2468 - 1873 / XX + 65.00美元。00©XXXX Bentham Science Publishers聚醚化壳聚糖可生物降解纳米颗粒递送鼠尾草和药用草增强脑靶向

Q3 Medicine
Sanjana Datta, Asmita Gajbhiye, Shailendra Patil
{"title":"2468 - 1873 / XX + 65.00美元。00©XXXX Bentham Science Publishers聚醚化壳聚糖可生物降解纳米颗粒递送鼠尾草和药用草增强脑靶向","authors":"Sanjana Datta, Asmita Gajbhiye, Shailendra Patil","doi":"10.2174/0124681873259506231015050850","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"Background:: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition characterized by the gradual decline of cognitive abilities, primarily caused by impairments in the cholinergic system. AD is diagnosed based on the presence of specific pathological features, in-cluding senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, and the loss of neurons and synapses. Despite on-going efforts, the etiology of AD remains unclear, and there is a significant lack of effective treatments to meet the medical needs of affected individuals. The complex nature of AD, involv-ing multiple factors, presents challenges in the development of potential therapies. Numerous ob-stacles hinder the achievement of optimal pharmacological concentration of promising molecules for AD treatment. These obstacles include the presence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which restricts the entry of therapeutic agents into the brain, as well as issues related to poor bioavaila-bility and unfavorable pharmacokinetic profiles. Unfortunately, many therapeutically promising compounds have failed to overcome these hurdles and demonstrate efficacy in treating AD. background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that is manifested by depleted cognitive abilities resulted due to cholinergic impairments. AD is further diagnosed with pathological hallmarks including senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and neuronal and synaptic death. With constant efforts, few therapeutic targets and interventions have been identified but AD is still a disease with unclear etiopathology and unmet medical needs. The multifactorial nature of AD poses difficulties to develop a potential treatment. Unfortunately, large numbers of therapeutically efficient molecules for the treatment of AD failed to attain optimal pharmacological concentration due to numerous hurdles such as the presence of blood-brain barrier (BBB), poor bioavailability, or pharmacokinetic profile. Methods:: The PEGylated chitosan nanoconjugate was developed and evaluated for delivery of anti-Alzheimer natural extract of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis to the brain. The nano-conjugates (S-PCN and M-PCN) were developed by ionic gelation technique. Result:: The nanoconjugates (S-PCN and M-PCN) were evaluated for various optical and in-vitro parameters. MTT assay on UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells indicated IC50 values of 0.42, 0.49, 0.67, and 0.75 μM for S-PCN, M-PCN formulations, and free Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis extracts, respectively. The In vitro assessments using cell lines have confirmed the improved uptake and distribution of nanoconjugates compared to free extracts. These findings were validated through confocal microscopy and apoptosis assays, revealing a substantial in-crease in the accumulation of nanoconjugates within the brain. The targeting potential OF M- PCN over S-PCN was found to be 2-fold significant. method: 1. Sample Preparation - Crude drug Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis, plants were collected from the botanical gardens of Warangal and Tirupathi and authenticated.The two plants, 1 g each, were crushed (using a lab mill) for 1 min, to obtain the corresponding powder. The extraction powder was performed as described in previous reports, via addition of 100 mL boiling water to 1 g of plant powder and after 5 min, the extract was filtered through a 0.45 mm filter. This procedure was optimized to obtain the highest potential activity of these plants. After the crude plant sedimentation, samples were filtered and maintained at 80 ͦ C, for freeze-drying procedures (Heto Holten A/S Drywinner, Allerød, Denmark). Then, solutions of 1% (w/v) of freeze-dried powder were dissolved in methanol for analytical evaluation other activity tests. Before injections, samples were filtered again through a 0.45 mm filter. 2. Preparation of PEGylated Chitosan Nanoparticles - Ionotropic gelation technique was employed for the synthesis of chitosan, encapsulating whole Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis extract separately. Accurately weighed 100 mg of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis extract and 0.4% w/v of Chitosan were dissolved in 1% v/v aqueous glacial acetic acid (GAA) solution. Drop wise addition of 0.4% Sodium tripolyphosphate solution (TPP) was performed in drug polymer solution at the rate of 2ml/min (12 ml TPP in 20 ml drug polymer solution). The obtained particles dispersion were sonicated using a probe sonicator (S-4000; Misonix, Farmingdale, NY) at medium amplitude (50%) for 5 min to obtain nano sized particles. The dispersion was then filtered through a 0.2 um hydrophilic filter (Minsart, Sartorius) for isolation of smaller nanosize particles in order to achieve maximum transportation at targeted site. The nano sized particles, thus obtained were carefully purified by ultrafiltration (Amicon 8200 with a millipore PBMK membrane, MWCO 300000) against double distilled water at optimal temperature. The ultrafiltration facilitates elimination of residual of unreacted solvent and unbound drug. For the PEgylation process, accurately 50 mL of 0.3 % chitosan nanoparticles were added into polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution with a ratio of 3:1 and stirred at 500 rpm for 1 h. Further, dispersion was applied to the mixture for 60 seconds to produce homogeneous PEG-Chitosan nanoparticles. Result The formation of the PEGylated chitosan nanoparticles entrapping natural extract Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis ensued impulsively upon combination of the pawn anion TPP into the consistent Chitosan polymer solutions. Nanoparticle formation resulted from the ionic interactions between the negative charge ion TPP and the positively charged amino groups of Chitosan. The ratio of CS/TPP was optimized to attained stable dispersion and formation of nanosize particles. Preliminary experiments were performed in order to identify the optimal concentrations of CS and TPP for NP formation. The process parameters along with formulation parameters were thoroughly optimized for the achievement of physiochemical and thermal stable nanoparticles. The obtaining nano size particles were broadly characterized as either a clear solution, an opalescent suspension displaying a tyndall effect (NPs), or aggregate. 1 Particle size, Zeta Potential and Morphology The results achieved from the zeta sizer measurement displayed very distinct size of prepared S-PCN and M-PCN formulations ranging 150-250 nm (Figure 1- a &amp; b). The nano size of the S-PCN, M-PCN formulations displayed decent encapsulation of extract in the polymer matrix due to the formulation and process optimization. The surface charge of both nanoformulation S-PCN, M-PCN was found to be -10.89 mV and -16.21 mV respectively (Figure 1- e &amp; f) demonstrated negative charge nature of both formulation. The negative charge of formulation showed better stability and optimum candidature for enhance brain targeting. The pH of S-PCN, M-PCN formulations was measured as 6.9 ± 0.01 which play a vital role in nearly neutral microenvironment delivery for efficient brain targeting. The pH facilitate targeting mechanism act as the key element for the onsite degradation of the polymer matrix. This polymeric degradation activation mechanism enhanced the drug release at a controlled rate resulting into the desired therapeutic potential. 2 DLS Analysis The DLS outcomes again nanosize range dispersion of prepared S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulation. The size distribution pattern of both nanoformulation is some identical to each other exhibiting size range of 160-240 nm for S-PCN and 150-230 nm for M-PCN formulation. The optimal nanosize range of both nanoformulation demonstrated the enhanced brain delivery and onsite targeting which efficiently comply the size of cells and its micro-environment. The DLS investigations showed diverse size distribution of and dispersion pattern. The PDI exhibited by S-PCN and M-PCN was found to be of 0.271 ± 0.08 and 0.259 ± 0.11. The DLS results showed enhance stability with even size distribution pattern of prepared nanoparticles between 100-500 nm (Figure 1-c &amp; d). This nanosize stable pattern facilitates enhance diffusion of prepared nanoparticles across the blood brain barriers leading to optimal pharmacological potential during brain targeting. Therefore, it can be unswervingly state out that both the nanoformulations exhibited optimal and stable nano dispersal features for the operative brain targeting against Alzheimer management in clinical platform. 