
Andreas Heinemeyer, William L. Burn, Quinn Asena, Anthony L. Jones, Mark A. Ashby
{"title":"对Evans等人对“泥炭地碳储量和燃烧历史:地毯式泥炭核心证据突出了木炭对泥炭物理性质和长期碳储量的影响”的评论(地理:地理与环境2019;e00075)","authors":"Andreas Heinemeyer,&nbsp;William L. Burn,&nbsp;Quinn Asena,&nbsp;Anthony L. Jones,&nbsp;Mark A. Ashby","doi":"10.1002/geo2.78","DOIUrl":null,"url":null,"abstract":"<p>We would like to thank the authors Evans et al. (<span>2019</span>) for submitting a comment on our recent publication “Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: Blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long-term carbon storage” (Heinemeyer et al., <span>2019</span>); we especially value their direct and open approach. We hope that our response clarifies our methods, findings and conclusions; we also provide further references and more detailed information around the limitations and remaining knowledge gaps.</p><p>We do understand that burning on peatlands is a highly controversial issue, not just in the UK (i.e., grouse moor management on deep peat/blanket bog) but also globally, particularly in the tropics (e.g., agricultural management on deforested and drained peatlands). We therefore would like to clarify up front that our findings are to be seen only in the context of rotational burning on UK upland blanket bogs – an interpretation within other fire contexts, specifically a tropical context, is not and never was felt appropriate by the authors. We previously clarified this limitation in our conclusions: “… estimates are based on low severity prescribed burns and the impacts of more severe arson or wildfire are likely to differ (i.e., when peat burning occurs).” However, within the UK context we feel this work adds considerable weight to the somewhat limited, but now growing body of evidence regarding prescribed heather burning impacts on blanket bog ecosystem services, specifically carbon storage. We would also like to clarify that our previous and additional criticism of Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) is exclusively based on the data presented. Indeed, as the only major study on prescribed burning impacts on soil carbon stocks at that time (as highlighted by Evans et al., <span>2014</span>), we feel that Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) should be subject to detailed scrutiny in order to determine gaps in our understanding and inform future research. While we appreciate that the comments made by Evans et al. (<span>2019</span>) are well intended, we remain confident in the robustness of our data and below we defend the methods and main results. For this, we provide further clarification and justification of our methods, together with providing some additional references and graphical information to support the interpretation of our findings and our overall conclusions.</p><p>Evans et al. stated that our findings “could be net beneficial for C sequestration” and that this is “contrary to most current understanding.” Firstly, we do not make such claims as we did not include an unburnt comparison; we clarified this previously in the conclusions of our published paper: “Finally, our results do not allow a comparison to an unburnt scenario and estimates are based on low severity prescribed burns …” Secondly, the Evans et al. statement “most current understanding” is not backed up by any references and Evans et al. (<span>2014</span>) even highlight that the evidence base is noticeably weak, which has been confirmed by a recent review by Harper et al. (<span>2018</span>). In fact, Evans et al. (<span>2014</span>) help to demonstrate this point by only using one long-term study (Garnett et al., <span>2000</span>) to model the relationship between burning and C storage in UK blanket bogs. Thirdly, “current understanding” may be incorrect because, in addition to our study, several new studies (as identified by the authors) have weakened the unsubstantiated claim that prescribed burning greatly reduces carbon accumulation, particularly if considering management and monitoring timescales (e.g., Clay et al., <span>2010</span>; Marrs et al., <span>2019</span>). Notably, a recent study by Marrs et al. (<span>2019</span>) used the same plots as Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) but employed more detailed lead isotope peat depth dating. Importantly, they found that prescribed burning only caused significant reductions in peat and C accumulation rates within the most intensive 10-year burning treatment; however, carbon and peat were still accumulating at a considerable rate (Marrs et al., <span>2019</span>). However, Marrs et al. (<span>2019</span>) point out the likely relevance of bulk density (but unfortunately no bulk density data are shown). Moreover, charcoal has been highlighted as an important but so far overlooked factor in explaining high carbon sequestration in northern peatlands (Leifeld et al., <span>2017</span>) and UK blanket bogs under heather burn management (Clay &amp; Worrall, <span>2011</span>). Therefore, our previous findings about charcoal impacts on bulk density and thus C accumulation are of key importance in interpreting these latest data from the Hard Hill burn plots. Interestingly, a PhD student, co-supervised by Evans et al., presented a poster showing C accumulation rates based on similar spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCP) dating to be greatest for burnt plots across different management on blanket bog (Collier et al., <span>2016</span>). Moreover, we suggest that to determine any meaningful net impacts on C sequestration, a catchment-scale approach needs to be considered, specifically including topography (i.e., slope) and runoff (i.e., erosion). However, this is largely lacking from the evidence base. The authors also state that “these findings could have significant consequences for land-management policy.” We do not dispute this, but feel that this is exactly what research should aim for, particularly where the evidence base is weak or controversial, as is the case for prescribed burning impacts on blanket bog habitats in the UK (Evans et al., <span>2014</span>; Harper et al., <span>2018</span>). Notably, further evidence (which so far seems to be overlooked from the evidence base alongside Clement's (<span>2005</span>) PhD thesis) is provided in a PhD thesis by Grand-Clement (<span>2008</span>), who used lead isotope dating and found that unburnt cores showed only half the peat accumulation rates of burnt cores (cf. Chapter 8: pp. 160–161 and 180–184, although the study acknowledged lead isotope dating uncertainties). However, we never stated that our findings or conclusions applied to areas outside the UK (as implied by Evans et al.) – see above for quotations from our previous publication. Our paper has a clear UK focus because we are more than aware of the environmental heterogeneity of peatlands across the globe (e.g., vegetation type affecting peat bulk density and hydraulic conductivity, as well as management and climate factors potentially affecting peat decomposition).</p><p>Firstly, Evans et al. criticise our failure to include an unburnt control. However, this is not justified because our hypotheses clearly do not require one (i.e., we were looking at the relationship between burning and C accumulation and bulk density; we were not comparing burning to non-intervention). We also highlight within the paper that, ideally, future research should include such a comparison – although this has now been done by Marrs et al. (<span>2019</span>); nevertheless, Marrs et al. (<span>2019</span>) did not measure C<sub>org</sub> directly and did not report bulk density values (which we show are both crucial for C stock determination and are required at a very detailed and continuous depth increment resolution). Furthermore, our annual C accumulation data (transformed into t CO<sub>2</sub> per hectare) since the 1950s (ca. 3 t CO<sub>2</sub> ha<sup>−1</sup> year<sup>−1</sup>) fall right in between (albeit they are not directly comparable as time frames are slightly different) the rates reported for unburnt plots by both Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>; ca. 3.8 t CO<sub>2</sub> ha<sup>−1</sup> year<sup>−1</sup>) and also Marrs et al. (<span>2019</span>; 1.7 t CO<sub>2</sub> ha<sup>−1</sup> year<sup>−1</sup>) from the 1960s onwards. Evans et al. highlight the rather small differences in the overall burn frequencies (since 1,700) between our sites (23, 25, 28 years). But in doing so, they ignore the more distinct and regular burn frequencies (13, 16, 22 years) within the more recent period (1950–2015) shown in our original table 1 (Heinemeyer et al., <span>2018</span>), which are in fact very similar to the 10–15 years of anticipated current grouse moor burn frequencies. Therefore, there are important and representative present-day differences in burning frequencies between our study sites. Moreover, Evans et al. criticise the lack of more within site sampling, yet sampling across a wider area with climatic differences should be seen as an advantage, as it offers real and meaningful replication rather than providing detailed records for only one site. Importantly, we do find a very similar positive relationship (and similar changes with depth or age) between bulk density and C<sub>org</sub> versus charcoal amounts at all three sites. This implies that the findings have general implications and are less dependent on local climatic conditions or differences in land-use history. Furthermore, our sites represent the characteristic range of UK upland grouse moor conditions (wetter and colder at Mossdale to drier and warmer at Nidderdale), which should be seen as a methodological strength rather than a weakness. Finally, the three peat cores were taken within each site to allow multiple analyses. To treat them as independent replicates would be misleading as, at this distance, they would clearly represent pseudo-replication; any duplicate data (e.g., charcoal counts) were therefore pooled. The related Evans et al. statement that multiple cores taken over larger areas would show greater within-treatment variability is, of course, to be expected but not surprising in ecological soil work. However, for our hypothesis, additional within site sampling was not required as replication is provided by comparing data and relationships across the three sites. Again, we highlighted that further samples across the entire catchment (i.e., slope areas) and other sites should address such issues affecting C accumulation. Specifically, we would expect considerable erosion losses (and thus a negative C balance) from burning on steep slopes due to possibly increased runoff (Clay et al., <span>2009</span>) and decreased vegetation leading to increases in overland flow (Holden et al., <span>2008</span>); however, to our knowledge only general, rather than specific (i.e., studies accounting for different environmental conditions), peat C accumulation modelling studies exist in this respect (e.g., Heinemeyer et al., <span>2010</span>).</p><p>Secondly, regarding the dating of the lowest peat depth (25 cm), Evans et al. claim that this was done “without supporting evidence.” However, not only did we already acknowledge within the paper that this age is uncertain, but we also provided two references for the estimated 1700 age; based on the very similar C accumulation rates to the Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) unburnt plots, this assumption is a valid, albeit uncertain assumption. Notwithstanding this uncertainty in the lowest peat age (for which no SCPs could be used), the main focus of this study is on the top peat layers for which SCP dating was possible; it is these layers which revealed a strong correlation for both bulk density and C<sub>org</sub> versus charcoal amounts. Moreover, the criticism of the Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) arbitrary SCP “take-off” age determination is still important, particularly as it is the only study included by Evans et al. (<span>2014</span>) to model prescribed burning impacts on peat C stocks. We are not questioning the credibility of Mark Garnett's studies; but rather, we only query the interpretation of their presented SCP data, and the age determination, which we believe are very likely flawed. This claim is supported by more recent assessments of the Hard Hill burn plots, which either use carbon stock (Marrs et al., <span>2019</span>) or flux (Clay et al., <span>2010</span>) techniques. The huge reductions in C accumulation on burnt compared with unburnt plots reported by Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) do not seem to relate to any recent studies at the same site, which show a small C loss or even potential C gains in response to prescribed burning. Furthermore, we believe that it is difficult to interpret the SCP and charcoal depth profiles of Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) correctly (refer to their figures 2 and 3, respectively) because not all plots are shown (only for two blocks but all seem to be used as independent replicates in the ANOVA statistics) yet no reason is given; and those plots that are shown reveal no expected charcoal layers (i.e., while clear charcoal peaks are shown for unburnt plots, profiles for burnt plots do not show such expected charcoal peaks) nor do they resemble an expected SCP profile (for burnt plots there are no SCP peaks at all and there is hardly any SCP increase until the most recent periods). Evans et al. question our “noisy SCP data,” but we question the SCP data shown in Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) because they completely lack any SCP peaks for burnt plots. Moreover, as Evans et al. claim, burning may increase SCP concentrations via combustion of the peat layer (e.g., leaving SCPs behind), which should result in an obvious and strong SCP signal in burnt plots (but it is not; see Garnett et al.'s figure 2). Even excluding analysis in the near surface layers should have shown a clear SCP peak (in the 1970s) and clear charcoal peaks for burnt plots (indicating regular burn events over time). Also, the claim made by Evans et al. that SCP “take-off” is more robust than SCP peaks or onset is not backed up by any reference. In fact, a PhD thesis by Clement (<span>2005</span>) used the same method as Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) but questioned this “take-off” approach. Clement (<span>2005</span>) points out uncertainties of such a “take-off” assumption and specifically questions Garnett et al.'s 1950 “take-off” date by highlighting that it more likely reflects the 1850s, which was confirmed by comparing corresponding C accumulation rates. Importantly, both studies base their SCP dating on only 1 cm peat sections. Thus, our 0.5 cm increments should provide a more robust SCP count, peak, and peat depth/age determination. The fact that the Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) study failed to detect a clear charcoal signal from burnt plots means that it is extremely difficult to determine the onset of the burn rotation (actually, the top left unburnt A/G graph, cf. figure 3 in Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>), looks like a burnt plot with clear charcoal peaks, even when considering the different axis scale). There are some additional abnormalities with the charcoal graphs presented by Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) (cf. figure 3). For example, while one burnt (GB) plot assessment only goes to 9.5 cm, the other goes to 18 cm (a huge difference); importantly, the latter clearly indicates a potential error in the 1954 burn age (i.e., there are two lower charcoal layers, one likely 1954, the other 1923; if the age were moved then the burnt and unburnt depth would be very similar at about 13 cm for 1954 and 17 cm for 1923). Unfortunately, interpretation remains limited as Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) did not present graphs for all plots and/or graphs with matching depth profiles. Evans et al. also suggested that we should have consulted Garnett and Stevenson (<span>2004</span>) before criticising Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>). However, we feel the study is not directly relevant (this is why we did not cite it) because the study only looked at <sup>14</sup>C ages for two unburnt plots (comparing a burnt and unburnt plot would have been more helpful). Also, the <sup>14</sup>C ages shown are very noisy (and not in “high agreement” as suggested by Evans et al.; see their figure 1 for % modern <sup>14</sup>C data) and therefore are unhelpful in age determination; the authors (Garnett &amp; Stevenson) even acknowledge this by stating that, despite the fact that <sup>14</sup>C dates “were in broad agreement,” “there were uncertainties in the final interpretation of the <sup>14</sup>C results” and <sup>14</sup>C may have been contaminated by modern root-derived C inputs. While there is no doubt that a fire occurred in 1923, we remain of the opinion that the incomplete (both total number and similar depth) charcoal graphs in Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) and the lack in any subsequent <sup>14</sup>C ages for only two profiles prevent a robust age determination of the charcoal layers.</p><p>We acknowledge that the SCP “take-off” method is used in many studies, however Clement (<span>2005</span>) showed there are considerable uncertainties around using such values. We provided all the relevant information regarding SCP dating. However, we now acknowledge that we omitted to provide our justification for choosing a peak age selection of 1975. Firstly, Swindles (<span>2010</span>) identified the peak as 1979 but with a considerable tendency towards a younger age (i.e., the shape of the curve is flatter towards a younger age). Secondly, Swindles et al. (<span>2015</span>) state a peak age of 1977 ± 5 for a blanket bog at Malham Tarn in the Yorkshire Dales, which is very close to all three of our peatland sites. We therefore chose a more conservative age of 1975 as our peak age. Importantly, a more recent date is also supported by a publication (poster) using 1976 as the SCP peak with Evans listed as a co-author (Collier et al., <span>2016</span>). We have now added this information to Figure 1 (an enlarged section of the top SCP peak area for all three sites). Figure 1 clearly shows that the peak shape is very similar for all three sites. Although there is a “multiple-sample peak” (but in figure 3 and not in figure 1 shown in Heinemeyer et al., <span>2018</span>, as stated by Evans et al.), all three sites reveal the same pattern of a smaller peak either side of the main peak (see Figure 1, which is an extract of figure 3 in Heinemeyer et al., <span>2018</span>). Importantly, the difference between 1975 and 1979 is less than 0.5 cm of peat and would be similar for all three peat cores. Therefore, the selection of 1975 as the peak age, which sits comfortably with the 1977 ± 5 estimate given by Swindles et al. (<span>2015</span>), probably had very little impact on the findings of our study. We would certainly assert that our SCP dating is more robust than that of Garnett et al., which does show “very noisy” SCP data and without any clear SCP peaks overall. However, we agree that our study would have benefited from additional dating methods, which we stated within the paper. However, other dating tools such as <sup>14</sup>C, as pointed out by Evans et al., also have considerable caveats (see our above comment on Garnett &amp; Stevenson, <span>2004</span>). Clement (<span>2005</span>) showed that robust dating is ideally required from a number of other sources, with <sup>210</sup>Pb, and dating from atomic weapons testing (e.g., <sup>137</sup>Cs and <sup>241</sup>Am), playing a key role in confirming chronologies based on an indirect method such as SCPs. Furthermore, we do not feel that acrotelm growth, decomposition, or peat combustion influenced our results. As our sites are subject to a burn rotation, effectively preventing build-up of combustible vegetation (see Davies et al., <span>2016</span>), there is little chance for any considerable peat combustion, particularly as “cool burning” is practiced during late autumn/winter. In fact, if there were any such events we should have found visually clear charcoal layers (horizontal bands) containing considerable charcoal-peat fragments, which we did not observe. Therefore, our charcoal fragments largely represent charred vegetation remains. Nevertheless, the effects of acrotelm growth, decomposition or peat combustion are equally likely to have influenced the Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) plot-level SCP analysis. Surprisingly, the burnt plots in Garnett et al. do not indicate any considerable charcoal peaks (charcoal counts are mostly lower compared with all the unburnt plots shown, even when considering the different scale in their figure 3) nor higher SCP levels (SCP levels of all burnt plots are remarkably low until near the top peat surface). In fact, several unburnt plots (but none of the burnt plots) indicate clear charcoal peaks and also higher but very noisy, low, and uncharacteristic (i.e., no peak) SCP levels (cf. SCP counts shown in Swindles et al., <span>2015</span>). We have since tested for the relevance of any such combustion impact on SCP levels. If there were any SCP concentration from peat combustion, then one would expect to find a very strong correlation between SCP and charcoal concentrations (over all measured and corresponding 0.5 cm layers). However, for our three sites this (linear regression) analysis (Figure 2) did not reveal any meaningful pattern. In fact, for Nidderdale there was no significant fit observed, while those for Mossdale and Whitendale were very noisy (low <i>R</i><sup>2</sup>) and only weakly significant (very low <i>p</i>-value). Finally, none of our charcoal concentrations indicate severe burns (mostly concentrations of around 50–200 per cm<sup>3</sup>, with a few values of up to 2,340 per cm<sup>3</sup> and mean ± standard deviation for Mossdale, Nidderdale, and Whitendale: 66 ± 77, 258 ± 475, and 373 ± 468 per cm<sup>3</sup>, respectively), and are very similar to the concentrations reported in figure 3 by Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) when combining all size classes. However, we do not question the potential for such a SCP concentration process from burning peat, which is feasible particularly when past wildfires burnt into the peat, so other studies should ideally consider and test for this potential artefact. We also think that the SCP criticism is unwarranted due to clearly similar and robust peak patterns recorded across all three sites (Figure 1) (unlike for the SCP data shown in Garnett et al., <span>2000</span>), and a lack of possible peat combustion affecting SCP concentrations (Figure 2). In fact, a comparable SCP analysis for a peatland on the Moor House site (near the Hard Hill plots) as part of a PhD thesis by Clement (<span>2005</span>) also noticed unusual but similar SCP multi-peaks (cf. figure 5.5) as observed in our study (albeit with a different overall SCP abundance). Importantly, while our SCP counts are higher compared with those reported previously, they fall within the expected range as outlined by Clement (<span>2005</span>), who also shows that our three sites are located in an area of very high SCP deposition (cf. figure 5.10). Unfortunately, no SCP concentrations but only counts (and no indication of volume or dry mass corrections) are given by Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>), which prevent us from directly comparing SCP values (which we consider to be very low in the Garnett et al. study compared with, e.g., Swindles et al., <span>2015</span>).</p><p>Evans et al. state that we concluded that more frequent burning since the 1950s has increased C accumulation rates. This is not what we intended. Our comparison is between the three sites in relation to burn frequencies determined by charcoal peaks within each of three time periods (previous figure 6 versus table 1 in Heinemeyer et al., <span>2018</span>; comparing like with like). Measurements (see our previous table 4) and modelling (Heinemeyer et al., <span>2010</span>) clearly indicate that C accumulation rates are much higher towards the peat surface due to the “acrotelm effect” (simply as peat has not yet been decomposed for long enough). Therefore, our main analysis was not over time but between discrete time periods across sites (which differed in C accumulation rates in relation to burn frequencies). The main point in our analysis is that, due to charcoal input from burning, the resulting C accumulation rates are positively affected by increased bulk density and C<sub>org</sub> (similar regressions for each site per period or peat depth).</p><p>Finally, Evans et al. point out “that the results of the peat core study appear to directly contradict chamber-based CO<sub>2</sub> flux measurements.” We clearly noted in our paper that there is a known contradiction between peat core and flux derived C accumulation rate estimates (we did provide two references: Clay et al., <span>2010</span> and Ratcliffe et al., <span>2017</span>). There is nothing “odd” about this, as we shall outline below. For example, for the flux method to be considered as robust, carbon fluxes need to be monitored across the entire burn rotation. Only then could one directly compare C balances between flux measurements and long-term peat core C stock assessments (which, we agree, should in principle be possible but in practical terms is hardly ever possible because of flux monitoring timescales being limited by funding, as in our case of only five years of Defra funding). However, there are additional issues with the flux approach and its application over short timescales. For example, there is substantial climatic variability over short timescales (variability rather than reflecting a long-term mean), and post-management vegetation regrowth leads to initially lower overall ecosystem respiration C losses (with predominantly young and as such photosynthetically active shoots) compared with older unmanaged stands of vegetation (with net photosynthesis in regrowing vegetation increasing rapidly to very high values before reducing again as older tissues build up, causing a higher respiration to photosynthesis ratio, until it reaches that of mature vegetation with much lower net C uptake rates; e.g., Gough et al., <span>2008</span>). For our sites (as in most studies), only the net ecosystem exchange CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes for uncut (no management) plots could be compared to peat carbon stocks (Heinemeyer et al., <span>2019</span>; forthcoming). Thus, the divergent results between flux and charcoal measurements are to be expected (because stocks accumulate over time as vegetation re-grows). Therefore, short-term fluxes cannot be directly related to peat core C accumulation rates as the vegetation at each site was of an unknown but fairly constant age (at an older growth stage). Any direct comparison to long-term peat core records would require long-term flux monitoring over at least an entire management cycle (i.e., ca. 25 years, including all major vegetation stages). Thus, long-term monitoring is required to accurately determine the biomass combustion loss versus charcoal input effect. Finally, for comparisons between peatlands within the context of climate change, we would expect not just CO<sub>2</sub> to be considered as part of “all internal C cycling,” as stated by Evans et al., but at least also to include CH<sub>4</sub> measurements (decomposition fluxes from anoxic peat areas); the atmosphere sees both those C flux components (although further losses from dissolved and particulate carbon will also be of importance, depending on the peatland condition and topography). We propose that a robust flux monitoring approach for managed heather burning would require at least 25 years and should include all major C-flux components (i.e., Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance, NECB) and compare non-intervention with managed vegetation plots. This is precisely what our Peatland-ES-UK project (http://peatland-es-uk.york.ac.uk/10) is attempting to achieve, a challenging but we think urgently required research activity of considerable policy relevance.</p><p>Overall, we strongly dispute the claim made by Evans et al. that our interpretation of managed burn impacts on peat C accumulation is not robust. If anything, we feel it provides one of the most robust efforts to date (considering our above comments on the other two similar studies: Garnett et al., <span>2000</span> and Marrs et al., <span>2019</span>). Moreover, our hypotheses did not require within site replication because replication was provided between sites (nevertheless, additional within site cores would have been collected if more funds were available). This enabled us to incorporate the full range of real-world climatic and site differences found across UK grouse moors, which should be seen as an advantage rather than a confounding factor, since consistent relationships were found across all three sites. Comparing our study to tropical peatlands is not appropriate; as Evans et al. rightly state: “Indonesian peatlands and UK blanket bog differ in many respects.” While there are peat physical differences (peat structure and bulk density), UK grouse moor burns are predominantly “cool burns” compared with predominantly very hot fires in tropical forests, likely resulting in the actual peat catching fire (e.g., Boehm et al., <span>2001</span>). Finally, decomposition in tropical systems is subject to much higher mean annual temperatures (UK upland bogs about 5°C, e.g., Garnett (<span>1998</span>), compared with tropical systems of about 26°C, e.g., Könönen et al., <span>2016</span>), leading to faster microbial decomposition (Davidson &amp; Janssens, <span>2006</span>; Hirano et al., <span>2014</span>). Additionally, we should not be basing “current understanding” about burning impacts on UK blanket bogs (or elsewhere) on using one site, Hard Hill, which is not truly representative of grouse moors across the UK (e.g., the burn rotation is too short for the very extreme wet and cold conditions). Clearly, we need to move beyond the Hard Hill plots – our study does precisely this and should therefore be welcomed for its vital contribution to the depauperate evidence base.</p><p>The final section on policy implications (e.g., Habitats Directive) in the light of the potential UK departure from the EU seems a very odd addition. It appears to overlook the limitations in all of the currently available studies: we do not currently know how burn management impacts C accumulation across the wider landscape scale (nearly all studies are plot based and dominated by the Hard Hill plots). We particularly lack data on how topography affects erosion and decomposition impacts. In our paper, we point out that there is a real danger of considerable C losses from steeper slopes (i.e., by burning exposing peat to water erosion). We do not want to be drawn into a general discussion around fire management, but the recently growing evidence (the major studies are cited by Evans et al.) highlights that previous assumptions based on one study are questionable, which is unsurprising. Science should be robust and evidence should be seen in light of this, and should also consider evidence objectively. The best and most exciting science often challenges our strongly held common perceptions. In particular, modelling studies, so far, do not represent any potential C accumulation from charcoal (e.g., Heinemeyer &amp; Swindles, <span>2018</span>), which should be considered based on our data and findings from other related studies, such as by Clay and Worrall (<span>2011</span>). Evans et al. also refer to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in relation to the Peat Strategy. We agree that evolving policies should be based on a robust and reliable scientific evidence base. However, the evidence on GHG emissions from UK blanket bogs, particularly under grouse moor management, is extremely limited (e.g., Harper et al., <span>2018</span>). Rewetting large areas could potentially lead to large increases in methane emissions (see Heinemeyer &amp; Swindles, <span>2018</span>; Heinemeyer et al., <span>2010</span>), particularly during warm and wet years (and future warming), as highlighted by Heinemeyer et al. (<span>2019</span>; forthcoming). However, a robust understanding of management impacts on GHG emissions requires long-term research and needs to examine evidence alongside other benefits, such as carbon storage and water quality (i.e., ecosystem multifunctionality). Another limitation of our current knowledge on burning impacts is that many studies to date have used a Space-for-Time (SfT) approach (such as in the Ember study, e.g., Brown et al., <span>2015</span>) – a more robust Before-After-Comparison-Impact (BACI) approach (see Schwarz, <span>2014</span>) requires more resources and time, but overcomes issues such as generic site differences which may influence results (site differences are often unknown or ignored in SfT studies). We believe that studies such as ours (i.e., Peatland-ES-UK; Heinemeyer et al., <span>2019</span>; forthcoming) provide the long-term and robust evidence required to inform policy. For example, the Peatland-ES-UK study has now run for seven years and uses a BACI approach with catchment-scale and plot-level replication.</p><p>In conclusion, our defence clarifies the misunderstandings and misconceptions held by Evans et al. in relation to the scope and objectives of our study. We do, however, agree with Evans et al. that our findings have clear limitations. But we would also highlight that most of the criticisms made by Evans et al. are based on issues which we previously addressed in our paper (such as the lack of an unburnt control, other dating tools and wider catchment and site assessments). We would also argue that our study provides a vital addition to the prescribed burning evidence base, albeit in a very narrow context of UK grouse moor management on blanket bogs under specific climatic and environmental conditions. Our study will hopefully stimulate funding bodies to support further (and specifically long-term) work so that the many remaining research gaps can be addressed – this is vital if we are to implement environmentally sound and scientifically robust land-use policies.</p>","PeriodicalId":44089,"journal":{"name":"Geo-Geography and Environment","volume":"6 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":1.7000,"publicationDate":"2019-06-19","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1002/geo2.78","citationCount":"5","resultStr":"{\"title\":\"Response to: Comment on “Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: Blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long-term carbon storage” by Evans et al. (Geo: Geography and Environment 2019; e00075)\",\"authors\":\"Andreas Heinemeyer,&nbsp;William L. Burn,&nbsp;Quinn Asena,&nbsp;Anthony L. Jones,&nbsp;Mark A. Ashby\",\"doi\":\"10.1002/geo2.78\",\"DOIUrl\":null,\"url\":null,\"abstract\":\"<p>We would like to thank the authors Evans et al. (<span>2019</span>) for submitting a comment on our recent publication “Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: Blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long-term carbon storage” (Heinemeyer et al., <span>2019</span>); we especially value their direct and open approach. We hope that our response clarifies our methods, findings and conclusions; we also provide further references and more detailed information around the limitations and remaining knowledge gaps.