{"title":"Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2025 Abstract Author Index","authors":"","doi":"10.1111/dme.15499","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>Ämmälä, C - A43 & P07</p><p>Abbas, Z - A35 & P215</p><p>Abbott, J - P22</p><p>AbdelBari, H - P122*</p><p>Abdelkader, A - P218</p><p>Abdelmagid, MI - P201*</p><p>Abdul, N - P219*</p><p>Abdullah, A - P172</p><p>Abi Chahine, T - P152 & P154</p><p>Abiakam, N - A20 & P61</p><p>Aboobakar, HA - A45 & P52</p><p>Abraham, AA - A33, P228 & P247</p><p>Abu Ghazaleh, H - P276</p><p>Ackroyd, D - P267</p><p>Acreman, S - A46, P16 & P33</p><p>Adamson, C - P218</p><p>Adamson, KA - A31 & P112</p><p>Adeyileka-Tracz, B - A35 & P215</p><p>Adie, MA - P67 & P68</p><p>Adler, A - P291</p><p>Adriano, A - P325 & P327</p><p>Afi Leslie, K - A56* & P35*</p><p>Ahamed Sadiq, S - P125*</p><p>Ahmad, B - A23 & P49</p><p>Ahmad, E - P267</p><p>Ahmad, S - P114</p><p>Ahmed, MSO - P239*</p><p>Ahmed, S - P211 & P268</p><p>Aitken, RJ - P91*</p><p>Ajjan, R - P236 & P243</p><p>Akbar, SA - P140*</p><p>Akerman, I - A41 & P17</p><p>Alabraba, V - P190 & P317</p><p>Alam, U - A60 & P273</p><p>Alatawi, AA - P98*</p><p>Alayyan, G - P338</p><p>Alazawi, W - A30 & P54</p><p>Aldafas, R - P39</p><p>Alen, R - P20*</p><p>Alexandrou, E - P51</p><p>Alexiadou, K - P81</p><p>Alghadouri, D - P172</p><p>Ali, A - P82* & P110</p><p>Ali, SY - P67</p><p>Ali, U - P218*</p><p>Ali, YA - P67 & P68</p><p>Ali Baig, S - P228</p><p>Alistair Williams Antibody Facility - A47</p><p>Aljedi, F - P172</p><p>Aljohani, N - P305* & P276</p><p>Alkandari, J - P172</p><p>Alkhalifah, G - P172</p><p>Allan, M - P195</p><p>Allard, C - A66 & P47</p><p>Allardice, B - P197</p><p>Allen, M - P40</p><p>Allen, MJ - P245</p><p>Allen-Taylor, M - P328</p><p>Al-Mrabeh, AH - A23*, P15, P49* & P69</p><p>Alobaid, T - P237*</p><p>Alonso, R - A55 & P19</p><p>Alonso Soriano, C - A3</p><p>Alozairi, E - P172</p><p>Alsaeed, D - P172, P216* & P217*</p><p>Alsayed, S – P276</p><p>Al-Selwi, Y - P26</p><p>Altaghadom, E - P172</p><p>Alturkait, A - P172*</p><p>Amiel, S - P64 & P64</p><p>Amoh, P - P202*</p><p>Anderson, R - P88</p><p>Andrew, R - P34</p><p>Andrews, A - P120*</p><p>Andrews, R - A34, P41 & P127</p><p>Andrews, RC - P40, P181, P201, P245, P325 & P327</p><p>Angeles-Agdeppa, I - A23 & P49</p><p>Ansari, I - A12 & P296</p><p>Ansari, MH - P226*</p><p>Ansari, S - P81*</p><p>Anson, M - A60 & P273</p><p>Anthony, IR - P183 & P184</p><p>Anthony, L - P205</p><p>Anwar, MB - P144*</p><p>Aqeel, A - P322</p><p>Ardavani, A - P05, P05* & P39*</p><p>Arden, C - P06 & P11</p><p>Aris, M - A69 & P262</p><p>Ariyakunaphan, P - A25 & P83</p><p>Arni, AM - A22 & P70</p><p>Arregui-Fresneda, I - P147</p><p>Asaad, M - P276* & P305</p><p>Ashcroft, FM - P23 & P25</p><p>Ashford, M - P02</p><p>Ashraf, UA - P231</p><p>Ashton-Cleary, S - P249</p><p>Ashton-Cleary, S - P290</p><p>Ashwell, S - P216</p><p>Asimakopoulou, K - P189</p><p>Asong, M - A38 & P295</p><p>Ast, J - A43 & P07</p><p>Atherton, H - P313</p><p>Atkinson, R - P299 & P300</p><p>Atrih, A - P36</p><p>Atta, N - A26</p><p>Atta, S - P340</p><p>Aung, E - P210 & P229</p><p>Aung, ET - P144, P182 & P185*</p><p>Ausili, D - P319</p><p>Austin, G - A41 & P17</p><p>Austin, Z - P186</p><p>Avari, P - P92, P118 & P222</p><p>Avataneo, M - A13, A51* & P137*</p><p>Aveyard, P - P162</p><p>Ayis, S - A13 & P237</p><p>Azmi, S - P218, P239, P323 & P331</p><p>Böhme Kristensen, C - P189*</p><p>Baglioni, P - P115</p><p>Bailey, O - P170</p><p>Bakir, A - P211</p><p>Bala, R - P104 & P281*</p><p>Balafshan, T - P148*, P149*, P182, P277, P279 & P306</p><p>Balagamage, C - P120</p><p>Balani, J - P275</p><p>Balasubramanian, V - P176</p><p>Balkhiyarova, Z - A42*, P58* & P59*</p><p>Bancroft, L - P266</p><p>Banerjee, A - P148, P149, P210, P277 & P306</p><p>Baombe, J - A69 & P262</p><p>Barber, T - P179</p><p>Barker, AR - P205</p><p>Barker, MM - A28 & P46</p><p>Barker, P - A27 & P78</p><p>Barnes, A - P249</p><p>Barnes, AC - P290*</p><p>Barrett, T - P198</p><p>Barron, E - P161*</p><p>Barry, J - P313</p><p>Basavaraju, N - P145* & P146*</p><p>Bashir, K - P118</p><p>Basudev, N - P265 & P340</p><p>Bates, M - P116, P211, P214* & P219</p><p>Bates, MB - P288</p><p>Bawa, F - P119</p><p>Baxter, M - P186*</p><p>Beall, C - P86</p><p>Beall, CB - P106</p><p>Beaumont, RN - A22 & P70</p><p>Beencke, N - P265* & P340</p><p>Beese, SE - P325* & P327*</p><p>Bejerholm, M - A4, P191 & P284</p><p>Bellary, S - P322</p><p>Benezech, C - P15</p><p>Bennett, D - A5</p><p>Berrington, R - P190</p><p>Berry, CE - P12*</p><p>Berthon, W - P341*</p><p>Besser, R - P162</p><p>Bhagi, R - P209</p><p>Bhaskaran, K - A37</p><p>Bhaskaran, V - P163*</p><p>Bhola, S - P246*</p><p>Bickerton, A - P186</p><p>Binns-hall, O - A11 & P242</p><p>Blackbourn, LAK - P341</p><p>Bochukova, E - A30 & P54</p><p>Boest-Bjerg, K - P66</p><p>Boichuk, N - P315*</p><p>Bone, B - P206*</p><p>Borrisut, N - A25 & P83</p><p>Bortolini, M - A38 & P295</p><p>Boughazi, I - P142*</p><p>Boughton, C - P76 & P94</p><p>Boughton, C - P76 & P94</p><p>Boulton, AJ - P218</p><p>Bowden, J - P281</p><p>Bowden-Davies, K - P236</p><p>Bowe, J - A65 & P14</p><p>Bowe, JE - A63 & P77</p><p>Bowling, FL - P218</p><p>Bowman, P - A45* & P52*</p><p>Boyd, A - P214</p><p>Boyle, O - P157</p><p>Boyne, M - P82</p><p>Bozkurt, D - P178*</p><p>Brack, CA - P26*</p><p>Bracken, R - P206</p><p>Brackenridge, A - P123 & P125</p><p>Brackley, SM - A34* & P127*</p><p>Brady, O - P265 & P340</p><p>Brady, R - P316</p><p>Brennan, A - P162</p><p>Bridges, J - P119*</p><p>Briochhagen, J - A41 & P17</p><p>Bristow, C. - A43</p><p>Brodie, D - P186</p><p>Broichhagen, J. - A43</p><p>Brokenshire, L - P199</p><p>Broom, D - P202</p><p>Brough, C - P174</p><p>Brown, J - P283 & P304*</p><p>Buchipudi, A - P258*</p><p>Buckley, AJ - P160*</p><p>Buckley, AJ - A12* & P296*</p><p>Bujawansa, S - P144</p><p>Bulbul, A - P255*</p><p>Bunce, NA - P205</p><p>Burdon, J - P174 & P200*</p><p>Burger, B - P95</p><p>Burles, L - P147, P167 & P301*</p><p>Burling, K - A27 & P78</p><p>Burnett, L - P150</p><p>Burns, R - A69 & P262</p><p>Burri, S - P126</p><p>Burrows, M - P325 & P327</p><p>Burton, A - P324</p><p>Burton, J - P324</p><p>Byrne, D - P198</p><p>Byrne, JP - P329</p><p>Caba, M - A2*, P175* & P176*</p><p>Cabanilla, CV - A23 & P49</p><p>CAIPM - P33</p><p>Cairns, J - P134 & P210</p><p>Caleyachetty, R - P291</p><p>Calland, L - P216</p><p>Camfield, E - P123, P139, P299* & P300</p><p>Campbell, C - A52 & P141</p><p>Campbell, CJ - P264</p><p>Campbell, F - P192*</p><p>Campbell, FM - P75*</p><p>Campbell, J - A7 & P312</p><p>Canavan, R - P124</p><p>Candler, T - P88</p><p>Cann, A - A62 & P234</p><p>Cantley, J - P12, P22 & P27</p><p>Caoimhe, F - P308</p><p>Cardoso, P - P43*, P103, P235 & P330</p><p>Cardwell, J - P229 & P251*</p><p>Carlein, C. - A43</p><p>Caro, C - P80</p><p>Carr, A - A34 & P127</p><p>Carr Smith, C - P299 & P300</p><p>Carruthers, M - P42</p><p>Carty, D - P151</p><p>Cash, T - P73</p><p>Cassar, K - P213</p><p>Caton, K - P144, P229 & P251</p><p>Caunt, S - A11 & P242</p><p>Cavan, D - P168</p><p>Caxaria, SC - A57 & P08</p><p>Celik Esmer, A - P335*</p><p>Chacko-James, J - A59* & P263*</p><p>Chakera, A - P126</p><p>Chakera, AJ - P318</p><p>Chakka, S - P120</p><p>Challen, RJ - P45</p><p>Chamley, M - P177 & P328</p><p>Chan, SH - A63 & P77</p><p>Chan, SHY - P29</p><p>Chandracant, K - P317</p><p>Chandran, A - A43 & P07</p><p>Chaplin, C - A30 & P54</p><p>Chapman, A - P323</p><p>Chapman, T - P117</p><p>Chatfield, M - P165</p><p>Chaturvedi, N - A37</p><p>Cherian, S - P114*</p><p>Cheung, I - P76</p><p>Cheung, WH - P285 & P298</p><p>Chhetri, N - P05</p><p>Chiam, G - P238*</p><p>Chisholm, J - P329</p><p>Chong, CC - P87*</p><p>Choudhary, P - P62, P64, P65, P259 & P267</p><p>Choudhary, PC - P231</p><p>Choudhury, M - P289*</p><p>Chowdhury, S - P299</p><p>Chudasama, Y - P334</p><p>Chundru, K - A22 & P70</p><p>Churm, R - P206</p><p>Cisse, AH - A66* & P47*</p><p>Clark, A - A50 & P32</p><p>Clark, J - P311</p><p>Clarke, R - P181</p><p>Cleal, B - A4, P191 & P284</p><p>Clinton, C. - A43</p><p>Cockcroft, EJ - P181*, P201 & P205</p><p>Cockroft, E - P40 & P245</p><p>Cocks, M - P41 & P245</p><p>Coffey, S - P297</p><p>Cohen, MA - P316</p><p>Colclough, K - A21, A22, A48, P55, P56 & P70</p><p>Cole, J - A6, P240 & P241</p><p>Coleman, RL - P291</p><p>Colhoun, HM - P341</p><p>Collier, C - P252</p><p>Colvin, L - A5</p><p>Conroy, LR - A8, P74 & P75</p><p>Conway, N - P197</p><p>Cooper, AC - P196</p><p>Cooper, HC - A54 & P138</p><p>Corbett, T - P166*</p><p>Correia, A - A3</p><p>Cotterill, S - A67</p><p>Cowan, M - P134</p><p>Cozma, SL - P209</p><p>Crabtree, T - A31 & P112</p><p>Craggs, T - P51</p><p>Craig, SL - A44</p><p>Cranston, I - P85</p><p>Crook, K - P147 & P167*</p><p>Crossan, J - P282*</p><p>Cullenbrooke, F - A3</p><p>Cummings, M - P230</p><p>Cunningham, S - P186</p><p>Cunningham, SG - P197*</p><p>Curran, F - P299</p><p>Cuthbertson, DJ - A60 & P273</p><p>Cyranka, G - A43, P07 & P25</p><p>Dahan, ND - P99*</p><p>Dahl-Jorgensen, K - P28, P30 & P31</p><p>Dai, X - A30 & P54</p><p>Dales, J - P267</p><p>Daley, A - P15</p><p>Dalton, C - A15 & P156</p><p>Daly, C - P157</p><p>Daniels Gatward, L - A65 & P14</p><p>Daniels Gatward, LF - A64* & P21</p><p>Daqarshawi, G - P305</p><p>Darko, N - P193 & P194</p><p>Dashora, U - P108</p><p>Dauncey, C - P173</p><p>Davies, AH - P238</p><p>Davies, I - P20</p><p>Davies, J - P66</p><p>Davies, MJ - A2, A24, A28, P38, P46, P50, P174, P175, P193, P194, P200 & P317</p><p>Davison, A - P06</p><p>Dayan, C - P76, P162 & P321</p><p>Dayan, CD - P99</p><p>Dayan, CM - P94</p><p>Daynes, E - A28 & P46</p><p>de Assuncao Santiago Fernandes, A - P341</p><p>De Franco, E - A45, A49, P52 & P57</p><p>De Jonge, C - P329</p><p>de Laguiche, E - A38 & P295</p><p>De Lucia Rolfe, E - A26</p><p>De Maria, M - P319</p><p>De Menezes, AJ - P105*</p><p>De Silva, RM - P298</p><p>de Villiers, E - P44</p><p>Deakin, M - P155</p><p>Deganutti, G - A42 & P58</p><p>DEKODE Working Group - A33, P228 & P247</p><p>Delibegovic, M - P82</p><p>Deng, J - P269</p><p>Denholm, ND - P294</p><p>Dennis, JM - P43, P44, P45, P103 & P330</p><p>Dent, K - P266</p><p>Deo, P - P179</p><p>Devonshire, R - P150 & P308</p><p>Dhar, M - P274*</p><p>Dhar, U - A23 & P49</p><p>Dhatariya, K - A33, P228 & P247</p><p>Dhillon, K - P163</p><p>Dhoonmoon, L - A35 & P215</p><p>Diamond, L - P337</p><p>Dias, RP - P120 & P181</p><p>Dickson, J - P197</p><p>Din, A - P238</p><p>Ding, Y - P51</p><p>Dinsdale, MM - P103*</p><p>Divilly, P - P64* & P124</p><p>Doherty, C - P328*</p><p>Doherty, L - A64</p><p>Dolan, S - P101</p><p>Dolly, S - P299</p><p>Donetto, S - P305</p><p>Doney, A - A18, A19, P84 & P102</p><p>Donnelly, L - A17 & P53</p><p>Donnelly, LA - P292</p><p>Dornhorst, A - P81</p><p>Dove, C - P122</p><p>Dua, R - P314</p><p>Duaso, M - P178</p><p>Dubey, VN - A6, P240 & P241*</p><p>Duckers, J - P289</p><p>Due-christensen, M - A4, P191, P284 & P305</p><p>Duffy, C - P119</p><p>Dulson, DK - P42</p><p>Duncan, N - P222</p><p>Duneau, D - P15</p><p>Dunkley, A - P119</p><p>Dunseath, GJ - P94</p><p>Dymott, JA - P196</p><p>Dyson, N - P15 & P26</p><p>Earnshaw, F - P313</p><p>Eastwood, SV - A37*</p><p>Edeani, JN - P67 & P68</p><p>Edmonds, M - P116, P211, P214 & P219</p><p>Edmonds, ME - A14, P208 & P288</p><p>Edwards, F - P265, P310 & P340</p><p>Edwardson, CE - A24 & P38</p><p>Egberanmwen, ED - P67</p><p>El Ghazoini, S - P139 & P300</p><p>El Hakim, R - P152 & P173</p><p>Elankovan, A - P118*</p><p>Elba, T - P139 & P300</p><p>Ellacott, KE - P106</p><p>Ellacott, KLJ - P86</p><p>Elliott, B - P225</p><p>Elliott, J - A70, A8, P74, P169 & P302*</p><p>Ellwood, C - P280</p><p>Elnaggar, MN - A10* & P244*</p><p>Elphick, A - P23</p><p>Emad, A - P111</p><p>Emmambux, S - P275*</p><p>Emmanuel, J - P311</p><p>Epanchintsev, A - A43 & P07</p><p>Erwin, E - P192</p><p>Etumnu, N - P331</p><p>Evans, M - P85</p><p>Evans, R - P300</p><p>Eyles, L - P195</p><p>Falana, AB - P67 & P68</p><p>Falobi, AA - P67 & P68*</p><p>Famiglietti, A - P173</p><p>Farewell, V - A26</p><p>Farmer, A - P162</p><p>Farrow, D - P192</p><p>Farrugia Schembri, N - P213*</p><p>Field, B - P311</p><p>Field, BCT - P225</p><p>Findlow, L - P323</p><p>Finnie, J - P337</p><p>Firth, J - A15, P156 & P157</p><p>Fisher, S - P186</p><p>Fishman, S - P329</p><p>Flanagan, S - A49 & P57</p><p>Flanagan, SE - A45, A62, P52 & P234</p><p>Flatt, PR - A58, P03 & P04</p><p>Flaxman, CS - P93 & P97</p><p>Flynn, AC - P80</p><p>Flynn, C - P150</p><p>Flynn, R - P326*</p><p>Fonseca, I - A69* & P262*</p><p>Forbes, A - P152, P173, P189, P227, P293, P305 & P319</p><p>Ford, B - P15* & P69*</p><p>Forde, H - P259</p><p>Forde, R - P319</p><p>Formosa, C - P213</p><p>Forrester, JV - P82</p><p>Forteath, C - P63</p><p>Forteath, CD - P60</p><p>Foster, J - P153* & P192</p><p>Fotheringham, VA - P271*</p><p>Frankel, A - P222</p><p>Franklyn, K - P218</p><p>Freathy, RM - A66 & P47</p><p>French, I - P192</p><p>French, O - P302</p><p>Frohock, AM - P40</p><p>Frydenberg, H - P329</p><p>Fuchs, J - P76</p><p>Furlong, N - P134, P182, P210 & P229</p><p>Gada, R - P325 & P327</p><p>Gadaleta, LGB - P28*</p><p>Gadener, G - P181</p><p>Galen, G - P310</p><p>Gallagher, J - P63</p><p>Gandhi, RA - P216 & P217</p><p>Gao, R - A20*, A46*, P12, P16* & P61*</p><p>Gardener, G - P205*</p><p>Garg, S - A17* & P53*</p><p>Garner, R - P297</p><p>Garrett, C - A3</p><p>Garth, S - P328</p><p>Gaur, S - P285</p><p>Gawlik-Lipinski, A - P128</p><p>Geen, M - A7 & P312</p><p>George, A - P132*</p><p>Gerard, C - P327</p><p>Gharibzadeh, S - P336 & P339</p><p>Ghatak, A - P155</p><p>Ghit, A - P50</p><p>Ghobrial, N - P118</p><p>Ghose, U - P33</p><p>Giai, VF - P13*</p><p>Gibb, FW - A8 & P74</p><p>Gibbs, A - P06*</p><p>Gibson, JM - P71 & P236</p><p>Gibson, M - P293</p><p>Gierlinski, M - P22 & P27</p><p>Gill, JG - P294</p><p>Gillespie, KM - A47 & P91</p><p>Gillett, A - P281</p><p>Gillett, AC - P104</p><p>Gillies, C - P79, P128, P176, P334 & P336</p><p>Gingell Littlejohn, M - P213</p><p>Girach, Y - P193 & P194</p><p>Glümer, C - A4, P191 & P284</p><p>Gloyn, A - A49 & P57</p><p>Goff, L - P152, P193 & P194</p><p>Goff, LM - A28 & P46</p><p>Gold, A - P287</p><p>Golding, J - A9, P318* & P332</p><p>Goldney, J - A28*, P46* & P317</p><p>Golubic, R - P291*</p><p>Goonoo, M - A29 & P72</p><p>Goonoo, MS - A11*, P73 & P242*</p><p>Gopalakrishnan, P - P148, P210, P277 & P306</p><p>Gordon, L - P173</p><p>Gossiel, IG - P140</p><p>Gotts, C - P179*</p><p>Gough, A - A31 & P112</p><p>Gough, R - P323</p><p>Govan, K - P324</p><p>Govindan, J - P314*</p><p>Grønbæk, HN - A4, P191 & P284</p><p>Grace, SL - A47*</p><p>Greaves, L - P11</p><p>Green, H - P281</p><p>Green, HD - P44</p><p>Green, K - P147, P167, P199 & P301</p><p>Green, T - P185</p><p>Greenfield, S - P198</p><p>Greenlaw, N - P89</p><p>Greenwood, R - P162</p><p>Greenwood-Morgan, M - P331*</p><p>Gregg, EW - P48</p><p>Gregory, J - P76</p><p>Greig, M - A29, P72 & P217</p><p>Greve, JW - P329</p><p>Griffin, K - A53* & P136*</p><p>Griffin, T - P259</p><p>Griffiths, M - A69 & P262</p><p>Grudgings, G - P264* & P267</p><p>Gruszka-Goh, M - A12 & P296</p><p>Guedemann, LM - P330*</p><p>Gulati, K - P334</p><p>Guneri, D - P51*</p><p>Gupta, N - P337</p><p>Gupta, R - A17 & P53</p><p>Gutierrez Lara, E - P36</p><p>Habte-Ares, H - P293</p><p>Habte-Asres, H - P227</p><p>Haden, L - P314</p><p>Hadid, H - P62 & P65</p><p>Hadjiconstantinou, M - A2, P174, P175, P176, P193 & P194</p><p>Hadjiyianni, I - A8, P74 & P75</p><p>Hagan, J - P176</p><p>Haider, A - P108</p><p>Haider, KS - P108</p><p>Haines, L - P223*</p><p>Haldar, A - P219</p><p>Hall, AP - A24 & P38</p><p>Hall, WL - P80</p><p>Hallam, K - P155*</p><p>Halsall, I - A27 & P78</p><p>Hambling, C - P313</p><p>Hamilton-Shield, J - P198</p><p>Hamilton-Shield, JP - P88</p><p>Hammond, D - A9 & P332</p><p>Hamza, M - P317*</p><p>Handley, D - P104* & P281</p><p>Hanif, W - P111</p><p>Hanlon, P - P341</p><p>Hanna, J - P199*</p><p>Hanson, F - P192</p><p>Hanson, P - P179</p><p>Harden, J - P209</p><p>Hards, K - P307</p><p>Hardy, KJ - A1 & P171</p><p>Harris, A - P285</p><p>Harris, IM - P325 & P327</p><p>Harris, S - P265, P310* & P313*</p><p>Harrison, A - P283</p><p>Harrison, K - P338</p><p>Hashim, R - P319*</p><p>Hassan, L - A15 & P156</p><p>Hassen, SN - P128*</p><p>Hastoy, B - P33*</p><p>Hattersley, A - A48, A49, A7, P55, P57, P312 & P321</p><p>Hattersley, AT - A21, A22, A45, A62, P43, P52, P56, P70, P103, P234, P235 & P330</p><p>Hatton, D - P251</p><p>Hawkins, M - P302</p><p>Hayes, J - P143</p><p>Haythorne, E - P23 & P25*</p><p>Heague, MO - A60* & P273*</p><p>Heald, A - P225</p><p>Heald, AH - A15*, P71, P156*, P157*, P236 & P293</p><p>Hedgcock, B - A70 & P169</p><p>Heer, SK - P67 & P68</p><p>Heggs, L - P190</p><p>Heiss, C - P225</p><p>Hemming, V - P180</p><p>Hemsley, C - P117</p><p>Hemsley, P - P27</p><p>Hennelova, J - P21*</p><p>Henney, AE - A60 & P273</p><p>Henson, J - A24*, A28, P38*, P46 & P50</p><p>Herbert, CH - P140</p><p>Hesketh, K - P41</p><p>Hesketh, KL - P245</p><p>Hester, T - P211</p><p>Hewison, M - A41 & P17</p><p>Hickish, CT - A6 & P240</p><p>Hickish, T - A6, P240 & P241</p><p>Hickish, TF - P241</p><p>Hickling, L - P285* & P308</p><p>Hickman, E - P128</p><p>Highton, P - P176</p><p>Hill, A - A7, P87, P105, P312 & P321</p><p>Hill, AH - P99</p><p>Hill, AV - P90</p><p>Hill, P - P22</p><p>Hill, S - P217</p><p>Hill, TG - A50* & P32*</p><p>Hills, CE - P129 & P130</p><p>Hinton, EC - P88</p><p>Hirst, S - A69 & P262</p><p>Hitman, GA - A30 & P54</p><p>Hivert, MF - A66 & P47</p><p>Hodgkinson, A - P328</p><p>Hodgkinson, J - P85*</p><p>Hodson, DJ - A43 & P07</p><p>Hodson Lab, DJ - A41 & P17</p><p>Hogkinson, A - P177</p><p>Holi, P - A6, P240 & P241</p><p>Holman, NH - P48</p><p>Holmes, M - P133 & P278</p><p>Hong, T - P21</p><p>Hong, TH - A57* & P08*</p><p>Honkanen-Scott, M - P26</p><p>Hope, SV - P318</p><p>Hopkins, D - P283</p><p>Hopkins, R - P43, P44*, P45, P103 & P330</p><p>Hopkinson, J - P28, P30 & P31</p><p>Horgan, TJ - P325 & P327</p><p>Houghton, GH - P140</p><p>Houghton, J - A45, A48, P52 & P55</p><p>Houghton, JAL - A62 & P234</p><p>Hovorka, R - P76 & P94</p><p>Howard, G - P195</p><p>Howard-Jones, P - A6, P240 & P241</p><p>Huang, Y - A18 & P102</p><p>Huber, JH - P99</p><p>Huda, B - P113 & P326</p><p>Hughes, AE - A62*, A66, P47 & P234*</p><p>Hunt, KF - P152, P154 & P274</p><p>Hunter, S - P97</p><p>Huq, SH - P107</p><p>Hussain, S - A39*, A8, P74, P180 & P250*</p><p>Hutchings, H - P76</p><p>Huyett, LM - A8, P74 & P75</p><p>Hyer, S - P275</p><p>Hyslop, R - A51 & P137</p><p>Ibarra, E - A49 & P57</p><p>Ide, M - P189</p><p>Idris, I - A31, P05, P39 & P112</p><p>Idris, II - P294*</p><p>Ijaz, S - P216</p><p>Ilya, I - P252</p><p>Inghels, M - P129 & P130</p><p>Iqbal, A - P60</p><p>Iqbal, F - P115</p><p>Ireland, L - A69 & P262</p><p>Irvine, KM - P159*</p><p>Irwin, N - A44 & A58*</p><p>Irwin, S - P340*</p><p>Ismail, K - P173 & P283</p><p>Iturbe, I - P88</p><p>Izzi-Engbeaya, CN - P59</p><p>Jackson, CA - P207</p><p>Jagna-An, G - P280 & P287*</p><p>Jain, K - P252*</p><p>Jandeleit-Dahm, K - P06</p><p>Janisch, HD - P224*</p><p>Jarvis, J - P259</p><p>Javed, K - P317</p><p>Jebb, H - P123 & P125</p><p>Jeeyavudeen, MS - P212</p><p>Jeffries, O - P42</p><p>Jemmott, T - P214</p><p>Jenkins, EJE - P168*</p><p>Jenkins, JG - P41*</p><p>Jensen, ML - A10 & P244</p><p>Jimeno, C - A23 & P49</p><p>Jindal, S - A6, P240 & P241</p><p>Johns, E - P151</p><p>Johnson, V - P193, P194 & P200</p><p>Johnston, T - A51, P137 & P165*</p><p>Jones, A - A7, P145, P146, P235, P312 & P321</p><p>Jones, AG - A34, P87, P90, P105, P127 & P330</p><p>Jones, AJ - P99</p><p>Jones, B - A41, A42, P17, P20, P58, P59 & P81</p><p>Jones, D - A26, A27, P78 & P79</p><p>Jones, EY - P33</p><p>Jones, G - A36 & P248</p><p>Jones, HM - P205</p><p>Jones, I - P304</p><p>Jones, L - P337</p><p>Jones, M - P154</p><p>Jones, O - P121 & P126</p><p>Jones, PJ - A57 & P08</p><p>Jones, PM - A63, P21 & P77</p><p>Jones, S - P235</p><p>Jones, TH - P108*</p><p>Jones (Campbell), CJ - P267*</p><p>Jose, M - P297</p><p>Joseph, JM - P140</p><p>Joseph, S - P246</p><p>Joshi, A - P266</p><p>Ju, C - P34</p><p>Jude, E - P236</p><p>Julian, M - P192</p><p>Julian, R - P192</p><p>Junior, JM - P69</p><p>König, CS - P100</p><p>Kale, S - P322</p><p>Kalnoki, C - P124</p><p>Kalra, P - P71</p><p>Kalsi, T - P300</p><p>Kaluzny, S - P15 & P69</p><p>Kander, R - P222</p><p>Kang, L - P02</p><p>Kar, P - P313</p><p>Karalliedde, J - A13, A51, P137, P237 & P328</p><p>Karamat, MA - P322</p><p>Karimi, Z - P336</p><p>Kariyawasam, D - P152, P154 & P165</p><p>Karki, A - P110*</p><p>Katsande, P - P66</p><p>Katsarou, A - P118</p><p>Kattner, N - P26</p><p>Kaufmann, M - P224</p><p>Kaur, SK - P231*</p><p>Kavarthapu, V - P211 & P219</p><p>Kedge, C - P266*</p><p>Keen, A - P287</p><p>Keigan, S - P148, P149, P182, P279* & P306*</p><p>Keikkala, E - A66 & P47</p><p>Kelland, I - P91</p><p>Kelly, A - P297</p><p>Kelly, L - P338*</p><p>Kelsall, H - 282</p><p>Kempegowda, P - A33, P228, P247 & P258</p><p>Kent, G - P80</p><p>Kernohan, A - P320</p><p>Kerr, A - P151</p><p>Kerr, H - A53 & P136</p><p>Kerr, J - P63</p><p>Kerr, JG - P60</p><p>Khakoo, S - P131</p><p>Khan, A - P118</p><p>Khan, AK - A54* & P138*</p><p>Khan, D - P01, P03 & P04*</p><p>Khan, R - P209</p><p>Khanam, A - P123</p><p>Khatoon, A - P258</p><p>Khavere, S - P336</p><p>Khoo, B - P81</p><p>Khoramdad, M - P336</p><p>Khoshnaghsh, A - P109</p><p>Khunti, K - A2, A28, P46, P50, P128, P174, P175, P176, P200, P334 & P339</p><p>Kianifard, T - P163</p><p>Kift-Morgan, A - P66</p><p>King, A - A65 & P14</p><p>King, AJF - A64 & P21</p><p>King, AK - A57 & P08</p><p>King, M - A69 & P262</p><p>Kirkwood, JR - P272*</p><p>Kitchen, R - A17 & P53</p><p>Kitching, C - P259</p><p>Klepacki, J - P287</p><p>Knupp, J - P87, P105 & P235*</p><p>Knupp, JK - P99</p><p>Kocherry, C - P63*</p><p>Konstantara, E - P283</p><p>Kontopantelis, E - A67</p><p>Kositamongkol, C - A25 & P83</p><p>Kouassi, T - P165</p><p>Koutroukas, V - P62* & P65*</p><p>Krentz, N - A49 & P57</p><p>Krishan, A - P85</p><p>Krishek, B - P326</p><p>Krogvold, L - P28, P30 & P31</p><p>Kuang, A - A66 & P47</p><p>Kuffova, L - P82</p><p>Kumar, AK - P140</p><p>Kumar, M - P239</p><p>Kundu, M - P128 & P339*</p><p>Kuruvila, M - P118</p><p>Kusinski, LC - A26, A27*, P78* & P79*</p><p>Kyle, C - A53, P136 & P212</p><p>Kyrou, I - P202</p><p>Ladwa, M - A3*</p><p>Lagorio Price, J - P76</p><p>Lakshmipathy, K - P311</p><p>Lam, G - P118</p><p>Lambe, K - P340</p><p>Lamont, D - P27 & P36</p><p>Lange Ferreira, C - P227* & P314</p><p>Langeland, L - P266</p><p>Lapinee, V - A25 & P83</p><p>Laver, TW - A48 & P55</p><p>Lavu, D - P309</p><p>Lawrence, I - P267</p><p>Lee, C - A7* & P312*</p><p>Lee, E - P110</p><p>Lee, K - P129 & P130</p><p>Lee, P - P116*</p><p>Lee, Y - A49 & P57</p><p>Leelarathna, L - P85</p><p>Leeming, R - P180</p><p>Leeson-Beevers, K - P198</p><p>Leete, P - P28, P30 & P31*</p><p>Legg, D - P310</p><p>Leivers, V - P133 & P278</p><p>Lekka, C - P93* & P97</p><p>Leonard, E - P301</p><p>Leslie, AFI - P98</p><p>Leslie, KA - P24</p><p>Levett, T - P318</p><p>Lewis, CM - P104 & P281</p><p>Lewis, G - P277</p><p>Lewis, GA - A1* & P171*</p><p>Lewis-Barned, N - P183</p><p>Lewis-Barnerd, N - P184</p><p>Li, L - P221</p><p>Liarakos, AL - A31 & P112</p><p>Lietz, G - A23 & P49</p><p>Liggett, C - P27*</p><p>Lim, J - P331</p><p>Lim, JZM - P218 & P239</p><p>Limvongsakorn, V - P37</p><p>Lin, YY - A32* & P333*</p><p>Lindsay, GMA - P212*</p><p>Lindsay, R - A61</p><p>Lindsay, RS - P272</p><p>Ling Jie Yee, A - P258</p><p>Lipscomb, D - P121</p><p>Litchfield, I - P198</p><p>Little, D - P197</p><p>Littlejohn, AC - P209*</p><p>Liu, B - P18 & P29</p><p>Liu, C - P100*</p><p>Liu, F - P286</p><p>Liu, W - P195*</p><p>Liu, Y - P139*, P299 & P300*</p><p>Livingstone, S - P249* & P290</p><p>Lloyd, J - P181</p><p>Lloyd, M - P23*</p><p>Lo, T - P286</p><p>Loader, C - P167</p><p>Lockman, A - P220</p><p>Lomas, J - P316</p><p>Long, AE - A47 & P91</p><p>Long, L - P274</p><p>Long, S - P318</p><p>Longson, D - A15, P156 & P157</p><p>Lotto, R - P304</p><p>Loumpardia, P - P113</p><p>Lovell, L - A35 & P215</p><p>Low, JL - P245</p><p>Lowe Jr, WL - A66 & P47</p><p>Loy, EY - P183 & P184</p><p>Lu, H - A5</p><p>Lu, R - P113</p><p>Lubitsh, G - P253*</p><p>Luckett, T - P97</p><p>Luda, K - P36</p><p>Luke, B - P195</p><p>Lumley, S - P85</p><p>Luzio, S - P94</p><p>Ly, TT - A8, P74 & P75</p><p>Lyu, Z - P10*</p><p>Méndez, JJ - A8, P74 & P75</p><p>Ma, J - A46 & P16</p><p>Macdonald, NM - P106*</p><p>MacGillivray, T - P89</p><p>Mackay, DJG - A45 & P52</p><p>MacKenzie, F - P260 & P261</p><p>MacKenzie, S - P220</p><p>MacLennan, K - P280 & P320*</p><p>Madsen, M - A4, P191 & P284*</p><p>Magar, D - P154</p><p>Magee, LA - A61</p><p>Maggs, F - P325 & P327</p><p>Maguire, TD - A9* & P332*</p><p>Mahaffey, K - P316</p><p>Mahieu, AM - P294</p><p>Mahmood, ZS - P94*</p><p>Mahmoud, Z - P289</p><p>Mahy, T - P286</p><p>Makaronidis, J - A30 & P54</p><p>Makojnik, N - P313</p><p>Malik, F - P111</p><p>Mallik, R - A30* & P54*</p><p>Manataki, A - P272</p><p>Manley, S - P261</p><p>Manova, Y - P165</p><p>Manu, C - P116, P211, P214 & P219</p><p>Manu, CA - A35* & P215*</p><p>Manu, CM - P288</p><p>Mark, H - P298</p><p>Marrington, R - P260* & P261</p><p>Marsden, A - A67</p><p>Marston, XM - P294</p><p>Martine-Edith, G - P64</p><p>Martinez-Sanchez, A - A55, P19 & P20</p><p>Masding, MG - P147*, P167 & P301</p><p>Mason, JC - P329</p><p>Matheou, A - P71*</p><p>Matheou, M - P307*</p><p>Mathers, JC - A23 & P49</p><p>Matheson, E - P151*</p><p>Mathur, R - A37, P291</p><p>Matthias, J - P192</p><p>Mayne, IK - P270</p><p>Mc Clintock, R - P286</p><p>McAleese, C - P89*</p><p>McAllister, DA - P341</p><p>McCall, L - P314</p><p>McCrimmon, RJ - A32, P60, P63, P158 & P333</p><p>McDonald, T - P90, P196 & P321</p><p>McDonald, TM - P99</p><p>McGeown, K - P338</p><p>McGovern, AP - P44, P45, P103 & P270</p><p>McGurnaghan, SJ - P341</p><p>McKenzie, A - P222*</p><p>Mckeown, Y - P337</p><p>McKinley, T - P330</p><p>McKinley, TJ - P43, P103 & P235</p><p>Mclean, L - P314</p><p>McLean, R - P197</p><p>Mclennan, NM - A61</p><p>McManus, F - P151, P315 & P324</p><p>McMullan, C - P31</p><p>McMullan, CJ - P28 & P30*</p><p>McNeilly, A - P36</p><p>McNeilly, AD - P60 & P63</p><p>McRobert, G - A53 & P136</p><p>Meek, C - A52, P79, P141 & P267</p><p>Meek, CL - A2, A26*, A27, P78, P175 & P317</p><p>Megson, C - P91</p><p>Mehta, F - P155</p><p>Meor Azlan, NF - P24*</p><p>Merchant, H - P63</p><p>Merchant, HJ - P60*</p><p>Message, O - P66</p><p>Michaels, S - P144, P229* & P251</p><p>Mihalovits, A - A55 & P19</p><p>Miles, K - P15</p><p>Millar, K - P230*</p><p>Miller, KH - P337*</p><p>Miller, S - P253</p><p>Milne, R - P182</p><p>Min, T - A16, P185, P232 & P233</p><p>Minhas, RM - P107*</p><p>Miranda, C - A50 & P32</p><p>Misra, S - P161 & P235</p><p>Moffat, E - P204, P280* & P287</p><p>Moffett, RC - P01*, P03 & P04</p><p>Mohamed, S - P280</p><p>Mohammed, BO - P68</p><p>Mohammed, E - P118 & P142</p><p>Mole, DJ - P13</p><p>Mon, YT - P185</p><p>Monaghan, P - P256</p><p>Mookiah, MRK - A18, A19, P84 & P102</p><p>Moore, DJ - P325 & P327</p><p>Mordi, I - A18 & P102</p><p>Morgan, H - A52*, P141* & P317</p><p>Morgan, HM - P231</p><p>Morgan, NG - A56, P35 & P97</p><p>Morgan, NGM - P98</p><p>Morrison, A - A52, P141 & P267</p><p>Morrison, D - A36, P248 & P315</p><p>Morton, NM - P69</p><p>Moulik, P - P145 & P146</p><p>Mudiyanselage, GR - A31 & P112</p><p>Mukunda, A - A59 & P263</p><p>Mullier, C - P192</p><p>Mullins, A - P11*</p><p>Mullins, E - P81</p><p>Mumbole, H - P291</p><p>Mumford, C - P216</p><p>Muraleedharan, V - P133 & P278</p><p>Murdoch, CE - P63</p><p>Murphy, H - A26</p><p>Murphy, S - P144, P229 & P251</p><p>Murrall, K - P93 & P97*</p><p>Murray-Leech, J - A22*, P70*, P87, P90 & P105</p><p>Myers, B - P297</p><p>Myers, G - P221*</p><p>Myers Ingram, R - P152</p><p>Myint, KS - P150 & P308</p><p>Naderpour, S - P336*</p><p>Naeem, H - P322*</p><p>Nagaraj, J - A16, P232 & P233</p><p>Naorungroj, T - P37</p><p>Naqvi, S - P121*</p><p>Narendran, P - A33, P41, P85, P120, P181, P228, P247, P322, P325 & P327</p><p>Nartey, S - P202</p><p>Nash, I - P157</p><p>Natarajan, A - P122</p><p>Nathan, I - P187*</p><p>Nawaz, A - P114</p><p>Nawaz, S - P33</p><p>Nayak, A - A59 & P263</p><p>Nayyar, V - P311</p><p>Ndebele, N - P316</p><p>Ndebu, JN - A54 & P138</p><p>Neem, F - P246</p><p>Neupane, B - P150 & P308*</p><p>Neupane, S - P85, P150 & P308</p><p>Nevado-Holgado, A - P33</p><p>Newall, S - P123</p><p>Newson, L - P304</p><p>Ng, SM - P75</p><p>Nice, R - P321</p><p>Nicholls, A - P199</p><p>Nisr, R - P36</p><p>Noble-Bell, G - P173</p><p>Nogueira, E - P142</p><p>Noh, R - P220</p><p>Normahani, P - P238</p><p>North, D - P122</p><p>North, M - P316*</p><p>Northern, A - A2, P174*, P175, P193 & P200</p><p>Nottage, C - P300</p><p>Nsengimana, J - P95</p><p>O'Connell, M - P237</p><p>O'Donnell, R - P287</p><p>O'Hara, C - P80</p><p>O'Hare, PJ - P179</p><p>O'Harte, FPM - A44*</p><p>O'Mahoney, L - P128</p><p>Oates, R - A9 & P332</p><p>Oborne, A - P125</p><p>Odiase, C - P253</p><p>Oguntolu, V - A31 & P112</p><p>Ohol, S - P323*</p><p>Ojo, CC - P67 & P68</p><p>Ojo, OO - P67* & P68</p><p>Ojuade, FI - P101*</p><p>Okosieme, O - P115</p><p>Oliver, L - P183 & P184</p><p>Oliver, N - P81</p><p>Oliver-Hannis, N - A65* & P14*</p><p>Omari, E - P152, P154 & P165</p><p>Omori, H - P18 & P29</p><p>Onishi, A - P69</p><p>Oram, R - P97</p><p>Orange, ST - P42</p><p>Orrell, M - P186</p><p>Ortega, R - P18* & P29*</p><p>Osokina, E - A45 & P52</p><p>Othman, A - P82</p><p>Oude Griep, LM - A26</p><p>Ovadia, C - P269* & P271</p><p>Owen, M - P114</p><p>Owen, S - P266</p><p>Ozdede, M - A13*</p><p>Page, O - P42* & P95</p><p>Palmer, ES - A44</p><p>Palmer, KP - P294</p><p>Pals, RAS - A4*, P191* & P284</p><p>Pandya, S - P119</p><p>Papachristou, S - P219</p><p>Papachristou, SP - P288*</p><p>Papachristou Nadal, I - P178</p><p>Parbery-Gray, L - P200</p><p>Parish, K - P199</p><p>Parmar, D - P179</p><p>Parobiec, A - P187</p><p>Parsons, J - P152*, P216 & P319</p><p>Parsons, L - P132</p><p>Partridge, H - P170</p><p>Partridge, HL - P147</p><p>Pascat, V - P59</p><p>Paszek, G - P133* & P278*</p><p>Paszek, M - P20</p><p>Patel, D - P316</p><p>Patel, K - A48, P55, P87, P90, P105 & P194</p><p>Patel, KA - A21, A22, P56 & P70</p><p>Patel, S - P267</p><p>Patibandla, C - P22*</p><p>Patterson, S - P101</p><p>Patton, R - P324*</p><p>Paul, A - P202</p><p>Paul, P - P155</p><p>Pearson, E - A17, P34, P53 & P90</p><p>Pearson, EF - P86*</p><p>Pearson, ER - A18, A32, P45, P102, P103, P158, P292, P330 & P333</p><p>Pearson, JA - P66*</p><p>Pearson, N - P266</p><p>Pearson, SM - P243</p><p>Pemberton, JS - P40</p><p>Pender, S - P165</p><p>Pendlebury, H - P134 & P210*</p><p>Penfold, S - P168</p><p>Persad, K - P258</p><p>Persaud, SJ - P09, P10, P18, P21 & P29</p><p>Petkar, R - P122</p><p>Petrie, JR - P89</p><p>Petrov, PK - A14 & P208</p><p>Petrova, N - P109, P116, P211 & P219</p><p>Petrova, NL - A14* & P208*</p><p>Petrova, NP - P288</p><p>Petty, HJ - P256*</p><p>Peyer, L - P86</p><p>Peyer, LP - P106</p><p>Philip, NC - A33, P228, P247 & P258</p><p>Pillay, D - P283</p><p>Pillinger, T - A15 & P156</p><p>Plengvidhya, N - A25 & P83</p><p>Pollard, DJ - P162*</p><p>Poston, L - P80</p><p>Pothina, NP - P140</p><p>Pouwer, F - P65</p><p>Prentis, J - P249 & P290</p><p>Price, MJ - P325 & P327</p><p>Pritchard, M - P147, P167 & P301</p><p>Prokopenko, I - A42, P58 & P59</p><p>Proudler, AJ - P251</p><p>Pui-Shan, C - P117</p><p>Pulsford, RM - P40 & P245</p><p>Pulsford, RP - P205</p><p>Qi, Y - A42, P58 & P59</p><p>Quinn, L - P325 & P327</p><p>Quinn, LM - P120</p><p>Quinn, T - P324</p><p>Qureshi, N - A7 & P312</p><p>Rackham, CR - A57 & P08</p><p>Rahman, MR - P107</p><p>Rahman, SU - P252</p><p>Rajab, A - P243*</p><p>Rajesh, V - A49 & P57</p><p>Ramachandran, S - P100</p><p>Ramoutar, S - P299</p><p>Ramzan, I - P39</p><p>Randall, K - P302</p><p>Randeva, H - P179</p><p>Rao, A - P111*</p><p>Rao, FA - P147</p><p>Rao, K - P311</p><p>Rapley, H - P117</p><p>Rashid, ST - P218</p><p>Rassem, T - A6, P240 & P241</p><p>Ratanarat, R - P37</p><p>Rawlinson, B - P150* & P308</p><p>Rayman, G - P85</p><p>Razieh, C - P128</p><p>Rea, R - P291</p><p>Reap, S - P268</p><p>Reddy, M - P92</p><p>Reddy, MV - P239</p><p>Redfern, A - P66</p><p>Redwood, S - P198</p><p>Reed, J - P222</p><p>Reid, J - P153</p><p>Rena, G - P36*</p><p>Rengarajan, L - A33, P228 & P247</p><p>Rennie, K - A26</p><p>Rente, B - A14 & P208</p><p>Reynolds, CA - A42 & P58</p><p>Reynolds, G - A15 & P156</p><p>Reynolds, RM - A61 & P272</p><p>Ricci, E - P216</p><p>Richards, R - P223</p><p>Richardson, E - P119 & P259*</p><p>Richardson, LS - A70* & P169*</p><p>Richardson, SJ - P24, P93 & P97</p><p>Richardson, SJR - P98</p><p>Richmond, RC - P281</p><p>Rickford, A - P328</p><p>Ridgeway, J - P190*</p><p>Rigby, KR - P88*</p><p>Righton, OK - P80*</p><p>Riley, DR - A60 & P273</p><p>Robbie, J - A35, P215 & P253</p><p>Roberts, J - P101</p><p>Robertson, HMA - A68* & P257*</p><p>Robinson, E - P266</p><p>Roch, M - P260 & P261*</p><p>Rodriguez, T - A55 & P19</p><p>Roebuck, A - P129 & P130</p><p>Rogan, E - P153</p><p>Rogers, H - P173 & P274</p><p>Rogers, R - P285</p><p>Ronkainen, J - A66 & P47</p><p>Rorsman, P - A20, A46, A50, P16, P32, P33 & P61</p><p>Rost, S - P224</p><p>Round, R - P261</p><p>Rouse, L - P168</p><p>Routen, A - P339</p><p>Rowlands, AV - A24 & P38</p><p>Rowntree, H - P193 & P194</p><p>Rubio, J - P331</p><p>Rushton, J - A69 & P262</p><p>Russell, M - P30 & P31</p><p>Russell, MA - A56, P24 & P35</p><p>Russell, MAR - P98</p><p>Russell, S - P188</p><p>Russell, T - P143*</p><p>Russell-Jones, D - P221</p><p>Russon, CL - P40* & P245*</p><p>Russ-Silsby, J - A49* & P57*</p><p>Rutter, G - A55 & P19</p><p>Rutter, MK - A67</p><p>Ryan, I - A3</p><p>Ryder, REJ - A31, P108, P112 & P329*</p><p>Søholm, U - P65</p><p>Sagu, R - P258</p><p>Sainsbury, C - A18, A19, A36, P84, P102 & P248</p><p>Sakamoto, K - P36</p><p>Salahuddin, S - P226</p><p>Saleem Khan, MSK - P48*</p><p>Salisu-Olatunji, SO - P128</p><p>Salman, A - P135</p><p>Samad, S - P132 & P297*</p><p>Sanchez-Soriano, C - A61*</p><p>Sandhu, E - P222</p><p>Sanford, B - P117</p><p>Sanger, D - P217</p><p>Sanghi, A - P113</p><p>Sankar, A - P218</p><p>Santhakumar, A - P255</p><p>Saqib, A - P117*, P154 & P165</p><p>Saravanan, A - A3</p><p>Saravanan, P - A61</p><p>Sarfraz, S - P111</p><p>Sargeant, JA - A28 & P46</p><p>Sarkar, P - P317</p><p>Sarnobat, D - P02*</p><p>Sarwat, S - A55* & P19*</p><p>Sattar, NS - P48</p><p>Saunby, M - P245</p><p>Saunders, K - P196*</p><p>Savage, S - A6, P240 & P241</p><p>Scanlon, PH - A12 & P296</p><p>Scanlon, R - P286</p><p>Schmid, H - P95 & P96*</p><p>Schofield, J - A69, P256, P262, P323 & P331</p><p>Scholtens, DM - A66 & P47</p><p>Scholz, A - P289</p><p>Schreder, S - P174</p><p>Scott, K - P180*</p><p>Scott, SN - P41</p><p>Scragg, JH - P95</p><p>Seal, S - P252</p><p>Searle, A - P198</p><p>Seckin, M - P335</p><p>Seetho, IS - P107</p><p>Segerdahl, A - A5</p><p>Seidu, S - A38*, P295* & P334*</p><p>Selvarajah, D - A11, A29, A5*, P72, P73 & P242</p><p>Sen Gupta, P - P329</p><p>SenGupta, P - P123</p><p>Shabnam, S - A28, P46 & P334</p><p>Shafiq, S - P65</p><p>Shah, I - P220*</p><p>Shah, MU - P129* & P130*</p><p>Shalamanova, L - P71</p><p>Shams, A - P135*</p><p>Shams, MU - P92*</p><p>Shamsaldeen, M - P277 & P279</p><p>Shanahan, CM - A14 & P208</p><p>Sharhorodska, Y - P59</p><p>Sharma, A - A33*, P228*, P247* & P258</p><p>Sharma, P - P325 & P327</p><p>Sharman, D - A35, A6*, P215, P240* & P241</p><p>Sharp, LN - A21* & P56*</p><p>Sharp, S - A26</p><p>Shaw, E - P314</p><p>Shaw, J - P06, P97 & P188</p><p>Shaw, JAM - P15, P26 & P95</p><p>Shaw, MF - P26</p><p>Shelbourne, J - P297</p><p>Sheldon, R - P120</p><p>Shepherd, C - P123</p><p>Shepherd, M - A7 & P312</p><p>Shepherd, MH - A45, A62, P52 & P234</p><p>Sherin, R - P20</p><p>Shields, B - A7, P312 & P321</p><p>Shields, BM - P41, P43, P44, P45, P90, P103, P105, P235 & P330</p><p>Shikha, M - P120</p><p>Shilleh, AH - A41, A43*, P07* & P17</p><p>Shillo, P - A29 & P72</p><p>Shoo, H - P252</p><p>Siddique, N - P187</p><p>Simpson, J - P256</p><p>Simpson, V - A34, P127 & P270</p><p>Simpson, VE - P90* & P309*</p><p>Simpson-Greene, CRL - P207*</p><p>Singh, H - P162</p><p>Singh, K - P292*</p><p>Singh, P - P120, P145 & P146</p><p>Singham, S - P286*</p><p>Sinha, A - P258</p><p>Sitasuwan, T - A25 & P83</p><p>Slee, H - P313</p><p>Sloan, G - A11, A29*, P72*, P73* & P242</p><p>Slocombe, G - P209</p><p>Smeeth, L - A37</p><p>Smith, A - P302</p><p>Smith, J - P73, P166 & P181</p><p>Smith, LIF - A63* & P77*</p><p>Smith, S - A26, P51 & P238</p><p>Sokolowska, K - P328</p><p>Somavarapu, S - P29</p><p>Sones, A - P165</p><p>Soto-Hernaez, J - P158</p><p>Soto-Pedre, E - P158*</p><p>Speight, J - P65</p><p>Speight, L - P289</p><p>Spiers, R - P26</p><p>Spiliotis, I - A20 & P61</p><p>Squires, PE - P129 & P130</p><p>Sridhar, A - P01, P03* & P04</p><p>Srinivas, V - P150 & P308</p><p>Srinivasan, B - P129 & P130</p><p>Sriram, A - A48* & P55*</p><p>Srivanichakorn, W - A25, P37* & P83</p><p>Srivastava, A - A38 & P295</p><p>St John, J - A35 & P215</p><p>Stacey, N - P147</p><p>Stadler, M - P283</p><p>Stang, D - A68* & P257*</p><p>Stanley, D - P111</p><p>Starikova, J - P09*</p><p>StartRight Consortium - P105</p><p>Stedman, M - P236 & P293*</p><p>Steele, D - A5</p><p>Stephens, JW - A16, P232 & P233</p><p>Steven, S - P268* & P331</p><p>Stevens, M - P186</p><p>Stevenson, EJ - P159</p><p>Stewart, A - P89</p><p>Stewart, R - P253</p><p>Stienstra, R - P60</p><p>Stimson, R - P02</p><p>Stocker, R - P188*</p><p>Stone, H - P131</p><p>Stotesbury, B - P274</p><p>Stratton, I - P261</p><p>Stribling, B - P174 & P259</p><p>Strong, A - P148 & P182*</p><p>Sturt, J - P178 & P276</p><p>Su Khin, KL - A31* & P112*</p><p>Sudra, R - A3</p><p>Sukumar, N - A61</p><p>Suliman, S - A12 & P296</p><p>Sullivan, H - P134*, P144, P148, P149, P210 & P306</p><p>Sullivan, HR - P277*</p><p>Sullivan, S - P279</p><p>Sumner, L - P251</p><p>Sutherland, AI - P13</p><p>Sutton, C - P85</p><p>Suvon, MNI - A5</p><p>SYEDA, SB - P322</p><p>Tai, ES - P183 & P184</p><p>Tan, GD - A12 & P296</p><p>Tan, R - P283</p><p>Tan, T - P81</p><p>Tanday, N - A58</p><p>Tang, HC - P110*</p><p>Tang, ST - P288</p><p>Tang, W - P109* & P214</p><p>Tang, WT - P288</p><p>Tangjittipokin, W - A25 & P83</p><p>Tatovic, D - P76</p><p>Taylor, G - P96 & P188</p><p>Taylor, GS - P42 & P95*</p><p>Taylor, J - P144, P229 & P251</p><p>Taylor, PN - P76*</p><p>Taylor, R - A26</p><p>Tebeka, NN - P22</p><p>Tedder, RR - P298</p><p>Teh, K - A29 & P72</p><p>Teo, V - P177*</p><p>Terrington, I - P131*</p><p>Tesfaye, S - A11, A29, A5, P72, P73 & P242</p><p>Thabit, H - P85 & P323</p><p>Thackray, K - P298*</p><p>Thapa, A - P20</p><p>Tharma, JT - P123</p><p>Thayakaran, R - A33, P228 & P247</p><p>The BOX Study Group - A47</p><p>Theodoraki, A - P142</p><p>Thillai, K - P299 & P300</p><p>Thistlethwayte, R - P152, P154*, P282 & P310</p><p>Thomas, JJC - P62 & P65</p><p>Thomas, K - P131</p><p>Thomas, L - P73</p><p>Thomas, N - A34, P87, P90 & P127</p><p>Thomas, NJM - P321*</p><p>Thomas, R - A10 & P244</p><p>Thomas, S - A13, P117, P123 & P323</p><p>Thomson, K - P280</p><p>Thongs-George, S - A9 & P332</p><p>Tilston, G - A15 & P156</p><p>Timblin, C - A7 & P312</p><p>Tinmanee, R - A25 & P83</p><p>Todd, L - A68 & P257</p><p>Tomas, A - A41, P17 & P20</p><p>Tomlinson, C - P325 & P327</p><p>Tomlinson, S - P193 & P194</p><p>Tomnlinson, E - P225</p><p>Toms, S - P91</p><p>Torkelson, C - P310</p><p>Townson, J - P162</p><p>Treasure, J - P283</p><p>Trown, A - P264</p><p>Trucco, E - A18, A19, P84 & P102</p><p>Tsianakas, V - P305</p><p>Tu, H - P34*</p><p>Turlea, S - P270*</p><p>Turner, E - A26</p><p>Turner, K - A7 & P312</p><p>Tyagi, K - P226*</p><p>Tyrrell, J - P104 & P281</p><p>Tziannou, A - P50 & P176</p><p>Tzouvara, V - P276</p><p>Uday, S - P198</p><p>Umeh, K - P304</p><p>Urban, RL - P180</p><p>Urwin, A - P323</p><p>Uwadoka, O - P124*</p><p>Vainieri, E - P211*, P214 & P219</p><p>Valabhji, J - P161</p><p>Valabhji, JV - P48</p><p>Valaiyapathi, R - P81</p><p>Vamos, E - P161</p><p>Varadhan, L - A59 & P263</p><p>Vas, P - P117, P211 & P214</p><p>Vas, PV - P288</p><p>Vasan Krishnamoorthy, SK - P115*</p><p>Vaughan, N - P245</p><p>Verma, A - P126*</p><p>Vilangupara Benny, V - P114</p><p>Viloria, K - A43 & P07</p><p>Viloria, KP - A41* & P17*</p><p>Virdee, A - A2 & P175</p><p>Voisey, A - P66</p><p>von Arx, L-B - P334</p><p>Von Kriegsheim, A - P69</p><p>Vounzoulaki, E - P176</p><p>Waddingham, J - P204* & P280</p><p>Wade, M - P68</p><p>Wake, D - P197</p><p>Wake, DJ - P186 & P272</p><p>Wakefield, H - P259</p><p>Wakeling, M - A49 & P57</p><p>Walker, J - P170</p><p>Walker, K - A68 & P257</p><p>Walker, M - P11</p><p>Walker, S - P285</p><p>Wallace, T - P150 & P308</p><p>Waller, ZAE - P51</p><p>Walters, H - P200</p><p>Walters, L - P185</p><p>Wang, H - A18*, A19*, P84* & P102*</p><p>Ward, R - P315</p><p>Wardall, G - P89</p><p>Warner-Levy, JJ - A15 & P156</p><p>Washirasaksiri, C - A25*, P37 & P83*</p><p>Waters, C - P326</p><p>Watson, W - P204</p><p>Watts, C - P338</p><p>Webb, J - P328 & P334</p><p>Webb, K - P289</p><p>Webber, K - P123</p><p>Weedon, MN - A21, A22, P44, P56 & P70</p><p>Wei, L - P34</p><p>Weinman, J - P177</p><p>West, D - P96 & P188</p><p>West, DJ - P42 & P95</p><p>Westall, S - P182, P210 & P229</p><p>Westall, SJ - P144</p><p>Weston, PW - A54 & P138</p><p>Wheeler, JR - P198*</p><p>Whelan, M - P202</p><p>White, S - A20 & P61</p><p>White, SL - A61, P80, P269 & P271</p><p>Whitman, M - P223</p><p>Whittle, SJ - P170*</p><p>Whitwood, R - P150 & P308</p><p>Whitworth, N - P326</p><p>Whyte, M - P293</p><p>Whyte, MB - P225* & P236*</p><p>Whyteoshodi, D - P179</p><p>Wijndaele, K - P334</p><p>Wild, J - A5</p><p>Wild, SH - P207</p><p>Wilkes, V - P145 & P146</p><p>Wilkinson, ID - A29 & P72</p><p>Wilkinson, L - P232</p><p>Wilkinson, P - P182</p><p>Wilkinson, T - P128</p><p>Willcocks, L - P190</p><p>Willemsen, RH - P75</p><p>Williams, DM - A16*, P232* & P233*</p><p>Williams, R - A15 & P156</p><p>Williams, S - P173</p><p>Wilmington, R - P39</p><p>Wilmot, E - A39 & P250</p><p>Wilmot, EG - A31, A8*, P74*, P85, P112 & P266</p><p>Wilson, A - A36*, P148, P149, P248*, P277, P279 & P306</p><p>Wilson, P - P193* & P194*</p><p>Winkley, K - P173* & P227</p><p>Winslow, H - P117</p><p>Wiper, J - P216</p><p>Witham, M - P188</p><p>Wolff, T - P316</p><p>Wong, FS - P66, P94 & P289</p><p>Wood, A - P281</p><p>Wood, AR - A22 & P70</p><p>Wood, M - P338</p><p>Wright, J - P318</p><p>Wu, Z - A55, P19 & P20</p><p>Wyllie, L - P143</p><p>Xia, M - P81</p><p>Yadagiri, M - P329</p><p>Yan, Z - A14 & P208</p><p>Yang, MM - A55 & P19</p><p>Yap, KZ - P177</p><p>Yates, T - A24, P38 & P50*</p><p>Yemane, N - P165</p><p>Yeung, S - P195</p><p>Yeung, SC - P322</p><p>Yew, TW - P183* & P184*</p><p>Younes, YR - P311*</p><p>Young, K - A7 & P312</p><p>Young, KG - P43, P45*, P103 & P330</p><p>Yu, J - P33</p><p>Yu, T - P113*</p><p>Zaccardi, F - A28, P46 & P334</p><p>Zachariah, S - P311</p><p>Zaini, A - A23 & P49</p><p>Zaki, B - P123*</p><p>Zaremba, N - P64 & P283*</p><p>Zarganis-Tzitzikas, T - P33</p><p>Zariwala, MG - P29</p><p>Zavlis, O - P71</p><p>Zaw, W - P113</p><p>Zghebi, SS - A67*</p><p>Zhang, C - A55 & P19</p><p>Zhang, J - P24</p><p>Zhang, Q - A46, P12 & P16</p><p>Zhou, S - A5</p><p>Zhu, W - A58</p><p>Zides, S - P212</p>","PeriodicalId":11251,"journal":{"name":"Diabetic Medicine","volume":"42 S1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":3.2000,"publicationDate":"2025-02-26","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/dme.15499","citationCount":"0","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Diabetic Medicine","FirstCategoryId":"3","ListUrlMain":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dme.15499","RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"医学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q2","JCRName":"ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Ämmälä, C - A43 & P07
Abbas, Z - A35 & P215
Abbott, J - P22
AbdelBari, H - P122*
Abdelkader, A - P218
Abdelmagid, MI - P201*
Abdul, N - P219*
Abdullah, A - P172
Abi Chahine, T - P152 & P154
Abiakam, N - A20 & P61
Aboobakar, HA - A45 & P52
Abraham, AA - A33, P228 & P247
Abu Ghazaleh, H - P276
Ackroyd, D - P267
Acreman, S - A46, P16 & P33
Adamson, C - P218
Adamson, KA - A31 & P112
Adeyileka-Tracz, B - A35 & P215
Adie, MA - P67 & P68
Adler, A - P291
Adriano, A - P325 & P327
Afi Leslie, K - A56* & P35*
Ahamed Sadiq, S - P125*
Ahmad, B - A23 & P49
Ahmad, E - P267
Ahmad, S - P114
Ahmed, MSO - P239*
Ahmed, S - P211 & P268
Aitken, RJ - P91*
Ajjan, R - P236 & P243
Akbar, SA - P140*
Akerman, I - A41 & P17
Alabraba, V - P190 & P317
Alam, U - A60 & P273
Alatawi, AA - P98*
Alayyan, G - P338
Alazawi, W - A30 & P54
Aldafas, R - P39
Alen, R - P20*
Alexandrou, E - P51
Alexiadou, K - P81
Alghadouri, D - P172
Ali, A - P82* & P110
Ali, SY - P67
Ali, U - P218*
Ali, YA - P67 & P68
Ali Baig, S - P228
Alistair Williams Antibody Facility - A47
Aljedi, F - P172
Aljohani, N - P305* & P276
Alkandari, J - P172
Alkhalifah, G - P172
Allan, M - P195
Allard, C - A66 & P47
Allardice, B - P197
Allen, M - P40
Allen, MJ - P245
Allen-Taylor, M - P328
Al-Mrabeh, AH - A23*, P15, P49* & P69
Alobaid, T - P237*
Alonso, R - A55 & P19
Alonso Soriano, C - A3
Alozairi, E - P172
Alsaeed, D - P172, P216* & P217*
Alsayed, S – P276
Al-Selwi, Y - P26
Altaghadom, E - P172
Alturkait, A - P172*
Amiel, S - P64 & P64
Amoh, P - P202*
Anderson, R - P88
Andrew, R - P34
Andrews, A - P120*
Andrews, R - A34, P41 & P127
Andrews, RC - P40, P181, P201, P245, P325 & P327
Angeles-Agdeppa, I - A23 & P49
Ansari, I - A12 & P296
Ansari, MH - P226*
Ansari, S - P81*
Anson, M - A60 & P273
Anthony, IR - P183 & P184
Anthony, L - P205
Anwar, MB - P144*
Aqeel, A - P322
Ardavani, A - P05, P05* & P39*
Arden, C - P06 & P11
Aris, M - A69 & P262
Ariyakunaphan, P - A25 & P83
Arni, AM - A22 & P70
Arregui-Fresneda, I - P147
Asaad, M - P276* & P305
Ashcroft, FM - P23 & P25
Ashford, M - P02
Ashraf, UA - P231
Ashton-Cleary, S - P249
Ashton-Cleary, S - P290
Ashwell, S - P216
Asimakopoulou, K - P189
Asong, M - A38 & P295
Ast, J - A43 & P07
Atherton, H - P313
Atkinson, R - P299 & P300
Atrih, A - P36
Atta, N - A26
Atta, S - P340
Aung, E - P210 & P229
Aung, ET - P144, P182 & P185*
Ausili, D - P319
Austin, G - A41 & P17
Austin, Z - P186
Avari, P - P92, P118 & P222
Avataneo, M - A13, A51* & P137*
Aveyard, P - P162
Ayis, S - A13 & P237
Azmi, S - P218, P239, P323 & P331
Böhme Kristensen, C - P189*
Baglioni, P - P115
Bailey, O - P170
Bakir, A - P211
Bala, R - P104 & P281*
Balafshan, T - P148*, P149*, P182, P277, P279 & P306
Diabetic Medicine, the official journal of Diabetes UK, is published monthly simultaneously, in print and online editions.
The journal publishes a range of key information on all clinical aspects of diabetes mellitus, ranging from human genetic studies through clinical physiology and trials to diabetes epidemiology. We do not publish original animal or cell culture studies unless they are part of a study of clinical diabetes involving humans. Categories of publication include research articles, reviews, editorials, commentaries, and correspondence. All material is peer-reviewed.
We aim to disseminate knowledge about diabetes research with the goal of improving the management of people with diabetes. The journal therefore seeks to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between clinicians and researchers worldwide. Topics covered are of importance to all healthcare professionals working with people with diabetes, whether in primary care or specialist services.
Surplus generated from the sale of Diabetic Medicine is used by Diabetes UK to know diabetes better and fight diabetes more effectively on behalf of all people affected by and at risk of diabetes as well as their families and carers.”