3 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) The TEM analysis showed very discrete particles size exhibiting oval shape nanoparticles of both nanoformulation. The size revealed by TEM analysis for S-PCN and M-PCN was ranging 100-250 nm validating DLS measurement zeta sizer analysis (Figure 2- a &amp; b). The formation of nanoparticles by entrapping natural extract showed better crosslinking between polymer and cross linker avoiding unwanted leakage. Also the aggregation of nanoparticles was found negligible showing better PEGylation process of chitosan boundaries. The TEM outcomes displayed suitable nano carrier system for the effective brain delivery, revealing decent BBB infiltration appearance of both nanoformulation. 4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) The SEM analysis significantly the results obtained by zeta sizer and TEM assay showing fine particles formation with spherical shape and smooth morphology. The SEM images noteworthy validates the sharp oval boundaries of both nanoformulation exhibiting better PEGylation process. The SEM images also clarifies no sign of clusters formation of agglomeration of particles showing significant PEG outer layer. The SEM analysis exhibiting size range of 150-250 nm again qualitatively validating the TEM, and zeta-sizer analysis and confirming the ideal brain targeting delivery characteristics of both S-PCN and M-PCN (Figure 2 – c &amp; d). 5 In-vitro drug release studies In vitro drug release data of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis extract associated with PEGylated nanoformulations is demonstrated in figure 3- a &amp; b. The drug release pattern from both the nanoformulation S-PCN and M-PCN at different pH (4.0 &amp; 7.4) exhibited a non-linear release profile characterized by a relatively faster initial drug release during the first 3-4 h, followed by slower release in later period. The two pH range was provided to deeply evaluate the effect of nanoformulations for better brain targeting and onsite delivery. The biphasic drug release pattern was observed by both nanoformulation with initial bursting of nanoparticles in early 1-8 h followed by slow release in 24 h. The in-vitro drug release studies suggested that initially both S-PCN and M-PCN provided burst release of drug extract at pH 4.0. The drug release was found to be 89.45 ± 3.67 % at 6h, 91.42 ± 2.11 at 8 h, 90.26 ± 1.84 % at 6 h and 95.67 ± 2.20 % at 8 h for S-PCN and M-PCN, respectively. On the contrary at pH 7 the drug release was significantly (P < 0> S-PCN. 6 In vitro cellular uptake The capacity of cellular targeting and intracellular transport of developed nanoformulation S-PCN and M-PCN evaluated and measured by using UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells line. The human astrocytoma cells line are imperative part of BBB and broadly engaged for the examination of brain delivery. The developed S-PCN and M-PCN showed noteworthy cellular acceptance and circulation compared to the free drug extract of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis when evaluated by CLSM analysis. The CLSM signals for the developed S-PCN and M-PCN were resilient and sharp with enhance absorbance when treated with Rhodamine B isothiocyanate (RITC) compared to the free drug extract of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis suspension on incubation for 12 h (Figure 4). In addition, the confocal laser scanning microscopic intense fluorescence signals displayed by nanoformulations showed the clear sign of vesicular localization of nanoparticles demonstrating enhance endocytic pathway progression. The CLSM signals showed by M-PCN samples treated UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells showed sharp red fluorescence signal around the cell nucleus when compared to the cells treated S-PCN incubated at 4 h and 12 h of time periods which is found enhanced and significant. The results of CLSM intensity examination showed 2 folds enhance cellular uptake and resilience in-vitro by M-PCN compared to S-PCN on the brain cell membranes. The S-PCN and M-PCN treated cells were also quantitatively observed inductively attached with the plasma optical emission (ICP-OE) spectrometry for 12 h of incubation. The results efficiently inveterate that the around ~45% of M-PCN and ~33% of S-PCN nanoformulation have pointedly traversed into the BBB layer, validated by the transwell assay at basolateral side. The free drug extracts showed scanty diffusion across BBB via UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells of ~16% signifying non-significant intracellular transport and penetrating efficiency due to early adsorption at cell membrane restricting direct diffusion to the cells (Figure 3c). Overall, at different incubation time interval, the cell uptake and transportation capability of M-PCN was remarkable compared to S-PCN with strong fluorescent adverts bereft of any morphological difference in cell lines, resulting in enhanced brain targeting efficiency. 7 In vitro cytotoxicity assay The MTT assay was employed for the investigation of developed M-PCN and S-PCN toward UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells. The MTT assay qualitatively showed significant anti-proliferation capability of nanoformulations in 24h of incubation. The investigations showed sharp cell viability of 100% and 10% by control Normal control (saline solution) and negative control group (Triton X 100 surfactant solution) respectively. The developed S-PCN and M-PCN showed notable cell viability of 96%, 89%, 76% &amp; 65% and 98%, 90%, 80% &amp; 71% at different concentration (0.1, 1, 10 and 20 μg/mL of individual concentration) on 24 h of incubation (Figure 3d). Whereas free drug extract of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis showed cell viability of 96%, 88%, 68%, &amp; 48% and 95%, 86%, 69% &amp; 52% respectively on 24 h of incubation. The MTT investigation established non-significant cell cytotoxicity by different samples in 24h of incubation showing nonlinear relationship between incubation time and anti-proliferation efficiency. The MTT results clearly displayed significant cell viability of nanoformulation over free drug extract in 24 h of incubation expressing biologically safe brain targeting efficiency with negligible toxicity on human astrocytoma cells. The enhance cell viability showed by developed S-PCN and M-PCN is due to better physiochemical compatibility between nanocomposite resulting in efficient cellular transport and brain delivery. On inter-comparison of nanoformulation the cell viability of M-PCN is greater than S-PCN with less cell cytotoxicity at higher concentration. The inter-comparison results showed better endocytosis and resilience of M-PCN which is found statistically significant when analyzed by student’s T test. Overall the cell toxicity examinations clearly expounds that the developed nanocomposite may be used as novel drug carrier encapsulating natural extract for the treatment of brain diseases as targeted delivery system. 8 Apoptosis assay The Apoptosis investigation showed by free drug extract, S-PCN and M-PCN and verified striking apoptosis at all concentrations. The developed S-PCN and M-PCN showed inherent apoptosis compared to the free drug extract. It has been noted out that both S-PCN and M-PCN showed mitochondrial apoptosis phenomenon or death activator by provoking cell surface receptor. By activating cell surface receptor the activation of caspase cascade establishes optimum cell death which results in desired apoptosis process. The apoptosis index of free drug were found to be 0.39 and 0.42 for Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis respectively whereas the S-PCN and M-PCN showed apoptotic index of 0.66 and 0.79 respectively. The nanoformulation showed significant apoptosis action compared to plain free natural extract which is nearly two folds more and found significant (*P<0.01) (Figure 5). The chief cause for better apoptosis of nanoformulation over free drug extract is the nanosized particles, causing quick onsite drug transportation, sufficient distribution and better release. On inter-comparison of S-PCN and M-PCN the apoptosis potential is significant showed by m-PCN compared to S-PCN when analyzed by student T test. Overall PEgylation of chitosan nanoparticles facilitates better circulation of nanoparticles in brain microenvironment causing extended release and negligible drug toxicity resulting in better brain targeting against Alzheimer disease. Conclusion:: Based on the findings, it can be inferred that biodegradable PEGylated chitosan nanoconjugates hold promise as effective nano-targeting agents for delivering anti-Alzheimer drugs to the brain. The incorporation of PEGylated chitosan nanoparticles in this approach demonstrates enhanced delivery capabilities, ultimately leading to improved therapeutic out-comes. other: Characterization 1 Particle size, Zeta potential, pH and Morphology The developed S-PCN, M-PCN particle size and surface charge was measured by Malvern Zetasizer 3000 particle size and zeta potential analyzer (Malvern Instruments, Bedfordshire, UK). The Zeta potential of S-PCN, M-PCN was examined by smearing the principle of electrophoretic movement of particles in an applied electrical field. The concentration of both S-PCN, M-PCN formulation was attuned at 0.01% w/v by distilled water or in 0.01 M sodium chloride solution for potential assessment. The pH was calculated by using a digital pH meter (HI-TECH WATER TECH. New Delhi, India). The pH meter was first calibrated using buffer tablet, the pH meter was dipped in a beaker comprising S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations on post calibration. The nanoformulations, evaluation was triplicated and the measurement was repeated thrice with an average value along with SD was reported. 