Long-term medicines are frequently recommended to cardiovascular patients to control hypertension and lower heart burden. Patient adherence to cardiovascular medicine is crucial since stopping it increases the risk of cardiac adverse events and poses a bigger risk to health. Perception of manufacturers, prescribers and patients were taken into account to identify the most important variables that can have a positive impact on patient satisfaction and thereby increase adherence to prescribed cardiovascular drug therapy.
The empirical study was conducted using quantitative survey method. Questionnaire contained variables influencing patient compliance measured by a 5-point Likert scale where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 strongly agree. Questions were handed over by drop-off and collect method. This study was conducted in 15 tertiary health-care service centers and 18 pharmaceutical companies across Dhaka district, Bangladesh. A total of 156 cardiologists, 200 cardiac patients and 180 marketing professionals (manufacturers) were included in the survey.
A total of 11 variables that can affect patient compliance were utilized to create correlation matrix and subsequently to carry on exploratory factor analysis. Hypothesis testing was done by using the regression model. Forty-eight percent of respondents strongly agreed that efficacy of cardiac medicine influences patient compliance. Most of the stakeholders (69%) agreed that the company reputation of cardiac medicine suppliers is an important criterion. Availability and affordability were highly positively correlated variables. The variables were grouped under four categories according to factor loading scores. The four factors were medicinal issues of product strategies, economic issues of price strategies, convenience issues of place strategies and communication issues of promotional strategies.
The findings of this study contribute to the comprehension of the factors influencing patient compliance from multiple dimensions. Policy makers should implement and promote policies that encourage patient adherence to long-term prescription drugs.