With over 184,000 new cases and more than 99,000 deaths per year, malignancies of the larynx are a global health problem. Currently, a dedicated screening method enabling a direct onsite diagnosis is missing. This can lead to delayed diagnosis and worse outcomes of the patients. An endoscopic optical method enabling a direct distinction between healthy tissue, dysplastic tissue and cancerous tissue would be an ideal tool for the detection of tumors of the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT). Healthy and tumor cells differ significantly in their metabolic state due to the different metabolic pathways they use (more oxidative phosphorylation in healthy cells, more glycolysis in tumor cells). Optical metabolic imaging (OMI) measuring relative intracellular concentration of NAD(P)H and FAD redox pairs could be a promising approach for early tumor detection and differentiation of suspicious mucosal lesions.
In this study, a specially designed endoscopic two-beam two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) system was used to perform two-photon two-beam FLIM of NAD(P)H and FAD to image the metabolic state in different tissue samples of the UADT. FLIM data sets of 27 tissue samples from 16 patients were recorded directly after surgery ex vivo in a special tissue culture medium at 37°C on a dedicated microscope using multiphoton excitation.
Based on the FLIM measurements of NAD(P)H and FAD, six of the most common indices for the characterization of the cells' metabolism were calculated. Three of them, the ratio of the exponential coefficients (amplitudes) of the short and long lifetime components both for NAD(P)H and FAD (NAD(P)H a1/a2 ratio and FAD a1/a2 ratio) and the fluorescence lifetime redox ratio (FLIRR) enabled differentiation between healthy tissue, benign lesions, dysplastic tissue, and cancer tissue with statistical significance.
We showed by measurements on freshly collected tissue samples that mucosal lesions of the UADT can be differentiated using our newly designed endoscopic FLIM device. In vivo measurements in healthy volunteers were also possible. By means of this technology, differentiation of cancerous, pre-cancerous, and healthy tissue in the UADT by OMI could be possible. Of six indices used to characterize cell metabolism we calculated, the FLIRR showed the most significant differences between tissue types.