
Kimberly M. Trevino, Bennett Addison, Angelique Y. Louie, Joel Garcia
{"title":"通过对三种gsh稳定的merocyanine进行核磁共振分析,研究merocyanine和谷胱甘肽之间的相互作用","authors":"Kimberly M. Trevino,&nbsp;Bennett Addison,&nbsp;Angelique Y. Louie,&nbsp;Joel Garcia","doi":"10.1002/mrc.5369","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>Spiropyrans belong to a class of photochromic materials that are known to undergo reversible structural changes from ring-closed spiropyran to ring-open merocyanine isomer in response to different external stimuli, such as redox changes. Sensing redox active molecules such as the potent antioxidant glutathione (GSH) is of interest because of the observation that changes in GSH levels are indicative of oxidative stress and correlated with a number of pathological conditions.<span><sup>1-3</sup></span> Several GSH-responsive spiropyrans have been reported<span><sup>4-10</sup></span>; however, these spiropyrans exhibited modest sensitivity and selectivity towards the antioxidant. In addition, the specificity of recognition of these photoswitches to GSH remains imperfect. Understanding the structural details of the spiropyran isomers using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy may provide insights to how these photoswitches sense GSH. While <sup>1</sup>H NMR spectra of different spiropyrans are readily available in the literature,<span><sup>11-22</sup></span> the availability of <sup>1</sup>H NMR data of merocyanine species is rising, but still limited.<span><sup>9, 23-33</sup></span> Thiele et al.<span><sup>34</sup></span> provided nearly complete <sup>13</sup>C chemical shift assignment of the merocyanine species from a light-irradiated spiropyran featuring a nitro substituent in the chromene group and a carboxylic acid attached to the indolic nitrogen (Figure 1a). However, some <sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C assignments, specifically the olefinic protons and carbons (shown in red asterisks in Figure 1a) at the bridging part of the molecule, were inconclusive. NMR characterization of these protons and carbons are important for determining spatial isomers (e.g., <i>cis</i> or <i>trans</i>), an important piece of structural information for understanding the mechanism governing GSH sensing using spiropyrans. Therefore, we report a complete NMR (<sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C NMR) characterization of three GSH-stabilized merocyanines: (E)-2-(2-[5-methoxy-1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indol-1-ium-2-yl]vinyl)phenolate (<b>MC-1</b>), (E)-4-methoxy-2-(2-[1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indol-1-ium-2-yl]vinyl)phenolate (<b>MC-2</b>), and (E)-4-methoxy-2-(2-[5-methoxy-1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indol-1-ium-2-yl]vinyl)phenolate (<b>MC-3</b>) from a series of three spiropyrans: 5′-methoxy-1′,3′,3′-trimethylspiro[chromene-2,2′-indoline] (SP-1), 6-methoxy-1′,3′,3′-trimethylspiro[chromene-2,2′-indoline] (SP-2), and 5′,6-dimethoxy-1′,3′,3′-trimethylspiro[chromene-2,2′-indoline] (SP-3) (Figure 1b). These three structures differ in the number of methoxy groups they contain: <b>MC-1</b> bearing a methoxy on the para position of the indoline unit, <b>MC-2</b> bearing a methoxy on the para position of the phenolic oxygen, and <b>MC-3</b> bearing a methoxy on both sides. Comprehensive NMR characterization of GSH-stabilized merocyanines could aid in the identification of stereochemistry of the GSH-stabilized merocyanine species and may help in providing improved understanding of the sensing mechanism of these photoswitches for GSH.</p><p>This paper focuses on the NMR characterization of GSH-stabilized merocyanine species, <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b>, <b>MC-3</b>, using techniques such as <sup>1</sup>H, <sup>13</sup>C, COSY, NOESY, HSQC and HMBC to better understand the interaction between spiropyran and GSH. The number of methoxy groups in each compound ranged from one to two, and there were three methyl groups for all the reported spiropyrans. The proposed <sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C NMR chemical shifts, assignments, and general structure of merocyanines <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b>, and <b>MC-3</b> are presented in Table 1. Additionally, the proposed <sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C NMR chemical shifts, assignments, and general structure of spiropyrans SP-1, SP-2, and SP-3 are available in the supporting information Table S1. All protons are numbered by their attached carbons. The respective proton peaks corresponding to the closed spiro form of SP-1, SP-2, and SP-3 alone (Figures S2, S8, and S17) and with the addition of GSH (Figures 2, S9, and S18) are provided in the supporting information. The carbon peaks for the GSH stabilized merocyanines <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b>, and <b>MC-3</b> can also be found in the supporting information Figures S3, S10, and S19</p><p>The NMR spectral assignment strategy for all three merocyanine compounds was as follows: (1) identify all <sup>1</sup>H resonances associated with each of the three chemical species (i.e., closed-form spiropyran, open-form merocyanine, and GSH) in the sample; (2) assign all <sup>1</sup>H resonances by analyzing chemical shifts, peak areas, homonuclear couplings and multiplicities, and NOE cross peaks; (3) assign all <sup>13</sup>C resonances with attached protons using HSQC data; and (4) assign the remaining quaternary carbons using HMBC data and chemical shift analysis. NMR data of merocyanine species <b>MC-2</b> and <b>MC-3</b> were determined using a similar procedure as <b>MC-1</b> described here: The sample used for NMR analysis contained three different chemical species; thus, the first step was to assign all <sup>1</sup>H resonances to one of three compounds: GSH (grey), SP-1 (closed-form, blue), or <b>MC-1</b> (open-form, black) and CD<sub>3</sub>CN reference (red) (Figure 2).