Special admission: how college sports recruitment favors white, suburban athletes

Judge-Stasiak, Angela
{"title":"Special admission: how college sports recruitment favors white, suburban athletes","authors":"Judge-Stasiak, Angela","doi":"10.1007/s40979-021-00094-6","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>Book Details.</p><p>Hextrum, K. (2021). <i>Special admission: How college sports recruitment favors white, suburban athletes</i>: Rutgers University Press.</p><p><i>Special admission: How college sports recruitment favors white, suburban athletes</i> by Kirsten Hextrum offers a critical exploration of the political, economic, and cultural factors that shape and influence college admission. The author looks at issues and asks questions about the availability of both community resources and the impact on athletic college admission. Hextrum (2021) is an athlete, a former national champion rower and holds a PhD from the University of California. The author is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma and through roles in student support services for college athletes and academic publication has developed expertise on college athletic admissions.</p><p>Readers engaging with this book can expect to understand the historical, political, and economic factors that influence current practices in college admissions, with a critical analysis about the racial and gender exclusion of non-white athletes and the concentration of resources in white, suburban areas. Central themes within the work focus on race, gender, economic status, state control and access to resources as the contextual factors that influence the favoritism of white athletes in college admissions.</p><p>Hextrum (2021) locates the impact of race and the experiences of “violence, under-and unemployment, and food and housing insecurity” (p. 2) that are disproportionately experienced in non-white communities due to political structures and state control. This suffering is accepted in American society and poverty is considered criminal or a personal failure which can only be redeemed through hard work and sacrifice which is grounded in false assumptions as it places the onus of success on the individual without recognizing the intersecting contexts which lead to poverty and crime. Throughout the book Hextrum (2021) offers examples of the significant historical events including the civil rights movement which influenced decision making in higher education. The impact of race in sports has been harmful and racial violence occurs in sport and is condoned when teammates, and coaches do not stop or change these behaviors.</p><p>Male-domination of sports creates gender segregation and prevents the participation in sport of anyone not identifying as a cisgender male athlete. Both gender and race segregation impact the access of women and non-white athletes to certain sports, so much so that even when there has been increased access and entry into college sports for both groups the access to sport coaching within the sport is still controlled by white men. The admissions practices within college sport legitimizes and sustains inequality.</p><p>The author centers the historical influences and the influence of state control on the college admissions process. These include colonial, white supremacist, capitalist, and neoliberal underpinnings (Hextrum, 2021). The power of the state is sustained by consent from other institutions including “education, sports, media, religion, and families” (p. 5). Specific to sports, the NCAA is the heart of power, control, and regulation. The title of one of the chapters in the book “Colonizers, Enslavers, and Patriarchs: The Founders of Higher Education” (p. 31) captures the worldview of where sport and colleges in America have been situated socially, politically, and culturally. These dynamics emphasize elite, white men which has become normalized, protected, and enabled across generations until recently.</p><p>Hextrum (2021) demonstrates the impact of race and class in college sports as occurring at the individual and group level that transcends an individual or family level. As such that state preserves and establishes unequal opportunities in communities through taxes, laws, and funding. This creates a myth that everyone has the freedom to choose and participate in what sport you want to compete in, when in fact others have a significant advantage and that choice and freedom remains restricted to dominant groups. Simultaneously “when the state offered greater legal protections to historically disenfranchised groups, it also preserved the legal mechanisms that elevated capitalism, whiteness, and masculinity” (p. 83). This has given rise to sports that are primarily white in composition and stereotypes about body type and capacity created false beliefs that excluded women and Black athletes. Interestingly, the interview participants shared early memories of sports that were not gender exclusive for sport or play, and the racial or gender binary occurred in the sphere of organized sports.