
Veronica Ivy
{"title":"变性女人是女人,运动是人权","authors":"Veronica Ivy","doi":"10.5406/26396025.4.2.02","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"I'm really tired of repeating myself. People keep telling me that the topic of including trans and/or intersex women in women's sport is “complicated.” But it's not. It's very simple. Are trans women really women, full stop, or not? If you think “Yes,” then there's no debate: trans and intersex women, as women, belong in women's sport. If you think “No,” then there's absolutely nothing I can say that will change your mind. You didn't arrive at that belief through reasoning, and you won't get out of it that way either. It's a little like arguing with a flat-Earther: if you are convinced that the Earth is flat, then you'll find any reason, no matter how irrational, to hold on to that belief in the face of overwhelming evidence.But this is what I find myself repeating over and over: to those who already think that trans and intersex women are really, fully women, I don't need to provide further evidence. So, I find myself arguing against people who already think that trans and intersex women are “male” and therefore there must be some unfair performance advantage, despite my repeatedly pointing out that there's no reliable scientific evidence supporting their claim. It often doesn't take much to scratch the surface of their views to find that they really just think that trans women are men in dresses. In fact, the best evidence we have suggests that trans women, in particular, are grossly statistically underrepresented in elite sport; it seems, instead, then that trans women are possibly at a competitive disadvantage compared to their cis counterparts.I've penned peer-reviewed scholarly articles on trans and intersex athlete rights to inclusion.1 I've presented detailed arguments about the science, law, and ethics (particularly regarding sport as a human right). I've penned articles and op-eds for such major news outlets as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and The Economist, and so many others I've literally lost count. I've appeared on all major news networks, including going into the “lion's den” of Fox News's New York headquarters to go toe-to-toe with someone I think I'm safe in calling transphobic, Abigail Shrier. I've appeared in more documentaries than I can even enumerate.Each time I say the same thing: sport is a human right (just read the first sentence of the International Olympic Committee's fourth Fundamental Principle of Olympism: “Participation in sport is a human right.”) and the burden of proof is on those seeking to exclude a group from a human right. That's how human rights law works. And it's very clear that those seeking to exclude trans and intersex women from women's sport have not met that burden. In fact, I've argued in print that I think it's unlikely that they'll ever be able to meet that burden.But it's like arguing with a wall. You see, the “common sense” position is that trans women are “male” and that they must—even though no evidence supports this—retain an unfair advantage, so the burden of proof is really on trans and intersex women to show that they don't have an unfair advantage. Society has it exactly backwards.I'm routinely asked to “debate” with a transphobe about my basic human dignity, where they call me a man, male, a cheater (see Martina Navratilova's op-ed in the Sunday Times).2 I knock down every one of their arguments every time, but still the “narrative” is that despite the lack of evidence, isn't it obvious that trans women have an unfair advantage due to being “male”? So, I repeat myself. I'm tired of it. I'm tired.In 2019, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) undertook a consultation process with various stakeholders on updating their 2015 “IOC Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment and Hyperandrogenism” recommendations.3 These consultations involved day-long meetings at the IOC headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, with IOC personnel and trans athletes, and another round for intersex athletes. I was part of the trans athlete consultations. It was mere weeks after I won my second UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championship in Manchester, England.The history of IOC guidelines around trans and intersex women athletes (trans men are usually an afterthought and non-binary athletes are often not even considered at all) has been one of increasing inclusion. In their 2003 consensus meeting, the IOC recommended requiring trans athletes to undergo unnecessary genital surgery (genitals don't play sports!) and then a two-year waiting period to compete in their transitioned gender.4 In 2015, they removed the surgery requirement, recognizing how unnecessary and discriminatory it is (do you even know how expensive genital reconstruction surgery is?!), and recommended instead twelve months (and perpetual thereafter) testosterone suppression below 10nmol/L.5It's worth noting that the 10 nmol/L value was chosen pretty arbitrarily (despite what they will tell you). It wrongly believed that 10 nmol/L was the bottom of the “normal” male range. The problem is that the male range of unaltered endogenous testosterone goes down to next to nothing, well below the average for cis women. Part of this is that such recommendations require rigging the concept of “normal” to exclude all the cases that invalidate the claim. As I commonly say, “Sure, there's no endogenous testosterone overlap between male and female if you ignore all the cases of overlap!”Since international sport federations (IFs) started allowing trans people to compete in their transitioned gender for the 2004 Athens Olympics, until, but not including, the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, there were over 54,000 Olympians. The number of trans athletes? Zero. Under the more inclusive 2015 update to the IOC transgender recommendation, which many IFs adopted for the 2016 Rio Olympics, the number of Olympians for 2016 Rio and 2018 Sochi, was over 14,000. Much of the news reporting around the 2015 updated IOC recommendation was that trans women would take over and dominate at Rio. How many trans athletes actually participated? Again zero.Even in Tokyo 2021, depending on how one counts, four trans people participated (one did not actually compete as she was an alternate), but no trans woman medaled. The only trans person to medal was Quinn, who is a non-binary member of the Canadian women's soccer team—they won gold.6Every single time people make the fear-mongering claim that trans women will “take over” or “dominate” women's sport, it's not borne out by reality. A trans woman has never won an elite (open) world championship, none hold an elite (open) world record, none have won an Olympic medal, and none have won any major tournament in sports like golf and tennis. This is an irrational fear of trans women. And what do we call that? Transphobia.It's important to call it what it is. Too many “well meaning” people are afraid of using that word for fear, I guess, of alienating people or being “divisive.” You know what's divisive? Making up fantasies about trans women dominating women's sport—despite all evidence to the contrary—and using that fear to deny trans women their basic human right to compete as the women they are.I never wanted to be an “activist” for athlete rights. Truly, I just wanted to race my bike and see how far I could advance in the sport I love. So far, this has led to two UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in 2018 and 2019. I used to have Olympic aspirations until the trauma causing PTSD and other disorders brought on by harassment et cetera put an end to that. It's certainly hard enough to achieve such lofty goals, but it's a lot harder when people are actively doing everything they can to ban you from competing, even when you're following every rule under the strictest of scrutiny. They still call me a “cheater” just for existing.7There are a lot of arguments being bandied about on whether it's fair for trans women to compete in women's sport. What is often lost in the shuffle is that there are trans men athletes and non-binary athletes. “Where are the successful trans men athletes?” I've read that more times than I can count. But the most commercially successful trans athletes have been trans men: six-time team USA duathlete Chris Mosier had a Nike television ad campaign run during the Rio 2016 Olympics; professional boxer Patricio Manuel has had a feature in Rolling Stone magazine. And the first trans person to win an Olympic medal, Quinn, did so at Tokyo 2021 with the Canadian women's soccer team.Mack Beggs, a trans male wrestler who rose to fame for being forced to wrestle in the high school girls’ category, is all too often used as an example of what's wrong with trans women in sport. After graduating, he was happily wrestling on the men's team in college. Now he's focusing on mixed martial arts. Amazingly, people irrationally opposed to trans women in sport think that he's a trans woman. Trans men are often celebrated, but then forgotten. They are vanished from the social imagination since they don't serve the dominant narrative that only focuses on trans women in sport. In some cases, like with Beggs, they're used as pawns against trans women, in contortionist twists of what can at best be loosely called “logic.”And while trans men at least receive some media coverage and accolades for their “bravery”—which is itself an entirely other problem, rooted in misogyny and sexism—non-binary athletes are left out completely. Sport itself is often not structured to include non-binary people. If one isn't easily categorized into the binary man/woman, where should one compete? Many rules require an athlete to choose one, and they then can't change their mind for four years.Without any justification, World Triathlon will not allow a trans athlete to compete in the women's category if they competed in the male category within four years!8 The policy reads: “The athlete must provide a written and signed declaration that she has not competed within the last 4 years in the male category of an official competition in Triathlon or its related Multisport or one of our allied sports of swimming, cycling, athletics or cross-country skiing.” They offer absolutely no justification for this. This is effectively a career killer for any elite trans women who want to compete in triathlon.This binaristic structure of sport comes from on high, from the IOC and the arms-length arbiter of sport disputes, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). In a landmark 2015 CAS decision about intersex female runner Dutee Chand, the CAS's decision reads in part, “There are only two categories of competition: male and female. These categories are together intended to cover all athletes who wish to participate in competitive athletics.”9 The CAS is effectively the supreme court for sport. And even though their previous decisions do not constitute precedent for their future decisions (in fact, their reasoning in Caster Semenya's case was effectively a 180 degree turn from their reasoning in Chand's case), their decisions heavily influence or even constrain what policies IFs may adopt. In this case, athletes wishing to compete in international sport under the CAS's authority may only do so in either the “male” or “female” categories.Common “understanding” is that there is at least some rigid distinction between sex and gender. So, one might question why I'm slipping between using man/woman or boy/girl, which are often understood as “gender” terms, and male/female, which are often understood as “sex” terms. The reason is twofold. First, sport does not make any distinction between “sex” and “gender”: they are used interchangeably. In the aforementioned CAS case, the paragraph following the aforementioned quote reads, in part, “A rule that prevents some women from competing at all . . . is antithetical to the fundamental principle of Olympism that ‘Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind.’”10Second, governments do not make any distinction between “sex” and “gender,” at least not typically. While trans people are not universally able to secure legal recognition of their (transitioned) sex, they are able to in many countries. The United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, Germany, and a long list of other countries have practices of allowing trans people to change the sex designation on their legal documents, including their birth certificates. In Canada, for example, a trans woman can be legally recognized as “female.” As of January 2022, anyone aged twelve or older in British Columbia can have the sex designation on their birth certificate—and therefore all of their identification documents—changed without any medical requirements or even a doctor's note. British Columbia is entirely a self-identification province!There is no legal distinction between being “female” and “a woman” (or “a girl”). Of course, different governments require different things of trans people to acquire this legal recognition, and there can be differences at the federal and state/provincial levels. There are many examples. Consider the language of the UK's 2004 Gender