High use of psychotropic medications continues to be common in residential aged care homes despite the risk of harm and limited efficacy in people living with dementia. Research has shown that the organizational culture of aged care homes influences psychotropic medication use in residents with dementia. The Psychotropic medicines use in Residents And Culture: Influencing Clinical Excellence (PRACTICE) tool was developed to evaluate the organizational culture of aged care homes specific to the use of psychotropic medications.
To evaluate the comprehensibility, relevance, and comprehensiveness of the PRACTICE tool among end-users.
Cognitive interviews were conducted with participants representing a broad range of health disciplines across Australia. Interviews were performed using a combination of the think-aloud technique and verbal probing. Interviews were transcribed and content coded for participants' perceptions of the PRACTICE tool. Items were modified based on findings from the cognitive interviews, participants’ suggestions for rewording of items and discussions with the research team.
A total of 20 cognitive interviews were conducted. Based on the cognitive interviews, 48 out of 63 items were modified. Reasons for modification were categorized into three themes: 1) Items changed to align with the aged care home staff's scope of practice; 2) Items adjusted to prevent unintended blame from reading the items; and 3) Items modified to prevent potential misinterpretation of their intended meaning. Three items were added to improve the comprehensiveness of the tool. Most participants reported that they understood the items and considered them as relevant and acceptable for the evaluation of organizational culture and use of psychotropic medication in aged care homes.
This study confirms that the PRACTICE tool is a comprehensive tool appropriate for the assessment of organizational culture specific to psychotropic medication use and is important for aged care home settings.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy (RSAP) is a quarterly publication featuring original scientific reports and comprehensive review articles in the social and administrative pharmaceutical sciences. Topics of interest include outcomes evaluation of products, programs, or services; pharmacoepidemiology; medication adherence; direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medications; disease state management; health systems reform; drug marketing; medication distribution systems such as e-prescribing; web-based pharmaceutical/medical services; drug commerce and re-importation; and health professions workforce issues.