</p><p>This was easily accomplished by comparing integration areas; nine conjugated and four methyl-group resonances were identified for <b>MC-1</b> and SP-1 with a ratio of 1:1.15 MC:SP. The <sup>1</sup>H signals at 1.69 ppm (H-19, H-20) were identified based on chemical shift and peak area (6H). The protons H-19 and H-20 are indistinguishable and appeared as a singlet in the <sup>1</sup>H NMR spectrum, suggesting two magnetically equivalent methyl groups in the indole moiety. The similar magnetic environment experienced by these methyl protons is a result of being in a planar merocyanine structure. However, it is interesting to note that these two methyl groups give rise to two unique <sup>13</sup>C resonances in the HSQC spectrum at 26.63 and 26.58 ppm (C-19 and C-20), as shown in Figure S5, suggesting the existence of two slightly different methyl environments. This indicates either a slight bend in the planar merocyanine structure or possibly a change in environment caused by the presence of GSH on either side of the molecule. This was observed for the <b>MC-2</b> and <b>MC-3</b> species as well, with a singlet for the H-19 and H-20 protons in <b>MC-2</b> (1.71 ppm) and <b>MC-3</b> (1.69 ppm) for the <sup>1</sup>H spectrum x-axis of the HSQC. Two unique <sup>13</sup>C peaks for <b>MC-2</b> (25.38 and 25.36 ppm) and <b>MC-3</b> (25.38 and 25.43 ppm) were also noticed for the <sup>13</sup>C spectrum y-axis of the HSQC spectrum (Figures S11 and S20). Further insight into the interaction between GSH and spiropyrans can be gained through additional chemical shift interpretation and computational studies.</p><p>The remaining proton and carbon resonances were assigned as follows: NOESY NMR spectrum of <b>MC-1</b> allowed us to examine the spatial proximity of protons H-19 and H-20 (1.69 ppm) to protons H-6 and H-11 at 7.23 and 8.40 ppm, respectively. Clear NOE cross peaks with H-19 and H-20 with H-6 and H-11 were observed in the NOESY spectrum (Figure 3).</p><p>Once the H-6 and H-11 proton chemical shifts were identified by NOESY, the direct correlation of these protons to the bound carbon was found to be C-6 (109.29 ppm) and C-11 (148.89 ppm) through HSQC NMR spectrum (Figure S6). Based on the identification of H-11, the H-10 proton could be assigned using COSY with a <sup>1</sup>H assignment of 7.47 ppm (Figure 4).</p><p>Additionally, H-10 and H-11 could be identified based on chemical shift, multiplicity (doublets), and the characteristic <i>J</i>-coupling constant of 16 Hz for olefinic protons in a <i>trans</i> conformation. It is noted that H-11 is the most deshielded among the merocyanine <sup>1</sup>H peaks because of the ring-current effects and additionally because of the delocalization of π electrons towards the positively charged indolic nitrogen, causing the carbon, to which this proton is attached, to carry a partial positive charge. The two protons H-11 and H-10 are correlated to <sup>13</sup>C peaks at 148.89 (C-11) and 112.66 ppm (C-10), respectively in the HSQC spectrum (Figure S6).</p><p>The protons in the methoxy group (H-23, 3.84 ppm) and the methyl attached to the indolic nitrogen (H-21, 3.91 ppm) were close in chemical shift but could be differentiated through observed NOE cross peaks shown in Figure 3: H-21 with resonances H-3 and H-10, and H-23 with resonances H-2 and H-6. Further elucidation of their associated <sup>13</sup>C chemical shifts was observed in the HSQC spectrum (Figure S6). The signals of the remaining <sup>1</sup>H resonances on the indoline fragment (H-2 and H-3) were assigned by analyzing homonuclear COSY and NOESY correlations. As aforementioned, an NOE cross peak was observed between H-21 and H-3, a doublet at 7.57 ppm (Figure 3). In the COSY spectrum of Figure 4, H-3 showed <i>J</i>-coupling to the doublet of doublets at 7.10 ppm (H-2). <sup>13</sup>C resonances C-2, C-3, and C-6 were identified from the HSQC spectrum (Figure S6).</p><p>The remaining four aromatic <sup>1</sup>H resonances from the ring-open chromene moiety (H-14, H-15, H-16, H-17) were assigned based on COSY, HSQC, and NOESY spectra. A NOE cross peak was observed between a doublet of doublets at 7.80 ppm and both H-11 and H-10; thus, this was assigned to H-17 (Figure 3). Interestingly, the NOE cross peak intensity was much stronger between H-17 and H-10 than between H-17 and H-11, strongly suggesting a <i>trans</i> conformation <i>TTT</i>. (This is discussed further with respect to the last figure). After assigning H-17, the triplet at 6.96 ppm could then be assigned to H-16 from the COSY spectrum in Figure 4. Furthermore, the triplet H-15 (7.40 ppm) and the doublet at 6.98 ppm could then be assigned to H-14, through observed COSY cross peaks (Figure 4). These assignments are consistent with chemical shielding concepts; H-14 and H-16 were more shielded compared with H-15 and H-17 because of the partial negative charge to the carbon atoms to which H-14 and H-16 are attached because of electron delocalization. Again, associated <sup>13</sup>C resonances were assigned using HSQC data by observed cross-peaks with attached protons (Figure S6).</p><p>Five quaternary carbons were identified in the HMBC spectrum and assigned to C-1, C-8, C-9, C-12, and C-13 through careful analysis (Figure 5). Basic chemical shift prediction was used to aid in quaternary carbon assignments. For example, the three most downfield quaternary carbons at 181.35 ppm (HMBC to H-11 and H-10), 161.95 ppm (HMBC to H-3 and H-6), and 159.72 ppm (HMBC to H-11, H-17, and H-15) were assigned to C-8, C-1, and C-13, respectively. This was based on HMBC correlations and by the expectation that their chemical shifts would be the most downfield of all seven quaternary carbons. Similarly, the quaternary carbon C-9 at 52.50 ppm (HMBC to H-10 and H-6) was easily identified as it is the most shielded among the seven. C-12 at 122.34 ppm was assigned from a strong HMBC correlation to H-10 and a weak coupling to H-16. The last two quaternary carbons, C-4 and C-5 were assigned at 136.08 ppm and 146.32 ppm, respectively. Both of these resonances could be assigned to either C-4 or C-5 based on ambiguous HMBC cross-peaks, so chemical-shift prediction was used to assign C-4 as the more upfield and C-5 as the more downfield. All identified HMBC correlations (solid grey lines), as well as NOESY correlations (dotted blue lines), are indicated in Figure 6.</p><p>The high amount of GSH-induced merocyanine species enabled access to complex structural information that can be obtained from 2D NMR experiments such as COSY, HSQC, HMBC, and NOESY. Whereas the closed spiro form locks the olefinic fragment in a <i>cis</i> configuration, computational studies show that the ring-open merocyanine isomer can assume four different conformations for each of the <i>trans</i> (<i>TTC</i>, <i>TTT</i>, <i>CTC</i>, and <i>CTT</i>), shown in Figure 7a, and <i>cis</i> isomers (<i>CCC</i>, <i>CCT</i>, <i>TCC</i>, and <i>TCT</i>).