</p><p>The historical, political, economic, and cultural influences of state control permit or restrict access to resources to participate and compete for college admission. This includes access to the money, opportunities for coaching, camps, transportation, supplies, and equipment required to participate in sport. Through state regulation and funding, priority was given to suburban areas that were racially and economically segregated and primarily white. State allocation of resources for schools and public spaces such as parks or swimming pools impact access to sport and opportunities to develop athletic skill. Despite the influence of the state funding and allocation of resources in certain communities, ideas about individual upward mobility, hard work, determination remain prevalent without awareness or connection to the context influencing an individual. These beliefs do not consider the capital and social investments athletes need across the individual, family, and community levels. Special athletic admission permits students into college based on athletic talent and not academic progress when access to private and elite sports or public recreation facilities is not equally provided in all communities to all individuals.</p><p>The process of assessments for admissions is currently geared toward white people who can afford the investment and training to grow in sport and yet there is perception that athleticism is evaluated objectively and transparently. Hextrum (2021) outlines that inequal access to physical and social capital that individual athletes having depended upon their physical and social location which favor those with resources and jobs that are flexible to allow the time, travel and commitment needed in the family unit to support emerging athletes to participate in sport. The spaces in which individuals grow up and what surrounds them with respect to safety, resources, play, housing, and employment retain the land control and resource acquisition of colonialism, concentrating athletic opportunities in suburban areas.</p><p>This book offers a unique exploration of special admissions in college athletics. The illusions of success in sport or the concept of sport mobility is particularly harmful in the Black community as it fails to see the multitude of factors that impact the journey to and through college. The importance of college admission, and broadly completing higher education impacts employment and earning capacity upon graduation. Despite the elite nature of higher education in the past, the increase in enrolment has not impacted all students equally and increased admissions does not mean increased diversity or representation of the population, generally and among athletes.</p><p>The spotlight on public scandals such as the Operation Varsity Blues (OVB) involved “celebrities, wealthy bankers, and chief executives, which drew public and press attention to the scandal” (p. ix). Public critique of the event made deviant the actions of the individuals involved without showing that the athletic admissions process was already inherently favored to white athletes with resources. Hextrum (2021) offers critical analysis to deconstruct myths that elevate or inaccurately perceive college admissions as objective, equitable or inclusive. This inquiry also makes explicit practices in applying for college admission including academic portfolios and unofficial visits that some individuals have more resources, connections, and support to engage in than others.</p><p>This book is clearly written and organized systematically to share stories in the context of different concepts, weaving interview participant responses through each chapter. The references included are indicative of doctoral studies and included a wide range of sources outlining historical, political, economic, gendered, racial, religious, cultural dimensions of examining the special admission process for college athletes. The study began in December 2016 and consisted of 47 life history interviews with athletes that ranged from one to three hours. Analysis of the findings of the study show admissions processes which favor white, middle-class athletes and included the social and institutional process that influence the admissions, where other studies have assumed that admissions is objective and individual.</p><p>The interviews and corresponding data reflected coaches have “almost unilateral discretion” (p. 16) in assessing athletic merit and that athletic merit is not neutral. The interview “participants described, in their own terms, their race, class, and gender positions” (p. 24) and the responses offered an opportunity to examine the impact of the state and the systems which influence individual and their families. Other publications which review the white dominance in sports and the exclusion of race and gender in sports have also offered critical analysis and reflection specific to certain sports, or sport culture. This book specifically looks at American history, colonization and white supremacy, and the intersection of state, political and funding decisions that control access to the resources, facilities and capital required to develop athletic talent for college admissions.</p><p>Hextrum (2021) offers an important contribution to the literature regarding the intersections and practices that influence and favor specific groups for admissions into college which confronts and challenges dominant myths about college athletes. It is a thoughtful and articulate account about how athletes are developed through “the state’s interlacing of property, law, community, leisure, schools, and capital” (p. 148) and that the journey to sport is disproportionately impacted by food or housing insecurity or violence in non-white communities. It offers commentary on race neutrality which sustains the current system where the public accepts inequality because of the false assumption that athletes individually earn their position.