Organisms on Earth evolve and coexist with natural Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs). Although many reports have suggested the potential anti-neoplastic effects of EMFs with specific parameters, the studies on the influence of natural EMFs on cancers are still rare. Herein, an EMF emitter has been developed to investigate the effects of the extremely-low frequency SR-mimicking EMF (SREMF) on cancer and normal cell proliferation. The numerical simulation has revealed that the emitter with specific parameters is able to enhance EMF intensity and uniformity on the designated plane above the emitter. More importantly, honeycomb-like emitter array can generate a stronger EMF intensity on the 20 mm plane above the array. Cell colony formation assays have demonstrated that SREMF generated by the honeycomb-like emitter array can significantly inhibit Hela cell proliferation in a cell-density-dependent manner. The morphological changes of SREMF-exposed Hela cells suggest that the anti-proliferative effect of SREMF may be caused by apoptosis induction. In contrast, no detrimental effect is observed for SREMF-treated normal cells, which probably can be explained by the evolutionary adaptation. Hence, this work can not only contribute to understanding the impact of natural EMF on creatures, but also afford a novel strategy to personalized cancer prevention and treatment.