I. Polovinkin, V. Savchenko, O. Stefurak, O. Barabash, systemSerhii Korotin, A. Salii, Yurii P. Tselischev, Ivan P. Korovin, Anatolii V. Kotsiuruba, Yurii M. Kolomiets, Olha Suprun, Anton Sorokun, O. Suprun, Viktor Matviichuk, Svetlana Zhakiyeva, Rustam Nassirkhan
{"title":"ait2020版权页面","authors":"I. Polovinkin, V. Savchenko, O. Stefurak, O. Barabash, systemSerhii Korotin, A. Salii, Yurii P. Tselischev, Ivan P. Korovin, Anatolii V. Kotsiuruba, Yurii M. Kolomiets, Olha Suprun, Anton Sorokun, O. Suprun, Viktor Matviichuk, Svetlana Zhakiyeva, Rustam Nassirkhan","doi":"10.1109/atit50783.2020.9349349","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"Paper / Article Title Author Name Author Email Authorized Signatory Name Authorized Signatory Email D te of Sigature Copyright Type IEEEATIT2020-10 The method of improving the quality of signal detection by accounting for interferenceOleksander Laptiev, Igor Polovinkin, Vitalii Savchenko, Oleh Stefurak and Oleg Barabash alaptev64@ukr.net,Igor1964mo@i.ua,savitan@ukr.net,stefurak.oleg@ukr.net,bar64@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-101 Modeling the characteristics of the stabilization circuit of a hypothetical dynamic systemSerhii Korotin, Anatolii Salii, Yurii Tselischev, Ivan Korovin, Anatolii Kotsiuruba and Yurii Kolomiets korotin2008@gmail.com,salyi_ _g@nuou.org.ua,cup1938@ukr.net,korovinip@gmail.com,kav2510@ukr.net,ip48212@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-102 Research of Features and Possibilities of Modern Real Time Video Services Olha Suprun, Anton Sorokun, Oleh Suprun, Viktor Matviichuk , Serhii Voskoboinikov and Yurii Babenko o.n.suprun@gmail.com,sorokun@gmail.com,oleh.o.suprun@gmail.com,123qwert1@ukr.net,Rtyvcb@gmail.com,babenkomahalych@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-103 Information model of decision support in the design of information and communication systems based on the customer's profile Viach slav Riabtsev viacheslav.riabtsev@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-104 Protection Of Information In Assessing The Factors Of Influence Tsiutsiura Mykola, Tsiutsiura Svitlana, Andrii Yerukaiev, Terentiev Oleksandr, Kyivska Kateryna, Kuleba Mykola alusion@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-105-1 The Network Reliability Assessment and Risk Prevention Measures for the Power System of Kazakhstan Due to High Renewables Svetlana Zhakiyeva, Rustam Nassirkhan, Bekzhan Mukatov and Nurkhat Zhakiyev zhakiyevas@gmail.com,o arov.r@climate.kz,mukatov@kegoc.kz,nurkhat.zhakiyev@astanait.edu.kz 2020-12-21 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-106 Mathematical Model for Heterogeneous Databases Parameters Estimation in Distributed Systems with Dynamic Structure Vad m Mukh n, Yaroslav Ko naga, Viktor Bondarenko, Valerii Zavgorodnii, Oksana Herasymenko and Oleksii Sholokhov v.mukhin@kpi.u ,slovyan_k@ukr.net,victorbondarenko@ukr.net,z vgorodni valerii@gmail.com,oksgerasymenko@gmail.com,gyroalex@ukr.net 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-11 Comparison of floating-point numbers absolute values when representation of the exponents with sign-inverse two’s complementary code Ol ksandr Miroshkin, Oleksandr Samoshchenko and Heorhii Marhiiev miroshkina @gmail.com,aleksandr.samoshchenko@gmail.com,margievge@gmail.com 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-111 Methods of Assessing the Scientific Activity of Scientists and Higher Education Institutions Andrii Biloshchytskyi, Alexander Kuchansky, Yurii Andrashko, Aidos Mukhatayev, Sapar Toxanov and Adil Faizullin kuczanski@gmail.com,b o1978@gmail.com,andrashkojv@gmail.com 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-114 Hierarchical model of a complex of IoT devices based on the use of a wireless sensor network Yrii Afanasiev, Valerii Chystov, Volodymyr Afanasiev, Vitalii Surhai, Oleksii Sitkov and Serhii Fediuk testkivi204@gmail.com,valera.chistov43@gmail.com,afvv74@ukr.net,vitasik-81@ukr.net,sitkov@ukr.net,sfeduyk@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-115 