</p><p>If one shortcoming could be identified from this book, it would be related to the task of creating the change needed for equity in the admission process, and not in the book itself. The time, effort, dialogue and reconceptualizing needed to shift current practice is long overdue, and yet the layers of systems, cultures and behaviors that need to shift and change are daunting. The harm and trauma of housing insecurity, income and employment, violence, and racism alongside the need to offer equity in access to resources and opportunities for recreation require a significant change for all to sport on equal ground. This is the work that readers are called upon to engage in.</p><p>This book offers the reader an opportunity to understand the multifaceted context which impact the individual prior to the college admissions process and how athletes are not objectively chosen, nor do they gain access through hard work and individual effort alone. There is a call to action to make the necessary changes and hope that this is possible with tangible ideas of how to do this work. Attention to ensuring capital that is physical, social, and cultural are considered and corresponding state control to allocate funding, resources, and opportunities proportionately across communities is required. Formal regulations in college admissions will take away the coach control, choice, and subjectivity in selecting the best athlete for a team. With eyes wide open, intergenerational transfer or privilege or trauma can be understood, and changes can be made to eliminate inequity including special admissions and scholarships. Regulation can increase transparency and accountability for admissions decisions. This could create a holistic admissions process that assess physical and cultural capital founded in “inclusiveness, transparency, and accountability” (p. 193). In closing, Hextrum (2021) offers hope that as historically oppressed groups complete hire education, these institutions will be part of future social change.</p><p>N/A.</p><ol><li><p>Hextrum K (2021) Special admission: <i>how college sports recruitment favors white, suburban athletes</i>. Rutgers University press. https://doi.org/10.36019/9781978821248</p></li></ol><p>Download references<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" focusable=\"false\" height=\"16\" role=\"img\" width=\"16\"><use xlink:href=\"#global-icon-download\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"></use></svg></p><p>N/A/.</p><h3>Affiliations</h3><ol><li><p>Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada</p><p>Angela Judge-Stasiak</p></li></ol><span>Authors</span><ol><li><span>Angela Judge-Stasiak</span>View author publications<p>You can also search for this author in <span>PubMed<span> </span>Google Scholar</span></p></li></ol><h3>Contributions</h3><p>The author read and approved the final manuscript.</p><h3>Corresponding author</h3><p>Correspondence to Angela Judge-Stasiak.</p><h3>Competing interests</h3>\n<p>Doctor of Education student working with Dr. Sarah Elaine Eaton.</p><h3>Publisher’s Note</h3><p>Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.</p><p><b>Open Access</b> This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.</p>\n<p>Reprints and Permissions</p><img alt=\"Verify currency and authenticity via CrossMark\" height=\"81\" src=\"\" width=\"57\"/><h3>Cite this article</h3><p>Judge-Stasiak, A. Special admission: how college sports recruitment favors white, suburban athletes. <i>Int J Educ Integr</i> <b>18, </b>1 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40979-021-00094-6</p><p>Download citation<svg aria-hidden=\"true\" focusable=\"false\" height=\"16\" role=\"img\" width=\"16\"><use xlink:href=\"#global-icon-download\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"></use></svg></p><ul data-test=\"publication-history\"><li><p>Published<span>: </span><span><time datetime=\"2022-01-04\">04 January 2022</time></span></p></li><li><p>DOI</abbr><span>: </span><span>https://doi.org/10.1007/s40979-021-00094-6</span></p></li></ul><h3>Share this article</h3><p>Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:</p><button data-track=\"click\" data-track-action=\"get shareable link\" data-track-external=\"\" data-track-label=\"button\">Get shareable link</button><p>Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article.</p><p data-track=\"click\" data-track-action=\"select share url\" data-track-label=\"button\"></p><button data-track=\"click\" data-track-action=\"copy share url\" data-track-external=\"\" data-track-label=\"button\">Copy to clipboard</button><p> Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative </p>","PeriodicalId":44838,"journal":{"name":"International Journal for Educational Integrity","volume":"40 ","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":3.8000,"publicationDate":"2022-01-04","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":"12","resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"International Journal for Educational Integrity","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"https://doi.org/10.1007/s40979-021-00094-6","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q1","JCRName":"EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 12


