessellation in the hold of military ships, the French implementation of kentledge heralded harbour modernization at a time of growing industrialization.Key words: reused cannoniron ballasttechnology transferFrench navyharbour logisticssailing skills AcknowledgementsWe wish to express our gratitude to Dr Dana Katz for her proofreading and her suggestions. We thank Professor Eric Rieth for his valuable comments. We received great encouragement from Professor Martin Galinier, director of the APPM program and director of Centre de Recherches sur les Sociétés et Environnements en Méditerranées (CRESEM, EA 7397, University of Perpignan Via Domitia). We extend our gratitude as well to the anonymous reviewers, whose comments have greatly improved the text. We thank the excavation directors who granted us access to their unpublished data, especially Jean-Michel Eriau, Jean-Sébastien Guibert, André Lorin, Benjamin Pepy, Élisabeth Veyrat, and Pierre Villié. Access to the unpublished excavations archives of the shipwrecks found in France was facilitated by the DRASSM (Department of Underwater Archaeological Research), which we wish to thank as well. We express our sincere gratitude to Dr Ingrid Dunyach for the CAD drawings of the hull plans.Notes1 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.2 Pritchard, Louis XV’s Navy (1748–1762).3 Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 186–92; King, ‘Iron Ballast’.4 Nantet, ‘Les activités de lestage’; Nantet, Phortia, 201–5.5 Martins and Nantet, ‘Le lest’. See also other articles from the same issue of the journal.6 McGrail, ‘The Shipment of Traded Goods’; Nantet, Phortia, 201–20; Gifford, ‘Everything is Ballast’.7 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.8 Martin, ‘The Dartmouth’, 5–7; L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’, 280–90.9 Van Doorninck, ‘Ballast Distribution’.10 Guérout et al., Le navire génois, 153–4.11 Dobbs, ‘The Ballast’.12 Ringer, ‘Arrimage et lestage’, 211–22.13 Keith et al., ‘The Molasses Reef Wreck’, 48–51; Keith and Simmons, ‘Analysis of Hull Remains’, 413–8; Lamb et al., ‘Analysis of the Ballast’.14 Martinsson, ‘Det fossilförande barlastmaterialet’. The ballast found in numerous Scandinavian shipwrecks was made up of boulders and rocks, perhaps due to a different geological context from France and Britain. Burström, Ballast.15 Callahan et al., ‘Ballast Stone’.16 Lazareth, ‘Pierres de lest’, 303–30, 359–68.17 Burström, Ballast, 27–38.18 Samuels, ‘Metallography of the Ballast’, 74–6, fig. 51–55; Samuels, ‘The Metallography of Cast Iron Relics’.19 Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 186.20 L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsair sous la mer, vol. 3, 27–34.21 Boudriot, Le Vaisseau de 74 canons, 93–4; Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 186–92.22 Martins, ‘Le lestage et le lest de l’Anémone’, 64–6.23 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’; King, ‘Iron Ballast’.24 Desroches, Dictionnaire; Aubin, Dictionnaire de marine; Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois, Dictionnaire militaire; Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie; Romme, L’Art de la marine; Fourcroy, Encyclopédie; Bourdé de Villehuet, Principes; Baudin, Manuel de jeune marin; Grandpré, Répertoire; Willaumez, Dictionnaire de marine; Guillaumin, Encyclopédie; Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionnaire Universal.25 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 53–86.26 Groignard, Mémoire, pl. 3.27 Service Historique de la Marine, Vincennes, ref. 7 and 8DD, Rolland, published in Boudriot, The History of the French Frigate, 302–3.28 Campaignac, Atlas du génie maritime, vol. 1, no 88 [1821], 89 [1833], published in Boudriot, The History of the French Frigate, 308–9.29 Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 84–7; Boudriot, L’Artillerie de mer, 7–42.30 Brown, ‘Guns Carried on East Indiamen’, 19.31 L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 4, 28–9.32 Desroches, Dictionnaire, 311 (‘gros lest’), 312 (‘mauvais lest’).33 Keith et al., ‘The Molasses Reef Wreck’, 55; Keith and Simmons, ‘Analysis’, 418–9.34 L’Hour et al., Le Mauritius, 74.35 Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 150 (‘emménagement’).36 L’Hour et al., Le Mauritius, 106.37 Desroches, Dictionnaire, 311 (‘gros lest’), 312 (‘mauvais lest’).38 Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 150 (‘emménagement’).39 Bourdé de Villehuet, Principes, 11.40 L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 4, 28–9.41 Romme, L’Art de la marine, 367.42 L’Hour et al., Le Mauritius; L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 4, 28–9.43 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.44 David and Le Creurer, ‘Rapport’.45 Martin, ‘The Dartmouth’, 33–5.46 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.47 Ibid.48 ACAS, ‘Ça Ira’.49 Bourdé de Villehuet, Principes, 