2 Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) The S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations was examined for the Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) investigating mean diameter and PDI by employing Brook-heaven BI 9000 AT instrument (Brookheaven Instrument Corporation, USA). The DLS examination was measured for the more distinct and significant evaluation of both S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations. The DLS evaluation were done at wavelength 417 and 215 nm for S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations receptively at temperature of 25°C. 3.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) The TEM of both S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations was measured by using Hitachi H-7500 TEM analyzer. TEM metaphors were obtained to visualize the shape and structure of nanoformulaion. The S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations were coated with 2.5% w/v of phosphor-tungstic acid (PTA) solution and placed in a copper disc grid. The grid was then desiccated in 60 watt LED lamp (Philips, India Ltd) and was finally placed into the disc holder and scanned for TEM evaluation. 4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) The morphology and structure of prepared S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations were analyzed by SEM, Nova Nano SEM 450, Germany. Before the SEM assessment, the formulations were lyophilized by using freeze dry lyophilizer (REMI, New Delhi, India). The dried formulations were then placed on a SEM stub by using dual adhesive tape at 50mA 5-10 minutes via sputter (KYKY SBC-12, Beijing, China). A SEM aided with secondary electron detector was engaged to get the digital images of the developed S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations. 5 Entrapment Efficiency (EE): EE plays essential part in transporting the bioactive to the targeted site at detailed therapeutic dose in order to get the anticipated therapeutic value. To measure the EE, both the nanoformulations were centrifuged at 10000 rpm for 5 minutes to obtain the pellets. The collected supernatant was carefully diluted with PBS of pH 7 and the drug content was determined spectrophotometrically by using UV spectrophotometer (Schimadzu, Japan) at 317 nm and 215 nm for S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulation respectively against a blank solvent. The EE can be measured by using the following formula: EE= weight of drug in nanoformulation / initial weight of drug taken x 100 6 In vitro Drug Release studies The release of from both S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations was tracked to predict the diffusion and kinetic behavior of the nanosystems for desired therapeutic efficiency. For release studies, both S-PCN and M-PCN obtained after centrifugation were suspended in 10 mL of a phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution, pH 7.4. This nanoparticle suspension was transferred to clean Eppendorf’s tube and placed in a water bath at 37 °C under stirring. After 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 24 h, samples were collected from the bath and centrifuged at 14 000 rpm for 5 min (BOECO, Hamburg, Germany). Supernatants were analyzed by UV spectroscopy and used to calculate the amount of drug released from the nanoparticles over the specified time. Triplicate samples were analyzed at each time. 7 Cell Line studies 7.1 Cell Culture and Seeding The Human UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells line was obtained from NCCs Pune and was conserved in Dulbecco’s modified Eagles Medium. The cell line was then supplemented with 10","PeriodicalId":10818,"journal":{"name":"Current Nanomedicine","volume":"56 4","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0000,"publicationDate":"2023-10-24","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"2468-1873/XX $65.00+.00 © XXXX Bentham Science Publishers Pegylated Chitosan Biodegradable Nanoparticles Delivery of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis for Enhanced Brain Targeting\",\"authors\":\"Sanjana Datta, Asmita Gajbhiye, Shailendra Patil\",\"doi\":\"10.2174/0124681873259506231015050850\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"Background:: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition characterized by the gradual decline of cognitive abilities, primarily caused by impairments in the cholinergic system. AD is diagnosed based on the presence of specific pathological features, in-cluding senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, and the loss of neurons and synapses. Despite on-going efforts, the etiology of AD remains unclear, and there is a significant lack of effective treatments to meet the medical needs of affected individuals. The complex nature of AD, involv-ing multiple factors, presents challenges in the development of potential therapies. Numerous ob-stacles hinder the achievement of optimal pharmacological concentration of promising molecules for AD treatment. These obstacles include the presence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which restricts the entry of therapeutic agents into the brain, as well as issues related to poor bioavaila-bility and unfavorable pharmacokinetic profiles. Unfortunately, many therapeutically promising compounds have failed to overcome these hurdles and demonstrate efficacy in treating AD. background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that is manifested by depleted cognitive abilities resulted due to cholinergic impairments. AD is further diagnosed with pathological hallmarks including senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and neuronal and synaptic death. With constant efforts, few therapeutic targets and interventions have been identified but AD is still a disease with unclear etiopathology and unmet medical needs. The multifactorial nature of AD poses difficulties to develop a potential treatment. Unfortunately, large numbers of therapeutically efficient molecules for the treatment of AD failed to attain optimal pharmacological concentration due to numerous hurdles such as the presence of blood-brain barrier (BBB), poor bioavailability, or pharmacokinetic profile. Methods:: The PEGylated chitosan nanoconjugate was developed and evaluated for delivery of anti-Alzheimer natural extract of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis to the brain. The nano-conjugates (S-PCN and M-PCN) were developed by ionic gelation technique. Result:: The nanoconjugates (S-PCN and M-PCN) were evaluated for various optical and in-vitro parameters. MTT assay on UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells indicated IC50 values of 0.42, 0.49, 0.67, and 0.75 μM for S-PCN, M-PCN formulations, and free Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis extracts, respectively. The In vitro assessments using cell lines have confirmed the improved uptake and distribution of nanoconjugates compared to free extracts. These findings were validated through confocal microscopy and apoptosis assays, revealing a substantial in-crease in the accumulation of nanoconjugates within the brain. The targeting potential OF M- PCN over S-PCN was found to be 2-fold significant. method: 1. Sample Preparation - Crude drug Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis, plants were collected from the botanical gardens of Warangal and Tirupathi and authenticated.The two plants, 1 g each, were crushed (using a lab mill) for 1 min, to obtain the corresponding powder. The extraction powder was performed as described in previous reports, via addition of 100 mL boiling water to 1 g of plant powder and after 5 min, the extract was filtered through a 0.45 mm filter. This procedure was optimized to obtain the highest potential activity of these plants. After the crude plant sedimentation, samples were filtered and maintained at 80 ͦ C, for freeze-drying procedures (Heto Holten A/S Drywinner, Allerød, Denmark). Then, solutions of 1% (w/v) of freeze-dried powder were dissolved in methanol for analytical evaluation other activity tests. Before injections, samples were filtered again through a 0.45 mm filter. 