Analysis of methods for creating media for long-term data storage Ievgen Beliak beliak1312@gmail.com 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-116 Research on the formation level of methodological competence of IT disciplines teachers Andrii Biloshchytskyi, Serik Omirbayev, Aidos Mukhatayev, Adil Faizullin, Sapar Toxanov and Khanat Kassenov bao1978@gmail.com,aidos.mukhatayev@astanait.edu.kz,Serik.Omirbayev@astanait.edu.kz,sapar.toxanov@astanait.edu.kz,adil.faizullin@astanait.edu.kz 2020-12-18 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-118 Hidden Transmitter Localization Accuracy Model Based on Multi-Position Range Measurement Vitalii Savchenko, Oleksander Laptiev, Oleksandr Kolos, Rostyslav Lisnevskyi, Viktoriia Ivannikova and Ivan Ablazov s vitan@ukr.net,alaptev64@ukr.net,solok02@i.ua,lisa1304400@gmail.com,vicg@bigmir.net,ablazov@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-13 Design and Simulation of Synchronization Systems in Telecommunications with QPSK Ilya Pyatin, Juliy Boiko and Oleksander Eromenko ilkhmel@ukr.net,boiko_julius@ukr.net,yeromenko_s@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-14 Face recognition systems based on Neural Compute Stick 2, CPU, GPU comparison Oleksandra Aleksandrova and Yevhen Bashkov al xandra666kl@gmail.com,eab23may@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-15 Factors affecting synchronization time of tree parity machines in cryptography Mykyta Aleksandrov and Yevhen Bashkov neckic @gmail.com,eab23may@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-16 Intelligent multi-service platform for building management Oleksandr Prokhorov, Yurii Pronchakov and Oleg Fedorovich o.pro horov@khai.edu,pronchakov@gmail.com,oe.fedorovich@gmail.com 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-17 The new method for detecting signals of means of covert obtaining information Oleksander Laptiev, Vitalii Savchenko, Yevseiev Serhii, Halyna Haidur and Sergii Gakhov alaptev64@ukr.net,savitan@ukr.net,Serhii.Y vseiev@hneu.net,gaydurg@gmail.com,gakhov@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-18 Nonparametric Multiple Comparison Test for Change-Point Detection in Big Data Dmitriy Klyushin and Kateryna Golubeva klyushin@unicyb.kiev.ua,Katrin_G@bigmir.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-19 The Results of System Analysis of Functional Diagrams and Operation Algorithms of Tracking Systems of Tracking Radar of Antiaircraft Missile Armament With Digital Processing of Error Signal Igor Sachuk, Pavel Kushch, Alex Kalyta, Pavel Openko, Valery Orlenko and Sergij Bondarenko i_s chuk1@ukr.net,pav lkushch@gmail.com,majorkalit @gmail.com,pavel.openko@ukr.net,orlenkoval@gmail.com,sergbonditas@gmail.com 2020-12-17 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-21 Control System for the Production of Mineral Fertilizers in a Granulator with a Fluidized Bed Bog an Korniyenko, Lesya Ladieva and Liliya Galata bogd ko@gmx.ne ,lrynus@yahoo.com,galataliliya@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-22 System of Control of the Process of Alkylation of Benzene with Peripene in the Liquid Phase Bogdan Korniyenko, Lesya Ladieva, Tetiana Klusta and Zvenyslava Kozanevych bogdanko@gmx.net,lrynus@ ahoo.c m,tanklusta@ukr.net,dkozanevych@yahoo.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-23 An approach to Better Portable Graphics (BPG) Compression with Providing A Desired Quality Fangfang Li, Sergey Krivenko and Vladimir Lukin lukin@ai.kharkov.ua,liff_niat@yahoo.com,krivenkos@ieee.org,lukin@ai.kharkov.com 2020-12-17 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-24 Intellectual fuzzy system air pollution control Olga Leshchenko, Yuri Kravchenko, Nataliia Dakhno,Vladyslav Deinega,Halyna Shevchenko, Oleksandr Trush les lga@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-25 Information technology for the recognition of semi precious minerals Mikhail Polishchuk borchiv@ukr.net 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-26 Сyber-physical-logistical systems: state-of-the-art