Journal of Ship Mechanics (monthly) was founded in 1997. It is a professional academic journal jointly sponsored by China Ship Science Research Center and China Society of Naval Architecture and published at home and abroad. Its purpose is to disseminate and accumulate scientific and technological achievements in ship and ocean engineering mechanics, promote scientific and technological exchanges and achievement transformation, promote discipline development, and serve the national economy and scientific research and production. The main columns of this journal include: fluid mechanics; structural mechanics; fluid and structural acoustics; research review. It focuses on publishing innovative scientific research results and research progress reviews in fluid mechanics, structural mechanics, fluid and structural acoustics in the field of ship and ocean engineering.
Journal of Ship Mechanics(月刊)创刊于1997年,是中国船舶科学研究中心和中国造船工程学会联合主办的国内外公开发行的专业性学术期刊。它以传播和积累船舶与海洋工程力学科学技术和成果、促进科学技术交流和成果转化、推动学科发展、为国民经济和科研生产服务为宗旨。本刊主要栏目包括:流体力学;结构力学;流体和结构声学;研究综述。重点刊登船舶与海洋工程领域流体力学、结构力学、流体与结构声学等方面的创新科研成果和研究进展综述等学术论文。该期刊已经成为行业内具有重要影响力的学术刊物,各项评价指标在同类刊物中均名列前茅。本刊为中文核心期刊;中国科技核心期刊;RCCSE中国核心学术期刊;美国《工程索引》(EI)核心期刊。2014年被评为中国精品科技期刊和百种中国杰出学术期刊。