Recognition Act: “Where a full gender recognition certificate is issued to a person, the person's gender becomes for all purposes the acquired gender (so that, if the acquired gender is the male gender, the person's sex becomes that of a man and, if it is the female gender, the person's sex becomes that of a woman).”11 Note the use of “male gender” and “the person's sex becomes that of a man.” The “gender” and “sex” terms are used in combination and interchangeably. Legal identification documents only list “Male” or “Female” or their abbreviations “M” or “F.” One's passport doesn't say “Woman” or “Man.” The idea that either sport or “female-only” social spaces such as bathrooms are segregated on the basis of sex and not gender, leaning on a rigid distinction between sex and gender, is simply not the case.It's simply the case that sport and governments do not make a rigid distinction between sex and gender. Why does this matter, though? Some people who oppose trans women's inclusion in women's sport are increasingly, begrudgingly willing to grant that trans women are women in terms of gender but remain steadfast in their denial that trans women are female in terms of sex. The idea is that we segregate sport on the basis of sex and so, begrudgingly, while trans women may be women, they are not female and thereby shouldn't be permitted into female-only sports categories.My point here is to call attention to the lack of any such distinction in organized sport—including at the Olympic and Commonwealth levels—or in governments. So those who seek to argue for trans women's exclusion on the grounds that they (wrongly) think that sport is segregated on the basis of sex are, well, totally wrong.But it gets worse for them. Prior to 1999, and in practice before the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games, the IOC had various “sex verification” policies to determine whether an athlete was male or female, irrespective of their legal sex.12 However, this only ever applied to those seeking to compete in the women's category. We never scrutinize men and those competing in the men's category. Women's sport is the “protected” category. And in the early days, an athlete thought to be too masculine—which was differentially applied to women of color, since norms of femininity were set by white women's femininity13—would be required to appear before a panel who would inspect her genitals. Anything other than a (white) normative vulva was deemed sufficient evidence that the athlete was not “really” a woman, and so the athlete would be excluded from competition.Eventually, genital inspection was deemed to be insufficient, so the IOC introduced the practice of chromosomal testing. Specifically, they applied the Barr Body test, which merely tests for the existence of a Y sex chromosome. The presence of a Y chromosome constituted a “failure” of the test, and the female athlete would be deemed ineligible and barred from competition (with women). Over time, as scientific understanding of the prevalence of intersex conditions increased, test cases increased. Humans are not sexually dimorphic, meaning that people fall neatly into “XX” (female) and “XY” (male).Rather, humans are bimodally distributed around XX and XY configurations, but there are many other possibilities including XXY, XYY, XO (a null chromosome), and others. Moreover, some XX people have Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), which causes much higher production of testosterone, typically leading the person to develop phenotypically male. Conversely, some XY people have Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS) where while their body produces “typical” male levels of testosterone, their testosterone receptors are insensitive to the hormone, and this typically leads the person to develop phenotypically female.Recognizing this, the IOC last engaged in chromosomal testing of athletes at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, and formally abandoned the practice in 1999. Since then, and noted explicitly in the 2015 CAS decision, all sex verification policies are banned. Sport organizations are no longer in the business of determining whether an athlete is male or female. Instead, the CAS panel notes, “The distinction between male and female is a matter of legal recognition,” whereby “whether a person is female is a matter of law.”14Sports organizations are thereby required to respect an athlete's legally recognized sex. If a trans woman's identification documents say “female,” then she is really female. Those who oppose trans women's inclusion in sport typically say that trans women are not “really” female, but they have no legal standing. They can scream “but biology” all they like: it doesn't change the facts. Sport takes an athlete's legally recognized sex. In many jurisdictions, trans women are legally female.To reiterate, the first line of “argument” from those who oppose trans women's inclusion in women's sport is that sport isn't about gender, it's about sex. And while they may begrudgingly grant that a trans woman is a woman, they deny that she is female. But sport and governments make no such sex/gender distinction.The second line of argument is that trans women are not “really” female and thereby should be excluded from “female” sport. But sport—from the IOC down and all sports under the auspices of the CAS—must respect an athlete's legally recognized sex: they may not have their own sex verification policies. And since trans women can be legally recognized as female, they are really female for the purposes of sport.15In my reading of things over the years, these are the primary arguments of those opposing trans women's inclusion in women's sport. And neither argument holds any water. More recently, some have become at least a little responsive to their losing this battle and have transitioned into what is now the most prevalent argument used against trans women's inclusion in sport: alleged performance advantages.But I want to explain why this is largely irrelevant. Trans athletes’ rights to compete are not contingent on showing that there isn't a competitive advantage. Additionally, because proving a negative is literally impossible, people who oppose trans women's inclusion can forever demand “more study” and the need for “more evidence” before they'll relent. But that day will never come, for they'll continue to manufacture potential sources of evidence even in the absence of any scientific evidence suggesting such a thing exists. My favorite so far is the claim that trans women have “muscle memory,” by which these people mean that trans women's muscles “remember” pre-transition endogenous testosterone. This isn't a thing. They're making this up.16What does matter is the human rights framework. Some balk at the idea that sport is a human right. Others frame this “debate” about trans women in sport as pitting trans women's rights against (cis) women's rights in a kind of conflict of rights. But I'm here to tell you that there is no conflict of rights. Human rights are not like pie: granting rights to trans women does not take any away from cis women.Sport is a human right. After a preamble, the IOC's Olympic Charter lists seven Fundamental Principles of Olympism. The fourth begins with, “The practice of sport is a human right.”17 That's the first full sentence. And they mean competitive sport: the IOC is only concerned with competitive sport. There is no right to win in sport; there is no right to make a team selection in sport. The right is to participate and try to win, to try to make the team, to strive for your best in the Olympic spirit, of mutual understanding, and of fair play.Cis women do not have a right to exclude women they don't like or don't feel comfortable with. Sport and society have a long history of excluding women of color, often trading on these same claims of alleged competitive advantage or not feeling “safe.” But these are not rights. Thus, extending the right for trans and intersex women to compete in sport with other women is not in conflict with other rights. We can't make up rights and claim a conflict. Rights are socially constructed but institutionally enshrined, often in law or policy. These alleged rights that people claim are in conflict with trans women's inclusion in sport don't exist in any institutional or legal sense.Suppose that you're now convinced that participation in (competitive) sport is a human right. And suppose that you're now convinced that trans women are legally female, and thereby belong in women's sport. You might still object to trans women's inclusion on the basis of some notion of “fairness” and alleged unfair competitive advantages that you think trans women have. This is why the human rights framing is what controls the issue, not whatever scientific evidence we may want to argue over, allowing us to distract from the core issue. The IOC is an international organization, as is the CAS. When they speak of “human right(s),” this puts us into the realm of international human rights law and principles. Two frameworks are often invoked: the United Nations “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and the European Court of Human Rights “European Convention on Human Rights.” The CAS and the IOC are situated in Switzerland, which falls under both.Both frameworks require the elimination of discrimination against women on the basis of sex (or gender; remember, these are interchangeable). This isn't to say that discrimination is never justifiable. “Discrimination” can be a neutral term, simply referring to the distinguishing between different groups or categories. In common use, “discrimination” refers only to the unjustified, unethical, or illegal forms of discrimination. But international human rights frameworks include provisions for when we can justify what is otherwise discriminatory.There's a four-fold test. First, the policy must be in service of a worthy social goal. We have prisons and override the right to freedom of movement, partly on the grounds that doing so is in service of the worthy social goal of “promoting public safety.” We can argue about whether this is effective, but the first test is merely to ensure that policies are in service of a worthy social goal. In sport, policies are in service of the worthy social goal of fairness. This first test is a very low bar to clear. You'd have to effectively trip over it to fail.Second, the policy must be necessary for the promotion of the worthy social goal. If we can achieve the worthy social goal without infringing upon human rights, then we must. We can only potentially be justified in overriding human rights if doing so is necessary for promoting a worthy social goal. Arguably, the death penalty is not necessary for promoting public safety, and thus arguably fails this second test.The core issue is whether excluding trans women from women's sport is necessary for promoting fairness in competition. More on that below.Third, the policy must be effective at promoting the worthy social goal. Even if a discriminatory policy might be judged necessary for promoting a worthy social goal, if it isn't effective at doing so, then it fails to be justified. A primary justification for the death penalty is to deter other crime. Arguably, evidence suggests that the death penalty is not effective at such deterrence. And since there are other methods capable of preventing someone from reoffending, the death penalty is neither necessary nor effective, and so is not justified.Finally, the benefit from promoting the worthy social goal must be proportional to the harm caused to the group or individuals discriminated against by the policy. Generally, policies that discriminate against already vulnerable or stigmatized social groups, even if they are necessary and effective in service of a worthy social goal, will fail to be sufficiently proportional. Appeal to the small size of a group will not suffice, either: the proportionality test is not a utilitarian calculus whereby a large group can benefit greatly at the expense of a few.18For our purposes, another issue is whether the harm to trans women caused by excluding them from women's sport is proportional to any proposed benefit to (cis) women. More on that below.In an unprecedented move, the UN Human Rights Council released a statement calling on the UN high commissioner for human rights to look into discriminatory policies in sport, including restrictions on endogenous testosterone in women, calling out World Athletes, then still known as the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), by name.19 The statement reads in part: Expresses concern that discriminatory regulations, rules and practices that may require women and girl athletes with differences of sex development, androgen sensitivity and levels of testosterone to medically reduce their blood testosterone levels contravene international human rights norms and standards, including the right to equality and nondiscrimination, the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, the right to sexual and reproductive health, the right to work and to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work, the right to privacy, the right to freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and harmful