Introduction: Topical corticosteroid (TCS) phobia may negatively impact treatment adherence. Currently, there are few studies exploring trust and knowledge of TCS use among pharmacy staff. The objective of this work was to examine TCS knowledge and possible phobia among Danish pharmacy staff.
Results: A total of 244 pharmacy workers from 59 pharmacies participated. The majority (95.4%) responded that they were aware of side effects of TCS; however, misconceptions regarding side effects were found in up to 34% of participants. Regarding TCS use, 40% sometimes advised the patients to wait as long as possible before initiating treatment with TCS. Confidence in dispensing TCS to patients was high, with a mean of 8.45 (NRS).
Conclusion: Danish pharmacy staff generally reported high confidence in TCS use. Misconceptions regarding side effects were common, and there was a tendency to giving advices on TCS treatment that may indicate low confidence in TCS. Thorough education of pharmacy staff is needed to improve the knowledge of TCS.
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