</p><p>We do understand that burning on peatlands is a highly controversial issue, not just in the UK (i.e., grouse moor management on deep peat/blanket bog) but also globally, particularly in the tropics (e.g., agricultural management on deforested and drained peatlands). We therefore would like to clarify up front that our findings are to be seen only in the context of rotational burning on UK upland blanket bogs – an interpretation within other fire contexts, specifically a tropical context, is not and never was felt appropriate by the authors. We previously clarified this limitation in our conclusions: “… estimates are based on low severity prescribed burns and the impacts of more severe arson or wildfire are likely to differ (i.e., when peat burning occurs).” However, within the UK context we feel this work adds considerable weight to the somewhat limited, but now growing body of evidence regarding prescribed heather burning impacts on blanket bog ecosystem services, specifically carbon storage. We would also like to clarify that our previous and additional criticism of Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) is exclusively based on the data presented. Indeed, as the only major study on prescribed burning impacts on soil carbon stocks at that time (as highlighted by Evans et al., <span>2014</span>), we feel that Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) should be subject to detailed scrutiny in order to determine gaps in our understanding and inform future research. While we appreciate that the comments made by Evans et al. (<span>2019</span>) are well intended, we remain confident in the robustness of our data and below we defend the methods and main results. For this, we provide further clarification and justification of our methods, together with providing some additional references and graphical information to support the interpretation of our findings and our overall conclusions.</p><p>Evans et al. stated that our findings “could be net beneficial for C sequestration” and that this is “contrary to most current understanding.” Firstly, we do not make such claims as we did not include an unburnt comparison; we clarified this previously in the conclusions of our published paper: “Finally, our results do not allow a comparison to an unburnt scenario and estimates are based on low severity prescribed burns …” Secondly, the Evans et al. statement “most current understanding” is not backed up by any references and Evans et al. (<span>2014</span>) even highlight that the evidence base is noticeably weak, which has been confirmed by a recent review by Harper et al. (<span>2018</span>). In fact, Evans et al. (<span>2014</span>) help to demonstrate this point by only using one long-term study (Garnett et al., <span>2000</span>) to model the relationship between burning and C storage in UK blanket bogs. Thirdly, “current understanding” may be incorrect because, in addition to our study, several new studies (as identified by the authors) have weakened the unsubstantiated claim that prescribed burning greatly reduces carbon accumulation, particularly if considering management and monitoring timescales (e.g., Clay et al., <span>2010</span>; Marrs et al., <span>2019</span>). Notably, a recent study by Marrs et al. (<span>2019</span>) used the same plots as Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) but employed more detailed lead isotope peat depth dating. Importantly, they found that prescribed burning only caused significant reductions in peat and C accumulation rates within the most intensive 10-year burning treatment; however, carbon and peat were still accumulating at a considerable rate (Marrs et al., <span>2019</span>). However, Marrs et al. (<span>2019</span>) point out the likely relevance of bulk density (but unfortunately no bulk density data are shown). Moreover, charcoal has been highlighted as an important but so far overlooked factor in explaining high carbon sequestration in northern peatlands (Leifeld et al., <span>2017</span>) and UK blanket bogs under heather burn management (Clay &amp; Worrall, <span>2011</span>). Therefore, our previous findings about charcoal impacts on bulk density and thus C accumulation are of key importance in interpreting these latest data from the Hard Hill burn plots. Interestingly, a PhD student, co-supervised by Evans et al., presented a poster showing C accumulation rates based on similar spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCP) dating to be greatest for burnt plots across different management on blanket bog (Collier et al., <span>2016</span>). Moreover, we suggest that to determine any meaningful net impacts on C sequestration, a catchment-scale approach needs to be considered, specifically including topography (i.e., slope) and runoff (i.e., erosion). However, this is largely lacking from the evidence base. The authors also state that “these findings could have significant consequences for land-management policy.” We do not dispute this, but feel that this is exactly what research should aim for, particularly where the evidence base is weak or controversial, as is the case for prescribed burning impacts on blanket bog habitats in the UK (Evans et al., <span>2014</span>; Harper et al., <span>2018</span>). Notably, further evidence (which so far seems to be overlooked from the evidence base alongside Clement's (<span>2005</span>) PhD thesis) is provided in a PhD thesis by Grand-Clement (<span>2008</span>), who used lead isotope dating and found that unburnt cores showed only half the peat accumulation rates of burnt cores (cf. Chapter 8: pp. 160–161 and 180–184, although the study acknowledged lead isotope dating uncertainties). However, we never stated that our findings or conclusions applied to areas outside the UK (as implied by Evans et al.) – see above for quotations from our previous publication. Our paper has a clear UK focus because we are more than aware of the environmental heterogeneity of peatlands across the globe (e.g., vegetation type affecting peat bulk density and hydraulic conductivity, as well as management and climate factors potentially affecting peat decomposition).</p><p>Firstly, Evans et al. criticise our failure to include an unburnt control. However, this is not justified because our hypotheses clearly do not require one (i.e., we were looking at the relationship between burning and C accumulation and bulk density; we were not comparing burning to non-intervention). We also highlight within the paper that, ideally, future research should include such a comparison – although this has now been done by Marrs et al. (<span>2019</span>); nevertheless, Marrs et al. (<span>2019</span>) did not measure C<sub>org</sub> directly and did not report bulk density values (which we show are both crucial for C stock determination and are required at a very detailed and continuous depth increment resolution). Furthermore, our annual C accumulation data (transformed into t CO<sub>2</sub> per hectare) since the 1950s (ca. 3 t CO<sub>2</sub> ha<sup>−1</sup> year<sup>−1</sup>) fall right in between (albeit they are not directly comparable as time frames are slightly different) the rates reported for unburnt plots by both Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>; ca. 3.8 t CO<sub>2</sub> ha<sup>−1</sup> year<sup>−1</sup>) and also Marrs et al. (<span>2019</span>; 1.7 t CO<sub>2</sub> ha<sup>−1</sup> year<sup>−1</sup>) from the 1960s onwards. Evans et al. highlight the rather small differences in the overall burn frequencies (since 1,700) between our sites (23, 25, 28 years). But in doing so, they ignore the more distinct and regular burn frequencies (13, 16, 22 years) within the more recent period (1950–2015) shown in our original table 1 (Heinemeyer et al., <span>2018</span>), which are in fact very similar to the 10–15 years of anticipated current grouse moor burn frequencies. Therefore, there are important and representative present-day differences in burning frequencies between our study sites. Moreover, Evans et al. criticise the lack of more within site sampling, yet sampling across a wider area with climatic differences should be seen as an advantage, as it offers real and meaningful replication rather than providing detailed records for only one site. Importantly, we do find a very similar positive relationship (and similar changes with depth or age) between bulk density and C<sub>org</sub> versus charcoal amounts at all three sites. This implies that the findings have general implications and are less dependent on local climatic conditions or differences in land-use history. Furthermore, our sites represent the characteristic range of UK upland grouse moor conditions (wetter and colder at Mossdale to drier and warmer at Nidderdale), which should be seen as a methodological strength rather than a weakness. Finally, the three peat cores were taken within each site to allow multiple analyses. To treat them as independent replicates would be misleading as, at this distance, they would clearly represent pseudo-replication; any duplicate data (e.g., charcoal counts) were therefore pooled. The related Evans et al. statement that multiple cores taken over larger areas would show greater within-treatment variability is, of course, to be expected but not surprising in ecological soil work. However, for our hypothesis, additional within site sampling was not required as replication is provided by comparing data and relationships across the three sites. Again, we highlighted that further samples across the entire catchment (i.e., slope areas) and other sites should address such issues affecting C accumulation. Specifically, we would expect considerable erosion losses (and thus a negative C balance) from burning on steep slopes due to possibly increased runoff (Clay et al., <span>2009</span>) and decreased vegetation leading to increases in overland flow (Holden et al., <span>2008</span>); however, to our knowledge only general, rather than specific (i.e., studies accounting for different environmental conditions), peat C accumulation modelling studies exist in this respect (e.g., Heinemeyer et al., <span>2010</span>).</p><p>Secondly, regarding the dating of the lowest peat depth (25 cm), Evans et al. claim that this was done “without supporting evidence.” However, not only did we already acknowledge within the paper that this age is uncertain, but we also provided two references for the estimated 1700 age; based on the very similar C accumulation rates to the Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) unburnt plots, this assumption is a valid, albeit uncertain assumption. Notwithstanding this uncertainty in the lowest peat age (for which no SCPs could be used), the main focus of this study is on the top peat layers for which SCP dating was possible; it is these layers which revealed a strong correlation for both bulk density and C<sub>org</sub> versus charcoal amounts. Moreover, the criticism of the Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) arbitrary SCP “take-off” age determination is still important, particularly as it is the only study included by Evans et al. (<span>2014</span>) to model prescribed burning impacts on peat C stocks. We are not questioning the credibility of Mark Garnett's studies; but rather, we only query the interpretation of their presented SCP data, and the age determination, which we believe are very likely flawed. This claim is supported by more recent assessments of the Hard Hill burn plots, which either use carbon stock (Marrs et al., <span>2019</span>) or flux (Clay et al., <span>2010</span>) techniques. The huge reductions in C accumulation on burnt compared with unburnt plots reported by Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) do not seem to relate to any recent studies at the same site, which show a small C loss or even potential C gains in response to prescribed burning. Furthermore, we believe that it is difficult to interpret the SCP and charcoal depth profiles of Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) correctly (refer to their figures 2 and 3, respectively) because not all plots are shown (only for two blocks but all seem to be used as independent replicates in the ANOVA statistics) yet no reason is given; and those plots that are shown reveal no expected charcoal layers (i.e., while clear charcoal peaks are shown for unburnt plots, profiles for burnt plots do not show such expected charcoal peaks) nor do they resemble an expected SCP profile (for burnt plots there are no SCP peaks at all and there is hardly any SCP increase until the most recent periods). Evans et al. question our “noisy SCP data,” but we question the SCP data shown in Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) because they completely lack any SCP peaks for burnt plots. Moreover, as Evans et al. claim, burning may increase SCP concentrations via combustion of the peat layer (e.g., leaving SCPs behind), which should result in an obvious and strong SCP signal in burnt plots (but it is not; see Garnett et al.'s figure 2). Even excluding analysis in the near surface layers should have shown a clear SCP peak (in the 1970s) and clear charcoal peaks for burnt plots (indicating regular burn events over time). Also, the claim made by Evans et al. that SCP “take-off” is more robust than SCP peaks or onset is not backed up by any reference. In fact, a PhD thesis by Clement (<span>2005</span>) used the same method as Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) but questioned this “take-off” approach. Clement (<span>2005</span>) points out uncertainties of such a “take-off” assumption and specifically questions Garnett et al.'s 1950 “take-off” date by highlighting that it more likely reflects the 1850s, which was confirmed by comparing corresponding C accumulation rates. Importantly, both studies base their SCP dating on only 1 cm peat sections. Thus, our 0.5 cm increments should provide a more robust SCP count, peak, and peat depth/age determination. The fact that the Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) study failed to detect a clear charcoal signal from burnt plots means that it is extremely difficult to determine the onset of the burn rotation (actually, the top left unburnt A/G graph, cf. figure 3 in Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>), looks like a burnt plot with clear charcoal peaks, even when considering the different axis scale). There are some additional abnormalities with the charcoal graphs presented by Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) (cf. figure 3). For example, while one burnt (GB) plot assessment only goes to 9.5 cm, the other goes to 18 cm (a huge difference); importantly, the latter clearly indicates a potential error in the 1954 burn age (i.e., there are two lower charcoal layers, one likely 1954, the other 1923; if the age were moved then the burnt and unburnt depth would be very similar at about 13 cm for 1954 and 17 cm for 1923). Unfortunately, interpretation remains limited as Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) did not present graphs for all plots and/or graphs with matching depth profiles. Evans et al. also suggested that we should have consulted Garnett and Stevenson (<span>2004</span>) before criticising Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>). However, we feel the study is not directly relevant (this is why we did not cite it) because the study only looked at <sup>14</sup>C ages for two unburnt plots (comparing a burnt and unburnt plot would have been more helpful). Also, the <sup>14</sup>C ages shown are very noisy (and not in “high agreement” as suggested by Evans et al.; see their figure 1 for % modern <sup>14</sup>C data) and therefore are unhelpful in age determination; the authors (Garnett &amp; Stevenson) even acknowledge this by stating that, despite the fact that <sup>14</sup>C dates “were in broad agreement,” “there were uncertainties in the final interpretation of the <sup>14</sup>C results” and <sup>14</sup>C may have been contaminated by modern root-derived C inputs. While there is no doubt that a fire occurred in 1923, we remain of the opinion that the incomplete (both total number and similar depth) charcoal graphs in Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) and the lack in any subsequent <sup>14</sup>C ages for only two profiles prevent a robust age determination of the charcoal layers.