Illya Holovatenko and Andrii Pysarenko illyaholovatenko@gmail.com,andrew.pisarenko@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-27 TRAJECTORY CONTROL METHOD OF UAV IN AUTONOMOUS FLIGHT MODE USING NEURAL NETWORK MELM ALGORITHM obert Bieliakov france417@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-28 Adaptive algorithm for variational inequality problem over the set of solutions the equilibrium problems Serhii Denysov, Vladimir Semenov and Yana Vedel denisov.univ@gmai .com,semenov.volodya@gmail.com,yana.vedel@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-29 Mathematical Modeling of Iris-Post Sections for Waveguide Filters, Phase Shifters and Polarizers And ew Bulashenko and Stepan Piltyay an_bul shenko@i.ua,crosspolar@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-30 Semi-Markov mathematical model of a complex radioelectronic system operation process with limited possibilities the internal control means Serhii Kitik kit ksv@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-31 New Tunable Iris-Post Square Waveguide Polarizers for Satellite Information Systems Stepan Piltyay and Andrew Bulashenko crosspolar@ukr.net,an_bulashenko@i.ua 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-32 The Use of a Genetic Algorithm in the Problem of Distribution of Information Security Organizational and Financial Resources Valer y Lakhno, Bakhytzhan Akhmetov, Saltanat Adilzhanova, Andrii Blozva, Svitlаnа Rzаiеvа and Dmуtrо Rzаiеv valss21@ukr.net,bakhytzhan. khmetov.54@mail.ru,asaltanat81@gmail.com,blozvaand@gmail.com,rzaevasl@ukr.net,ditomas@ukr.net 2020-12-21 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-33 Development of a classifier for the system of automatic document processing with limited sampling Anton Korotynskyi and Oleksii Zhuchenko ihfantkor@gmail.com,azhuch@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-34 Method of fuzzy classification of information with limited access Serhii Falchenko, Vitalii Hrebeniuk, Alla Hrebeniuk, Aleksandr Korchenko, Іryna Manzhul and Yurii Dreis jamelis1960@gmail.com,ratel6969@meta.ua,alla7997@meta.ua,icaocenter@nau.edu.ua,vassa00@ukr.net,y.dreis@nau.edu.ua 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-37 Machine Learning to Improve Numerical Weather Forecasting Anatoliy Doroshenko, Vitalii Shpyg and Roman Kushnirenko doroshenk anatoliy2@gmail.com,vitold82@i.ua,roman.kushnirenk@gmail.com 2020-12-18 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-38 Usage of Fourier transformation in theoretical studying of signals in data transmission Andrii Makarchuk, Inna Kal’chuk, Yurii Kharkevych and Tetiana Voloshyna andreymak h2@gmail.com,kalchuk_i@ukr.net,kharkevich.juriy@gmail.com,tetianavoloshyna@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-43 FDTD and FEM Simulation of Microwave Waveguide Polarizers Stepan Piltyay and Andrew Bulashenko crosspolar@ukr.net,an_bulashenko@i.ua 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-44 Usage of Fourier transformation theory in machine translation Yurii Kharkevych, Galyna Kharkevych, Inna Kal'chuk and Valentyn Sobchuk harkevich.juriy@gmail.com,galya16@bigmir.net,kalchuk_i@ukr.net,v.v.sobchuk@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-46 Static Analysis of Resource Consumption in Programs Using Rewriting Rules Tural Mamedov, Anat","PeriodicalId":312916,"journal":{"name":"2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory (ATIT)","volume":"53 1","pages":"0"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0000,"publicationDate":"2020-11-25","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"ATIT 2020 Copyright Page\",\"authors\":\"I. Polovinkin, V. Savchenko, O. Stefurak, O. Barabash, systemSerhii Korotin, A. Salii, Yurii P. Tselischev, Ivan P. Korovin, Anatolii V. Kotsiuruba, Yurii M. Kolomiets, Olha Suprun, Anton Sorokun, O. Suprun, Viktor Matviichuk, Svetlana Zhakiyeva, Rustam Nassirkhan\",\"doi\":\"10.1109/atit50783.2020.9349349\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"Paper / Article Title Author Name Author Email Authorized