2. Preparation of PEGylated Chitosan Nanoparticles - Ionotropic gelation technique was employed for the synthesis of chitosan, encapsulating whole Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis extract separately. Accurately weighed 100 mg of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis extract and 0.4% w/v of Chitosan were dissolved in 1% v/v aqueous glacial acetic acid (GAA) solution. Drop wise addition of 0.4% Sodium tripolyphosphate solution (TPP) was performed in drug polymer solution at the rate of 2ml/min (12 ml TPP in 20 ml drug polymer solution). The obtained particles dispersion were sonicated using a probe sonicator (S-4000; Misonix, Farmingdale, NY) at medium amplitude (50%) for 5 min to obtain nano sized particles. The dispersion was then filtered through a 0.2 um hydrophilic filter (Minsart, Sartorius) for isolation of smaller nanosize particles in order to achieve maximum transportation at targeted site. The nano sized particles, thus obtained were carefully purified by ultrafiltration (Amicon 8200 with a millipore PBMK membrane, MWCO 300000) against double distilled water at optimal temperature. The ultrafiltration facilitates elimination of residual of unreacted solvent and unbound drug. For the PEgylation process, accurately 50 mL of 0.3 % chitosan nanoparticles were added into polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution with a ratio of 3:1 and stirred at 500 rpm for 1 h. Further, dispersion was applied to the mixture for 60 seconds to produce homogeneous PEG-Chitosan nanoparticles. Result The formation of the PEGylated chitosan nanoparticles entrapping natural extract Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis ensued impulsively upon combination of the pawn anion TPP into the consistent Chitosan polymer solutions. Nanoparticle formation resulted from the ionic interactions between the negative charge ion TPP and the positively charged amino groups of Chitosan. The ratio of CS/TPP was optimized to attained stable dispersion and formation of nanosize particles. Preliminary experiments were performed in order to identify the optimal concentrations of CS and TPP for NP formation. The process parameters along with formulation parameters were thoroughly optimized for the achievement of physiochemical and thermal stable nanoparticles. The obtaining nano size particles were broadly characterized as either a clear solution, an opalescent suspension displaying a tyndall effect (NPs), or aggregate. 1 Particle size, Zeta Potential and Morphology The results achieved from the zeta sizer measurement displayed very distinct size of prepared S-PCN and M-PCN formulations ranging 150-250 nm (Figure 1- a &amp; b). The nano size of the S-PCN, M-PCN formulations displayed decent encapsulation of extract in the polymer matrix due to the formulation and process optimization. The surface charge of both nanoformulation S-PCN, M-PCN was found to be -10.89 mV and -16.21 mV respectively (Figure 1- e &amp; f) demonstrated negative charge nature of both formulation. The negative charge of formulation showed better stability and optimum candidature for enhance brain targeting. The pH of S-PCN, M-PCN formulations was measured as 6.9 ± 0.01 which play a vital role in nearly neutral microenvironment delivery for efficient brain targeting. The pH facilitate targeting mechanism act as the key element for the onsite degradation of the polymer matrix. This polymeric degradation activation mechanism enhanced the drug release at a controlled rate resulting into the desired therapeutic potential. 2 DLS Analysis The DLS outcomes again nanosize range dispersion of prepared S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulation. The size distribution pattern of both nanoformulation is some identical to each other exhibiting size range of 160-240 nm for S-PCN and 150-230 nm for M-PCN formulation. The optimal nanosize range of both nanoformulation demonstrated the enhanced brain delivery and onsite targeting which efficiently comply the size of cells and its micro-environment. The DLS investigations showed diverse size distribution of and dispersion pattern. The PDI exhibited by S-PCN and M-PCN was found to be of 0.271 ± 0.08 and 0.259 ± 0.11. The DLS results showed enhance stability with even size distribution pattern of prepared nanoparticles between 100-500 nm (Figure 1-c &amp; d). This nanosize stable pattern facilitates enhance diffusion of prepared nanoparticles across the blood brain barriers leading to optimal pharmacological potential during brain targeting. Therefore, it can be unswervingly state out that both the nanoformulations exhibited optimal and stable nano dispersal features for the operative brain targeting against Alzheimer management in clinical platform. 3 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) The TEM analysis showed very discrete particles size exhibiting oval shape nanoparticles of both nanoformulation. The size revealed by TEM analysis for S-PCN and M-PCN was ranging 100-250 nm validating DLS measurement zeta sizer analysis (Figure 2- a &amp; b). The formation of nanoparticles by entrapping natural extract showed better crosslinking between polymer and cross linker avoiding unwanted leakage. Also the aggregation of nanoparticles was found negligible showing better PEGylation process of chitosan boundaries. The TEM outcomes displayed suitable nano carrier system for the effective brain delivery, revealing decent BBB infiltration appearance of both nanoformulation. 4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) The SEM analysis significantly the results obtained by zeta sizer and TEM assay showing fine particles formation with spherical shape and smooth morphology. The SEM images noteworthy validates the sharp oval boundaries of both nanoformulation exhibiting better PEGylation process. The SEM images also clarifies no sign of clusters formation of agglomeration of particles showing significant PEG outer layer. The SEM analysis exhibiting size range of 150-250 nm again qualitatively validating the TEM, and zeta-sizer analysis and confirming the ideal brain targeting delivery characteristics of both S-PCN and M-PCN (Figure 2 – c &amp; d). 5 In-vitro drug release studies In vitro drug release data of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis extract associated with PEGylated nanoformulations is demonstrated in figure 3- a &amp; b. The drug release pattern from both the nanoformulation S-PCN and M-PCN at different pH (4.0 &amp; 7.4) exhibited a non-linear release profile characterized by a relatively faster initial drug release during the first 3-4 h, followed by slower release in later period. The two pH range was provided to deeply evaluate the effect of nanoformulations for better brain targeting and onsite delivery. The biphasic drug release pattern was observed by both nanoformulation with initial bursting of nanoparticles in early 1-8 h followed by slow release in 24 h. The in-vitro drug release studies suggested that initially both S-PCN and M-PCN provided burst release of drug extract at pH 4.0. The drug release was found to be 89.45 ± 3.67 % at 6h, 91.42 ± 2.11 at 8 h, 90.26 ± 1.84 % at 6 h and 95.67 ± 2.20 % at 8 h for S-PCN and M-PCN, respectively. On the contrary at pH 7 the drug release was significantly (P < 0> S-PCN. 6 In vitro cellular uptake The capacity of cellular targeting and intracellular transport of developed nanoformulation S-PCN and M-PCN evaluated and measured by using UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells line. The human astrocytoma cells line are imperative part of BBB and broadly engaged for the examination of brain delivery. The developed S-PCN and M-PCN showed noteworthy cellular acceptance and circulation compared to the free drug extract of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis when evaluated by CLSM analysis. The CLSM signals for the developed S-PCN and M-PCN were resilient and sharp with enhance absorbance when treated with Rhodamine B isothiocyanate (RITC) compared to the free drug extract of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis suspension on incubation for 12 h (Figure 4). In addition, the confocal laser scanning microscopic intense fluorescence signals displayed by nanoformulations showed the clear sign of vesicular localization of nanoparticles demonstrating enhance endocytic pathway progression. The CLSM signals showed by M-PCN samples treated UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells showed sharp red fluorescence signal around the cell nucleus when compared to the cells treated S-PCN incubated at 4 h and 12 h of time periods which is found enhanced and significant. The results of CLSM intensity examination showed 2 folds enhance cellular uptake and resilience in-vitro by M-PCN compared to S-PCN on the brain cell membranes. The S-PCN and M-PCN treated cells were also quantitatively observed inductively attached with the plasma optical emission (ICP-OE) spectrometry for 12 h of incubation. The results efficiently inveterate that the around ~45% of M-PCN and ~33% of S-PCN nanoformulation have pointedly traversed into the BBB layer, validated by the transwell assay at basolateral side. The free drug extracts showed scanty diffusion across BBB via UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells of ~16% signifying non-significant intracellular transport and penetrating efficiency due to early adsorption at cell membrane restricting direct diffusion to the cells (Figure 3c). Overall, at different incubation time interval, the cell uptake and transportation capability of M-PCN was remarkable compared to S-PCN with strong fluorescent adverts bereft of any morphological difference in cell lines, resulting in enhanced brain targeting efficiency. 