</p><p>We acknowledge that the SCP “take-off” method is used in many studies, however Clement (<span>2005</span>) showed there are considerable uncertainties around using such values. We provided all the relevant information regarding SCP dating. However, we now acknowledge that we omitted to provide our justification for choosing a peak age selection of 1975. Firstly, Swindles (<span>2010</span>) identified the peak as 1979 but with a considerable tendency towards a younger age (i.e., the shape of the curve is flatter towards a younger age). Secondly, Swindles et al. (<span>2015</span>) state a peak age of 1977 ± 5 for a blanket bog at Malham Tarn in the Yorkshire Dales, which is very close to all three of our peatland sites. We therefore chose a more conservative age of 1975 as our peak age. Importantly, a more recent date is also supported by a publication (poster) using 1976 as the SCP peak with Evans listed as a co-author (Collier et al., <span>2016</span>). We have now added this information to Figure 1 (an enlarged section of the top SCP peak area for all three sites). Figure 1 clearly shows that the peak shape is very similar for all three sites. Although there is a “multiple-sample peak” (but in figure 3 and not in figure 1 shown in Heinemeyer et al., <span>2018</span>, as stated by Evans et al.), all three sites reveal the same pattern of a smaller peak either side of the main peak (see Figure 1, which is an extract of figure 3 in Heinemeyer et al., <span>2018</span>). Importantly, the difference between 1975 and 1979 is less than 0.5 cm of peat and would be similar for all three peat cores. Therefore, the selection of 1975 as the peak age, which sits comfortably with the 1977 ± 5 estimate given by Swindles et al. (<span>2015</span>), probably had very little impact on the findings of our study. We would certainly assert that our SCP dating is more robust than that of Garnett et al., which does show “very noisy” SCP data and without any clear SCP peaks overall. However, we agree that our study would have benefited from additional dating methods, which we stated within the paper. However, other dating tools such as <sup>14</sup>C, as pointed out by Evans et al., also have considerable caveats (see our above comment on Garnett &amp; Stevenson, <span>2004</span>). Clement (<span>2005</span>) showed that robust dating is ideally required from a number of other sources, with <sup>210</sup>Pb, and dating from atomic weapons testing (e.g., <sup>137</sup>Cs and <sup>241</sup>Am), playing a key role in confirming chronologies based on an indirect method such as SCPs. Furthermore, we do not feel that acrotelm growth, decomposition, or peat combustion influenced our results. As our sites are subject to a burn rotation, effectively preventing build-up of combustible vegetation (see Davies et al., <span>2016</span>), there is little chance for any considerable peat combustion, particularly as “cool burning” is practiced during late autumn/winter. In fact, if there were any such events we should have found visually clear charcoal layers (horizontal bands) containing considerable charcoal-peat fragments, which we did not observe. Therefore, our charcoal fragments largely represent charred vegetation remains. Nevertheless, the effects of acrotelm growth, decomposition or peat combustion are equally likely to have influenced the Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) plot-level SCP analysis. Surprisingly, the burnt plots in Garnett et al. do not indicate any considerable charcoal peaks (charcoal counts are mostly lower compared with all the unburnt plots shown, even when considering the different scale in their figure 3) nor higher SCP levels (SCP levels of all burnt plots are remarkably low until near the top peat surface). In fact, several unburnt plots (but none of the burnt plots) indicate clear charcoal peaks and also higher but very noisy, low, and uncharacteristic (i.e., no peak) SCP levels (cf. SCP counts shown in Swindles et al., <span>2015</span>). We have since tested for the relevance of any such combustion impact on SCP levels. If there were any SCP concentration from peat combustion, then one would expect to find a very strong correlation between SCP and charcoal concentrations (over all measured and corresponding 0.5 cm layers). However, for our three sites this (linear regression) analysis (Figure 2) did not reveal any meaningful pattern. In fact, for Nidderdale there was no significant fit observed, while those for Mossdale and Whitendale were very noisy (low <i>R</i><sup>2</sup>) and only weakly significant (very low <i>p</i>-value). Finally, none of our charcoal concentrations indicate severe burns (mostly concentrations of around 50–200 per cm<sup>3</sup>, with a few values of up to 2,340 per cm<sup>3</sup> and mean ± standard deviation for Mossdale, Nidderdale, and Whitendale: 66 ± 77, 258 ± 475, and 373 ± 468 per cm<sup>3</sup>, respectively), and are very similar to the concentrations reported in figure 3 by Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>) when combining all size classes. However, we do not question the potential for such a SCP concentration process from burning peat, which is feasible particularly when past wildfires burnt into the peat, so other studies should ideally consider and test for this potential artefact. We also think that the SCP criticism is unwarranted due to clearly similar and robust peak patterns recorded across all three sites (Figure 1) (unlike for the SCP data shown in Garnett et al., <span>2000</span>), and a lack of possible peat combustion affecting SCP concentrations (Figure 2). In fact, a comparable SCP analysis for a peatland on the Moor House site (near the Hard Hill plots) as part of a PhD thesis by Clement (<span>2005</span>) also noticed unusual but similar SCP multi-peaks (cf. figure 5.5) as observed in our study (albeit with a different overall SCP abundance). Importantly, while our SCP counts are higher compared with those reported previously, they fall within the expected range as outlined by Clement (<span>2005</span>), who also shows that our three sites are located in an area of very high SCP deposition (cf. figure 5.10). Unfortunately, no SCP concentrations but only counts (and no indication of volume or dry mass corrections) are given by Garnett et al. (<span>2000</span>), which prevent us from directly comparing SCP values (which we consider to be very low in the Garnett et al. study compared with, e.g., Swindles et al., <span>2015</span>).</p><p>Evans et al. state that we concluded that more frequent burning since the 1950s has increased C accumulation rates. This is not what we intended. Our comparison is between the three sites in relation to burn frequencies determined by charcoal peaks within each of three time periods (previous figure 6 versus table 1 in Heinemeyer et al., <span>2018</span>; comparing like with like). Measurements (see our previous table 4) and modelling (Heinemeyer et al., <span>2010</span>) clearly indicate that C accumulation rates are much higher towards the peat surface due to the “acrotelm effect” (simply as peat has not yet been decomposed for long enough). Therefore, our main analysis was not over time but between discrete time periods across sites (which differed in C accumulation rates in relation to burn frequencies). The main point in our analysis is that, due to charcoal input from burning, the resulting C accumulation rates are positively affected by increased bulk density and C<sub>org</sub> (similar regressions for each site per period or peat depth).</p><p>Finally, Evans et al. point out “that the results of the peat core study appear to directly contradict chamber-based CO<sub>2</sub> flux measurements.” We clearly noted in our paper that there is a known contradiction between peat core and flux derived C accumulation rate estimates (we did provide two references: Clay et al., <span>2010</span> and Ratcliffe et al., <span>2017</span>). There is nothing “odd” about this, as we shall outline below. For example, for the flux method to be considered as robust, carbon fluxes need to be monitored across the entire burn rotation. Only then could one directly compare C balances between flux measurements and long-term peat core C stock assessments (which, we agree, should in principle be possible but in practical terms is hardly ever possible because of flux monitoring timescales being limited by funding, as in our case of only five years of Defra funding). However, there are additional issues with the flux approach and its application over short timescales. For example, there is substantial climatic variability over short timescales (variability rather than reflecting a long-term mean), and post-management vegetation regrowth leads to initially lower overall ecosystem respiration C losses (with predominantly young and as such photosynthetically active shoots) compared with older unmanaged stands of vegetation (with net photosynthesis in regrowing vegetation increasing rapidly to very high values before reducing again as older tissues build up, causing a higher respiration to photosynthesis ratio, until it reaches that of mature vegetation with much lower net C uptake rates; e.g., Gough et al., <span>2008</span>). For our sites (as in most studies), only the net ecosystem exchange CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes for uncut (no management) plots could be compared to peat carbon stocks (Heinemeyer et al., <span>2019</span>; forthcoming). Thus, the divergent results between flux and charcoal measurements are to be expected (because stocks accumulate over time as vegetation re-grows). Therefore, short-term fluxes cannot be directly related to peat core C accumulation rates as the vegetation at each site was of an unknown but fairly constant age (at an older growth stage). Any direct comparison to long-term peat core records would require long-term flux monitoring over at least an entire management cycle (i.e., ca. 25 years, including all major vegetation stages). Thus, long-term monitoring is required to accurately determine the biomass combustion loss versus charcoal input effect. Finally, for comparisons between peatlands within the context of climate change, we would expect not just CO<sub>2</sub> to be considered as part of “all internal C cycling,” as stated by Evans et al., but at least also to include CH<sub>4</sub> measurements (decomposition fluxes from anoxic peat areas); the atmosphere sees both those C flux components (although further losses from dissolved and particulate carbon will also be of importance, depending on the peatland condition and topography). We propose that a robust flux monitoring approach for managed heather burning would require at least 25 years and should include all major C-flux components (i.e., Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance, NECB) and compare non-intervention with managed vegetation plots. This is precisely what our Peatland-ES-UK project (http://peatland-es-uk.york.ac.uk/10) is attempting to achieve, a challenging but we think urgently required research activity of considerable policy relevance.</p><p>Overall, we strongly dispute the claim made by Evans et al. that our interpretation of managed burn impacts on peat C accumulation is not robust. If anything, we feel it provides one of the most robust efforts to date (considering our above comments on the other two similar studies: Garnett et al., <span>2000</span> and Marrs et al., <span>2019</span>). Moreover, our hypotheses did not require within site replication because replication was provided between sites (nevertheless, additional within site cores would have been collected if more funds were available). This enabled us to incorporate the full range of real-world climatic and site differences found across UK grouse moors, which should be seen as an advantage rather than a confounding factor, since consistent relationships were found across all three sites. Comparing our study to tropical peatlands is not appropriate; as Evans et al. rightly state: “Indonesian peatlands and UK blanket bog differ in many respects.” While there are peat physical differences (peat structure and bulk density), UK grouse moor burns are predominantly “cool burns” compared with predominantly very hot fires in tropical forests, likely resulting in the actual peat catching fire (e.g., Boehm et al., <span>2001</span>). Finally, decomposition in tropical systems is subject to much higher mean annual temperatures (UK upland bogs about 5°C, e.g., Garnett (<span>1998</span>), compared with tropical systems of about 26°C, e.g., Könönen et al., <span>2016</span>), leading to faster microbial decomposition (Davidson &amp; Janssens, <span>2006</span>; Hirano et al., <span>2014</span>). Additionally, we should not be basing “current understanding” about burning impacts on UK blanket bogs (or elsewhere) on using one site, Hard Hill, which is not truly representative of grouse moors across the UK (e.g., the burn rotation is too short for the very extreme wet and cold conditions). Clearly, we need to move beyond the Hard Hill plots – our study does precisely this and should therefore be welcomed for its vital contribution to the depauperate evidence base.</p><p>The final section on policy implications (e.g., Habitats Directive) in the light of the potential UK departure from the EU seems a very odd addition. It appears to overlook the limitations in all of the currently available studies: we do not currently know how burn management impacts C accumulation across the wider landscape scale (nearly all studies are plot based and dominated by the Hard Hill plots). We particularly lack data on how topography affects erosion and decomposition impacts. In our paper, we point out that there is a real danger of considerable C losses from steeper slopes (i.e., by burning exposing peat to water erosion). We do not want to be drawn into a general discussion around fire management, but the recently growing evidence (the major studies are cited by Evans et al.) highlights that previous assumptions based on one study are questionable, which is unsurprising. Science should be robust and evidence should be seen in light of this, and should also consider evidence objectively. The best and most exciting science often challenges our strongly held common perceptions. In particular, modelling studies, so far, do not represent any potential C accumulation from charcoal (e.g., Heinemeyer &amp; Swindles, <span>2018</span>), which should be considered based on our data and findings from other related studies, such as by Clay and Worrall (<span>2011</span>). Evans et al. also refer to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in relation to the Peat Strategy. We agree that evolving policies should be based on a robust and reliable scientific evidence base. However, the evidence on GHG emissions from UK blanket bogs, particularly under grouse moor management, is extremely limited (e.g., Harper et al., <span>2018</span>). Rewetting large areas could potentially lead to large increases in methane emissions (see Heinemeyer &amp; Swindles, <span>2018</span>; Heinemeyer et al., <span>2010</span>), particularly during warm and wet years (and future warming), as highlighted by Heinemeyer et al. (<span>2019</span>; forthcoming). However, a robust understanding of management impacts on GHG emissions requires long-term research and needs to examine evidence alongside other benefits, such as carbon storage and water quality (i.e., ecosystem multifunctionality). Another limitation of our current knowledge on burning impacts is that many studies to date have used a Space-for-Time (SfT) approach (such as in the Ember study, e.g., Brown et al., <span>2015</span>) – a more robust Before-After-Comparison-Impact (BACI) approach (see Schwarz, <span>2014</span>) requires more resources and time, but overcomes issues such as generic site differences which may influence results (site differences are often unknown or ignored in SfT studies). We believe that studies such as ours (i.e., Peatland-ES-UK; Heinemeyer et al., <span>2019</span>; forthcoming) provide the long-term and robust evidence required to inform policy. For example, the Peatland-ES-UK study has now run for seven years and uses a BACI approach with catchment-scale and plot-level replication.</p><p>In conclusion, our defence clarifies the misunderstandings and misconceptions held by Evans et al. in relation to the scope and objectives of our study. We do, however, agree with Evans et al. that our findings have clear limitations. But we would also highlight that most of the criticisms made by Evans et al. are based on issues which we previously addressed in our paper (such as the lack of an unburnt control, other dating tools and wider catchment and site assessments). We would also argue that our study provides a vital addition to the prescribed burning evidence base, albeit in a very narrow context of UK grouse moor management on blanket bogs under specific climatic and environmental conditions. Our study will hopefully stimulate funding bodies to support further (and specifically long-term) work so that the many remaining research gaps can be addressed – this is vital if we are to implement environmentally sound and scientifically robust land-use policies.</p>\",\"PeriodicalId\":44089,\"journal\":{\"name\":\"Geo-Geography and Environment\",\"volume\":\"6 1\",\"pages\":\"\"},\"PeriodicalIF\":1.7000,\"publicationDate\":\"2019-06-19\",\"publicationTypes\":\"Journal Article\",\"fieldsOfStudy\":null,\"isOpenAccess\":false,\"openAccessPdf\":\"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1002/geo2.78\",\"citationCount\":\"5\",\"resultStr\":null,\"platform\":\"Semanticscholar\",\"paperid\":null,\"PeriodicalName\":\"Geo-Geography and Environment\",\"FirstCategoryId\":\"1085\",\"ListUrlMain\":\"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/geo2.78\",\"RegionNum\":0,\"RegionCategory\":null,\"ArticlePicture\":[],\"TitleCN\":null,\"AbstractTextCN\":null,\"PMCID\":null,\"EPubDate\":\"\",\"PubModel\":\"\",\"JCR\":\"Q2\",\"JCRName\":\"GEOGRAPHY\",\"Score\":null,\"Total\":0}","platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":null,"PeriodicalName":"Geo-Geography and Environment","FirstCategoryId":"1085","ListUrlMain":"https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/geo2.78","RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":null,"ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":null,"EPubDate":"","PubModel":"","JCR":"Q2","JCRName":"GEOGRAPHY","Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 5