3; Guillaumin, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 1284–5 (‘lest’).50 L’Hour et al., Le Mauritius, 106.51 King, ‘Iron Ballast’, 17.52 Llinares, ‘Les mémoires’, n. 10.53 Ollivier, Remarques, 181.54 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 59.55 Blanckley, A Naval Expositor, 52–3.56 L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 3, 27–34.57 Dagneau, ‘La culture matérielle’, vol. 1, 308–11.58 Daggett et al., ‘The Griffin’, 35–41.59 Dagneau, ‘La culture matérielle’, vol. 1, 175–6; L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 3, 69–76.60 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 65.61 Eriau, ‘Bataille des Cardinaux’.62 Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 150 (‘emménagement’).63 King, ‘Iron Ballast’, 18.64 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 79.65 Samuels, ‘Metallography of the Ballast’ 74–6, figs 51–55; Samuels, ‘The Metallography’; Auzel, ‘Commentaire’.66 Bourdé de Villehuet, Principes, 3; Guillaumin, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 1284–1285 (‘lest’); Willaumez, Dictionnaire, 358 (‘lest’).67 Grandpré, Répertoire, vol. 2, 505–6 (‘devis’); Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie, vol. 1, 72 (‘arrimage’).68 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, n. 22.69 Groignard, Mémoire, 76–78.70 There is no metric equivalent. The barquée corresponds to the load of a small boat (Encyclopédie méthodique marine, vol. 1, 116). Therefore, this unit of measurement changes from one harbour to the next, as France adopted a unified metric system only on 10 December 1799 (19 Frimaire An VIII). This is a unit of volume.71 Llinares, Marine, vol. 1, 157–9, 163–4.72 Llinares, Marine, vol. 1, 31–5.73 King, ‘Iron Ballast’, 17.74 Ollivier, Remarques, 181.75 McGrail, ‘The Shipment of Traded Goods’, 356.76 Cunningham Dobson and Kingsley, ‘HMS Victory’, 245–7.77 Service Historique de la Marine, Vincennes: SH 320.78 Romme, L’Art de la marine, 369.79 Cunningham Dobson and Kingsley, ‘HMS Victory’, 245–7.80 ARHMSM, ‘Maidstone’.81 Skowronek et al., ‘The Legare Anchorage Shipwreck’, 317.82 Samuels, ‘The Metallography’, 352–4; Hosty and Hundley, ‘Preliminary Report’, 20–1.83 Guérout, ‘Prospections’, 112–4.84 Steffy et al., ‘The Charon Report’, 118.85 Keith, ‘How to Read a Shipwreck’, 55.86 Tuttle, ‘Diver Investigations’, 43–4.87 Guérout, ‘Prospections’, 11.88 Similarly, iron water tanks had to be precisely sized and shaped so that they could fit in the hold. Macdonald, ‘The Introduction of Iron Water Tanks’, 218.89 Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 186.90 Flynn, ‘HMS Pallas’, 74–5.91 Grandpré, Repertoire, vol. 1, 719 (‘gueuse’); Guillaumin, Encyclopedie, vol. 2, 1284–5 (‘lest’).92 L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’.93 David and Le Creurer, ‘Rapport du sondage’.94 Martins, ‘Le lestage’.95 Sténuit, ‘The Wreck’, 223.96 Guérout, ‘Slava Rossii’.97 L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’.98 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.99 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 4.100 David and Le Creurer, ‘Rapport du sondage’.101 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 8.102 Service Historique de la Marine, Vincennes: 7 and 8DD.103 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 5–8.104 Fourcroy, Encyclopedie, vol. 4, 510–511 (‘gueuse’).105 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 5.106 Ollivier, Remarques, 34.107 Skowronek et al., ‘The Legare Anchorage’, fig. 3 ; Steffy et al., ‘The Charon Report’, 118.108 Cunningham Dobson and Kingsley, ‘HMS Victory’, 246, fig. 11.109 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 4; Grandpré, Repertoire, vol. 1, 719 (‘gueuse’); Willaumez, Dictionnaire de marine, 324 (‘gueuse’); Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionnaire, 68 (‘arrimage’).110 Villié, ‘La Girafe’; David and Le Creurer, ‘Rapport du sondage’; Lorin and Vasquez, ‘Sondage’; Guibert. et al., ‘Étude’; L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’, 290.111 Villié, ‘La Girafe’; Guérout, ‘Prospections’, 15; L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’, 290; Martins, ‘Lestage’, 66–68; Pepy, ‘Sondage’, 168–9.112 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 4; Grandpré, Repertoire, vol. 1, 719 (‘gueuse’); Willaumez, Dictionnaire de marine, 324 (‘gueuse’); Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionnaire, 68 (‘arrimage’).113 Skowronek et al., ‘The Legare Anchorage Shipwreck’, 317114 Jonin ‘Rapport de sondage’; Jonin, ‘Sondage archaeologique’.115 Anon, ‘São José Paquete de Africa’, 162116 Guérout, ‘Slava Rossii’.117 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 5; Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionaire, 68 (‘arrimage’).118 Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois, Dictionaire militaire, vol. 2, ‘lest’: 487; Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopedie, vol. 