<span><sup>36-38</sup></span> 2D NMR revealed that the <i>trans TTC</i> and <i>TTT</i> were the predominant species for <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b>, and <b>MC-3</b>. NOESY showed that the olefinic protons H-10 and H-11 are in <i>trans</i> configuration for all MC species because of the presence of NOE cross peaks between H-11 and H-19/20 and cross peaks between H-10 and H-21 (Figures 3, S13, and S22). These correlations are illustrated using grey dotted lines in Figure 7a. Moreover, the absence of NOE cross peaks between H-10 and H-19/20 and cross peaks H-11 and H-21 further supported the <i>trans TTC</i> and <i>TTT</i> being the two prevalent conformations for all three GSH-stabilized MC species. In order to differentiate between conformation <i>TTC</i> and <i>TTT</i>, NOE peaks H-10 and H-17 were analyzed against NOE peaks H-11 and H-17 for <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b> and <b>MC-3</b>. These correlations are illustrated using blue dotted lines in Figure 7a. Visual inspection of the NOE cross peaks suggest H-10 and H-17 is stronger than the NOE cross peaks H-11 and H-17 for <b>MC-1</b> and <b>MC-2</b> (Figure 7b,c). This is not completely apparent for <b>MC-3</b> (Figure 7d). Therefore, NOE intensity values for these cross peaks were examined for all MC species. After analyzing these intensity values for the three MC species, it was found that conformation <i>TTT</i> was likely to be the thermodynamically favored conformation over <i>TTC</i>. This contrasts with the majority of merocyanine structures in the literature that show the <i>cis</i> conformation, with the negatively charged oxygen species on the same side as the positively charged indole. It is only possible to observe NOE between H-10 and H-17 when these protons are in <i>trans</i> to each other, supporting the <i>TTT</i> conformation.</p><p>Complete NMR (<sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C) assignments for three GSH-stabilized MC species were achieved by applying 2D NMR techniques such as HSQC, HMBC, COSY, and NOESY. To obtain these stabilized species, GSH was introduced to a sample of the respective spiropyran SP-1, SP-2, or SP-3. This resulted in the isomerization of spiropyran to merocyanine, which ultimately gave rise to the fixed GSH-stabilized <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b>, or <b>MC-3</b>. Identification of the methyl environments in the merocyanine forms was the first action taken during spectral analysis. From there, 2D NMR was utilized to locate neighboring environments. Once all NMR assignments were appointed, the investigation of the stereochemistry for the three GSH-stabilized MC species was examined. The presence (H-11 and H-19/20, H-10 and H-21) and absence (H-10 and H-19/20, H-11 and H-21) of NOE peaks supported the <i>trans</i> forms <i>TTC</i> and <i>TTT</i> being the two predominant species. Visual inspection and evaluation of the intensity values for NOE peaks between H-10 and H-17 versus H-11 and H-17 suggest <i>trans TTT</i> being the most favorable conformation for <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b>, and <b>MC-3</b>. By studying the stereochemistry of these GSH-stabilized MC species we were able to provide a full characterization of the merocyanine forms in hopes of aiding in the structural understanding of new merocyanine species that are stabilized by external chemical stimuli.</p>","PeriodicalId":18142,"journal":{"name":"Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":1.9000,"publicationDate":"2023-05-30","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/mrc.5369","citationCount":"0","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"Investigating the interaction between merocyanine and glutathione through a comprehensive NMR analysis of three GSH-stabilized merocyanine species\",\"authors\":\"Kimberly M. Trevino,&nbsp;Bennett Addison,&nbsp;Angelique Y. Louie,&nbsp;Joel Garcia\",\"doi\":\"10.1002/mrc.5369\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"<p>Spiropyrans belong to a class of photochromic materials that are known to undergo reversible structural changes from ring-closed spiropyran to ring-open merocyanine isomer in response to different external stimuli, such as redox changes. Sensing redox active molecules such as the potent antioxidant glutathione (GSH) is of interest because of the observation that changes in GSH levels are indicative of oxidative stress and correlated with a number of pathological conditions.<span><sup>1-3</sup></span> Several GSH-responsive spiropyrans have been reported<span><sup>4-10</sup></span>; however, these spiropyrans exhibited modest sensitivity and selectivity towards the antioxidant. In addition, the specificity of recognition of these photoswitches to GSH remains imperfect. Understanding the structural details of the spiropyran isomers using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy may provide insights to how these photoswitches sense GSH. While <sup>1</sup>H NMR spectra of different spiropyrans are readily available in the literature,<span><sup>11-22</sup></span> the availability of <sup>1</sup>H NMR data of merocyanine species is rising, but still limited.<span><sup>9, 23-33</sup></span> Thiele et al.<span><sup>34</sup></span> provided nearly complete <sup>13</sup>C chemical shift assignment of the merocyanine species from a light-irradiated spiropyran featuring a nitro substituent in the chromene group and a carboxylic acid attached to the indolic nitrogen (Figure 1a). However, some <sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C assignments, specifically the olefinic protons and carbons (shown in red asterisks in Figure 1a) at the bridging part of the molecule, were inconclusive. NMR characterization of these protons and carbons are important for determining spatial isomers (e.g., <i>cis</i> or <i>trans</i>), an important piece of structural information for understanding the mechanism governing GSH sensing using spiropyrans. Therefore, we report a complete NMR (<sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C NMR) characterization of three GSH-stabilized merocyanines: (E)-2-(2-[5-methoxy-1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indol-1-ium-2-yl]vinyl)phenolate (<b>MC-1</b>), (E)-4-methoxy-2-(2-[1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indol-1-ium-2-yl]vinyl)phenolate (<b>MC-2</b>), and (E)-4-methoxy-2-(2-[5-methoxy-1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indol-1-ium-2-yl]vinyl)phenolate (<b>MC-3</b>) from a series of three spiropyrans: 5′-methoxy-1′,3′,3′-trimethylspiro[chromene-2,2′-indoline] (SP-1), 6-methoxy-1′,3′,3′-trimethylspiro[chromene-2,2′-indoline] (SP-2), and 5′,6-dimethoxy-1′,3′,3′-trimethylspiro[chromene-2,2′-indoline] (SP-3) (Figure 1b). These three structures differ in the number of methoxy groups they contain: <b>MC-1</b> bearing a methoxy on the para position of the indoline unit, <b>MC-2</b> bearing a methoxy on the para position of the phenolic oxygen, and <b>MC-3</b> bearing a methoxy on both sides. Comprehensive NMR characterization of GSH-stabilized merocyanines could aid in the identification of stereochemistry of the GSH-stabilized merocyanine species and may help in providing improved understanding of the sensing mechanism of these photoswitches for GSH.