This work focuses on the fluid-rigid interaction dynamics in the presence of a magnetic field. A rigid thin rectangular column immersed inside stationary metal liquid vibrates with a fixed small amplitude. The magneto-fluid-solid interaction (MFSI) dynamics issue is studied based on the complex Green’s function method. Considering either the normal or tangential vibration of a column, two types of semi-analytical solutions expressed by stream function integral equations of magnetic corrections, describing the time-displacement history of the column, flow field and electrical potential field of metal fluid and representing transient coupling effects of multi-physics field, are derived, respectively. Nonuniform discretization schemes and an iterative plan are applied to evaluate added damping and inertial loads. The results show that the main factor affecting normal vibration is pressure load, and the main factor affecting tangential vibration is vorticity load. The nonlinear effects of magnetic fields on the dynamics of fluid-rigid thin columns are revealed. The normal vibration exhibits better stability than the tangential vibration under the magnetic field. The induced electrical potential field and current intensity excited by normal vibration are significantly stronger than that of tangential vibration. These semi-analytical solutions can be applied as benchmarks in future validation and verification works for MFSI numerical algorithms for magnetic confinement nuclear fusion science.