3, 160 (pompe), 154 (police).119 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 5.120 Aubin, Dictionnaire, 517 (‘lest lave’); Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois, Dictionnaire, vol. 2, 487 (‘lest’).121 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 65.122 Ibid., n. 34.123 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.124 Grandpré, Repertoire, vol. 2, 43 (‘lest’).125 Campaignac, Atlas, vol. 1, no 88 [1821], 89 [1833].126 L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’, 280.127 Willaumez, Dictionnaire de marine, 516 (‘saumon’); Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionnaire, 408 (‘lest’).128 Veyrat, ‘Le mobilier’, 292–374.129 McBride et al., ‘A Mid-17th Century Merchant Ship’, 249.130 Gianfrotta and Pomey, Archeologia subacquea, 295–6.131 Borrelli, ‘An Initial Assessment’, 357–70.Additional informationNotes on contributorsEmmanuel NantetEmmanuel Nantet is a historian and maritime archaeologist in the Department of Maritime Civilization/Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies at the University of Haifa. His research focuses on sailing navigation, specifically rudders, tonnages, and ballast. He has led land and underwater excavations in France and Israel. He is currently leading the ERC program SHIPs about Roman harbours in the Mediterranean.Guillaume MartinsGuillaume Martins is a PhD student in maritime archaeology at the CRESEM laboratory at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia. He dedicated his MA degree to ship ballast in the early modern period. Currently, his research focuses on the maritime transport of stone from the quarries to the buildings.","PeriodicalId":44123,"journal":{"name":"MARINERS MIRROR","volume":"5 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.1000,"publicationDate":"2023-10-02","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"From Old Cannon to Iron Pigs: The introduction of Kentledge ballast in the early modern French navy\",\"authors\":\"Emmanuel Nantet, Guillaume Martins\",\"doi\":\"10.1080/00253359.2023.2260249\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"AbstractThe introduction of iron pigs, or kentledge, was a significant change in the ballasting of warships that heavily impacted early modern naval logistics. A close examination of printed sources and excavation reports of seven shipwrecks demonstrates the French navy’s progressive adaptation of kentledge as ballast around 1759 to 1830. Following British use, iron pigs replaced old cannon and round shot. This change in ballasting practices greatly facilitated naval logistics. Allowing for easy stowage and tessellation in the hold of military ships, the French implementation of kentledge heralded harbour modernization at a time of growing industrialization.Key words: reused cannoniron ballasttechnology transferFrench navyharbour logisticssailing skills AcknowledgementsWe wish to express our gratitude to Dr Dana Katz for her proofreading and her suggestions. We thank Professor Eric Rieth for his valuable comments. We received great encouragement from Professor Martin Galinier, director of the APPM program and director of Centre de Recherches sur les Sociétés et Environnements en Méditerranées (CRESEM, EA 7397, University of Perpignan Via Domitia). We extend our gratitude as well to the anonymous reviewers, whose comments have greatly improved the text. We thank the excavation directors who granted us access to their unpublished data, especially Jean-Michel Eriau, Jean-Sébastien Guibert, André Lorin, Benjamin Pepy, Élisabeth Veyrat, and Pierre Villié. Access to the unpublished excavations archives of the shipwrecks found in France was facilitated by the DRASSM (Department of Underwater Archaeological Research), which we wish to thank as well. We express our sincere gratitude to Dr Ingrid Dunyach for the CAD drawings of the hull plans.Notes1 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.2 Pritchard, Louis XV’s Navy (1748–1762).3 Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 186–92; King, ‘Iron Ballast’.4 Nantet, ‘Les activités de lestage’; Nantet, Phortia, 201–5.5 Martins and Nantet, ‘Le lest’. See also other articles from the same issue of the journal.6 McGrail, ‘The Shipment of Traded Goods’; Nantet, Phortia, 201–20; Gifford, ‘Everything is Ballast’.7 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.8 Martin, ‘The Dartmouth’, 5–7; L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’, 280–90.9 Van Doorninck, ‘Ballast Distribution’.10 Guérout et al., Le navire génois, 153–4.11 Dobbs, ‘The Ballast’.12 Ringer, ‘Arrimage et lestage’, 211–22.13 Keith et al., ‘The Molasses Reef Wreck’, 48–51; Keith and Simmons, ‘Analysis of Hull Remains’, 413–8; Lamb et al., ‘Analysis of the Ballast’.14 Martinsson, ‘Det fossilförande barlastmaterialet’. The ballast found in numerous Scandinavian shipwrecks was made up of