</p><p>This paper focuses on the NMR characterization of GSH-stabilized merocyanine species, <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b>, <b>MC-3</b>, using techniques such as <sup>1</sup>H, <sup>13</sup>C, COSY, NOESY, HSQC and HMBC to better understand the interaction between spiropyran and GSH. The number of methoxy groups in each compound ranged from one to two, and there were three methyl groups for all the reported spiropyrans. The proposed <sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C NMR chemical shifts, assignments, and general structure of merocyanines <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b>, and <b>MC-3</b> are presented in Table 1. Additionally, the proposed <sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C NMR chemical shifts, assignments, and general structure of spiropyrans SP-1, SP-2, and SP-3 are available in the supporting information Table S1. All protons are numbered by their attached carbons. The respective proton peaks corresponding to the closed spiro form of SP-1, SP-2, and SP-3 alone (Figures S2, S8, and S17) and with the addition of GSH (Figures 2, S9, and S18) are provided in the supporting information. The carbon peaks for the GSH stabilized merocyanines <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b>, and <b>MC-3</b> can also be found in the supporting information Figures S3, S10, and S19</p><p>The NMR spectral assignment strategy for all three merocyanine compounds was as follows: (1) identify all <sup>1</sup>H resonances associated with each of the three chemical species (i.e., closed-form spiropyran, open-form merocyanine, and GSH) in the sample; (2) assign all <sup>1</sup>H resonances by analyzing chemical shifts, peak areas, homonuclear couplings and multiplicities, and NOE cross peaks; (3) assign all <sup>13</sup>C resonances with attached protons using HSQC data; and (4) assign the remaining quaternary carbons using HMBC data and chemical shift analysis. NMR data of merocyanine species <b>MC-2</b> and <b>MC-3</b> were determined using a similar procedure as <b>MC-1</b> described here: The sample used for NMR analysis contained three different chemical species; thus, the first step was to assign all <sup>1</sup>H resonances to one of three compounds: GSH (grey), SP-1 (closed-form, blue), or <b>MC-1</b> (open-form, black) and CD<sub>3</sub>CN reference (red) (Figure 2).</p><p>This was easily accomplished by comparing integration areas; nine conjugated and four methyl-group resonances were identified for <b>MC-1</b> and SP-1 with a ratio of 1:1.15 MC:SP. The <sup>1</sup>H signals at 1.69 ppm (H-19, H-20) were identified based on chemical shift and peak area (6H). The protons H-19 and H-20 are indistinguishable and appeared as a singlet in the <sup>1</sup>H NMR spectrum, suggesting two magnetically equivalent methyl groups in the indole moiety. The similar magnetic environment experienced by these methyl protons is a result of being in a planar merocyanine structure. However, it is interesting to note that these two methyl groups give rise to two unique <sup>13</sup>C resonances in the HSQC spectrum at 26.63 and 26.58 ppm (C-19 and C-20), as shown in Figure S5, suggesting the existence of two slightly different methyl environments. This indicates either a slight bend in the planar merocyanine structure or possibly a change in environment caused by the presence of GSH on either side of the molecule. This was observed for the <b>MC-2</b> and <b>MC-3</b> species as well, with a singlet for the H-19 and H-20 protons in <b>MC-2</b> (1.71 ppm) and <b>MC-3</b> (1.69 ppm) for the <sup>1</sup>H spectrum x-axis of the HSQC. Two unique <sup>13</sup>C peaks for <b>MC-2</b> (25.38 and 25.36 ppm) and <b>MC-3</b> (25.38 and 25.43 ppm) were also noticed for the <sup>13</sup>C spectrum y-axis of the HSQC spectrum (Figures S11 and S20). Further insight into the interaction between GSH and spiropyrans can be gained through additional chemical shift interpretation and computational studies.</p><p>The remaining proton and carbon resonances were assigned as follows: NOESY NMR spectrum of <b>MC-1</b> allowed us to examine the spatial proximity of protons H-19 and H-20 (1.69 ppm) to protons H-6 and H-11 at 7.23 and 8.40 ppm, respectively. Clear NOE cross peaks with H-19 and H-20 with H-6 and H-11 were observed in the NOESY spectrum (Figure 3).</p><p>Once the H-6 and H-11 proton chemical shifts were identified by NOESY, the direct correlation of these protons to the bound carbon was found to be C-6 (109.29 ppm) and C-11 (148.89 ppm) through HSQC NMR spectrum (Figure S6). Based on the identification of H-11, the H-10 proton could be assigned using COSY with a <sup>1</sup>H assignment of 7.47 ppm (Figure 4).</p><p>Additionally, H-10 and H-11 could be identified based on chemical shift, multiplicity (doublets), and the characteristic <i>J</i>-coupling constant of 16 Hz for olefinic protons in a <i>trans</i> conformation. It is noted that H-11 is the most deshielded among the merocyanine <sup>1</sup>H peaks because of the ring-current effects and additionally because of the delocalization of π electrons towards the positively charged indolic nitrogen, causing the carbon, to which this proton is attached, to carry a partial positive charge. The two protons H-11 and H-10 are correlated to <sup>13</sup>C peaks at 148.89 (C-11) and 112.66 ppm (C-10), respectively in the HSQC spectrum (Figure S6).</p><p>The protons in the methoxy group (H-23, 3.84 ppm) and the methyl attached to the indolic nitrogen (H-21, 3.91 ppm) were close in chemical shift but could be differentiated through observed NOE cross peaks shown in Figure 3: H-21 with resonances H-3 and H-10, and H-23 with resonances H-2 and H-6. Further elucidation of their associated <sup>13</sup>C chemical shifts was observed in the HSQC spectrum (Figure S6). The signals of the remaining <sup>1</sup>H resonances on the indoline fragment (H-2 and H-3) were assigned by analyzing homonuclear COSY and NOESY correlations. As aforementioned, an NOE cross peak was observed between H-21 and H-3, a doublet at 7.57 ppm (Figure 3). In the COSY spectrum of Figure 4, H-3 showed <i>J</i>-coupling to the doublet of doublets at 7.10 ppm (H-2). <sup>13</sup>C resonances C-2, C-3, and C-6 were identified from the HSQC spectrum (Figure S6).