
IF 0.5 2区 历史学 Q1 HISTORY
Ulrik Langen
{"title":"“史上最糟糕的发明”——数字彩票及其批评者在1770-1773年丹麦-挪威的新闻自由时期","authors":"Ulrik Langen","doi":"10.1080/14780038.2023.2256212","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"ABSTRACTDuring the so-called Press Freedom Period, 1770–1773, in Denmark-Norway, fierce and mostly anonymous criticism of the recently introduced number lottery emerged. This opposition went beyond mainstream patriotic discourse and produced narratives of players and lottery agents as socially irresponsible individuals. The article traces the initial development of a patriotic narrative concerning matters of morality, the deterioration of the labour force, and the perceived threats against the resilience of the state. We demonstrate how the focus of criticism – during the subsequent phase leading up to the closing of Press Freedom in October-November 1773 – shifted towards the practice of playing the lottery and the actors embodying this practice as victims or abettors of the operations of an ominous state-sanctioned enterprise. This rapid transformation of discourse was a unique feature of the Press Freedom Period.KEYWORDS: Lotterythe press freedom periodpatriotism18th centuryDenmark-Norway AcknowledgementI am grateful to the two anonymous peer reviewers for their valuable suggestions. Also, I would like to thank my colleagues Niklas Olsen, Søren Rud, Gunvor Simonsen and Karen Vallgårda at the Saxo Institute (University of Copenhagen) for much-appreciated comments on an early version of this article.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1. On Danish-Norwegian lotteries in general see Helle Linde, ‘Lotterier’, Københavns Kronik, no. 43 (1989): 3–4; C.A. Clemmensen, Almindelig dansk Vare- og Industrilotteri (Copenhagen: O.O. Olsen, 1937)2. Royal Ordinance of 21 March 1738. Danish-Norwegian Royal Ordinances are printed in Jacob Henrich Schou, Chronologisk Register over de Kongelige Forordninger og Aabne Breve, samt andre trykte Anordninger, som fra Aar 1670 af ere udkomne, tilligemed et nøiagtigt Udtog af de endnu gieldende, for saavidt samme i almindelighed angaae Undersaatterne i Danmark, forsynet med et alphabetisk Register (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1777–1822). Every ordinance mentioned in this article can be consulted in this collection.3. Royal Ordinance of 29 June 1753.4. Royal Ordinance of 4 December 1767.5. James Raven, ‘Debating the Lottery in Britain c. 1750–1830’, Manfred Zollinger, ed., Random Riches. Gambling Past & Present (London: Routledge, 2016), 966. On the Danish-Norwegian Press Freedom Period see Ulrik Langen and Frederik Stjernfelt, The World’s First Full Press Freedom. The Radical Experiment of Denmark-Norway1770–1773 (Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 2022)7. To some extent, the criticism of the lottery can be compared to the debate on the Royal Lottery in France in pamphlets and cahiers de doléances in 1787–1789; a specific opportunity making way for severe attacks on a state institution (or rather state-approved institution as was the case with the Danish-Norwegian lottery). See Robert Kruckeberg, ’The Royal Lottery and the Old Regime: Financial Innovation and Modern Political Culture’, French Historical Studies, 37 (2014), 47–488. Translation burrowed from J.C. Laursen, ‘David Hume and the Danish Debate about Freedom of the Press in the 1770s,’ Journal of the History of Ideas, 59, no. 1 (1998), 167–729. On Danish eighteenth-century patriotism see Johan Fjord Jensen (et.al.), Dansk litteraturhistorie. Patriotismens tid 1746–1807 (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1983); Tine Damsholt, Fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd. Patriotisk diskurs og militære reformer i Danmark i sidste halvdel af 1700-tallet (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 2000); Juliane Engelhardt, Borgerskab og fællesskab. De patriotiske selskaber i den danske helstat 1769–1814 (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 2010). Press Freedom patriotism is mentioned in H. Horstbøll, U. Langen and F. Stjernfelt, Grov Konfækt. Tre vilde år med trykkefrihed 1770–1773 (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 2020), vol. 1, 171–7310. Bruno Bernard, ‘Aspects moreaux et sociaux des lotteries’, Bruno Bernard and Michel Ansieux, eds., Loteries en Europe. Cinq siècles d’histoire (Bruxelles: Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, Loterie Nationale, 1995), 55–78. See also John Dunkley, Gambling: A Social and Moral Problem in France, 1685–1792 (Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 1985)11. Manfred Zollinger, “Dealing in Chances – An Introduction,” Zollinger, Random Riches, 5–612. A Royal Ordinance of 30 June 1735 banned foreign lottery agents from Copenhagen, and the prohibition was ‘renewed and increased’ by a Royal Ordinance of 20 December 1771. Still, this measure did not prevent the citizens of Copenhagen from playing foreign lotteries. Such banishments were part of a European trend (for instance, France in 1752, the Netherlands in 1763). See Marie-Laure Legay, Les lotteries royales dans l’Europe des Lumières: 1680–1815 (Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2014), chapter 7 (digital version, no pagination)13. Struensee subscribed for 47 shares in the lottery company, paid 4700 rix-dollars in cash to Koës and promised to pay the remaining 18,800 rix-dollars later. This he never did. Danish National Archives: The Royal and City Court: Justice Office: Tried Cases, 24 December 1772, Liste der Aktionäre. Memo from Koës, in which he informs about Struensee’s shares.14. On lotteries and public confidence see Legay, Les lotteries royales, chapter 8 (digital version, no pagination)15. Poul Thestrup, Mark og skilling, kroner og øre. Pengeenheder, priser og lønninger i Danmark i 350 år (1640–1989) (Copenhagen: Rigsarkivet/Gad, 1991), 3016. Adresseavisen, 20 January 1772, no. 10, 3 January 1772, no. 1 and 17 January 1772, no. 917. Adresseavisen, 10 July 1771, no. 111, advertisement for a number lottery sign; Adresseavisen, 30 September 1772, no. 