Book Details.

Hextrum, K. (2021). Special admission: How college sports recruitment favors white, suburban athletes: Rutgers University Press.

Special admission: How college sports recruitment favors white, suburban athletes by Kirsten Hextrum offers a critical exploration of the political, economic, and cultural factors that shape and influence college admission. The author looks at issues and asks questions about the availability of both community resources and the impact on athletic college admission. Hextrum (2021) is an athlete, a former national champion rower and holds a PhD from the University of California. The author is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma and through roles in student support services for college athletes and academic publication has developed expertise on college athletic admissions.

Readers engaging with this book can expect to understand the historical, political, and economic factors that influence current practices in college admissions, with a critical analysis about the racial and gender exclusion of non-white athletes and the concentration of resources in white, suburban areas. Central themes within the work focus on race, gender, economic status, state control and access to resources as the contextual factors that influence the favoritism of white athletes in college admissions.

Hextrum (2021) locates the impact of race and the experiences of “violence, under-and unemployment, and food and housing insecurity” (p. 2) that are disproportionately experienced in non-white communities due to political structures and state control. This suffering is accepted in American society and poverty is considered criminal or a personal failure which can only be redeemed through hard work and sacrifice which is grounded in false assumptions as it places the onus of success on the individual without recognizing the intersecting contexts which lead to poverty and crime. Throughout the book Hextrum (2021) offers examples of the significant historical events including the civil rights movement which influenced decision making in higher education. The impact of race in sports has been harmful and racial violence occurs in sport and is condoned when teammates, and coaches do not stop or change these behaviors.

Male-domination of sports creates gender segregation and prevents the participation in sport of anyone not identifying as a cisgender male athlete. Both gender and race segregation impact the access of women and non-white athletes to certain sports, so much so that even when there has been increased access and entry into college sports for both groups the access to sport coaching within the sport is still controlled by white men. The admissions practices within college sport legitimizes and sustains inequality.

The author centers the historical influences and the influence of state control on the college admissions process. These include colonial, white supremacist, capitalist, and neoliberal underpinnings (Hextrum, 2021). The power of the state is sustained by consent from other institutions including “education, sports, media, religion, and families” (p. 5). Specific to sports, the NCAA is the heart of power, control, and regulation. The title of one of the chapters in the book “Colonizers, Enslavers, and Patriarchs: The Founders of Higher Education” (p. 31) captures the worldview of where sport and colleges in America have been situated socially, politically, and culturally. These dynamics emphasize elite, white men which has become normalized, protected, and enabled across generations until recently.

Hextrum (2021) demonstrates the impact of race and class in college sports as occurring at the individual and group level that transcends an individual or family level. As such that state preserves and establishes unequal opportunities in communities through taxes, laws, and funding. This creates a myth that everyone has the freedom to choose and participate in what sport you want to compete in, when in fact others have a significant advantage and that choice and freedom remains restricted to dominant groups. Simultaneously “when the state offered greater legal protections to historically disenfranchised groups, it also preserved the legal mechanisms that elevated capitalism, whiteness, and masculinity” (p. 83). This has given rise to sports that are primarily white in composition and stereotypes about body type and capacity created false beliefs that excluded women and Black athletes. Interestingly, the interview participants shared early memories of sports that were not gender exclusive for sport or play, and the racial or gender binary occurred in the sphere of organized sports.

The historical, political, economic, and cultural influences of state control permit or restrict access to resources to participate and compete for college admission. This includes access to the money, opportunities for coaching, camps, transportation, supplies, and equipment required to participate in sport. Through state regulation and funding, priority was given to suburban areas that were racially and economically segregated and primarily white. State allocation of resources for schools and public spaces such as parks or swimming pools impact access to sport and opportunities to develop athletic skill. Despite the influence of the state funding and allocation of resources in certain communities, ideas about individual upward mobility, hard work, determination remain prevalent without awareness or connection to the context influencing an individual. These beliefs do not consider the capital and social investments athletes need across the individual, family, and community levels. Special athletic admission permits students into college based on athletic talent and not academic progress when access to private and elite sports or public recreation facilities is not equally provided in all communities to all individuals.

The process of assessments for admissions is currently geared toward white people who can afford the investment and training to grow in sport and yet there is perception that athleticism is evaluated objectively and transparently. Hextrum (2021) outlines that inequal access to physical and social capital that individual athletes having depended upon their physical and social location which favor those with resources and jobs that are flexible to allow the time, travel and commitment needed in the family unit to support emerging athletes to participate in sport. The spaces in which individuals grow up and what surrounds them with respect to safety, resources, play, housing, and employment retain the land control and resource acquisition of colonialism, concentrating athletic opportunities in suburban areas.