</p><p>The remaining four aromatic <sup>1</sup>H resonances from the ring-open chromene moiety (H-14, H-15, H-16, H-17) were assigned based on COSY, HSQC, and NOESY spectra. A NOE cross peak was observed between a doublet of doublets at 7.80 ppm and both H-11 and H-10; thus, this was assigned to H-17 (Figure 3). Interestingly, the NOE cross peak intensity was much stronger between H-17 and H-10 than between H-17 and H-11, strongly suggesting a <i>trans</i> conformation <i>TTT</i>. (This is discussed further with respect to the last figure). After assigning H-17, the triplet at 6.96 ppm could then be assigned to H-16 from the COSY spectrum in Figure 4. Furthermore, the triplet H-15 (7.40 ppm) and the doublet at 6.98 ppm could then be assigned to H-14, through observed COSY cross peaks (Figure 4). These assignments are consistent with chemical shielding concepts; H-14 and H-16 were more shielded compared with H-15 and H-17 because of the partial negative charge to the carbon atoms to which H-14 and H-16 are attached because of electron delocalization. Again, associated <sup>13</sup>C resonances were assigned using HSQC data by observed cross-peaks with attached protons (Figure S6).</p><p>Five quaternary carbons were identified in the HMBC spectrum and assigned to C-1, C-8, C-9, C-12, and C-13 through careful analysis (Figure 5). Basic chemical shift prediction was used to aid in quaternary carbon assignments. For example, the three most downfield quaternary carbons at 181.35 ppm (HMBC to H-11 and H-10), 161.95 ppm (HMBC to H-3 and H-6), and 159.72 ppm (HMBC to H-11, H-17, and H-15) were assigned to C-8, C-1, and C-13, respectively. This was based on HMBC correlations and by the expectation that their chemical shifts would be the most downfield of all seven quaternary carbons. Similarly, the quaternary carbon C-9 at 52.50 ppm (HMBC to H-10 and H-6) was easily identified as it is the most shielded among the seven. C-12 at 122.34 ppm was assigned from a strong HMBC correlation to H-10 and a weak coupling to H-16. The last two quaternary carbons, C-4 and C-5 were assigned at 136.08 ppm and 146.32 ppm, respectively. Both of these resonances could be assigned to either C-4 or C-5 based on ambiguous HMBC cross-peaks, so chemical-shift prediction was used to assign C-4 as the more upfield and C-5 as the more downfield. All identified HMBC correlations (solid grey lines), as well as NOESY correlations (dotted blue lines), are indicated in Figure 6.</p><p>The high amount of GSH-induced merocyanine species enabled access to complex structural information that can be obtained from 2D NMR experiments such as COSY, HSQC, HMBC, and NOESY. Whereas the closed spiro form locks the olefinic fragment in a <i>cis</i> configuration, computational studies show that the ring-open merocyanine isomer can assume four different conformations for each of the <i>trans</i> (<i>TTC</i>, <i>TTT</i>, <i>CTC</i>, and <i>CTT</i>), shown in Figure 7a, and <i>cis</i> isomers (<i>CCC</i>, <i>CCT</i>, <i>TCC</i>, and <i>TCT</i>).<span><sup>36-38</sup></span> 2D NMR revealed that the <i>trans TTC</i> and <i>TTT</i> were the predominant species for <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b>, and <b>MC-3</b>. NOESY showed that the olefinic protons H-10 and H-11 are in <i>trans</i> configuration for all MC species because of the presence of NOE cross peaks between H-11 and H-19/20 and cross peaks between H-10 and H-21 (Figures 3, S13, and S22). These correlations are illustrated using grey dotted lines in Figure 7a. Moreover, the absence of NOE cross peaks between H-10 and H-19/20 and cross peaks H-11 and H-21 further supported the <i>trans TTC</i> and <i>TTT</i> being the two prevalent conformations for all three GSH-stabilized MC species. In order to differentiate between conformation <i>TTC</i> and <i>TTT</i>, NOE peaks H-10 and H-17 were analyzed against NOE peaks H-11 and H-17 for <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b> and <b>MC-3</b>. These correlations are illustrated using blue dotted lines in Figure 7a. Visual inspection of the NOE cross peaks suggest H-10 and H-17 is stronger than the NOE cross peaks H-11 and H-17 for <b>MC-1</b> and <b>MC-2</b> (Figure 7b,c). This is not completely apparent for <b>MC-3</b> (Figure 7d). Therefore, NOE intensity values for these cross peaks were examined for all MC species. After analyzing these intensity values for the three MC species, it was found that conformation <i>TTT</i> was likely to be the thermodynamically favored conformation over <i>TTC</i>. This contrasts with the majority of merocyanine structures in the literature that show the <i>cis</i> conformation, with the negatively charged oxygen species on the same side as the positively charged indole. It is only possible to observe NOE between H-10 and H-17 when these protons are in <i>trans</i> to each other, supporting the <i>TTT</i> conformation.</p><p>Complete NMR (<sup>1</sup>H and <sup>13</sup>C) assignments for three GSH-stabilized MC species were achieved by applying 2D NMR techniques such as HSQC, HMBC, COSY, and NOESY. To obtain these stabilized species, GSH was introduced to a sample of the respective spiropyran SP-1, SP-2, or SP-3. This resulted in the isomerization of spiropyran to merocyanine, which ultimately gave rise to the fixed GSH-stabilized <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b>, or <b>MC-3</b>. Identification of the methyl environments in the merocyanine forms was the first action taken during spectral analysis. From there, 2D NMR was utilized to locate neighboring environments. Once all NMR assignments were appointed, the investigation of the stereochemistry for the three GSH-stabilized MC species was examined. The presence (H-11 and H-19/20, H-10 and H-21) and absence (H-10 and H-19/20, H-11 and H-21) of NOE peaks supported the <i>trans</i> forms <i>TTC</i> and <i>TTT</i> being the two predominant species. Visual inspection and evaluation of the intensity values for NOE peaks between H-10 and H-17 versus H-11 and H-17 suggest <i>trans TTT</i> being the most favorable conformation for <b>MC-1</b>, <b>MC-2</b>, and <b>MC-3</b>. By studying the stereochemistry of these GSH-stabilized MC species we were able to provide a full characterization of the merocyanine forms in hopes of aiding in the structural understanding of new merocyanine species that are stabilized by external chemical stimuli.</p>\",\"PeriodicalId\":18142,\"journal\":{\"name\":\"Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry\",\"volume\":null,\"pages\":null},\"PeriodicalIF\":1.9000,\"publicationDate\":\"2023-05-30\",\"publicationTypes\":\"Journal Article\",\"fieldsOfStudy\":null,\"isOpenAccess\":false,\"openAccessPdf\":\"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/mrc.5369\",\"citationCount\":\"0\",\"resultStr\":null,\"platform\":\"Semanticscholar\",\"paperid\":null,\"PeriodicalName\":\"Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry\",\"FirstCategoryId\":\"92\",\"ListUrlMain\":\"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mrc.5369\",\"RegionNum\":3,\"RegionCategory\":\"化学\",\"ArticlePicture\":[],\"TitleCN\":null,\"AbstractTextCN\":null,\"PMCID\":null,\"EPubDate\":\"\",\"PubModel\":\"\",\"JCR\":\"Q3\",\"JCRName\":\"CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY\",\"Score\":null,\"Total\":0}","platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry","FirstCategoryId":"92","ListUrlMain":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mrc.5369","RegionNum":3,"RegionCategory":"化学","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q3","JCRName":"CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0


