The problem of determining the displacements of the contour of a mine working with an arbitrary cross-section, after their completion on the site by the moment of its creation, is considered. To solve the problem, the method of slotted unloading is used. A contour similar to that of the investigated working with a subsequent unloading is drawn on the exposed surface of the rock massif. The displacements are measured both at the resulting core boundary and at the contour of the created hole, imitating the mine working contour. It is shown that these displacements differ not only in direction but also in magnitude. In order to determine the total displacements at the mine working boundary, it is necessary to sum them up. Then they are used both to estimate the stress-strain state of the rock massif around the mine working and the external loads applied to the rock massif as a whole. A solution in the elastic case for a circular cylindrical mine working is proposed, with the displacements of the arbitrary type defined on its contour.