boulders and rocks, perhaps due to a different geological context from France and Britain. Burström, Ballast.15 Callahan et al., ‘Ballast Stone’.16 Lazareth, ‘Pierres de lest’, 303–30, 359–68.17 Burström, Ballast, 27–38.18 Samuels, ‘Metallography of the Ballast’, 74–6, fig. 51–55; Samuels, ‘The Metallography of Cast Iron Relics’.19 Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 186.20 L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsair sous la mer, vol. 3, 27–34.21 Boudriot, Le Vaisseau de 74 canons, 93–4; Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 186–92.22 Martins, ‘Le lestage et le lest de l’Anémone’, 64–6.23 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’; King, ‘Iron Ballast’.24 Desroches, Dictionnaire; Aubin, Dictionnaire de marine; Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois, Dictionnaire militaire; Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie; Romme, L’Art de la marine; Fourcroy, Encyclopédie; Bourdé de Villehuet, Principes; Baudin, Manuel de jeune marin; Grandpré, Répertoire; Willaumez, Dictionnaire de marine; Guillaumin, Encyclopédie; Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionnaire Universal.25 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 53–86.26 Groignard, Mémoire, pl. 3.27 Service Historique de la Marine, Vincennes, ref. 7 and 8DD, Rolland, published in Boudriot, The History of the French Frigate, 302–3.28 Campaignac, Atlas du génie maritime, vol. 1, no 88 [1821], 89 [1833], published in Boudriot, The History of the French Frigate, 308–9.29 Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 84–7; Boudriot, L’Artillerie de mer, 7–42.30 Brown, ‘Guns Carried on East Indiamen’, 19.31 L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 4, 28–9.32 Desroches, Dictionnaire, 311 (‘gros lest’), 312 (‘mauvais lest’).33 Keith et al., ‘The Molasses Reef Wreck’, 55; Keith and Simmons, ‘Analysis’, 418–9.34 L’Hour et al., Le Mauritius, 74.35 Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 150 (‘emménagement’).36 L’Hour et al., Le Mauritius, 106.37 Desroches, Dictionnaire, 311 (‘gros lest’), 312 (‘mauvais lest’).38 Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 150 (‘emménagement’).39 Bourdé de Villehuet, Principes, 11.40 L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 4, 28–9.41 Romme, L’Art de la marine, 367.42 L’Hour et al., Le Mauritius; L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 4, 28–9.43 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.44 David and Le Creurer, ‘Rapport’.45 Martin, ‘The Dartmouth’, 33–5.46 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.47 Ibid.48 ACAS, ‘Ça Ira’.49 Bourdé de Villehuet, Principes, 3; Guillaumin, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 1284–5 (‘lest’).50 L’Hour et al., Le Mauritius, 106.51 King, ‘Iron Ballast’, 17.52 Llinares, ‘Les mémoires’, n. 10.53 Ollivier, Remarques, 181.54 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 59.55 Blanckley, A Naval Expositor, 52–3.56 L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 3, 27–34.57 Dagneau, ‘La culture matérielle’, vol. 1, 308–11.58 Daggett et al., ‘The Griffin’, 35–41.59 Dagneau, ‘La culture matérielle’, vol. 1, 175–6; L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 3, 69–76.60 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 65.61 Eriau, ‘Bataille des Cardinaux’.62 Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 150 (‘emménagement’).63 King, ‘Iron Ballast’, 18.64 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 79.65 Samuels, ‘Metallography of the Ballast’ 74–6, figs 51–55; Samuels, ‘The Metallography’; Auzel, ‘Commentaire’.66 Bourdé de Villehuet, Principes, 3; Guillaumin, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 1284–1285 (‘lest’); Willaumez, Dictionnaire, 358 (‘lest’).67 Grandpré, Répertoire, vol. 2, 505–6 (‘devis’); Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie, vol. 1, 72 (‘arrimage’).68 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, n. 22.69 Groignard, Mémoire, 76–78.70 There is no metric equivalent. The barquée corresponds to the load of a small boat (Encyclopédie méthodique marine, vol. 1, 116). Therefore, this unit of measurement changes from one harbour to the next, as France adopted a unified metric system only on 10 December 1799 (19 Frimaire An VIII). This is a unit of volume.71 Llinares, Marine, vol. 1, 157–9, 163–4.72 Llinares, Marine, vol. 1, 31–5.73 King, ‘Iron Ballast’, 17.74 Ollivier, Remarques, 181.75 McGrail, ‘The Shipment of Traded Goods’, 356.76 Cunningham Dobson and Kingsley, ‘HMS Victory’, 245–7.77 Service Historique de la Marine, Vincennes: SH 320.78 Romme, L’Art de la marine, 369.79 Cunningham Dobson and Kingsley, ‘HMS Victory’, 245–7.80 ARHMSM, ‘Maidstone’.81 Skowronek et al., ‘The Legare Anchorage Shipwreck’, 317.82 Samuels, ‘The Metallography’, 352–4; Hosty and Hundley, ‘Preliminary Report’, 20–1.83 Guérout, ‘Prospections’, 112–4.84 Steffy et