螺吡喃属一类光致变色材料,在不同的外界刺激下,如氧化还原变化,螺吡喃会发生可逆的结构变化,从闭环的螺吡喃到开环的merocyanine异构体。传感氧化还原活性分子,如强效抗氧化剂谷胱甘肽(GSH)是感兴趣的,因为观察到谷胱甘肽水平的变化是氧化应激的指示,并与许多病理条件相关。1-3已经报道了几种对gsh有反应的螺吡喃类药物4-10;然而,这些螺吡喃对抗氧化剂表现出适度的敏感性和选择性。此外,这些光开关对谷胱甘肽的特异性识别仍然不完善。利用核磁共振(NMR)光谱学了解螺吡喃异构体的结构细节可以为这些光开关如何感知GSH提供见解。虽然文献中已有不同螺吡喃类的1H NMR谱,但merocyanine类的1H NMR数据的可用性正在上升,但仍然有限。9,23 -33 Thiele等人34提供了一种光照射的螺吡喃的几乎完整的13C化学位移分配,该螺吡喃具有铬基上的硝基取代基和附着在吲哚氮上的羧酸(图1a)。然而,分子桥接部分的一些1H和13C分配,特别是烯烃质子和碳(图1a中红色星号所示),并没有确定。这些质子和碳的核磁共振表征对于确定空间异构体(例如,顺式或反式)是重要的,这是理解利用螺旋体感知GSH的机制的重要结构信息。因此,我们报道了三种gsh稳定的merocyanines的完整NMR (1H和13C NMR)表征:(E)-2-(2-[5-甲氧基-1,3,3-三甲基- 3h -吲哚-1-ium-2-基]乙烯基)苯酚(MC-1), (E)-4-甲氧基-2-(2-[1,3,3-三甲基- 3h -吲哚-1-ium-2-基]乙烯基)苯酚(MC-2),以及(E)-4-甲氧基-2-(2-[5-甲氧基-1,3,3-三甲基- 3h -吲哚-1-ium-2-基]乙烯基)苯酚(MC-3)。5 ' -甲氧基-1 ',3 ',3 ' -三甲基螺[铬-2,2 ' -吲哚啉](SP-1), 6-甲氧基-1 ',3 ',3 ' -三甲基螺[铬-2,2 ' -吲哚啉](SP-2),以及5 ',6-二甲氧基-1 ',3 ',3 ' -三甲基螺[铬-2,2 ' -吲哚啉](SP-3)(图1b)。这三种结构所含的甲氧基数量不同:MC-1在吲哚基的对位上有一个甲氧基,MC-2在酚氧的对位上有一个甲氧基,MC-3在两侧都有一个甲氧基。对GSH稳定的merocyanine进行全面的核磁共振表征有助于确定GSH稳定的merocyanine的立体化学性质,并有助于更好地理解这些光开关对GSH的传感机制。利用1H、13C、COSY、NOESY、HSQC、HMBC等技术对GSH稳定的merocyanine种MC-1、MC-2、MC-3进行NMR表征,以更好地了解螺吡喃与GSH之间的相互作用。每种化合物中甲氧基的数量从1到2不等,所有报道的螺吡喃类化合物都有3个甲基。提出的MC-1、MC-2和MC-3的1H和13C核磁共振化学位移、分配和一般结构如表1所示。此外,螺旋吡喃类化合物SP-1、SP-2和SP-3的1H和13C NMR化学位移、分配和一般结构可在支持信息表S1中找到。所有的质子都以它们连着的碳编号。在辅助资料中分别给出了SP-1、SP-2和SP-3单独(图S2、S8和S17)和添加GSH(图2、S9和S18)时对应的封闭螺旋形式的质子峰。GSH稳定的merocyanines MC-1, MC-2和MC-3的碳峰也可以在图S3, S10和s19中找到。对所有三种merocyanine化合物的NMR谱分配策略如下:(1)识别样品中与三种化学物质(即封闭形式的螺吡喃,开放形式的merocyanine和GSH)相关的所有1H共振;(2)通过分析化学位移、峰面积、同核耦合和多重度以及NOE交叉峰来确定所有1H共振;(3)利用HSQC数据确定所有与附着质子的13C共振;(4)利用HMBC数据和化学位移分析对剩余的季碳进行分配。MC-2和MC-3的核磁共振数据采用与MC-1类似的程序进行测定:用于核磁共振分析的样品含有三种不同的化学物质;因此,第一步是将所有1H共振分配给三种化合物中的一种:GSH(灰色),SP-1(封闭形式,蓝色)或MC-1(开放形式,黑色)和CD3CN参考物(红色)(图2)。 这很容易通过比较集成区域来实现;MC-1和SP-1共鉴定出9个共轭共振和4个甲基共振,MC:SP比值为1:1.15。根据化学位移和峰面积(6H)对1.69 ppm (H-19, H-20)下的1H信号进行了识别。质子H-19和H-20难以区分,在1H NMR谱中表现为单线态,表明吲哚部分有两个磁性相等的甲基。这些甲基质子所经历的相似的磁环境是处于平面merocyanine结构的结果。然而,有趣的是,这两个甲基在26.63和26.58 ppm (C-19和C-20)的HSQC光谱中产生了两个独特的13C共振,如图S5所示,表明存在两种略有不同的甲基环境。这表明平面merocyanine结构的轻微弯曲或可能是由于GSH在分子两侧的存在而引起的环境变化。这在MC-2和MC-3中也被观察到,MC-2 (1.71 ppm)和MC-3 (1.69 ppm)的H-19和H-20质子在HSQC的1H谱x轴上有单线态。在HSQC光谱的y轴上,MC-2(25.38和25.36 ppm)和MC-3(25.38和25.43 ppm)也发现了两个独特的13C峰(图S11和S20)。通过额外的化学位移解释和计算研究,可以进一步了解谷胱甘肽和螺吡喃之间的相互作用。MC-1的NOESY核磁共振谱允许我们检测质子H-19和H-20 (1.69 ppm)与质子H-6和H-11在7.23和8.40 ppm的空间接近度。在NOESY光谱中观察到H-19和H-20与H-6和H-11之间清晰的NOE交叉峰(图3)。一旦通过NOESY识别出H-6和H-11质子的化学位移,通过HSQC核磁共振光谱发现这些质子与结合碳的直接相关性为C-6 (109.29 ppm)和C-11 (148.89 ppm)(图S6)。基于对H-11的识别,H-10质子的1H赋值为7.47 ppm(图4)。此外,H-10和H-11可以根据反式构象中烯烃质子的化学位移、多重性(双重态)和16 Hz的特征j偶联常数来识别。由于环电流效应和π电子向带正电荷的吲哚态氮的离域作用,使得质子所连接的碳带上部分正电荷,因此在merocyanine的1H峰中,H-11是最不被屏蔽的。两个质子H-11和H-10在HSQC光谱中分别与148.89 (C-11)和112.66 ppm (C-10)的13C峰相关(图S6)。甲氧基(H-23, 3.84 ppm)上的质子和吲哚氮上的甲基(H-21, 3.91 ppm)的化学位移接近,但可以通过观察到的NOE交叉峰来区分,如图3所示:H-21共振为H-3和H-10, H-23共振为H-2和H-6。在HSQC光谱中进一步阐明了它们相关的13C化学位移(图S6)。吲哚片段(H-2和H-3)上剩余1H共振的信号通过分析同核COSY和noasy相关性进行分配。如上所述,在H-21和H-3之间观察到一个NOE交叉峰,在7.57 ppm处有一个双重峰(图3)。在图4的COSY光谱中,H-3在7.10 ppm (H-2)处与双重峰的双重峰表现出j耦合。从HSQC光谱中鉴定出C-2、C-3和C-6的13C共振(图S6)。基于COSY、HSQC和NOESY光谱,确定了开环铬烯部分(H-14、H-15、H-16、H-17)的剩余4个芳族1H共振。在7.80 ppm时,在双峰的双峰与H-11和H-10之间观察到NOE交叉峰;因此,这被归为H-17(图3)。有趣的是,H-17和H-10之间的NOE交叉峰强度要比H-17和H-11之间的强得多,强烈表明是反式构象TTT。(关于最后一个数字,我们将进一步讨论)。在分配了H-17之后,从图4的COSY光谱中可以将6.96 ppm的三重态分配给H-16。此外,通过观察到的COSY交叉峰,三重态H-15 (7.40 ppm)和双重态H-15 (6.98 ppm)可以分配给H-14(图4)。这些分配与化学屏蔽概念是一致的;与H-15和H-17相比,H-14和H-16的屏蔽作用更强,这是由于H-14和H-16所连接的碳原子由于电子离域而带有部分负电荷。同样,相关的13C共振使用HSQC数据,通过观察到的带有附着质子的交叉峰进行分配(图S6)。通过仔细分析,在HMBC光谱中鉴定出5个季碳,分别为C-1、C-8、C-9、C-12和C-13(图5)。 基本化学位移预测用于辅助季碳分配。例如,在181.35 ppm (HMBC至H-11和H-10)、161.95 ppm (HMBC至H-3和H-6)和159.72 ppm (HMBC至H-11、H-17和H-15)的位置,三个最下游的季碳分别被分配给C-8、C-1和C-13。这是基于HMBC的相关性,并预期它们的化学位移将是所有七个季碳中最下端的。同样,在52.50 ppm时(HMBC to H-10和H-6)的季碳C-9也很容易被识别,因为它是7种碳中屏蔽程度最高的。122.34 ppm时的C-12与H-10有很强的HMBC相关性,与H-16有弱耦合。最后两个季碳,C-4和C-5分别为136.08 ppm和146.32 ppm。基于模糊的HMBC交叉峰,这两个共振都可以分配给C-4或C-5,因此使用化学位移预测将C-4分配给更上场,C-5分配给更下场。所有确定的HMBC相关性(灰实线)以及noasy相关性(蓝虚线)都显示在图6中。大量的gsh诱导的merocyanine物种可以从2D NMR实验(如COSY, HSQC, HMBC和noesi)中获得复杂的结构信息。虽然封闭的螺旋形式将烯烃片段锁定在顺式构型中,但计算研究表明,对于每个反式(TTC、TTT、CTC和CTT)和顺式异构体(CCC、CCT、TCC和TCT),开环的merocyanine异构体可以呈现四种不同的构象,如图7a所示。36-38二维核磁共振显示,MC-1、MC-2和MC-3的优势种为反式TTC和TTT。NOESY表明,由于在H-11和H-19/20之间以及H-10和H-21之间存在NOE交叉峰,所有MC种的烯烃质子H-10和H-11都处于反式构型(图3、S13和S22)。这些相关性在图7a中用灰色虚线表示。此外,在H-10和H-19/20之间以及H-11和H-21之间没有NOE交叉峰,进一步支持了反式TTC和TTT是三种gsh稳定的MC种的两种主要构象。为了区分TTC和TTT构象,将MC-1、MC-2和MC-3的NOE峰H-10和H-17与NOE峰H-11和H-17进行对比分析。图7a中用蓝色虚线表示了这些相关性。目视检查NOE交叉峰显示,MC-1和MC-2的H-10和H-17比H-11和H-17强(图7b,c)。这在MC-3中并不完全明显(图7d)。因此,对所有MC物种的交叉峰NOE强度值进行了检测。通过对三种MC的强度值进行分析,发现TTT构象可能是比TTC构象更有利的热力学构象。这与文献中大多数显示顺式构象的merocyanine结构形成对比,带负电的氧与带正电的吲哚在同一侧。只有当H-10和H-17质子相互转化,支持TTT构象时,才有可能观察到它们之间的NOE。通过应用二维核磁共振技术,如HSQC、HMBC、COSY和NOESY,对三种gsh稳定的MC物种进行了完整的核磁共振(1H和13C)分配。为了获得这些稳定的物种,将谷胱甘肽引入螺吡喃SP-1、SP-2或SP-3的样品中。这导致螺吡喃异构化为merocyanine,最终产生固定的gsh稳定的MC-1, MC-2或MC-3。鉴定甲基环境在merocyanine形式是在光谱分析期间采取的第一个行动。从那里,二维核磁共振被用来定位邻近的环境。一旦所有的核磁共振分配被指定,对三种gsh稳定的MC物种的立体化学研究进行了检查。NOE峰的存在(H-11和H-19/20、H-10和H-21)和不存在(H-10和H-19/20、H-11和H-21)表明TTC和TTT是两个优势种。对H-10和H-17与H-11和H-17之间NOE峰强度值的目视检查和评价表明,反式TTT是MC-1、MC-2和MC-3最有利的构象。通过研究这些gsh稳定的MC物种的立体化学,我们能够提供merocyanine形式的完整表征,希望有助于理解通过外部化学刺激稳定的新merocyanine物种的结构。
Investigating the interaction between merocyanine and glutathione through a comprehensive NMR analysis of three GSH-stabilized merocyanine species

