Different regions of Iran have suffered for a long time from spatial inequalities because of the shortage of infrastructure and educational services. Educational activities play an important role in social and economic mobility and development of regions. The closing of educational centers due to the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic affects the spatial and social inequalities of the regions in Iran. The current study aims to examine spatial inequality of educational indicators during two periods: “before” the outbreak of Covid-19 (2018) and “during” its outbreak (2021). Then the provinces of Iran are stratified in terms of educational indicators by using the combined method of TOPSIS and Shannon's entropy, cluster analysis in Spss and using ArcGis. The most important factors of educational inequality during the Covid19 period were found by using Pearson's correlation coefficient and multivariate regression. The results showed that in the pre-Covid period, the distance between the most privileged province (Bushehr) and the most deprived province (Tehran) was 4.5. This amount has increased to 5.5 during the period of Covid-19, which shows the increase of inequalities due to the conditions of Covid-19. Further investigation of the results shows that the inequality of educational indicators among the provinces of the country has a clear relationship with the changes in population movements in different regions of Iran. On the other hand, due to the digital education without need for educational space in the conditions of Covid-19, the importance of the existence of physical infrastructure has been reduced. And two key variables as population density and internet penetration rate play an important role in the provinces’ educational indicators during the period of covid-19. These results could help the spatial planning to reduce inequalities in different regions of the country.