此外,我们建议,为了确定对碳封存的任何有意义的净影响,需要考虑流域尺度的方法,特别是包括地形(即坡度)和径流(即侵蚀)。然而,这在很大程度上缺乏证据基础。作者还指出,“这些发现可能对土地管理政策产生重大影响。”我们对此没有异议,但认为这正是研究的目标,特别是在证据基础薄弱或有争议的情况下,如英国规定的燃烧对毯状沼泽栖息地的影响(Evans等人,2014;Harper et al., 2018)。值得注意的是,在grandclement(2008)的博士论文中提供了进一步的证据(迄今为止似乎在Clement(2005)博士论文的证据基础中被忽视),他使用铅同位素定年法发现,未燃烧的岩心显示的泥炭积累速率只有燃烧岩心的一半(参见第8章:第160-161和180-184页,尽管该研究承认铅同位素定年法的不确定性)。然而,我们从未声明我们的发现或结论适用于英国以外的地区(正如Evans等人所暗示的那样)-见上文引用我们以前的出版物。我们的论文有一个明确的英国焦点,因为我们非常了解全球泥炭地的环境异质性(例如,植被类型影响泥炭的体积密度和水力传导性,以及潜在影响泥炭分解的管理和气候因素)。首先,Evans等人批评我们没有包含未燃烧控制。然而,这是不合理的,因为我们的假设显然不需要一个(即,我们正在研究燃烧与C积累和体积密度之间的关系;我们没有将燃烧与不干预进行比较)。我们还在论文中强调,理想情况下,未来的研究应该包括这样的比较——尽管这已经由Marrs等人(2019)完成;然而,Marrs等人(2019)没有直接测量Corg,也没有报告堆积密度值(我们认为这对于C存量的测定至关重要,并且需要非常详细和连续的深度增量分辨率)。此外,自20世纪50年代以来,我们的年度碳积累数据(转换为每公顷二氧化碳)(约3吨二氧化碳/公顷- 1年- 1)正好介于Garnett等人(2000;每年约3.8吨二氧化碳)以及Marrs等人(2019;自20世纪60年代以来,二氧化碳排放量为1.7 t /年。Evans等人强调,在我们的研究地点(23,25,28年)之间,总体烧伤频率(自1700年以来)的差异相当小。但在这样做时,他们忽略了我们原始表1 (Heinemeyer等人,2018年)中显示的较近时期(1950-2015年)中更明显和更规律的燃烧频率(13,16,22年),这些频率实际上与目前预计的10-15年松鸡沼泽燃烧频率非常相似。因此,在我们的研究地点之间,燃烧频率存在重要的和具有代表性的差异。此外,Evans等人批评缺乏更多的站点内采样,然而在更广泛的气候差异区域进行采样应该被视为一种优势,因为它提供了真实而有意义的复制,而不是仅提供一个站点的详细记录。重要的是,我们确实在所有三个地点发现了非常相似的正相关关系(以及与深度或年龄相似的变化),在堆密度和煤与木炭量之间。这意味着研究结果具有普遍意义,较少依赖于当地气候条件或土地利用历史的差异。此外,我们的地点代表了英国高地松鸡沼泽条件的特征范围(Mossdale更潮湿更寒冷,Nidderdale更干燥更温暖),这应该被视为方法学上的优势而不是劣势。最后,在每个地点取三个泥炭岩心,以便进行多次分析。将它们视为独立的复制会产生误导,因为在这种距离下,它们显然代表了伪复制;因此,将所有重复的数据(例如,木炭计数)合并在一起。Evans等人的相关陈述,即多个岩心占据更大的区域将显示出更大的处理内变异性,当然,这是意料之中的,但在生态土壤工作中并不奇怪。然而,对于我们的假设,不需要额外的站点内采样,因为通过比较三个站点之间的数据和关系可以提供复制。我们再次强调,整个流域(即斜坡区)和其他地点的进一步采样应该解决影响C积累的问题。具体来说,由于可能增加的径流,我们预计陡坡上的燃烧会造成相当大的侵蚀损失(因此碳平衡为负)(Clay等)。 (Holden et al., 2008),植被减少导致地表流量增加;然而,据我们所知,只有一般的,而不是具体的(即,考虑不同环境条件的研究),泥炭C积累模型研究在这方面存在(例如,Heinemeyer等人,2010)。其次,关于泥炭层最低深度(25厘米)的测年,Evans等人声称这是在“没有支持证据”的情况下完成的。然而,我们不仅在论文中已经承认这个年龄是不确定的,而且我们还为估计的1700年年龄提供了两个参考;基于与Garnett等人(2000)未燃烧地块非常相似的碳积累率,这一假设是有效的,尽管存在不确定性。尽管最低泥炭年龄(没有SCP可以使用)存在这种不确定性,但本研究的主要重点是在可能进行SCP测年的泥炭层顶部;正是这些层揭示了体积密度和碳与木炭量之间的强烈相关性。此外,Garnett et al.(2000)武断地确定SCP“起飞”年龄的批评仍然很重要,特别是因为这是Evans et al.(2014)纳入的唯一一项模拟规定燃烧对泥炭C储量影响的研究。我们不是在质疑马克·加内特研究的可信度;相反,我们只询问他们对SCP数据的解释,以及我们认为很可能存在缺陷的年龄测定。这一说法得到了最近对Hard Hill燃烧地块的评估的支持,该地块要么使用碳储量(Marrs等人,2019),要么使用通量(Clay等人,2010)技术。Garnett et al.(2000)报道的与未燃烧地块相比,燃烧地块上碳积累的大幅减少似乎与最近在同一地点进行的任何研究无关,这些研究表明,在规定的燃烧中,碳损失很小,甚至可能增加碳。此外,我们认为很难正确解释Garnett等人(2000)的SCP和木炭深度曲线(分别参考他们的图2和图3),因为并不是所有的图都被显示出来(只有两个区块,但在ANOVA统计中似乎都被用作独立重复),但没有给出原因;所示的这些图没有显示出预期的木炭层(即,未燃烧的地块显示出清晰的木炭峰,而燃烧地块的剖面图没有显示出预期的木炭峰),也不类似于预期的SCP剖面图(对于燃烧地块,根本没有SCP峰,直到最近时期几乎没有任何SCP增加)。Evans等人质疑我们的“嘈杂的SCP数据”,但我们质疑Garnett等人(2000)所显示的SCP数据,因为他们完全没有任何烧毁图的SCP峰值。此外,正如Evans等人所声称的,燃烧可能通过燃烧泥炭层(例如,留下SCP)而增加SCP浓度,这应该会在燃烧区域产生明显而强烈的SCP信号(但事实并非如此;参见Garnett等人的图2)。即使排除近表层的分析,也应该显示出清晰的SCP峰值(在20世纪70年代)和清晰的木炭峰值(表明随着时间的推移有规律的烧伤事件)。此外,Evans等人提出的SCP“起飞”比SCP峰值或发作更稳健的说法也没有任何参考文献支持。事实上,Clement(2005)的一篇博士论文使用了与Garnett等人(2000)相同的方法,但对这种“起飞”方法提出了质疑。Clement(2005)指出了这种“起飞”假设的不确定性,并特别质疑Garnett等人1950年的“起飞”日期,强调它更可能反映19世纪50年代,这一点通过比较相应的碳积累率得到了证实。重要的是,这两项研究的SCP年代测定都只基于1厘米的泥炭剖面。因此,我们的0.5 cm增量应该提供更可靠的SCP计数、峰值和泥炭深度/年龄测定。Garnett et al.(2000)的研究未能从燃烧的地块中检测到清晰的木炭信号,这意味着很难确定燃烧旋转的开始(实际上,左上角未燃烧的a /G图,参见Garnett et al.(2000)的图3,即使考虑到不同的轴尺度,看起来也像一个具有清晰木炭峰的燃烧地块)。Garnett et al.(2000)给出的木炭图还有一些其他异常(参见图3)。例如,一个燃烧(GB)地块评估仅达到9.5 cm,另一个达到18 cm(差异巨大);重要的是,后者清楚地表明了1954年燃烧年代的潜在错误(即,有两个较低的木炭层,一个可能是1954年,另一个是1923年;如果将年代移动,则燃烧深度和未燃烧深度将非常相似,1954年约为13厘米,1923年约为17厘米)。不幸的是,解释仍然有限,因为加内特等人(2000)并没有为所有的图和/或具有匹配深度剖面的图提供图表。Evans等人。 对于我们的站点(与大多数研究一样),只有未砍伐(无管理)地块的净生态系统交换二氧化碳通量才能与泥炭碳储量进行比较(Heinemeyer等人,2019;即将到来的)。因此,通量和木炭测量之间的不同结果是可以预料的(因为随着时间的推移,随着植被的重新生长,储量会积累)。因此,短期通量不能直接与泥炭核心C积累速率相关,因为每个站点的植被年龄未知,但相当恒定(处于较老的生长阶段)。任何与长期泥炭芯记录的直接比较都需要对至少整个管理周期(即约25年,包括所有主要植被阶段)的通量进行长期监测。因此,需要长期监测以准确确定生物质燃烧损失与木炭输入效应的关系。最后,对于气候变化背景下泥炭地之间的比较,我们希望不仅将二氧化碳视为Evans等人所说的“所有内部碳循环”的一部分,而且至少还包括CH4测量(缺氧泥炭地区的分解通量);大气中可以看到这两种碳通量成分(尽管根据泥炭地条件和地形,溶解碳和颗粒碳的进一步损失也很重要)。我们建议,针对管理下的石楠丛燃烧,一个强有力的通量监测方法至少需要25年,并应包括所有主要的碳通量组分(即净生态系统碳平衡,NECB),并将不干预与管理下的植被地块进行比较。这正是我们的泥炭地-英国项目(http://peatland-es-uk.york.ac.uk/10)试图实现的目标,这是一项具有挑战性但我们认为迫切需要的具有重大政策相关性的研究活动。总的来说,我们强烈反对Evans等人的说法,即我们对管理燃烧对泥炭C积累的影响的解释并不可靠。如果有的话,我们认为它提供了迄今为止最强大的努力之一(考虑到我们对其他两项类似研究的上述评论:Garnett等人,2000年和Marrs等人,2019年)。此外,我们的假设不需要站点内复制,因为站点之间提供了复制(然而,如果有更多的资金可用,则可以收集更多的站点内核心)。这使我们能够将英国松鸡荒野中发现的真实世界气候和地点差异的全部范围纳入其中,这应该被视为一个优势而不是一个混杂因素,因为在所有三个地点都发现了一致的关系。将我们的研究与热带泥炭地进行比较是不合适的;正如埃文斯等人正确地指出的那样:“印度尼西亚的泥炭地和英国的地毯式沼泽在许多方面有所不同。”虽然泥炭存在物理差异(泥炭结构和体积密度),但与热带森林中主要是非常热的火灾相比,英国松鸡沼泽火灾主要是“冷烧伤”,这可能导致实际的泥炭着火(例如,Boehm等人,2001)。最后,热带系统的分解受年平均温度高得多的影响(英国高地沼泽约5°C,例如Garnett(1998),而热带系统约26°C,例如Könönen等人,2016),导致微生物分解更快(Davidson &詹森,2006;Hirano et al., 2014)。此外,我们不应该将燃烧对英国毯状沼泽(或其他地方)的影响的“当前理解”建立在使用一个地点的基础上,Hard Hill,这并不能真正代表整个英国的松鸡沼泽(例如,对于非常极端的潮湿和寒冷的条件,燃烧的周期太短)。显然,我们需要超越Hard Hill地块-我们的研究正是这样做的,因此应该受到欢迎,因为它对缺乏证据基础的重要贡献。鉴于英国可能脱离欧盟,关于政策影响的最后一节(例如,栖息地指令)似乎是一个非常奇怪的补充。它似乎忽略了目前所有可用研究的局限性:我们目前不知道燃烧管理如何影响更广泛景观尺度上的碳积累(几乎所有研究都是基于地块的,以Hard Hill地块为主)。我们尤其缺乏关于地形如何影响侵蚀和分解影响的数据。在我们的论文中,我们指出,陡坡(即通过燃烧使泥炭暴露于水侵蚀)存在相当大的碳损失的真正危险。我们不想卷入关于火灾管理的一般性讨论,但最近越来越多的证据(Evans等人引用了主要研究)强调,以前基于一项研究的假设是有问题的,这并不奇怪。科学应该是可靠的,证据应该据此来看待,也应该客观地考虑证据。最好的、最令人兴奋的科学常常挑战我们根深蒂固的共同观念。 特别是,到目前为止,建模研究并没有代表任何潜在的碳积累来自木炭(例如,Heinemeyer &骗局,2018),这应该根据我们的数据和其他相关研究的发现来考虑,比如Clay和Worrall(2011)。Evans等人还提到了与泥炭战略相关的温室气体(GHG)排放。我们同意,不断发展的政策应以强有力和可靠的科学证据为基础。然而,关于英国毯状沼泽温室气体排放的证据,特别是松鸡沼泽管理下的温室气体排放的证据极其有限(例如,Harper等人,2018)。大面积的再湿润可能会导致甲烷排放量的大幅增加(参见Heinemeyer &欺诈类短信,倒卖黑车2018;Heinemeyer等人,2010),特别是在温暖和潮湿的年份(以及未来的变暖),正如Heinemeyer等人(2019;即将到来的)。然而,要充分了解管理对温室气体排放的影响,需要进行长期研究,并需要将证据与碳储存和水质(即生态系统的多功能性)等其他益处结合起来考察。我们目前对燃烧影响的知识的另一个限制是,迄今为止许多研究都使用了时空(SfT)方法(例如在Ember研究中,例如Brown等人,2015年)-更强大的前-后比较-影响(BACI)方法(参见Schwarz, 2014)需要更多的资源和时间,但克服了诸如可能影响结果的一般站点差异等问题(站点差异在SfT研究中通常是未知或忽略的)。我们认为,像我们这样的研究(即Peatland-ES-UK;Heinemeyer等人,2019;(即将出版)提供为政策提供信息所需的长期和有力的证据。例如,泥炭地- es - uk研究现在已经进行了7年,并使用了一种具有流域尺度和地块水平复制的BACI方法。总之,我们的辩护澄清了Evans等人对我们研究的范围和目标所持有的误解和误解。然而,我们确实同意Evans等人的观点,即我们的发现有明显的局限性。但我们也要强调,Evans等人提出的大多数批评都是基于我们之前在论文中解决的问题(例如缺乏未燃烧控制,其他测年工具以及更广泛的集水区和地点评估)。我们还认为,我们的研究为规定的燃烧证据基础提供了重要的补充,尽管在特定气候和环境条件下,英国松鸡沼泽管理在毯状沼泽上的背景非常狭窄。我们的研究有望刺激资助机构支持进一步(特别是长期)的工作,从而解决许多剩余的研究差距——如果我们要实施无害环境和科学上稳健的土地使用政策,这是至关重要的。