al., ‘The Charon Report’, 118.85 Keith, ‘How to Read a Shipwreck’, 55.86 Tuttle, ‘Diver Investigations’, 43–4.87 Guérout, ‘Prospections’, 11.88 Similarly, iron water tanks had to be precisely sized and shaped so that they could fit in the hold. Macdonald, ‘The Introduction of Iron Water Tanks’, 218.89 Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 186.90 Flynn, ‘HMS Pallas’, 74–5.91 Grandpré, Repertoire, vol. 1, 719 (‘gueuse’); Guillaumin, Encyclopedie, vol. 2, 1284–5 (‘lest’).92 L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’.93 David and Le Creurer, ‘Rapport du sondage’.94 Martins, ‘Le lestage’.95 Sténuit, ‘The Wreck’, 223.96 Guérout, ‘Slava Rossii’.97 L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’.98 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.99 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 4.100 David and Le Creurer, ‘Rapport du sondage’.101 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 8.102 Service Historique de la Marine, Vincennes: 7 and 8DD.103 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 5–8.104 Fourcroy, Encyclopedie, vol. 4, 510–511 (‘gueuse’).105 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 5.106 Ollivier, Remarques, 34.107 Skowronek et al., ‘The Legare Anchorage’, fig. 3 ; Steffy et al., ‘The Charon Report’, 118.108 Cunningham Dobson and Kingsley, ‘HMS Victory’, 246, fig. 11.109 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 4; Grandpré, Repertoire, vol. 1, 719 (‘gueuse’); Willaumez, Dictionnaire de marine, 324 (‘gueuse’); Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionnaire, 68 (‘arrimage’).110 Villié, ‘La Girafe’; David and Le Creurer, ‘Rapport du sondage’; Lorin and Vasquez, ‘Sondage’; Guibert. et al., ‘Étude’; L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’, 290.111 Villié, ‘La Girafe’; Guérout, ‘Prospections’, 15; L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’, 290; Martins, ‘Lestage’, 66–68; Pepy, ‘Sondage’, 168–9.112 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 4; Grandpré, Repertoire, vol. 1, 719 (‘gueuse’); Willaumez, Dictionnaire de marine, 324 (‘gueuse’); Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionnaire, 68 (‘arrimage’).113 Skowronek et al., ‘The Legare Anchorage Shipwreck’, 317114 Jonin ‘Rapport de sondage’; Jonin, ‘Sondage archaeologique’.115 Anon, ‘São José Paquete de Africa’, 162116 Guérout, ‘Slava Rossii’.117 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 5; Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionaire, 68 (‘arrimage’).118 Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois, Dictionaire militaire, vol. 2, ‘lest’: 487; Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopedie, vol. 3, 160 (pompe), 154 (police).119 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 5.120 Aubin, Dictionnaire, 517 (‘lest lave’); Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois, Dictionnaire, vol. 2, 487 (‘lest’).121 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 65.122 Ibid., n. 34.123 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.124 Grandpré, Repertoire, vol. 2, 43 (‘lest’).125 Campaignac, Atlas, vol. 1, no 88 [1821], 89 [1833].126 L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’, 280.127 Willaumez, Dictionnaire de marine, 516 (‘saumon’); Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionnaire, 408 (‘lest’).128 Veyrat, ‘Le mobilier’, 292–374.129 McBride et al., ‘A Mid-17th Century Merchant Ship’, 249.130 Gianfrotta and Pomey, Archeologia subacquea, 295–6.131 Borrelli, ‘An Initial Assessment’, 357–70.Additional informationNotes on contributorsEmmanuel NantetEmmanuel Nantet is a historian and maritime archaeologist in the Department of Maritime Civilization/Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies at the University of Haifa. His research focuses on sailing navigation, specifically rudders, tonnages, and ballast. He has led land and underwater excavations in France and Israel. He is currently leading the ERC program SHIPs about Roman harbours in the Mediterranean.Guillaume MartinsGuillaume Martins is a PhD student in maritime archaeology at the CRESEM laboratory at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia. He dedicated his MA degree to ship ballast in the early modern period. 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引用次数: 0
