China Tropical Medicine, was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2001, is the only tropical medicine periodical under the charge of the National Health Commission of China. It’s organized by Hainan Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control, and Chinese Preventive Medicine Association.
The journal is indexed by the following database: Scopus database, Embase database, EBSCO Database, The Western Pacific Region index medicus (WPRIM), American Chemical Abstracts (CA), International Centre for Agricultural and Biological Sciences Research Database (CABI), Global Health Database, Database of the Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, China Science and Technology Core Journals, China Core Journals (Selection) Database, Database of Chinese Biomedical Literature, Comprehensive Evaluation Database of Chinese Academic Journals, CAJCD Code of Conduct Excellent Journal, Database of Chinese SCI-Tech Periodicals, China Journal Full Text Database.