Signatory Name Authorized Signatory Email D te of Sigature Copyright Type IEEEATIT2020-10 The method of improving the quality of signal detection by accounting for interferenceOleksander Laptiev, Igor Polovinkin, Vitalii Savchenko, Oleh Stefurak and Oleg Barabash alaptev64@ukr.net,Igor1964mo@i.ua,savitan@ukr.net,stefurak.oleg@ukr.net,bar64@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-101 Modeling the characteristics of the stabilization circuit of a hypothetical dynamic systemSerhii Korotin, Anatolii Salii, Yurii Tselischev, Ivan Korovin, Anatolii Kotsiuruba and Yurii Kolomiets korotin2008@gmail.com,salyi_ _g@nuou.org.ua,cup1938@ukr.net,korovinip@gmail.com,kav2510@ukr.net,ip48212@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-102 Research of Features and Possibilities of Modern Real Time Video Services Olha Suprun, Anton Sorokun, Oleh Suprun, Viktor Matviichuk , Serhii Voskoboinikov and Yurii Babenko o.n.suprun@gmail.com,sorokun@gmail.com,oleh.o.suprun@gmail.com,123qwert1@ukr.net,Rtyvcb@gmail.com,babenkomahalych@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-103 Information model of decision support in the design of information and communication systems based on the customer's profile Viach slav Riabtsev viacheslav.riabtsev@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-104 Protection Of Information In Assessing The Factors Of Influence Tsiutsiura Mykola, Tsiutsiura Svitlana, Andrii Yerukaiev, Terentiev Oleksandr, Kyivska Kateryna, Kuleba Mykola alusion@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-105-1 The Network Reliability Assessment and Risk Prevention Measures for the Power System of Kazakhstan Due to High Renewables Svetlana Zhakiyeva, Rustam Nassirkhan, Bekzhan Mukatov and Nurkhat Zhakiyev zhakiyevas@gmail.com,o arov.r@climate.kz,mukatov@kegoc.kz,nurkhat.zhakiyev@astanait.edu.kz 2020-12-21 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-106 Mathematical Model for Heterogeneous Databases Parameters Estimation in Distributed Systems with Dynamic Structure Vad m Mukh n, Yaroslav Ko naga, Viktor Bondarenko, Valerii Zavgorodnii, Oksana Herasymenko and Oleksii Sholokhov v.mukhin@kpi.u ,slovyan_k@ukr.net,victorbondarenko@ukr.net,z vgorodni valerii@gmail.com,oksgerasymenko@gmail.com,gyroalex@ukr.net 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-11 Comparison of floating-point numbers absolute values when representation of the exponents with sign-inverse two’s complementary code Ol ksandr Miroshkin, Oleksandr Samoshchenko and Heorhii Marhiiev miroshkina @gmail.com,aleksandr.samoshchenko@gmail.com,margievge@gmail.com 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-111 Methods of Assessing the Scientific Activity of Scientists and Higher Education Institutions Andrii Biloshchytskyi, Alexander Kuchansky, Yurii Andrashko, Aidos Mukhatayev, Sapar Toxanov and Adil Faizullin kuczanski@gmail.com,b o1978@gmail.com,andrashkojv@gmail.com 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-114 Hierarchical model of a complex of IoT devices based on the use of a wireless sensor network Yrii Afanasiev, Valerii Chystov, Volodymyr Afanasiev, Vitalii Surhai, Oleksii Sitkov and Serhii Fediuk testkivi204@gmail.com,valera.chistov43@gmail.com,afvv74@ukr.net,vitasik-81@ukr.net,sitkov@ukr.net,sfeduyk@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-115 Analysis of methods for creating media for long-term data storage Ievgen Beliak beliak1312@gmail.com 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-116 Research on the formation level of methodological competence of IT disciplines teachers Andrii Biloshchytskyi, Serik Omirbayev, Aidos Mukhatayev, Adil Faizullin, Sapar Toxanov and Khanat Kassenov bao1978@gmail.com,aidos.mukhatayev@astanait.edu.kz,Serik.Omirbayev@astanait.edu.kz,sapar.toxanov@astanait.edu.kz,adil.faizullin@astanait.edu.kz 2020-12-18 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-118 Hidden Transmitter Localization Accuracy Model Based on Multi-Position Range Measurement Vitalii Savchenko, Oleksander Laptiev, Oleksandr