First experiments are reported of the simultaneous exposure of a number of Sn-wetted W CPSs and a reference W CPS to 100 ms NBI pulses (divertor steady-state loading conditions) and 2 ms long high-energy laser pulses (divertor ELM like loading conditions) at the High-Heat Flux OLMAT facility. The use of a fast-frame imaging camera allows monitoring the onset of particle ejection from the targets during laser pulses and obtaining the corresponding laser heat fluxes as a measure of the resilience of these targets. Fast camera images are used also to determine ejected particle numbers and to estimate their maximum velocities as laser power is increased in order to compare the influence of W CPS structure on these parameters. In addition, the craters resulting from particle ejection are studied for each target with an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope. Moreover, in-situ W and Sn particle ejection is followed using visible emission spectroscopy and post-exposure W melting after particle ejection is observed using the energy dispersive X-ray method EDX for all the studied targets. This shows that Sn is unable to protect the underlying W substrate from high-energy laser damage, albeit a subsequent refilling of the formed craters with Sn is visible during NBI-only pulses after laser damage. Thus, it is considered that optimization of surface refilling/replenishment with Sn is needed to improve the W substrate protection. From this work, it is also found that the W CPS reference material has a higher laser heat flux threshold for particle ejection than the Sn-wetted targets. Nevertheless, it is important to take into account that in these experiments with laser pulses, the possible beneficial effects of vapor shielding that can take place during particle irradiation at ELMs or disruptions are not present, thus these experiments represent a worst-case scenario.