practices, and full respect for the dignity, bodily integrity and bodily autonomy of the person.20The statement also explicitly refers to the aforementioned international human rights framework: Noting with concern also that the eligibility regulations for the female classification published by the International Association of Athletics Federations that came into effect on 1 November 2018 are not compatible with international human rights norms and standards, including the rights of women with differences of sex development, and concerned at the absence of legitimate and justifiable evidence for the regulations to the extent that they may not be reasonable and objective, and that there is no clear relationship of proportionality between the aim of the regulations and the proposed measures and their impact.21What's most crucial about sport being a human right is that the default position is inclusion. The default is not “Exclude trans women until we have more evidence about there not being a competitive advantage.” Rather, the default must be “Include trans women unless we have sufficient evidence to justify discrimination in an international human rights framework.” In my work, I argue that the latter will never happen, since we permit much larger competitive advantages on the basis of natural physical characteristics than what could ever be possibly attributed to higher unaltered endogenous testosterone.This is why the human rights framework controls this “debate.” The practice of sport is a human right (IOC Charter), sex is a matter of legal recognition (CAS), and trans women can be legally recognized as female. Therefore, trans women have a human right to participate in competitive sport as women, as female.Trans women don't have to justify our inclusion. The burden of argument is entirely on those who seek to exclude us. And, as I'll briefly prove, that burden has not yet been met, and is unlikely ever to be met.22In order to exclude a group of people based on an alleged competitive advantage, as noted just now, such a policy would need to be in service of a worthy social goal, necessary and effective at promoting that goal, and the benefit to society proportional to the harm caused by the policy. Trans-exclusionary policies fail on every measure except that the policies are at least plausibly in service of the worthy social goal of “fairness in competition.” But as I said above, the bar for passing that test is so low you'd have to trip over it to fail.How much advantage do trans women have in sport? I'm here to say: it doesn't matter. It really doesn't. Let's assume for the sake of argument that there is an inherently biological cause of the gender performance gap where we see an approximately 10–12 percent difference between peak (cis) men's performances and peak (cis) women's performances. Let's just assume this, even though I think it's false.23 Let's also assume for the sake of argument that trans women are physiologically coextensive with cis men. We are going to assume this, even though I think it's definitely false. My point here is even if we grant these dubious assumptions, this is not enough to justify the exclusion of trans women from women's sport.Some will recoil: but isn't this why we have men's and women's sport? Don't we sex segregate sport because men are stronger and faster? No. The history of sex segregation and banning women from sport (back to ancient Greek Olympic Games) is not because men are stronger: women were originally banned outright. Prior to the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, there was no women's marathon event. Prior to the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, there was no women's event in the 1500 meters or any event longer than 800 meters. Women weren't allowed into the Boston Marathon when, in 1967, Kathrine Switzer broke the rules to participate. The event director, Jock Semple, tried to attack her by ripping off her race numbers, only to be tackled by her husband, and she was allowed to finish the race.24 Jock claimed he was trying to “protect the integrity” of the race by doing this.When asked why women were not originally allowed to compete in the modern Olympics, the founder Pierre de Coubertin said, “I do not approve of the participation of women in public competitions. In the Olympic Games, their primary role should be to crown the victors.”25 He also said that “an Olympiad with females would be impractical, uninteresting, unaesthetic and improper.”26 Because of this, while visiting the IOC headquarters for the 2019 consultation process, I was sure to take a photo with a “power pose” leaning over his desk, which is displayed on the (if I recall correctly) fourth floor of the new building.In the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, the sports shooting competition was not sex segregated (just like equestrian still is). A Chinese woman, Zhang Shan won the gold medal. In the following 1996 Olympic Games, the IOC sex segregated the event and did not offer a women's category for the event in which she won gold. The defending gold medalist was thus banned from competition. The current women's chess world champion is not permitted to compete for the men's world championship. Billiards, darts, bowling, and a long list of other sports are sex segregated with no plausible physiological explanation.None of these policies are or were because there's an alleged fundamental biological advantage that men have over women. This isn't why, historically, sport is sex segregated. Sport both reflects and leads social attitudes. Societies the world over were and continue to be sex segregated, relegating women to second-class status. Post hoc rationalizations abound, but simple sexism explains why we sex segregate sport. We should have no illusion otherwise.However, this is all irrelevant. My point, again, is that even if we grant that (cis) men are inherently stronger than (cis) women, and we grant that trans women are physiologically coextensive with cis men, excluding trans women is not justified in an international human rights framework.Why is this? First, because claims like “men are stronger than women” are, strictly speaking, false. There are many women who are stronger than many men. These claims, instead, are either: the average man is stronger (taller/faster/etc.) than the average woman; or the best man is stronger (taller/faster/etc.) than the best woman. At present, these latter claims are true. But both elide the massive ranges within men and women. The shortest, weakest, slowest man is often the same as the shortest, weakest, and slowest woman.27Elite women athletes are considerably stronger than the average cis man, and certainly the average trans woman. The average height of the Rio 2016 Olympics women's high jump podium was 6'1.7","PeriodicalId":497710,"journal":{"name":"Journal of Olympic studies","volume":"14 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0000,"publicationDate":"2023-10-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"Trans Women Are Women, and Sport Is a Human Right\",\"authors\":\"Veronica Ivy\",\"doi\":\"10.5406/26396025.4.2.02\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"I'm really tired of repeating myself. People keep telling me that the topic of including trans and/or intersex women in women's sport is “complicated.” But it's not. It's very simple. Are trans women really women, full stop, or not? If you think “Yes,” then there's no debate: trans and intersex women, as women, belong in women's sport. If you think “No,” then there's absolutely nothing I can say that will change your mind. You didn't arrive at that belief through reasoning, and you won't get out of it that way either. It's a little like arguing with a flat-Earther: if you are convinced that the Earth is flat, then you'll find any reason, no matter how irrational, to hold on to that belief in the face of overwhelming evidence.But this is what I find myself repeating over and over: to those who already think that trans and intersex women are really, fully women, I don't need to provide further evidence. So, I find myself arguing against people who already think that trans and intersex women are “male” and therefore there must be some unfair performance advantage, despite my repeatedly pointing out that there's no reliable scientific evidence supporting their claim. It often doesn't take much to scratch the surface of their views to find that they really just think that trans women are men in dresses. In fact, the best evidence we have suggests that trans women, in particular, are grossly statistically underrepresented in elite sport; it seems, instead, then that trans women are possibly at a competitive disadvantage compared to their cis counterparts.I've penned peer-reviewed scholarly articles on trans and intersex athlete rights to inclusion.1 I've presented detailed arguments about the science, law, and ethics (particularly regarding sport as a human right). I've penned articles and op-eds for such major news outlets as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and The Economist, and so many others I've literally lost count. I've appeared on all major news networks, including going into the “lion's den” of Fox News's New York headquarters to go toe-to-toe with someone I think I'm safe in calling transphobic, Abigail Shrier. I've appeared in more documentaries than I can even enumerate.Each time I say the same thing: sport is a human right (just read the first sentence of the International Olympic Committee's fourth Fundamental Principle of Olympism: “Participation in sport is a human right.”) and the burden of proof is on those seeking to exclude a group from a human right. That's how human rights law works. And it's very clear that those seeking to exclude trans and intersex women from women's sport have not met that burden. In fact, I've argued in print that I think it's unlikely that they'll ever be able to meet that burden.But it's like arguing with a wall. You see, the “common sense” position is that trans women are “male” and that they must—even though no evidence supports this—retain an unfair advantage, so the burden of proof is really on trans and intersex women to show that they don't have an unfair advantage. Society has it exactly backwards.I'm routinely asked to “debate” with a transphobe about my basic human dignity, where they call me a man, male, a cheater (see Martina Navratilova's op-ed in the Sunday Times).2 I knock down every one of their arguments every time, but still the “narrative” is that despite the lack of evidence, isn't it obvious that trans women have an unfair advantage due to being “male”? So, I repeat myself. I'm tired of it. I'm tired.In 2019, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) undertook a consultation process with various stakeholders on updating their 2015 “IOC Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment and Hyperandrogenism” recommendations.3 These consultations involved day-long meetings at the IOC headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, with IOC personnel and trans athletes, and another round for intersex athletes. I was part of the trans athlete consultations. It was mere weeks after I won my second UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championship in Manchester, England.The history of IOC guidelines around trans and intersex women athletes (trans men are usually an afterthought and non-binary athletes are often not even considered at all) has been one of increasing inclusion. In their 2003 consensus meeting, the IOC recommended requiring trans athletes to undergo unnecessary genital surgery (genitals don't play sports!) and then a two-year waiting period to compete in their transitioned gender.4 In 2015, they removed the surgery requirement, recognizing how unnecessary and discriminatory it is (do you even know how expensive genital reconstruction surgery is?!), and recommended instead twelve months (and perpetual thereafter) testosterone suppression below 10nmol/L.5It's worth noting that the 10 nmol/L value was chosen pretty arbitrarily (despite what they will tell you). It wrongly believed that 10 nmol/L was the bottom of the “normal” male range. The problem is that the male range of unaltered endogenous testosterone goes down to next to nothing, well below the average for cis women. Part of this is that such recommendations require rigging the concept of “normal” to exclude all the cases that invalidate the claim. As I commonly say, “Sure, there's no endogenous testosterone overlap between male and female if you ignore all the cases of overlap!”Since international sport federations (IFs) started allowing trans people to compete in their transitioned gender for the 2004 Athens Olympics, until, but not including, the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, there were over 54,000 Olympians. The number of trans athletes? Zero. Under the more inclusive 2015 update to the IOC transgender recommendation, which many IFs adopted for the 2016 Rio Olympics, the number of Olympians for 2016 Rio and 2018 Sochi, was over 14,000. Much of the news reporting around the 2015 updated IOC recommendation was that trans women would take over and dominate at Rio. How many trans athletes actually participated? Again