Kolos, Rostyslav Lisnevskyi, Viktoriia Ivannikova and Ivan Ablazov s vitan@ukr.net,alaptev64@ukr.net,solok02@i.ua,lisa1304400@gmail.com,vicg@bigmir.net,ablazov@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-13 Design and Simulation of Synchronization Systems in Telecommunications with QPSK Ilya Pyatin, Juliy Boiko and Oleksander Eromenko ilkhmel@ukr.net,boiko_julius@ukr.net,yeromenko_s@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-14 Face recognition systems based on Neural Compute Stick 2, CPU, GPU comparison Oleksandra Aleksandrova and Yevhen Bashkov al xandra666kl@gmail.com,eab23may@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-15 Factors affecting synchronization time of tree parity machines in cryptography Mykyta Aleksandrov and Yevhen Bashkov neckic @gmail.com,eab23may@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-16 Intelligent multi-service platform for building management Oleksandr Prokhorov, Yurii Pronchakov and Oleg Fedorovich o.pro horov@khai.edu,pronchakov@gmail.com,oe.fedorovich@gmail.com 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-17 The new method for detecting signals of means of covert obtaining information Oleksander Laptiev, Vitalii Savchenko, Yevseiev Serhii, Halyna Haidur and Sergii Gakhov alaptev64@ukr.net,savitan@ukr.net,Serhii.Y vseiev@hneu.net,gaydurg@gmail.com,gakhov@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-18 Nonparametric Multiple Comparison Test for Change-Point Detection in Big Data Dmitriy Klyushin and Kateryna Golubeva klyushin@unicyb.kiev.ua,Katrin_G@bigmir.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-19 The Results of System Analysis of Functional Diagrams and Operation Algorithms of Tracking Systems of Tracking Radar of Antiaircraft Missile Armament With Digital Processing of Error Signal Igor Sachuk, Pavel Kushch, Alex Kalyta, Pavel Openko, Valery Orlenko and Sergij Bondarenko i_s chuk1@ukr.net,pav lkushch@gmail.com,majorkalit @gmail.com,pavel.openko@ukr.net,orlenkoval@gmail.com,sergbonditas@gmail.com 2020-12-17 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-21 Control System for the Production of Mineral Fertilizers in a Granulator with a Fluidized Bed Bog an Korniyenko, Lesya Ladieva and Liliya Galata bogd ko@gmx.ne ,lrynus@yahoo.com,galataliliya@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-22 System of Control of the Process of Alkylation of Benzene with Peripene in the Liquid Phase Bogdan Korniyenko, Lesya Ladieva, Tetiana Klusta and Zvenyslava Kozanevych bogdanko@gmx.net,lrynus@ ahoo.c m,tanklusta@ukr.net,dkozanevych@yahoo.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-23 An approach to Better Portable Graphics (BPG) Compression with Providing A Desired Quality Fangfang Li, Sergey Krivenko and Vladimir Lukin lukin@ai.kharkov.ua,liff_niat@yahoo.com,krivenkos@ieee.org,lukin@ai.kharkov.com 2020-12-17 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-24 Intellectual fuzzy system air pollution control Olga Leshchenko, Yuri Kravchenko, Nataliia Dakhno,Vladyslav Deinega,Halyna Shevchenko, Oleksandr Trush les lga@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-25 Information technology for the recognition of semi precious minerals Mikhail Polishchuk borchiv@ukr.net 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-26 Сyber-physical-logistical systems: state-of-the-art Illya Holovatenko and Andrii Pysarenko illyaholovatenko@gmail.com,andrew.pisarenko@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-27 TRAJECTORY CONTROL METHOD OF UAV IN AUTONOMOUS FLIGHT MODE USING NEURAL NETWORK MELM ALGORITHM obert Bieliakov france417@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-28 Adaptive algorithm for variational inequality problem over the set of solutions the equilibrium problems Serhii Denysov, Vladimir Semenov and Yana Vedel denisov.univ@gmai .com,semenov.volodya@gmail.com,yana.vedel@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-29 Mathematical Modeling of Iris-Post Sections for Waveguide Filters, Phase Shifters and Polarizers And ew Bulashenko and Stepan