7 In vitro cytotoxicity assay The MTT assay was employed for the investigation of developed M-PCN and S-PCN toward UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells. The MTT assay qualitatively showed significant anti-proliferation capability of nanoformulations in 24h of incubation. The investigations showed sharp cell viability of 100% and 10% by control Normal control (saline solution) and negative control group (Triton X 100 surfactant solution) respectively. The developed S-PCN and M-PCN showed notable cell viability of 96%, 89%, 76% &amp; 65% and 98%, 90%, 80% &amp; 71% at different concentration (0.1, 1, 10 and 20 μg/mL of individual concentration) on 24 h of incubation (Figure 3d). Whereas free drug extract of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis showed cell viability of 96%, 88%, 68%, &amp; 48% and 95%, 86%, 69% &amp; 52% respectively on 24 h of incubation. The MTT investigation established non-significant cell cytotoxicity by different samples in 24h of incubation showing nonlinear relationship between incubation time and anti-proliferation efficiency. The MTT results clearly displayed significant cell viability of nanoformulation over free drug extract in 24 h of incubation expressing biologically safe brain targeting efficiency with negligible toxicity on human astrocytoma cells. The enhance cell viability showed by developed S-PCN and M-PCN is due to better physiochemical compatibility between nanocomposite resulting in efficient cellular transport and brain delivery. On inter-comparison of nanoformulation the cell viability of M-PCN is greater than S-PCN with less cell cytotoxicity at higher concentration. The inter-comparison results showed better endocytosis and resilience of M-PCN which is found statistically significant when analyzed by student’s T test. Overall the cell toxicity examinations clearly expounds that the developed nanocomposite may be used as novel drug carrier encapsulating natural extract for the treatment of brain diseases as targeted delivery system. 8 Apoptosis assay The Apoptosis investigation showed by free drug extract, S-PCN and M-PCN and verified striking apoptosis at all concentrations. The developed S-PCN and M-PCN showed inherent apoptosis compared to the free drug extract. It has been noted out that both S-PCN and M-PCN showed mitochondrial apoptosis phenomenon or death activator by provoking cell surface receptor. By activating cell surface receptor the activation of caspase cascade establishes optimum cell death which results in desired apoptosis process. The apoptosis index of free drug were found to be 0.39 and 0.42 for Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis respectively whereas the S-PCN and M-PCN showed apoptotic index of 0.66 and 0.79 respectively. The nanoformulation showed significant apoptosis action compared to plain free natural extract which is nearly two folds more and found significant (*P<0.01) (Figure 5). The chief cause for better apoptosis of nanoformulation over free drug extract is the nanosized particles, causing quick onsite drug transportation, sufficient distribution and better release. On inter-comparison of S-PCN and M-PCN the apoptosis potential is significant showed by m-PCN compared to S-PCN when analyzed by student T test. Overall PEgylation of chitosan nanoparticles facilitates better circulation of nanoparticles in brain microenvironment causing extended release and negligible drug toxicity resulting in better brain targeting against Alzheimer disease. Conclusion:: Based on the findings, it can be inferred that biodegradable PEGylated chitosan nanoconjugates hold promise as effective nano-targeting agents for delivering anti-Alzheimer drugs to the brain. The incorporation of PEGylated chitosan nanoparticles in this approach demonstrates enhanced delivery capabilities, ultimately leading to improved therapeutic out-comes. other: Characterization 1 Particle size, Zeta potential, pH and Morphology The developed S-PCN, M-PCN particle size and surface charge was measured by Malvern Zetasizer 3000 particle size and zeta potential analyzer (Malvern Instruments, Bedfordshire, UK). The Zeta potential of S-PCN, M-PCN was examined by smearing the principle of electrophoretic movement of particles in an applied electrical field. The concentration of both S-PCN, M-PCN formulation was attuned at 0.01% w/v by distilled water or in 0.01 M sodium chloride solution for potential assessment. The pH was calculated by using a digital pH meter (HI-TECH WATER TECH. New Delhi, India). The pH meter was first calibrated using buffer tablet, the pH meter was dipped in a beaker comprising S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations on post calibration. The nanoformulations, evaluation was triplicated and the measurement was repeated thrice with an average value along with SD was reported. 2 Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) The S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations was examined for the Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) investigating mean diameter and PDI by employing Brook-heaven BI 9000 AT instrument (Brookheaven Instrument Corporation, USA). The DLS examination was measured for the more distinct and significant evaluation of both S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations. The DLS evaluation were done at wavelength 417 and 215 nm for S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations receptively at temperature of 25°C. 3.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) The TEM of both S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations was measured by using Hitachi H-7500 TEM analyzer. TEM metaphors were obtained to visualize the shape and structure of nanoformulaion. The S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations were coated with 2.5% w/v of phosphor-tungstic acid (PTA) solution and placed in a copper disc grid. The grid was then desiccated in 60 watt LED lamp (Philips, India Ltd) and was finally placed into the disc holder and scanned for TEM evaluation. 4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) The morphology and structure of prepared S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations were analyzed by SEM, Nova Nano SEM 450, Germany. Before the SEM assessment, the formulations were lyophilized by using freeze dry lyophilizer (REMI, New Delhi, India). The dried formulations were then placed on a SEM stub by using dual adhesive tape at 50mA 5-10 minutes via sputter (KYKY SBC-12, Beijing, China). A SEM aided with secondary electron detector was engaged to get the digital images of the developed S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations. 5 Entrapment Efficiency (EE): EE plays essential part in transporting the bioactive to the targeted site at detailed therapeutic dose in order to get the anticipated therapeutic value. To measure the EE, both the nanoformulations were centrifuged at 10000 rpm for 5 minutes to obtain the pellets. The collected supernatant was carefully diluted with PBS of pH 7 and the drug content was determined spectrophotometrically by using UV spectrophotometer (Schimadzu, Japan) at 317 nm and 215 nm for S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulation respectively against a blank solvent. The EE can be measured by using the following formula: EE= weight of drug in nanoformulation / initial weight of drug taken x 100 6 In vitro Drug Release studies The release of from both S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations was tracked to predict the diffusion and kinetic behavior of the nanosystems for desired therapeutic efficiency. For release studies, both S-PCN and M-PCN obtained after centrifugation were suspended in 10 mL of a phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution, pH 7.4. This nanoparticle suspension was transferred to clean Eppendorf’s tube and placed in a water bath at 37 °C under stirring. After 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 24 h, samples were collected from the bath and centrifuged at 14 000 rpm for 5 min (BOECO, Hamburg, Germany). Supernatants were analyzed by UV spectroscopy and used to calculate the amount of drug released from the nanoparticles over the specified time. Triplicate samples were analyzed at each time. 7 Cell Line studies 7.1 Cell Culture and Seeding The Human UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells line was obtained from NCCs Pune and was conserved in Dulbecco’s modified Eagles Medium. 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背景:阿尔茨海默病(AD)是一种以认知能力逐渐下降为特征的进行性神经退行性疾病,主要由胆碱能系统损伤引起。AD的诊断是基于特定病理特征的存在,包括老年斑、神经原纤维缠结、神经元和突触的丧失。尽管正在进行努力,但阿尔茨海默病的病因仍不清楚,而且明显缺乏有效的治疗方法来满足受影响个体的医疗需求。阿尔茨海默病的复杂性涉及多种因素,对潜在治疗方法的开发提出了挑战。许多障碍阻碍了有希望的AD治疗分子的最佳药理学浓度的实现。这些障碍包括血脑屏障(BBB)的存在,这限制了治疗剂进入大脑,以及与生物利用度差和不利的药代动力学特征相关的问题。不幸的是,许多具有治疗前景的化合物未能克服这些障碍并证明治疗AD的有效性。背景:阿尔茨海默病(AD)是一种进行性神经退行性疾病,表现为胆碱能损伤导致认知能力下降。阿尔茨海默病进一步诊断为病理特征,包括老年斑,神经原纤维缠结和神经元和突触死亡。经过不断的努力,目前已经确定的治疗靶点和干预措施很少,但阿尔茨海默病仍然是一种病因不明、医疗需求未得到满足的疾病。阿尔茨海默病的多因素性质给开发潜在的治疗方法带来了困难。不幸的是,由于血脑屏障(BBB)的存在、生物利用度差或药代动力学特征等诸多障碍,大量治疗AD的有效分子未能达到最佳药理学浓度。方法:制备聚乙二醇化壳聚糖纳米缀合物,并对其抗阿尔茨海默病的脑内给药效果进行评价。采用离子凝胶技术制备了S-PCN和M-PCN纳米缀合物。结果:对纳米偶联物(S-PCN和M-PCN)进行了各种光学参数和体外参数的评价。MTT检测UCSD229i-SAD1-1人星形细胞瘤细胞的IC50值分别为0.42、0.49、0.67和0.75 μM,其中S-PCN、M-PCN组方和游离鼠尾草提取物和菝葜提取物的IC50值分别为0.42、0.49、0.67和0.75 μM。利用细胞系进行的体外评估证实,与游离提取物相比,纳米缀合物的吸收和分布得到了改善。这些发现通过共聚焦显微镜和细胞凋亡实验得到了证实,揭示了脑内纳米偶联物积累的实质性增加。M- PCN的靶向潜力是S-PCN的2倍。方法:1。样品制备-原料药丹参和药用草,植物采自瓦朗加尔和蒂鲁帕蒂植物园并鉴定。这两种植物,各1克,粉碎(使用实验室磨)1分钟,得到相应的粉末。提取粉末按先前报道的方法进行,将100 mL沸水加入1 g植物粉末中,5 min后,用0.45 mm过滤器过滤。优化了该工艺以获得这些植物的最高潜在活性。植物粗沉淀后,将样品过滤并保持在80ºC,进行冷冻干燥程序(Heto Holten A/S Drywinner, Allerød,丹麦)。然后,1% (w/v)的冻干粉溶液溶解在甲醇中进行分析评价和其他活性试验。注射前,样品再次通过0.45 mm过滤器过滤。2. 