Response to: Comment on “Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: Blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long-term carbon storage” by Evans et al. (Geo: Geography and Environment 2019; e00075)

Response to: Comment on “Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: Blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long-term carbon storage” by Evans et al. (Geo: Geography and Environment 2019; e00075)

We would like to thank the authors Evans et al. (2019) for submitting a comment on our recent publication “Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: Blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long-term carbon storage” (Heinemeyer et al., 2019); we especially value their direct and open approach. We hope that our response clarifies our methods, findings and conclusions; we also provide further references and more detailed information around the limitations and remaining knowledge gaps.

We do understand that burning on peatlands is a highly controversial issue, not just in the UK (i.e., grouse moor management on deep peat/blanket bog) but also globally, particularly in the tropics (e.g., agricultural management on deforested and drained peatlands). We therefore would like to clarify up front that our findings are to be seen only in the context of rotational burning on UK upland blanket bogs – an interpretation within other fire contexts, specifically a tropical context, is not and never was felt appropriate by the authors. We previously clarified this limitation in our conclusions: “… estimates are based on low severity prescribed burns and the impacts of more severe arson or wildfire are likely to differ (i.e., when peat burning occurs).” However, within the UK context we feel this work adds considerable weight to the somewhat limited, but now growing body of evidence regarding prescribed heather burning impacts on blanket bog ecosystem services, specifically carbon storage. We would also like to clarify that our previous and additional criticism of Garnett et al. (2000) is exclusively based on the data presented. Indeed, as the only major study on prescribed burning impacts on soil carbon stocks at that time (as highlighted by Evans et al., 2014), we feel that Garnett et al. (2000) should be subject to detailed scrutiny in order to determine gaps in our understanding and inform future research. While we appreciate that the comments made by Evans et al. (2019) are well intended, we remain confident in the robustness of our data and below we defend the methods and main results. For this, we provide further clarification and justification of our methods, together with providing some additional references and graphical information to support the interpretation of our findings and our overall conclusions.