Piltyay an_bul shenko@i.ua,crosspolar@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-30 Semi-Markov mathematical model of a complex radioelectronic system operation process with limited possibilities the internal control means Serhii Kitik kit ksv@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-31 New Tunable Iris-Post Square Waveguide Polarizers for Satellite Information Systems Stepan Piltyay and Andrew Bulashenko crosspolar@ukr.net,an_bulashenko@i.ua 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-32 The Use of a Genetic Algorithm in the Problem of Distribution of Information Security Organizational and Financial Resources Valer y Lakhno, Bakhytzhan Akhmetov, Saltanat Adilzhanova, Andrii Blozva, Svitlаnа Rzаiеvа and Dmуtrо Rzаiеv valss21@ukr.net,bakhytzhan. khmetov.54@mail.ru,asaltanat81@gmail.com,blozvaand@gmail.com,rzaevasl@ukr.net,ditomas@ukr.net 2020-12-21 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-33 Development of a classifier for the system of automatic document processing with limited sampling Anton Korotynskyi and Oleksii Zhuchenko ihfantkor@gmail.com,azhuch@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-34 Method of fuzzy classification of information with limited access Serhii Falchenko, Vitalii Hrebeniuk, Alla Hrebeniuk, Aleksandr Korchenko, Іryna Manzhul and Yurii 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Paper / Article Title Author Name Author Email Authorized Signatory Name Authorized Signatory Email D te of Sigature Copyright Type IEEEATIT2020-10 The method of improving the quality of signal detection by accounting for interferenceOleksander Laptiev, Igor Polovinkin, Vitalii Savchenko, Oleh Stefurak and Oleg Barabash alaptev64@ukr.net,Igor1964mo@i.ua,savitan@ukr.net,stefurak.oleg@ukr.net,bar64@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-101 Modeling the characteristics of the stabilization circuit of a hypothetical dynamic systemSerhii Korotin, Anatolii Salii, Yurii Tselischev, Ivan Korovin, Anatolii Kotsiuruba and Yurii Kolomiets korotin2008@gmail.com,salyi_ _g@nuou.org.ua,cup1938@ukr.net,korovinip@gmail.com,kav2510@ukr.net,ip48212@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-102 Research of Features and Possibilities of Modern Real Time Video Services Olha Suprun, Anton Sorokun, Oleh Suprun, Viktor Matviichuk , Serhii Voskoboinikov and Yurii Babenko o.n.suprun@gmail.com,sorokun@gmail.com,oleh.o.suprun@gmail.com,123qwert1@ukr.net,Rtyvcb@gmail.com,babenkomahalych@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-103 Information model of decision support in the design of information and communication systems based on the customer's profile Viach slav Riabtsev viacheslav.riabtsev@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-104 Protection Of Information In Assessing The Factors Of Influence Tsiutsiura Mykola, Tsiutsiura Svitlana, Andrii Yerukaiev, Terentiev Oleksandr, Kyivska Kateryna, Kuleba Mykola alusion@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-105-1 The Network Reliability Assessment and Risk Prevention Measures for the Power System of Kazakhstan Due to High Renewables Svetlana Zhakiyeva, Rustam Nassirkhan, Bekzhan Mukatov and Nurkhat Zhakiyev zhakiyevas@gmail.com,o arov.r@climate.kz,mukatov@kegoc.kz,nurkhat.zhakiyev@astanait.edu.kz 2020-12-21 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-106 Mathematical Model for Heterogeneous Databases Parameters Estimation in Distributed Systems with Dynamic Structure Vad m Mukh n, Yaroslav Ko naga, Viktor Bondarenko, Valerii Zavgorodnii, Oksana Herasymenko and Oleksii Sholokhov v.mukhin@kpi.u ,slovyan_k@ukr.net,victorbondarenko@ukr.net,z vgorodni valerii@gmail.com,oksgerasymenko@gmail.com,gyroalex@ukr.net 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-11 Comparison of floating-point numbers absolute values when representation of the exponents with sign-inverse two’s complementary code Ol ksandr Miroshkin, Oleksandr Samoshchenko and Heorhii Marhiiev miroshkina @gmail.com,aleksandr.samoshchenko@gmail.com,margievge@gmail.com 