聚乙二醇化壳聚糖纳米颗粒的制备-采用离子化凝胶法制备壳聚糖,分别包封整个鼠尾草和药用草提取物。将100 mg鼠尾草、药用草提取物和0.4% w/v的壳聚糖,精确称重,溶于1% v/v的冰乙酸水溶液中。在药物聚合物溶液中滴加0.4%三聚磷酸钠溶液(TPP),速度为2ml/min (12 ml TPP加入20ml药物聚合物溶液)。得到的粒子分散用探测声呐(S-4000;Misonix, Farmingdale, NY)在中等振幅(50%)下加热5分钟,以获得纳米大小的颗粒。然后通过0.2 um亲水过滤器(Minsart, Sartorius)过滤分散体,以分离较小的纳米颗粒,以便在目标位点实现最大的运输。在最佳温度下,用Amicon 8200(微孔PBMK膜,MWCO 300000)对双重蒸馏水进行超滤纯化,得到纳米级颗粒。 超滤有利于消除未反应溶剂和未结合药物的残留。在聚乙二醇化过程中,将准确的50 mL 0.3%壳聚糖纳米颗粒以3:1的比例加入聚乙二醇(PEG)溶液中,并在500 rpm下搅拌1 h。进一步,将分散液应用于混合物中60秒,以获得均匀的PEG-壳聚糖纳米颗粒。结果将小阴离子TPP冲激结合到一致的壳聚糖聚合物溶液中,形成了包裹丹参和菝葜天然提取物的聚乙二醇化壳聚糖纳米颗粒。纳米粒子的形成是由负电荷离子TPP与壳聚糖的正电荷氨基之间的离子相互作用引起的。优化了CS/TPP的配比,以获得稳定的分散和纳米级颗粒的形成。为了确定CS和TPP形成NP的最佳浓度,进行了初步实验。对制备工艺参数和配方参数进行了优化,以获得物理化学和热稳定的纳米颗粒。所获得的纳米级颗粒被广泛地表征为透明溶液、显示tyndall效应(NPs)的乳白色悬浮液或聚集体。Zeta尺寸仪测量的结果显示,制备的S-PCN和M-PCN配方的尺寸在150-250 nm之间差别很大(图1- a &b).通过配方和工艺优化,S-PCN、M-PCN纳米级配方的提取物在聚合物基体中表现出良好的包封性。S-PCN和M-PCN的表面电荷分别为-10.89 mV和-16.21 mV(图1- e &F)证明了两种配方的负电荷性质。该配方的负电荷具有较好的稳定性和增强脑靶向的最佳候选性。S-PCN、M-PCN制剂的pH值为6.9±0.01,在接近中性的微环境中起着至关重要的作用。pH促靶机制是聚合物基体现场降解的关键因素。这种聚合物降解激活机制以可控的速率增强了药物释放,从而产生所需的治疗潜力。2 DLS分析制备的S-PCN和M-PCN纳米制剂的DLS结果再次在纳米尺度范围内分散。两种纳米配方的尺寸分布模式有些相同,S-PCN的尺寸范围为160-240 nm, M-PCN的尺寸范围为150-230 nm。两种纳米制剂的最佳纳米尺寸范围均表现出增强的脑传递和现场靶向性,有效地符合细胞及其微环境的大小。DLS调查显示出不同的大小分布和分散模式。S-PCN和M-PCN显示的PDI分别为0.271±0.08和0.259±0.11。DLS结果表明,制备的纳米颗粒在100-500 nm之间均匀分布,稳定性增强(图1-c &d).这种纳米尺寸的稳定模式有助于增强制备的纳米颗粒在血脑屏障上的扩散,从而在脑靶向过程中产生最佳的药理潜力。因此,可以坚定地指出,这两种纳米制剂在临床平台上对手术脑靶向治疗阿尔茨海默病表现出最佳和稳定的纳米分散特性。透射电子显微镜(TEM)透射电子显微镜分析显示,两种纳米配方的颗粒尺寸非常分散,呈椭圆形。TEM分析显示S-PCN和M-PCN的尺寸范围为100-250 nm,验证了DLS测量zeta尺寸分析(图2- a &b).包埋天然萃取物形成的纳米颗粒在聚合物和交联剂之间表现出更好的交联,避免了不必要的泄漏。此外,纳米颗粒的聚集可以忽略不计,表明壳聚糖边界的聚乙二醇化过程更好。透射电镜结果显示,纳米载体系统适合有效的脑递送,显示出良好的血脑屏障浸润外观。扫描电子显微镜(SEM)扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析结果与zeta浆料机和TEM分析结果明显一致,显示细颗粒形成呈球形,形貌光滑。值得注意的是,扫描电镜图像验证了两种纳米配方的尖锐椭圆形边界,显示出更好的聚乙二醇化过程。扫描电镜图像也澄清没有团簇形成的迹象,颗粒团聚显示明显的聚乙二醇外层。SEM分析显示尺寸范围为150-250 nm,再次定性验证了TEM和zeta尺寸分析,并确认了S-PCN和M-PCN的理想脑靶向递送特性(图2 - c &d)。 图3- a展示了与聚乙二醇化纳米制剂相关的鼠尾草和菝葜提取物的体外药物释放数据;b.纳米制剂S-PCN和M-PCN在不同pH (4.0;7.4)表现出非线性释放特征,在最初的3-4小时内药物释放相对较快,随后在后期释放较慢。这两个pH范围是为了深入评估纳米制剂对更好的脑靶向和现场给药的影响。两种纳米制剂均在早期1 ~ 8 h出现初始爆裂,24 h缓释。体外药物释放研究表明,S-PCN和M-PCN均在pH 4.0的初始条件下实现药物提取物的爆裂释放。S-PCN和M-PCN在6h、8 h、6h和8 h的释药率分别为89.45±3.67%、91.42±2.11%、90.26±1.84%和95.67±2.20%。相反,pH为7时,药物释放显著(P &lt;0比;S-PCN。利用UCSD229i-SAD1-1人星形细胞瘤细胞株,评价和测量了制备的纳米制剂S-PCN和M-PCN的细胞靶向能力和细胞内转运能力。人类星形细胞瘤细胞系是血脑屏障的重要组成部分,广泛用于脑输送的检查。经CLSM分析,发育的S-PCN和M-PCN的细胞接受度和循环度明显高于鼠尾草和菝葜游离药提取物。与鼠尾草和梅莉莎悬浮液的游离药物提取物孵育12 h相比,罗丹明B异硫氰酸盐(RITC)处理后的S-PCN和M-PCN的CLSM信号具有弹性和尖锐性,吸光度增强(图4)。纳米配方显示的共聚焦激光扫描显微强荧光信号显示了纳米颗粒水泡定位的明显迹象,表明内吞途径的进展加快。UCSD229i-SAD1-1人星形细胞瘤细胞经M-PCN处理后,与S-PCN处理4 h和12 h的细胞相比,CLSM信号在细胞核周围显示出明显的红色荧光信号,且增强且显著。CLSM强度检测结果显示,与S-PCN相比,M-PCN对体外细胞摄取和恢复能力有2倍的增强。用等离子体光学发射(ICP-OE)光谱法对S-PCN和M-PCN处理后的细胞进行定量观察。结果表明,约45%的M-PCN和33%的S-PCN纳米配方已经定向穿越到血脑屏障层,并通过基底外侧的transwell实验进行了验证。游离药物提取物通过UCSD229i-SAD1-1人星形细胞瘤细胞在血脑屏障上的扩散很少,约为16%,这表明细胞内运输和穿透效率不显著,因为早期在细胞膜上的吸附限制了直接扩散到细胞(图3c)。综上所述,在不同的培养时间间隔下,M-PCN的细胞摄取和运输能力显著高于S-PCN,具有较强的荧光效应,但细胞系之间没有任何形态差异,从而提高了脑靶向效率。采用MTT法研究发育的M-PCN和S-PCN对UCSD229i-SAD1-1人星形细胞瘤细胞的杀伤作用。MTT实验定性显示纳米制剂在孵育24h时具有显著的抗增殖能力。正常对照组(生理盐水溶液)和阴性对照组(Triton X 100表面活性剂溶液)的细胞存活率分别为100%和10%。发育后的S-PCN和M-PCN细胞存活率分别为96%、89%、76%和76%;65%和98%,90%,80% &不同浓度(个体浓度分别为0.1、1、10、20 μg/mL),孵育24 h后达到71%(图3d)。鼠尾草和菝葜游离药物提取物的细胞存活率分别为96%、88%、68%;48%和95%,86%,69% &孵育24 h,分别为52%。MTT实验发现,不同样品在24h内的细胞毒性不显著,显示出孵育时间与抗增殖效率之间的非线性关系。MTT结果清楚地显示,在24小时的孵育中,纳米制剂比游离药物提取物具有显著的细胞活力,表达了生物安全的脑靶向效率,对人类星形细胞瘤细胞的毒性可以忽略不计。 S-PCN和M-PCN所表现出的细胞活力增强是由于纳米复合材料之间更好的物理化学相容性,从而实现了高效的细胞运输和脑递送。在纳米制剂的相互比较中,M-PCN的细胞活力大于S-PCN,且浓度越高,细胞毒性越小。相互比较结果显示M-PCN具有较好的内吞性和弹性,经学生T检验具有统计学意义。细胞毒性试验表明,所研制的纳米复合材料可作为靶向给药系统,作为包封天然提取物的新型药物载体,用于治疗脑部疾病。细胞凋亡实验:游离药物提取物、S-PCN和M-PCN均显示细胞凋亡,证实各浓度均有显著的细胞凋亡。与游离药物提取物相比,S-PCN和M-PCN表现出固有的凋亡。研究发现,S-PCN和M-PCN均表现出线粒体凋亡现象或通过刺激细胞表面受体引起死亡的激活剂。通过激活细胞表面受体,caspase级联的激活建立最佳细胞死亡,从而导致所需的细胞凋亡过程。游离药物对鼠尾草和麦冬的细胞凋亡指数分别为0.39和0.42,而S-PCN和M-PCN的细胞凋亡指数分别为0.66和0.79。纳米制剂的细胞凋亡作用较普通游离天然提取物高出近2倍,且具有显著性(*P&lt;0.01)(图5)。纳米制剂的细胞凋亡优于游离药物提取物的主要原因是纳米颗粒,可使药物在现场运输迅速,分布充分,释放更好。在S-PCN和M-PCN的相互比较中,经学生T检验,M-PCN比S-PCN表现出显著的细胞凋亡潜能。壳聚糖纳米颗粒的整体聚乙二醇化促进了纳米颗粒在脑微环境中的更好循环,导致延长释放和可忽略的药物毒性,从而更好地靶向治疗阿尔茨海默病。结论:基于这些发现,可以推断可生物降解的聚乙二醇化壳聚糖纳米偶联物有望作为有效的纳米靶向剂,将抗阿尔茨海默病药物输送到大脑。聚乙二醇化壳聚糖纳米颗粒在这种方法中的结合证明了增强的递送能力,最终导致改善的治疗结果。用Malvern Zetasizer 3000粒度和Zeta电位分析仪(Malvern Instruments, Bedfordshire, UK)测量制备的S-PCN、M-PCN的粒度和表面电荷。利用外加电场中粒子的电泳运动原理,测定了S-PCN、M-PCN的Zeta电位。将S-PCN、M- pcn溶液浓度分别调至0.01% w/v或0.01 M氯化钠溶液中进行电位评估。使用数字pH计(high -TECH WATER TECH. New Delhi, India)计算pH值。首先使用缓冲片对pH计进行校准,然后将pH计浸入含有S-PCN和M-PCN纳米配方的烧杯中进行校准。对纳米制剂进行了三次评价,并重复进行了三次测量,并报告了平均值和SD。采用Brookheaven BI 9000 AT仪器(Brookheaven instrument Corporation, USA)对S-PCN和M-PCN纳米配方进行动态光散射(DLS)研究,研究平均直径和PDI。DLS检测对S-PCN和M-PCN纳米制剂的评价更为明显和显著。分别在波长417和215 nm下对S-PCN和M-PCN纳米配方进行DLS评价,接受温度为25℃。3.3透射电镜(TEM)采用日立H-7500 TEM分析仪对S-PCN和M-PCN纳米配方的TEM进行测定。利用透射电镜对纳米配方的形状和结构进行了可视化分析。将S-PCN和M-PCN纳米配方涂以2.5% w/v的磷钨酸(PTA)溶液,并放置在铜片网格中。然后将网格在60瓦LED灯(Philips, India Ltd)中干燥,最后放入光盘支架并扫描以进行TEM评估。4扫描电镜(SEM)采用德国Nova Nano SEM 450对制备的S-PCN和M-PCN纳米配方进行形貌和结构分析。在扫描电镜评估之前,使用冻干冻干机(REMI,新德里,印度)对配方进行冻干。然后将干燥后的配方通过溅射(KYKY SBC-12,北京,中国),用双胶带在50mA下放置在SEM存根上5-10分钟。 利用二次电子探测器辅助扫描电子显微镜对制备的S-PCN和M-PCN纳米配方进行了数字成像。5 .包埋效率(Entrapment Efficiency, EE): EE在将生物活性物质以详细的治疗剂量运送到靶点以获得预期的治疗价值方面起着至关重要的作用。为了测量EE,将两种纳米制剂在10000 rpm下离心5分钟以获得微球。将收集的上清液用pH为7的PBS仔细稀释,用日本Schimadzu公司的紫外分光光度仪对空白溶剂分别在317 nm和215 nm处测定S-PCN和M-PCN纳米配方的药物含量。EE可通过以下公式测量:EE=纳米制剂中药物的重量/服用药物的初始重量x 100 6体外药物释放研究跟踪S-PCN和M-PCN纳米制剂的释放,以预测纳米系统的扩散和动力学行为,以达到所需的治疗效果。为了进行释放研究,将离心后获得的S-PCN和M-PCN悬浮在10ml pH为7.4的磷酸盐缓冲盐水(PBS)溶液中。将纳米颗粒悬浮液转移到干净的Eppendorf试管中,并在37°C的水浴中搅拌。0.5、1、2、4、6和24小时后,从培养液中收集样品,以14000 rpm离心5分钟(BOECO, Hamburg, Germany)。通过紫外光谱分析上清液,并用于计算纳米颗粒在指定时间内释放的药物量。每次分析三份样品。7.1细胞培养和种子人UCSD229i-SAD1-1人星形细胞瘤细胞株从NCCs浦那获得,保存在Dulbecco改良eagle培养基中。然后在细胞系中补充10
2468-1873/XX $65.00+.00 © XXXX Bentham Science Publishers Pegylated Chitosan Biodegradable Nanoparticles Delivery of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis for Enhanced Brain Targeting
Background:: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition characterized by the gradual decline of cognitive abilities, primarily caused by impairments in the cholinergic system. AD is diagnosed based on the presence of specific pathological features, in-cluding senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, and the loss of neurons and synapses. Despite on-going efforts, the etiology of AD remains unclear, and there is a significant lack of effective treatments to meet the medical needs of affected individuals. The complex nature of AD, involv-ing multiple factors, presents challenges in the development of potential therapies. Numerous ob-stacles hinder the achievement of optimal pharmacological concentration of promising molecules for AD treatment. These obstacles include the presence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), which restricts the entry of therapeutic agents into the brain, as well as issues related to poor bioavaila-bility and unfavorable pharmacokinetic profiles. Unfortunately, many therapeutically promising compounds have failed to overcome these hurdles and demonstrate efficacy in treating AD. background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that is manifested by depleted cognitive abilities resulted due to cholinergic impairments. AD is further diagnosed with pathological hallmarks including senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and neuronal and synaptic death. With constant efforts, few therapeutic targets and interventions have been identified but AD is still a disease with unclear etiopathology and unmet medical needs. The multifactorial nature of AD poses difficulties to develop a potential treatment. Unfortunately, large numbers of therapeutically efficient molecules for the treatment of AD failed to attain optimal pharmacological concentration due to numerous hurdles such as the presence of blood-brain barrier (BBB), poor bioavailability, or pharmacokinetic profile. Methods:: The PEGylated chitosan nanoconjugate was developed and evaluated for delivery of anti-Alzheimer natural extract of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis to the brain. The nano-conjugates (S-PCN and M-PCN) were developed by ionic gelation technique. Result:: The nanoconjugates (S-PCN and M-PCN) were evaluated for various optical and in-vitro parameters. MTT assay on UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells indicated IC50 values of 0.42, 0.49, 0.67, and 0.75 μM for S-PCN, M-PCN formulations, and free Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis extracts, respectively. The In vitro assessments using cell lines have confirmed the improved uptake and distribution of nanoconjugates compared to free extracts. These findings were validated through confocal microscopy and apoptosis assays, revealing a substantial in-crease in the accumulation of nanoconjugates within the brain. The targeting potential OF M- PCN over S-PCN was found to be 2-fold significant. method: 1. Sample Preparation - Crude drug Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis, plants were collected from the botanical gardens of Warangal and Tirupathi and authenticated.The two plants, 1 g each, were crushed (using a lab mill) for 1 min, to obtain the corresponding powder. The extraction powder was performed as described in previous reports, via addition of 100 mL boiling water to 1 g of plant powder and after 5 min, the extract was filtered through a 0.45 mm filter. This procedure was optimized to obtain the highest potential activity of these plants. After the crude plant sedimentation, samples were filtered and maintained at 80 ͦ C, for freeze-drying procedures (Heto Holten A/S Drywinner, Allerød, Denmark). Then, solutions of 1% (w/v) of freeze-dried powder were dissolved in methanol for analytical evaluation other activity tests. Before injections, samples were filtered again through a 0.45 mm filter. 