This book offers a unique exploration of special admissions in college athletics. The illusions of success in sport or the concept of sport mobility is particularly harmful in the Black community as it fails to see the multitude of factors that impact the journey to and through college. The importance of college admission, and broadly completing higher education impacts employment and earning capacity upon graduation. Despite the elite nature of higher education in the past, the increase in enrolment has not impacted all students equally and increased admissions does not mean increased diversity or representation of the population, generally and among athletes.

The spotlight on public scandals such as the Operation Varsity Blues (OVB) involved “celebrities, wealthy bankers, and chief executives, which drew public and press attention to the scandal” (p. ix). Public critique of the event made deviant the actions of the individuals involved without showing that the athletic admissions process was already inherently favored to white athletes with resources. Hextrum (2021) offers critical analysis to deconstruct myths that elevate or inaccurately perceive college admissions as objective, equitable or inclusive. This inquiry also makes explicit practices in applying for college admission including academic portfolios and unofficial visits that some individuals have more resources, connections, and support to engage in than others.

This book is clearly written and organized systematically to share stories in the context of different concepts, weaving interview participant responses through each chapter. The references included are indicative of doctoral studies and included a wide range of sources outlining historical, political, economic, gendered, racial, religious, cultural dimensions of examining the special admission process for college athletes. The study began in December 2016 and consisted of 47 life history interviews with athletes that ranged from one to three hours. Analysis of the findings of the study show admissions processes which favor white, middle-class athletes and included the social and institutional process that influence the admissions, where other studies have assumed that admissions is objective and individual.

The interviews and corresponding data reflected coaches have “almost unilateral discretion” (p. 16) in assessing athletic merit and that athletic merit is not neutral. The interview “participants described, in their own terms, their race, class, and gender positions” (p. 24) and the responses offered an opportunity to examine the impact of the state and the systems which influence individual and their families. Other publications which review the white dominance in sports and the exclusion of race and gender in sports have also offered critical analysis and reflection specific to certain sports, or sport culture. This book specifically looks at American history, colonization and white supremacy, and the intersection of state, political and funding decisions that control access to the resources, facilities and capital required to develop athletic talent for college admissions.

Hextrum (2021) offers an important contribution to the literature regarding the intersections and practices that influence and favor specific groups for admissions into college which confronts and challenges dominant myths about college athletes. It is a thoughtful and articulate account about how athletes are developed through “the state’s interlacing of property, law, community, leisure, schools, and capital” (p. 148) and that the journey to sport is disproportionately impacted by food or housing insecurity or violence in non-white communities. It offers commentary on race neutrality which sustains the current system where the public accepts inequality because of the false assumption that athletes individually earn their position.

If one shortcoming could be identified from this book, it would be related to the task of creating the change needed for equity in the admission process, and not in the book itself. The time, effort, dialogue and reconceptualizing needed to shift current practice is long overdue, and yet the layers of systems, cultures and behaviors that need to shift and change are daunting. The harm and trauma of housing insecurity, income and employment, violence, and racism alongside the need to offer equity in access to resources and opportunities for recreation require a significant change for all to sport on equal ground. This is the work that readers are called upon to engage in.

This book offers the reader an opportunity to understand the multifaceted context which impact the individual prior to the college admissions process and how athletes are not objectively chosen, nor do they gain access through hard work and individual effort alone. There is a call to action to make the necessary changes and hope that this is possible with tangible ideas of how to do this work. Attention to ensuring capital that is physical, social, and cultural are considered and corresponding state control to allocate funding, resources, and opportunities proportionately across communities is required. Formal regulations in college admissions will take away the coach control, choice, and subjectivity in selecting the best athlete for a team. With eyes wide open, intergenerational transfer or privilege or trauma can be understood, and changes can be made to eliminate inequity including special admissions and scholarships. Regulation can increase transparency and accountability for admissions decisions. This could create a holistic admissions process that assess physical and cultural capital founded in “inclusiveness, transparency, and accountability” (p. 193). In closing, Hextrum (2021) offers hope that as historically oppressed groups complete hire education, these institutions will be part of future social change.