Spiropyrans belong to a class of photochromic materials that are known to undergo reversible structural changes from ring-closed spiropyran to ring-open merocyanine isomer in response to different external stimuli, such as redox changes. Sensing redox active molecules such as the potent antioxidant glutathione (GSH) is of interest because of the observation that changes in GSH levels are indicative of oxidative stress and correlated with a number of pathological conditions.1-3 Several GSH-responsive spiropyrans have been reported4-10; however, these spiropyrans exhibited modest sensitivity and selectivity towards the antioxidant. In addition, the specificity of recognition of these photoswitches to GSH remains imperfect. Understanding the structural details of the spiropyran isomers using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy may provide insights to how these photoswitches sense GSH. While 1H NMR spectra of different spiropyrans are readily available in the literature,11-22 the availability of 1H NMR data of merocyanine species is rising, but still limited.9, 23-33 Thiele et al.34 provided nearly complete 13C chemical shift assignment of the merocyanine species from a light-irradiated spiropyran featuring a nitro substituent in the chromene group and a carboxylic acid attached to the indolic nitrogen (Figure 1a). However, some 1H and 13C assignments, specifically the olefinic protons and carbons (shown in red asterisks in Figure 1a) at the bridging part of the molecule, were inconclusive. NMR characterization of these protons and carbons are important for determining spatial isomers (e.g., cis or trans), an important piece of structural information for understanding the mechanism governing GSH sensing using spiropyrans. Therefore, we report a complete NMR (1H and 13C NMR) characterization of three GSH-stabilized merocyanines: (E)-2-(2-[5-methoxy-1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indol-1-ium-2-yl]vinyl)phenolate (MC-1), (E)-4-methoxy-2-(2-[1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indol-1-ium-2-yl]vinyl)phenolate (MC-2), and (E)-4-methoxy-2-(2-[5-methoxy-1,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indol-1-ium-2-yl]vinyl)phenolate (MC-3) from a series of three spiropyrans: 5′-methoxy-1′,3′,3′-trimethylspiro[chromene-2,2′-indoline] (SP-1), 6-methoxy-1′,3′,3′-trimethylspiro[chromene-2,2′-indoline] (SP-2), and 5′,6-dimethoxy-1′,3′,3′-trimethylspiro[chromene-2,2′-indoline] (SP-3) (Figure 1b). These three structures differ in the number of methoxy groups they contain: MC-1 bearing a methoxy on the para position of the indoline unit, MC-2 bearing a methoxy on the para position of the phenolic oxygen, and MC-3 bearing a methoxy on both sides. Comprehensive NMR characterization of GSH-stabilized merocyanines could aid in the identification of stereochemistry of the GSH-stabilized merocyanine species and may help in providing improved understanding of the sensing mechanism of these photoswitches for GSH.

This paper focuses on the NMR characterization of GSH-stabilized merocyanine species, MC-1, MC-2, MC-3, using techniques such as 1H, 13C, COSY, NOESY, HSQC and HMBC to better understand the interaction between spiropyran and GSH. The number of methoxy groups in each compound ranged from one to two, and there were three methyl groups for all the reported spiropyrans. The proposed 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts, assignments, and general structure of merocyanines MC-1, MC-2, and MC-3 are presented in Table 1. Additionally, the proposed 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts, assignments, and general structure of spiropyrans SP-1, SP-2, and SP-3 are available in the supporting information Table S1. All protons are numbered by their attached carbons. The respective proton peaks corresponding to the closed spiro form of SP-1, SP-2, and SP-3 alone (Figures S2, S8, and S17) and with the addition of GSH (Figures 2, S9, and S18) are provided in the supporting information. The carbon peaks for the GSH stabilized merocyanines MC-1, MC-2, and MC-3 can also be found in the supporting information Figures S3, S10, and S19

The NMR spectral assignment strategy for all three merocyanine compounds was as follows: (1) identify all 1H resonances associated with each of the three chemical species (i.e., closed-form spiropyran, open-form merocyanine, and GSH) in the sample; (2) assign all 1H resonances by analyzing chemical shifts, peak areas, homonuclear couplings and multiplicities, and NOE cross peaks; (3) assign all 13C resonances with attached protons using HSQC data; and (4) assign the remaining quaternary carbons using HMBC data and chemical shift analysis. NMR data of merocyanine species MC-2 and MC-3 were determined using a similar procedure as MC-1 described here: The sample used for NMR analysis contained three different chemical species; thus, the first step was to assign all 1H resonances to one of three compounds: GSH (grey), SP-1 (closed-form, blue), or MC-1 (open-form, black) and CD3CN reference (red) (Figure 2).

This was easily accomplished by comparing integration areas; nine conjugated and four methyl-group resonances were identified for MC-1 and SP-1 with a ratio of 1:1.15 MC:SP. The 1H signals at 1.69 ppm (H-19, H-20) were identified based on chemical shift and peak area (6H). The protons H-19 and H-20 are indistinguishable and appeared as a singlet in the 1H NMR spectrum, suggesting two magnetically equivalent methyl groups in the indole moiety. The similar magnetic environment experienced by these methyl protons is a result of being in a planar merocyanine structure. However, it is interesting to note that these two methyl groups give rise to two unique 13C resonances in the HSQC spectrum at 26.63 and 26.58 ppm (C-19 and C-20), as shown in Figure S5, suggesting the existence of two slightly different methyl environments. This indicates either a slight bend in the planar merocyanine structure or possibly a change in environment caused by the presence of GSH on either side of the molecule. This was observed for the MC-2 and MC-3 species as well, with a singlet for the H-19 and H-20 protons in MC-2 (1.71 ppm) and MC-3 (1.69 ppm) for the 1H spectrum x-axis of the HSQC. Two unique 13C peaks for MC-2 (25.38 and 25.36 ppm) and MC-3 (25.38 and 25.43 ppm) were also noticed for the 13C spectrum y-axis of the HSQC spectrum (Figures S11 and S20). Further insight into the interaction between GSH and spiropyrans can be gained through additional chemical shift interpretation and computational studies.

The remaining proton and carbon resonances were assigned as follows: NOESY NMR spectrum of MC-1 allowed us to examine the spatial proximity of protons H-19 and H-20 (1.69 ppm) to protons H-6 and H-11 at 7.23 and 8.40 ppm, respectively. Clear NOE cross peaks with H-19 and H-20 with H-6 and H-11 were observed in the NOESY spectrum (Figure 3).

Once the H-6 and H-11 proton chemical shifts were identified by NOESY, the direct correlation of these protons to the bound carbon was found to be C-6 (109.29 ppm) and C-11 (148.89 ppm) through HSQC NMR spectrum (Figure S6). Based on the identification of H-11, the H-10 proton could be assigned using COSY with a 1H assignment of 7.47 ppm (Figure 4).

