Corrigendum to “Manipulating pore structures of SSZ-13 zeolite membranes via hydrocracking activation for superior H2/CO2 separation” [Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 387 (2025) 113518]
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials covers novel and significant aspects of porous solids classified as either microporous (pore size up to 2 nm) or mesoporous (pore size 2 to 50 nm). The porosity should have a specific impact on the material properties or application. Typical examples are zeolites and zeolite-like materials, pillared materials, clathrasils and clathrates, carbon molecular sieves, ordered mesoporous materials, organic/inorganic porous hybrid materials, or porous metal oxides. Both natural and synthetic porous materials are within the scope of the journal.
Topics which are particularly of interest include:
All aspects of natural microporous and mesoporous solids
The synthesis of crystalline or amorphous porous materials
The physico-chemical characterization of microporous and mesoporous solids, especially spectroscopic and microscopic
The modification of microporous and mesoporous solids, for example by ion exchange or solid-state reactions
All topics related to diffusion of mobile species in the pores of microporous and mesoporous materials
Adsorption (and other separation techniques) using microporous or mesoporous adsorbents
Catalysis by microporous and mesoporous materials
Host/guest interactions
Theoretical chemistry and modelling of host/guest interactions
All topics related to the application of microporous and mesoporous materials in industrial catalysis, separation technology, environmental protection, electrochemistry, membranes, sensors, optical devices, etc.