摘要铁猪的引入是军舰压舱的重大变革,对近代早期海军后勤产生了重大影响。对七艘沉船的印刷资料和挖掘报告的仔细研究表明,法国海军在1759年至1830年间逐渐将知识作为压舱物。在英国人使用后,铁猪代替了旧大炮和炮弹。这种压舱实践的变化极大地促进了海军后勤。允许容易的积载和镶嵌在军舰的hold,法国实施知识预示着港口现代化的时候,不断增长的工业化。关键词:重复使用的火炮压载技术转让法国海军港口后勤航行技能感谢Dana Katz博士的校对和建议。我们感谢埃里克·里思教授的宝贵意见。我们得到了Martin Galinier教授的大力鼓励,他是APPM项目主任兼社会和环境研究中心主任(CRESEM, EA 7397, University of Perpignan Via Domitia)。我们也要感谢那些匿名审稿人,他们的评论极大地改进了本文。我们感谢那些允许我们访问他们未发表的数据的发掘主管,特别是让-米歇尔·埃里奥、让- s<s:1>巴斯蒂安·吉伯特、安德烈·洛林、本杰明·佩皮、Élisabeth韦拉特和皮埃尔·维利<e:1>。水下考古研究部(DRASSM)为查阅在法国发现的未发表的沉船发掘档案提供了便利,我们也要感谢它。我们对Ingrid Dunyach博士提供的船体平面图的CAD图纸表示衷心的感谢。注1:维利奥,《长颈鹿》2 .普里查德,路易十五的海军(1748-1762)拉弗里,《武装与装备》,186-92;金,《铁压舱物》Nantet, ' Les activitsamis de lestage ';楠特,Phortia, 201-5.5马丁斯和楠特,' lelest '。另见该杂志同一期的其他文章麦圣杯,《贸易货物的运输》;南特,Phortia, 201-20;吉福德,《一切都是压载物》维里维尔,《长颈鹿》马丁,'达特茅斯',5-7;L ' hour and Veyrat, ' Enquête archologique ', 280-90.9 Van Doorninck, '压载物分布' .10Dobbs,《压载物》,12Ringer,《arrival et lestage》,211-22.13 Keith et al.,《The Molasses Reef Wreck》,48-51;Keith和Simmons,“船体残骸分析”,413-8;Lamb等人,“镇流器的分析”,14Martinsson, ' Det fossilförande barlastmaterialet '。在许多斯堪的纳维亚沉船中发现的压舱物是由巨石和岩石组成的,这可能是由于与法国和英国的地质环境不同。Burström,镇流器。15卡拉汉等人,'压载石'。16Lazareth, ' Pierres de lester ', 303 - 30,359 - 68.17 Burström,压载物,27-38.18 samuel, '压载物的金相学',74-6,图51-55;《铸铁文物的金相学》19《武装与装备》,186.20。L 'Hour and Veyrat, Un corsous la mer, vol. 3, 27-34.21。Boudriot, Le Vaisseau de 74大炮,93-4;拉威利、武装和配件,186 - 92.22马丁斯,“Le lestage et Le以免de l 'Anemone”,64 - 6.23同性恋,”勒拿来在海军en木香;金,《铁压舱物》Desroches Dictionnaire;《海洋词典》;奥贝尔·德·拉·切斯奈·德·布瓦,军事词典;《百科全书》中的Vial du Clairbois;罗姆,《海洋艺术》;Fourcroy,百科全书;布尔德·德·维勒韦,普林西比;鲍丹,曼努埃尔·德·琼·马林;Grandpre曲目;《海洋词典》;Guillaumin,百科全书;格罗格纳尔,文森斯,第7和8DD号,罗兰,出版于布德里奥,《法国护卫舰的历史》,第302-3.28战役,阿特拉斯·德·蒙费里尔,出版于布德里奥,《法国护卫舰的历史》,第1卷,第88期[1821],第89期[1833],出版于布德里奥,《法国护卫舰的历史》,第308-9.29章,《奴隶,武装和装备》,84-7页;布德里奥,《海上火炮》,7 - 42;布朗,《东印度群岛上携带的大炮》,19.31 L ' hour and Veyrat,《海上海盗》,第4卷,28-9.32 Desroches, dictionary, 311 (grosest), 312 (mauvais est).33Keith et al.,《The Molasses Reef Wreck》,55;Keith和Simmons, ' Analysis ', 418-9.34 L ' hour et al., Le Mauritius, 74.35 Vial du Clairbois, encyclopsamdie, vol. 2150 (' emmsamement ')L ' hour et al., Le Mauritius, 106.37 Desroches, Dictionnaire, 311(“gros least”),312(“mauvais least”)39 . val du Clairbois,《百科全书》,第2150卷(“emm - samim”)布尔德•德•维勒韦埃,《原理》,11.40《L’hour and Veyrat》,《海洋艺术》,第4卷,28-9.41 Romme,《海洋艺术》,367.42《L’hour et al.》,毛里求斯;L ' hour and Veyrat, uncorsousla mer, vol. 4, 28-9.43 villi<s:1>, ' la Girafe ' .44大卫和勒·克鲁尔,《融洽》,45页马丁,《达特茅斯》,33-5.46,维利尔斯,《长颈鹿》,47同前。 128 Veyrat, ' Le mobilier ', 292-374.129 McBride等人,' A mid -17世纪商船',249.130 Gianfrotta和Pomey, archeologi亚acquea, 295-6.131 Borrelli, ' An Initial Assessment ', 357-70。作者简介:manuel nanet是海法大学海洋文明系/Leon Recanati海事研究所的历史学家和海洋考古学家。他的研究重点是航海,特别是舵、吨位和压舱物。他曾在法国和以色列领导陆上和水下发掘工作。目前,他正在领导ERC项目,研究地中海的罗马港口。Guillaume MartinsGuillaume Martins是法国佩皮尼昂大学CRESEM实验室海洋考古专业的博士生。他把他的硕士学位献给了近代早期的船舶压舱物。目前,他的研究主要集中在从采石场到建筑物的海上运输。
From Old Cannon to Iron Pigs: The introduction of Kentledge ballast in the early modern French navy
AbstractThe introduction of iron pigs, or kentledge, was a significant change in the ballasting of warships that heavily impacted early modern naval logistics. A close examination of printed sources and excavation reports of seven shipwrecks demonstrates the French navy’s progressive adaptation of kentledge as ballast around 1759 to 1830. Following British use, iron pigs replaced old cannon and round shot. This change in ballasting practices greatly facilitated naval logistics. Allowing for easy stowage and tessellation in the hold of military ships, the French implementation of kentledge heralded harbour modernization at a time of growing industrialization.Key words: reused cannoniron ballasttechnology transferFrench navyharbour logisticssailing skills AcknowledgementsWe wish to express our gratitude to Dr Dana Katz for her proofreading and her suggestions. We thank Professor Eric Rieth for his valuable comments. We received great encouragement from Professor Martin Galinier, director of the APPM program and director of Centre de Recherches sur les Sociétés et Environnements en Méditerranées (CRESEM, EA 7397, University of Perpignan Via Domitia). We extend our gratitude as well to the anonymous reviewers, whose comments have greatly improved the text. We thank the excavation directors who granted us access to their unpublished data, especially Jean-Michel Eriau, Jean-Sébastien Guibert, André Lorin, Benjamin Pepy, Élisabeth Veyrat, and Pierre Villié. Access to the unpublished excavations archives of the shipwrecks found in France was facilitated by the DRASSM (Department of Underwater Archaeological Research), which we wish to thank as well. We express our sincere gratitude to Dr Ingrid Dunyach for the CAD drawings of the hull plans.Notes1 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.2 Pritchard, Louis XV’s Navy (1748–1762).3 Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 186–92; King, ‘Iron Ballast’.4 Nantet, ‘Les activités de lestage’; Nantet, Phortia, 201–5.5 Martins and Nantet, ‘Le lest’. See also other articles from the same issue of the journal.6 McGrail, ‘The Shipment of Traded Goods’; Nantet, Phortia, 201–20; Gifford, ‘Everything is Ballast’.7 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.8 Martin, ‘The Dartmouth’, 5–7; L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’, 280–90.9 Van Doorninck, ‘Ballast Distribution’.10 Guérout et al., Le navire génois, 153–4.11 Dobbs, ‘The Ballast’.12 Ringer, ‘Arrimage et lestage’, 211–22.13 Keith et al., ‘The Molasses Reef Wreck’, 