The Journal of Liposome Research aims to publish original, high-quality, peer-reviewed research on the topic of liposomes and related systems, lipid-based delivery systems, lipid biology, and both synthetic and physical lipid chemistry. Reviews and commentaries or editorials are generally solicited and are editorially reviewed. The Journal also publishes abstracts and conference proceedings including those from the International Liposome Society.
The scope of the Journal includes:
Formulation and characterisation of systems
Formulation engineering of systems
Synthetic and physical lipid chemistry
Lipid Biology
Emerging technologies and systems related to liposomes and vesicle type systems
Developmental methodologies and new analytical techniques pertaining to the general area
Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and biodistribution of systems
Clinical applications.
The Journal also publishes Special Issues focusing on particular topics and themes within the general scope of the Journal.