Evans et al. stated that our findings “could be net beneficial for C sequestration” and that this is “contrary to most current understanding.” Firstly, we do not make such claims as we did not include an unburnt comparison; we clarified this previously in the conclusions of our published paper: “Finally, our results do not allow a comparison to an unburnt scenario and estimates are based on low severity prescribed burns …” Secondly, the Evans et al. statement “most current understanding” is not backed up by any references and Evans et al. (2014) even highlight that the evidence base is noticeably weak, which has been confirmed by a recent review by Harper et al. (2018). In fact, Evans et al. (2014) help to demonstrate this point by only using one long-term study (Garnett et al., 2000) to model the relationship between burning and C storage in UK blanket bogs. Thirdly, “current understanding” may be incorrect because, in addition to our study, several new studies (as identified by the authors) have weakened the unsubstantiated claim that prescribed burning greatly reduces carbon accumulation, particularly if considering management and monitoring timescales (e.g., Clay et al., 2010; Marrs et al., 2019). Notably, a recent study by Marrs et al. (2019) used the same plots as Garnett et al. (2000) but employed more detailed lead isotope peat depth dating. Importantly, they found that prescribed burning only caused significant reductions in peat and C accumulation rates within the most intensive 10-year burning treatment; however, carbon and peat were still accumulating at a considerable rate (Marrs et al., 2019). However, Marrs et al. (2019) point out the likely relevance of bulk density (but unfortunately no bulk density data are shown). Moreover, charcoal has been highlighted as an important but so far overlooked factor in explaining high carbon sequestration in northern peatlands (Leifeld et al., 2017) and UK blanket bogs under heather burn management (Clay & Worrall, 2011). Therefore, our previous findings about charcoal impacts on bulk density and thus C accumulation are of key importance in interpreting these latest data from the Hard Hill burn plots. Interestingly, a PhD student, co-supervised by Evans et al., presented a poster showing C accumulation rates based on similar spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCP) dating to be greatest for burnt plots across different management on blanket bog (Collier et al., 2016). Moreover, we suggest that to determine any meaningful net impacts on C sequestration, a catchment-scale approach needs to be considered, specifically including topography (i.e., slope) and runoff (i.e., erosion). However, this is largely lacking from the evidence base. The authors also state that “these findings could have significant consequences for land-management policy.” We do not dispute this, but feel that this is exactly what research should aim for, particularly where the evidence base is weak or controversial, as is the case for prescribed burning impacts on blanket bog habitats in the UK (Evans et al., 2014; Harper et al., 2018). Notably, further evidence (which so far seems to be overlooked from the evidence base alongside Clement's (2005) PhD thesis) is provided in a PhD thesis by Grand-Clement (2008), who used lead isotope dating and found that unburnt cores showed only half the peat accumulation rates of burnt cores (cf. Chapter 8: pp. 160–161 and 180–184, although the study acknowledged lead isotope dating uncertainties). However, we never stated that our findings or conclusions applied to areas outside the UK (as implied by Evans et al.) – see above for quotations from our previous publication. Our paper has a clear UK focus because we are more than aware of the environmental heterogeneity of peatlands across the globe (e.g., vegetation type affecting peat bulk density and hydraulic conductivity, as well as management and climate factors potentially affecting peat decomposition).

Firstly, Evans et al. criticise our failure to include an unburnt control. However, this is not justified because our hypotheses clearly do not require one (i.e., we were looking at the relationship between burning and C accumulation and bulk density; we were not comparing burning to non-intervention). We also highlight within the paper that, ideally, future research should include such a comparison – although this has now been done by Marrs et al. (2019); nevertheless, Marrs et al. (2019) did not measure Corg directly and did not report bulk density values (which we show are both crucial for C stock determination and are required at a very detailed and continuous depth increment resolution). Furthermore, our annual C accumulation data (transformed into t CO2 per hectare) since the 1950s (ca. 3 t CO2 ha−1 year−1) fall right in between (albeit they are not directly comparable as time frames are slightly different) the rates reported for unburnt plots by both Garnett et al. (2000; ca. 3.8 t CO2 ha−1 year−1) and also Marrs et al. (2019; 1.7 t CO2 ha−1 year−1) from the 1960s onwards. Evans et al. highlight the rather small differences in the overall burn frequencies (since 1,700) between our sites (23, 25, 28 years). But in doing so, they ignore the more distinct and regular burn frequencies (13, 16, 22 years) within the more recent period (1950–2015) shown in our original table 1 (Heinemeyer et al., 2018), which are in fact very similar to the 10–15 years of anticipated current grouse moor burn frequencies. Therefore, there are important and representative present-day differences in burning frequencies between our study sites. Moreover, Evans et al. criticise the lack of more within site sampling, yet sampling across a wider area with climatic differences should be seen as an advantage, as it offers real and meaningful replication rather than providing detailed records for only one site. Importantly, we do find a very similar positive relationship (and similar changes with depth or age) between bulk density and Corg versus charcoal amounts at all three sites. This implies that the findings have general implications and are less dependent on local climatic conditions or differences in land-use history. Furthermore, our sites represent the characteristic range of UK upland grouse moor conditions (wetter and colder at Mossdale to drier and warmer at Nidderdale), which should be seen as a methodological strength rather than a weakness. Finally, the three peat cores were taken within each site to allow multiple analyses. To treat them as independent replicates would be misleading as, at this distance, they would clearly represent pseudo-replication; any duplicate data (e.g., charcoal counts) were therefore pooled. The related Evans et al. statement that multiple cores taken over larger areas would show greater within-treatment variability is, of course, to be expected but not surprising in ecological soil work. However, for our hypothesis, additional within site sampling was not required as replication is provided by comparing data and relationships across the three sites. Again, we highlighted that further samples across the entire catchment (i.e., slope areas) and other sites should address such issues affecting C accumulation. Specifically, we would expect considerable erosion losses (and thus a negative C balance) from burning on steep slopes due to possibly increased runoff (Clay et al., 2009) and decreased vegetation leading to increases in overland flow (Holden et al., 2008); however, to our knowledge only general, rather than specific (i.e., studies accounting for different environmental conditions), peat C accumulation modelling studies exist in this respect (e.g., Heinemeyer et al., 2010).

Secondly, regarding the dating of the lowest peat depth (25 cm), Evans et al. claim that this was done “without supporting evidence.” However, not only did we already acknowledge within the paper that this age is uncertain, but we also provided two references for the estimated 1700 age; based on the very similar C accumulation rates to the Garnett et al. (2000) unburnt plots, this assumption is a valid, albeit uncertain assumption. Notwithstanding this uncertainty in the lowest peat age (for which no SCPs could be used), the main focus of this study is on the top peat layers for which SCP dating was possible; it is these layers which revealed a strong correlation for both bulk density and Corg versus charcoal amounts. Moreover, the criticism of the Garnett et al. (2000) arbitrary SCP “take-off” age determination is still important, particularly as it is the only study included by Evans et al. (2014) to model prescribed burning impacts on peat C stocks. We are not questioning the credibility of Mark Garnett's studies; but rather, we only query the interpretation of their presented SCP data, and the age determination, which we believe are very likely flawed. This claim is supported by more recent assessments of the Hard Hill burn plots, which either use carbon stock (Marrs et al., 2019) or flux (Clay et al., 2010) techniques. The huge reductions in C accumulation on burnt compared with unburnt plots reported by Garnett et al. (2000) do not seem to relate to any recent studies at the same site, which show a small C loss or even potential C gains in response to prescribed burning. Furthermore, we believe that it is difficult to interpret the SCP and charcoal depth profiles of Garnett et al. (2000) correctly (refer to their figures 2 and 3, respectively) because not all plots are shown (only for two blocks but all seem to be used as independent replicates in the ANOVA statistics) yet no reason is given; and those plots that are shown reveal no expected charcoal layers (i.e., while clear charcoal peaks are shown for unburnt plots, profiles for burnt plots do not show such expected charcoal peaks) nor do they resemble an expected SCP profile (for burnt plots there are no SCP peaks at all and there is hardly any SCP increase until the most recent periods). Evans et al. question our “noisy SCP data,” but we question the SCP data shown in Garnett et al. (2000) because they completely lack any SCP peaks for burnt plots. Moreover, as Evans et al. claim, burning may increase SCP concentrations via combustion of the peat layer (e.g., leaving SCPs behind), which should result in an obvious and strong SCP signal in burnt plots (but it is not; see Garnett et al.'s figure 2). Even excluding analysis in the near surface layers should have shown a clear SCP peak (in the 1970s) and clear charcoal peaks for burnt plots (indicating regular burn events over time). Also, the claim made by Evans et al. that SCP “take-off” is more robust than SCP peaks or onset is not backed up by any reference. In fact, a PhD thesis by Clement (2005) used the same method as Garnett et al. (2000) but questioned this “take-off” approach. Clement (2005) points out uncertainties of such a “take-off” assumption and specifically questions Garnett et al.'s 1950 “take-off” date by highlighting that it more likely reflects the 1850s, which was confirmed by comparing corresponding C accumulation rates. Importantly, both studies base their SCP dating on only 1 cm peat sections. Thus, our 0.5 cm increments should provide a more robust SCP count, peak, and peat depth/age determination. The fact that the Garnett et al. (2000) study failed to detect a clear charcoal signal from burnt plots means that it is extremely difficult to determine the onset of the burn rotation (actually, the top left unburnt A/G graph, cf. figure 3 in Garnett et al. (2000), looks like a burnt plot with clear charcoal peaks, even when considering the different axis scale). There are some additional abnormalities with the charcoal graphs presented by Garnett et al. (2000) (cf. figure 3). For example, while one burnt (GB) plot assessment only goes to 9.5 cm, the other goes to 18 cm (a huge difference); importantly, the latter clearly indicates a potential error in the 1954 burn age (i.e., there are two lower charcoal layers, one likely 1954, the other 1923; if the age were moved then the burnt and unburnt depth would be very similar at about 13 cm for 1954 and 17 cm for 1923). Unfortunately, interpretation remains limited as Garnett et al. (2000) did not present graphs for all plots and/or graphs with matching depth profiles. Evans et al. also suggested that we should have consulted Garnett and Stevenson (2004) before criticising Garnett et al. (2000). However, we feel the study is not directly relevant (this is why we did not cite it) because the study only looked at 14C ages for two unburnt plots (comparing a burnt and unburnt plot would have been more helpful). Also, the 14C ages shown are very noisy (and not in “high agreement” as suggested by Evans et al.; see their figure 1 for % modern 14C data) and therefore are unhelpful in age determination; the authors (Garnett & Stevenson) even acknowledge this by stating that, despite the fact that 14C dates “were in broad agreement,” “there were uncertainties in the final interpretation of the 14C results” and 14C may have been contaminated by modern root-derived C inputs. While there is no doubt that a fire occurred in 1923, we remain of the opinion that the incomplete (both total number and similar depth) charcoal graphs in Garnett et al. (2000) and the lack in any subsequent 14C ages for only two profiles prevent a robust age determination of the charcoal layers.