zero.Even in Tokyo 2021, depending on how one counts, four trans people participated (one did not actually compete as she was an alternate), but no trans woman medaled. The only trans person to medal was Quinn, who is a non-binary member of the Canadian women's soccer team—they won gold.6Every single time people make the fear-mongering claim that trans women will “take over” or “dominate” women's sport, it's not borne out by reality. A trans woman has never won an elite (open) world championship, none hold an elite (open) world record, none have won an Olympic medal, and none have won any major tournament in sports like golf and tennis. This is an irrational fear of trans women. And what do we call that? Transphobia.It's important to call it what it is. Too many “well meaning” people are afraid of using that word for fear, I guess, of alienating people or being “divisive.” You know what's divisive? Making up fantasies about trans women dominating women's sport—despite all evidence to the contrary—and using that fear to deny trans women their basic human right to compete as the women they are.I never wanted to be an “activist” for athlete rights. Truly, I just wanted to race my bike and see how far I could advance in the sport I love. So far, this has led to two UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in 2018 and 2019. I used to have Olympic aspirations until the trauma causing PTSD and other disorders brought on by harassment et cetera put an end to that. It's certainly hard enough to achieve such lofty goals, but it's a lot harder when people are actively doing everything they can to ban you from competing, even when you're following every rule under the strictest of scrutiny. They still call me a “cheater” just for existing.7There are a lot of arguments being bandied about on whether it's fair for trans women to compete in women's sport. What is often lost in the shuffle is that there are trans men athletes and non-binary athletes. “Where are the successful trans men athletes?” I've read that more times than I can count. But the most commercially successful trans athletes have been trans men: six-time team USA duathlete Chris Mosier had a Nike television ad campaign run during the Rio 2016 Olympics; professional boxer Patricio Manuel has had a feature in Rolling Stone magazine. And the first trans person to win an Olympic medal, Quinn, did so at Tokyo 2021 with the Canadian women's soccer team.Mack Beggs, a trans male wrestler who rose to fame for being forced to wrestle in the high school girls’ category, is all too often used as an example of what's wrong with trans women in sport. After graduating, he was happily wrestling on the men's team in college. Now he's focusing on mixed martial arts. Amazingly, people irrationally opposed to trans women in sport think that he's a trans woman. Trans men are often celebrated, but then forgotten. They are vanished from the social imagination since they don't serve the dominant narrative that only focuses on trans women in sport. In some cases, like with Beggs, they're used as pawns against trans women, in contortionist twists of what can at best be loosely called “logic.”And while trans men at least receive some media coverage and accolades for their “bravery”—which is itself an entirely other problem, rooted in misogyny and sexism—non-binary athletes are left out completely. Sport itself is often not structured to include non-binary people. If one isn't easily categorized into the binary man/woman, where should one compete? Many rules require an athlete to choose one, and they then can't change their mind for four years.Without any justification, World Triathlon will not allow a trans athlete to compete in the women's category if they competed in the male category within four years!8 The policy reads: “The athlete must provide a written and signed declaration that she has not competed within the last 4 years in the male category of an official competition in Triathlon or its related Multisport or one of our allied sports of swimming, cycling, athletics or cross-country skiing.” They offer absolutely no justification for this. This is effectively a career killer for any elite trans women who want to compete in triathlon.This binaristic structure of sport comes from on high, from the IOC and the arms-length arbiter of sport disputes, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). In a landmark 2015 CAS decision about intersex female runner Dutee Chand, the CAS's decision reads in part, “There are only two categories of competition: male and female. These categories are together intended to cover all athletes who wish to participate in competitive athletics.”9 The CAS is effectively the supreme court for sport. And even though their previous decisions do not constitute precedent for their future decisions (in fact, their reasoning in Caster Semenya's case was effectively a 180 degree turn from their reasoning in Chand's case), their decisions heavily influence or even constrain what policies IFs may adopt. In this case, athletes wishing to compete in international sport under the CAS's authority may only do so in either the “male” or “female” categories.Common “understanding” is that there is at least some rigid distinction between sex and gender. So, one might question why I'm slipping between using man/woman or boy/girl, which are often understood as “gender” terms, and male/female, which are often understood as “sex” terms. The reason is twofold. First, sport does not make any distinction between “sex” and “gender”: they are used interchangeably. In the aforementioned CAS case, the paragraph following the aforementioned quote reads, in part, “A rule that prevents some women from competing at all . . . is antithetical to the fundamental principle of Olympism that ‘Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind.’”10Second, governments do not make any distinction between “sex” and “gender,” at least not typically. While trans people are not universally able to secure legal recognition of their (transitioned) sex, they are able to in many countries. The United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, Germany, and a long list of other countries have practices of allowing trans people to change the sex designation on their legal documents, including their birth certificates. In Canada, for example, a trans woman can be legally recognized as “female.” As of January 2022, anyone aged twelve or older in British Columbia can have the sex designation on their birth certificate—and therefore all of their identification documents—changed without any medical requirements or even a doctor's note. British Columbia is entirely a self-identification province!There is no legal distinction between being “female” and “a woman” (or “a girl”). Of course, different governments require different things of trans people to acquire this legal recognition, and there can be differences at the federal and state/provincial levels. There are many examples. Consider the language of the UK's 2004 Gender Recognition Act: “Where a full gender recognition certificate is issued to a person, the person's gender becomes for all purposes the acquired gender (so that, if the acquired gender is the male gender, the person's sex becomes that of a man and, if it is the female gender, the person's sex becomes that of a woman).”11 Note the use of “male gender” and “the person's sex becomes that of a man.” The “gender” and “sex” terms are used in combination and interchangeably. Legal identification documents only list “Male” or “Female” or their abbreviations “M” or “F.” One's passport doesn't say “Woman” or “Man.” The idea that either sport or “female-only” social spaces such as bathrooms are segregated on the basis of sex and not gender, leaning on a rigid distinction between sex and gender, is simply not the case.It's simply the case that sport and governments do not make a rigid distinction between sex and gender. Why does this matter, though? Some people who oppose trans women's inclusion in women's sport are increasingly, begrudgingly willing to grant that trans women are women in terms of gender but remain steadfast in their denial that trans women are female in terms of sex. The idea is that we segregate sport on the basis of sex and so, begrudgingly, while trans women may be women, they are not female and thereby shouldn't be permitted into female-only sports categories.My point here is to call attention to the lack of any such distinction in organized sport—including at the Olympic and Commonwealth levels—or in governments. So those who seek to argue for trans women's exclusion on the grounds that they (wrongly) think that sport is segregated on the basis of sex are, well, totally wrong.But it gets worse for them. Prior to 1999, and in practice before the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games, the IOC had various “sex verification” policies to determine whether an athlete was male or female, irrespective of their legal sex.12 However, this only ever applied to those seeking to compete in the women's category. We never scrutinize men and those competing in the men's category. Women's sport is the “protected” category. And in the early days, an athlete thought to be too masculine—which was differentially applied to women of color, since norms of femininity were set by white women's femininity13—would be required to appear before a panel who would inspect her genitals. Anything other than a (white) normative vulva was deemed sufficient evidence that the athlete was not “really” a woman, and so the athlete would be excluded from competition.Eventually, genital inspection was deemed to be insufficient, so the IOC introduced the practice of chromosomal testing. Specifically, they applied the Barr Body test, which merely tests for the existence of a Y sex chromosome. The presence of a Y chromosome constituted a “failure” of the test, and the female athlete would be deemed ineligible and barred from competition (with women). Over time, as scientific understanding of the prevalence of intersex conditions increased, test cases increased. Humans are not sexually dimorphic, meaning that people fall neatly into “XX” (female) and “XY” (male).Rather, humans are bimodally distributed around XX and XY configurations, but there are many other possibilities including XXY, XYY, XO (a null chromosome), and others. Moreover, some XX people have Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), which causes much higher production of testosterone, typically leading the person to develop phenotypically male. Conversely, some XY people have Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS) where while their body produces “typical” male levels of testosterone, their testosterone receptors are insensitive to the hormone, and this typically leads the person to develop phenotypically female.Recognizing this, the IOC last engaged in chromosomal testing of athletes at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, and formally abandoned the practice in 1999. Since then, and noted explicitly in the 2015 CAS decision, all sex verification policies are banned. Sport organizations are no longer in the business of determining whether an athlete is male or female. Instead, the CAS panel notes, “The distinction between male and female is a matter of legal recognition,” whereby “whether a person is female is a matter of law.”14Sports organizations are thereby required to respect an athlete's legally recognized sex. If a trans woman's identification documents say “female,” then she is really female. Those who oppose trans women's inclusion in sport typically say that trans women are not “really” female, but they have no legal standing. They can scream “but biology” all they like: it doesn't change the facts. Sport takes an athlete's legally recognized sex. In many jurisdictions, trans women are legally female.To reiterate, the first line of “argument” from those who oppose trans women's inclusion in women's sport is that sport isn't about gender, it's about sex. And while they may begrudgingly grant that a trans woman is a woman, they deny that she is female. But sport and governments make no such sex/gender distinction.The second line of argument is that trans women are not “really” female and thereby should be excluded from “female” sport. But sport—from the IOC down and all sports under the auspices of the CAS—must respect an athlete's legally recognized sex: they may not have their own sex verification policies. And since trans women can be legally recognized as female, they are really female for the purposes of sport.15In my reading of things over the years, these are the primary arguments of those opposing trans women's inclusion in women's sport. And neither argument holds any water. More recently, some have become at least a little responsive to their losing this battle and have transitioned into what is now the most prevalent argument used against trans women's inclusion in sport: alleged performance advantages.But I want to explain why this is largely irrelevant. Trans athletes’ rights to compete are not contingent on showing that there isn't a competitive advantage. Additionally, because proving a negative is literally impossible, people who oppose trans women's