  1. Hextrum K (2021) Special admission: how college sports recruitment favors white, suburban athletes. Rutgers University press. https://doi.org/10.36019/9781978821248

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  1. Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada

    Angela Judge-Stasiak

  1. Angela Judge-StasiakView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar


The author read and approved the final manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Angela Judge-Stasiak.

Competing interests

Doctor of Education student working with Dr. Sarah Elaine Eaton.

Publisher’s Note

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.

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Judge-Stasiak, A. Special admission: how college sports recruitment favors white, suburban athletes. Int J Educ Integr 18, 1 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40979-021-00094-6

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40979-021-00094-6

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书的细节。Hextrum, K.(2021)。特殊录取:大学体育招募如何偏爱白人郊区运动员:罗格斯大学出版社。Kirsten Hextrum的《特殊录取:大学体育招募如何青睐白人郊区运动员》对塑造和影响大学录取的政治、经济和文化因素进行了批判性的探索。作者着眼于问题,并就社区资源的可用性和对体育大学录取的影响提出了问题。Hextrum(2021)是一名运动员,前全国赛艇冠军,拥有加州大学博士学位。作者目前是俄克拉荷马大学的助理教授,通过为大学运动员和学术出版物提供学生支持服务,已经开发了大学体育招生方面的专业知识。读这本书的读者可以期望通过对非白人运动员的种族和性别排斥以及资源集中在白人郊区的批判性分析,了解影响当前大学录取做法的历史、政治和经济因素。工作的中心主题集中在种族、性别、经济地位、国家控制和资源获取作为影响白人运动员在大学录取中的偏袒的背景因素。Hextrum(2021)定位了种族的影响和“暴力、贫困和失业、食品和住房不安全”的经历(第2页),由于政治结构和国家控制,这些经历在非白人社区中不成比例地发生。这种痛苦在美国社会是被接受的,贫穷被认为是犯罪或个人的失败,只能通过努力工作和牺牲来弥补,这是基于错误的假设,因为它把成功的责任放在了个人身上,而没有认识到导致贫穷和犯罪的交叉背景。在这本书中,Hextrum(2021)提供了一些重要的历史事件的例子,包括影响高等教育决策的民权运动。种族在体育运动中的影响是有害的,当队友和教练不阻止或改变这些行为时,种族暴力在体育运动中发生并被宽恕。男性对体育运动的统治造成了性别隔离,并阻止了任何不认为自己是顺性别男性运动员的人参加体育运动。性别和种族隔离都影响了女性和非白人运动员进入某些体育项目的机会,以至于即使这两个群体都有更多的机会和机会进入大学体育项目,在体育项目中获得体育教练的机会仍然由白人男性控制。大学体育的招生做法使不平等合法化并得以维持。作者将历史影响和国家控制对大学录取过程的影响作为中心。这些包括殖民主义、白人至上主义、资本主义和新自由主义的基础(Hextrum, 2021)。国家的权力是通过其他机构的同意来维持的,包括“教育、体育、媒体、宗教和家庭”(第5页)。具体到体育,NCAA是权力、控制和监管的核心。《殖民者、奴隶和族长:高等教育的创始人》一书中有一章的标题(第31页)抓住了美国体育和大学在社会、政治和文化上所处位置的世界观。这些动态强调精英,白人男性,直到最近才在几代人之间变得正常化,受到保护和支持。Hextrum(2021)展示了种族和阶级对大学体育的影响,这种影响发生在个人和群体层面,超越了个人或家庭层面。因此,国家通过税收、法律和资金在社区中保留和建立不平等的机会。