16018. On the establishment of number lottery see Carl Bruun, Kjøbenhavn. En illustreret Skildring af dets Historie, Mindesmærker og Institutioner (Copenhagen: Det nordiske Forlag, 1901), vol. 3, pp. 367–73; Edvard Holm, Danmark-Norges Historie fra Den store nordiske Krigs Slutning til Rigernes Adskillelse (Copenhagen: Gad, 1890–1912), IV, 2, pp. 169–72. The anonymous booklet Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie (Copenhagen: P.H. Høecke, 1773) contains the Royal Charter, lottery plans, calls for investors and similar key documents.19. Adresseavisen, 3 February 1773, no. 19 and Kiøbenhavns politiske Veyviser, 1772, 266–6820. It was a common European tradition that young boys were employed to draw the tickets from the wheel. Eighteenth-century iconographic representations of blindfolded boys at the wheel are numerous, see Bernard and Ansieux, Loteries en Europe, passim. See also Raven, '‘Debating’, 9621. Kiøbenhavnske Tidender, 9 August 1771, no. 63. The staging of the Copenhagen lottery was quite similar to ‘the great theatricals’ attached to the drawings in Britain (as in many Continental cities), see Raven, ‘Debating’, 9622. Inga Henriette Undheim and Johanne S. Kristiansen have convincingly argued that maintaining a positive position towards the lottery was impossible within the patriotic discourse of the Press Freedom Period. ‘Debating the moral implications of the lottery in Denmark-Norway (1770–1773)’, unpublished paper presented at the 3rd Nordic Eighteenth Century Conference, Copenhagen 26 August 2022. In Horstbøll (et.al), Grov Konfækt (177–78) the anonymous pamphlet Tanker over det alleene Privilegerede Lotterie til Landets almindelige Nytte, fattige Børns Opdragelse, og det fattige Væsens bestandige Underholdning i Kiøbenhavn (Copenhagen: A.H. Godiches Efterleverske, 1771) is erroneously interpreted as supporting the number lottery. This pamphlet was in fact a praise to the existing Royal Reformatory’s lottery, and, thus, at least implicitly hostile to the new number lottery.23. O.D. Lütken, Beviis at Lotteriers Fremgang er Europæ Fald og Staternes Ødelæggelse (Copenhagen: N. Møller, 1771).24. Nicolaus Friborg, Til Kongen! Om Tallotteriets onde Følger i de Danske Stater (Copenhagen: A.F. Stein, 1773), 1425. Anonymous, Almuens Øine opklarede i Anledning af den Daarlighed at vove sine Penge i Tal-Lotterier (Copenhagen: N. Møller, 1771)26. J.F. Baumgarten, Aarsager til Tall-Lotteriernes Forvisning af alle Riger og Lande (Copenhagen: N. Møller, 1771)27. Anonymous, Patriotiske Tanker i Anledning af Tal-Lotteriet Skrevet den 1ste Martii af Philoplebis (Copenhagen: J.G. Rothe, 1771)28. Anonymous, Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie, 40. These concerns about socially imbalanced consequences were a common feature in the anti-lottery discourse of the period. For instance, in 1787, Mirabeau attacked the Royal Lottery in France (established in 1776) for its negative impact on low-income people. This argument against the lottery was often repeated by debaters with increasing strength well into the period of the French Revolution. Robert Kruckeberg, “‘A Nation of Gamesters”: Virtue, the Will of the Nation, and the National Lottery in the French Revolution,’ French History, 31 (2017), 314.29. On lottery fever as a general phenomenon see Helma Houtman-de Smedt, 'La fièvre de la loterie et du lotto s’empare du Nord-Ouest de l’Europe au cours des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles’, Bruno Bernard and Michel Ansieux, eds., Loteries en Europe, 136–18530. Quoted from Bruun, Kjøbenhavn, 37231. Anonymous, Sende-Brev fra en Tydsk Skolemester i Kiøbenhavn, til General- Administrationen for det i Kiøbenhavn og Altona oprettede Tal-Lotterie. I Anledning af en paa een Side og egenmægtig for falsk erklæret Original-Lotterieseddel og i Henseende til deres forandrede Planer og Original-Billetter. Af VirtVs Grata Fidesque VincVnt. Oversat af det Tydske, I Aaret 1773 den 1ste Martii (Copenhagen: J.R. Thiele, 1773)32. Anonymous, Historie om Tal-Lotteriet og dets forunderlige Indflydelse paa det menneskelige Gemyt (Copenhagen: J.R. Thiele, 1773)33. Marius Warholm Haugen, ‘The Lottery Fantasy and Social Mobility in Eighteenth-Century Venetian Literature: Carlo Goldini, Pietro Chiari, and Giacomo Casanova,’ Italian Studies 77, no. 3 (2022): 253–7034. Jesse Molesworth, Chance and the Eighteenth-Century Novel: Realism, Probability, Magic (Cambridge: Cambridge University. Press, 2010), p. 2235. Robert Kruckeberg, ‘The Royal Lottery and the Old Regime: Financial Innovation and Modern Political Culture,’ French Historical Studies, 37 (2014), 2636. Anonymous, En kort, men fuldstændig Maade, at kunde vide 1 eller 2 Tal af de som trækkes i Tal-Lotteriet, ved Hielp af en her hosføiet grundig Tabel (Copenhagen: Sander and Mordhorst, 1773)37. Anonymous, Tall Lotterie Spionen. No. 1 (Copenhagen: H.J. Graae, 1773)38. H. Thueslev, Det kongelige Assistenshus: Københavns assistenshus og anden pantelånervirksomhed (Copenhagen: G.E.C. Gad, 1976), 10239. Friborg, Til Kongen, 7 and on40. Anonymous, Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie, 23–2441. Under the headline ‘Lotto Business’ agents were regularly advertising in Adresseavisen, see, for instance, 4 August 177242. Adresseavisen, no. 28, 19 February 177343. Anonymous, Sende-Brev, passim44. In her study of European lotteries, Legay lists numerous cases of fraud, manipulations of lists, false tickets etc. Legay, Les lotteries royales, chapter 8 (digital version, no pagination)45. Adresseavisen, 17 July 1772, no. 11546. Adresseavisen, 20 July 1772, no. 11647. Adresseavisen, 15 February 1773, no. 2548. Anonymous, Vort Tal-Lotteries Historie, 23–2449. Anonymous, Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie, 4150. Bruun, Kjøbenhavn, 36951. Rescript of 2 July 1772.52. For instance, Danish National Archive: The Royal and City Court: Justice Office, consideration records, 1772–1773, fol. 334–35, record of sentences, 1772–1774, no. 769 + 770 and Tried Cases, 24 December 177253. Anonymous, Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie, 