This study explores the perception of intergenerational family board games by three generations (school-age children, parents, and grandparents).
Playing board games is a rewarding experience throughout life and is particularly relevant to take into account in intergenerational studies as this activity is often shared by different generations aiming to spend time together.
Semistructured interviews were conducted with 30 participants who were recruited through word of mouth and by distributing flyers in local shops such as bakeries, laundromats, or grocery stores. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis.
Board games were seen as a way to connect, share values, and understand each other better, evoking many emotions. Participants viewed them as a means to strengthen intergenerational bonds. Each generation experienced unique benefits from board games based on their specific life challenges.
Board games offer an efficient means of maintaining family dynamics and provide opportunities for players of different generations to better understand each other and thereby reduce the intergenerational gap.
Board games offer enjoyable family leisure, fostering emotional connections and communication across generations. They help children experience emotions, allow parents to support their children's development, and enable older adults to connect with younger generations.