Analysis of ultra‐capacitor and plug-in electric vehicle for frequency regulation of a distributed power generation system utilizing novel modified gorilla troops optimizer algorithm
The journal “Electrical Engineering” following the long tradition of Archiv für Elektrotechnik publishes original papers of archival value in electrical engineering with a strong focus on electric power systems, smart grid approaches to power transmission and distribution, power system planning, operation and control, electricity markets, renewable power generation, microgrids, power electronics, electrical machines and drives, electric vehicles, railway electrification systems and electric transportation infrastructures, energy storage in electric power systems and vehicles, high voltage engineering, electromagnetic transients in power networks, lightning protection, electrical safety, electrical insulation systems, apparatus, devices, and components. Manuscripts describing theoretical, computer application and experimental research results are welcomed.
Electrical Engineering - Archiv für Elektrotechnik is published in agreement with Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik eV (VDE).