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-111 Methods of Assessing the Scientific Activity of Scientists and Higher Education Institutions Andrii Biloshchytskyi, Alexander Kuchansky, Yurii Andrashko, Aidos Mukhatayev, Sapar Toxanov and Adil Faizullin kuczanski@gmail.com,b o1978@gmail.com,andrashkojv@gmail.com 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-114 Hierarchical model of a complex of IoT devices based on the use of a wireless sensor network Yrii Afanasiev, Valerii Chystov, Volodymyr Afanasiev, Vitalii Surhai, Oleksii Sitkov and Serhii Fediuk testkivi204@gmail.com,valera.chistov43@gmail.com,afvv74@ukr.net,vitasik-81@ukr.net,sitkov@ukr.net,sfeduyk@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-115 Analysis of methods for creating media for long-term data storage Ievgen Beliak beliak1312@gmail.com 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-116 Research on the formation level of methodological competence of IT disciplines teachers Andrii Biloshchytskyi, Serik Omirbayev, Aidos Mukhatayev, Adil Faizullin, Sapar Toxanov and Khanat Kassenov bao1978@gmail.com,aidos.mukhatayev@astanait.edu.kz,Serik.Omirbayev@astanait.edu.kz,sapar.toxanov@astanait.edu.kz,adil.faizullin@astanait.edu.kz 2020-12-18 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-118 Hidden Transmitter Localization Accuracy Model Based on Multi-Position Range Measurement Vitalii Savchenko, Oleksander Laptiev, Oleksandr Kolos, Rostyslav Lisnevskyi, Viktoriia Ivannikova and Ivan Ablazov s vitan@ukr.net,alaptev64@ukr.net,solok02@i.ua,lisa1304400@gmail.com,vicg@bigmir.net,ablazov@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-13 Design and Simulation of Synchronization Systems in Telecommunications with QPSK Ilya Pyatin, Juliy Boiko and Oleksander Eromenko ilkhmel@ukr.net,boiko_julius@ukr.net,yeromenko_s@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-14 Face recognition systems based on Neural Compute Stick 2, CPU, GPU comparison Oleksandra Aleksandrova and Yevhen Bashkov al xandra666kl@gmail.com,eab23may@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-15 Factors affecting synchronization time of tree parity machines in cryptography Mykyta Aleksandrov and Yevhen Bashkov neckic @gmail.com,eab23may@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-16 Intelligent multi-service platform for building management Oleksandr Prokhorov, Yurii Pronchakov and Oleg Fedorovich o.pro horov@khai.edu,pronchakov@gmail.com,oe.fedorovich@gmail.com 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-17 The new method for detecting signals of means of covert obtaining information Oleksander Laptiev, Vitalii Savchenko, Yevseiev Serhii, Halyna Haidur and Sergii Gakhov alaptev64@ukr.net,savitan@ukr.net,Serhii.Y vseiev@hneu.net,gaydurg@gmail.com,gakhov@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-18 Nonparametric Multiple Comparison Test for Change-Point Detection in Big Data Dmitriy Klyushin and Kateryna Golubeva klyushin@unicyb.kiev.ua,Katrin_G@bigmir.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-19 The Results of System Analysis of Functional Diagrams and Operation Algorithms of Tracking Systems of Tracking Radar of Antiaircraft Missile Armament With Digital Processing of Error Signal Igor Sachuk, Pavel Kushch, Alex Kalyta, Pavel Openko, Valery Orlenko and Sergij Bondarenko i_s chuk1@ukr.net,pav lkushch@gmail.com,majorkalit @gmail.com,pavel.openko@ukr.net,orlenkoval@gmail.com,sergbonditas@gmail.com 2020-12-17 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-21 Control System for the Production of Mineral Fertilizers in a Granulator with a Fluidized Bed Bog an Korniyenko, Lesya Ladieva and Liliya Galata bogd ko@gmx.ne ,lrynus@yahoo.com,galataliliya@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-22 System of Control of the Process of Alkylation of Benzene with Peripene in the Liquid Phase Bogdan Korniyenko, Lesya Ladieva, Tetiana Klusta and Zvenyslava Kozanevych bogdanko@gmx.net,lrynus@ ahoo.c m,tanklusta@ukr.net,dkozanevych@yahoo.