2. Preparation of PEGylated Chitosan Nanoparticles - Ionotropic gelation technique was employed for the synthesis of chitosan, encapsulating whole Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis extract separately. Accurately weighed 100 mg of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis extract and 0.4% w/v of Chitosan were dissolved in 1% v/v aqueous glacial acetic acid (GAA) solution. Drop wise addition of 0.4% Sodium tripolyphosphate solution (TPP) was performed in drug polymer solution at the rate of 2ml/min (12 ml TPP in 20 ml drug polymer solution). The obtained particles dispersion were sonicated using a probe sonicator (S-4000; Misonix, Farmingdale, NY) at medium amplitude (50%) for 5 min to obtain nano sized particles. The dispersion was then filtered through a 0.2 um hydrophilic filter (Minsart, Sartorius) for isolation of smaller nanosize particles in order to achieve maximum transportation at targeted site. The nano sized particles, thus obtained were carefully purified by ultrafiltration (Amicon 8200 with a millipore PBMK membrane, MWCO 300000) against double distilled water at optimal temperature. The ultrafiltration facilitates elimination of residual of unreacted solvent and unbound drug. For the PEgylation process, accurately 50 mL of 0.3 % chitosan nanoparticles were added into polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution with a ratio of 3:1 and stirred at 500 rpm for 1 h. Further, dispersion was applied to the mixture for 60 seconds to produce homogeneous PEG-Chitosan nanoparticles. Result The formation of the PEGylated chitosan nanoparticles entrapping natural extract Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis ensued impulsively upon combination of the pawn anion TPP into the consistent Chitosan polymer solutions. Nanoparticle formation resulted from the ionic interactions between the negative charge ion TPP and the positively charged amino groups of Chitosan. The ratio of CS/TPP was optimized to attained stable dispersion and formation of nanosize particles. Preliminary experiments were performed in order to identify the optimal concentrations of CS and TPP for NP formation. The process parameters along with formulation parameters were thoroughly optimized for the achievement of physiochemical and thermal stable nanoparticles. The obtaining nano size particles were broadly characterized as either a clear solution, an opalescent suspension displaying a tyndall effect (NPs), or aggregate. 1 Particle size, Zeta Potential and Morphology The results achieved from the zeta sizer measurement displayed very distinct size of prepared S-PCN and M-PCN formulations ranging 150-250 nm (Figure 1- a & b). The nano size of the S-PCN, M-PCN formulations displayed decent encapsulation of extract in the polymer matrix due to the formulation and process optimization. The surface charge of both nanoformulation S-PCN, M-PCN was found to be -10.89 mV and -16.21 mV respectively (Figure 1- e & f) demonstrated negative charge nature of both formulation. The negative charge of formulation showed better stability and optimum candidature for enhance brain targeting. The pH of S-PCN, M-PCN formulations was measured as 6.9 ± 0.01 which play a vital role in nearly neutral microenvironment delivery for efficient brain targeting. The pH facilitate targeting mechanism act as the key element for the onsite degradation of the polymer matrix. This polymeric degradation activation mechanism enhanced the drug release at a controlled rate resulting into the desired therapeutic potential. 2 DLS Analysis The DLS outcomes again nanosize range dispersion of prepared S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulation. The size distribution pattern of both nanoformulation is some identical to each other exhibiting size range of 160-240 nm for S-PCN and 150-230 nm for M-PCN formulation. The optimal nanosize range of both nanoformulation demonstrated the enhanced brain delivery and onsite targeting which efficiently comply the size of cells and its micro-environment. The DLS investigations showed diverse size distribution of and dispersion pattern. The PDI exhibited by S-PCN and M-PCN was found to be of 0.271 ± 0.08 and 0.259 ± 0.11. The DLS results showed enhance stability with even size distribution pattern of prepared nanoparticles between 100-500 nm (Figure 1-c & d). This nanosize stable pattern facilitates enhance diffusion of prepared nanoparticles across the blood brain barriers leading to optimal pharmacological potential during brain targeting. Therefore, it can be unswervingly state out that both the nanoformulations exhibited optimal and stable nano dispersal features for the operative brain targeting against Alzheimer management in clinical platform. 3 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) The TEM analysis showed very discrete particles size exhibiting oval shape nanoparticles of both nanoformulation. The size revealed by TEM analysis for S-PCN and M-PCN was ranging 100-250 nm validating DLS measurement zeta sizer analysis (Figure 2- a & b). The formation of nanoparticles by entrapping natural extract showed better crosslinking between polymer and cross linker avoiding unwanted leakage. Also the aggregation of nanoparticles was found negligible showing better PEGylation process of chitosan boundaries. The TEM outcomes displayed suitable nano carrier system for the effective brain delivery, revealing decent BBB infiltration appearance of both nanoformulation. 4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) The SEM analysis significantly the results obtained by zeta sizer and TEM assay showing fine particles formation with spherical shape and smooth morphology. The SEM images noteworthy validates the sharp oval boundaries of both nanoformulation exhibiting better PEGylation process. The SEM images also clarifies no sign of clusters formation of agglomeration of particles showing significant PEG outer layer. The SEM analysis exhibiting size range of 150-250 nm again qualitatively validating the TEM, and zeta-sizer analysis and confirming the ideal brain targeting delivery characteristics of both S-PCN and M-PCN (Figure 2 – c & d). 5 In-vitro drug release studies In vitro drug release data of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis extract associated with PEGylated nanoformulations is demonstrated in figure 3- a & b. The drug release pattern from both the nanoformulation S-PCN and M-PCN at different pH (4.0 & 7.4) exhibited a non-linear release profile characterized by a relatively faster initial drug release during the first 3-4 h, followed by slower release in later period. The two pH range was provided to deeply evaluate the effect of nanoformulations for better brain targeting and onsite delivery. The biphasic drug release pattern was observed by both nanoformulation with initial bursting of nanoparticles in early 1-8 h followed by slow release in 24 h. The in-vitro drug release studies suggested that initially both S-PCN and M-PCN provided burst release of drug extract at pH 4.0. The drug release was found to be 89.45 ± 3.67 % at 6h, 91.42 ± 2.11 at 8 h, 90.26 ± 1.84 % at 6 h and 95.67 ± 2.20 % at 8 h for S-PCN and M-PCN, respectively. On the contrary at pH 7 the drug release was significantly (P < 0> S-PCN. 6 In vitro cellular uptake The capacity of cellular targeting and intracellular transport of developed nanoformulation S-PCN and M-PCN evaluated and measured by using UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells line. The human astrocytoma cells line are imperative part of BBB and broadly engaged for the examination of brain delivery. The developed S-PCN and M-PCN showed noteworthy cellular acceptance and circulation compared to the free drug extract of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis when evaluated by CLSM analysis. The CLSM signals for the developed S-PCN and M-PCN were resilient and sharp with enhance absorbance when treated with Rhodamine B isothiocyanate (RITC) compared to the free drug extract of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis suspension on incubation for 12 h (Figure 4). In addition, the confocal laser scanning microscopic intense fluorescence signals displayed by nanoformulations showed the clear sign of vesicular localization of nanoparticles demonstrating enhance endocytic pathway progression. The CLSM signals showed by M-PCN samples treated UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells showed sharp red fluorescence signal around the cell nucleus when compared to the cells treated S-PCN incubated at 4 h and 12 h of time periods which is found enhanced and significant. The results of CLSM intensity examination showed 2 folds enhance cellular uptake and resilience in-vitro by M-PCN compared to S-PCN on the brain cell membranes. The S-PCN and M-PCN treated cells were also quantitatively observed inductively attached with the plasma optical emission (ICP-OE) spectrometry for 12 h of incubation. The results efficiently inveterate that the around ~45% of M-PCN and ~33% of S-PCN nanoformulation have pointedly traversed into the BBB layer, validated by the transwell assay at basolateral side. The free drug extracts showed scanty diffusion across BBB via UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells of ~16% signifying non-significant intracellular transport and penetrating efficiency due to early adsorption at cell membrane restricting direct diffusion to the cells (Figure 3c). Overall, at different incubation time interval, the cell uptake and transportation capability of M-PCN was remarkable compared to S-PCN with strong fluorescent adverts bereft of any morphological difference in cell lines, resulting in enhanced brain targeting efficiency. 