2554. J.F. Baumgarten, Tydeligere Forklaring paa Tall-Lotteriet til Nytte for Lotteriet, og Oplysning for dem, som ey kan begribe dens Indretning (Copenhagen: A.H. Godiches Efterleverske, 1771); Anonymous, Afhandling om Gevinsternes Forhold imod Tabet, samt Lotteriets Kasses Fordeel udi Tal-Lotterier (1771); J.R. Schumacher, Underviisning for Elskere af Tal-Lotteriet hvorefter enhver kan udregne sit Haab til de store Gevinster (Copenhagen: Mummes Boglade nr. 5, Børsen, 1771); Anonymous, En kort, men fuldstændig Maade, at kunde vide 1 eller 2 Tal af de som trækkes i Tal-Lotteriet, ved Hielp af en her hosføiet grundig Tabel (1773).55. This inspiration is evident from titles like Den italienske Tallvælgere, som opdager den i Genua hemmelige Kunst, ved hvilken, formedelst tvende Tærmnger, enhver kan fordeelagtig indsætte sine Penge i Tall-lotteriet (Copenhagen: Morten Hallager, 1774) [The Italian number picker, who discovers the secret art in Genoa, by which, by means of two dices, anyone can advantageously insert his money in the number lottery] and Drømmebog for de som spille i Tal-Lotterie: Af det Italienske (Copenhagen: Hallager, 1774) [Dream Book for those who play the Numbers Lottery: Of the Italian], the latter presenting long lists of words and numbers that could be used in dream interpretation. On divination manuals see Haugen, ‘The Lottery Phantasy’, 356. See for instance Lystig Underretning om Drømme-Tal i Tal-Lotteriet, som viser Maaden man skal tage Tallene efter paa det man har drømt, No Printer, 1774; En lystig Lotterie-Viise. Synget af een, som havde drømt om Støvle, Kruus, Paryk, Skoe, og tog derpaa: No. 5, 7, 9, 2 (Copenhagen: Morten Hallager, 1774)57. Tilskueren i Kiøbenhavn, no. 7, (1788), 99–10458. Tilskueren i Kiøbenhavn, no. 9, (1788), 131–14459. A moral and economic debate on the lottery occurred in the intellectual periodical Minerva in 1789, see A. Petersen, Bidrag til den danske Lotterie-Krønike (Copenhagen: Schiøtz & Mandra, 1817), 11–13. Otherwise, the post-Press Freedom criticism mostly confined itself to fragmentary sarcasm or minor repetitions of the most common statements. The literary journal Kritik og Anti-Kritik (1790, no. 12, vol. 5, 180) mentions how lottery players become '‘unfit for useful labour’. In the serial story Rigsdalersedlens Hændelser (1790, No. 2, chapter 5, 19–20), radical writer P. A. Heiberg states that the lottery ‘is the incognito under which the devil, death and misery’ are travelling around the country. In early nineteenth-century treatises on the economy, such as Christian Olufsen’s Grundtræk af den practiske Statsoeconomie (Copenhagen: J.H. Schubotes, 1815, 263–64), the opposition resembles standard anti-lottery scepticism: ‘It is dangerous making the citizens used to expect happiness from blind chance and not by industry. Not to talk about the extremely damaging influence the lottery specifically has on morality’.Additional informationNotes on contributorsUlrik LangenUlrik Langen is a professor of history and has published on a variety of subjects within the field of cultural and social history. His latest book is The World’s First Full Press Freedom: The Radical Experiment of Denmark–Norway 1770–73 (De Gruyter, 2022).","PeriodicalId":45240,"journal":{"name":"Cultural & Social History","volume":"28 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.5000,"publicationDate":"2023-09-16","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"“The Worst Invention Ever” The Number Lottery and its Critics during the Press Freedom Period in Denmark-Norway 1770-1773\",\"authors\":\"Ulrik Langen\",\"doi\":\"10.1080/14780038.2023.2256212\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"ABSTRACTDuring the so-called Press Freedom Period, 1770–1773, in Denmark-Norway, fierce and mostly anonymous criticism of the recently introduced number lottery emerged. This opposition went beyond mainstream patriotic discourse and produced narratives of players and lottery agents as socially irresponsible individuals. The article traces the initial development of a patriotic narrative concerning matters of morality, the deterioration of the labour force, and the perceived threats against the resilience of the state. We demonstrate how the focus of criticism – during the subsequent phase leading up to the closing of Press Freedom in October-November 1773 – shifted towards the practice of playing the lottery and the actors embodying this practice as victims or abettors of the operations of an ominous state-sanctioned enterprise. This rapid transformation of discourse was a unique feature of the Press Freedom Period.KEYWORDS: Lotterythe press freedom periodpatriotism18th centuryDenmark-Norway AcknowledgementI am grateful to the two anonymous peer reviewers for their valuable suggestions. Also, I would like to thank my colleagues Niklas Olsen, Søren Rud, Gunvor Simonsen and Karen Vallgårda at the Saxo Institute (University of Copenhagen) for much-appreciated comments on an early version of this article.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1. On Danish-Norwegian lotteries in general see Helle Linde, ‘Lotterier’, Københavns Kronik, no. 43 (1989): 3–4; C.A. Clemmensen, Almindelig dansk Vare- og Industrilotteri (Copenhagen: O.O. Olsen, 1937)2. Royal Ordinance of 21 March 1738. Danish-Norwegian Royal Ordinances are printed in Jacob Henrich Schou, Chronologisk Register over de Kongelige Forordninger og Aabne Breve, samt andre trykte Anordninger, som fra Aar 1670 af ere udkomne, tilligemed et nøiagtigt Udtog af de endnu gieldende, for saavidt samme i almindelighed angaae Undersaatterne i Danmark, forsynet med et alphabetisk Register (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1777–1822). Every ordinance mentioned in this article can be consulted in this collection.3. Royal Ordinance of 29 June 1753.4. Royal Ordinance of 4 December 1767.5. James Raven, ‘Debating the Lottery in Britain c. 1750–1830’, Manfred Zollinger, ed., Random Riches. Gambling Past & Present (London: Routledge, 2016), 966. On the Danish-Norwegian Press Freedom Period