To assess the effect of scanbody (SB)-type, edentulous site, and restoration-type on the scan quality of SBs used in the treatment of short-span edentulism.
The cohort consisted of SBs with different specifications connected to bone-level implants for intraoral digitalization in the fabrication of fixed restorations. SBs matched with library CAD files for digital implant position transfer into dental CAD software were enrolled in the study group. Intraoral implant digital records were categorically evaluated to assess the quality of SB scans. In statistical analyses, the chi-squared test was used to describe the clinical variables, and logistic regression models were constructed to reveal the association between the clinical variables and SB scan quality.
A total of 243 SBs were eligible for scan quality evaluation. Scan quality did not differ statistically (p > 0.05) in the SB reference area, while texture in the representation of SB was significantly affected (p < 0.05) by the variables SB-type and edentulous-site. Cylindrically designed SBs without specific geometrical features presented remarkably higher risks for reduced scan quality in SB representation.
SBs successfully aligned with library CAD files based on a software algorithm may not consistently present similar scan quality. Intraoral scanning of a SB is highly vulnerable with regard to scan deterioration in texture and geometry.