inclusion can forever demand “more study” and the need for “more evidence” before they'll relent. But that day will never come, for they'll continue to manufacture potential sources of evidence even in the absence of any scientific evidence suggesting such a thing exists. My favorite so far is the claim that trans women have “muscle memory,” by which these people mean that trans women's muscles “remember” pre-transition endogenous testosterone. This isn't a thing. They're making this up.16What does matter is the human rights framework. Some balk at the idea that sport is a human right. Others frame this “debate” about trans women in sport as pitting trans women's rights against (cis) women's rights in a kind of conflict of rights. But I'm here to tell you that there is no conflict of rights. Human rights are not like pie: granting rights to trans women does not take any away from cis women.Sport is a human right. After a preamble, the IOC's Olympic Charter lists seven Fundamental Principles of Olympism. The fourth begins with, “The practice of sport is a human right.”17 That's the first full sentence. And they mean competitive sport: the IOC is only concerned with competitive sport. There is no right to win in sport; there is no right to make a team selection in sport. The right is to participate and try to win, to try to make the team, to strive for your best in the Olympic spirit, of mutual understanding, and of fair play.Cis women do not have a right to exclude women they don't like or don't feel comfortable with. Sport and society have a long history of excluding women of color, often trading on these same claims of alleged competitive advantage or not feeling “safe.” But these are not rights. Thus, extending the right for trans and intersex women to compete in sport with other women is not in conflict with other rights. We can't make up rights and claim a conflict. Rights are socially constructed but institutionally enshrined, often in law or policy. These alleged rights that people claim are in conflict with trans women's inclusion in sport don't exist in any institutional or legal sense.Suppose that you're now convinced that participation in (competitive) sport is a human right. And suppose that you're now convinced that trans women are legally female, and thereby belong in women's sport. You might still object to trans women's inclusion on the basis of some notion of “fairness” and alleged unfair competitive advantages that you think trans women have. This is why the human rights framing is what controls the issue, not whatever scientific evidence we may want to argue over, allowing us to distract from the core issue. The IOC is an international organization, as is the CAS. When they speak of “human right(s),” this puts us into the realm of international human rights law and principles. Two frameworks are often invoked: the United Nations “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and the European Court of Human Rights “European Convention on Human Rights.” The CAS and the IOC are situated in Switzerland, which falls under both.Both frameworks require the elimination of discrimination against women on the basis of sex (or gender; remember, these are interchangeable). This isn't to say that discrimination is never justifiable. “Discrimination” can be a neutral term, simply referring to the distinguishing between different groups or categories. In common use, “discrimination” refers only to the unjustified, unethical, or illegal forms of discrimination. But international human rights frameworks include provisions for when we can justify what is otherwise discriminatory.There's a four-fold test. First, the policy must be in service of a worthy social goal. We have prisons and override the right to freedom of movement, partly on the grounds that doing so is in service of the worthy social goal of “promoting public safety.” We can argue about whether this is effective, but the first test is merely to ensure that policies are in service of a worthy social goal. In sport, policies are in service of the worthy social goal of fairness. This first test is a very low bar to clear. You'd have to effectively trip over it to fail.Second, the policy must be necessary for the promotion of the worthy social goal. If we can achieve the worthy social goal without infringing upon human rights, then we must. We can only potentially be justified in overriding human rights if doing so is necessary for promoting a worthy social goal. Arguably, the death penalty is not necessary for promoting public safety, and thus arguably fails this second test.The core issue is whether excluding trans women from women's sport is necessary for promoting fairness in competition. More on that below.Third, the policy must be effective at promoting the worthy social goal. Even if a discriminatory policy might be judged necessary for promoting a worthy social goal, if it isn't effective at doing so, then it fails to be justified. A primary justification for the death penalty is to deter other crime. Arguably, evidence suggests that the death penalty is not effective at such deterrence. And since there are other methods capable of preventing someone from reoffending, the death penalty is neither necessary nor effective, and so is not justified.Finally, the benefit from promoting the worthy social goal must be proportional to the harm caused to the group or individuals discriminated against by the policy. Generally, policies that discriminate against already vulnerable or stigmatized social groups, even if they are necessary and effective in service of a worthy social goal, will fail to be sufficiently proportional. Appeal to the small size of a group will not suffice, either: the proportionality test is not a utilitarian calculus whereby a large group can benefit greatly at the expense of a few.18For our purposes, another issue is whether the harm to trans women caused by excluding them from women's sport is proportional to any proposed benefit to (cis) women. More on that below.In an unprecedented move, the UN Human Rights Council released a statement calling on the UN high commissioner for human rights to look into discriminatory policies in sport, including restrictions on endogenous testosterone in women, calling out World Athletes, then still known as the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), by name.19 The statement reads in part: Expresses concern that discriminatory regulations, rules and practices that may require women and girl athletes with differences of sex development, androgen sensitivity and levels of testosterone to medically reduce their blood testosterone levels contravene international human rights norms and standards, including the right to equality and nondiscrimination, the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, the right to sexual and reproductive health, the right to work and to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work, the right to privacy, the right to freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and harmful practices, and full respect for the dignity, bodily integrity and bodily autonomy of the person.20The statement also explicitly refers to the aforementioned international human rights framework: Noting with concern also that the eligibility regulations for the female classification published by the International Association of Athletics Federations that came into effect on 1 November 2018 are not compatible with international human rights norms and standards, including the rights of women with differences of sex development, and concerned at the absence of legitimate and justifiable evidence for the regulations to the extent that they may not be reasonable and objective, and that there is no clear relationship of proportionality between the aim of the regulations and the proposed measures and their impact.21What's most crucial about sport being a human right is that the default position is inclusion. The default is not “Exclude trans women until we have more evidence about there not being a competitive advantage.” Rather, the default must be “Include trans women unless we have sufficient evidence to justify discrimination in an international human rights framework.” In my work, I argue that the latter will never happen, since we permit much larger competitive advantages on the basis of natural physical characteristics than what could ever be possibly attributed to higher unaltered endogenous testosterone.This is why the human rights framework controls this “debate.” The practice of sport is a human right (IOC Charter), sex is a matter of legal recognition (CAS), and trans women can be legally recognized as female. Therefore, trans women have a human right to participate in competitive sport as women, as female.Trans women don't have to justify our inclusion. The burden of argument is entirely on those who seek to exclude us. And, as I'll briefly prove, that burden has not yet been met, and is unlikely ever to be met.22In order to exclude a group of people based on an alleged competitive advantage, as noted just now, such a policy would need to be in service of a worthy social goal, necessary and effective at promoting that goal, and the benefit to society proportional to the harm caused by the policy. Trans-exclusionary policies fail on every measure except that the policies are at least plausibly in service of the worthy social goal of “fairness in competition.” But as I said above, the bar for passing that test is so low you'd have to trip over it to fail.How much advantage do trans women have in sport? I'm here to say: it doesn't matter. It really doesn't. Let's assume for the sake of argument that there is an inherently biological cause of the gender performance gap where we see an approximately 10–12 percent difference between peak (cis) men's performances and peak (cis) women's performances. Let's just assume this, even though I think it's false.23 Let's also assume for the sake of argument that trans women are physiologically coextensive with cis men. We are going to assume this, even though I think it's definitely false. My point here is even if we grant these dubious assumptions, this is not enough to justify the exclusion of trans women from women's sport.Some will recoil: but isn't this why we have men's and women's sport? Don't we sex segregate sport because men are stronger and faster? No. The history of sex segregation and banning women from sport (back to ancient Greek Olympic Games) is not because men are stronger: women were originally banned outright. Prior to the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, there was no women's marathon event. Prior to the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, there was no women's event in the 1500 meters or any event longer than 800 meters. Women weren't allowed into the Boston Marathon when, in 1967, Kathrine Switzer broke the rules to participate. The event director, Jock Semple, tried to attack her by ripping off her race numbers, only to be tackled by her husband, and she was allowed to finish the race.24 Jock claimed he was trying to “protect the integrity” of the race by doing this.When asked why women were not originally allowed to compete in the modern Olympics, the founder Pierre de Coubertin said, “I do not approve of the participation of women in public competitions. In the Olympic Games, their primary role should be to crown the victors.”25 He also said that “an Olympiad with females would be impractical, uninteresting, unaesthetic and improper.”26 Because of this, while visiting the IOC headquarters for the 2019 consultation process, I was sure to take a photo with a “power pose” leaning over his desk, which is displayed on the (if I recall correctly) fourth floor of the new building.In the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, the sports shooting competition was not sex segregated (just like equestrian still is). A Chinese woman, Zhang Shan won the gold medal. In the following 1996 Olympic Games, the IOC sex segregated the event and did not offer a women's category for the event in which she won gold. The defending gold medalist was thus banned from competition. The current women's chess world champion is not permitted to compete for the men's world championship. Billiards, darts, bowling, and a long list of other sports are sex segregated with no plausible physiological explanation.None of these policies are or were because there's an alleged fundamental biological advantage that men have over women. This isn't why, historically, sport is sex segregated. Sport both reflects and leads social attitudes. Societies the world over were and continue to be sex segregated, relegating women to second-class status. Post hoc rationalizations abound, but simple sexism explains why we sex segregate sport. We should have no illusion otherwise.However, this is all irrelevant. My point, again, is that even if we grant that (cis) men are inherently stronger than (cis) women, and we grant that trans women are physiologically coextensive with cis men, excluding trans women is not justified in an international human rights framework.Why is this? First, because claims like “men are stronger than women” are, strictly speaking, false. There are many women who are stronger than many men. These claims, instead, are either: the average man is stronger (taller/faster/etc.) than the average woman; or the best man is stronger (taller/faster/etc.) than the best woman. At present, these latter claims are true. But both elide the massive ranges within men and women. The shortest, weakest, slowest man is often the same as the shortest, weakest, and slowest woman.27Elite women athletes are considerably stronger than the average cis man, and certainly the average trans woman. 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引用次数: 0