48–51; Keith and Simmons, ‘Analysis of Hull Remains’, 413–8; Lamb et al., ‘Analysis of the Ballast’.14 Martinsson, ‘Det fossilförande barlastmaterialet’. The ballast found in numerous Scandinavian shipwrecks was made up of boulders and rocks, perhaps due to a different geological context from France and Britain. Burström, Ballast.15 Callahan et al., ‘Ballast Stone’.16 Lazareth, ‘Pierres de lest’, 303–30, 359–68.17 Burström, Ballast, 27–38.18 Samuels, ‘Metallography of the Ballast’, 74–6, fig. 51–55; Samuels, ‘The Metallography of Cast Iron Relics’.19 Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 186.20 L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsair sous la mer, vol. 3, 27–34.21 Boudriot, Le Vaisseau de 74 canons, 93–4; Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 186–92.22 Martins, ‘Le lestage et le lest de l’Anémone’, 64–6.23 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’; King, ‘Iron Ballast’.24 Desroches, Dictionnaire; Aubin, Dictionnaire de marine; Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois, Dictionnaire militaire; Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie; Romme, L’Art de la marine; Fourcroy, Encyclopédie; Bourdé de Villehuet, Principes; Baudin, Manuel de jeune marin; Grandpré, Répertoire; Willaumez, Dictionnaire de marine; Guillaumin, Encyclopédie; Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionnaire Universal.25 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 53–86.26 Groignard, Mémoire, pl. 3.27 Service Historique de la Marine, Vincennes, ref. 7 and 8DD, Rolland, published in Boudriot, The History of the French Frigate, 302–3.28 Campaignac, Atlas du génie maritime, vol. 1, no 88 [1821], 89 [1833], published in Boudriot, The History of the French Frigate, 308–9.29 Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 84–7; Boudriot, L’Artillerie de mer, 7–42.30 Brown, ‘Guns Carried on East Indiamen’, 19.31 L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 4, 28–9.32 Desroches, Dictionnaire, 311 (‘gros lest’), 312 (‘mauvais lest’).33 Keith et al., ‘The Molasses Reef Wreck’, 55; Keith and Simmons, ‘Analysis’, 418–9.34 L’Hour et al., Le Mauritius, 74.35 Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 150 (‘emménagement’).36 L’Hour et al., Le Mauritius, 106.37 Desroches, Dictionnaire, 311 (‘gros lest’), 312 (‘mauvais lest’).38 Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 150 (‘emménagement’).39 Bourdé de Villehuet, Principes, 11.40 L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 4, 28–9.41 Romme, L’Art de la marine, 367.42 L’Hour et al., Le Mauritius; L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 4, 28–9.43 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.44 David and Le Creurer, ‘Rapport’.45 Martin, ‘The Dartmouth’, 33–5.46 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.47 Ibid.48 ACAS, ‘Ça Ira’.49 Bourdé de Villehuet, Principes, 3; Guillaumin, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 1284–5 (‘lest’).50 L’Hour et al., Le Mauritius, 106.51 King, ‘Iron Ballast’, 17.52 Llinares, ‘Les mémoires’, n. 10.53 Ollivier, Remarques, 181.54 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 59.55 Blanckley, A Naval Expositor, 52–3.56 L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 3, 27–34.57 Dagneau, ‘La culture matérielle’, vol. 1, 308–11.58 Daggett et al., ‘The Griffin’, 35–41.59 Dagneau, ‘La culture matérielle’, vol. 1, 175–6; L’Hour and Veyrat, Un corsaire sous la mer, vol. 3, 69–76.60 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 65.61 Eriau, ‘Bataille des Cardinaux’.62 Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 150 (‘emménagement’).63 King, ‘Iron Ballast’, 18.64 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 79.65 Samuels, ‘Metallography of the Ballast’ 74–6, figs 51–55; Samuels, ‘The Metallography’; Auzel, ‘Commentaire’.66 Bourdé de Villehuet, Principes, 3; Guillaumin, Encyclopédie, vol. 2, 1284–1285 (‘lest’); Willaumez, Dictionnaire, 358 (‘lest’).67 Grandpré, Répertoire, vol. 2, 505–6 (‘devis’); Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopédie, vol. 1, 72 (‘arrimage’).68 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, n. 22.69 Groignard, Mémoire, 76–78.70 There is no metric equivalent. The barquée corresponds to the load of a small boat (Encyclopédie méthodique marine, vol. 1, 116). Therefore, this unit of measurement changes from one harbour to the next, as France adopted a unified metric system only on 10 December 1799 (19 Frimaire An VIII). This is a unit of volume.71 Llinares, Marine, vol. 1, 157–9, 163–4.72 Llinares, Marine, vol. 1, 31–5.73 King, ‘Iron Ballast’, 17.74 Ollivier, Remarques, 181.75 McGrail, ‘The Shipment of Traded Goods’, 356.76 Cunningham Dobson and Kingsley, ‘HMS Victory’, 245–7.77 Service Historique de la Marine, Vincennes: SH 320.78 Romme, L’Art de la marine, 369.79 Cunningham Dobson and Kingsley, ‘HMS Victory’, 245–7.80 ARHMSM, ‘Maidstone’.81 