see Ulrik Langen and Frederik Stjernfelt, The World’s First Full Press Freedom. The Radical Experiment of Denmark-Norway1770–1773 (Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 2022)7. To some extent, the criticism of the lottery can be compared to the debate on the Royal Lottery in France in pamphlets and cahiers de doléances in 1787–1789; a specific opportunity making way for severe attacks on a state institution (or rather state-approved institution as was the case with the Danish-Norwegian lottery). See Robert Kruckeberg, ’The Royal Lottery and the Old Regime: Financial Innovation and Modern Political Culture’, French Historical Studies, 37 (2014), 47–488. Translation burrowed from J.C. Laursen, ‘David Hume and the Danish Debate about Freedom of the Press in the 1770s,’ Journal of the History of Ideas, 59, no. 1 (1998), 167–729. On Danish eighteenth-century patriotism see Johan Fjord Jensen (et.al.), Dansk litteraturhistorie. Patriotismens tid 1746–1807 (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1983); Tine Damsholt, Fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd. Patriotisk diskurs og militære reformer i Danmark i sidste halvdel af 1700-tallet (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 2000); Juliane Engelhardt, Borgerskab og fællesskab. De patriotiske selskaber i den danske helstat 1769–1814 (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 2010). Press Freedom patriotism is mentioned in H. Horstbøll, U. Langen and F. Stjernfelt, Grov Konfækt. Tre vilde år med trykkefrihed 1770–1773 (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 2020), vol. 1, 171–7310. Bruno Bernard, ‘Aspects moreaux et sociaux des lotteries’, Bruno Bernard and Michel Ansieux, eds., Loteries en Europe. Cinq siècles d’histoire (Bruxelles: Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, Loterie Nationale, 1995), 55–78. See also John Dunkley, Gambling: A Social and Moral Problem in France, 1685–1792 (Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 1985)11. Manfred Zollinger, “Dealing in Chances – An Introduction,” Zollinger, Random Riches, 5–612. A Royal Ordinance of 30 June 1735 banned foreign lottery agents from Copenhagen, and the prohibition was ‘renewed and increased’ by a Royal Ordinance of 20 December 1771. Still, this measure did not prevent the citizens of Copenhagen from playing foreign lotteries. Such banishments were part of a European trend (for instance, France in 1752, the Netherlands in 1763). See Marie-Laure Legay, Les lotteries royales dans l’Europe des Lumières: 1680–1815 (Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2014), chapter 7 (digital version, no pagination)13. Struensee subscribed for 47 shares in the lottery company, paid 4700 rix-dollars in cash to Koës and promised to pay the remaining 18,800 rix-dollars later. This he never did. Danish National Archives: The Royal and City Court: Justice Office: Tried Cases, 24 December 1772, Liste der Aktionäre. Memo from Koës, in which he informs about Struensee’s shares.14. On lotteries and public confidence see Legay, Les lotteries royales, chapter 8 (digital version, no pagination)15. Poul Thestrup, Mark og skilling, kroner og øre. Pengeenheder, priser og lønninger i Danmark i 350 år (1640–1989) (Copenhagen: Rigsarkivet/Gad, 1991), 3016. Adresseavisen, 20 January 1772, no. 10, 3 January 1772, no. 1 and 17 January 1772, no. 917. Adresseavisen, 10 July 1771, no. 111, advertisement for a number lottery sign; Adresseavisen, 30 September 1772, no. 16018. On the establishment of number lottery see Carl Bruun, Kjøbenhavn. En illustreret Skildring af dets Historie, Mindesmærker og Institutioner (Copenhagen: Det nordiske Forlag, 1901), vol. 3, pp. 367–73; Edvard Holm, Danmark-Norges Historie fra Den store nordiske Krigs Slutning til Rigernes Adskillelse (Copenhagen: Gad, 1890–1912), IV, 2, pp. 169–72. The anonymous booklet Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie (Copenhagen: P.H. Høecke, 1773) contains the Royal Charter, lottery plans, calls for investors and similar key documents.19. Adresseavisen, 3 February 1773, no. 19 and Kiøbenhavns politiske Veyviser, 1772, 266–6820. It was a common European tradition that young boys were employed to draw the tickets from the wheel. Eighteenth-century iconographic representations of blindfolded boys at the wheel are numerous, see Bernard and Ansieux, Loteries en Europe, passim. See also Raven, '‘Debating’, 9621. Kiøbenhavnske Tidender, 9 August 1771, no. 63. The staging of the Copenhagen lottery was quite similar to ‘the great theatricals’ attached to the drawings in Britain (as in many Continental cities), see Raven, ‘Debating’, 9622. Inga Henriette Undheim and Johanne S. Kristiansen have convincingly argued that maintaining a positive position towards the lottery was impossible within the patriotic discourse of the Press Freedom Period. ‘Debating the moral implications of the lottery in Denmark-Norway (1770–1773)’, unpublished paper presented at the 3rd Nordic Eighteenth Century Conference, Copenhagen 26 August 2022. In Horstbøll (et.al), Grov Konfækt (177–78) the anonymous pamphlet Tanker over det alleene Privilegerede Lotterie til Landets almindelige Nytte, fattige Børns Opdragelse, og det fattige Væsens bestandige Underholdning i Kiøbenhavn (Copenhagen: A.H. Godiches Efterleverske, 1771) is erroneously interpreted as supporting the number lottery. This pamphlet was in fact a praise to the existing Royal Reformatory’s lottery, and, thus, at least implicitly hostile to the new number lottery.23. O.D. Lütken, Beviis at Lotteriers Fremgang er Europæ Fald og Staternes Ødelæggelse (Copenhagen: N. Møller, 1771).24. Nicolaus Friborg, Til Kongen! Om Tallotteriets onde Følger i de Danske Stater (Copenhagen: A.F. Stein, 1773), 1425. Anonymous, Almuens Øine opklarede i Anledning af den Daarlighed at vove sine Penge i Tal-Lotterier (Copenhagen: N. Møller, 1771)26. J.F. Baumgarten, Aarsager til Tall-Lotteriernes Forvisning af alle Riger og Lande (Copenhagen: N. Møller, 1771)27. Anonymous, Patriotiske Tanker i Anledning af Tal-Lotteriet Skrevet den 1ste Martii