The observation of the exchange narrowing effect is a routine event in EPR spectroscopy. In this paper, I want to draw attention to the fact that every time we observe an exchange narrowing of the EPR spectrum, we have a gas of identical bosons, where the prerequisites of BEC formation are satisfied at room temperature. Imagine the possibility to create BEC without the need to cooling down to nano Kelvin temperatures to get a gas of identical bosons because the phenomenon of exchange narrowing of the EPR spectrum can be easily observed at room temperatures. This article provides a detailed explanation of how a gas of identical bosons can be formed at room temperature in dilute solutions of paramagnetic particles with a discrete EPR spectrum of individual particles. There are still many questions about the Bose–Einstein condensation of a spin polariton gas, which is created under conditions of exchange narrowing of EPR spectra. With the expectation of obtaining additional information about the condensation of bosons in the situation under consideration, this article proposes the protocol of one EPR experiment to prove that the effect of exchange narrowing of EPR spectra can be instrumental in creating BEC in dilute solutions at room temperature.