7 In vitro cytotoxicity assay The MTT assay was employed for the investigation of developed M-PCN and S-PCN toward UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells. The MTT assay qualitatively showed significant anti-proliferation capability of nanoformulations in 24h of incubation. The investigations showed sharp cell viability of 100% and 10% by control Normal control (saline solution) and negative control group (Triton X 100 surfactant solution) respectively. The developed S-PCN and M-PCN showed notable cell viability of 96%, 89%, 76% & 65% and 98%, 90%, 80% & 71% at different concentration (0.1, 1, 10 and 20 μg/mL of individual concentration) on 24 h of incubation (Figure 3d). Whereas free drug extract of Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis showed cell viability of 96%, 88%, 68%, & 48% and 95%, 86%, 69% & 52% respectively on 24 h of incubation. The MTT investigation established non-significant cell cytotoxicity by different samples in 24h of incubation showing nonlinear relationship between incubation time and anti-proliferation efficiency. The MTT results clearly displayed significant cell viability of nanoformulation over free drug extract in 24 h of incubation expressing biologically safe brain targeting efficiency with negligible toxicity on human astrocytoma cells. The enhance cell viability showed by developed S-PCN and M-PCN is due to better physiochemical compatibility between nanocomposite resulting in efficient cellular transport and brain delivery. On inter-comparison of nanoformulation the cell viability of M-PCN is greater than S-PCN with less cell cytotoxicity at higher concentration. The inter-comparison results showed better endocytosis and resilience of M-PCN which is found statistically significant when analyzed by student’s T test. Overall the cell toxicity examinations clearly expounds that the developed nanocomposite may be used as novel drug carrier encapsulating natural extract for the treatment of brain diseases as targeted delivery system. 8 Apoptosis assay The Apoptosis investigation showed by free drug extract, S-PCN and M-PCN and verified striking apoptosis at all concentrations. The developed S-PCN and M-PCN showed inherent apoptosis compared to the free drug extract. It has been noted out that both S-PCN and M-PCN showed mitochondrial apoptosis phenomenon or death activator by provoking cell surface receptor. By activating cell surface receptor the activation of caspase cascade establishes optimum cell death which results in desired apoptosis process. The apoptosis index of free drug were found to be 0.39 and 0.42 for Salvia officinalis and Melissa officinalis respectively whereas the S-PCN and M-PCN showed apoptotic index of 0.66 and 0.79 respectively. The nanoformulation showed significant apoptosis action compared to plain free natural extract which is nearly two folds more and found significant (*P<0.01) (Figure 5). The chief cause for better apoptosis of nanoformulation over free drug extract is the nanosized particles, causing quick onsite drug transportation, sufficient distribution and better release. On inter-comparison of S-PCN and M-PCN the apoptosis potential is significant showed by m-PCN compared to S-PCN when analyzed by student T test. Overall PEgylation of chitosan nanoparticles facilitates better circulation of nanoparticles in brain microenvironment causing extended release and negligible drug toxicity resulting in better brain targeting against Alzheimer disease. Conclusion:: Based on the findings, it can be inferred that biodegradable PEGylated chitosan nanoconjugates hold promise as effective nano-targeting agents for delivering anti-Alzheimer drugs to the brain. The incorporation of PEGylated chitosan nanoparticles in this approach demonstrates enhanced delivery capabilities, ultimately leading to improved therapeutic out-comes. other: Characterization 1 Particle size, Zeta potential, pH and Morphology The developed S-PCN, M-PCN particle size and surface charge was measured by Malvern Zetasizer 3000 particle size and zeta potential analyzer (Malvern Instruments, Bedfordshire, UK). The Zeta potential of S-PCN, M-PCN was examined by smearing the principle of electrophoretic movement of particles in an applied electrical field. The concentration of both S-PCN, M-PCN formulation was attuned at 0.01% w/v by distilled water or in 0.01 M sodium chloride solution for potential assessment. The pH was calculated by using a digital pH meter (HI-TECH WATER TECH. New Delhi, India). The pH meter was first calibrated using buffer tablet, the pH meter was dipped in a beaker comprising S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations on post calibration. The nanoformulations, evaluation was triplicated and the measurement was repeated thrice with an average value along with SD was reported. 2 Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) The S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations was examined for the Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) investigating mean diameter and PDI by employing Brook-heaven BI 9000 AT instrument (Brookheaven Instrument Corporation, USA). The DLS examination was measured for the more distinct and significant evaluation of both S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations. The DLS evaluation were done at wavelength 417 and 215 nm for S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations receptively at temperature of 25°C. 3.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) The TEM of both S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations was measured by using Hitachi H-7500 TEM analyzer. TEM metaphors were obtained to visualize the shape and structure of nanoformulaion. The S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations were coated with 2.5% w/v of phosphor-tungstic acid (PTA) solution and placed in a copper disc grid. The grid was then desiccated in 60 watt LED lamp (Philips, India Ltd) and was finally placed into the disc holder and scanned for TEM evaluation. 4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) The morphology and structure of prepared S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations were analyzed by SEM, Nova Nano SEM 450, Germany. Before the SEM assessment, the formulations were lyophilized by using freeze dry lyophilizer (REMI, New Delhi, India). The dried formulations were then placed on a SEM stub by using dual adhesive tape at 50mA 5-10 minutes via sputter (KYKY SBC-12, Beijing, China). A SEM aided with secondary electron detector was engaged to get the digital images of the developed S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations. 5 Entrapment Efficiency (EE): EE plays essential part in transporting the bioactive to the targeted site at detailed therapeutic dose in order to get the anticipated therapeutic value. To measure the EE, both the nanoformulations were centrifuged at 10000 rpm for 5 minutes to obtain the pellets. The collected supernatant was carefully diluted with PBS of pH 7 and the drug content was determined spectrophotometrically by using UV spectrophotometer (Schimadzu, Japan) at 317 nm and 215 nm for S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulation respectively against a blank solvent. The EE can be measured by using the following formula: EE= weight of drug in nanoformulation / initial weight of drug taken x 100 6 In vitro Drug Release studies The release of from both S-PCN and M-PCN nanoformulations was tracked to predict the diffusion and kinetic behavior of the nanosystems for desired therapeutic efficiency. For release studies, both S-PCN and M-PCN obtained after centrifugation were suspended in 10 mL of a phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution, pH 7.4. This nanoparticle suspension was transferred to clean Eppendorf’s tube and placed in a water bath at 37 °C under stirring. After 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 24 h, samples were collected from the bath and centrifuged at 14 000 rpm for 5 min (BOECO, Hamburg, Germany). Supernatants were analyzed by UV spectroscopy and used to calculate the amount of drug released from the nanoparticles over the specified time. Triplicate samples were analyzed at each time. 7 Cell Line studies 7.1 Cell Culture and Seeding The Human UCSD229i-SAD1-1 human astrocytoma cells line was obtained from NCCs Pune and was conserved in Dulbecco’s modified Eagles Medium. The cell line was then supplemented with 10
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