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The Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology (MEAJO), published four times per year in print and online, is an official journal of the Middle East African Council of Ophthalmology (MEACO). It is an international, peer-reviewed journal whose mission includes publication of original research of interest to ophthalmologists in the Middle East and Africa, and to provide readers with high quality educational review articles from world-renown experts. MEAJO, previously known as Middle East Journal of Ophthalmology (MEJO) was founded by Dr Akef El Maghraby in 1993.
Pub Date : 2024-12-02DOI: 10.4103/meajo.meajo_55_24Arwa A Alkhuraiji, Mohammed N Refka, Tariq Aldebasi, Mohamed R Elzahrani, Mohammed D Alotaibi, Mohammed A Alhazzazi, Mohammad I Adhi