问题是,男性体内未改变的内源性睾酮水平几乎为零,远低于顺性女性的平均水平。部分原因是这样的建议需要操纵“正常”的概念,以排除所有使索赔无效的情况。正如我常说的,“当然,如果你忽略所有重叠的情况,男性和女性之间没有内源性睾丸激素重叠!”从2004年雅典奥运会开始,国际体育联合会开始允许变性人以变性身份参加比赛,直到2021年东京奥运会,共有超过5.4万名奥运会选手。跨性别运动员的数量?零。许多国际单项体育联合会在2016年里约奥运会上采纳了更具包容性的2015年更新的国际奥委会跨性别建议,根据该建议,2016年里约和2018年索契奥运会的参赛人数超过1.4万人。关于2015年更新的国际奥委会建议的大部分新闻报道都是变性女性将接管并主导里约奥运会。到底有多少跨性别运动员参加了比赛?再次零。即使在2021年的东京奥运会上,也有四名跨性别运动员参加了比赛(其中一人实际上并没有参加比赛,因为她是替补),但没有一名跨性别女性获得奖牌。唯一获得奖牌的变性人是奎因,她是加拿大女子足球队的非二元性别成员,赢得了金牌。每次人们制造恐慌,声称跨性别女性将“接管”或“主宰”女子体育运动时,这都没有得到现实的证实。变性女性从未赢得过精英(公开赛)世界冠军,没有人保持过精英(公开赛)世界纪录,没有人获得过奥运会奖牌,也没有人赢得过高尔夫和网球等重大体育赛事的冠军。这是对变性女性的非理性恐惧。我们叫它什么?变性。重要的是要如实描述。太多“善意”的人害怕使用这个词,我猜是因为害怕疏远别人或“分裂”。你知道什么是分裂吗?编造跨性别女性主宰女性运动的幻想——尽管所有证据都与之相反——并利用这种恐惧来否认跨性别女性以女性身份参加比赛的基本人权。我从来没想过要成为运动员权益的“积极分子”。真的,我只是想参加我的自行车比赛,看看我能在我喜欢的运动中走多远。到目前为止,这已经导致了2018年和2019年的两届UCI大师赛道自行车世界锦标赛。我曾经有过奥运会的梦想,直到创伤导致的创伤后精神紧张性精神障碍和其他由骚扰等引起的精神障碍让我的梦想破灭了。实现如此崇高的目标当然很难,但当人们积极地尽其所能禁止你竞争时,即使你在最严格的审查下遵守每一条规则,难度就更大了。他们还是因为我的存在而叫我“骗子”。关于跨性别女性参加女子体育比赛是否公平,有很多争论。在混乱中经常被忽略的是,有跨性别运动员和非二元性别运动员。“成功的跨性别运动员在哪里?”我都数不清了。但商业上最成功的跨性别运动员都是跨性别者:曾六次入选美国男双运动员代表队的克里斯·莫西尔(Chris Mosier)在2016年里约奥运会期间为耐克做了电视广告;职业拳击手帕特里西奥·曼努埃尔曾在《滚石》杂志上发表专题文章。第一位获得奥运奖牌的变性人奎因在2021年东京奥运会上与加拿大女子足球队一起获得了奖牌。变性男摔跤手麦克·贝格斯(Mack Beggs)因被迫参加高中女生组的摔跤比赛而声名鹊起,他经常被当作变性女性在体育运动中存在问题的一个例子。毕业后,他在大学的男子摔跤队很开心。现在他专注于综合格斗。令人惊讶的是,那些非理性地反对跨性别女性参加体育运动的人认为他是一个跨性别女性。变性人经常受到赞扬,但随后就被遗忘了。她们从社会想象中消失了,因为她们不符合只关注体育运动中的跨性别女性的主流叙事。在某些情况下,就像Beggs一样,他们被用作对抗跨性别女性的棋子,以一种至多可以被粗略地称为“逻辑”的扭曲手法。尽管跨性别者至少因为他们的“勇敢”获得了一些媒体的报道和赞誉——这本身就是一个完全不同的问题,植根于厌女症和性别歧视——但非二元性别运动员却完全被忽视了。体育运动本身的结构往往不包括非二元性别的人。如果一个人不容易被划分为二元的男人/女人,那么他应该在哪里竞争?许多规则要求运动员选择一个,然后他们在四年内不能改变主意。 没有任何理由,世界铁人三项将不允许跨性别运动员参加女子比赛,如果他们在四年内参加过男子比赛!该政策是这样写的:“运动员必须提供一份书面并签署的声明,证明她在过去4年内没有参加过铁人三项或相关综合运动项目的正式男子比赛,也没有参加过游泳、自行车、田径或越野滑雪等我们的联合运动项目。”他们对此完全没有提供任何理由。对于任何想要参加铁人三项的优秀跨性别女性来说,这实际上是一个职业杀手。这种体育的二元结构来自高层,来自国际奥委会和体育仲裁法庭(CAS)。2015年,国际体育仲裁院对双性女运动员迪蒂·昌德(Dutee Chand)做出了一项具有里程碑意义的裁决,该裁决的部分内容是:“比赛只有两类:男性和女性。这些类别合在一起旨在涵盖所有希望参加竞技体育的运动员。国际体育仲裁院实际上是体育界的最高法院。尽管他们之前的决定并不构成他们未来决定的先例(事实上,他们在卡斯特·塞门亚一案中的推理与他们在查德一案中的推理实际上是180度大转弯),但他们的决定严重影响甚至限制了国际金融机构可能采取的政策。在这种情况下,希望参加国际体育比赛的运动员只能参加“男性”或“女性”类别的比赛。一般的“理解”是,性和性别之间至少有一些严格的区别。所以,有人可能会问我为什么在使用通常被理解为“性别”术语的“男人/女人”或“男孩/女孩”和通常被理解为“性”术语的“男性/女性”之间犹豫不决。原因是双重的。首先,体育对“sex”和“gender”没有任何区别:它们可以互换使用。在前面提到的国际体育仲裁委员会的案例中,前面引用的段落部分写道:“一项阻止一些女性参加比赛的规则……这与奥林匹克主义的基本原则“每个人都必须有从事体育运动的机会,不受任何形式的歧视”背道而驰。第二,政府对“性”和“性别”没有任何区别,至少通常没有。虽然变性人并不能普遍地获得法律承认他们的(变性)性别,但在许多国家他们可以。美国、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚、德国和一长串其他国家都允许跨性别者更改其法律文件上的性别名称,包括出生证明。例如,在加拿大,跨性别女性可以被法律承认为“女性”。从2022年1月起,在不列颠哥伦比亚省,任何12岁或以上的人都可以在他们的出生证明上更改性别,因此他们所有的身份证件都不需要任何医疗要求,甚至不需要医生的证明。不列颠哥伦比亚省完全是一个自我认同的省!“女性”和“女人”(或“女孩”)之间没有法律上的区别。当然,不同的政府对跨性别者有不同的要求,以获得法律上的承认,在联邦和州/省的层面上可能存在差异。这样的例子有很多。想想英国2004年的《性别承认法》(Gender Recognition Act)的措辞:“如果向一个人颁发了完整的性别承认证书,那么这个人的性别就成为后天性别(因此,如果后天性别是男性,这个人的性别就成为男性,如果是女性,这个人的性别就成为女性)。”注意“male gender”的用法,“the person's sex变成that of a man”。“gender”和“sex”这两个词可以组合使用,也可以互换使用。合法身份证明文件只列出“男”或“女”或其缩写“M”或“f”。护照上没写"男"或"女"体育或“女性专用”的社交空间(如浴室)是基于性别而不是性别而隔离的,依赖于性别和性别之间的严格区分,这种想法根本不是事实。原因很简单,体育和政府并没有严格区分性别和性别。为什么这很重要呢?一些反对跨性别女性参与女子运动的人越来越不情愿地承认跨性别女性在性别上是女性,但他们仍然坚定地否认跨性别女性在性别上是女性。他们的想法是,我们以性别为基础将体育运动隔离开来,因此,尽管跨性别女性可能是女性,但她们不是女性,因此不应该被允许进入女性专属的体育类别。 我在这里的观点是要提醒大家注意,在有组织的体育运动中——包括在奥运会和英联邦层面——或在政府中,缺乏任何这样的区别。因此,那些试图以(错误地)认为体育运动是基于性别而隔离的理由来为跨性别女性辩护的人,是完全错误的。但对他们来说情况更糟。在1999年之前,以及1996年亚特兰大奥运会之前,国际奥委会有各种“性别验证”政策,以确定运动员是男是女,而不考虑他们的法定性别然而,这只适用于那些寻求参加女子比赛的人。我们从不仔细审查男性和那些参加男子组比赛的人。女子运动属于“受保护”的范畴。在早期,一名被认为过于男性化的运动员——这在有色人种女性身上是不同的,因为女性气质的标准是由白人女性的女性气质设定的——将被要求出现在一个检查她生殖器的小组面前。除了(白人)正常的外阴外,其他任何东西都被认为是运动员不是“真正的”女性的充分证据,因此该运动员将被排除在比赛之外。最终,生殖器检查被认为是不够的,因此国际奥委会引入了染色体检测的做法。具体来说,他们使用了巴尔体测试,该测试仅用于测试是否存在Y性染色体。Y染色体的存在构成了测试的“失败”,女运动员将被视为不合格,并被禁止参加(与女性)比赛。随着时间的推移,随着对双性人疾病患病率的科学理解的增加,测试案例也在增加。人类在性别上并不是二态的,这意味着人们可以整齐地分为“XX”(女性)和“XY”(男性)。相反,人类是围绕XX和XY配置双峰分布的,但也有许多其他的可能性,包括XXY、XYY、XO(空染色体)等等。此外,一些XX人患有先天性肾上腺增生症(CAH),这导致睾酮分泌量高得多,通常导致患者表现为男性。相反,一些XY型的人患有完全雄激素不敏感综合征(CAIS),当他们的身体产生“典型”男性水平的睾丸激素时,他们的睾丸激素受体对这种激素不敏感,这通常会导致这个人发展为典型的女性。认识到这一点,国际奥委会最后一次对运动员进行染色体检测是在1996年亚特兰大奥运会上,并于1999年正式放弃了这一做法。从那时起,并在2015年CAS的决定中明确指出,所有性别验证政策都被禁止。体育组织不再负责确定运动员是男是女。相反,CAS专家组指出,“男女之间的区别是一个法律承认的问题”,因此“一个人是否是女性是一个法律问题”。因此,体育组织被要求尊重运动员在法律上被承认的性别。如果一个跨性别女性的身份证件上写着“女性”,那么她真的是女性。那些反对跨性别女性参加体育运动的人通常会说,跨性别女性不是“真正的”女性,但她们没有法律地位。他们可以随心所欲地大喊“但是生物学”:这改变不了事实。体育运动需要运动员的法律认可的性别。在许多司法管辖区,跨性别女性在法律上是女性。重申一下,那些反对跨性别女性参加女子体育运动的人的第一句“论点”是,体育与性别无关,而是与性有关。虽然他们可能不情愿地承认跨性别女性是女性,但他们否认她是女性。但体育和政府没有这种性别/性别的区别。第二种观点是,跨性别女性并不是“真正的”女性,因此应该被排除在“女性”运动之外。但是体育运动——从国际奥委会到中国体育会主持的所有体育项目——必须尊重运动员被法律承认的性别:他们可能没有自己的性别确认政策。由于跨性别女性在法律上可以被承认为女性,她们在体育运动中确实是女性。在我这些年的阅读中,这些是那些反对跨性别女性参与女子体育运动的人的主要论点。这两种观点都站不住脚。最近,一些人对自己在这场战斗中的失败至少有了一点反应,并转向了现在反对跨性别女性参加体育运动的最普遍的论点:所谓的成绩优势。但我想解释为什么这在很大程度上是无关紧要的。跨性别运动员参加比赛的权利并不取决于证明他们没有竞争优势。此外,因为证明否定几乎是不可能的,反对跨性别女性被纳入的人可以永远要求“更多的研究”和“更多的证据”,然后他们才会软化。 为了便于讨论,我们也假设跨性别女性在生理上与顺性男性是同样广泛的。我们要假设这个,尽管我认为它绝对是错的。我的观点是,即使我们承认这些可疑的假设,这也不足以证明将跨性别女性排除在女子体育之外是合理的。有些人会退缩:但这不正是我们有男女运动的原因吗?我们不应该因为男性更强壮更快而将体育运动性别隔离吗?不。性别隔离和禁止女性参加体育运动的历史(追溯到古希腊奥运会)并不是因为男性更强壮:女性最初是被彻底禁止的。在1984年洛杉矶奥运会之前,没有女子马拉松项目。在1972年慕尼黑奥运会之前,没有女子1500米和超过800米的项目。1967年,凯瑟琳·斯威策(Kathrine Switzer)违反规定参加波士顿马拉松比赛时,女性是不被允许参加的。赛事总监乔克·森普尔(Jock Semple)试图撕掉她的比赛号码来攻击她,结果被她的丈夫抓住了,她才得以完成比赛乔克声称他这样做是为了“保护比赛的完整性”。当被问及为什么最初不允许女性参加现代奥运会时,创始人皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦说:“我不赞成女性参加公共比赛。在奥运会上,他们的主要作用应该是为胜利者加冕。他还说,“有女性参加的奥林匹克运动会是不切实际的、无趣的、不美观的、不合适的。”正因为如此,当我参观国际奥委会总部参加2019年的咨询过程时,我肯定会以“权力姿势”俯身在他的桌子上拍照,这张桌子展示在(如果我没记错的话)新大楼的四楼。在1992年巴塞罗那奥运会上,体育射击比赛并没有性别隔离(就像马术比赛一样)。中国女子张山获得金牌。在随后的1996年奥运会上,国际奥委会将该项目性别隔离开来,并没有在她获得金牌的项目中设立女子项目。这位卫冕金牌得主因此被禁止参加比赛。现任女子国际象棋世界冠军不允许参加男子国际象棋世界冠军的角逐。台球、飞镖、保龄球和一长串其他运动都是性别隔离的,没有合理的生理解释。这些政策现在或过去都不是因为所谓的男性比女性具有根本的生理优势。从历史上看,这并不是体育运动性别隔离的原因。体育既反映又引导社会态度。世界各地的社会过去和现在都是性别隔离的,把妇女贬为二等人。事后的合理化比比皆是,但简单的性别歧视解释了为什么我们在体育运动中实行性别隔离。否则我们不应该抱有幻想。然而,这些都无关紧要。我的观点是,即使我们承认(顺性)男性天生比(顺性)女性强壮,我们也承认跨性别女性在生理上与顺性男性一样广泛,在国际人权框架中排除跨性别女性是不合理的。为什么会这样?首先,因为像“男人比女人强壮”这样的说法严格来说是错误的。有许多女人比许多男人强壮。相反,这些说法要么是:普通男性比普通女性更强壮(更高/更快等);或者伴郎比伴郎更强壮(更高/更快/等等)。目前,后一种说法是正确的。但两者都忽略了男性和女性之间的巨大差异。最矮、最弱、最慢的男人往往和最矮、最弱、最慢的女人是一样的。优秀的女运动员要比一般的顺性男性强壮得多,当然也比一般的变性女性强壮得多。2016年里约奥运会女子跳高领奖台选手的平均身高为6英尺1.7英寸
Trans Women Are Women, and Sport Is a Human Right
I'm really tired of repeating myself. People keep telling me that the topic of including trans and/or intersex women in women's sport is “complicated.” But it's not. It's very simple. Are trans women really women, full stop, or not? If you think “Yes,” then there's no debate: trans and intersex women, as women, belong in women's sport. If you think “No,” then there's absolutely nothing I can say that will change your mind. You didn't arrive at that belief through reasoning, and you won't get out of it that way either. It's a little like arguing with a flat-Earther: if you are convinced that the Earth is flat, then you'll find any reason, no matter how irrational, to hold on to that belief in the face of overwhelming evidence.But this is what I find myself repeating over and over: to those who already think that trans and intersex women are really, fully women, I don't need to provide further evidence. So, I find myself arguing against people who already think that trans and intersex women are “male” and therefore there must be some unfair performance advantage, despite my repeatedly pointing out that there's no reliable scientific evidence supporting their claim. It often doesn't take much to scratch the surface of their views to find that they really just think that trans women are men in dresses. In fact, the best evidence we have suggests that trans women, in particular, are grossly statistically underrepresented in elite sport; it seems, instead, then that trans women are possibly at a competitive disadvantage compared to their cis counterparts.I've penned peer-reviewed scholarly articles on trans and intersex athlete rights to inclusion.1 I've presented detailed arguments about the science, law, and ethics (particularly regarding sport as a human right). I've penned articles and op-eds for such major news outlets as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and The Economist, and so many others I've literally lost count. I've appeared on all major news networks, including going into the “lion's den” of Fox News's New York headquarters to go toe-to-toe with someone I think I'm safe in calling transphobic, Abigail Shrier. I've appeared in more documentaries than I can even enumerate.Each time I say the same thing: sport is a human right (just read the first sentence of the International Olympic Committee's fourth Fundamental Principle of Olympism: “Participation in sport is a human right.”) and the burden of proof is on those seeking to exclude a group from a human right. That's how human rights law works. And it's very clear that those seeking to exclude trans and intersex women from women's sport have not met that burden. In fact, I've argued in print that I think it's unlikely that they'll ever be able to meet that burden.But it's like arguing with a wall. You see, the “common sense” position is that trans women are “male” and that they must—even though no evidence supports this—retain an unfair advantage, so the burden of proof is really on trans and intersex women to show that they don't have an unfair advantage. Society has it exactly backwards.I'm routinely asked to “debate” with a transphobe about my basic human dignity, where they call me a man, male, a cheater (see Martina Navratilova's op-ed in the Sunday Times).2 I knock down every one of their arguments every time, but still the “narrative” is that despite the lack of evidence, isn't it obvious that trans women have an unfair advantage due to being “male”? So, I repeat myself. I'm tired of it. I'm tired.In 2019, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) undertook a consultation process with various stakeholders on updating their 2015 “IOC Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment and Hyperandrogenism” recommendations.3 These consultations involved day-long meetings at the IOC headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, with IOC personnel and trans athletes, and another round for intersex athletes. I was part of the trans athlete consultations. It was mere weeks after I won my second UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championship in Manchester, England.The history of IOC guidelines around trans and intersex women athletes (trans men are usually an afterthought and non-binary athletes are often not even considered at all) has been one of increasing inclusion. In their 2003 consensus meeting, the IOC recommended requiring trans athletes to undergo unnecessary genital surgery (genitals don't play sports!) and then a two-year waiting period to compete in their transitioned gender.4 In 2015, they removed the surgery requirement, recognizing how unnecessary and discriminatory it is (do you even know how expensive genital reconstruction surgery is?!), and recommended instead twelve months (and perpetual thereafter) testosterone suppression below 10nmol/L.5It's worth noting that the 10 nmol/L value was chosen pretty arbitrarily (despite what they will tell you). It wrongly believed that 10 nmol/L was the bottom of the “normal” male range. The problem is that the male range of unaltered endogenous testosterone goes down to next to nothing, well below the average for cis women. Part of this is that such recommendations require rigging the concept of “normal” to exclude all the cases that invalidate the claim. As I commonly say, “Sure, there's no endogenous testosterone overlap between male and female if you ignore all the cases of overlap!”Since international sport federations (IFs) started allowing trans people to compete in their transitioned gender for the 2004 Athens Olympics, until, but not including, the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, there were over 54,000 Olympians. The number of trans athletes? Zero. Under the more inclusive 2015 update to the IOC transgender recommendation, which many IFs adopted for the 2016 Rio Olympics, the number of Olympians for 2016 Rio and 2018 Sochi, was over 14,000. Much of the news reporting around the 2015 updated IOC recommendation was that trans women would take over and dominate at Rio. How many trans athletes actually participated? Again zero.Even in Tokyo 2021, depending on how one counts, four trans people participated (one did not actually compete as she was an alternate), but no trans woman medaled. The only trans person to medal was Quinn, who is a non-binary member of the Canadian women's soccer team—they won gold.6Every single time people make the fear-mongering claim that trans women will “take over” or “dominate” women's sport, it's not borne out by reality. A trans woman has never won an elite (open) world championship, none hold an elite (open) world record, none have won an Olympic medal, and none have won any major tournament in