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-23 An approach to Better Portable Graphics (BPG) Compression with Providing A Desired Quality Fangfang Li, Sergey Krivenko and Vladimir Lukin lukin@ai.kharkov.ua,liff_niat@yahoo.com,krivenkos@ieee.org,lukin@ai.kharkov.com 2020-12-17 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-24 Intellectual fuzzy system air pollution control Olga Leshchenko, Yuri Kravchenko, Nataliia Dakhno,Vladyslav Deinega,Halyna Shevchenko, Oleksandr Trush les lga@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-25 Information technology for the recognition of semi precious minerals Mikhail Polishchuk borchiv@ukr.net 2020-12-16 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-26 Сyber-physical-logistical systems: state-of-the-art Illya Holovatenko and Andrii Pysarenko illyaholovatenko@gmail.com,andrew.pisarenko@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-27 TRAJECTORY CONTROL METHOD OF UAV IN AUTONOMOUS FLIGHT MODE USING NEURAL NETWORK MELM ALGORITHM obert Bieliakov france417@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-28 Adaptive algorithm for variational inequality problem over the set of solutions the equilibrium problems Serhii Denysov, Vladimir Semenov and Yana Vedel denisov.univ@gmai .com,semenov.volodya@gmail.com,yana.vedel@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-29 Mathematical Modeling of Iris-Post Sections for Waveguide Filters, Phase Shifters and Polarizers And ew Bulashenko and Stepan Piltyay an_bul shenko@i.ua,crosspolar@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-30 Semi-Markov mathematical model of a complex radioelectronic system operation process with limited possibilities the internal control means Serhii Kitik kit ksv@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-31 New Tunable Iris-Post Square Waveguide Polarizers for Satellite Information Systems Stepan Piltyay and Andrew Bulashenko crosspolar@ukr.net,an_bulashenko@i.ua 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-32 The Use of a Genetic Algorithm in the Problem of Distribution of Information Security Organizational and Financial Resources Valer y Lakhno, Bakhytzhan Akhmetov, Saltanat Adilzhanova, Andrii Blozva, Svitlаnа Rzаiеvа and Dmуtrо Rzаiеv valss21@ukr.net,bakhytzhan. khmetov.54@mail.ru,asaltanat81@gmail.com,blozvaand@gmail.com,rzaevasl@ukr.net,ditomas@ukr.net 2020-12-21 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-33 Development of a classifier for the system of automatic document processing with limited sampling Anton Korotynskyi and Oleksii Zhuchenko ihfantkor@gmail.com,azhuch@ukr.net 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-34 Method of fuzzy classification of information with limited access Serhii Falchenko, Vitalii Hrebeniuk, Alla Hrebeniuk, Aleksandr Korchenko, Іryna Manzhul and Yurii Dreis jamelis1960@gmail.com,ratel6969@meta.ua,alla7997@meta.ua,icaocenter@nau.edu.ua,vassa00@ukr.net,y.dreis@nau.edu.ua 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-37 Machine Learning to Improve Numerical Weather Forecasting Anatoliy Doroshenko, Vitalii Shpyg and Roman Kushnirenko doroshenk anatoliy2@gmail.com,vitold82@i.ua,roman.kushnirenk@gmail.com 2020-12-18 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-38 Usage of Fourier transformation in theoretical studying of signals in data transmission Andrii Makarchuk, Inna Kal’chuk, Yurii Kharkevych and Tetiana Voloshyna andreymak h2@gmail.com,kalchuk_i@ukr.net,kharkevich.juriy@gmail.com,tetianavoloshyna@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-43 FDTD and FEM Simulation of Microwave Waveguide Polarizers Stepan Piltyay and Andrew Bulashenko crosspolar@ukr.net,an_bulashenko@i.ua 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-44 Usage of Fourier transformation theory in machine translation Yurii Kharkevych, Galyna Kharkevych, Inna Kal'chuk and Valentyn Sobchuk harkevich.juriy@gmail.com,galya16@bigmir.net,kalchuk_i@ukr.net,v.v.sobchuk@gmail.com 2020-12-15 IEEE IEEEATIT2020-46 Static Analysis of Resource Consumption in Programs Using Rewriting Rules Tural Mamedov, Anat