Skowronek et al., ‘The Legare Anchorage Shipwreck’, 317.82 Samuels, ‘The Metallography’, 352–4; Hosty and Hundley, ‘Preliminary Report’, 20–1.83 Guérout, ‘Prospections’, 112–4.84 Steffy et al., ‘The Charon Report’, 118.85 Keith, ‘How to Read a Shipwreck’, 55.86 Tuttle, ‘Diver Investigations’, 43–4.87 Guérout, ‘Prospections’, 11.88 Similarly, iron water tanks had to be precisely sized and shaped so that they could fit in the hold. Macdonald, ‘The Introduction of Iron Water Tanks’, 218.89 Lavery, The Arming and Fitting, 186.90 Flynn, ‘HMS Pallas’, 74–5.91 Grandpré, Repertoire, vol. 1, 719 (‘gueuse’); Guillaumin, Encyclopedie, vol. 2, 1284–5 (‘lest’).92 L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’.93 David and Le Creurer, ‘Rapport du sondage’.94 Martins, ‘Le lestage’.95 Sténuit, ‘The Wreck’, 223.96 Guérout, ‘Slava Rossii’.97 L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’.98 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.99 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 4.100 David and Le Creurer, ‘Rapport du sondage’.101 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 8.102 Service Historique de la Marine, Vincennes: 7 and 8DD.103 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 5–8.104 Fourcroy, Encyclopedie, vol. 4, 510–511 (‘gueuse’).105 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 5.106 Ollivier, Remarques, 34.107 Skowronek et al., ‘The Legare Anchorage’, fig. 3 ; Steffy et al., ‘The Charon Report’, 118.108 Cunningham Dobson and Kingsley, ‘HMS Victory’, 246, fig. 11.109 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 4; Grandpré, Repertoire, vol. 1, 719 (‘gueuse’); Willaumez, Dictionnaire de marine, 324 (‘gueuse’); Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionnaire, 68 (‘arrimage’).110 Villié, ‘La Girafe’; David and Le Creurer, ‘Rapport du sondage’; Lorin and Vasquez, ‘Sondage’; Guibert. et al., ‘Étude’; L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’, 290.111 Villié, ‘La Girafe’; Guérout, ‘Prospections’, 15; L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’, 290; Martins, ‘Lestage’, 66–68; Pepy, ‘Sondage’, 168–9.112 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 4; Grandpré, Repertoire, vol. 1, 719 (‘gueuse’); Willaumez, Dictionnaire de marine, 324 (‘gueuse’); Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionnaire, 68 (‘arrimage’).113 Skowronek et al., ‘The Legare Anchorage Shipwreck’, 317114 Jonin ‘Rapport de sondage’; Jonin, ‘Sondage archaeologique’.115 Anon, ‘São José Paquete de Africa’, 162116 Guérout, ‘Slava Rossii’.117 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 5; Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionaire, 68 (‘arrimage’).118 Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois, Dictionaire militaire, vol. 2, ‘lest’: 487; Vial du Clairbois, Encyclopedie, vol. 3, 160 (pompe), 154 (police).119 Baudin, Manuel du jeune marin, 5.120 Aubin, Dictionnaire, 517 (‘lest lave’); Aubert de La Chesnaye Des Bois, Dictionnaire, vol. 2, 487 (‘lest’).121 Gay, ‘Le fer dans la marine en bois’, 65.122 Ibid., n. 34.123 Villié, ‘La Girafe’.124 Grandpré, Repertoire, vol. 2, 43 (‘lest’).125 Campaignac, Atlas, vol. 1, no 88 [1821], 89 [1833].126 L’Hour and Veyrat, ‘Enquête archéologique’, 280.127 Willaumez, Dictionnaire de marine, 516 (‘saumon’); Sarrazin de Montferrier, Dictionnaire, 408 (‘lest’).128 Veyrat, ‘Le mobilier’, 292–374.129 McBride et al., ‘A Mid-17th Century Merchant Ship’, 249.130 Gianfrotta and Pomey, Archeologia subacquea, 295–6.131 Borrelli, ‘An Initial Assessment’, 357–70.Additional informationNotes on contributorsEmmanuel NantetEmmanuel Nantet is a historian and maritime archaeologist in the Department of Maritime Civilization/Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies at the University of Haifa. His research focuses on sailing navigation, specifically rudders, tonnages, and ballast. He has led land and underwater excavations in France and Israel. He is currently leading the ERC program SHIPs about Roman harbours in the Mediterranean.Guillaume MartinsGuillaume Martins is a PhD student in maritime archaeology at the CRESEM laboratory at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia. He dedicated his MA degree to ship ballast in the early modern period. Currently, his research focuses on the maritime transport of stone from the quarries to the buildings.
The Society’s quarterly journal, The Mariner"s Mirror, is internationally recognised as the pre-eminent English-language journal on naval and maritime history, nautical archaeology and all aspects of seafaring and lore of the sea. It covers a wide range of history, from Bronze Age ships to nuclear submarines, and nautical matters such as hydography, navigation and naval logistics. The Mariner’s Mirror has an extensive book review section. Its notes and queries sections and correspondence pages provide a channel for a lively exchange between members.