sports like golf and tennis. This is an irrational fear of trans women. And what do we call that? Transphobia.It's important to call it what it is. Too many “well meaning” people are afraid of using that word for fear, I guess, of alienating people or being “divisive.” You know what's divisive? Making up fantasies about trans women dominating women's sport—despite all evidence to the contrary—and using that fear to deny trans women their basic human right to compete as the women they are.I never wanted to be an “activist” for athlete rights. Truly, I just wanted to race my bike and see how far I could advance in the sport I love. So far, this has led to two UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in 2018 and 2019. I used to have Olympic aspirations until the trauma causing PTSD and other disorders brought on by harassment et cetera put an end to that. It's certainly hard enough to achieve such lofty goals, but it's a lot harder when people are actively doing everything they can to ban you from competing, even when you're following every rule under the strictest of scrutiny. They still call me a “cheater” just for existing.7There are a lot of arguments being bandied about on whether it's fair for trans women to compete in women's sport. What is often lost in the shuffle is that there are trans men athletes and non-binary athletes. “Where are the successful trans men athletes?” I've read that more times than I can count. But the most commercially successful trans athletes have been trans men: six-time team USA duathlete Chris Mosier had a Nike television ad campaign run during the Rio 2016 Olympics; professional boxer Patricio Manuel has had a feature in Rolling Stone magazine. And the first trans person to win an Olympic medal, Quinn, did so at Tokyo 2021 with the Canadian women's soccer team.Mack Beggs, a trans male wrestler who rose to fame for being forced to wrestle in the high school girls’ category, is all too often used as an example of what's wrong with trans women in sport. After graduating, he was happily wrestling on the men's team in college. Now he's focusing on mixed martial arts. Amazingly, people irrationally opposed to trans women in sport think that he's a trans woman. Trans men are often celebrated, but then forgotten. They are vanished from the social imagination since they don't serve the dominant narrative that only focuses on trans women in sport. In some cases, like with Beggs, they're used as pawns against trans women, in contortionist twists of what can at best be loosely called “logic.”And while trans men at least receive some media coverage and accolades for their “bravery”—which is itself an entirely other problem, rooted in misogyny and sexism—non-binary athletes are left out completely. Sport itself is often not structured to include non-binary people. If one isn't easily categorized into the binary man/woman, where should one compete? Many rules require an athlete to choose one, and they then can't change their mind for four years.Without any justification, World Triathlon will not allow a trans athlete to compete in the women's category if they competed in the male category within four years!8 The policy reads: “The athlete must provide a written and signed declaration that she has not competed within the last 4 years in the male category of an official competition in Triathlon or its related Multisport or one of our allied sports of swimming, cycling, athletics or cross-country skiing.” They offer absolutely no justification for this. This is effectively a career killer for any elite trans women who want to compete in triathlon.This binaristic structure of sport comes from on high, from the IOC and the arms-length arbiter of sport disputes, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). In a landmark 2015 CAS decision about intersex female runner Dutee Chand, the CAS's decision reads in part, “There are only two categories of competition: male and female. These categories are together intended to cover all athletes who wish to participate in competitive athletics.”9 The CAS is effectively the supreme court for sport. And even though their previous decisions do not constitute precedent for their future decisions (in fact, their reasoning in Caster Semenya's case was effectively a 180 degree turn from their reasoning in Chand's case), their decisions heavily influence or even constrain what policies IFs may adopt. In this case, athletes wishing to compete in international sport under the CAS's authority may only do so in either the “male” or “female” categories.Common “understanding” is that there is at least some rigid distinction between sex and gender. So, one might question why I'm slipping between using man/woman or boy/girl, which are often understood as “gender” terms, and male/female, which are often understood as “sex” terms. The reason is twofold. First, sport does not make any distinction between “sex” and “gender”: they are used interchangeably. In the aforementioned CAS case, the paragraph following the aforementioned quote reads, in part, “A rule that prevents some women from competing at all . . . is antithetical to the fundamental principle of Olympism that ‘Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind.’”10Second, governments do not make any distinction between “sex” and “gender,” at least not typically. While trans people are not universally able to secure legal recognition of their (transitioned) sex, they are able to in many countries. The United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, Germany, and a long list of other countries have practices of allowing trans people to change the sex designation on their legal documents, including their birth certificates. In Canada, for example, a trans woman can be legally recognized as “female.” As of January 2022, anyone aged twelve or older in British Columbia can have the sex designation on their birth certificate—and therefore all of their identification documents—changed without any medical requirements or even a doctor's note. British Columbia is entirely a self-identification province!There is no legal distinction between being “female” and “a woman” (or “a girl”). Of course, different governments require different things of trans people to acquire this legal recognition, and there can be differences at the federal and state/provincial levels. There are many examples. Consider the language of the UK's 2004 Gender Recognition Act: “Where a full gender recognition certificate is issued to a person, the person's gender becomes for all purposes the acquired gender (so that, if the acquired gender is the male gender, the person's sex becomes that of a man and, if it is the female gender, the person's sex becomes that of a woman).”11 Note the use of “male gender” and “the person's sex becomes that of a man.” The “gender” and “sex” terms are used in combination and interchangeably. Legal identification documents only list “Male” or “Female” or their abbreviations “M” or “F.” One's passport doesn't say “Woman” or “Man.” The idea that either sport or “female-only” social spaces such as bathrooms are segregated on the basis of sex and not gender, leaning on a rigid distinction between sex and gender, is simply not the case.It's simply the case that sport and governments do not make a rigid distinction between sex and gender. Why does this matter, though? Some people who oppose trans women's inclusion in women's sport are increasingly, begrudgingly willing to grant that trans women are women in terms of gender but remain steadfast in their denial that trans women are female in terms of sex. The idea is that we segregate sport on the basis of sex and so, begrudgingly, while trans women may be women, they are not female and thereby shouldn't be permitted into female-only sports categories.My point here is to call attention to the lack of any such distinction in organized sport—including at the Olympic and Commonwealth levels—or in governments. So those who seek to argue for trans women's exclusion on the grounds that they (wrongly) think that sport is segregated on the basis of sex are, well, totally wrong.But it gets worse for them. Prior to 1999, and in practice before the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games, the IOC had various “sex verification” policies to determine whether an athlete was male or female, irrespective of their legal sex.12 However, this only ever applied to those seeking to compete in the women's category. We never scrutinize men and those competing in the men's category. Women's sport is the “protected” category. And in the early days, an athlete thought to be too masculine—which was differentially applied to women of color, since norms of femininity were set by white women's femininity13—would be required to appear before a panel who would inspect her genitals. Anything other than a (white) normative vulva was deemed sufficient evidence that the athlete was not “really” a woman, and so the athlete would be excluded from competition.Eventually, genital inspection was deemed to be insufficient, so the IOC introduced the practice of chromosomal testing. Specifically, they applied the Barr Body test, which merely tests for the existence of a Y sex chromosome. The presence of a Y chromosome constituted a “failure” of the test, and the female athlete would be deemed ineligible and barred from competition (with women). Over time, as scientific understanding of the prevalence of intersex conditions increased, test cases increased. Humans are not sexually dimorphic, meaning that people fall neatly into “XX” (female) and “XY” (male).Rather, humans are bimodally distributed around XX and XY configurations, but there are many other possibilities including XXY, XYY, XO (a null chromosome), and others. Moreover, some XX people have Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), which causes much higher production of testosterone, typically leading the person to develop phenotypically male. Conversely, some XY people have Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS) where while their body produces “typical” male levels of testosterone, their testosterone receptors are insensitive to the hormone, and this typically leads the person to develop phenotypically female.Recognizing this, the IOC last engaged in chromosomal testing of athletes at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, and formally abandoned the practice in 1999. Since then, and noted explicitly in the 2015 CAS decision, all sex verification policies are banned. Sport organizations are no longer in the business of determining whether an athlete is male or female. Instead, the CAS panel notes, “The distinction between male and female is a matter of legal recognition,” whereby “whether a person is female is a matter of law.”14Sports organizations are thereby required to respect an athlete's legally recognized sex. If a trans woman's identification documents say “female,” then she is really female. Those who oppose trans women's inclusion in sport typically say that trans women are not “really” female, but they have no legal standing. They can scream “but biology” all they like: it doesn't change the facts. Sport takes an athlete's legally recognized sex. In many jurisdictions, trans women are legally female.To reiterate, the first line of “argument” from those who oppose trans women's inclusion in women's sport is that sport isn't about gender, it's about sex. And while they may begrudgingly grant that a trans woman is a woman, they deny that she is female. But sport and governments make no such sex/gender distinction.The second line of argument is that trans women are not “really” female and thereby should be excluded from “female” sport. But sport—from the IOC down and all sports under the auspices of the CAS—must respect an athlete's legally recognized sex: they may not have their own sex verification policies. And since trans women can be legally recognized as female, they are really female for the purposes of sport.15In my reading of things over the years, these are the primary arguments of those opposing trans women's inclusion in women's sport. And neither argument holds any water. More recently, some have become at least a little responsive to their losing this battle and have transitioned into what is now the most prevalent argument used against trans women's inclusion in sport: alleged performance advantages.But I want to explain why this is largely irrelevant. Trans athletes’ rights to compete are not contingent on showing that there isn't a competitive advantage. Additionally, because proving a negative is literally impossible, people who oppose trans women's inclusion can forever demand “more study” and the need for “more evidence” before they'll relent. But that day will never come, for they'll continue to manufacture potential sources of evidence even in the absence of any scientific evidence suggesting such a thing exists. My favorite so far is the claim that trans women have “muscle memory,” by which these people mean that trans women's muscles “remember” pre-transition endogenous testosterone. This isn't a thing. They're making this up.16What does matter is the human rights framework. Some balk at the idea that sport is a human right. Others frame this “debate” about