af Philoplebis (Copenhagen: J.G. Rothe, 1771)28. Anonymous, Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie, 40. These concerns about socially imbalanced consequences were a common feature in the anti-lottery discourse of the period. For instance, in 1787, Mirabeau attacked the Royal Lottery in France (established in 1776) for its negative impact on low-income people. This argument against the lottery was often repeated by debaters with increasing strength well into the period of the French Revolution. Robert Kruckeberg, “‘A Nation of Gamesters”: Virtue, the Will of the Nation, and the National Lottery in the French Revolution,’ French History, 31 (2017), 314.29. On lottery fever as a general phenomenon see Helma Houtman-de Smedt, 'La fièvre de la loterie et du lotto s’empare du Nord-Ouest de l’Europe au cours des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles’, Bruno Bernard and Michel Ansieux, eds., Loteries en Europe, 136–18530. Quoted from Bruun, Kjøbenhavn, 37231. Anonymous, Sende-Brev fra en Tydsk Skolemester i Kiøbenhavn, til General- Administrationen for det i Kiøbenhavn og Altona oprettede Tal-Lotterie. I Anledning af en paa een Side og egenmægtig for falsk erklæret Original-Lotterieseddel og i Henseende til deres forandrede Planer og Original-Billetter. Af VirtVs Grata Fidesque VincVnt. Oversat af det Tydske, I Aaret 1773 den 1ste Martii (Copenhagen: J.R. Thiele, 1773)32. Anonymous, Historie om Tal-Lotteriet og dets forunderlige Indflydelse paa det menneskelige Gemyt (Copenhagen: J.R. Thiele, 1773)33. Marius Warholm Haugen, ‘The Lottery Fantasy and Social Mobility in Eighteenth-Century Venetian Literature: Carlo Goldini, Pietro Chiari, and Giacomo Casanova,’ Italian Studies 77, no. 3 (2022): 253–7034. Jesse Molesworth, Chance and the Eighteenth-Century Novel: Realism, Probability, Magic (Cambridge: Cambridge University. Press, 2010), p. 2235. Robert Kruckeberg, ‘The Royal Lottery and the Old Regime: Financial Innovation and Modern Political Culture,’ French Historical Studies, 37 (2014), 2636. Anonymous, En kort, men fuldstændig Maade, at kunde vide 1 eller 2 Tal af de som trækkes i Tal-Lotteriet, ved Hielp af en her hosføiet grundig Tabel (Copenhagen: Sander and Mordhorst, 1773)37. Anonymous, Tall Lotterie Spionen. No. 1 (Copenhagen: H.J. Graae, 1773)38. H. Thueslev, Det kongelige Assistenshus: Københavns assistenshus og anden pantelånervirksomhed (Copenhagen: G.E.C. Gad, 1976), 10239. Friborg, Til Kongen, 7 and on40. Anonymous, Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie, 23–2441. Under the headline ‘Lotto Business’ agents were regularly advertising in Adresseavisen, see, for instance, 4 August 177242. Adresseavisen, no. 28, 19 February 177343. Anonymous, Sende-Brev, passim44. In her study of European lotteries, Legay lists numerous cases of fraud, manipulations of lists, false tickets etc. Legay, Les lotteries royales, chapter 8 (digital version, no pagination)45. Adresseavisen, 17 July 1772, no. 11546. Adresseavisen, 20 July 1772, no. 11647. Adresseavisen, 15 February 1773, no. 2548. Anonymous, Vort Tal-Lotteries Historie, 23–2449. Anonymous, Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie, 4150. Bruun, Kjøbenhavn, 36951. Rescript of 2 July 1772.52. For instance, Danish National Archive: The Royal and City Court: Justice Office, consideration records, 1772–1773, fol. 334–35, record of sentences, 1772–1774, no. 769 + 770 and Tried Cases, 24 December 177253. Anonymous, Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie, 2554. J.F. Baumgarten, Tydeligere Forklaring paa Tall-Lotteriet til Nytte for Lotteriet, og Oplysning for dem, som ey kan begribe dens Indretning (Copenhagen: A.H. Godiches Efterleverske, 1771); Anonymous, Afhandling om Gevinsternes Forhold imod Tabet, samt Lotteriets Kasses Fordeel udi Tal-Lotterier (1771); J.R. Schumacher, Underviisning for Elskere af Tal-Lotteriet hvorefter enhver kan udregne sit Haab til de store Gevinster (Copenhagen: Mummes Boglade nr. 5, Børsen, 1771); Anonymous, En kort, men fuldstændig Maade, at kunde vide 1 eller 2 Tal af de som trækkes i Tal-Lotteriet, ved Hielp af en her hosføiet grundig Tabel (1773).55. This inspiration is evident from titles like Den italienske Tallvælgere, som opdager den i Genua hemmelige Kunst, ved hvilken, formedelst tvende Tærmnger, enhver kan fordeelagtig indsætte sine Penge i Tall-lotteriet (Copenhagen: Morten Hallager, 1774) [The Italian number picker, who discovers the secret art in Genoa, by which, by means of two dices, anyone can advantageously insert his money in the number lottery] and Drømmebog for de som spille i Tal-Lotterie: Af det Italienske (Copenhagen: Hallager, 1774) [Dream Book for those who play the Numbers Lottery: Of the Italian], the latter presenting long lists of words and numbers that could be used in dream interpretation. On divination manuals see Haugen, ‘The Lottery Phantasy’, 356. See for instance Lystig Underretning om Drømme-Tal i Tal-Lotteriet, som viser Maaden man skal tage Tallene efter paa det man har drømt, No Printer, 1774; En lystig Lotterie-Viise. Synget af een, som havde drømt om Støvle, Kruus, Paryk, Skoe, og tog derpaa: No. 5, 7, 9, 2 (Copenhagen: Morten Hallager, 1774)57. Tilskueren i Kiøbenhavn, no. 7, (1788), 99–10458. Tilskueren i Kiøbenhavn, no. 9, (1788), 131–14459. A moral and economic debate on the lottery occurred in the intellectual periodical Minerva in 1789, see A. Petersen, Bidrag til den danske Lotterie-Krønike (Copenhagen: Schiøtz & Mandra, 1817), 11–13. Otherwise, the post-Press Freedom criticism mostly confined itself to fragmentary sarcasm or minor repetitions of the most common statements. The literary journal Kritik og Anti-Kritik (1790, no. 12, vol. 5, 180) mentions how lottery players become '‘unfit for useful labour’. In the serial story Rigsdalersedlens Hændelser (1790, No. 2, chapter 5, 19–20), radical writer P. A. Heiberg states that the lottery ‘is the incognito under which the devil, death and misery’ are travelling around the country. In early nineteenth-century treatises on the economy, such as Christian Olufsen’s Grundtræk af den practiske Statsoeconomie (Copenhagen: J.H. Schubotes, 1815, 263–64), the opposition resembles standard anti-lottery scepticism: ‘It is dangerous making the citizens used to expect happiness from blind chance and not by industry. Not to talk about the extremely damaging influence the lottery specifically has on morality’.Additional informationNotes on contributorsUlrik LangenUlrik Langen is a professor of history and has published on a variety of subjects within the field of cultural and social history. 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引用次数: 0


