Biopharmaceutics & Drug Dispositionpublishes original review articles, short communications, and reports in biopharmaceutics, drug disposition, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, especially those that have a direct relation to the drug discovery/development and the therapeutic use of drugs. These includes:
- animal and human pharmacological studies that focus on therapeutic response. pharmacodynamics, and toxicity related to plasma and tissue concentrations of drugs and their metabolites,
- in vitro and in vivo drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, transport, and excretion studies that facilitate investigations related to the use of drugs in man
- studies on membrane transport and enzymes, including their regulation and the impact of pharmacogenomics on drug absorption and disposition,
- simulation and modeling in drug discovery and development
- theoretical treatises
- includes themed issues and reviews
and exclude manuscripts on
- bioavailability studies reporting only on simple PK parameters such as Cmax, tmax and t1/2 without mechanistic interpretation
- analytical methods