trans women in sport as pitting trans women's rights against (cis) women's rights in a kind of conflict of rights. But I'm here to tell you that there is no conflict of rights. Human rights are not like pie: granting rights to trans women does not take any away from cis women.Sport is a human right. After a preamble, the IOC's Olympic Charter lists seven Fundamental Principles of Olympism. The fourth begins with, “The practice of sport is a human right.”17 That's the first full sentence. And they mean competitive sport: the IOC is only concerned with competitive sport. There is no right to win in sport; there is no right to make a team selection in sport. The right is to participate and try to win, to try to make the team, to strive for your best in the Olympic spirit, of mutual understanding, and of fair play.Cis women do not have a right to exclude women they don't like or don't feel comfortable with. Sport and society have a long history of excluding women of color, often trading on these same claims of alleged competitive advantage or not feeling “safe.” But these are not rights. Thus, extending the right for trans and intersex women to compete in sport with other women is not in conflict with other rights. We can't make up rights and claim a conflict. Rights are socially constructed but institutionally enshrined, often in law or policy. These alleged rights that people claim are in conflict with trans women's inclusion in sport don't exist in any institutional or legal sense.Suppose that you're now convinced that participation in (competitive) sport is a human right. And suppose that you're now convinced that trans women are legally female, and thereby belong in women's sport. You might still object to trans women's inclusion on the basis of some notion of “fairness” and alleged unfair competitive advantages that you think trans women have. This is why the human rights framing is what controls the issue, not whatever scientific evidence we may want to argue over, allowing us to distract from the core issue. The IOC is an international organization, as is the CAS. When they speak of “human right(s),” this puts us into the realm of international human rights law and principles. Two frameworks are often invoked: the United Nations “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and the European Court of Human Rights “European Convention on Human Rights.” The CAS and the IOC are situated in Switzerland, which falls under both.Both frameworks require the elimination of discrimination against women on the basis of sex (or gender; remember, these are interchangeable). This isn't to say that discrimination is never justifiable. “Discrimination” can be a neutral term, simply referring to the distinguishing between different groups or categories. In common use, “discrimination” refers only to the unjustified, unethical, or illegal forms of discrimination. But international human rights frameworks include provisions for when we can justify what is otherwise discriminatory.There's a four-fold test. First, the policy must be in service of a worthy social goal. We have prisons and override the right to freedom of movement, partly on the grounds that doing so is in service of the worthy social goal of “promoting public safety.” We can argue about whether this is effective, but the first test is merely to ensure that policies are in service of a worthy social goal. In sport, policies are in service of the worthy social goal of fairness. This first test is a very low bar to clear. You'd have to effectively trip over it to fail.Second, the policy must be necessary for the promotion of the worthy social goal. If we can achieve the worthy social goal without infringing upon human rights, then we must. We can only potentially be justified in overriding human rights if doing so is necessary for promoting a worthy social goal. Arguably, the death penalty is not necessary for promoting public safety, and thus arguably fails this second test.The core issue is whether excluding trans women from women's sport is necessary for promoting fairness in competition. More on that below.Third, the policy must be effective at promoting the worthy social goal. Even if a discriminatory policy might be judged necessary for promoting a worthy social goal, if it isn't effective at doing so, then it fails to be justified. A primary justification for the death penalty is to deter other crime. Arguably, evidence suggests that the death penalty is not effective at such deterrence. And since there are other methods capable of preventing someone from reoffending, the death penalty is neither necessary nor effective, and so is not justified.Finally, the benefit from promoting the worthy social goal must be proportional to the harm caused to the group or individuals discriminated against by the policy. Generally, policies that discriminate against already vulnerable or stigmatized social groups, even if they are necessary and effective in service of a worthy social goal, will fail to be sufficiently proportional. Appeal to the small size of a group will not suffice, either: the proportionality test is not a utilitarian calculus whereby a large group can benefit greatly at the expense of a few.18For our purposes, another issue is whether the harm to trans women caused by excluding them from women's sport is proportional to any proposed benefit to (cis) women. More on that below.In an unprecedented move, the UN Human Rights Council released a statement calling on the UN high commissioner for human rights to look into discriminatory policies in sport, including restrictions on endogenous testosterone in women, calling out World Athletes, then still known as the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), by name.19 The statement reads in part: Expresses concern that discriminatory regulations, rules and practices that may require women and girl athletes with differences of sex development, androgen sensitivity and levels of testosterone to medically reduce their blood testosterone levels contravene international human rights norms and standards, including the right to equality and nondiscrimination, the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, the right to sexual and reproductive health, the right to work and to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work, the right to privacy, the right to freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and harmful practices, and full respect for the dignity, bodily integrity and bodily autonomy of the person.20The statement also explicitly refers to the aforementioned international human rights framework: Noting with concern also that the eligibility regulations for the female classification published by the International Association of Athletics Federations that came into effect on 1 November 2018 are not compatible with international human rights norms and standards, including the rights of women with differences of sex development, and concerned at the absence of legitimate and justifiable evidence for the regulations to the extent that they may not be reasonable and objective, and that there is no clear relationship of proportionality between the aim of the regulations and the proposed measures and their impact.21What's most crucial about sport being a human right is that the default position is inclusion. The default is not “Exclude trans women until we have more evidence about there not being a competitive advantage.” Rather, the default must be “Include trans women unless we have sufficient evidence to justify discrimination in an international human rights framework.” In my work, I argue that the latter will never happen, since we permit much larger competitive advantages on the basis of natural physical characteristics than what could ever be possibly attributed to higher unaltered endogenous testosterone.This is why the human rights framework controls this “debate.” The practice of sport is a human right (IOC Charter), sex is a matter of legal recognition (CAS), and trans women can be legally recognized as female. Therefore, trans women have a human right to participate in competitive sport as women, as female.Trans women don't have to justify our inclusion. The burden of argument is entirely on those who seek to exclude us. And, as I'll briefly prove, that burden has not yet been met, and is unlikely ever to be met.22In order to exclude a group of people based on an alleged competitive advantage, as noted just now, such a policy would need to be in service of a worthy social goal, necessary and effective at promoting that goal, and the benefit to society proportional to the harm caused by the policy. Trans-exclusionary policies fail on every measure except that the policies are at least plausibly in service of the worthy social goal of “fairness in competition.” But as I said above, the bar for passing that test is so low you'd have to trip over it to fail.How much advantage do trans women have in sport? I'm here to say: it doesn't matter. It really doesn't. Let's assume for the sake of argument that there is an inherently biological cause of the gender performance gap where we see an approximately 10–12 percent difference between peak (cis) men's performances and peak (cis) women's performances. Let's just assume this, even though I think it's false.23 Let's also assume for the sake of argument that trans women are physiologically coextensive with cis men. We are going to assume this, even though I think it's definitely false. My point here is even if we grant these dubious assumptions, this is not enough to justify the exclusion of trans women from women's sport.Some will recoil: but isn't this why we have men's and women's sport? Don't we sex segregate sport because men are stronger and faster? No. The history of sex segregation and banning women from sport (back to ancient Greek Olympic Games) is not because men are stronger: women were originally banned outright. Prior to the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, there was no women's marathon event. Prior to the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, there was no women's event in the 1500 meters or any event longer than 800 meters. Women weren't allowed into the Boston Marathon when, in 1967, Kathrine Switzer broke the rules to participate. The event director, Jock Semple, tried to attack her by ripping off her race numbers, only to be tackled by her husband, and she was allowed to finish the race.24 Jock claimed he was trying to “protect the integrity” of the race by doing this.When asked why women were not originally allowed to compete in the modern Olympics, the founder Pierre de Coubertin said, “I do not approve of the participation of women in public competitions. In the Olympic Games, their primary role should be to crown the victors.”25 He also said that “an Olympiad with females would be impractical, uninteresting, unaesthetic and improper.”26 Because of this, while visiting the IOC headquarters for the 2019 consultation process, I was sure to take a photo with a “power pose” leaning over his desk, which is displayed on the (if I recall correctly) fourth floor of the new building.In the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, the sports shooting competition was not sex segregated (just like equestrian still is). A Chinese woman, Zhang Shan won the gold medal. In the following 1996 Olympic Games, the IOC sex segregated the event and did not offer a women's category for the event in which she won gold. The defending gold medalist was thus banned from competition. The current women's chess world champion is not permitted to compete for the men's world championship. Billiards, darts, bowling, and a long list of other sports are sex segregated with no plausible physiological explanation.None of these policies are or were because there's an alleged fundamental biological advantage that men have over women. This isn't why, historically, sport is sex segregated. Sport both reflects and leads social attitudes. Societies the world over were and continue to be sex segregated, relegating women to second-class status. Post hoc rationalizations abound, but simple sexism explains why we sex segregate sport. We should have no illusion otherwise.However, this is all irrelevant. My point, again, is that even if we grant that (cis) men are inherently stronger than (cis) women, and we grant that trans women are physiologically coextensive with cis men, excluding trans women is not justified in an international human rights framework.Why is this? First, because claims like “men are stronger than women” are, strictly speaking, false. There are many women who are stronger than many men. These claims, instead, are either: the average man is stronger (taller/faster/etc.) than the average woman; or the best man is stronger (taller/faster/etc.) than the best woman. At present, these latter claims are true. But both elide the massive ranges within men and women. The shortest, weakest, slowest man is often the same as the shortest, weakest, and slowest woman.27Elite women athletes are considerably stronger than the average cis man, and certainly the average trans woman. The average height of the Rio 2016 Olympics women's high jump podium was 6'1.7
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