摘要在所谓的新闻自由时期(1770-1773年),在丹麦和挪威,出现了对最近推出的数字彩票的激烈且大多是匿名的批评。这种反对超越了主流的爱国话语,并产生了球员和彩票经纪人作为社会不负责任的个人的叙述。这篇文章追溯了爱国主义叙事的最初发展,涉及道德问题、劳动力的恶化以及对国家恢复力的感知威胁。我们展示了批评的焦点-在导致1773年10月至11月新闻自由关闭的后续阶段-如何转移到玩彩票的做法以及体现这种做法的演员作为一个不祥的国家批准企业运作的受害者或教唆犯。这种话语的快速转变是新闻自由时期的一个独特特征。关键词:彩票;新闻自由;爱国主义;18世纪;丹麦-挪威致谢感谢两位匿名的同行审稿人提出的宝贵建议。此外,我还要感谢我的同事Niklas Olsen、Søren Rud、Gunvor Simonsen和Karen vallg<s:1> rda对本文早期版本的评论。披露声明作者未报告潜在的利益冲突。关于丹麦-挪威的彩票,一般见Helle Linde, ' Lotterier ', Københavns Kronik, no。43 (1989): 3-4;C.A.克莱门森,《丹麦工业发展与发展》(哥本哈根:O.O. Olsen, 1937)1738年3月21日的皇家法令。丹麦-挪威皇家法令印刷在Jacob Henrich Schou, Chronologisk Register over de Kongelige Forordninger og Aabne Breve, samt andre trykte Anordninger, som fra a1670, after udkomne, tilliged et øiagtigt Udtog af de endnu gieldende, for saavidt samme i Danmark, forsynet med et alphabeisk Register(哥本哈根:Gyldendal, 1777-1822)。这篇文章中提到的每一个条例都可以在这个合集中查阅。1753.4年6月29日的皇家法令。1767.5年12月4日的皇家法令。詹姆斯·雷文,《1750-1830年英国的彩票之争》,曼弗雷德·佐林格主编,《随机财富》。赌博的过去和现在(伦敦:劳特利奇,2016),966。关于丹麦-挪威新闻自由时期,请参阅Ulrik Langen和Frederik Stjernfelt的《世界上第一个完全的新闻自由》。丹麦-挪威的激进实验1770 - 1773(奥尔登堡:De Gruyter, 2022)在某种程度上,对彩票的批评可以与1787年至1789年法国小册子和记录簿中关于皇家彩票的辩论进行比较;这是对国家机构(或者更确切地说,是国家批准的机构,比如丹麦-挪威彩票公司)进行严重攻击的特定机会。见Robert Kruckeberg,“皇家彩票与旧政权:金融创新与现代政治文化”,《法国历史研究》,2014年第37期,第47-488页。摘自J.C. Laursen,《大卫·休谟与17世纪70年代丹麦关于新闻自由的辩论》,《思想史杂志》,59年,第5期。1(1998), 167-729。关于丹麦18世纪的爱国主义,见约翰·弗约德·詹森(Johan Fjord Jensen)等人所著的《丹麦文学史》。《1746-1807年的爱国者》(哥本哈根:吉登达尔出版社,1983年);蒂娜·达姆肖尔特,Fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd。丹麦的爱国主义圆盘和军事改革家在1700年的半身像(哥本哈根:图斯库兰姆博物馆,2000);Juliane Engelhardt, Borgerskab和ællesskab。(哥本哈根:图斯库兰姆博物馆,2010)。H. Horstbøll、U. Langen和F. Stjernfelt、Grov Konfækt都提到了新闻自由爱国主义。文献综述(英文版),第1卷,1771 - 7310页。布鲁诺伯纳德,“方面moreaux et sociaux des彩票”,布鲁诺伯纳德和米歇尔Ansieux,编辑。欧洲的彩票。《五百年历史》(布鲁塞尔:Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon出版社,国家彩票出版社,1995),55-78页。参见约翰·邓克利,赌博:法国的一个社会和道德问题,1685-1792(牛津:伏尔泰基金会,1985)。曼弗雷德·佐林格,“机会交易——导言”,佐林格,《随机财富》,第5-612页。1735年6月30日的皇家法令禁止外国彩票代理商进入哥本哈根,1771年12月20日的皇家法令“更新和增加”了禁令。尽管如此,这项措施并没有阻止哥本哈根市民玩外国彩票。这样的流放是欧洲潮流的一部分(例如,1752年的法国,1763年的荷兰)。13.见Marie-Laure Legay, Les lotterroyales dans l 'Europe des lumiires: 1680-1815 (Villeneuve d 'Ascq:出版社Universitaires du Septentrion, 2014),第7章(数字版本,无页码)。 作者简介:ulrik Langen ulrik Langen ulrik Langen是一位历史学教授,在文化和社会历史领域发表了许多主题的文章。他的最新著作是《世界上第一个完全的新闻自由:1770-73年丹麦-挪威的激进实验》(De Gruyter, 2022)。
“The Worst Invention Ever” The Number Lottery and its Critics during the Press Freedom Period in Denmark-Norway 1770-1773
ABSTRACTDuring the so-called Press Freedom Period, 1770–1773, in Denmark-Norway, fierce and mostly anonymous criticism of the recently introduced number lottery emerged. This opposition went beyond mainstream patriotic discourse and produced narratives of players and lottery agents as socially irresponsible individuals. The article traces the initial development of a patriotic narrative concerning matters of morality, the deterioration of the labour force, and the perceived threats against the resilience of the state. We demonstrate how the focus of criticism – during the subsequent phase leading up to the closing of Press Freedom in October-November 1773 – shifted towards the practice of playing the lottery and the actors embodying this practice as victims or abettors of the operations of an ominous state-sanctioned enterprise. This rapid transformation of discourse was a unique feature of the Press Freedom Period.KEYWORDS: Lotterythe press freedom periodpatriotism18th centuryDenmark-Norway AcknowledgementI am grateful to the two anonymous peer reviewers for their valuable suggestions. Also, I would like to thank my colleagues Niklas Olsen, Søren Rud, Gunvor Simonsen and Karen Vallgårda at the Saxo Institute (University of Copenhagen) for much-appreciated comments on an early version of this article.Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Notes1. On Danish-Norwegian lotteries in general see Helle Linde, ‘Lotterier’, Københavns Kronik, no. 43 (1989): 3–4; C.A. Clemmensen, Almindelig dansk Vare- og Industrilotteri (Copenhagen: O.O. Olsen, 1937)2. Royal Ordinance of 21 March 1738. Danish-Norwegian Royal Ordinances are printed in Jacob Henrich Schou, Chronologisk Register over de Kongelige Forordninger og Aabne Breve, samt andre trykte Anordninger, som fra Aar 1670 af ere udkomne, tilligemed et nøiagtigt Udtog af de endnu gieldende, for saavidt samme i almindelighed angaae Undersaatterne i Danmark, forsynet med et alphabetisk Register (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1777–1822). Every ordinance mentioned in this article can be consulted in this collection.3. Royal Ordinance of 29 June 1753.4. Royal Ordinance of 4 December 1767.5. James Raven, ‘Debating the Lottery in Britain c. 1750–1830’, Manfred Zollinger, ed., Random Riches. Gambling Past & Present (London: Routledge, 2016), 966. On the Danish-Norwegian Press Freedom Period see Ulrik Langen and Frederik Stjernfelt, The World’s First Full Press Freedom. The Radical Experiment of Denmark-Norway1770–1773 (Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 2022)7. To some extent, the criticism of the lottery can be compared to the debate on the Royal Lottery in France in pamphlets and cahiers de doléances in 1787–1789; a specific opportunity making way for severe attacks on a state institution (or rather state-approved institution as was the case with the Danish-Norwegian lottery). See Robert Kruckeberg, ’The Royal Lottery and the Old Regime: Financial Innovation and Modern Political Culture’, French Historical Studies, 37 (2014), 