Additionally, H-10 and H-11 could be identified based on chemical shift, multiplicity (doublets), and the characteristic J-coupling constant of 16 Hz for olefinic protons in a trans conformation. It is noted that H-11 is the most deshielded among the merocyanine 1H peaks because of the ring-current effects and additionally because of the delocalization of π electrons towards the positively charged indolic nitrogen, causing the carbon, to which this proton is attached, to carry a partial positive charge. The two protons H-11 and H-10 are correlated to 13C peaks at 148.89 (C-11) and 112.66 ppm (C-10), respectively in the HSQC spectrum (Figure S6).

The protons in the methoxy group (H-23, 3.84 ppm) and the methyl attached to the indolic nitrogen (H-21, 3.91 ppm) were close in chemical shift but could be differentiated through observed NOE cross peaks shown in Figure 3: H-21 with resonances H-3 and H-10, and H-23 with resonances H-2 and H-6. Further elucidation of their associated 13C chemical shifts was observed in the HSQC spectrum (Figure S6). The signals of the remaining 1H resonances on the indoline fragment (H-2 and H-3) were assigned by analyzing homonuclear COSY and NOESY correlations. As aforementioned, an NOE cross peak was observed between H-21 and H-3, a doublet at 7.57 ppm (Figure 3). In the COSY spectrum of Figure 4, H-3 showed J-coupling to the doublet of doublets at 7.10 ppm (H-2). 13C resonances C-2, C-3, and C-6 were identified from the HSQC spectrum (Figure S6).

The remaining four aromatic 1H resonances from the ring-open chromene moiety (H-14, H-15, H-16, H-17) were assigned based on COSY, HSQC, and NOESY spectra. A NOE cross peak was observed between a doublet of doublets at 7.80 ppm and both H-11 and H-10; thus, this was assigned to H-17 (Figure 3). Interestingly, the NOE cross peak intensity was much stronger between H-17 and H-10 than between H-17 and H-11, strongly suggesting a trans conformation TTT. (This is discussed further with respect to the last figure). After assigning H-17, the triplet at 6.96 ppm could then be assigned to H-16 from the COSY spectrum in Figure 4. Furthermore, the triplet H-15 (7.40 ppm) and the doublet at 6.98 ppm could then be assigned to H-14, through observed COSY cross peaks (Figure 4). These assignments are consistent with chemical shielding concepts; H-14 and H-16 were more shielded compared with H-15 and H-17 because of the partial negative charge to the carbon atoms to which H-14 and H-16 are attached because of electron delocalization. Again, associated 13C resonances were assigned using HSQC data by observed cross-peaks with attached protons (Figure S6).

Five quaternary carbons were identified in the HMBC spectrum and assigned to C-1, C-8, C-9, C-12, and C-13 through careful analysis (Figure 5). Basic chemical shift prediction was used to aid in quaternary carbon assignments. For example, the three most downfield quaternary carbons at 181.35 ppm (HMBC to H-11 and H-10), 161.95 ppm (HMBC to H-3 and H-6), and 159.72 ppm (HMBC to H-11, H-17, and H-15) were assigned to C-8, C-1, and C-13, respectively. This was based on HMBC correlations and by the expectation that their chemical shifts would be the most downfield of all seven quaternary carbons. Similarly, the quaternary carbon C-9 at 52.50 ppm (HMBC to H-10 and H-6) was easily identified as it is the most shielded among the seven. C-12 at 122.34 ppm was assigned from a strong HMBC correlation to H-10 and a weak coupling to H-16. The last two quaternary carbons, C-4 and C-5 were assigned at 136.08 ppm and 146.32 ppm, respectively. Both of these resonances could be assigned to either C-4 or C-5 based on ambiguous HMBC cross-peaks, so chemical-shift prediction was used to assign C-4 as the more upfield and C-5 as the more downfield. All identified HMBC correlations (solid grey lines), as well as NOESY correlations (dotted blue lines), are indicated in Figure 6.

The high amount of GSH-induced merocyanine species enabled access to complex structural information that can be obtained from 2D NMR experiments such as COSY, HSQC, HMBC, and NOESY. Whereas the closed spiro form locks the olefinic fragment in a cis configuration, computational studies show that the ring-open merocyanine isomer can assume four different conformations for each of the trans (TTC, TTT, CTC, and CTT), shown in Figure 7a, and cis isomers (CCC, CCT, TCC, and TCT).36-38 2D NMR revealed that the trans TTC and TTT were the predominant species for MC-1, MC-2, and MC-3. NOESY showed that the olefinic protons H-10 and H-11 are in trans configuration for all MC species because of the presence of NOE cross peaks between H-11 and H-19/20 and cross peaks between H-10 and H-21 (Figures 3, S13, and S22). These correlations are illustrated using grey dotted lines in Figure 7a. Moreover, the absence of NOE cross peaks between H-10 and H-19/20 and cross peaks H-11 and H-21 further supported the trans TTC and TTT being the two prevalent conformations for all three GSH-stabilized MC species. In order to differentiate between conformation TTC and TTT, NOE peaks H-10 and H-17 were analyzed against NOE peaks H-11 and H-17 for MC-1, MC-2 and MC-3. These correlations are illustrated using blue dotted lines in Figure 7a. Visual inspection of the NOE cross peaks suggest H-10 and H-17 is stronger than the NOE cross peaks H-11 and H-17 for MC-1 and MC-2 (Figure 7b,c). This is not completely apparent for MC-3 (Figure 7d). Therefore, NOE intensity values for these cross peaks were examined for all MC species. After analyzing these intensity values for the three MC species, it was found that conformation TTT was likely to be the thermodynamically favored conformation over TTC. This contrasts with the majority of merocyanine structures in the literature that show the cis conformation, with the negatively charged oxygen species on the same side as the positively charged indole. It is only possible to observe NOE between H-10 and H-17 when these protons are in trans to each other, supporting the TTT conformation.

Complete NMR (1H and 13C) assignments for three GSH-stabilized MC species were achieved by applying 2D NMR techniques such as HSQC, HMBC, COSY, and NOESY. To obtain these stabilized species, GSH was introduced to a sample of the respective spiropyran SP-1, SP-2, or SP-3. This resulted in the isomerization of spiropyran to merocyanine, which ultimately gave rise to the fixed GSH-stabilized MC-1, MC-2, or MC-3. Identification of the methyl environments in the merocyanine forms was the first action taken during spectral analysis. From there, 2D NMR was utilized to locate neighboring environments. Once all NMR assignments were appointed, the investigation of the stereochemistry for the three GSH-stabilized MC species was examined. The presence (H-11 and H-19/20, H-10 and H-21) and absence (H-10 and H-19/20, H-11 and H-21) of NOE peaks supported the trans forms TTC and TTT being the two predominant species. Visual inspection and evaluation of the intensity values for NOE peaks between H-10 and H-17 versus H-11 and H-17 suggest trans TTT being the most favorable conformation for MC-1, MC-2, and MC-3. By studying the stereochemistry of these GSH-stabilized MC species we were able to provide a full characterization of the merocyanine forms in hopes of aiding in the structural understanding of new merocyanine species that are stabilized by external chemical stimuli.

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期刊介绍: MRC is devoted to the rapid publication of papers which are concerned with the development of magnetic resonance techniques, or in which the application of such techniques plays a pivotal part. Contributions from scientists working in all areas of NMR, ESR and NQR are invited, and papers describing applications in all branches of chemistry, structural biology and materials chemistry are published. The journal is of particular interest not only to scientists working in academic research, but also those working in commercial organisations who need to keep up-to-date with the latest practical applications of magnetic resonance techniques.
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