Dogaltas sektorundeki uretim ve isleme faaliyetleri sonucunda kayda deger miktarlarda atik olusturulmaktadir. Bu atiklar, cesitli cevresel problemlere (topografya degisikligi, yuzey/yeralti sularinda bozulma, hava/goruntu kirliligi vb.) yol acmaktadirlar. Bu calismada, granit atiklarinin (iri ve ince boyutlu) asindiricili sujeti ile (ASJ) dogaltas kesmede asindirici olarak kullanilabilme potansiyeli arastirilmistir. Kesme deneylerinde kullanilan kirectasi ornekleri uzunluklari boyunca kesilmislerdir. Kesme parametreleri deneyler suresince sabit degerlerde tutulmus ve kesme performansinin degerlendirilmesinde kesme derinligi referans alinmistir. Calisma sonuclari granit atiklarinin sudan etkilenme, sertlik, dayanim, yogunluk ve sekil acisindan asindirici olarak gereksinimleri karsiladigini gostermistir. Bunun yaninda, atik camurundan elde edilen malzemelerin buyuk cogunlugunun (atik camurunun %96’si) ASJ ile dogaltas kesimi icin ihtiyac duyulan boyutta olmadigi belirlenmistir. Ek olarak, parca granit atiklarindan kirma, ogutme ve eleme islemleriyle elde edilen malzemenin asindirici olarak kullanilabilecegi sonucuna ulasilmistir.
Scientific Mining Journal, which is published i n open access electronic environment and i n printed, is a periodical scientific journal of Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects Chamber of Mining Engineers. The name of the journal was "Mining" until June 2016 and it has been changed to "Scientific Mining Journal" since September 2016 because it can be confused with popular journals with similar names and the ISSN number has been updated from 0024-9416 to 2564-7024. Scientific Mining Journal, published four times a year (March-June-September-December), aims to disseminate original scientific studies which are conducted according to the scientific norms and publication ethics at national and international scale, to scientists, mining engineers, the public; and thus to share scientific knowledge with society. The journal is in both Turkish and English. The journal covers theoretical, experimental, and applied research articles, which reflects the findings and results of an original research i n the field of mining engineering; review articles, which assess, evaluates, and interprets the findings of a comprehensive review of sufficient number of scientific articles and summarize them at present information and technology level; technical notes, which may be defined as a short article that describes a novel methodology o r technique; a case studies, which are based on the theoretical o r real professional practice and involves systematic data collection and analysis.