Using a regression model, the factors influencing the wear rate of the locomotive wheel crest are determined. It has been established that the main factors influencing the wear of the locomotive bandage ridge when the rolling stock enters the curved section of the track are diffusion-active hydrogen and the viscosity of the lubricant material with the additives used. The determining factors of the ridge wear are: Р is the pressure of the ridge on the rail (maximum) on the curved section of the track, Ks is impact strength of soft material (wheel tread), η is dynamic viscosity, τ is shear stress in grease, L is friction trail, V is volume of wear particles, and υ is wear rate. A mathematical model of the wear rate of the locomotive wheel crest in a curved section of the railway track is proposed. The proposed model makes it possible to evaluate the operational properties of the wheel–rail friction pair under study. The modification of the model was carried out based on the test results of the Puma lubricant. It is established that the wear rate of the comb with the Puma lubricant is 2.9703 × 10–6 m/s. The intensity of the release of diffusionally active hydrogen during tests on the friction path was determined as the ratio of hydrogen release during wear and the friction path and is equal to 0.711 ppm/mm. A comparative analysis of the mathematical model and experimental studies on the wear of the wheel ridge using additives to the lubricant: organosulfate, organophosphorus, and a derivative of the hydroquinone compound, the discrepancy between the empirical and theoretical values of the wear rate is 0.67%. The use of the developed mathematical model allows us to evaluate the process of the wear rate of the locomotive wheel ridge and determine the wear of the ridge during operation, in the future it will allow us to calculate the wear in real conditions and predict the timing of the inter-repair run of the rolling stock.