We acknowledge that the SCP “take-off” method is used in many studies, however Clement (2005) showed there are considerable uncertainties around using such values. We provided all the relevant information regarding SCP dating. However, we now acknowledge that we omitted to provide our justification for choosing a peak age selection of 1975. Firstly, Swindles (2010) identified the peak as 1979 but with a considerable tendency towards a younger age (i.e., the shape of the curve is flatter towards a younger age). Secondly, Swindles et al. (2015) state a peak age of 1977 ± 5 for a blanket bog at Malham Tarn in the Yorkshire Dales, which is very close to all three of our peatland sites. We therefore chose a more conservative age of 1975 as our peak age. Importantly, a more recent date is also supported by a publication (poster) using 1976 as the SCP peak with Evans listed as a co-author (Collier et al., 2016). We have now added this information to Figure 1 (an enlarged section of the top SCP peak area for all three sites). Figure 1 clearly shows that the peak shape is very similar for all three sites. Although there is a “multiple-sample peak” (but in figure 3 and not in figure 1 shown in Heinemeyer et al., 2018, as stated by Evans et al.), all three sites reveal the same pattern of a smaller peak either side of the main peak (see Figure 1, which is an extract of figure 3 in Heinemeyer et al., 2018). Importantly, the difference between 1975 and 1979 is less than 0.5 cm of peat and would be similar for all three peat cores. Therefore, the selection of 1975 as the peak age, which sits comfortably with the 1977 ± 5 estimate given by Swindles et al. (2015), probably had very little impact on the findings of our study. We would certainly assert that our SCP dating is more robust than that of Garnett et al., which does show “very noisy” SCP data and without any clear SCP peaks overall. However, we agree that our study would have benefited from additional dating methods, which we stated within the paper. However, other dating tools such as 14C, as pointed out by Evans et al., also have considerable caveats (see our above comment on Garnett & Stevenson, 2004). Clement (2005) showed that robust dating is ideally required from a number of other sources, with 210Pb, and dating from atomic weapons testing (e.g., 137Cs and 241Am), playing a key role in confirming chronologies based on an indirect method such as SCPs. Furthermore, we do not feel that acrotelm growth, decomposition, or peat combustion influenced our results. As our sites are subject to a burn rotation, effectively preventing build-up of combustible vegetation (see Davies et al., 2016), there is little chance for any considerable peat combustion, particularly as “cool burning” is practiced during late autumn/winter. In fact, if there were any such events we should have found visually clear charcoal layers (horizontal bands) containing considerable charcoal-peat fragments, which we did not observe. Therefore, our charcoal fragments largely represent charred vegetation remains. Nevertheless, the effects of acrotelm growth, decomposition or peat combustion are equally likely to have influenced the Garnett et al. (2000) plot-level SCP analysis. Surprisingly, the burnt plots in Garnett et al. do not indicate any considerable charcoal peaks (charcoal counts are mostly lower compared with all the unburnt plots shown, even when considering the different scale in their figure 3) nor higher SCP levels (SCP levels of all burnt plots are remarkably low until near the top peat surface). In fact, several unburnt plots (but none of the burnt plots) indicate clear charcoal peaks and also higher but very noisy, low, and uncharacteristic (i.e., no peak) SCP levels (cf. SCP counts shown in Swindles et al., 2015). We have since tested for the relevance of any such combustion impact on SCP levels. If there were any SCP concentration from peat combustion, then one would expect to find a very strong correlation between SCP and charcoal concentrations (over all measured and corresponding 0.5 cm layers). However, for our three sites this (linear regression) analysis (Figure 2) did not reveal any meaningful pattern. In fact, for Nidderdale there was no significant fit observed, while those for Mossdale and Whitendale were very noisy (low R2) and only weakly significant (very low p-value). Finally, none of our charcoal concentrations indicate severe burns (mostly concentrations of around 50–200 per cm3, with a few values of up to 2,340 per cm3 and mean ± standard deviation for Mossdale, Nidderdale, and Whitendale: 66 ± 77, 258 ± 475, and 373 ± 468 per cm3, respectively), and are very similar to the concentrations reported in figure 3 by Garnett et al. (2000) when combining all size classes. However, we do not question the potential for such a SCP concentration process from burning peat, which is feasible particularly when past wildfires burnt into the peat, so other studies should ideally consider and test for this potential artefact. We also think that the SCP criticism is unwarranted due to clearly similar and robust peak patterns recorded across all three sites (Figure 1) (unlike for the SCP data shown in Garnett et al., 2000), and a lack of possible peat combustion affecting SCP concentrations (Figure 2). In fact, a comparable SCP analysis for a peatland on the Moor House site (near the Hard Hill plots) as part of a PhD thesis by Clement (2005) also noticed unusual but similar SCP multi-peaks (cf. figure 5.5) as observed in our study (albeit with a different overall SCP abundance). Importantly, while our SCP counts are higher compared with those reported previously, they fall within the expected range as outlined by Clement (2005), who also shows that our three sites are located in an area of very high SCP deposition (cf. figure 5.10). Unfortunately, no SCP concentrations but only counts (and no indication of volume or dry mass corrections) are given by Garnett et al. (2000), which prevent us from directly comparing SCP values (which we consider to be very low in the Garnett et al. study compared with, e.g., Swindles et al., 2015).

Evans et al. state that we concluded that more frequent burning since the 1950s has increased C accumulation rates. This is not what we intended. Our comparison is between the three sites in relation to burn frequencies determined by charcoal peaks within each of three time periods (previous figure 6 versus table 1 in Heinemeyer et al., 2018; comparing like with like). Measurements (see our previous table 4) and modelling (Heinemeyer et al., 2010) clearly indicate that C accumulation rates are much higher towards the peat surface due to the “acrotelm effect” (simply as peat has not yet been decomposed for long enough). Therefore, our main analysis was not over time but between discrete time periods across sites (which differed in C accumulation rates in relation to burn frequencies). The main point in our analysis is that, due to charcoal input from burning, the resulting C accumulation rates are positively affected by increased bulk density and Corg (similar regressions for each site per period or peat depth).

Finally, Evans et al. point out “that the results of the peat core study appear to directly contradict chamber-based CO2 flux measurements.” We clearly noted in our paper that there is a known contradiction between peat core and flux derived C accumulation rate estimates (we did provide two references: Clay et al., 2010 and Ratcliffe et al., 2017). There is nothing “odd” about this, as we shall outline below. For example, for the flux method to be considered as robust, carbon fluxes need to be monitored across the entire burn rotation. Only then could one directly compare C balances between flux measurements and long-term peat core C stock assessments (which, we agree, should in principle be possible but in practical terms is hardly ever possible because of flux monitoring timescales being limited by funding, as in our case of only five years of Defra funding). However, there are additional issues with the flux approach and its application over short timescales. For example, there is substantial climatic variability over short timescales (variability rather than reflecting a long-term mean), and post-management vegetation regrowth leads to initially lower overall ecosystem respiration C losses (with predominantly young and as such photosynthetically active shoots) compared with older unmanaged stands of vegetation (with net photosynthesis in regrowing vegetation increasing rapidly to very high values before reducing again as older tissues build up, causing a higher respiration to photosynthesis ratio, until it reaches that of mature vegetation with much lower net C uptake rates; e.g., Gough et al., 2008). For our sites (as in most studies), only the net ecosystem exchange CO2 fluxes for uncut (no management) plots could be compared to peat carbon stocks (Heinemeyer et al., 2019; forthcoming). Thus, the divergent results between flux and charcoal measurements are to be expected (because stocks accumulate over time as vegetation re-grows). Therefore, short-term fluxes cannot be directly related to peat core C accumulation rates as the vegetation at each site was of an unknown but fairly constant age (at an older growth stage). Any direct comparison to long-term peat core records would require long-term flux monitoring over at least an entire management cycle (i.e., ca. 25 years, including all major vegetation stages). Thus, long-term monitoring is required to accurately determine the biomass combustion loss versus charcoal input effect. Finally, for comparisons between peatlands within the context of climate change, we would expect not just CO2 to be considered as part of “all internal C cycling,” as stated by Evans et al., but at least also to include CH4 measurements (decomposition fluxes from anoxic peat areas); the atmosphere sees both those C flux components (although further losses from dissolved and particulate carbon will also be of importance, depending on the peatland condition and topography). We propose that a robust flux monitoring approach for managed heather burning would require at least 25 years and should include all major C-flux components (i.e., Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance, NECB) and compare non-intervention with managed vegetation plots. This is precisely what our Peatland-ES-UK project (http://peatland-es-uk.york.ac.uk/10) is attempting to achieve, a challenging but we think urgently required research activity of considerable policy relevance.

Overall, we strongly dispute the claim made by Evans et al. that our interpretation of managed burn impacts on peat C accumulation is not robust. If anything, we feel it provides one of the most robust efforts to date (considering our above comments on the other two similar studies: Garnett et al., 2000 and Marrs et al., 2019). Moreover, our hypotheses did not require within site replication because replication was provided between sites (nevertheless, additional within site cores would have been collected if more funds were available). This enabled us to incorporate the full range of real-world climatic and site differences found across UK grouse moors, which should be seen as an advantage rather than a confounding factor, since consistent relationships were found across all three sites. Comparing our study to tropical peatlands is not appropriate; as Evans et al. rightly state: “Indonesian peatlands and UK blanket bog differ in many respects.” While there are peat physical differences (peat structure and bulk density), UK grouse moor burns are predominantly “cool burns” compared with predominantly very hot fires in tropical forests, likely resulting in the actual peat catching fire (e.g., Boehm et al., 2001). Finally, decomposition in tropical systems is subject to much higher mean annual temperatures (UK upland bogs about 5°C, e.g., Garnett (1998), compared with tropical systems of about 26°C, e.g., Könönen et al., 2016), leading to faster microbial decomposition (Davidson & Janssens, 2006; Hirano et al., 2014). Additionally, we should not be basing “current understanding” about burning impacts on UK blanket bogs (or elsewhere) on using one site, Hard Hill, which is not truly representative of grouse moors across the UK (e.g., the burn rotation is too short for the very extreme wet and cold conditions). Clearly, we need to move beyond the Hard Hill plots – our study does precisely this and should therefore be welcomed for its vital contribution to the depauperate evidence base.

The final section on policy implications (e.g., Habitats Directive) in the light of the potential UK departure from the EU seems a very odd addition. It appears to overlook the limitations in all of the currently available studies: we do not currently know how burn management impacts C accumulation across the wider landscape scale (nearly all studies are plot based and dominated by the Hard Hill plots). We particularly lack data on how topography affects erosion and decomposition impacts. In our paper, we point out that there is a real danger of considerable C losses from steeper slopes (i.e., by burning exposing peat to water erosion). We do not want to be drawn into a general discussion around fire management, but the recently growing evidence (the major studies are cited by Evans et al.) highlights that previous assumptions based on one study are questionable, which is unsurprising. Science should be robust and evidence should be seen in light of this, and should also consider evidence objectively. The best and most exciting science often challenges our strongly held common perceptions. In particular, modelling studies, so far, do not represent any potential C accumulation from charcoal (e.g., Heinemeyer & Swindles, 2018), which should be considered based on our data and findings from other related studies, such as by Clay and Worrall (2011). Evans et al. also refer to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in relation to the Peat Strategy. We agree that evolving policies should be based on a robust and reliable scientific evidence base. However, the evidence on GHG emissions from UK blanket bogs, particularly under grouse moor management, is extremely limited (e.g., Harper et al., 2018). Rewetting large areas could potentially lead to large increases in methane emissions (see Heinemeyer & Swindles, 2018; Heinemeyer et al., 2010), particularly during warm and wet years (and future warming), as highlighted by Heinemeyer et al. (2019; forthcoming). However, a robust understanding of management impacts on GHG emissions requires long-term research and needs to examine evidence alongside other benefits, such as carbon storage and water quality (i.e., ecosystem multifunctionality). Another limitation of our current knowledge on burning impacts is that many studies to date have used a Space-for-Time (SfT) approach (such as in the Ember study, e.g., Brown et al., 2015) – a more robust Before-After-Comparison-Impact (BACI) approach (see Schwarz, 2014) requires more resources and time, but overcomes issues such as generic site differences which may influence results (site differences are often unknown or ignored in SfT studies). We believe that studies such as ours (i.e., Peatland-ES-UK; Heinemeyer et al., 2019; forthcoming) provide the long-term and robust evidence required to inform policy. For example, the Peatland-ES-UK study has now run for seven years and uses a BACI approach with catchment-scale and plot-level replication.

In conclusion, our defence clarifies the misunderstandings and misconceptions held by Evans et al. in relation to the scope and objectives of our study. We do, however, agree with Evans et al. that our findings have clear limitations. But we would also highlight that most of the criticisms made by Evans et al. are based on issues which we previously addressed in our paper (such as the lack of an unburnt control, other dating tools and wider catchment and site assessments). We would also argue that our study provides a vital addition to the prescribed burning evidence base, albeit in a very narrow context of UK grouse moor management on blanket bogs under specific climatic and environmental conditions. Our study will hopefully stimulate funding bodies to support further (and specifically long-term) work so that the many remaining research gaps can be addressed – this is vital if we are to implement environmentally sound and scientifically robust land-use policies.

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