Economic impact of a specialist outreach team in residential and nursing home settings
Background: The results of a randomized controlled trial have indicated that a training and educational programme for staff in nursing or residential homes may result in reductions in levels of depression and levels of cognitive impairment for residents presenting with an active management problem. The training and educational intervention consisted of members of a hospital outreach team who presented a series of 1 hour seminars on topics which staff had indicated would improve their knowledge and skills.
Aims of the study: The aim of this study was to present an exploratory analysis of the impact on costs associated with providing an old age psychiatry outreach team giving training and education for staff in nursing and residential homes.
Method: For the economic study, a societal perspective was employed. Measures of resource use and costs to the health service, social and community services and the nursing and residential homes were analysed for 120 residents from 12 nursing or residential homes, as part of a randomized controlled trial to assess a training package provided in residential and nursing homes. Cost estimates were based on estimates from generalized estimated equations. To allow for clustering effects within homes, the unit of randomization was the home as opposed to the individual. To ensure models were correctly specified, several tests including the Ramsey RESET test were employed.
Results: There were no significant differences in the total cost per person in the homes that received the intervention and the control homes. This study has shown that the additional cost of providing the specialist outreach team was likely to be covered by reductions in the use of other resources such as GP visits to nursing and residential homes. Therefore, though the study had limitations, it appeared that improved care could be provided at little or no extra cost.
The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics publishes high quality empirical, analytical and methodologic papers focusing on the application of health and economic research and policy analysis in mental health. It offers an international forum to enable the different participants in mental health policy and economics - psychiatrists involved in research and care and other mental health workers, health services researchers, health economists, policy makers, public and private health providers, advocacy groups, and the pharmaceutical industry - to share common information in a common language.