47–488. Translation burrowed from J.C. Laursen, ‘David Hume and the Danish Debate about Freedom of the Press in the 1770s,’ Journal of the History of Ideas, 59, no. 1 (1998), 167–729. On Danish eighteenth-century patriotism see Johan Fjord Jensen (et.al.), Dansk litteraturhistorie. Patriotismens tid 1746–1807 (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1983); Tine Damsholt, Fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd. Patriotisk diskurs og militære reformer i Danmark i sidste halvdel af 1700-tallet (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 2000); Juliane Engelhardt, Borgerskab og fællesskab. De patriotiske selskaber i den danske helstat 1769–1814 (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 2010). Press Freedom patriotism is mentioned in H. Horstbøll, U. Langen and F. Stjernfelt, Grov Konfækt. Tre vilde år med trykkefrihed 1770–1773 (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 2020), vol. 1, 171–7310. Bruno Bernard, ‘Aspects moreaux et sociaux des lotteries’, Bruno Bernard and Michel Ansieux, eds., Loteries en Europe. Cinq siècles d’histoire (Bruxelles: Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, Loterie Nationale, 1995), 55–78. See also John Dunkley, Gambling: A Social and Moral Problem in France, 1685–1792 (Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 1985)11. Manfred Zollinger, “Dealing in Chances – An Introduction,” Zollinger, Random Riches, 5–612. A Royal Ordinance of 30 June 1735 banned foreign lottery agents from Copenhagen, and the prohibition was ‘renewed and increased’ by a Royal Ordinance of 20 December 1771. Still, this measure did not prevent the citizens of Copenhagen from playing foreign lotteries. Such banishments were part of a European trend (for instance, France in 1752, the Netherlands in 1763). See Marie-Laure Legay, Les lotteries royales dans l’Europe des Lumières: 1680–1815 (Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2014), chapter 7 (digital version, no pagination)13. Struensee subscribed for 47 shares in the lottery company, paid 4700 rix-dollars in cash to Koës and promised to pay the remaining 18,800 rix-dollars later. This he never did. Danish National Archives: The Royal and City Court: Justice Office: Tried Cases, 24 December 1772, Liste der Aktionäre. Memo from Koës, in which he informs about Struensee’s shares.14. On lotteries and public confidence see Legay, Les lotteries royales, chapter 8 (digital version, no pagination)15. Poul Thestrup, Mark og skilling, kroner og øre. Pengeenheder, priser og lønninger i Danmark i 350 år (1640–1989) (Copenhagen: Rigsarkivet/Gad, 1991), 3016. Adresseavisen, 20 January 1772, no. 10, 3 January 1772, no. 1 and 17 January 1772, no. 917. Adresseavisen, 10 July 1771, no. 111, advertisement for a number lottery sign; Adresseavisen, 30 September 1772, no. 16018. On the establishment of number lottery see Carl Bruun, Kjøbenhavn. En illustreret Skildring af dets Historie, Mindesmærker og Institutioner (Copenhagen: Det nordiske Forlag, 1901), vol. 3, pp. 367–73; Edvard Holm, Danmark-Norges Historie fra Den store nordiske Krigs Slutning til Rigernes Adskillelse (Copenhagen: Gad, 1890–1912), IV, 2, pp. 169–72. The anonymous booklet Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie (Copenhagen: P.H. Høecke, 1773) contains the Royal Charter, lottery plans, calls for investors and similar key documents.19. Adresseavisen, 3 February 1773, no. 19 and Kiøbenhavns politiske Veyviser, 1772, 266–6820. It was a common European tradition that young boys were employed to draw the tickets from the wheel. Eighteenth-century iconographic representations of blindfolded boys at the wheel are numerous, see Bernard and Ansieux, Loteries en Europe, passim. See also Raven, '‘Debating’, 9621. Kiøbenhavnske Tidender, 9 August 1771, no. 63. The staging of the Copenhagen lottery was quite similar to ‘the great theatricals’ attached to the drawings in Britain (as in many Continental cities), see Raven, ‘Debating’, 9622. Inga Henriette Undheim and Johanne S. Kristiansen have convincingly argued that maintaining a positive position towards the lottery was impossible within the patriotic discourse of the Press Freedom Period. ‘Debating the moral implications of the lottery in Denmark-Norway (1770–1773)’, unpublished paper presented at the 3rd Nordic Eighteenth Century Conference, Copenhagen 26 August 2022. In Horstbøll (et.al), Grov Konfækt (177–78) the anonymous pamphlet Tanker over det alleene Privilegerede Lotterie til Landets almindelige Nytte, fattige Børns Opdragelse, og det fattige Væsens bestandige Underholdning i Kiøbenhavn (Copenhagen: A.H. Godiches Efterleverske, 1771) is erroneously interpreted as supporting the number lottery. This pamphlet was in fact a praise to the existing Royal Reformatory’s lottery, and, thus, at least implicitly hostile to the new number lottery.23. O.D. Lütken, Beviis at Lotteriers Fremgang er Europæ Fald og Staternes Ødelæggelse (Copenhagen: N. Møller, 1771).24. Nicolaus Friborg, Til Kongen! Om Tallotteriets onde Følger i de Danske Stater (Copenhagen: A.F. Stein, 1773), 1425. Anonymous, Almuens Øine opklarede i Anledning af den Daarlighed at vove sine Penge i Tal-Lotterier (Copenhagen: N. Møller, 1771)26. J.F. Baumgarten, Aarsager til Tall-Lotteriernes Forvisning af alle Riger og Lande (Copenhagen: N. Møller, 1771)27. Anonymous, Patriotiske Tanker i Anledning af Tal-Lotteriet Skrevet den 1ste Martii af Philoplebis (Copenhagen: J.G. Rothe, 1771)28. Anonymous, Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie, 40. These concerns about socially imbalanced consequences were a common feature in the anti-lottery discourse of the period. For instance, in 1787, Mirabeau attacked the Royal Lottery in France (established in 1776) for its negative impact on low-income people. This argument against the lottery was often repeated by debaters with increasing strength well into the period of the French Revolution. Robert Kruckeberg, “‘A Nation of Gamesters”: Virtue, the Will of the Nation, and the National Lottery in the French Revolution,’ French History, 31 (2017), 