这创造了一个神话,每个人都有自由选择和参加你想参加的运动,而实际上其他人有明显的优势,这种选择和自由仍然局限于主导群体。同时,“当国家为历史上被剥夺公民权的群体提供更大的法律保护时,它也保留了提升资本主义、白人和男子气概的法律机制”(第83页)。这导致体育运动主要由白人组成,而关于身体类型和能力的刻板印象产生了排除女性和黑人运动员的错误信念。有趣的是,受访者分享了他们对体育运动的早期记忆,这些记忆并不是性别专属于体育或游戏的,种族或性别二元性出现在有组织的体育领域。国家控制的历史、政治、经济和文化影响允许或限制获得参与和竞争大学录取的资源。 这本书特别关注美国历史、殖民和白人至上主义,以及国家、政治和资金决策之间的交集,这些决策控制着培养大学入学所需的体育人才所需的资源、设施和资本。Hextrum(2021)对影响和支持特定群体进入大学的交叉点和实践的文献做出了重要贡献,这些交叉点和实践面对并挑战了关于大学运动员的主流神话。这本书对运动员是如何通过“国家对财产、法律、社区、休闲、学校和资本的交织”(第148页)发展起来的,以及非白人社区的食物或住房不安全或暴力对运动员的运动之旅产生了不成比例的影响,进行了深思熟虑和清晰的描述。它提供了对种族中立的评论,这种评论维持了目前的制度,在这种制度下,公众接受不平等,因为错误的假设是运动员个人赢得了他们的位置。如果能从这本书中找出一个缺点,那就是在录取过程中创造公平所需的改变,而不是这本书本身。改变当前做法所需的时间、努力、对话和重新概念化早就应该投入,但需要改变和改变的系统、文化和行为的层次令人生畏。住房不安全、收入和就业、暴力和种族主义带来的伤害和创伤,以及提供公平获得资源和娱乐机会的需要,要求所有人在平等的基础上进行体育运动。这是要求读者参与的工作。这本书为读者提供了一个机会,了解在大学录取过程之前影响个人的多方面背景,以及运动员如何不是客观选择的,他们也不是通过努力工作和个人努力获得的。人们呼吁采取行动进行必要的改变,并希望通过对如何开展这项工作的切实想法,这是可能的。需要注意确保物质资本、社会资本和文化资本得到考虑,并通过相应的国家控制,在各个社区之间按比例分配资金、资源和机会。大学录取的正式规定将剥夺教练在为球队挑选最佳运动员时的控制权、选择权和主观性。只要睁大眼睛,就能理解代际转移、特权或创伤,就能做出改变,消除特殊录取和奖学金等不平等现象。监管可以提高招生决定的透明度和问责制。这可以创建一个全面的招生过程,评估建立在“包容性、透明度和问责制”基础上的物质和文化资本(第193页)。最后,Hextrum(2021)提供了希望,随着历史上受压迫的群体完成雇佣教育,这些机构将成为未来社会变革的一部分。特殊录取:大学体育招募如何青睐白人郊区运动员。罗格斯大学出版社。https://doi.org/10.36019/9781978821248Download referencesN / /。联系方式:加拿大卡尔加里大学教育学院angela Judge-StasiakAuthorsAngela Judge-StasiakView作者出版物您也可以在PubMed Google scholarcontributions作者阅读并批准了最终稿件。通讯作者:Angela Judge-Stasiak利益冲突教育学博士学生和Sarah Elaine Eaton博士一起工作。出版商声明:对于已出版的地图和机构关系中的管辖权要求,普林格·自然保持中立。开放获取本文遵循知识共享署名4.0国际许可协议,该协议允许以任何媒介或格式使用、共享、改编、分发和复制,只要您适当地注明原作者和来源,提供知识共享许可协议的链接,并注明是否进行了更改。本文中的图像或其他第三方材料包含在文章的知识共享许可协议中,除非在材料的署名中另有说明。如果材料未包含在文章的知识共享许可中,并且您的预期用途不被法律法规允许或超过允许的用途,您将需要直接获得版权所有者的许可。要查看本许可的副本,请访问http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/。知识共享公共领域免责条款(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)适用于本文中提供的数据,除非在数据的署名中另有说明。特别录取:大学体育招生如何偏爱白人郊区运动员。 国际教育学报,18(1)(2009)。https://doi.org/10.1007/s40979-021-00094-6Download citationpublishing: 04 January 2022DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40979-021-00094-6Share这篇文章任何你分享以下链接的人都可以阅读到这篇文章:获取可共享链接对不起,这篇文章目前没有可共享的链接。复制到剪贴板由Springer Nature shareit内容共享计划提供
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