Since the launch of semaglutide for weight loss (Wegovy®, SEMA-WL) in late 2022, there has been a huge increase in new users of SEMA-WL. We explored characteristics, treatment expectations and experienced effectiveness and side effects among Danish adults using SEMA-WL.
A questionnaire-based survey was conducted from September to December 2023 across 29 Danish community pharmacies. During a 10-day period, pharmacies invited consecutive individuals aged ≥18 years redeeming a prescription on SEMA-WL to complete an electronic questionnaire.
A total of 1013 individuals were invited to study participation of which 55% (n = 559) accepted. Users of SEMA-WL were primarily female (78%, n = 434) and middle-aged adults (36–65 years; 76%, n = 423), with a median body mass index of 36 (interquartile range [IQR] 32–40) at treatment initiation. Two in three users had personally asked their general practitioner to initiate treatment (70%, n = 393). Four in ten users had not discussed expected treatment duration with their general practitioner (42%, n = 237), almost half (46%, n = 258) expected treatment for a limited time period, while only 11% (n = 64) expected lifelong treatment. Self-reported median weight loss was 5.3% (IQR 3.2–8.5) for users treated for <3 months, 10% (IQR 8.2–14) for 3–5 months of treatment and 17% (IQR 13–21) for those treated for >5 months. More than half of users (59%, n = 330) had experienced side effects, most commonly nausea (35%, n = 193) and constipation (29%, n = 160).
This study provides valuable insights into the characteristics, treatment expectations and effects experienced by Danish adult users of SEMA-WL.