314.29. On lottery fever as a general phenomenon see Helma Houtman-de Smedt, 'La fièvre de la loterie et du lotto s’empare du Nord-Ouest de l’Europe au cours des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles’, Bruno Bernard and Michel Ansieux, eds., Loteries en Europe, 136–18530. Quoted from Bruun, Kjøbenhavn, 37231. Anonymous, Sende-Brev fra en Tydsk Skolemester i Kiøbenhavn, til General- Administrationen for det i Kiøbenhavn og Altona oprettede Tal-Lotterie. I Anledning af en paa een Side og egenmægtig for falsk erklæret Original-Lotterieseddel og i Henseende til deres forandrede Planer og Original-Billetter. Af VirtVs Grata Fidesque VincVnt. Oversat af det Tydske, I Aaret 1773 den 1ste Martii (Copenhagen: J.R. Thiele, 1773)32. Anonymous, Historie om Tal-Lotteriet og dets forunderlige Indflydelse paa det menneskelige Gemyt (Copenhagen: J.R. Thiele, 1773)33. Marius Warholm Haugen, ‘The Lottery Fantasy and Social Mobility in Eighteenth-Century Venetian Literature: Carlo Goldini, Pietro Chiari, and Giacomo Casanova,’ Italian Studies 77, no. 3 (2022): 253–7034. Jesse Molesworth, Chance and the Eighteenth-Century Novel: Realism, Probability, Magic (Cambridge: Cambridge University. Press, 2010), p. 2235. Robert Kruckeberg, ‘The Royal Lottery and the Old Regime: Financial Innovation and Modern Political Culture,’ French Historical Studies, 37 (2014), 2636. Anonymous, En kort, men fuldstændig Maade, at kunde vide 1 eller 2 Tal af de som trækkes i Tal-Lotteriet, ved Hielp af en her hosføiet grundig Tabel (Copenhagen: Sander and Mordhorst, 1773)37. Anonymous, Tall Lotterie Spionen. No. 1 (Copenhagen: H.J. Graae, 1773)38. H. Thueslev, Det kongelige Assistenshus: Københavns assistenshus og anden pantelånervirksomhed (Copenhagen: G.E.C. Gad, 1976), 10239. Friborg, Til Kongen, 7 and on40. Anonymous, Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie, 23–2441. Under the headline ‘Lotto Business’ agents were regularly advertising in Adresseavisen, see, for instance, 4 August 177242. Adresseavisen, no. 28, 19 February 177343. Anonymous, Sende-Brev, passim44. In her study of European lotteries, Legay lists numerous cases of fraud, manipulations of lists, false tickets etc. Legay, Les lotteries royales, chapter 8 (digital version, no pagination)45. Adresseavisen, 17 July 1772, no. 11546. Adresseavisen, 20 July 1772, no. 11647. Adresseavisen, 15 February 1773, no. 2548. Anonymous, Vort Tal-Lotteries Historie, 23–2449. Anonymous, Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie, 4150. Bruun, Kjøbenhavn, 36951. Rescript of 2 July 1772.52. For instance, Danish National Archive: The Royal and City Court: Justice Office, consideration records, 1772–1773, fol. 334–35, record of sentences, 1772–1774, no. 769 + 770 and Tried Cases, 24 December 177253. Anonymous, Vort Tall-Lotteries Historie, 2554. J.F. Baumgarten, Tydeligere Forklaring paa Tall-Lotteriet til Nytte for Lotteriet, og Oplysning for dem, som ey kan begribe dens Indretning (Copenhagen: A.H. Godiches Efterleverske, 1771); Anonymous, Afhandling om Gevinsternes Forhold imod Tabet, samt Lotteriets Kasses Fordeel udi Tal-Lotterier (1771); J.R. Schumacher, Underviisning for Elskere af Tal-Lotteriet hvorefter enhver kan udregne sit Haab til de store Gevinster (Copenhagen: Mummes Boglade nr. 5, Børsen, 1771); Anonymous, En kort, men fuldstændig Maade, at kunde vide 1 eller 2 Tal af de som trækkes i Tal-Lotteriet, ved Hielp af en her hosføiet grundig Tabel (1773).55. This inspiration is evident from titles like Den italienske Tallvælgere, som opdager den i Genua hemmelige Kunst, ved hvilken, formedelst tvende Tærmnger, enhver kan fordeelagtig indsætte sine Penge i Tall-lotteriet (Copenhagen: Morten Hallager, 1774) [The Italian number picker, who discovers the secret art in Genoa, by which, by means of two dices, anyone can advantageously insert his money in the number lottery] and Drømmebog for de som spille i Tal-Lotterie: Af det Italienske (Copenhagen: Hallager, 1774) [Dream Book for those who play the Numbers Lottery: Of the Italian], the latter presenting long lists of words and numbers that could be used in dream interpretation. On divination manuals see Haugen, ‘The Lottery Phantasy’, 356. See for instance Lystig Underretning om Drømme-Tal i Tal-Lotteriet, som viser Maaden man skal tage Tallene efter paa det man har drømt, No Printer, 1774; En lystig Lotterie-Viise. Synget af een, som havde drømt om Støvle, Kruus, Paryk, Skoe, og tog derpaa: No. 5, 7, 9, 2 (Copenhagen: Morten Hallager, 1774)57. Tilskueren i Kiøbenhavn, no. 7, (1788), 99–10458. Tilskueren i Kiøbenhavn, no. 9, (1788), 131–14459. A moral and economic debate on the lottery occurred in the intellectual periodical Minerva in 1789, see A. Petersen, Bidrag til den danske Lotterie-Krønike (Copenhagen: Schiøtz & Mandra, 1817), 11–13. Otherwise, the post-Press Freedom criticism mostly confined itself to fragmentary sarcasm or minor repetitions of the most common statements. The literary journal Kritik og Anti-Kritik (1790, no. 12, vol. 5, 180) mentions how lottery players become '‘unfit for useful labour’. In the serial story Rigsdalersedlens Hændelser (1790, No. 2, chapter 5, 19–20), radical writer P. A. Heiberg states that the lottery ‘is the incognito under which the devil, death and misery’ are travelling around the country. In early nineteenth-century treatises on the economy, such as Christian Olufsen’s Grundtræk af den practiske Statsoeconomie (Copenhagen: J.H. Schubotes, 1815, 263–64), the opposition resembles standard anti-lottery scepticism: ‘It is dangerous making the citizens used to expect happiness from blind chance and not by industry. Not to talk about the extremely damaging influence the lottery specifically has on morality’.Additional informationNotes on contributorsUlrik LangenUlrik Langen is a professor of history and has published on a variety of subjects within the field of cultural and social history. His latest book is The World’s First Full Press Freedom: The Radical Experiment of Denmark–Norway 1770–73 (De Gruyter, 2022).
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