Parsley (Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum Danert) is a vegetable species with potential for pharmaceutical use because it contains apiin, a flavonoid that stands out for having biological activities, such as antioxidant. The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of chemical or organic fertilizers on the nitrogen metabolism and production of flavonoids in parsley at different stages of development, aiming to establish the most appropriate management of this crop. The experiment was carried out in flower beds with three treatments: Without fertilizer, chemical fertilization and organic fertilization (Bokashi), with two harvest times, 28 and 56 days after germination (DAG). The harvest period significantly influenced the analyzed variables, but the fertilizer source used did not. In this sense, for the production of apiin, fertilization is unnecessary when the soil used has good fertility conditions. It is also recommended to harvest all the plants at 28 DAG, dispensing with late cultivation, thus resulting in reduced production costs.
Key words: Parsley, soluble fractions, fertilizer, chemical fertilization, Bokashi, flavonoids.